abhor (v.) |
Old form(s): abhorr'd, abhorrd'st , abhorre, abhorres |
loathe, abominate, regard with disgust
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abhorred (adj.) |
Old form(s): abhord , abhorr'd |
horrifying, disgusting, abominable
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abjectly (adv.) |
Old form(s): abiectly |
contemptibly, in a degrading way, with a low opinion
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abomination (n.) |
Old form(s): abhomination |
hatefulness, repugnance, disgusting state
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abortive (adj.) |
Old form(s): abortiue |
monstrously ill-timed, abhorrent and untimely
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above (adv.) |
Old form(s): aboue |
upstairs; [in stage directions] in the gallery or upper stage
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abroad (adv.) |
Old form(s): abroade |
in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere
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Absey book (n.) |
Old form(s): booke |
[pron: 'absee, = aybee'see] ABC, child's primer
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academe (n.) |
Old form(s): Achademe, Achademes, Achadems |
academy, place of learning
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accessory, accessary (adj.) |
Old form(s): accessarie |
as an accessory, offering support
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accordingly (adv.) |
Old form(s): accordinglie |
correspondingly, suitably, properly
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account, accompt (n.) |
Old form(s): Accompt, accompts |
reckoning, debt, sum owing
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accoutrement (n.) |
Old form(s): accustrement |
formal embellishment, special trappings
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achieve (v.) |
Old form(s): atcheeue , atcheeues , atcheev'd, atchieu'd , atchieue , atchieued, atchiue |
gain, obtain, procure
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achieve (v.) |
Old form(s): atcheeue |
accomplish an intention, perform successfully
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achievement (n.) |
Old form(s): Atchieuement |
feat, accomplishment, successful action
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across (adv.) |
Old form(s): a-crosse |
[of a lance] not straight, obliquely; awry, amiss
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Actaeon (n.) |
Old form(s): Acteon |
[pron: ak'tayon] cuckold; hunter who saw Artemis (goddess of chastity) bathing naked; she changed him into a stag, who was killed by his own hounds
see also
Classical mythology
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addition (n.) |
attribute, mark of honour, distinction [as if added to a coat--of-arms]
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adjunct (adj.) |
Old form(s): adiuct, adiunct |
attendant [upon], inevitable result [of]
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Adonis (n.) |
[pron: a'dohnis] handsome young man loved by Aphrodite (Greek goddess of sexual love) or (in Roman mythology) Venus
see also
Venus (n.) 1
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advance (v.) |
Old form(s): aduanc'd , aduance , aduanced , aduaunc'd |
raise, lift up, upraise
Headword location(s)
advanced (adj.) |
Old form(s): aduanc'd , aduanced |
raised up, held high, uplifted
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advantage, on that |
Old form(s): aduantage |
to gain those benefits, receiving those advantages
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advantageable (adj.) |
Old form(s): aduantageable |
advantageous, profitable, beneficial
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advantageous (adj.) |
Old form(s): aduantagious |
providing advantage, opportune, timely
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adventure (n.) |
Old form(s): aduenture , aduentures |
venture, enterprise, issue, hazard
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adventure (v.) |
Old form(s): aduentur'd, aduenture, aduenturing |
venture, dare, chance, risk
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adventures, at all |
Old form(s): aduentures |
whatever might happen, regardless of the risks
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adventurous (adj.) |
Old form(s): aduentrous |
risk-taking, imprudently bold, rashly daring
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advertise, advertize (v.) |
Old form(s): aduertis'd , aduertise, aduertised, aduertiz'd, advertis'd |
make aware, inform, notify; warn
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advertise, advertize (v.) |
Old form(s): aduertise |
make known, instruct, inform about
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advice (n.) |
Old form(s): aduice , aduise |
consideration, reflection, deliberation
Headword location(s)
advise, avise (v.) |
Old form(s): Aduice , aduisd, aduis'd, aduise , aduised , auis'd |
warn, counsel, caution
Headword location(s)
advise, avise (v.) |
Old form(s): aduis'd , Aduise , a-uis'd, auis'd |
inform, be aware, apprise
Headword location(s)
advise, avise (v.) |
Old form(s): aduise, aduised |
consider, take thought, reflect
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advised, avised (adj.) |
Old form(s): aduis'd , aduised |
calculated, premeditated, intentional
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advisedly (adv.) |
Old form(s): aduisedlie |
deliberately, intentionally, with full awareness
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Aeneas (n.) |
[pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans
see also
Dido (n.) 1
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afford (v.) |
Old form(s): affoord, affoords |
have to offer, be capable of supplying
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