answer (v.) Old form(s): answere
cope with, face, encounter
2H4 IV.v.196[King Henry IV to Prince Henry, of rebellion against the crown] All these bold fears / Thou seest with peril I have answered
Cor I.iv.54.1[First Soldier to Lartius, of Martius] He is himself alone, / To answer all the city
JC IV.i.47[Antony to Octavius] How covert matters may be best disclosed, / And open perils surest answered
KL III.iv.98[Lear to Edgar as Poor Tom] Thou wert better in a grave than to answer with thy uncovered body this extremity of the skies
RJ II.iv.9[Benvolio to Mercutio, of Tybalt's challenge] Romeo will answer it
Tim IV.iii.232[Apemantus to Timon, of wild animals] whose bare unhoused trunks ... / Answer mere nature

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