If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Orodes (n.)
King of Parthia, the father of Pacorus Headword location(s)
O (int.)
vocalization used before a direct address [to a person, thing, concept, etc] Headword location(s)
O (int.)
oh [used in emphatic emotion] Headword location(s)
O (n.)
cipher, zero, nought Headword location(s)
O (n.) Old form(s): oes
circle, orb, sphere Headword location(s)
O (n.)
sorrowful exclamation Headword location(s)
O (n.) Old form(s): Oes
spot, pimple Headword location(s)
o' (prep.)
of see also Elision Headword location(s)
o' (prep.)
on Headword location(s)
O Lord, sir
catch-phrase that fills an awkward silence Headword location(s)
oaf (n.)
elf, elfen child, changeling see also ouph (n.) Headword location(s)
oak (n.) Old form(s): Oake, oke
crown of oak leaves [awarded to a victorious soldier] Headword location(s)
oar (v.) Old form(s): ore
move as with an oar Headword location(s)
oath (n.)
promise, undertaking Headword location(s)
oathable (adj.) Old form(s): Othable
oath-worthy, fit to take an oath Headword location(s)
ob (n.)
obolus, halfpenny see also Money Headword location(s)
obdurate (adj.)
stubborn, obstinate, inflexible see also indurate (adj.) Headword location(s)
obedience (n.)
obeisance, act of submission Headword location(s)
obedient (adj.)
of obedience, dutiful Headword location(s)
obeisance (n.)
bow, curtsy, respectful salutation Headword location(s)
obey (v.)
respond to, be affected by Headword location(s)
Obidicut (n.)
[pron: o'bidikut] in Christian tradition, the name of a devil see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
object (n.) Old form(s): obiect , Obiects
spectacle, sight, object of attention Headword location(s)
object (n.) Old form(s): Obiects
objection, protestation Headword location(s)
object (v.) Old form(s): obiect
urge, adduce, bring up Headword location(s)
objected (adj.) Old form(s): obiected
[legal sense] urged as an objection, brought forward in argument Headword location(s)
objection (n.) Old form(s): obiection
offer, proposal, claim Headword location(s)
objection (n.) Old form(s): Obiections
accusation, charge, allegation Headword location(s)
oblation (n.) Old form(s): oblacion
offering, gift Headword location(s)
obligation (n.)
bond, agreement, legal document Headword location(s)
obliged (adj.)
contracted, bound by marriage Headword location(s)
oblique (adj.)
indirectly resembling Headword location(s)
obliquy (n.) Old form(s): obliquie
[unclear meaning] oblique, obliquity; deviance, perversity Headword location(s)
oblivion (n.)
forgetfulness, inability to recall Headword location(s)
obloquy (n.) Old form(s): obloquie
disgrace, reproach, slander Headword location(s)
obscene (adj.)
disgusting, offensive, repulsive Headword location(s)
obscenely (adv.)
malapropism possibly for ‘seemly’ Headword location(s)
obscure (v.)
conceal, protect, hide Headword location(s)
obscure (v.) Old form(s): obscur'd
live in obscurity, overshadow, eclipse Headword location(s)
obscured (adj.)
disguised, covert, incognito Headword location(s)
obsequious (adj.)
dutiful [without suggesting servility]; appropriate after a death Headword location(s)
obsequious (adj.)
devoted, compliant, ready to please Headword location(s)
obsequiously (adv.)
as a mourner, with proper regard for the dead Headword location(s)
obsequy (n.) Old form(s): obsequie
funeral rite, burial ceremony Headword location(s)
observance (n.) Old form(s): obseruance
proper attention, attentiveness, heed Headword location(s)
observance (n.) Old form(s): Obseruance
honour, dutiful ceremony, due respect Headword location(s)
observance (n.) Old form(s): obseruance
powers of observation Headword location(s)
observance (n.) Old form(s): obseruance
compliance, carrying out what has to be done Headword location(s)
observancy (n.) Old form(s): obseruancie
proper attention, tender attentiveness Headword location(s)
observant (n.) Old form(s): obseruants
ingratiating attendant, obsequious servant Headword location(s)
observation (n.) Old form(s): obseruation
observed truth, maxim Headword location(s)
observation (n.) Old form(s): obseruation
observance, rite, customary practice Headword location(s)
observation (n.) Old form(s): obseruation
observance, careful attention, heed Headword location(s)
observe (v.)
honour, wait upon, show all courtesy to Headword location(s)
observe (v.) Old form(s): obseru'd, obserue
humour, gratify, indulge Headword location(s)
observe (v.) Old form(s): obserue
perceive, see through, be aware of Headword location(s)
observe (v.) Old form(s): t'obserue
take notice of, interpret, examine scientifically Headword location(s)
observed (n.) Old form(s): obseru'd
one demanding respect, deserving of honour Headword location(s)
observing (adj.) Old form(s): obseruing
compliant, deferential, obsequious Headword location(s)
observingly (adv.) Old form(s): obseruingly
observantly, perceptively, with proper observation Headword location(s)
apart from this there is nothing Headword location(s)
obstacle (adj.)
[rustic error for] obstinate Headword location(s)
obstinate (adj.)
unyielding, inflexible, hard-hearted Headword location(s)
obstruct (n.)
[debated meaning] obstruction, impediment, hindrance see also abstract (n.) 4 Headword location(s)
obstruction (n.)
deathly state, rigor mortis Headword location(s)
obstruction (n.)
obstacle, difficulty, hindrance Headword location(s)
occasion (n.)
circumstance, opportunity Headword location(s)
occasion (n.)
course of events, state of affairs Headword location(s)
occasion (n.)
ground, reason, cause, matter Headword location(s)
occasion (n.)
need, want, requirement Headword location(s)
occasion (n.)
political opportunity, expedient circumstance Headword location(s)
occasion (n.)
occurrence, action, manifestation Headword location(s)
occident (n.)
west Headword location(s)
occidental (adj.) Old form(s): occidentall
western, westerly; sunset Headword location(s)
occulted (adj.)
hidden, concealed Headword location(s)
occupation (n.)
handicraft, trade, employment Headword location(s)
occupation (n.)
calling, habit, business Headword location(s)
occupy (v.) Old form(s): occupie
fornicate, have sexual dealings [with] Headword location(s)
occurrent (n.)
incident, event, occurrence Headword location(s)
[in emphatic expressions] shortened form of 'God' see also Swearing Headword location(s)
odd (adj.) Old form(s): odde
occasional; or: extra Headword location(s)
odd (adj.) Old form(s): odde
isolated, out of the way Headword location(s)
odd (adj.) Old form(s): odde
casual, chance, or other Headword location(s)
odd (adj.) Old form(s): od , odde
eccentric, peculiar, unusual Headword location(s)
odd (adj.) Old form(s): odde
singular, unique, individual Headword location(s)
odd (adj.) Old form(s): odde
alone, single, solitary Headword location(s)
odd (adv.) Old form(s): odde
at odds, at variance Headword location(s)
odd (n.)
(in plural) superiority, advantage, edge see also odds (n.) Headword location(s)
odd-conceited (adj.) Old form(s): od-conceited
elaborately odd, ingeniously devised Headword location(s)
odd-even (adj.) Old form(s): odde Euen
between 12 and 1, around midnight Headword location(s)
oddly (adv.) Old form(s): oddely
unequally, unevenly; or: unusually, in a peculiar way Headword location(s)
odds (n. plural) Old form(s): oddes
probability, likelihood, odds-on Headword location(s)
odds (n. plural) Old form(s): oddes , ods
superiority, advantage, edge Headword location(s)
odds (n. plural) Old form(s): oddes , ods
inequalities, unfavourable circumstances Headword location(s)
odds (n. plural) Old form(s): oddes
quarrel, disagreement, strife Headword location(s)
odds (n. plural) Old form(s): oddes
differences, distinctions, inequalities Headword location(s)
odoriferous (adj.)
odorous, sweet-smelling, fragrant Headword location(s)
odour (n.)
perfume, fragrance, scent Headword location(s)
oeillade (n.) Old form(s): Eliads, illiads
[pron: 'iliad, uh'yahd] ] amorous glance, look of love, ogle Headword location(s)
o'er- (beginning a word)
[see 'over-'] Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
about Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
against Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
by Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
between Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
for Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
from Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
in Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
in the form of Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
on Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
out of Headword location(s)
of (prep.)
with Headword location(s)
off (adj.)
beside the point, irrelevant Headword location(s)
off (adv.)
off-stage see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
off (adv.)
off the ship, ashore Headword location(s)
offal (n.) Old form(s): Offall
dross, waste, refuse Headword location(s)
off-cap (v.) Old form(s): Off-capt
doff the cap, take off the hat [in respect] Headword location(s)
offence (n.)
[in fencing] attacking stroke, offensive action Headword location(s)
offence (n.)
damage, injury, harm Headword location(s)
offence (n.)
opposition, hostility, antagonism Headword location(s)
offence (n.)
offensive matter, object of annoyance see also Politeness Headword location(s)
offence (n.)
[Q variant] damage, injury, harm Headword location(s)
offenceful (adj.) Old form(s): offence full
sinful, wrongful, full of offence Headword location(s)
offenceless (adj.) Old form(s): offencelesse
incapable of causing offence, harmless Headword location(s)
offend (v.)
assail, attack, fall upon Headword location(s)
offend (v.) Old form(s): offend'st
harm, hurt, pain Headword location(s)
offend (v.)
wrong, sin against, abuse Headword location(s)
offendress (n.) Old form(s): Offendresse
female offender Headword location(s)
offer (n.)
offering, proposal, invitation, inducement Headword location(s)
offer (v.) Old form(s): offer'st
bring gifts, give presents Headword location(s)
offer (v.)
attempt, start, try, make a move Headword location(s)
offer (v.)
dare, presume, venture Headword location(s)
offer (v.)
bring an offering, make a donation Headword location(s)
offer (v.)
make, opt for, declare Headword location(s)
offering (adj.) Old form(s): offring
challenging, taking the offensive Headword location(s)
offering (n.) Old form(s): Offrings
ritual, oblation, sacrificial rite Headword location(s)
offert (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'offered' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
office (n.)
officialdom, people who hold office Headword location(s)
office (n.)
role, position, place, function Headword location(s)
office (n.)
performance, business, intrigue Headword location(s)
office (n.)
(plural) servants' quarters, service rooms Headword location(s)
office (n.)
service, sympathy, kindness Headword location(s)
office (n.)
(plural) kitchen, buttery, serving-room Headword location(s)
office (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
office (n.)
room, apartment, living area Headword location(s)
office (v.)
officiously withhold, use petty authority to block Headword location(s)
office (v.) Old form(s): offic'd
carry out the work for, act as servants to Headword location(s)
office-badge (n.)
symbol of office Headword location(s)
officed (adj.) Old form(s): Offic'd
playing a role, having a function Headword location(s)
officed (adj.) Old form(s): offic'd
functional, working, serviceable Headword location(s)
officer (n.)
(plural) household, servants Headword location(s)
officer (n.)
constable Headword location(s)
officer (n.)
executioner, hangman, gaoler Headword location(s)
officer of arms (n.) Old form(s): Armes
herald, pursuivant Headword location(s)
officious (adj.)
meddlesome, interfering, overzealous Headword location(s)
officious (adj.)
obliging, attentive, diligent Headword location(s)
oft (adv.) Old form(s): ofte
often see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
oft, many a time and
very often, with great frequency Headword location(s)
often (adj.)
frequent, numerous, continuous Headword location(s)
oftentimes (adv.)
often, frequently, on many occasions Headword location(s)
oft-subdued (adj.)
often-defeated, frequently subjugated Headword location(s)
oft-times (adv.) Old form(s): oft times
often, frequently, on many occasions Headword location(s)
oil (n.) Old form(s): oile
smoothness, glibness, ingratiating manner Headword location(s)
oil (n.) Old form(s): Oyles
[vat of] boiling oil Headword location(s)
oily (adj.) Old form(s): oyly
moist, clammy, greasy Headword location(s)
old (adj.)
degenerate, lapsed, unregenerate Headword location(s)
old (adj.)
normal, usual, commonplace Headword location(s)
old (adj.)
plenty of, abundant, more than enough Headword location(s)
old (adj.)
hackneyed, worn-out, stale Headword location(s)
old (adj.)
experienced, practised, skilled Headword location(s)
old (adj.) Old form(s): ould
olden, ancient, bygone Headword location(s)
old (n.)
old people, elders Headword location(s)
olive (n.) Old form(s): Oliue , Olyffe
olive-branch [symbol of peace] Headword location(s)
Olympian (n.)
athlete in the Olympic games; or: Olympian god Headword location(s)
Olympus (n.)
mountainous region of N Greece; the home of the gods see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
omen (n.)
calamity, ominous event, disaster Headword location(s)
ominous (adj.)
fateful, portentous Headword location(s)
omit (v.)
neglect, disregard, forget about Headword location(s)
all's well see also Latin Headword location(s)
on (adv.)
[go] onward, forward Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
at Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
because of Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
from Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
in Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
in the name of Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
of Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
onto Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
on top of Headword location(s)
on (prep.)
against Headword location(s)
once (adv.)
ever, at any time Headword location(s)
once (adv.)
once and for all, in a word see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
once (adv.)
some time, at a convenient point Headword location(s)
once (adv.)
one day, some time Headword location(s)
once, at (adv.)
all together, jointly, collectively Headword location(s)
one (pron.)
[in expressions] see also all is one Headword location(s)
oneyer (n.)
[unclear meaning] officer with financial responsibility see also onyer (n.) Headword location(s)
onixe (n.)
Q2 alternative for 'union' large pearl see also union (n.) Headword location(s)
only (adj.) Old form(s): onely
outstanding, peerless, pre-eminent Headword location(s)
only (adj.) Old form(s): onely
habitual, typical; or: mere Headword location(s)
only (adj.) Old form(s): onely
sole, exclusive Headword location(s)
only (adv.) Old form(s): onely
especially, particularly Headword location(s)
only (adv.) Old form(s): onely
as a sole exception, excepting Headword location(s)
only (adv.) Old form(s): onely
alone, solely, exclusively Headword location(s)
onset (n.) Old form(s): on-set
attack, assault Headword location(s)
onset (n.)
start, beginning, commencement Headword location(s)
onset, give the Old form(s): giue, on-set
make a beginning with, start acting on Headword location(s)
onyer, oneyer (n.)
[unclear meaning] officer with financial responsibility Headword location(s)
ope (adj.)
open Headword location(s)
ope (v.) Old form(s): op'd, op't
open see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
open (adj.)
easy to get through; or: give too much of a view Headword location(s)
open (adj.)
public, exposed to general view Headword location(s)
open (adj.)
displayed, made visible Headword location(s)
open (adj.)
public, widely frequented, fashionable Headword location(s)
open (adj.)
exposed, open to the elements Headword location(s)
open (adj.)
generous, liberal, freely giving Headword location(s)
open (adv.)
out in the open, in public Headword location(s)
open (v.) Old form(s): open'd
reveal, uncover, disclose Headword location(s)
open (v.)
announce, communicate, divulge Headword location(s)
open (v.)
[hunting] bark at finding a scent Headword location(s)
open-arse (n.)
[rustic bawdy, from the shape of the fruit] medlar fruit Headword location(s)
opener (n.)
interpreter, elucidator, expositor Headword location(s)
operance (n.)
operation, action, activity Headword location(s)
operant (adj.)
active, vital, potent, functioning Headword location(s)
operation (n.)
effect, force, influence, power Headword location(s)
operation (n.) Old form(s): opperations
plan, active thought, working idea Headword location(s)
operative (adj.) Old form(s): operatiue
effective, efficacious, capable of working Headword location(s)
opinion (n.)
gossip, suspicion, malicious rumour Headword location(s)
opinion (n.)
reputation, character, honour Headword location(s)
opinion (n.)
judgement, conviction, belief Headword location(s)
opinion (n.)
public opinion, popular judgement Headword location(s)
opinion (n.)
arrogance, self-conceit, hubris Headword location(s)
opinioned (adj.) Old form(s): opinion'd
malapropism for ‘pinioned’ Headword location(s)
oppose (v.)
display, exhibit, present Headword location(s)
oppose (v.) Old form(s): oppos'd
place in opposition, set up as resistance Headword location(s)
oppose (v.)
compare, draw a parallel between Headword location(s)
opposed (adj.)
hostile, of conflicting forces Headword location(s)
opposed (adj.) Old form(s): oppos'd
opposite, facing Headword location(s)
opposed (adj.) Old form(s): oppos'd
hostile, malevolent Headword location(s)
opposeless (adj.) Old form(s): opposelesse
unable to be resisted, unchallengeable Headword location(s)
opposing (adj.)
opposite, antipodal Headword location(s)
opposite (adj.)
opposed, hostile, adverse, antagonistic [to] see also wilful-opposite (adj.) Headword location(s)
opposite (n.)
opposing force, adversity Headword location(s)
opposite (n.)
opponent, adversary, anatagonist Headword location(s)
opposition (n.)
presenting for combat, contesting, encounter Headword location(s)
opposition (n.)
counter-proposal, alternative proposition Headword location(s)
oppress (v.) Old form(s): opprest
dominate, overwhelm, crush Headword location(s)
oppress (v.) Old form(s): opprest
crowd out, throng, overwhelm Headword location(s)
oppress (v.) Old form(s): opprest
trouble, distress, worry Headword location(s)
oppressed (adj.) Old form(s): opprest
distressed, troubled, burdened Headword location(s)
oppression (n.)
misfortune, distress, difficulty Headword location(s)
oppression (n.)
weight, burden, pressure Headword location(s)
oppugnancy (n.) Old form(s): oppugnancie
opposition, conflict, contention Headword location(s)
opulency (n.) Old form(s): opulencie
opulence, affluence, wealth Headword location(s)
or (conj.)
before Headword location(s)
or ... or (conj.)
either ... or Headword location(s)
or ever (conj.) Old form(s): ere
before Headword location(s)
or ever (conj.) Old form(s): euer
that ever Headword location(s)
orange-tawny (adj.) Old form(s): orange tawnie
dull yellowish brown Headword location(s)
orange-wife (n.) Old form(s): Orendge wife
woman who sells oranges Headword location(s)
oration (n.)
petition, supplication Headword location(s)
orator (n.)
advocate, spokesman, champion Headword location(s)
oratory (n.) Old form(s): Oratorie
eloquence, persuasiveness Headword location(s)
orb (n.) Old form(s): Orbe
earth, world Headword location(s)
orb (n.) Old form(s): orbe
rounded mass, ring, crown Headword location(s)
orb (n.)
fairy ring, circle Headword location(s)
orb (n.) Old form(s): orbe , Orbes
sphere, planet, star, heavenly body Headword location(s)
orb (n.) Old form(s): Orbe, Orbes
sphere, orbit, circle Headword location(s)
orbed (adj.)
rounded, orb-like, spherical Headword location(s)
orchard (n.)
garden Headword location(s)
ordain (v.) Old form(s): ordain'd, ordayn'd
appoint, establish, institute Headword location(s)
ordain (v.) Old form(s): ordain'd
fate, destine, decree Headword location(s)
order (n.)
prescribed practice, normal procedure Headword location(s)
order (n.)
arrangement, disposition, direction Headword location(s)
order (n.)
agreement, arrangement, entente Headword location(s)
order (n.)
order of knighthood Headword location(s)
order (n.)
injunction, command, dictate Headword location(s)
order (n.)
manner, process, method Headword location(s)
order (n.)
formation, formal array Headword location(s)
order (n.)
rank, status Headword location(s)
order (v.)
arrange, plan, organize Headword location(s)
order (v.)
dispose, deal with, treat Headword location(s)
order, out of
rebellious, insubordinate, disobedient Headword location(s)
order, take Old form(s): 'tane , ta'ne
make arrangements Headword location(s)
ordered (adj.) Old form(s): order'd
organized, prepared, ready Headword location(s)
ordering (n.)
management, direction, regulation Headword location(s)
orderly (adv.)
according to the rules, properly, in the prescribed way Headword location(s)
ordinance (n.)
cannon, artillery see also Weapons Headword location(s)
ordinance (n.)
cannon, artillery see also ordnance (n.) Headword location(s)
ordinance (n.)
rank, position, standing [in the state] Headword location(s)
ordinance (n.)
decree, divine rule, injunction Headword location(s)
ordinance (n.) Old form(s): Ord'nance
providence, divine will, what is ordained Headword location(s)
ordinance (n.)
usage, practice, course Headword location(s)
ordinance (n.)
appointed place in nature Headword location(s)
ordinant (adj.)
providential, directing, in control Headword location(s)
ordinary (adj.)
everyday, commonplace, regularly experienced Headword location(s)
ordinary (n.)
routine, norm, usual procedure Headword location(s)
ordinary (n.)
regular meal, standard fare, mealtime Headword location(s)
ordinate (adj.)
F alternative to 'ordinant' see also ordinant (adj.) Headword location(s)
ordnance, ordinance (n.) Old form(s): Ordenance , ordynaunce
cannon, artillery Headword location(s)
ordure (n.)
filth, dirt, dung Headword location(s)
ore (n.) Old form(s): Oare
precious metal Headword location(s)
organ (n.) Old form(s): Organe
musical instrument Headword location(s)
organ (n.)
agent, instrument, means Headword location(s)
organ (n.)
feature, trait, facet Headword location(s)
orgulous (adj.) Old form(s): Orgillous
proud, haughty, arrogant Headword location(s)
orient (adj.)
eastern; sunrise, dawn Headword location(s)
orient (adj.)
lustrous, brilliant, bright Headword location(s)
orient (n.)
eastern part of the sky [where the sun rises] Headword location(s)
oriental (adj.) Old form(s): oryent all
brilliant, glowing, radiant Headword location(s)
orifex (n.)
orifice, opening, aperture Headword location(s)
original (n.) Old form(s): originall
point of origin, cause, source Headword location(s)
orison (n.) Old form(s): orizons, Orysons
prayer, plea Headword location(s)
ornament (n.)
special quality, distinction Headword location(s)
ornament (n.)
(plural) robes, garments, attire Headword location(s)
Orpheus (n.)
legendary Greek poet, able to charm beasts and even stones with his music see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Orpheus (n.)
legendary Greek poet, able to charm beasts and even stones with his music see also Cerberus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
ort (n.)
scrap, fragment, fraction Headword location(s)
orthography (n.)
speaker of high-flown phrases, stylistically polished person Headword location(s)
orthography (n.) Old form(s): ortagriphie
correct spelling Headword location(s)
osier (adj.)
made of willow Headword location(s)
osier (n.) Old form(s): Osyer , Oziers
willow Headword location(s)
Ossa (n.)
mountain in Thessaly, N Greece see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
ostent (n.)
display, show, manifestation Headword location(s)
ostentation (n.)
ceremony, ritual Headword location(s)
ostentation (n.)
public show, display, exhibition Headword location(s)
ostentation (n.)
pretentiousness, false show, showing off Headword location(s)
other (adv.)
otherwise, in any other way Headword location(s)
othergates (adv.) Old form(s): other gates
otherwise, differently, in another way Headword location(s)
otherwhere (adv.) Old form(s): other where, other-where
elsewhere, somewhere else Headword location(s)
otherwhiles (adv.)
at various times, on occasion Headword location(s)
ouch (n.) Old form(s): Owches
ornament, gem; also: sore Headword location(s)
ought (v.)
past form of 'owe' see also Past tenses Headword location(s)
oui away (v.) Old form(s): wee
chatter away in French Headword location(s)
Yes, put it in my bag. Hurry up. Headword location(s)
ounce (n.)
lynx Headword location(s)
ouph, oaf (n.) Old form(s): Ouphes
elf, elfen child, changeling Headword location(s)
ousel, woosel (n./adj.) Old form(s): Ouzell , Woosell
blackbird Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
in error, at fault, wrong Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
out in the field, away fighting Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
fully, completely, outright, totally Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
away from home, abroad Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
in arms, in rebellion Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
out of pocket Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
at an end, finished Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
into public circulation, out to interest Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
fallen out, in a state of unfriendliness Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
out-of-date, not in vogue [for] Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
angry, out of sorts Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
out at heels, with worn shoes Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
at a loss, put out, nonplussed; unable to remember one's lines Headword location(s)
out (adv.)
exclamation of irritation or indignation see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
out (prep.)
out of Headword location(s)
out (prep.)
[unclear meaning] without Headword location(s)
out (prep.)
outside Headword location(s)
out (v.)
drop out, quit Headword location(s)
out alas (int.)
expression of grief, pity, regret, disappointment, concern see also Regrets Headword location(s)
out of (prep.)
free from Headword location(s)
out of (prep.)
outside of Headword location(s)
out of (prep.)
beyond, outside Headword location(s)
out on (int.)
exclamation of indignation or reproach see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
out upon it
exclamation of frustration or irritation see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
out-brag (v.) Old form(s): out-brag'd
surpass in beauty, excel in pride Headword location(s)
outbrave (v.) Old form(s): Out-braue
surpass in bravery, outdo in daring Headword location(s)
outbrave (v.) Old form(s): out-braues
outdo in beauty, excel in splendour Headword location(s)
outbreast (v.) Old form(s): out breasted
outsing, surpass in voice Headword location(s)
out-breathed (adj.) Old form(s): out-breath'd
put out of breath, winded Headword location(s)
outburn (v.) Old form(s): out burneth
burn away, incinerate, be consumed Headword location(s)
outcrafty (v.)
artfully outwit, surpass in cunning Headword location(s)
outdare (v.) Old form(s): out-dares
exceed in daring, dare more than Headword location(s)
outdare (v.) Old form(s): out-dare
overcome by daring, outbrave Headword location(s)
outdared (adj.) Old form(s): out-dar'd
overcome by daring, cowed, outbraved; or: excessively daring, brazen, unabashed Headword location(s)
outdure (v.) Old form(s): out dure
endure, outlast, survive Headword location(s)
outdwell (v.) Old form(s): out-dwels
stay beyond Headword location(s)
outface (v.)
present a bold front, maintain a defiant image Headword location(s)
outface (v.) Old form(s): out-fac'd
put down, overcome, put to shame Headword location(s)
outface (v.) Old form(s): out-face , Out-faced
defy, intimidate, overcome by confronting Headword location(s)
outgo (v.) Old form(s): outgoe, out-goes, out-went
outdo, outstrip, surpass Headword location(s)
outgo (v.) Old form(s): Out-go
outdistance, go faster than Headword location(s)
out-jest (v.) Old form(s): out-iest
overcome with the force of jokes Headword location(s)
outlive (v.) Old form(s): out-liue
survive, live longer Headword location(s)
outlook (v.) Old form(s): out-looke
outstare, overcome by facing up to Headword location(s)
out-night (v.)
outdo in making references to the night Headword location(s)
outparamour (v.) Old form(s): out-Paramour'd
have more lovers than Headword location(s)
outpeer (v.) Old form(s): out-peere
surpass, outrival, exceed Headword location(s)
outrage (n.)
violence, hostility, fury Headword location(s)
outrage (n.)
passionate expression, emotional outcry Headword location(s)
outrageous (adj.) Old form(s): outragious
temperamental, capricious, volatile Headword location(s)
outrageous (adj.) Old form(s): outragious
excessively fierce, extremely violent Headword location(s)
outrun (v.) Old form(s): out-runne
escape, avoid, elude Headword location(s)
outscorn (v.)
Q alternative to 'outstorm' see also outstorm (v.) Headword location(s)
outsell (v.) Old form(s): out-sell , Out-selles
exceed in value, surpass Headword location(s)
outside (n.) Old form(s): out-side
appearance, look, outward show Headword location(s)
outside (n.) Old form(s): Out-sides
(plural) mere external thing, outward form Headword location(s)
outsleep (v.) Old form(s): out-sleepe
sleep beyond [a time], sleep in Headword location(s)
outspeak (v.) Old form(s): out-speakes
far exceed, more than warrant Headword location(s)
outsport (v.) Old form(s): out-sport
make merry beyond the bounds of, revel beyond the limits of Headword location(s)
outstand (v.) Old form(s): out-stood
outstay, remain beyond Headword location(s)
out-storm (v.)
rage more violently than a storm Headword location(s)
outstretch (v.) Old form(s): out-stretcht
stretch out to the end, strain beyond the limit Headword location(s)
outstretched (adj.) Old form(s): out-stretcht
over-inflated, puffed up, swollen [by ambition] Headword location(s)
outstretched (adj.) Old form(s): out-stretcht
opened wide, fully distended Headword location(s)
outstrike (v.) Old form(s): out-strike
surpass in striking, deal a swifter blow than Headword location(s)
outswear (v.) Old form(s): out-sweare
conquer by swearing, swear to do without Headword location(s)
outswear (v.) Old form(s): out-sweare
outdo in swearing Headword location(s)
outsweeten (v.) Old form(s): Out-sweetned
exceed in sweetness Headword location(s)
out-tongue (v.)
speak more loudly than, be more persuasive than see also tongue (v.) Headword location(s)
outvenom (v.) Old form(s): Out-venomes
be more poisonous than, exceeds in venom Headword location(s)
out-vie (v.) Old form(s): out-vied
outbid, outdo, better Headword location(s)
out-wall (n.)
external appearance, outer clothing Headword location(s)
outward (adj.)
external, surface, superficial Headword location(s)
outward (adj.)
formal, official, public Headword location(s)
outward (adj.)
acting as an external observer, looking from outside Headword location(s)
outward (n.)
outward show, external appearance, demeanour Headword location(s)
outwear (v.) Old form(s): out-weare
use up, waste the time of Headword location(s)
outwear (v.) Old form(s): out-weare
wear away, spend, pass Headword location(s)
outwear (v.) Old form(s): out-wore
outlast, last the whole length of Headword location(s)
outwork (v.) Old form(s): out-worke
excel in workmanship, transcend Headword location(s)
outworth (v.)
outvalue, be more powerful than Headword location(s)
ovator (n.)
one who receives an ovation see also coverture (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
ovator (n.)
one who receives an ovation see also overture (n.) 2 Headword location(s)
over (adj.) Old form(s): ouer
observing, overseeing, spying Headword location(s)
over and over Old form(s): ouer
head over heels Headword location(s)
overbear (v.) Old form(s): o're-beare, ore-beare, Ore-beares , Ore-bearing , o're-beate, O're-borne , Ore-borne , ouer-beares , ouerborne , ouer-borne
overwhelm, overcome, overpower Headword location(s)
overbear (v.) Old form(s): o're-beare , ouerbeare , ouer-beare , ouerborne, ouer-borne
overrule, overcome, put down Headword location(s)
overblow (v.) Old form(s): ouerblowne, ouer-blowne
blow over, pass away, abate Headword location(s)
overblow (v.) Old form(s): O're-blowes
blow away, blow off Headword location(s)
overboots, over-boots (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-bootes
(plural) boot-deep, following a reckless course see also over-shoes (adj.) Headword location(s)
overbulk (v.) Old form(s): ouer-bulke
outgrow, dominate, tower over Headword location(s)
overbuy (v.) Old form(s): Ouer-buyes
exceed in worth, pay too much for Headword location(s)
overcharged (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-charged
overloaded, filled too full of powder Headword location(s)
overcharged (adj.) Old form(s): o're-charg'd, ore-charg'd , orecharged, ouer-charged
overburdened, overtaxed, overwrought Headword location(s)
overcharged (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-charg'd
overburdened, overstocked, overfilled Headword location(s)
overcloyed (adj.) Old form(s): o're-cloyed
overfilled, satiated, stuffed to bursting Headword location(s)
overcome (v.) Old form(s): ouercome
suddenly come over, swiftly pass across Headword location(s)
overcount (v.) Old form(s): o're-count
outnumber, exceed in number Headword location(s)
overcover (v.) Old form(s): Orecouered
cover up, bury Headword location(s)
overcrow, over-crow (v.) Old form(s): ore-crowes
overpower, overwhelm, triumph over Headword location(s)
overdo (v.) Old form(s): o're-doing
outdo, surpass Headword location(s)
overdusted, over-dusted (adj.) Old form(s): oredusted
covered over with dust Headword location(s)
overdyed, over-dyed (adj.) Old form(s): o're-dy'd
dyed over with another colour Headword location(s)
overeaten, over-eaten (adj.) Old form(s): ore-eaten
eaten away all over, gnawed at on all sides Headword location(s)
overeye, over-eye (v.) Old form(s): ore-eye, ouer-eying
watch, observe; or: look too much at Headword location(s)
overfar, over-far (adv.) Old form(s): ouer-farre
too far, to too great an extent Headword location(s)
overflourish, over-flourish (v.) Old form(s): ore-flourish'd
heavily embellish, richly decorate Headword location(s)
overflow (v.) Old form(s): ore-flowes
overwhelm, destroy, defeat Headword location(s)
overflow (v.) Old form(s): oreflow, ouerflow'd
flood, become inundated Headword location(s)
overflow (v.) Old form(s): ore'flowes
pour out, overflow with Headword location(s)
overfly , over-fly (v.) Old form(s): ouerfly
fly past, overtake in flight Headword location(s)
overfraught (adj.) Old form(s): o're-fraught
too heavily laden, overburdened Headword location(s)
overgalled (adj.) Old form(s): ore-galled
badly swollen, heavily inflamed Headword location(s)
overglance (v.) Old form(s): O're-glanc't
glance over, cast the eye over Headword location(s)
overgo (v.) Old form(s): ouer-go , ouer-goes
exceed, surmount, go beyond Headword location(s)
overgo (v.) Old form(s): ore-gone
travel through, pass over, traverse Headword location(s)
overgone (adj.) Old form(s): ouergone
worn out, overcome, exhausted Headword location(s)
overgorged (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-gorg'd
gorged to excess, overfed, glutted Headword location(s)
overgreat, over-great (adj.) Old form(s): ore-great
imperious, high-handed, excessive Headword location(s)
overgreen, over-green (v.) Old form(s): ore-greene
cover over, gloss over, whitewash Headword location(s)
overgrown (adj.) Old form(s): ore-growne
covered with growth [i.e. hair] Headword location(s)
overhear (v.) Old form(s): ouer-heard
hear told over, hear again Headword location(s)
overhold (v.) Old form(s): ouerhold
overestimate, overvalue, rate too highly Headword location(s)
overjoy (n.) Old form(s): ouer ioy
excess of happiness, great rejoicing Headword location(s)
overlaboured , over-laboured (adj.) Old form(s): ore-labor'd
overworked, overburdened, exhausted by work Headword location(s)
overleap (v.) Old form(s): o're-leape
pass over, pass by , skip Headword location(s)
overleap (v.) Old form(s): ore-leapes
leap too far, overshoot Headword location(s)
overleap (v.) Old form(s): o're-leape
leap over, jump across Headword location(s)
overleather (n.) Old form(s): ouer-leather
leather in the upper part of a shoe Headword location(s)
overleaven, over-leaven (v.)
leaven too much, pervade, imbue to excess Headword location(s)
overlive (v.) Old form(s): ouer-liue
survive, outlive, outlast Headword location(s)
overlook (v.) Old form(s): ore-look'd , orelooke, o're-looke , ouerlook'd , ouer-looke
look over, peruse, read through Headword location(s)
overlook (v.) Old form(s): ore-look'd , ore-lookt
bewitch, subject to magic Headword location(s)
overlook (v.) Old form(s): o're-looke , ore-looke
inspect, superintend, oversee Headword location(s)
overlook (v.) Old form(s): ouer-looke , ouer-lookes
rise above, look down on Headword location(s)
overlook (v.) Old form(s): ore-look'd
overflow, rise above, exceed Headword location(s)
overlooking (n.) Old form(s): ore-looking
perusal, inspection, scrutiny Headword location(s)
overlooking (n.) Old form(s): ouer looking
guardianship, looking after, custody Headword location(s)
overlusty , over-lusty (adj.) Old form(s): ouerlustie
too vigorous, over-active see also lusty (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
overlusty, over-lusty (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-lustie
over-cheerful, excessively merry see also lusty (adj.) 2 Headword location(s)
overmaster (v.) Old form(s): O'remaster
overcome, control, master completely Headword location(s)
overmaster (v.) Old form(s): ore-masterest
usurp, take by force, hold in one's power Headword location(s)
overmatched (adj.) Old form(s): o're-matcht, ore-matcht
outnumbered, faced with superior strength Headword location(s)
overmatching (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-matching
overwhelming, of superior power Headword location(s)
overmount (v.) Old form(s): O're-mount
transcend, rise above, soar higher than Headword location(s)
overmounting, over-mounting (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-mounting
mounting too high, over-ambitious Headword location(s)
overname (v.) Old form(s): ouer-name
name in succession, read through the list of Headword location(s)
overnight (n.) Old form(s): o're-nights
previous evening, night before Headword location(s)
overnight, at Old form(s): ouer-night
last night, yesterday evening Headword location(s)
overoffice, over-office (v.)
F alternative to 'overreach' see also overreach (v.) 3 Headword location(s)
overparted (adj.) Old form(s): ore-parted
unequal to the part, having too difficult a part to play Headword location(s)
overpass (v.) Old form(s): ouer-past
spend, pass, live out Headword location(s)
overpast (adj.) Old form(s): ore-past
past, now ended, former Headword location(s)
overpeer, over-peer (v.) Old form(s): o're-peere, ouer-peering
rise above, tower over Headword location(s)
overpeer, over-peer (v.) Old form(s): ouer-peer'd , ouer-peere
look down on, look out over, overlook Headword location(s)
overperch (v.) Old form(s): ore-perch
fly over, surmount Headword location(s)
overpicture (v.) Old form(s): O're-picturing
surpass, outdo, excel Headword location(s)
overplus (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-plus
additional, extra, further Headword location(s)
overplus (n.) Old form(s): ouer-plus
surplus, excess, superfluity Headword location(s)
overpost (v.) Old form(s): o're-posting
pass over, disregard, overlook [of] see also post over (v.) Headword location(s)
overpressed (adj.) Old form(s): o're-prest , ore-prest
overpowered, overwhelmed, overcome Headword location(s)
overprize, over-prize (v.) Old form(s): Ore-priz'd
overvalue, overrate, overestimate Headword location(s)
overproud (adj.) Old form(s): ouer-proud
excessively swollen, too luxuriant Headword location(s)
overrank , over-rank (adj.) Old form(s): ore-rank
over-ripe; rotten, corrupted see also rank (adj.) 3 Headword location(s)
overraught (v.)
past form of 'overreach' see also overreach (v.) Headword location(s)
overreach, over-reach (v.), past form overraught Old form(s): ore-wrought
overtake, come up with, pass by Headword location(s)
overreach, over-reach (v.), past form overraught
get the better of, has the advantage of Headword location(s)
overreach, over-reach (v.), past form overraught Old form(s): ore-reach , ore-wrought , ouerreach , ouer-reach
outwit, outdo, cheat Headword location(s)
overreaching (n.) Old form(s): ore-reaching
deception, exaggeration, fabrication Headword location(s)
overread, over-read (v.) Old form(s): ore-read, ore-reade
read over, read through Headword location(s)
overred, over-red (v.) Old form(s): ouer-red
cover over with blood, redden over Headword location(s)