If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Mab, Queen
midwife to the fairies see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
mace (n.)
staff of office, official sceptre Headword location(s)
Machiavel (n.) Old form(s): Machiuell
[pron: 'machiavel] master of intrigue, political schemer; Machiavelli was a 16th-c Italian political theorist see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
machination (n.)
plotting, intrigue, scheming Headword location(s)
machine (n.)
body, human frame Headword location(s)
machine (n.)
show, entertainment; or: device Headword location(s)
maculate (adj.)
impure, spotted, stained Headword location(s)
maculation (n.)
stain, sport, defilement Headword location(s)
mad (adj.)
wild, uncontrollable, excitable, high-spirited Headword location(s)
mad (adj.)
strange, bizarre, weird Headword location(s)
mad (adj.)
wild, faithless, inconstant Headword location(s)
mad (adj.)
angry, furious, beside oneself Headword location(s)
mad (v.)
madden, excite, provoke Headword location(s)
mad (v.)
madden, exasperate, infuriate Headword location(s)
madam (n.) Old form(s): Madames
high-ranking lady Headword location(s)
mad-bred (adj.)
produced by madness Headword location(s)
madcap (adj.) Old form(s): Mad-Cap
reckless, impulsive, wildly behaved Headword location(s)
madcap (n.) Old form(s): mad-cap
mad-brained fellow, lunatic Headword location(s)
madded (adj.)
maddened Headword location(s)
madding (adj.)
becoming mad, frenzied Headword location(s)
madding (adj.)
driving one mad, provoking madness Headword location(s)
madding (n.)
maddening, incensing, provocation Headword location(s)
made (adj.)
with success assured, with fortune made Headword location(s)
made (adj.)
resolved, framed, decided Headword location(s)
made up, made-up (adj.) Old form(s): vp
finished off, put together Headword location(s)
made up, made-up (adj.) Old form(s): made-vp
accomplished, consummate, out-and-out Headword location(s)
madonna (n.) Old form(s): Madona
my lady, madam Headword location(s)
madrigal (n.)
song, pleasant tune Headword location(s)
maggot-pie (n.) Old form(s): Maggot Pyes
magpie Headword location(s)
magic (n.) Old form(s): Magicke
special power Headword location(s)
magistrate (n.)
member of the government, leader of the community Headword location(s)
magnanimious (adj.)
of great spirit, nobly valiant Headword location(s)
magnanimity (n.) Old form(s): Magnanimitie
greatness of spirit, nobleness of heart Headword location(s)
magnanimous (adj.)
valiant, heroic, courageous Headword location(s)
master of the great heavens, do you so calmly hear crimes, so calmly see them see also Latin Headword location(s)
magnificent (adj.)
grand, stately, majestic Headword location(s)
magnifico (n.)
Venetian leader Headword location(s)
Mahomet (n.)
the prophet Mohammed; founder of Islam, 7th-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Mahu (n.)
[pron: 'mahhu] in Christian tradition, the name of a devil see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
maid (n.) Old form(s): maide
virgin, unmarried woman Headword location(s)
maid (n.) Old form(s): Mayd
human, mortal [woman] Headword location(s)
maid (n.)
handmaid, servant, attendant Headword location(s)
maid (n.)
young fish Headword location(s)
Maid Marian
woman loved by Robin Hood see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
maiden (adj.)
untried, untested, uninitiated [in battle] Headword location(s)
maiden (adj.)
befitting chastity Headword location(s)
maiden (adj.)
unblemished, unstained, not put to use Headword location(s)
maiden (adj.)
without bloodshed Headword location(s)
maidenhead (n.) Old form(s): maiden-head, maiden-heads, Maydenhead
virginity see also Swearing Headword location(s)
maidenhead (n.) Old form(s): Maydenhead
opening stage, first step Headword location(s)
Maidenhead (n.)
town near Windsor, Berkshire see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
maidhood (n.)
maidenhood Headword location(s)
maid-pale (adj.)
fragile as a young girl, delicate Headword location(s)
mail (n.) Old form(s): male, mayle
armour, chain mail, piece of armour see also Body-armour Headword location(s)
mail (n.) Old form(s): male
wallet, pouch, travel bag Headword location(s)
mail up (v.) Old form(s): Mayl'd vp
wrap up, envelop, encase Headword location(s)
mailed (adj.) Old form(s): mayled
mail-clad, armoured Headword location(s)
maim (n.) Old form(s): maimes, mayme
wound, injury, mutilation Headword location(s)
maim (v.) Old form(s): maim'd
make powerless, undermine, subvert Headword location(s)
maimed (adj.)
incomplete, deficient, wanting Headword location(s)
main (adj.) Old form(s): maine
very great, major, considerable Headword location(s)
main (adj.) Old form(s): maine
leading, chief, pre-eminent Headword location(s)
main (adj.) Old form(s): maine
firm, strong, solid Headword location(s)
main (n.)
central part, chief part Headword location(s)
main (n.) Old form(s): maine
main concern, chief point Headword location(s)
main (n.) Old form(s): mayne
[gambling] stake, bet, throw Headword location(s)
main (n.) Old form(s): Maine
mainland Headword location(s)
main (n.) Old form(s): maine
open sea, ocean Headword location(s)
main (n.) Old form(s): Maine
strength, force, full might Headword location(s)
main (n.) Old form(s): maine
broad expanse, open view Headword location(s)
main (v.) Old form(s): main'd
maim, cripple Headword location(s)
main flood Old form(s): maine
high tide Headword location(s)
main-course (n.) Old form(s): Maine-course
principal sail of a ship, mainsail see also Ships Headword location(s)
mainly (adv.) Old form(s): mainely
greatly, very much, mightily Headword location(s)
mainly (adv.) Old form(s): mainely
entirely, completely, totally Headword location(s)
mainmast (n.)
principal mast in a multi-masted ship see also Ships Headword location(s)
mainport (n.)
[unclear meaning] tribute, offering Headword location(s)
mainsail (n.)
principal sail of a ship see also Ships Headword location(s)
maintain (v.) Old form(s): maintaine
defend, justify, support Headword location(s)
maintain (v.) Old form(s): maintaine
afford, stand the cost of Headword location(s)
maintop (n.) Old form(s): maine top
top of a ship's mainmast see also Ships Headword location(s)
maintop (n.)
top of the mainmast; or: platform near the top see also Ships Headword location(s)
majestical (adj.) Old form(s): Maiesticall
majestic, regal, kingly Headword location(s)
majestical (adj.) Old form(s): maiesticall
grand, stately Headword location(s)
major (n.) Old form(s): Maior
major premiss, proposition Headword location(s)
majority (n.) Old form(s): Maioritie
pre-eminence, superiority, supremacy Headword location(s)
make (n.)
[in expressions] see also mate and make Headword location(s)
make (v.) Old form(s): mak'st
consider, regard, treat [as] Headword location(s)
make (v.)
make fast, shut, close Headword location(s)
make (v.)
do, have to do Headword location(s)
make (v.)
bring success [to], prosper Headword location(s)
make (v.)
create, bring about, produce Headword location(s)
make (v.)
do, perform, carry out Headword location(s)
make (v.)
bring the total to Headword location(s)
make (v.)
give, provide Headword location(s)
make (v.)
make out, discern, detect Headword location(s)
make (v.)
eat, finish, complete Headword location(s)
make (v.)
raise, acquire, procure Headword location(s)
make (v.)
draw up, arrange, agree to Headword location(s)
make (v.)
matter, count, signify Headword location(s)
make (v.)
[in expressions] see also bold, make Headword location(s)
make (v.)
[in expressions] see also mouths, make Headword location(s)
make (v.)
[in expressions] see also lip, make a Headword location(s)
make (v.)
prove effective, be of avail Headword location(s)
make (v.)
come, proceed, approach Headword location(s)
make (v.)
become, form, make up Headword location(s)
make away (v.)
put an end to, do away with Headword location(s)
make forth (v.)
advance, come forward Headword location(s)
make from (v.)
[unclear meaning] avoid, beware; or: let go, release Headword location(s)
make good
justify, vindicate, confirm Headword location(s)
make good
hold, secure, make sure of Headword location(s)
make good
perform well, succeed in carrying out Headword location(s)
make in (v.)
go in, make [one's] way through Headword location(s)
make nothing of
treat as worthless, deal with contemptuously Headword location(s)
make on (v.)
make much of Headword location(s)
make on (v.)
make of, compose, form Headword location(s)
make one
join in the action, take part Headword location(s)
make out (v.)
go, go out Headword location(s)
make to (v.)
move towards, go in the direction of Headword location(s)
make up (v.) Old form(s): vp
reconcile, settle, arrange Headword location(s)
make up (v.) Old form(s): vp
conclude, finish, end Headword location(s)
make up (v.) Old form(s): vp
advance to the front, move forward, press on Headword location(s)
make up (v.) Old form(s): vp
contribute, add up, help to produce Headword location(s)
make up (v.) Old form(s): vp
agree, conclude, make good Headword location(s)
make up (v.) Old form(s): vp
create, cause the formation of Headword location(s)
make whole
put right, bring to agreement Headword location(s)
makeless (adj.)
mateless, husbandless Headword location(s)
make-peace (n.)
peacemaker Headword location(s)
making (n.)
physical appearance, bodily form, build Headword location(s)
malady of France
venereal disease Headword location(s)
malapert (adj.)
impudent, saucy, impertinent Headword location(s)
malcontent (adj.) Old form(s): malecontent
discontented, disaffected, dissatisfied Headword location(s)
malcontent (n.) Old form(s): Male-content, Malecontents
discontented individual, trouble-maker Headword location(s)
male (n.)
father, parent, begetter Headword location(s)
malediction (n.)
cursing, invective, denunciation Headword location(s)
malefaction (n.)
evil-doing, criminal act Headword location(s)
malice (n.) Old form(s): mallice
hostility, hatred, ill-will, enmity Headword location(s)
malicious (adj.)
violent, hostile, wrathful Headword location(s)
malicious (adj.)
wicked, evil-minded, of ill will Headword location(s)
maliciously (adv.)
violently, virulently, ragingly Headword location(s)
malign (v.) Old form(s): maligne
deal maliciously with, be hostile to Headword location(s)
malignancy (n.) Old form(s): malignancie
evil influence, inauspicious character Headword location(s)
malkin (n.) Old form(s): Mawkin
wench, drab, slut Headword location(s)
Mall, Mistress
Mary; several contemporary figures possible see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
mallard (n.)
wild drake Headword location(s)
mallecho (n.) Old form(s): Malicho
[unclear meaning] mischief, misdeed Headword location(s)
mallow (n.)
variety of wild plant see also Plants Headword location(s)
malmsey (n.) Old form(s): Malmesey
variety of strong sweet red wine Headword location(s)
malmsey-nose (adj.)
nose the colour of malmsey see also malmsey (n.) Headword location(s)
malthorse, malt-horse (n./adj.)
heavy brewer's horse; so: drudge, idiot Headword location(s)
maltworm, malt-worm (n.) Old form(s): Maltwormes, Mault-Wormes
drinker [of malt-liquor], drunkard, inebriate Headword location(s)
mammer (v.) Old form(s): mam'ring
stammer, hesitate, mutter Headword location(s)
mammet (n.)
doll, puppet Headword location(s)
mammock (v.) Old form(s): mammockt
tear to shreds, rip to pieces Headword location(s)
man (n.)
human nature, humanity [as opposed to beasts] Headword location(s)
man (n.)
manliness, courage, valour Headword location(s)
man (n.)
manhood, maturity, adulthood Headword location(s)
man (n.)
agent, representative Headword location(s)
man (n.)
servant, attendant, lackey Headword location(s)
man (v.) Old form(s): mann'd
attend, serve, wait on [by] Headword location(s)
man (v.)
employ, exert, send out Headword location(s)
man (v.)
[falconry] tame, make tractable Headword location(s)
man at arms, man-at-arms (n.) Old form(s): Armes
fully equipped soldier, heavily armed warrior Headword location(s)
man of arms, man-of-arms (n.) Old form(s): man of Armes
soldier, fighting man Headword location(s)
man of wax Old form(s): waxe
faultless, perfect [as of a wax model] Headword location(s)
manage (n.) Old form(s): mannad'g, mannadge, mannage
management, handling, control [especially of a horse, as a result of training] Headword location(s)
manage (n.) Old form(s): mannage
management, direction, administration Headword location(s)
manage (n.) Old form(s): mannage
government, rulers Headword location(s)
manage (n.)
gallop at full speed Headword location(s)
manage (v.)
wield, handle, use Headword location(s)
manage (v.)
conduct, carry on Headword location(s)
manage (v.) Old form(s): mannage
[of horses] ride, handle, put through one's paces Headword location(s)
manager (n.)
employer, user, handler Headword location(s)
mandate (n.)
command, order Headword location(s)
mandragora (n.)
mandrake plant [seen as a narcotic] see also Plants Headword location(s)
mandrake (n.)
noisy growth, dwarf see also Plants Headword location(s)
mandrake (n.)
variety of poisonous plant [thought to emit a lethal shriek when pulled from the ground] Headword location(s)
mandrake (n.)
variety of poisonous plant [whose long forked root was thought to resemble a man's legs and private parts; thus, with aphrodisiac properties] Headword location(s)
manent (v.)
[Latin] they remain: some characters remain on stage Headword location(s)
man-entered (adj.) Old form(s): Man-entred
entered into manhood Headword location(s)
mangle (v.)
wound, gash, hack Headword location(s)
manhood (n.)
manliness, courage, valour see also Politeness Headword location(s)
manifest (adj.)
clear, evident, obvious Headword location(s)
manifested (adj.)
plain, apparent, unmistakeable Headword location(s)
manifoldly (adv.) Old form(s): manifoldlie
in manifold ways, each in its own way Headword location(s)
manikin (n.) Old form(s): Manakin
little man, puppet Headword location(s)
mankind (adj.) Old form(s): mankinde
man-like, mannish Headword location(s)
mankind (n.) Old form(s): mankinde
man-like woman, virago; or: mad, furious, infuriated Headword location(s)
manly (adv.)
heroically, bravely, gallantly Headword location(s)
manner (n.)
(plural) proper behaviour, good conduct, forms of politeness Headword location(s)
manner (n.)
(plural) ways of life, social conditions Headword location(s)
manner (n.)
[legal] thing stolen, stolen goods Headword location(s)
manner (n.)
(plural) morals, character, way of behaving Headword location(s)
manner (n.)
character, nature, quality Headword location(s)
manner (n.)
fashion, usage, custom Headword location(s)
manner (n.)
[legal] act, work, deed Headword location(s)
manner, in
as it were, in a manner of speaking Headword location(s)
mannerly (adj.)
well-mannered, courteous, genteel Headword location(s)
mannerly (adj.)
seemly, decent, modest Headword location(s)
mannerly (adv.)
politely, courteously, with good manners Headword location(s)
mannish (adj.)
masculine, macho Headword location(s)
mannish (adj.)
of a man, adult, mature Headword location(s)
manor (n.) Old form(s): Mannor , Mannors
country house, mansion, estate Headword location(s)
man-queller (n.)
man-killer see also queller (n.) Headword location(s)
mansion (n.)
dwelling-place, home, lodging [not necessarily stately] Headword location(s)
mansionry (n.) Old form(s): Mansonry
place of habitation; or: building place Headword location(s)
mantle (n.)
loose sleeveless cloak see also Clothing Headword location(s)
mantle (n.)
surface vegetable matter, covering Headword location(s)
mantle (v.)
cover, conceal, obscure Headword location(s)
mantle (v.)
cover with a coating, form a scum Headword location(s)
mantled (adj.)
covered, surfaced Headword location(s)
with a ready hand see also Latin Headword location(s)
many (n.)
multitude, throng Headword location(s)
many a day, for this
during these past few days Headword location(s)
map (n.) Old form(s): Mappe
epitome, embodiment, incarnation Headword location(s)
map (n.)
outline, picture, image Headword location(s)
mappery (n.) Old form(s): Mapp'ry
mere map-making Headword location(s)
mar (v.) Old form(s): marr'd , marre
ruin, harm, injure, damage Headword location(s)
marble (adj.)
enduring, solid [as marble] Headword location(s)
marbled (adj.)
shining like marble; reminiscent of marble Headword location(s)
marcantant (n.)
malapropism of Italian ‘mercatante’, merchant Headword location(s)
Marcellus (n.)
Marseilles, S France see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
march (n.)
sequence, rhythmical movement Headword location(s)
march (n.)
border region, frontier Headword location(s)
March-chick (n.) Old form(s): March-chicke
precocious youth, presumptuous youngster Headword location(s)
marchpane (n.)
marzipan Headword location(s)
mare (n.)
goblin that causes nightmares [by sitting on the sleeper's chest] Headword location(s)
mare, ride the wild Old form(s): wilde
type of schoolboy game involving one boy leaping on top of others Headword location(s)
mare's dead, whose
what's the fuss, what's going on Headword location(s)
margent (n.)
margin [of a page, where an explanatory note would be found] Headword location(s)
margent (n.)
margin, edge, border Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): marke
notable sight, object of serious attention Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): marke
target, goal, aim Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): marke
reach, aim, range Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): Markes
(plural) insignia, regalia Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): marke
birthmark, discolouration, blemish Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): marke
mark used as a signature by an illiterate person Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): marke
shot at a target Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): Marke, markes
accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound) see also Money Headword location(s)
mark (n.) Old form(s): marke
in an apologetic exclamation, after referring to something unpleasant see also Politeness Headword location(s)
mark (v.) Old form(s): mark'd, Marke, markes , markt
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] see also Attention signals Headword location(s)
mark (v.) Old form(s): mark'd, Marke, markes , markt
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
mark (v.) Old form(s): Mark'd , markt
destine, brand, designate Headword location(s)
market (n.)
purchase, spending opportunity, outlay Headword location(s)
market (n.)
marketing [i.e. profitable use] Headword location(s)
market (n.)
opportunity to make a profit Headword location(s)
market-man (n.) Old form(s): Market men
man who trades in a market Headword location(s)
marking (n.)
noting, notice, attending [to] Headword location(s)
markman (n.) Old form(s): marke man
marksman Headword location(s)
marl (n.) Old form(s): marle
clay, earth, loam Headword location(s)
marmoset (n.) Old form(s): Marmazet
type of small monkey Headword location(s)
married (adj.)
joined in harmony, well-proportioned Headword location(s)
marring (n.)
harm, detriment, loss Headword location(s)
marrow (n.)
rich and nutritious substance derived from bone cavities Headword location(s)
marrow (n.)
spirit, courage, strength Headword location(s)
marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary see also Swearing Headword location(s)
marry (v.)
join together, unite Headword location(s)
marry (v.)
be a marriage dowry for Headword location(s)
marry come up
expression of (real or playful) impatience see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
marry trap with you
[unclear meaning] insulting or contemptuous exclamation see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
Mars (n.)
Roman god of war see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Mars (n.)
Roman god of war see also Swearing Headword location(s)
Mars (n.)
planet particularly associated with martial or aggressive temperaments see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
marshal (v.)
conduct, lead, steer Headword location(s)
Marshalsea (n.)
debtor's prison in Southwark, London see also London Headword location(s)
mart (n.)
bargaining, buying and selling, trading Headword location(s)
mart (n.)
market Headword location(s)
mart (v.)
do business, bargain, make a deal Headword location(s)
mart (v.)
sell, market, traffic in Headword location(s)
martial (adj.) Old form(s): marshall , Martiall
warlike, valiant, brave Headword location(s)
martial (adj.) Old form(s): marshiall
military, warlike, for combat Headword location(s)
martialist (n.)
soldier, military man [i.e. follower of Mars] Headword location(s)
Martin, Saint
patron saint of France, 4th-c see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Martinmas, Martlemas (n.)
St Martins Day, 11 November, associated with plentiful food see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
martlemas (n.)
[applied to a person] case of plenty, fullness of being see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
martlet (n.)
house-martin [which often builds its nest in churches] Headword location(s)
martyr (v.) Old form(s): martyr'd
mutilate, torture, disfigure Headword location(s)
martyr (v.)
slay, slaughter, butcher Headword location(s)
martyred (adj.) Old form(s): martir'd
mutilated, tortured, disfigured Headword location(s)
marvel (adj.) Old form(s): meruaile
strange, remarkable Headword location(s)
marvel (n.) Old form(s): meruaile
astonishment, amazement, surprise Headword location(s)
marvel (v.) Old form(s): maruell , meruaile
wonder, be curious Headword location(s)
marvellous (adv.) Old form(s): maruailous , marueilous , maruellous , marue'lous , maruels , maruel's, maru'llous , meruaylous
very, extremely, exceedingly see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
Mary-bud (n.)
marigold bud see also Plants Headword location(s)
masculine (adj.)
manly, virile, macho Headword location(s)
mash (v.) Old form(s): mesh'd
[brewing] ferment, mix Headword location(s)
mask (n.) Old form(s): Maske
barrier worn to protect the complexion against the sun Headword location(s)
mask (v.) Old form(s): Maske
take part in a masque Headword location(s)
masoned (adj.) Old form(s): masond
formed with masonry; or: mason-built Headword location(s)
masonry (n.)
stonework, floor Headword location(s)
masque (n.) Old form(s): Maske
masquerade, pageant, show Headword location(s)
masque (v.)
take part in a masque see also mask (v.) Headword location(s)
masquing (adj.) Old form(s): masking
elaborate, grotesque, suitable for use in a masque Headword location(s)
mass (n.)
size, numbers, large amount Headword location(s)
mass (n.) Old form(s): Masse
service, liturgy, divine celebration Headword location(s)
massy (adj.) Old form(s): massie
massive, heavy, colossal Headword location(s)
mast (n.)
fruit of forest trees, edible produce Headword location(s)
master (n.) Old form(s): maister
teacher, schoolmaster Headword location(s)
master (n.)
dignified form of address to a professional person see also Address forms Headword location(s)
master (v.) Old form(s): maister , maistred
own, possess, have at one's disposal Headword location(s)
master-cord (n.)
main sinew Headword location(s)
masterdom (n.) Old form(s): Masterdome
supremacy, dominion, command Headword location(s)
masterless (adj.) Old form(s): Masterlesse
abandoned, lacking an owner Headword location(s)
masterly (adj.)
of one's skill, of one's mastery Headword location(s)
masterly (adv.)
from experience, in a masterly way Headword location(s)
mastership (n.)
[ironic use] senior citizen, leading light Headword location(s)
mastic (adj.) Old form(s): Masticke
gummy, resinous, sticky Headword location(s)
match (n.)
bargain, contract, agreement Headword location(s)
match (n.)
game, contest, competition Headword location(s)
match (n.)
robbery, operation, enterprise Headword location(s)
match (n.)
opponent, rival, foe Headword location(s)
match (n.)
appointment, assignation, rendezvous Headword location(s)
match (n.)
victory, success, triumph Headword location(s)
match (n.)
matching, equality Headword location(s)
match (v.) Old form(s): match'd , matcht
join in marriage, make a match Headword location(s)
match (v.)
compare, equate, make equal Headword location(s)
mate (n.)
fellow, individual Headword location(s)
mate (n.)
companion, associate, comrade Headword location(s)
mate (v.)
astound, amaze, confound Headword location(s)
mate (v.)
checkmate, overcome, finish off Headword location(s)
mate (v.)
be a match for, cope with Headword location(s)
mate (v.)
check, frustrate, hinder Headword location(s)
mate and make
husband and wife Headword location(s)
mated (adj.)
bewildered, confused Headword location(s)
material (adj.)
full of matter, containing substance Headword location(s)
material (adj.) Old form(s): materiall
relevant, pertinent, germane Headword location(s)
matin (n.) Old form(s): Matine
morning Headword location(s)
matron (n.)
married woman Headword location(s)
matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance Headword location(s)
matter (n.)
reason, cause, ground Headword location(s)
matter (n.)
significance, import, meaning Headword location(s)
matter (n.)
affair(s), business, real issue Headword location(s)
matter (n.)
pus, discharge, fluid [from a wound] Headword location(s)
matter (n.)
means, capacity, wherewithal Headword location(s)
matter (n.)
stuff, soul, substance Headword location(s)
matter, to the
relevant, pertinent, apposite Headword location(s)
mattock (n.) Old form(s): Mattocke
tool for loosening hard ground Headword location(s)
mature (adj.)
ready, ripe, set Headword location(s)
maugre (prep.) Old form(s): mauger
[pron: 'mawguh] in spite of Headword location(s)
maund (n.)
wicker basket Headword location(s)
maw (n.) Old form(s): mawe, Mawes
belly, stomach; throat, gullet Headword location(s)
may (v.)
to take part in May-day festivities Headword location(s)
may, you
go on, carry on see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
maying (n.)
May-day festivities Headword location(s)
maze (n.)
arrangement of paths, network of tracks Headword location(s)
maze (n.)
chance wandering about, labyrinthine business Headword location(s)
maze (v.) Old form(s): Maz'd
confuse, bewilder, perplex Headword location(s)
mazed (adj.) Old form(s): maz'd
bewildered, confused, perplexed Headword location(s)
mazzard (n.) Old form(s): Mazard
[jocular] skull, head, bowl Headword location(s)
me (int.)
in expression of regret 'ay me' see also Regrets Headword location(s)
me, O (int.)
exclamation of shock, horrified surprise see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
the honour of the contest led me on see also Latin Headword location(s)
meacock (adj.) Old form(s): meacocke
spiritless, languid, docile Headword location(s)
mead (n.) Old form(s): Meade, Meades, Medes
meadow Headword location(s)
meagre (adj.)
thin, slight, scrawny Headword location(s)
meagre (adj.) Old form(s): meager, meger
lean, gaunt, emaciated Headword location(s)
meagre (adj.) Old form(s): meager
barren, poor-quality, unproductive Headword location(s)
meal (n.) Old form(s): Meale
flour, edible part of grain Headword location(s)
meal (v.) Old form(s): meal'd
stain, spot, blemish Headword location(s)
mealy (adj.) Old form(s): mealie
powdery, scaly, grainy Headword location(s)
mean (adj.) Old form(s): meane , mean'st
lowly, humble, poor see also meanest (n.) Headword location(s)
mean (adj.) Old form(s): meane
of low rank, inferior in position, less important see also meanest (n.) Headword location(s)
mean (adj.) Old form(s): meane
of low rank, inferior in position, less important see also meaner (n.) Headword location(s)
mean (adj.) Old form(s): meane
unworthy, insignificant, unimportant Headword location(s)
mean (adj.) Old form(s): meane
average, moderate, middling Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meanes
(plural) manner, mode, method Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meanes
means of access, passage Headword location(s)
mean (n.)
[in phrases] see also by any means Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meanes
(plural) resources, wherewithal, wealth Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meane
moderation, measure, limit Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meane , meanes
means, way, method Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meanes
mediation, intercession, intervention Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): Meane , Meanes
middle-part singer, tenor, alto Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meane
means, agent, cause Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meanes
(plural) obstacles, intervening factors Headword location(s)
mean (n.)
middle, midway Headword location(s)
mean (n.) Old form(s): meanes
(plural) capacity, capability, potential Headword location(s)
mean (v.) Old form(s): ment
intend for, have in mind for Headword location(s)
mean (v.) Old form(s): meane , meanes
intend, purpose, mean to act Headword location(s)
mean (v.) Old form(s): meanes
lament, mourn, make complaint Headword location(s)
mean space Old form(s): Meane
in the meantime, meanwhile Headword location(s)
mean-apparelled (adj.) Old form(s): meane apparel'd
humbly dressed, in poor clothes Headword location(s)
mean-born (adj.) Old form(s): meane-borne
low-born, of humble birth Headword location(s)
meander (n.)
crooked path, winding way Headword location(s)
meaner (n.)
lower ranking, less eminent see also mean (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
meanest (n.)
lowest ranking, least eminent see also best (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
meanest (n.)
lowest ranking, least eminent see also mean (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
meaning (n.) Old form(s): meauing
design, intention, purpose Headword location(s)
meanly (adv.) Old form(s): meanely
humbly, in a lowly manner Headword location(s)
meanly (adv.)
tolerably, moderately well, well enough Headword location(s)
meanly, not Old form(s): meanely
not a little, in no small degree Headword location(s)
means, make Old form(s): meanes
take pains, make efforts Headword location(s)
measles (n.) Old form(s): Meazels
scabs; or: lepers Headword location(s)
measurable (adj.)
fitting, apt, suitable Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
metre, poetic skill Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
extent, size, amount, quantity, mass Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
punishment, treatment, retribution Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
limit, moderation, extent not to be exceeded Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
course of action, means Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
due proportion, appropriate degree, full quantity Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
[of drink] vessel-full, tot Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
range, reach, scope Headword location(s)
measure (n.) Old form(s): measuers
slow stately dance, graceful movement Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
pattern of movement, regular course, routine Headword location(s)
measure (n.)
accompaniment, background melody Headword location(s)
measure (v.) Old form(s): measur'd
check that the length of two weapons is the same [before beginning a duel] Headword location(s)
measure (v.) Old form(s): measur'd
pass through, travel over, traverse Headword location(s)
measure (v.) Old form(s): measur'd
judge, appraise Headword location(s)
measure (v.)
apportion, dispense, give out Headword location(s)
measure back (v.) Old form(s): backe
retrace, travel back, cover the distance Headword location(s)
measure, with
liberally, abundantly, lavishly Headword location(s)
measuring (n.)
task of checking measurement Headword location(s)
meat (n.) Old form(s): Meate
food, nourishment Headword location(s)
meat (n.) Old form(s): meate
edible part Headword location(s)
meat (n.) Old form(s): meates
foodstuff, fodder, scraps Headword location(s)
mechanic (adj.) Old form(s): Mechanicke
common, vulgar, commonplace Headword location(s)
mechanic (adj.) Old form(s): Mechanicke
worker, labouring Headword location(s)
mechanic (n.) Old form(s): Mechanickes
workman, handicraftsman Headword location(s)
mechanical (adj.) Old form(s): Mechanicall
common, servile, menial Headword location(s)
mechanical (n.) Old form(s): Mcehanicals, Mechanicall
manual worker, craftsman, menial Headword location(s)
medal (n.) Old form(s): Medull
miniature portrait, pendant, charm Headword location(s)
meddle (v.)
fight, engage in combat, exchange blows Headword location(s)
meddle (v.)
busy oneself, concern oneself Headword location(s)
meddle or make
interfere, butt in Headword location(s)
meddle with (v.) Old form(s): medle
enter into, mingle with Headword location(s)
meddling (adj.) Old form(s): medling
interfering, intruding Headword location(s)
Medea (n.)
[pron: me'deea] daughter of Aeetes, King of Colchis, who assisted Jason in obtaining the Golden Fleece see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Medea (n.)
[pron: me'deea] daughter of Aeetes, King of Colchis, who assisted Jason in obtaining the Golden Fleece see also Aeson (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Medea (n.)
[pron: me'deea] daughter of Aeetes, King of Colchis, who assisted Jason in obtaining the Golden Fleece see also Jason (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
physician, heal thyself see also Latin Headword location(s)
medicinable (adj.) Old form(s): medcinable
curable, able to be healed Headword location(s)
medicinable (adj.) Old form(s): med'cinable
medicinal, healing, curative, restorative Headword location(s)