main (n.) Old form(s): maine
open sea, ocean
KJ II.i.26[Austria to Arthur, of England] hedged in with the main
MV V.i.97[Portia to Nerissa] an inland brook [empties itself] / Into the main of waters
Oth II.i.3[First Gentleman to Montano] I cannot 'twixt the heaven and the main / Descry a sail
Oth II.i.39[Montano to all] throw out our eyes for brave Othello, / Even till we make the main and th'aerial blue / An indistinct regard
R3 I.iv.20[Clarence to Keeper] Gloucester ... / Struck me ... overboard / Into the tumbling billows of the main
Sonn.64.7[] the firm soil win of the wat'ry main
Sonn.80.8[of a rival poet] My saucy bark (inferior far to his) / On your broad main doth wilfully appear

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