Ulysses (n.) |
[pron: yoo'liseez] son of Laertes, who fought for 10 years in the Trojan War; on his return to Ithaca, he killed the suitors of his wife Penelope
see also
Classical mythology
Headword location(s)
Ulysses (n.) |
[pron: yoo'liseez] son of Laertes, who fought for 10 years in the Trojan War; on his return to Ithaca, he killed the suitors of his wife Penelope
see also
Penelope (n.) 1
Headword location(s)
umpire (n.) |
Old form(s): vmpeere, Vmpire , Vmpires |
arbitrator, mediator, adjudicator
Headword location(s)
unaccommodated (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnaccommodated |
not possessed of clothes, unprovided with comforts
Headword location(s)
unaccustomed (adj.) |
Old form(s): an vccustom'd , vnaccustom'd |
unusual, strange, unfamiliar
Headword location(s)
unadvised (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnaduis'd, vnaduised |
rash, foolhardy, thoughtless, unconsidered
Headword location(s)
unadvised (adv.) |
Old form(s): vnaduis'd |
accidentally, inadvertently, thoughtlessly
Headword location(s)
unadvised (adv.) |
Old form(s): vnaduis'd |
unadvisedly, without proper deliberation
Headword location(s)
unagreeable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnagreeable |
disagreeable, unsuited, uncongenial
Headword location(s)
unaneled (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnnaneld |
unanointed by a priest, without extreme unction
Headword location(s)
unattainted (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnattainted |
dispassionate, detached, unprejudiced
Headword location(s)
unauspicious (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnauspicious |
inauspicious, discouraging, unpromising
Headword location(s)
unbacked (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnbackt , vnback't |
unbroken, untrained, undisciplined
Headword location(s)
unbated (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnbaited, Vnbated |
not blunted, without a button on the point
Headword location(s)
unbent (adj.) |
Old form(s): vn-bent |
[archery] not bent, not prepared to release an arrow
Headword location(s)
unbraced (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnbrac'd, vnbraced |
unfastened, not laced up, loose
Headword location(s)
unbruised (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnbruis'd, vnbruised |
unmarked, uncrushed, undamaged
Headword location(s)
unburden, unburthen (v.) |
Old form(s): vnburthen , vnburthens |
reveal, disclose; or: unload
Headword location(s)
uncivil (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnciuill , vnseuill |
uncivilized, barbarous, unrefined
Headword location(s)
uncoined (adj.) |
Old form(s): vncoyned |
unalloyed, genuine; also: not yet in circulation [among women]
Headword location(s)
uncomeliness (n.) |
Old form(s): vncomelinesse |
unseemly behaviour, improper conduct
Headword location(s)
uncomfortable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vncomfortable |
comfortless, disquieting, uneasy
Headword location(s)
uncomfortable (adj.) |
Old form(s): Vncomfortable |
comfortless, inconsolable, heartbreaking
Headword location(s)
uncomprehensive (adj.) |
Old form(s): vncomprehensiue |
fathomless, boundless, immeasurable
Headword location(s)
unconfirmed (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnconfirm'd, vnconfirmed |
inexperienced, uninstructed, ignorant
Headword location(s)
unconsidered (adj.) |
Old form(s): un-considerd |
ignominious, unrespected, disregarded
Headword location(s)
uncontrolled (adj.) |
Old form(s): vncontrolled |
not subject to control, never dominated
Headword location(s)
uncouple (v.) |
Old form(s): Vncouple , vncupple |
release pairs of hunting dogs for the chase
Headword location(s)
uncovered (adj.) |
Old form(s): vncouer'd |
bare-headed, with hat in hand [in respect]
Headword location(s)
uncurrent (adj.) |
Old form(s): vncurrant |
unacceptable, not legally current, worthless
Headword location(s)
uncurrent (adj.) |
Old form(s): vncurrant |
exceptional, aberrant, out of the ordinary
Headword location(s)
under fiend (n.) |
Old form(s): vnder |
devil from hell, fiend from under the earth
Headword location(s)
undergo (v.) |
Old form(s): vndergo , vnder-go , vndergoe, vnder-goe |
undertake, carry out, perform
Headword location(s)
understand (v.) |
Old form(s): vnderstand , vnderstands |
stand under the force of [with pun on ‘comprehend’]
Headword location(s)
understand (v.) |
Old form(s): vnderstand |
come to an understanding, arrive at agreement
Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) |
Old form(s): vndertake |
approach, make overtures to, commit to deal with
Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) |
Old form(s): vndertake |
take responsibility, commit oneself to an enterprise
Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) |
Old form(s): vndertake |
take on, fight with, engage in combat with
Headword location(s)
undeserver (n.) |
Old form(s): Vndeseruer |
one who deserves nothing, unworthy person
Headword location(s)
undistinguishable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vndistinguishable |
unrecognizable, undetectable, impossible to pick out
Headword location(s)
undistinguished (adj.) |
Old form(s): vndistinguisht |
indistinct, confused, inarticulate
Headword location(s)
undo (v.) |
Old form(s): undoe , vndid , vndo , vndoe , vndone, vndoo , vndo's |
ruin, destroy, wipe out
Headword location(s)
unexperienced (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnexperienc'd |
in ignorance, lacking in knowledge
Headword location(s)
unfathered (adj.) |
Old form(s): Vnfather'd , vn-fathered |
unnaturally conceived, illegitimate
Headword location(s)
unfathered (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnfathered |
have one's legitimacy rejected, become fatherless
Headword location(s)
unfeignedly (adv.) |
Old form(s): unfainedly , vnfainedly , vnfaynedly |
genuinely, sincerely, honestly
Headword location(s)
unfolding (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnfolding |
rising, morning [telling the shepherd that it is time to release his sheep from the fold]
Headword location(s)
unfool (v.) |
Old form(s): vnfoole |
make less of a fool, remove the name of fool from
Headword location(s)
unfurnished (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnfurnish'd |
lacking tapestries, without the usual fittings
Headword location(s)
ungartered (adj.) |
Old form(s): vngarter'd |
untied, not wearing a garter [a sign of a lovesick man]
Headword location(s)
ungenerative (adj.) |
[variant reading] lacking the power of generation, impotent
Headword location(s)
ungenitured (adj.) |
Old form(s): vngenitur'd |
lacking genitals, sterile, impotent
Headword location(s)
ungentleness (n.) |
Old form(s): vngentlenesse |
discourtesy, lack of manners, boorishness
Headword location(s)
unhallowed (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnhallowed |
without saying prayers, without devotion
Headword location(s)
unhallowed (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnhallow'd , vnhallowed |
unholy, wicked, sacrilegious
Headword location(s)
unhappy (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnhappie , vnhappy |
trouble-causing, bringing misfortune
Headword location(s)
unhatched (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnhatch'd |
evolving, still in course of development
Headword location(s)
unheedful (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnheedfull, Vn-heedfull |
careless, heedless, irresponsible
Headword location(s)
unheedfully (adv.) |
Old form(s): vnheedfully |
heedlessly, carelessly, inattentively
Headword location(s)
unhoused (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnhoused |
unsheltered, unprotected, open to the elements
Headword location(s)
unhouseled (adj.) |
Old form(s): Vnhouzzled |
without the Eucharist, without communion
Headword location(s)
unhurtful (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnhurtfull |
harmless, innocuous, incapable of causing injury
Headword location(s)
unimproved (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnimproued |
undisciplined, uncensored; or: not turned to use, not raised in quality
Headword location(s)
unkind (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnkind , vnkinde |
lacking in family affection, with no respect for kinship
Headword location(s)
unkindly (adv.) |
Old form(s): vnkindely , vnkindly |
cruelly, harshly; also: unnaturally
Headword location(s)
unkindness (n.) |
Old form(s): vnkindnesse |
ingratitude, unthankfulness, lack of appreciation
Headword location(s)
unkindness (n.) |
Old form(s): vnkindnes , vnkindnesse |
offence, ill-will, umbrage
Headword location(s)
unkinged (adj.) |
Old form(s): vn-King'd |
deposed, dethroned, deprived of kingship
Headword location(s)
unlaid (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnlaid |
not driven out by an exorcist, not prevented from walking
Headword location(s)
unlicensed (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnlicensed |
without permission, lacking the assent
Headword location(s)
unlimited (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnlimited |
allowing changes in the location of action; or: all-inclusive
Headword location(s)
unlineal (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnlineall |
not of the same family, of different descent
Headword location(s)
unlooked-for (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnlook'd-for |
undesirable, unwelcome, disagreeable
Headword location(s)
unlooked-for (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnlook'd for, vnlookt for |
unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen
Headword location(s)
unmanned (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnman'd |
[falconry] untrained; also: without a husband
Headword location(s)
unmannerly (adv.) |
Old form(s): Vnmannerly |
inappropriately, improperly, insultingly
Headword location(s)
unmellowed (adj.) |
Old form(s): vn-mellowed |
not matured in age, showing no grey hairs
Headword location(s)
unmeritable (adj.) |
Old form(s): Vnmeritable |
unworthy, undeserving, lacking in merit
Headword location(s)
unmitigable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnmittigable |
implacable, unappeasable, uncompromising
Headword location(s)
unnatural (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnnaturall |
against natural feeling, not in accord with kinship
Headword location(s)
unnaturally (adv.) |
Old form(s): vnnaturally |
illegitimately, against normal practice
Headword location(s)
unnaturalness (n.) |
conduct against natural feeling, behaviour not in accord with kinship
Headword location(s)
unnoted (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnnoted |
hardly noticeable, not particularly observed
Headword location(s)
unparagoned (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnparagon'd |
unsurpassable, matchless, not able to be excelled
Headword location(s)
unpeaceable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnpeaceable |
quarrelsome, contentious, noisily argumentative
Headword location(s)
unpeople (v.) |
Old form(s): vnpeople , vn-people , vnpeopled |
empty of people, depopulate
Headword location(s)
unpeopled (adj.) |
Old form(s): Vn-peopel'd , vnpeopled |
devoid of people, lacking retinue, without servants
Headword location(s)
unpolicied (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnpolicied |
outwitted in intrigue, diminished in statecraft
Headword location(s)
unprepared (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnprepared |
unplanned, introduced without special preparation
Headword location(s)
unprevailing (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnpreuayling |
unavailing, ineffective, unsuccessful
Headword location(s)
unprized-precious (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnpriz'd precious |
highly valued though offered for no price, priceless
Headword location(s)
unproper (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnproper |
not solely one's own, shared with another
Headword location(s)
unproperly (adv.) |
Old form(s): vnproperly |
improperly, unfittingly, against all propriety
Headword location(s)
unproportioned (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnproportion'd |
immoderate, inordinate, inappropriate
Headword location(s)
unprovided (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnprouided |
unprepared for death, not ready to meet God
Headword location(s)
unpublished (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnpublish'd |
undisclosed, concealed, not divulged
Headword location(s)
unqualitied (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnqualited |
unmanned, beside himself, bereft of all capacities
Headword location(s)
unquestionable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnquestionable |
irritable when spoken to, impatient when questioned
Headword location(s)
unquestioned (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnquestion'd |
unconsidered, unexamined, not inquired into
Headword location(s)
unquietly (adv.) |
Old form(s): vnquietly |
restlessly, uneasily, with great disquiet
Headword location(s)
unreasonable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnreasonable |
lacking the faculty of reason, irrational
Headword location(s)
unrecalling (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnrecalling |
irrevocable, undoable, irreversible
Headword location(s)
unreconciliable (adj.) |
Old form(s): Vnreconciliable |
unreconcilable, in perpetual conflict
Headword location(s)
unrecuring (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnrecuring |
incurable, terminal, allowing no recovery
Headword location(s)
unreputed (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnreputed |
insignificant, inconspicuous, insubstantial
Headword location(s)
unrespected (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnrespected |
of little value, lacking real interest
Headword location(s)
unrespective (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnrespectiue |
undiscriminating, making no distinction, all-inclusive
Headword location(s)
unroosted (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnroosted |
dislodged from a position, driven from a perch
Headword location(s)
unsealed (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnseal'd |
lacking formal confirmation, without legal ratification
Headword location(s)
unseasonable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnseasonable |
unsuitable, inappropriate, unwelcome
Headword location(s)
unseasoned (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnseason'd |
unseasonable, inopportune, badly timed
Headword location(s)
unsettled (adj.) |
Old form(s): unsetled, vnsetled |
disturbed, troubled; also: unresolved, unfixed
Headword location(s)
unsex (v.) |
Old form(s): vnsex |
take away one's sex; here: remove all feminine qualities
Headword location(s)
unsisting (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnsisting |
[unclear meaning] unassisting; or: unshifting
Headword location(s)
unskilful (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnskilfull, vnskillfull |
undiscerning, ignorant, uneducated
Headword location(s)
unskilfully (adv.) |
Old form(s): vnskilfully |
ignorantly, foolishly, in an uninformed way
Headword location(s)
unsounded (adj.) |
Old form(s): Vnsounded |
unfathomed, unexplored, with unrevealed depths
Headword location(s)
unspeakable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnspeakable |
indescribable, inexpressible, beyond description
Headword location(s)
unspeaking (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnspeaking |
unable to speak out, incapable of speech
Headword location(s)
unstained (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnstained |
unmitigated, unaffected, no longer stained with hatred
Headword location(s)
unstanched (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnstanched |
not made staunch [water-tight]; loose, promiscuous
Headword location(s)
unstanched (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnstanched |
unquenchable, insatiable, unable to be satisfied
Headword location(s)
unstate (v.) |
Old form(s): vnstate |
deprive of rank and estate, give up everything
Headword location(s)
unstate (v.) |
Old form(s): Vnstate |
strip position from, deprive of standing, dispossess
Headword location(s)
unsubstantial (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnsubstantiall |
lacking in material substance, intangible
Headword location(s)
untented (adj.) |
Old form(s): vntented |
too deep to be cleansed with lint [tent], undressed
Headword location(s)
unthought-on (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnthought-on |
unexpected, unforeseen, fortuitous
Headword location(s)
unthrift (n.) |
Old form(s): vnthrift, vnthrifts |
spendthrift, squanderer, wastrel
Headword location(s)
unthrifty (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnthriftie , VNthrifty |
prodigal, profligate, wasteful
Headword location(s)
untimbered (adj.) |
Old form(s): vntimber'd |
lacking a strong wooden frame; unsound, frail
Headword location(s)
untirable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vntyreable |
tireless, inexhaustible, indefatigable
Headword location(s)
untrussing (n.) |
Old form(s): vntrussing |
undoing the points attaching hose to doublet, dropping one's breeches
Headword location(s)
untuneable (adj.) |
Old form(s): vntunable, vn-tuneable |
unsuitable, disagreeable; or: unmelodious
Headword location(s)
untutored (adj.) |
Old form(s): vntuterd , vntutor'd, vntutur'd |
badly brought up, untaught, inexperienced
Headword location(s)
unvalued (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnuallued |
unimportant, of no position, insignificant
Headword location(s)