If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
fable (v.)
speak falsely, lie, fabricate see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
fabric (n.) Old form(s): Fabrick
building, edifice Headword location(s)
fabulous (adj.)
mythical, fabricated, invented Headword location(s)
face (n.)
appearance, outward show, look Headword location(s)
face (n.)
representation, image; skull Headword location(s)
face (v.)
deceive, put on a false face Headword location(s)
face (v.)
countenance, condone, cover over Headword location(s)
face (v.)
cover over, put a false face on Headword location(s)
face (v.)
bully, intimidate, turn Headword location(s)
face (v.)
exclude, expel; or: deny [to one's face] Headword location(s)
face (v.) Old form(s): fac'd
brazen out, carry through shamelessly Headword location(s)
face (v.) Old form(s): fac'd
trim with braid, adorn Headword location(s)
face (v.) Old form(s): fac'd
confront impudently, defy Headword location(s)
face down (v.) Old form(s): downe
confront with impudence, persist in contradicting Headword location(s)
face out (v.)
brazen out, carry through shamelessly Headword location(s)
face-royal (n.) Old form(s): Face-Royall
majestic face, face like a king Headword location(s)
facile (adj.)
easy, smooth, effortless Headword location(s)
facinerious (adj.)
extremely wicked, villainous, criminal Headword location(s)
facing (n.)
trimming, adorning, decking out Headword location(s)
fact (n.)
evil deed, wicked act, crime Headword location(s)
fact, in the
in the act, red-handed Headword location(s)
faction (n.)
insult, dissension, abuse Headword location(s)
faction (n.)
party, group, set [of people] Headword location(s)
faction (n.)
quarrel, squabble, dissension Headword location(s)
faction (n.)
forming into a group Headword location(s)
factionary (n.)
activist, partisan, champion Headword location(s)
factious (adj.)
sectarian, partisan, arising from factions Headword location(s)
factious (adj.)
rebellious, seditious Headword location(s)
factious (adj.)
ready to form a faction Headword location(s)
factor (n.)
agent, representative, broker Headword location(s)
faculty (n.) Old form(s): facultie
function, power, capability Headword location(s)
fade (v.)
decay, decompose, become corrupt Headword location(s)
fadge (v.)
turn out, end up, come off Headword location(s)
fadge (v.)
succeed, be suitable, turn out well Headword location(s)
fading (n.)
nonsense refrain in a ballad [with allusion to sexual energy] Headword location(s)
fail (n.) Old form(s): faile
failure [to comply with], lack Headword location(s)
fail (n.) Old form(s): faile
failure, fault, wrong Headword location(s)
fail (v.) Old form(s): faile
fall short, let down, disappoint Headword location(s)
fail (v.) Old form(s): fayles
die out, come to an end Headword location(s)
fain (adj.) Old form(s): faine , fayne
obliged, forced, compelled Headword location(s)
fain (adj.) Old form(s): faine
satisfied, well pleased, glad Headword location(s)
fain (adj.) Old form(s): faine , fayne
fond, inclined [to], apt [to] Headword location(s)
fain (adv.) Old form(s): faine
gladly, willingly see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
fain (v.) Old form(s): faine
be glad, be delighted, rejoice Headword location(s)
faint (adj.)
feeble, half-hearted Headword location(s)
faint (adj.)
pale, lightly coloured Headword location(s)
faint (adj.)
weak, fatigued, lacking in strength Headword location(s)
faint (adj.)
faint-hearted, timorous, fearful Headword location(s)
faint (adj.)
inadequate, lacking, in short supply Headword location(s)
faint (v.)
lose courage, show fear, lose heart, take fright Headword location(s)
faint (v.)
make faint, depress Headword location(s)
faintly (adv.)
weakly, feebly, faintheartedly Headword location(s)
faintly (adv.)
hardly, scarcely, very slightly Headword location(s)
faintly (adv.)
timidly, half-heartedly, without conviction Headword location(s)
faintly (adv.)
like a coward, fearfully Headword location(s)
faintness (n.) Old form(s): faintnesse
cowardice, fearfulness, timidity Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
healthy, sound, fit Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
handsome, good-looking, beautiful Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
good, elegant, fine Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
plausible, flattering, seductive Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
fortunate, favoured Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
clean, unsoiled, not dirty Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
appropriate, courteous, pleasing Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
legitimate, lawful, proper Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
pale, of light complexion Headword location(s)
fair (adj.)
favourable, unobstructed, clear Headword location(s)
fair (adj.) Old form(s): faire
virtuous, honourable, upright Headword location(s)
fair (adv.) Old form(s): faire
well, nobly, beautifully Headword location(s)
fair (adv.) Old form(s): faire
well, in a good hand, elegantly [like a clerk] Headword location(s)
fair (adv.) Old form(s): faire
in fine array, brightly laid out Headword location(s)
fair (adv.) Old form(s): faire
successfully, promisingly, favourably Headword location(s)
fair (adv.) Old form(s): faire
kindly, encouragingly, courteously Headword location(s)
fair (adv.) Old form(s): faire
tidily, neatly, becomingly Headword location(s)
fair (adv.) Old form(s): faire
fully, quite, wholly Headword location(s)
fair (adv.) Old form(s): faire
in full view Headword location(s)
fair (n.) Old form(s): faire
fair face, beauty Headword location(s)
fair (n.) Old form(s): faire
fortune, happiness, favour see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
fair (v.)
make good-looking, beautify Headword location(s)
fair hour Old form(s): faire houre
time of youth, favourable opportunity [as a young man] Headword location(s)
fair weather
[in phrase] see also weather, make fair Headword location(s)
fairest-boding (adj.) Old form(s): fairest boading
most favourable, most encouraging Headword location(s)
fair-faced (adj.) Old form(s): faire-fac'd
attractive, appealing, presenting a good prospect Headword location(s)
fairing (n.)
gift, present Headword location(s)
fairly (adv.) Old form(s): fairely
bountifully, handsomely, generously Headword location(s)
fairly (adv.) Old form(s): fairely
cordially, warmly, becomingly Headword location(s)
fairly (adv.) Old form(s): fairely
fully, completely, entirely Headword location(s)
fairly (adv.) Old form(s): fairely
promisingly, favourably, propitiously Headword location(s)
fairly (adv.) Old form(s): fairely
neatly, elegantly, handsomely, beautifully Headword location(s)
fairly (adv.) Old form(s): fairely
free from foul play, in a healthy state Headword location(s)
fairness (n.) Old form(s): fairenesse
honesty, uprightness, fair dealing Headword location(s)
fairness (n.) Old form(s): Fairenesse
beauty, loveliness, comeliness Headword location(s)
fair-play (adj.) Old form(s): fayre-play
chivalrous, courtly, full of honour Headword location(s)
fair-play (n.) Old form(s): faire-play
chivalrous action, honourable conduct Headword location(s)
fairy (n.) Old form(s): Fairie, Fayries
malignant spirit [as well as its modern sense] Headword location(s)
fairy (n.) Old form(s): Faiery
enchantress, captivator Headword location(s)
faith (n.)
self-confidence, self-assurance Headword location(s)
faith (n.)
religious belief see also Swearing Headword location(s)
faith (n.)
promise, assurance, pledge Headword location(s)
faith (n.)
constancy, fidelity, loyalty Headword location(s)
faith (n.)
reliability, dependability, trustworthiness Headword location(s)
faith (v.) Old form(s): faith'd
believe, trust, credit Headword location(s)
faith-breach (n.)
breach of faith, treason, treachery Headword location(s)
faitour, faitor (n.)
cheat, impostor, fraud Headword location(s)
falchion (n.) Old form(s): Fauchion , Faulchion , Faulchon
curved broadsword see also Weapons Headword location(s)
fall (n.)
wrestling bout Headword location(s)
fall (n.)
setting, closing [of the day] Headword location(s)
fall (n.)
mistake, fault, lapse Headword location(s)
fall (n.)
cadence, lowering of tune Headword location(s)
fall (n.)
low level, low ebb Headword location(s)
fall (v.)
sin, trespass, commit wrong Headword location(s)
fall (v.) Old form(s): fal , Falles , fals
work out, happen, turn out Headword location(s)
fall (v.)
fall short, fail, do not live up to Headword location(s)
fall (v.) Old form(s): fals
drop, descend, let fall Headword location(s)
fall (v.) Old form(s): falne
happen, occur, come to pass Headword location(s)
fall (v.)
befall, fall on, come to Headword location(s)
fall (v.) Old form(s): fals
discharge, issue, run Headword location(s)
fall away (v.) Old form(s): falne
be thin, emaciate, waste away Headword location(s)
fall foul Old form(s): foule
fall out, quarrel, come into conflict Headword location(s)
fall from (v.) Old form(s): frō
desert, forsake, renounce Headword location(s)
fall off (v.)
withdraw, step aside, move back Headword location(s)
fall off (v.) Old form(s): falne
become estranged, withdraw from allegiance Headword location(s)
fall on (v.)
join a fray, attack in force Headword location(s)
fall out (v.)
turn out, happen, come to pass Headword location(s)
fall over (v.) Old form(s): ouer
defect, revolt, go over Headword location(s)
fall to (v.)
begin to do, abandon oneself to Headword location(s)
fall to, fall to it (v.) Old form(s): too
set to work, begin eating Headword location(s)
fallacy (n.) Old form(s): fallacie
delusion, misconception, error Headword location(s)
fallen-off (adj.) Old form(s): falne-off
mutinous, rebellious, insubordinate Headword location(s)
falliable (adj.)
malapropism for ‘infallible’ Headword location(s)
falling in (n.)
reconciliation, coming together Headword location(s)
falling-from (n.) Old form(s): falling from
falling away, desertion, defection Headword location(s)
fallow (adj.)
fawn-coloured, pale brown Headword location(s)
fallow (adj.)
unsown, uncultivated Headword location(s)
fallow (n.) Old form(s): Fallowes
area of arable land, ploughed field Headword location(s)
falorous (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'valorous' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
false (adj.) Old form(s): falce
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
false (adj.) Old form(s): falce
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful see also secret-false (adj.) Headword location(s)
false (adj.) Old form(s): falce , faulse
sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial Headword location(s)
false (adj.)
defective, weak, inadequate Headword location(s)
false (adj.)
wrong, mistaken Headword location(s)
false (adj.)
illegitimate, bastard Headword location(s)
false (adj.)
unfair, unjust, double-crossing Headword location(s)
false (adj.)
[of an instrument or voice] out of tune, discordant Headword location(s)
false (adv.)
slanderously, faithlessly, with such calumny Headword location(s)
false (adv.)
unfairly, with a trick, cheatingly Headword location(s)
false (adv.)
wrongly, erroneously, in error Headword location(s)
false (adv.)
unfaithfully, disloyally, inconstantly Headword location(s)
false (n.)
false person, deceiver Headword location(s)
false (v.)
make false, betray, corrupt Headword location(s)
false fire
discharge of blank cartridges Headword location(s)
false-boding (adj.) Old form(s): False boding
wrongly prophesying Headword location(s)
false-faced (adj.) Old form(s): false-fac'd
hypocritical, sanctimonious Headword location(s)
false-heart (adj.)
false-hearted, treacherous Headword location(s)
falsehood (n.) Old form(s): fasehoods
delusion, deception, illusion Headword location(s)
falsehood (n.) Old form(s): falshood
disloyalty, treachery, faithlessness Headword location(s)
falsely (adv.)
treacherously, deceitfully, dishonestly Headword location(s)
false-play (v.) Old form(s): false plaid
play unfairly Headword location(s)
falsing (adj.)
deceptive, playing false Headword location(s)
fame (n.)
report, account, description Headword location(s)
fame (n.)
reputation, renown, character Headword location(s)
fame (v.)
make famous, celebrate the fame of Headword location(s)
famed (adj.) Old form(s): fam'd
reputed, celebrated, renowned Headword location(s)
familiar (adj.)
close to a family, domestic Headword location(s)
familiar (adj.)
unduly intimate, too close Headword location(s)
familiar (adj.) Old form(s): familier , famillar
friendly, congenial, welcoming Headword location(s)
familiar (n.)
attendant spirit, personal demon Headword location(s)
familiar (n.)
close friend, intimate associate Headword location(s)
familiarity (adj.)
malapropism for ‘familiar’ Headword location(s)
familiarly (adv.)
as a member of the same family, with intimate acquaintance Headword location(s)
famous (adj.)
memorable, glorious, bringing renown Headword location(s)
famous (adj.)
notorious, infamous, well-known Headword location(s)
famous (v.) Old form(s): famosed
make famous, become celebrated Headword location(s)
famously (adv.) Old form(s): Famouslie
gloriously, with renown Headword location(s)
fan (v.)
winnow, blow upon [to separate good from bad] Headword location(s)
fanatical (adj.)
extravagant, flamboyant, over-the-top Headword location(s)
fancy (n.) Old form(s): fancie
fancifulness, flamboyance, showiness Headword location(s)
fancy (n.) Old form(s): fancie
whim, inclination, caprice Headword location(s)
fancy (n.) Old form(s): fancie , fancies
imagination, creativity, inventiveness Headword location(s)
fancy (n.) Old form(s): fancie
imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought Headword location(s)
fancy (n.) Old form(s): Fancie, Fancies
imagination, mind, mental state Headword location(s)
fancy (n.)
sweetheart, love, lover Headword location(s)
fancy (n.) Old form(s): fancie, fancies
love, amorousness, infatuation Headword location(s)
fancy (n.)
impromptu composition, musical invention Headword location(s)
fancy (v.) Old form(s): fancie
like, love, admire Headword location(s)
fancy-monger (n.) Old form(s): Fancie-monger
love-dealer, trader in love see also fancy (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
fancy-sick (adj.) Old form(s): fancy sicke
lovesick, infatuated, pining see also sick (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
fancy-sick (adj.) Old form(s): fancy sicke
lovesick, infatuated, pining see also fancy (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
fane (n.) Old form(s): Phanes
oracle, temple-voice Headword location(s)
fane (n.) Old form(s): Phane
temple Headword location(s)
fang (v.)
seize, take hold of Headword location(s)
fangled (adj.)
fashion-conscious, novelty-obsessed, trendy Headword location(s)
fanned (adj.)
well-sifted, tested, considered Headword location(s)
fantasied (adj.)
full of strange fancies Headword location(s)
fantastic (adj.) Old form(s): fantasticke , fantastique
extravagant, fanciful, ingenious Headword location(s)
fantastic (adj.) Old form(s): fantasticke
imagined, existing only in the mind Headword location(s)
fantastic (n.)
showy dresser, fop, dandy Headword location(s)
fantastical (adj.) Old form(s): fantasticall
fanciful, imaginative, full of wild ideas Headword location(s)
fantastical (adj.) Old form(s): fantasticall
imaginary, unreal, illusory Headword location(s)
fantastically (adv.) Old form(s): phantastically
fancifully, grotesquely, bizarrely Headword location(s)
fantastico (n.)
absurdity, person of wild ideas see also phantasime (n.) Headword location(s)
fantasy (n.) Old form(s): fantasie, phantasie
ardent desire, amorous fancy Headword location(s)
fantasy (n.) Old form(s): Fantasie, phantasies
imagining, delusion, hallucination Headword location(s)
fantasy (n.) Old form(s): fantasie
imagination, inventiveness, mental creativity Headword location(s)
fantasy (n.) Old form(s): Fantasie
whim, caprice, fancy Headword location(s)
fantasy (n.) Old form(s): Fantasie
imagination, mind, thought Headword location(s)
fap (adj.)
drunk Headword location(s)
far (adj.) Old form(s): Farre
farther, more distant Headword location(s)
far (adv.) Old form(s): farre
to great lengths, very highly Headword location(s)
far (adv.) Old form(s): farre
very greatly, deeply Headword location(s)
farborough (n.) Old form(s): Tharborough
malapropism for ‘thirdborough’ [= parish officer] see also thirdborough (n.) Headword location(s)
farce, force (v.)
stuff, cram Headword location(s)
farced (adj.)
spiced up, stuffed with flattery Headword location(s)
fardel (n.) Old form(s): Fardles , Farthell
burden, load, bundle Headword location(s)
fare (n.) Old form(s): faire
happening, state of things, cheer Headword location(s)
fare (n.)
food, provision Headword location(s)
fare (v.) Old form(s): far'd
go, happen, turn out Headword location(s)
fare (v.) Old form(s): far , far'd
get on, manage, do, cope see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
fare ... well (int.) Old form(s): Far , far thee well, Far you well , Fare yee well , fare you wel , Farethee-well, fareyouwell, farthee well, fartheewell, far-thee-well, Farthewell, Faryewell
goodbye [to an individual] see also Farewells Headword location(s)
farewell (int.)
goodbye see also Farewells Headword location(s)
far-fet (adj.) Old form(s): farre-fet
cunning, scheming, devious Headword location(s)
farm (v.) Old form(s): farme
lease out, rent out, let Headword location(s)
farm, in Old form(s): Farme
farmed out, to let, rented out Headword location(s)
farrer (adv.)
farther, further Headword location(s)
farrow (n.)
[of pigs] litter, young, piglet Headword location(s)
farthingale (n.)
long skirt extended at the back by a framework of hoops see also Clothing Headword location(s)
fartuous (adj.)
malapropism for ‘virtuous’ Headword location(s)
fashion (n.)
manner, way, mode, appearance Headword location(s)
fashion (n.)
fad, modish behaviour, whim Headword location(s)
fashion (n.)
conventional behaviour, conformity, customary use Headword location(s)
fashion (n.)
observance, style, latest practice Headword location(s)
fashion (n.)
workmanship, craftsmanship, execution Headword location(s)
fashion (n.)
sort, kind, type Headword location(s)
fashion (n.)
(plural) horse disease affecting the nose and mouth [farcy] Headword location(s)
fashion (n.)
title, name, character Headword location(s)
fashion (v.) Old form(s): fashion'd
form, shape, make [into] Headword location(s)
fashion (v.) Old form(s): fashion'd
arrange, contrive, manage Headword location(s)
fashion (v.)
mould, transform, change the fashion of Headword location(s)
fashion in (v.)
frame, work in, introduce Headword location(s)
fashion-monging (adj.)
fashion-following, dealing in fashions, dandified Headword location(s)
fast (adj.)
close, very near [to] Headword location(s)
fast (adj.)
firm, fixed, definite Headword location(s)
fast (adj.)
constant, firm, steadfast Headword location(s)
fast (adj.)
bound, assured, promised see also hand-fast (adj.) Headword location(s)
fast (adj.)
locked up, firmly bolted Headword location(s)
fast (adj.)
fast asleep Headword location(s)
fast (adv.)
tightly, firmly, securely Headword location(s)
fast (adv.)
constantly, firmly, steadfastly Headword location(s)
fast (n.)
fasting, hunger Headword location(s)
fast (v.)
do penance Headword location(s)
fast (v.)
starve, stay empty, go without [food] Headword location(s)
fast and loose
type of cheating game [in which people bet on whether the end of a coiled rope is fastened or not]; not playing fairly Headword location(s)
fast out (v.)
pass a period of abstinence Headword location(s)
fasten (v.)
fix the idea, establish, inculcate Headword location(s)
fastened (adj.)
determined, steadfast, confirmed Headword location(s)
fasting (adj.)
caused by abstinence, hunger-induced Headword location(s)
fastly (adv.)
readily, quickly Headword location(s)
fat (adj.)
hefty, substantial, full-bodied Headword location(s)
fat (adj.)
stuffy, fusty, close Headword location(s)
fat (adj.)
gross, heavy, dull Headword location(s)
fat (adj.)
fertile, rich, productive Headword location(s)
fat (n.) Old form(s): Fattes
vat, wine cask, barrel Headword location(s)
fat (n.)
plenty, wealth, abundance Headword location(s)
fat (v.)
fatten, feed up, nourish Headword location(s)
fatal (adj.)
decreed by fate, of destiny Headword location(s)
fatal (adj.) Old form(s): fatall
ominous, full of foreboding, doom-laden Headword location(s)
fatal (adj.) Old form(s): fatall
death-dealing, death-boding Headword location(s)
fatal-plotted (adj.) Old form(s): fatall plotted
containing a deadly plot Headword location(s)
fate (n.)
destiny, fortune Headword location(s)
fated (adj.)
fateful, controlling our destiny Headword location(s)
Fates (n.)
trio of goddesses who control human destiny: Atropos (‘the inflexible’) cuts the thread of life allotted and spun by Lachesis (‘the distributor’) and Clotho (‘the spinner’) see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
father (n.)
stepfather, father-in-law see also Family Headword location(s)
father (n.)
old man, venerable sir see also Address forms Headword location(s)
father (n.)
father of the Church, early Christian writer Headword location(s)
father (v.)
be dealt with by a father Headword location(s)
father (v.)
show one's paternal origin, resemble one's father Headword location(s)
fatherly (adv.)
in a paternal manner, with a father's love Headword location(s)
fathom (n.) Old form(s): Fadome
calibre, ability, depth Headword location(s)
fatigate (adj.)
fatigued, weary, tired Headword location(s)
fatness (n.) Old form(s): fatnesse
grossness, bloatedness Headword location(s)
[Latin] foolish Headword location(s)
fat-witted (adj.)
thick-witted, slow, dull Headword location(s)
faucet-seller (n.)
seller of taps for wine-barrels Headword location(s)
fault (n.)
failing, weakness Headword location(s)
fault (n.)
sin, offence, crime Headword location(s)
fault (n.)
mistake, error, blunder Headword location(s)
fault (n.)
misfortune, mischance, bad luck Headword location(s)
fault (n.)
[hunting] break in a line of scent, loss of scent Headword location(s)
fault of, for (prep.)
in default of, in the absence of Headword location(s)
faultful (adj.) Old form(s): fault-full
sinful, culpable, wicked Headword location(s)
faulty (adj.) Old form(s): faultie
guilty, blameworthy, culpable Headword location(s)
I pray, Faustus, when all the cattle ruminate in the cool shade see also Latin Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): fauour
charm, attractiveness, gracefulness Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): fauor , fauours
friendship, good will, friendly regard Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): fauors , fauour
gesture or token of regard, bow, curtsy Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): fauors, Fauour , fauours
mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): fauour
pardon, leave, kind indulgence see also Politeness Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): fauour
leniency, kindness, clemency Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): Fauor, fauour, fauours
[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): Fauors, fauour
appearance, look, aspect Headword location(s)
favour (n.) Old form(s): fauour , fauours
token worn as a mark of identity or friendship Headword location(s)
favoured (adj.)
[in compounds] see also ill-favoured (adj.) Headword location(s)
favoured (adj.)
[in compounds] see also well-favoured (adj.) Headword location(s)
favoured (adj.)
[in compounds] see also hard-favoured (adj.) Headword location(s)
favourite (n.) Old form(s): fauorites, Fauourites
follower, supporter, ally Headword location(s)
fawn (v.)
revel, gloat, show delight Headword location(s)
fay (n.)
faith see also Swearing Headword location(s)
fazed (adj.) Old form(s): fac'd
frayed, unravelled, tattered Headword location(s)
fe, fe...
Fie, fie, fie, fie, faith, it's very hot. I'm going to watch the great business at court' Headword location(s)
fealty (n.) Old form(s): Fealtie
[feudal obligation of obedience] duty of loyalty, allegiance, fidelity Headword location(s)
fear (n.) Old form(s): feare
duty, solicitude, obligation Headword location(s)
fear (n.) Old form(s): feare
awe, reverence, dread Headword location(s)
fear (n.) Old form(s): Feares
object of dread, thing to be feared Headword location(s)
fear (n.) Old form(s): feare
frightfulness, terrifying appearance Headword location(s)
fear (n.) Old form(s): Feare
formidableness, ability to inspire fear Headword location(s)
fear (n.) Old form(s): feare
apprehension, dread Headword location(s)
fear (v.) Old form(s): feare
doubt, mistrust Headword location(s)
fear (v.) Old form(s): feard , fear'd , feare
fear for, worry about, be anxious about see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
fear (v.) Old form(s): feard , fear'd , feare, feares
frighten, scare, terrify, daunt Headword location(s)
feared (adj.) Old form(s): fear'd
infused with fear, full of fear, frightened Headword location(s)
fearful (adj.) Old form(s): fearefull , fearfull
timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear Headword location(s)
fearful (adj.) Old form(s): fearefull , fearfull
causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming Headword location(s)
fearfully (adv.)
frighteningly, terrifyingly Headword location(s)
fear-surprised (adj.) Old form(s): feare-surprized
made helpless by fear, overcome by fear Headword location(s)
feast-finding (adj.)
searching out feasts [at which to entertain the company] Headword location(s)
feasting (adj.)
jubilant, sumptuous, festive Headword location(s)
feat (adj.) Old form(s): feate
adept, deft, graceful Headword location(s)
feat (adj.)
becoming, neat, well-fitting Headword location(s)
feat (adv.) Old form(s): feate
neatly, prettily, elegantly Headword location(s)
feat (n.) Old form(s): feates
[wicked] deed, action, crime Headword location(s)
feat (n.)
achievement, skill, accomplishment Headword location(s)
feat (n.) Old form(s): feate
action, deed, conduct Headword location(s)
feat (v.)
show a model of behaviour Headword location(s)
feather (n.)
kind, type, disposition Headword location(s)
feathered (adj.) Old form(s): fetherd
winged, fleet, swift Headword location(s)
featly (adv.)
gracefully, skilfully, nimbly Headword location(s)
feature (n.)
physical appearance, bodily shape, looks Headword location(s)
fecks (n.)
euphemistic form of 'faith' see also Swearing Headword location(s)
fedary, federary, feodary (n.) Old form(s): fedarie , Federarie
confederate, accomplice, accessory Headword location(s)
fee (n.)
value, worth Headword location(s)
fee (n.) Old form(s): ffee
possession, property Headword location(s)
fee (n.)
payment, reward, recompense Headword location(s)
fee (n.)
dependent creature, beneficiary, vassal Headword location(s)
fee (v.) Old form(s): fee'd
purchase, procure, secure Headword location(s)
fee (v.) Old form(s): fee'd
pay, recompense Headword location(s)
fee, in
in absolute possession, as freehold Headword location(s)
feeble (v.)
make feeble, weaken Headword location(s)
fee'd (adj.) Old form(s): Feed, feede
paid by a fee, hired, bribed Headword location(s)
feed (n.) Old form(s): feede
pasture, grazing land Headword location(s)
feeder (n.)
servant; or: shepherd Headword location(s)
feeder (n.)
servant, parasite, lackey Headword location(s)
feeding (n.)
grazing-ground, pasturage Headword location(s)
fee-farm (n.) Old form(s): fee-farme
[legal] state of tenure granted in perpetuity Headword location(s)
fee-grief (n.) Old form(s): Fee-griefe
individual sorrow, personal distress Headword location(s)
feel (v.) Old form(s): feeles
experience, live through [something] Headword location(s)
feel (v.) Old form(s): feele
test, discover, sound out Headword location(s)
feel (v.) Old form(s): feele
react to, be affected by Headword location(s)
feeling (adj.)
deeply felt, heartfelt, acutely sensed Headword location(s)
feeling (adj.)
capable of sensation Headword location(s)
feeling (n.)
sensibility, intuition, understanding Headword location(s)
feeling (n.)
experience, sensibility, sense of awareness [of the consequences] Headword location(s)
feelingly (adv.)
in ways that reach the senses Headword location(s)
feelingly (adv.)
pertinently, aptly, to the point Headword location(s)
feeling-painful (adj.) Old form(s): feeling painfull
painfully felt, heartfelt Headword location(s)
fee-simple, fee simple (n.)
private estate [belonging to the owner and his heirs for ever]; permanent lease, full possession Headword location(s)
fee-simple, in Old form(s): fee-simple
in complete possession Headword location(s)
feeze (v.)
do for, settle the hash of, fix see also pheeze (v.) Headword location(s)
fehemently (adv.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'vehemently' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
feign (v.) Old form(s): faine , fegin'd
depict, imagine, conjure up Headword location(s)
feign (v.) Old form(s): faine
make appear, put on a demeanour Headword location(s)
feigned (adj.)
deceptive, contrived in order to deceive Headword location(s)
feigned (adj.) Old form(s): fained
sham, pretended, spurious Headword location(s)
feigning (n.)
pretentiousness, posturing, courtly display Headword location(s)
feith (n.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'faith' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
felicitate (adj.)
made happy, joyful, ecstatic Headword location(s)
felicity (n.) Old form(s): felicitie
happiness, bliss, joy Headword location(s)
fell (adj.)
cruel, fierce, savage Headword location(s)
fell (adj.)
mighty, terrible Headword location(s)
fell (adj.)
deadly, destructive, virulent Headword location(s)
fell (adv.)
fiercely, savagely, brutally Headword location(s)
fell (n.) Old form(s): Fels
fleece Headword location(s)
fell (n.)
skin, hide Headword location(s)
fell-lurking (adj.)
savagely waiting, fierce in attendance Headword location(s)
fellow (n.)
worthless individual, good-for-nothing Headword location(s)
fellow (n.) Old form(s): Fellowes
counterpart, match, equal Headword location(s)
fellow (n.) Old form(s): Fellowes
fellow-servant, colleague Headword location(s)
fellow (n.)
keeper, warden, forester Headword location(s)
fellow (n.) Old form(s): fellowes
companion, associate Headword location(s)
fellow (n.)
spouse, husband/wife Headword location(s)
fellow (n.) Old form(s): fellowes
practitioner, specialist, expert Headword location(s)
fellow (n.) Old form(s): fellowes
servant, attendant, hireling Headword location(s)
fellow (v.) Old form(s): fellow'st
share in, become a partner of Headword location(s)
fellowly (adj.)
companiable, sympathetic, of fellowship Headword location(s)
fellowship (n.)
partnership, membership, participation Headword location(s)
felly (n.) Old form(s): Fallies
piece of curved wood forming part of a wheel rim Headword location(s)
felonious (adj.)
wicked, criminal, iniquitous Headword location(s)
female (adj.)
womanish, weak, delicate Headword location(s)
femitar, femiter (n.)
see also fumiter (n.) Headword location(s)
fen (n.) Old form(s): Fenne
marshland, swamp Headword location(s)
fence (n.)
fencing ability, skill at swordplay Headword location(s)
fence (n.)
defence, barrier, protection Headword location(s)
fence (v.) Old form(s): fece
protect, shield, defend Headword location(s)
fenced (adj.) Old form(s): fenst
fortified, furnished, equipped Headword location(s)