Original textModern textKey line
Saue you faire Queene.Save you, fair queen!AW I.i.105
No.No.AW I.i.107
Are you meditating on virginitie?Are you meditating on virginity?AW I.i.109
Keepe him out.Keep him out.AW I.i.113
There is none: Man setting downe before you,There is none. Man setting down before youAW I.i.117
will vndermine you, and blow you vp.will undermine you and blow you up.AW I.i.118
Virginity beeing blowne downe, Man will quicklierVirginity being blown down, man will quicklierAW I.i.122
be blowne vp: marry in blowing him downe againe,be blown up; marry, in blowing him down again,AW I.i.123
with the breach your selues made, you lose your Citty. Itwith the breach yourselves made you lose your city. ItAW I.i.124
is not politicke, in the Common-wealth of Nature, to preserueis not politic in the commonwealth of nature to preserveAW I.i.125
virginity. Losse of Virginitie, is rationall encrease, andvirginity. Loss of virginity is rational increase, andAW I.i.126
there was neuer Virgin goe, till virginitie was first lost.there was never virgin got till virginity was first lost.AW I.i.127
That you were made of, is mettall to make Virgins.That you were made of is mettle to make virgins.AW I.i.128
Virginitie, by beeing once lost, may be ten times found: byVirginity, by being once lost, may be ten times found; byAW I.i.129
being euer kept, it is euer lost: 'tis too cold abeing ever kept it is ever lost. 'Tis too cold aAW I.i.130
companion: Away with't.companion. Away with't!AW I.i.131
There's little can bee saide in't, 'tis against theThere's little can be said in't; 'tis against theAW I.i.134
rule of Nature. To speake on the part of virginitie, is torule of nature. To speak on the part of virginity is toAW I.i.135
accuse your Mothers; which is most infallibleaccuse your mothers, which is most infallibleAW I.i.136
disobedience. He that hangs himselfe is a Virgin: Virginitiedisobedience. He that hangs himself is a virgin; virginityAW I.i.137
murthers it selfe, and should be buried in highwayes out ofmurders itself, and should be buried in highways out ofAW I.i.138
all sanctified limit, as a desperate Offendresse against all sanctified limit, as a desperate offendress againstAW I.i.139
Nature. Virginitie breedes mites, much like a Cheese, consumesnature. Virginity breeds mites, much like a cheese, consumesAW I.i.140
it selfe to the very payring, and so dies with feedingitself to the very paring, and so dies with feedingAW I.i.141
his owne stomacke. Besides, Virginitie is peeuish, proud,his own stomach. Besides, virginity is peevish, proud,AW I.i.142
ydle, made of selfe-loue, which is the most inhibited sinne inidle, made of self-love which is the most inhibited sin inAW I.i.143
the Cannon. Keepe it not, you cannot choose but loose by't.the canon. Keep it not; you cannot choose but loose by't.AW I.i.144
Out with't: within ten yeare it will make it selfe two, whichOut with't! Within ten year it will make itself two, whichAW I.i.145
is a goodly increase, and the principall it selfe not muchis a goodly increase, and the principal itself not muchAW I.i.146
the worse. Away with't.the worse. Away with't!AW I.i.147
Let mee see. Marry ill, to like him that ne're itLet me see. Marry, ill, to like him that ne'er itAW I.i.150
likes. 'Tis a commodity wil lose the glosse with lying:likes. 'Tis a commodity will lose the gloss with lying;AW I.i.151
The longer kept, the lesse worth: Off with't while 'tisthe longer kept, the less worth. Off with't while 'tisAW I.i.152
vendible. Answer the time of request, Virginitie like anvendible; answer the time of request. Virginity, like anAW I.i.153
olde Courtier, weares her cap out of fashion, richly suted,old courtier, wears her cap out of fashion, richly suitedAW I.i.154
but vnsuteable, iust like the brooch & the tooth-pick,but unsuitable, just like the brooch and the toothpick,AW I.i.155
which were not now: your Date is better in your Pye andwhich wear not now. Your date is better in your pie andAW I.i.156
your Porredge, then in your cheeke: and your virginity,your porridge than in your cheek; and your virginity,AW I.i.157
your old virginity, is like one of our French wither'dyour old virginity, is like one of our French witheredAW I.i.158
peares, it lookes ill, it eates drily, marry 'tis a wither'dpears: it looks ill, it eats drily; marry, 'tis a witheredAW I.i.159
peare: it was formerly better, marry yet 'tis a wither'dpear; it was formerly better; marry, yet 'tis a witheredAW I.i.160
peare: Will you any thing with it?pear. Will you anything with it?AW I.i.161
What one ifaith?What one, i' faith?AW I.i.175
What's pitty?What's pity?AW I.i.177
Little Hellen farewell, if I can remember thee,Little Helen, farewell. If I can remember theeAW I.i.185
I will thinke of thee at Court.I will think of thee at court.AW I.i.186
Vnder Mars I.Under Mars, I.AW I.i.189
Why vnder Mars?Why under Mars?AW I.i.191
When he was predominant.When he was predominant.AW I.i.194
Why thinke you so?Why think you so?AW I.i.196
That's for aduantage.That's for advantage.AW I.i.198
I am so full of businesses, I cannot answere theeI am so full of businesses I cannot answer theeAW I.i.203
acutely: I will returne perfect Courtier, in the which myacutely. I will return perfect courtier, in the which myAW I.i.204
instruction shall serue to naturalize thee, so thou wilt beinstruction shall serve to naturalize thee, so thou wilt beAW I.i.205
capeable of a Courtiers councell, and vnderstand whatcapable of a courtier's counsel, and understand whatAW I.i.206
aduice shall thrust vppon thee, else thou diest in thineadvice shall thrust upon thee; else thou diest in thineAW I.i.207
vnthankfulnes, and thine ignorance makes thee away,unthankfulness, and thine ignorance makes thee away.AW I.i.208
farewell: When thou hast leysure, say thy praiers: whenFarewell. When thou hast leisure, say thy prayers; whenAW I.i.209
thou hast none, remember thy Friends: Get thee a goodthou hast none, remember thy friends. Get thee a goodAW I.i.210
husband, and vse him as he vses thee: So farewell.husband, and use him as he uses thee. So, farewell.AW I.i.211
'Tis not his fault the spark.'Tis not his fault, the spark.AW II.i.25.1
Most admirable, I haue seene those warres.Most admirable! I have seen those wars.AW II.i.26
And thy minde stand too't boy, / Steale away brauely.An thy mind stand to't, boy, steal away bravely.AW II.i.29
Commit it Count.Commit it, Count.AW II.i.34.2
Noble Heroes; my sword and yours are kinne,Noble heroes, my sword and yours are kin.AW II.i.40
good sparkes and lustrous, a word good mettals. YouGood sparks and lustrous, a word, good metals. YouAW II.i.41
shall finde in the Regiment of the Spinij, one Captaineshall find in the regiment of the Spinii one CaptainAW II.i.42
Spurio his sicatrice, with an Embleme of warre heere on his Spurio, with his cicatrice, an emblem of war, here on hisAW II.i.43
sinister cheeke; it was this very sword entrench'd it: saysinister cheek; it was this very sword entrenched it. SayAW II.i.44
to him I liue, and obserue his reports for him I live, and observe his reports for me.AW II.i.45
Mars doate on you for his nouices,Mars dote on you for his novices! (To Bertram)AW II.i.47
what will ye doe?What will ye do?AW II.i.48
Vse a more spacious ceremonie to the NobleUse a more spacious ceremony to the nobleAW II.i.50
Lords, you haue restrain'd your selfe within the List of toolords; you have restrained yourself within the list of tooAW II.i.51
cold an adieu: be more expressiue to them; for theycold an adieu. Be more expressive to them, for theyAW II.i.52
weare themselues in the cap of the time, there do musterwear themselves in the cap of the time; there do musterAW II.i.53
true gate; eat, speake, and moue vnder the influence oftrue gait, eat, speak, and move, under the influence ofAW II.i.54
the most receiu'd starre, and though the deuill leade thethe most received star; and though the devil lead theAW II.i.55
measure, such are to be followed: after them, and take ameasure, such are to be followed. After them, and take aAW II.i.56
more dilated farewell.more dilated farewell.AW II.i.57
Worthy fellowes, and like to prooue most sinewie Worthy fellows, and like to prove most sinewyAW II.i.59
sword-men. sword-menAW II.i.60
Why 'tis the rarest argument of wonder, thatWhy, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder thatAW II.iii.7
hath shot out in our latter times.hath shot out in our latter times.AW II.iii.8
So I say both of Galen and Paracelsus.So I say – both of Galen and Paracelsus.AW II.iii.11
Right so I say.Right, so I say.AW II.iii.13
Why there 'tis, so say I too.Why, there 'tis, so say I too.AW II.iii.15
Right, as 'twere a man assur'd of a------ Right, as 'twere a man assured of a – AW II.iii.17
Iust, you say well: so would I haue said.Just, you say well. So would I have said.AW II.iii.19
It is indeede if you will haue it in shewing, youIt is indeed. If you will have it in showing, youAW II.iii.21
shall reade it in what do ye call there.shall read it in what-do-ye-call there.AW II.iii.22
That's it, I would haue said, the verie same.That's it, I would have said the very same.AW II.iii.24
Nay 'tis strange, 'tis very straunge, that is theNay, 'tis strange, 'tis very strange, that is theAW II.iii.27
breefe and the tedious of it, and he's of a most facinerious brief and the tedious of it; and he's of a most facineriousAW II.iii.28
spirit, that will not acknowledge it to be the--- spirit that will not acknowledge it to be the – AW II.iii.29
I, so I say.Ay, so I say.AW II.iii.31
And debile minister great power, greatAnd debile minister, great power, greatAW II.iii.33
trancendence, which should indeede giue vs a furthertranscendence, which should indeed give us a furtherAW II.iii.34
vse to be made, then alone the recou'ry of the king, asuse to be made than alone the recovery of the King, asAW II.iii.35
to beeto be – AW II.iii.36
I would haue said it, you say well: heere comesI would have said it, you say well. Here comesAW II.iii.38
the King.the King.AW II.iii.39
Mor du vinager, is not this Helen?Mor du vinager! Is not this Helen?AW II.iii.43
Your pleasure sir.Your pleasure, sir.AW II.iii.184
Recantation? My Lord? my Master?Recantation! My lord! My master!AW II.iii.187
A most harsh one, and not to bee vnderstoodeA most harsh one, and not to be understoodAW II.iii.189
without bloudie succeeding. My Master?without bloody succeeding. My master!AW II.iii.190
To any Count, to all Counts: to what is man.To any Count, to all Counts, to what is man.AW II.iii.192
You are too old sir: Let it satisfie you, you areYou are too old, sir; let it satisfy you, you areAW II.iii.195
too old.too old.AW II.iii.196
What I dare too well do, I dare not do.What I dare too well do, I dare not do.AW II.iii.199
Hadst thou not the priuiledge of Antiquity vponHadst thou not the privilege of antiquity uponAW II.iii.208
thee.thee – AW II.iii.209
My Lord, you giue me most egregiousMy lord, you give me most egregiousAW II.iii.215
I haue not my Lord deseru'd it.I have not, my lord, deserved it.AW II.iii.218
Well, I shall be wiser.Well, I shall be wiser.AW II.iii.221
My Lord you do me most insupportableMy lord, you do me most insupportableAW II.iii.228
vexation. vexation.AW II.iii.229
Well, thou hast a sonne shall take this disgraceWell, thou hast a son shall take this disgraceAW II.iii.233
off me; scuruy, old, filthy, scuruy Lord: Well, I must beoff me, scurvy, old, filthy, scurvy lord! Well, I must beAW II.iii.234
patient, there is no fettering of authority. Ile beate himpatient, there is no fettering of authority. I'll beat him,AW II.iii.235
(by my life) if I can meete him with any conuenience, andby my life, if I can meet him with any convenience, anAW II.iii.236
he were double and double a Lord. Ile haue no morehe were double and double a lord. I'll have no moreAW II.iii.237
pittie of his age then I would haue of------ Ile beate him, and ifpity of his age than I would have of – I'll beat him an ifAW II.iii.238
I could but meet him agen.I could but meet him again.AW II.iii.239
I most vnfainedly beseech your Lordshippe toI most unfeignedly beseech your lordship toAW II.iii.242
make some reseruation of your wrongs. He is my goodmake some reservation of your wrongs. He is my goodAW II.iii.243
Lord, whom I serue aboue is my master.lord: whom I serve above is my master.AW II.iii.244
I sir.Ay, sir.AW II.iii.246
This is hard and vndeserued measure myThis is hard and undeserved measure, myAW II.iii.255
Lord.lord.AW II.iii.256
Good, very good, it is so then: good, veryGood, very good, it is so then. Good, veryAW II.iii.263
good, let it be conceal'd awhile.good; let it be concealed awhile.AW II.iii.264
What's the matter sweet-heart?What's the matter, sweetheart?AW II.iii.266
What? what sweet heart?What, what, sweetheart?AW II.iii.269
France is a dog-hole, and it no more merits,France is a dog-hole and it no more meritsAW II.iii.272
The tread of a mans foot: too'th warres.The tread of a man's foot. To th' wars!AW II.iii.273
I that would be knowne: too'th warrs my boy, too'th warres:Ay, that would be known. To th' wars, my boy, to th' wars!AW II.iii.276
He weares his honor in a boxe vnseene,He wears his honour in a box unseenAW II.iii.277
That hugges his kickie wickie heare at home,That hugs his kicky-wicky here at home,AW II.iii.278
Spending his manlie marrow in her armesSpending his manly marrow in her arms,AW II.iii.279
Which should sustaine the bound and high curuetWhich should sustain the bound and high curvetAW II.iii.280
Of Marses fierie steed: to other Regions,Of Mars's fiery steed. To other regions!AW II.iii.281
France is a stable, wee that dwell in't Iades,France is a stable, we that dwell in't jades.AW II.iii.282
Therefore too'th warre.Therefore, to th' war!AW II.iii.283
Will this Caprichio hold in thee, art sure?Will this capriccio hold in thee, art sure?AW II.iii.291
Why these bals bound, ther's noise in it. Tis hardWhy, these balls bound, there's noise in it. 'Tis hard:AW II.iii.295
A yong man maried, is a man that's mard:A young man married is a man that's marred.AW II.iii.296
Therefore away, and leaue her brauely: go,Therefore away, and leave her bravely; go.AW II.iii.297
The King ha's done you wrong: but hush 'tis so. The King has done you wrong, but hush, 'tis so.AW II.iii.298
Blesse you my fortunate Ladie.Bless you, my fortunate lady.AW II.iv.13
You had my prayers to leade them on, and toYou had my prayers to lead them on, and toAW II.iv.16
keepe them on, haue them still. O my knaue, how do'skeep them on have them still. O, my knave! How doesAW II.iv.17
my old Ladie?my old lady?AW II.iv.18
Why I say nothing.Why, I say nothing.AW II.iv.21
Away, th'art a knaue.Away! Th'art a knave.AW II.iv.27
Go too, thou art a wittie foole, I haue found thee.Go to, thou art a witty fool: I have found thee.AW II.iv.31
A good knaue ifaith, and well fed.A good knave i'faith, and well fed.AW II.iv.36
Madam, my Lord will go awaie to night,Madam, my lord will go away tonight:AW II.iv.37
A verie serrious businesse call's on him:A very serious business calls on him.AW II.iv.38
The great prerogatiue and rite of loue,The great prerogative and rite of love,AW II.iv.39
Which as your due time claimes, he do's acknowledge,Which as your due time claims, he does acknowledge,AW II.iv.40
But puts it off to a compell'd restraint:But puts it off to a compelled restraint;AW II.iv.41
Whose want, and whose delay, is strew'd with sweetsWhose want and whose delay is strewed with sweets,AW II.iv.42
Which they distill now in the curbed time,Which they distil now in the curbed time,AW II.iv.43
To make the comming houre oreflow with ioy,To make the coming hour o'erflow with joyAW II.iv.44
And pleasure drowne the brim.And pleasure drown the brim.AW II.iv.45.1
That you will take your instant leaue a'th king,That you will take your instant leave o'th' King,AW II.iv.46
And make this hast as your owne good proceeding,And make this haste as your own good proceeding,AW II.iv.47
Strengthned with what Apologie you thinkeStrengthened with what apology you thinkAW II.iv.48
May make it probable neede.May make it probable need.AW II.iv.49.1
That hauing this obtain'd, you presentlieThat, having this obtained, you presentlyAW II.iv.50
Attend his further pleasure.Attend his further pleasure.AW II.iv.51
I shall report it so. I shall report it so.AW II.iv.53
These things shall be done sir. These things shall be done, sir.AW II.v.14
Sir?Sir!AW II.v.16
Shee is.She is.AW II.v.20
As you'le haue her.As you'll have her.AW II.v.22
I know not how I haue deserued to run into I know not how I have deserved to run intoAW II.v.34
my Lords lord's displeasure.AW II.v.35
An idle Lord, I sweare.An idle lord, I swear.AW II.v.49
Why do you not know him?Why, do you not know him?AW II.v.51
Brauely, Coragio.Bravely. Coragio!AW II.v.92.2
Loose our drum? Well.Lose our drum! Well!AW III.v.87
But a drumme: Ist but a drumme? A drum so lost.But a drum! Is't but a drum? A drum so lost!AW
There was excellent command, to charge in with ourThere was excellent command: to charge in with ourAW
horse vpon our owne wings, and to rend our owne upon our own wings and to rend our own soldiers!AW
It might haue beene recouered.It might have been recovered.AW
It is to be recouered, but that the merit of It is to be recovered. But that the merit ofAW
seruice is sildome attributed to the true and exact performer,service is seldom attributed to the true and exact performer,AW
I would haue that drumme or another, or hic iacet.I would have that drum or another, or hic jacet.AW
By the hand of a souldier I will vndertake it.By the hand of a soldier, I will undertake it.AW
Ile about it this euening, and I will presentlyI'll about it this evening, and I will presentlyAW
pen downe my dilemma's, encourage my selfe in my certaintie,pen down my dilemmas, encourage myself in my certainty,AW
put my selfe into my mortall preparation: and byput myself into my mortal preparation; and byAW
midnight looke to heare further from me.midnight look to hear further from me.AW
I know not what the successe wil be my Lord,I know not what the success will be, my lord,AW
but the attempt I vow.but the attempt I vow.AW
I loue not many words. I love not many words.AW
Ten a clocke: Within these three houres 'twill beTen o'clock. Within these three hours 'twill beAW IV.i.24
time enough to goe home. What shall I say I haue done?time enough to go home. What shall I say I have done?AW IV.i.25
It must bee a very plausiue inuention that carries it. TheyIt must be a very plausive invention that carries it. TheyAW IV.i.26
beginne to smoake mee, and disgraces haue of late, knock'dbegin to smoke me, and disgraces have of late knockedAW IV.i.27
too often at my doore: I finde my tongue is too foole-hardie,too often at my door. I find my tongue is too foolhardy,AW IV.i.28
but my heart hath the feare of Mars before it, and of hisbut my heart hath the fear of Mars before it and of hisAW IV.i.29
creatures, not daring the reports of my tongue.creatures, not daring the reports of my tongue.AW IV.i.30
What the diuell should moue mee to vndertakeWhat the devil should move me to undertakeAW IV.i.33
the recouerie of this drumme, being not ignorant of thethe recovery of this drum, being not ignorant of theAW IV.i.34
impossibility, and knowing I had no such purpose? Iimpossibility, and knowing I had no such purpose? IAW IV.i.35
must giue my selfe some hurts, and say I got them inmust give myself some hurts, and say I got them inAW IV.i.36
exploit: yet slight ones will not carrie it. They will say,exploit. Yet slight ones will not carry it: they will sayAW IV.i.37
came you off with so little? And great ones I dare not‘ Came you off with so little? ’ And great ones I dare notAW IV.i.38
giue, wherefore what's the instance. Tongue, I must give. Wherefore, what's the instance? Tongue, I mustAW IV.i.39
put you into a Butter-womans mouth, and buy my selfeput you into a butter-woman's mouth, and buy myselfAW IV.i.40
another of Baiazeths Mule, if you prattle mee into theseanother of Bajazeth's mule, if you prattle me into theseAW IV.i.41
perilles.perils.AW IV.i.42
I would the cutting of my garments wold I would the cutting of my garments wouldAW IV.i.45
serue the turne, or the breaking of my Spanish sword.serve the turn, or the breaking of my Spanish sword.AW IV.i.46
Or the baring of my beard, and to say it was inOr the baring of my beard, and to say it was inAW IV.i.48
stratagem.stratagem.AW IV.i.49
Or to drowne my cloathes, and say I was stript.Or to drown my clothes and say I was stripped.AW IV.i.51
Though I swore I leapt from the window ofThough I swore I leaped from the window ofAW IV.i.53
the Citadell.the citadel – AW IV.i.54
Thirty fadome.Thirty fathom.AW IV.i.56
I would I had any drumme of the enemies, II would I had any drum of the enemy's; IAW IV.i.59
would sweare I recouer'd it.would swear I recovered it.AW IV.i.60
A drumme now of the enemies.A drum now of the enemy's – AW IV.i.62
O ransome, ransome,O, ransom, ransom!AW IV.i.65.1
Do not hide mine eyes.Do not hide mine eyes.AW IV.i.65.2
I know you are the Muskos Regiment,I know you are the Muskos' regiment,AW IV.i.67
And I shall loose my life for want of language.And I shall lose my life for want of language.AW IV.i.68
If there be heere German or Dane, Low Dutch,If there be here German, or Dane, Low Dutch,AW IV.i.69
Italian, or French, let him speake to me,Italian, or French, let him speak to me,AW IV.i.70
Ile discouer that, which shal vndo the Florentine.I'll discover that which shall undo the Florentine.AW IV.i.71
Oh.O!AW IV.i.75
O let me liue,O, let me live,AW IV.i.82.2
And all the secrets of our campe Ile shew,And all the secrets of our camp I'll show,AW IV.i.83
Their force, their purposes: Nay, Ile speake that,Their force, their purposes; nay, I'll speak thatAW IV.i.84
Which you will wonder at.Which you will wonder at.AW IV.i.85.1
If I do not, damne me.If I do not, damn me.AW IV.i.86.1
I will confesse what I know without constraint,I will confess what I know without constraint.AW IV.iii.121
If ye pinch me like a Pasty, I can say no more.If ye pinch me like a pasty I can say no more.AW IV.iii.122
And truly, as I hope to liue.And truly, as I hope to live.AW IV.iii.127
Fiue or sixe thousand, but very weake andFive or six thousand, but very weak andAW IV.iii.130
vnseruiceable: the troopes are all scattered, and theunserviceable. The troops are all scattered and theAW IV.iii.131
Commanders verie poore rogues, vpon my reputation andcommanders very poor rogues, upon my reputation andAW IV.iii.132
credit, and as I hope to, and as I hope to live.AW IV.iii.133
Do, Ile take the Sacrament on't, how &Do. I'll take the sacrament on't, how andAW IV.iii.135
which way you will:which way you will.AW IV.iii.136
Fiue or six thousand horse I sed, I will say‘ Five or six thousand horse ’ I said – I will sayAW IV.iii.147
true, or thereabouts set downe, for Ile speake truth.true – ‘ or thereabouts ’ set down, for I'll speak truth.AW IV.iii.148
Poore rogues, I pray you say.‘ Poor rogues ’ I pray you say.AW IV.iii.152
I humbly thanke you sir, a truth's a truth, theI humbly thank you, sir. A truth's a truth, theAW IV.iii.154
Rogues are maruailous poore.rogues are marvellous poor.AW IV.iii.155
By my troth sir, if I were to liue this presentBy my troth, sir, if I were to live this presentAW IV.iii.158
houre, I will tell true. Let me see, Spurio a hundred &hour, I will tell true. Let me see: Spurio, a hundred andAW IV.iii.159
fiftie, Sebastian so many, Corambus so many, Iaquesfifty; Sebastian, so many; Corambus, so many; Jaques,AW IV.iii.160
so many: Guiltian, Cosmo, Lodowicke and Gratij, twoso many; Guiltian, Cosmo, Lodowick, and Gratii, twoAW IV.iii.161
hundred fiftie each: Mine owne Company, Chitopher, hundred fifty each; mine own company, Chitopher,AW IV.iii.162
Vaumond, Bentij, two hundred fiftie each: so that theVaumond, Bentii, two hundred fifty each; so that theAW IV.iii.163
muster file, rotten and sound, vppon my life amountsmuster-file, rotten and sound, upon my life, amountsAW IV.iii.164
not to fifteene thousand pole, halfe of the which, dare not not to fifteen thousand poll; half of the which dare notAW IV.iii.165
shake the snow from off their Cassockes, least they shakeshake the snow from off their cassocks lest they shakeAW IV.iii.166
themselues to peeces.themselves to pieces.AW IV.iii.167
I beseech you let me answer to the particularI beseech you, let me answer to the particularAW IV.iii.179
of the intergatories. Demand them singly.of the inter'gatories. Demand them singly.AW IV.iii.180
I know him, a was a Botchers Prentize in I know him: 'a was a botcher's prentice inAW IV.iii.182
Paris, from whence he was whipt for getting theParis, from whence he was whipped for getting theAW IV.iii.183
Shrieues fool with childe, a dumbe innocent that could not shrieve's fool with child, a dumb innocent that could notAW IV.iii.184
say him nay.say him nay.AW IV.iii.185
Vpon my knowledge he is, and lowsie.Upon my knowledge he is, and lousy.AW IV.iii.190
The Duke knowes him for no other, but a pooreThe Duke knows him for no other but a poorAW IV.iii.194
Officer of mine, and writ to mee this other day, to turneofficer of mine, and writ to me this other day to turnAW IV.iii.195
him out a'th band. I thinke I haue his Letter in my pocket. him out o'th' band. I think I have his letter in my pocket.AW IV.iii.196
In good sadnesse I do not know, either it isIn good sadness, I do not know; either it isAW IV.iii.198
there, or it is vpon a file with the Dukes other Letters, inthere or it is upon a file with the Duke's other letters inAW IV.iii.199
my tent.AW IV.iii.200
I do not know if it be it or no.I do not know if it be it or no.AW IV.iii.203
That is not the Dukes letter sir: that is anThat is not the Duke's letter, sir; that is anAW IV.iii.207
aduertisement to a proper maide in Florence, one Diana, advertisement to a proper maid in Florence, one Diana,AW IV.iii.208
to take heede of the allurement of one Count Rossillion, ato take heed of the allurement of one Count Rossillion, aAW IV.iii.209
foolish idle boy: but for all that very ruttish. I pray youfoolish idle boy, but for all that very ruttish. I pray you,AW IV.iii.210
sir put it vp againe.sir, put it up again.AW IV.iii.211
My meaning in't I protest was very honest inMy meaning in't, I protest, was very honest inAW IV.iii.213
the behalfe of the maid: for I knew the young Count tothe behalf of the maid; for I knew the young Count toAW IV.iii.214
be a dangerous and lasciuious boy, who is a whale tobe a dangerous and lascivious boy, who is a whale toAW IV.iii.215
Virginity, and deuours vp all the fry it finds.virginity, and devours up all the fry it finds.AW IV.iii.216
My life sir in any case: Not that I am afraideMy life, sir, in any case! Not that I am afraidAW IV.iii.236
to dye, but that my offences beeing many, I wouldto die, but that, my offences being many, I wouldAW IV.iii.237
repent out the remainder of Nature. Let me liue sir in arepent out the remainder of nature. Let me live, sir, in aAW IV.iii.238
dungeon, i'th stockes, or any where, so I may liue.dungeon, i'th' stocks, or anywhere, so I may live.AW IV.iii.239
He will steale sir an Egge out of a Cloister: forHe will steal, sir, an egg out of a cloister. ForAW IV.iii.244
rapes and rauishments he paralels Nessus. Hee professesrapes and ravishments he parallels Nessus. He professesAW IV.iii.245
not keeping of oaths, in breaking em he is stronger thennot keeping of oaths; in breaking 'em he is stronger thanAW IV.iii.246
Hercules. He will lye sir, with such volubilitie, that youHercules. He will lie, sir, with such volubility that youAW IV.iii.247
would thinke truth were a foole: drunkennesse is his bestwould think truth were a fool. Drunkenness is his bestAW IV.iii.248
vertue, for he will be swine-drunke, and in his sleepe hevirtue, for he will be swine-drunk, and in his sleep heAW IV.iii.249
does little harme, saue to his bed-cloathes about him: butdoes little harm, save to his bedclothes about him; butAW IV.iii.250
they know his conditions, and lay him in straw. I hauethey know his conditions and lay him in straw. I haveAW IV.iii.251
but little more to say sir of his honesty, he ha's euerie thingbut little more to say, sir, of his honesty: he has everythingAW IV.iii.252
that an honest man should not haue; what anthat an honest man should not have; what anAW IV.iii.253
honest man should haue, he has nothing.honest man should have, he has nothing.AW IV.iii.254
Faith sir, ha's led the drumme before the English Faith, sir, has led the drum before the EnglishAW IV.iii.259
Tragedians: to belye him I will not, and more of histragedians – to belie him I will not – and more of hisAW IV.iii.260
souldiership I know not, except in that Country, he hadsoldiership I know not, except in that country he hadAW IV.iii.261
the honour to be the Officer at a place there called Mile-end,the honour to be the officer at a place there called Mile-end,AW IV.iii.262
to instruct for the doubling of files. I would doe theto instruct for the doubling of files. I would do theAW IV.iii.263
man what honour I can, but of this I am not what honour I can, but of this I am not certain.AW IV.iii.264
Sir, for a Cardceue he will sell the fee-simpleSir, for a cardecue he will sell the fee-simpleAW IV.iii.270
of his saluation, the inheritance of it, and cut th' intaileof his salvation, the inheritance of it, and cut th' entailAW IV.iii.271
from all remainders, and a perpetuall succession for itfrom all remainders, and a perpetual succession for it AW IV.iii.272
perpetually. perpetually.AW IV.iii.273
E'ne a Crow a'th same nest: not altogether soE'en a crow o'th' same nest; not altogether soAW IV.iii.278
great as the first in goodnesse, but greater a great deale ingreat as the first in goodness, but greater a great deal inAW IV.iii.279
euill. He excels his Brother for a coward, yet his Brotherevil. He excels his brother for a coward, yet his brotherAW IV.iii.280
is reputed one of the best that is. In a retreate hee outrunnesis reputed one of the best that is. In a retreat he outrunsAW IV.iii.281
any Lackey; marrie in comming on, hee ha's the Crampe.any lackey; marry, in coming on he has the cramp.AW IV.iii.282
I, and the Captaine of his horse, Count Ay, and the captain of his horse, CountAW IV.iii.285
Rossillion.Rossillion.AW IV.iii.286
Ile no more drumming, a plague of allI'll no more drumming. A plague of allAW IV.iii.289
drummes, onely to seeme to deserue well, and to beguile the drums! Only to seem to deserve well, and to beguile theAW IV.iii.290
supposition of that lasciuious yong boy the Count,supposition of that lascivious young boy, the Count,AW IV.iii.291
haue I run into this danger: yet who would haue have I run into this danger. Yet who would haveAW IV.iii.292
suspected an ambush where I was taken?suspected an ambush where I was taken?AW IV.iii.293
O Lord sir let me liue, or let me see my death.O Lord, sir, let me live, or let me see my death!AW IV.iii.300
Who cannot be crush'd with a plot?Who cannot be crushed with a plot?AW IV.iii.315
Yet am I thankfull: if my heart were greatYet am I thankful. If my heart were greatAW IV.iii.320
'Twould burst at this: Captaine Ile be no more,'Twould burst at this. Captain I'll be no more,AW IV.iii.321
But I will eate, and drinke, and sleepe as softBut I will eat and drink and sleep as softAW IV.iii.322
As Captaine shall. Simply the thing I amAs captain shall. Simply the thing I amAW IV.iii.323
Shall make me liue: who knowes himselfe a braggartShall make me live. Who knows himself a braggart,AW IV.iii.324
Let him feare this; for it will come to passe,Let him fear this; for it will come to passAW IV.iii.325
That euery braggart shall be found an Asse.That every braggart shall be found an ass.AW IV.iii.326
Rust sword, coole blushes, and Parrolles liueRust, sword; cool, blushes; and Parolles liveAW IV.iii.327
Safest in shame: being fool'd, by fool'rie thriue;Safest in shame; being fooled, by foolery thrive.AW IV.iii.328
There's place and meanes for euery man aliue.There's place and means for every man alive.AW IV.iii.329
Ile after them. I'll after them.AW IV.iii.330
Good Mr Lauatch giue my Lord Lafew Good Master Lavatch, give my Lord LafewAW V.ii.1
this letter, I haue ere now sir beene better knowne tothis letter. I have ere now, sir, been better known toAW V.ii.2
you, when I haue held familiaritie with fresher cloathes:you, when I have held familiarity with fresher clothes;AW V.ii.3
but I am now sir muddied in fortunes mood, and but I am now, sir, muddied in Fortune's mood, andAW V.ii.4
smell somewhat strong of her strong displeasure.smell somewhat strong of her strong displeasure.AW V.ii.5
Nay you neede not to stop your nose sir: I Nay, you need not to stop your nose, sir. IAW V.ii.10
spake but by a Metaphor.spake but by a metaphor.AW V.ii.11
Pray you sir deliuer me this paper.Pray you, sir, deliver me this paper.AW V.ii.15
My Lord I am a man whom fortune hathMy lord, I am a man whom Fortune hathAW V.ii.26
cruelly scratch'd.cruelly scratched.AW V.ii.27
I beseech your honour to heare mee one singleI beseech your honour to hear me one singleAW V.ii.35
word.word.AW V.ii.36
My name my good Lord is Parrolles.My name, my good lord, is Parolles.AW V.ii.39
O my good Lord, you were the first that foundO my good lord, you were the first that foundAW V.ii.42 V.ii.43
It lies in you my Lord to bring me in someIt lies in you, my lord, to bring me in someAW V.ii.45
grace for you did bring me out.grace, for you did bring me out.AW V.ii.46
I praise God for you.I praise God for you.AW V.ii.54
So please your Maiesty, my master hath binSo please your majesty, my master hath beenAW V.iii.238
an honourable Gentleman. Trickes hee hath had in him,an honourable gentleman. Tricks he hath had in him,AW V.iii.239
which Gentlemen haue.which gentlemen have.AW V.iii.240
Faith sir he did loue her, but how.Faith, sir, he did love her; but how?AW V.iii.243
He did loue her sir, as a Gent. loues aHe did love her, sir, as a gentleman loves aAW V.iii.245
Woman.woman.AW V.iii.246
He lou'd her sir, and lou'd her not.He loved her, sir, and loved her not.AW V.iii.248
I am a poore man, and at your MaiestiesI am a poor man, and at your majesty'sAW V.iii.251
command. command.AW V.iii.252
Faith I know more then Ile speake.Faith, I know more than I'll speak.AW V.iii.255
Yes so please your Maiesty: I did goe betweeneYes, so please your majesty. I did go betweenAW V.iii.257
them as I said, but more then that he loued her, forthem as I said; but more than that, he loved her, forAW V.iii.258
indeede he was madde for her, and talkt of Sathan, and ofindeed he was mad for her and talked of Satan and ofAW V.iii.259
Limbo, and of Furies, and I know not what: yet I was inLimbo and of furies and I know not what; yet I was inAW V.iii.260
that credit with them at that time, that I knewe of theirthat credit with them at that time that I knew of theirAW V.iii.261
going to bed, and of other motions, as promising hergoing to bed and of other motions, as promising herAW V.iii.262
marriage, and things which would deriue mee ill will tomarriage and things which would derive me ill will toAW V.iii.263
speake of, therefore I will not speake what I know.speak of; therefore I will not speak what I know.AW V.iii.264

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