| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Thesius, Perithous, Hipolita, | Flourish. Enter Theseus, Pirithous, Hippolyta, and | | TNK V.i.1 | |
attendants. | attendants | | TNK V.i.2.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Now let 'em enter, and before the gods | Now let 'em enter, and before the gods | | TNK V.i.1 | |
Tender their holy prayers: Let the Temples | Tender their holy prayers; let the temples | tender (v.) offer, give, present | TNK V.i.2 | |
Burne bright with sacred fires, and the Altars | Burn bright with sacred fires, and the altars | | TNK V.i.3 | |
In hallowed clouds commend their swelling Incense | In hallowed clouds commend their swelling incense | swelling (adj.) billowing, rising up | TNK V.i.4 | |
| | commend (v.) present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance] | | |
To those above us: Let no due be wanting, | To those above us. Let no due be wanting; | want (v.) fall short [of], be deficient [in] | TNK V.i.5 | |
| | due (n.) appropriate ritual, propriety | | |
They have a noble worke in hand, will honour | They have a noble work in hand, will honour | | TNK V.i.6 | |
The very powers that love 'em. | The very powers that love 'em. | power (n.) (usually plural) god, deity, divinity | TNK V.i.7.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
Sir they enter. | Sir, they enter. | | TNK V.i.7.2 | |
Florish of Cornets. Enter Palamon and Arcite, and | Flourish of cornets. Enter Palamon and Arcite and | | TNK V.i.8.1 | |
their Knights. | their knights | | TNK V.i.8.2 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
You valiant and strong harted Enemies | You valiant and strong-hearted enemies, | | TNK V.i.8 | |
You royall German foes, that this day come | You royal german foes, that this day come | german, germane (adj.) near related, closely akin | TNK V.i.9 | |
To blow that nearenesse out that flames betweene ye; | To blow that nearness out that flames between ye, | nearness (n.) intimacy, close relationship | TNK V.i.10 | |
Lay by your anger for an houre, and dove-like | Lay by your anger for an hour, and dove-like | | TNK V.i.11 | |
Before the holy Altars of your helpers | Before the holy altars of your helpers, | | TNK V.i.12 | |
(The all feard gods) bow downe your stubborne bodies, | The all-feared gods, bow down your stubborn bodies. | | TNK V.i.13 | |
Your ire is more than mortall; So your helpe be, | Your ire is more than mortal; so your help be, | | TNK V.i.14 | |
And as the gods regard ye, fight with Iustice, | And as the gods regard ye, fight with justice. | regard (v.) gaze upon, look down on, observe | TNK V.i.15 | |
Ile leave you to your prayers, and betwixt ye | I'll leave you to your prayers, and betwixt ye | | TNK V.i.16 | |
I part my wishes. | I part my wishes. | wish (n.) (plural) good wishes | TNK V.i.17.1 | |
| | part (v.) divide, share, split up | | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
Honour crowne the worthiest. | Honour crown the worthiest! | | TNK V.i.17.2 | |
Exit Theseus, and his traine. | Exeunt Theseus, Pirithous, Hippolyta, and attendants | | TNK V.i.17 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
The glasse is running now that cannot finish | The glass is running now that cannot finish | glass (n.) [sand of the] hourglass | TNK V.i.18 | |
Till one of us expire: Thinke you but thus, | Till one of us expire. Think you but thus, | | TNK V.i.19 | |
That were there ought in me which strove to show | That were there aught in me which strove to show | show (v.) appear, look [like], present [as] | TNK V.i.20 | |
| | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | | |
Mine enemy in this businesse, wer't one eye | Mine enemy in this business, were't one eye | | TNK V.i.21 | |
Against another: Arme opprest by Arme: | Against another, arm oppressed by arm, | oppress (v.) dominate, overwhelm, crush | TNK V.i.22 | |
I would destroy th' offender, Coz, I would | I would destroy th' offender, coz; I would, | | TNK V.i.23 | |
Though parcell of my selfe: Then from this gather | Though parcel of myself. Then from this gather | parcel (n.) part, piece, portion, bit | TNK V.i.24 | |
How I should tender you. | How I should tender you. | tender (v.) rate, esteem, regard | TNK V.i.25.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
I am in labour | I am in labour | | TNK V.i.25.2 | |
To push your name, your auncient love, our kindred | To push your name, your ancient love, our kindred, | | TNK V.i.26 | |
Out of my memory; and i'th selfe same place | Out of my memory, and i'th' selfsame place | | TNK V.i.27 | |
To seate something I would confound: So hoyst we | To seat something I would confound. So hoist we | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | TNK V.i.28 | |
The sayles, that must these vessells port even where | The sails, that must these vessels port even where | port (v.) carry, bring; or: bring to port | TNK V.i.29 | |
The heavenly Lymiter pleases. | The heavenly limiter pleases. | limiter (n.) arbiter, judge [of the limits of life] | TNK V.i.30.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
You speake well; | You speak well. | | TNK V.i.30.2 | |
Before I turne, Let me embrace thee Cosen | Before I turn, let me embrace thee, cousin; | turn (v.) turn away, face the other way | TNK V.i.31 | |
| They embrace | | TNK V.i.32 | |
This I shall never doe agen. | This I shall never do again. | | TNK V.i.32.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
One farewell. | One farewell. | | TNK V.i.32.2 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Why let it be so: Farewell Coz. | Why, let it be so; farewell, coz. | | TNK V.i.33.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Farewell Sir; | Farewell, sir. | | TNK V.i.33.2 | |
Exeunt Palamon and his Knights. | Exeunt Palamon and his knights | | TNK V.i.33 | |
Knights, Kinsemen, Lovers, yea my Sacrifices | Knights, kinsmen, lovers – yea, my sacrifices! – | | TNK V.i.34 | |
True worshippers of Mars, whose spirit in you | True worshippers of Mars, whose spirit in you | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | TNK V.i.35 | |
Expells the seedes of feare, and th' apprehension | Expels the seeds of fear, and th' apprehension | | TNK V.i.36 | |
Which still is farther off it, Goe with me | Which still is farther off it, go with me | | TNK V.i.37 | |
Before the god of our profession: There | Before the god of our profession; there | | TNK V.i.38 | |
Require of him the hearts of Lyons, and | Require of him the hearts of lions and | require (v.) request, ask, beg | TNK V.i.39 | |
The breath of Tigers, yea the fearcenesse too, | The breath of tigers, yea, the fierceness too, | | TNK V.i.40 | |
Yea the speed also, to goe on, I meane: | Yea, the speed also – to go on, I mean; | go on (v.) go forward, press ahead | TNK V.i.41 | |
Else wish we to be Snayles; you know my prize | Else wish we to be snails. You know my prize | | TNK V.i.42 | |
Must be drag'd out of blood, force and great feate | Must be dragged out of blood; force and great feat | feat (n.) action, deed, conduct | TNK V.i.43 | |
Must put my Garland on, where she stickes | Must put my garland on me, where she sticks, | stick (v.) be placed, be fixed | TNK V.i.44 | |
| | garland (n.) wreath of victory | | |
The Queene of Flowers: our intercession then | The queen of flowers. Our intercession, then, | intercession (n.) prayer, plea, entreaty | TNK V.i.45 | |
Must be to him that makes the Campe, a Cestron | Must be to him that makes the camp a cistern | | TNK V.i.46 | |
Brymd with the blood of men: give me your aide | Brimmed with the blood of men; give me your aid, | brimmed (adj.) filled to the brim, brimful | TNK V.i.47 | |
And bend your spirits towards him. | And bend your spirits towards him. | | TNK V.i.48 | |
They kneele. | They prostrate themselves, then kneel before the altar | | TNK V.i.49.1 | |
| of Mars | | TNK V.i.49.2 | |
Thou mighty one, that with thy power hast turnd | Thou mighty one, that with thy power hast turned | | TNK V.i.49 | |
Greene Nepture into purple. | Green Neptune into purple, whose approach | Neptune Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather | TNK V.i.50 | |
Comets prewarne, whose havocke in vaste Feild | Comets prewarn, whose havoc in vast field | prewarn (v.) forewarn, forecast, predict | TNK V.i.51 | |
| | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | | |
Vnearthed skulls proclaime, whose breath blowes downe, | Unearthed skulls proclaim, whose breath blows down | unearthed (adj.) unburied; or: dug out, disclosed | TNK V.i.52 | |
The teeming Ceres foyzon, who dost plucke | The teeming Ceres' foison, who dost pluck | pluck (v.) draw down, bring down | TNK V.i.53 | |
| | foison, foizon (n.) harvest, crop | | |
| | Ceres (n.) [pron: 'seereez] Roman goddess of crops and fruit | | |
With hand armenypotent from forth blew clowdes, | With hand armipotent from forth blue clouds | armipotent (adj.) mighty in arms, powerful in arms | TNK V.i.54 | |
The masond Turrets, that both mak'st, and break'st | The masoned turrets, that both makest and breakest | masoned (adj.) formed with masonry; or: mason-built | TNK V.i.55 | |
The stony girthes of Citties: me thy puple, | The stony girths of cities; me thy pupil, | girth (n.) circumference, perimeter | TNK V.i.56 | |
Yongest follower of thy Drom, instruct this day | Youngest follower of thy drum, instruct this day | | TNK V.i.57 | |
With military skill, that to thy lawde | With military skill, that to thy laud | laud (n.) praise, homage, honour | TNK V.i.58 | |
I may advance my Streamer, and by thee, | I may advance my streamer, and by thee | streamer (n.) banner, pennant, standard | TNK V.i.59 | |
| | advance (v.) raise, lift up, upraise | | |
Be stil'd the Lord o'th day, give me great Mars | Be styled the lord o'th' day; give me, great Mars, | style (v.) call, name, designate | TNK V.i.60 | |
Some token of thy pleasure. | Some token of thy pleasure. | token (n.) sign, evidence, mark | TNK V.i.61 | |
Here they fall on their faces as formerly, and there is | Here they fall on their faces as formerly, and there is | | TNK V.i.62.1 | |
heard clanging of Armor, with a short Thunder as the | heard clanging of armour, with a short thunder as the | | TNK V.i.62.2 | |
burst of a Battaile, whereupon they all rise and bow to | burst of a battle, whereupon they all rise and bow to | burst (n.) bursting out, violent outbreak | TNK V.i.62.3 | |
the Altar. | the altar | | TNK V.i.62.4 | |
O Great Corrector of enormous times, | O great corrector of enormous times, | enormous (adj.) disorderly, abnormal, monstrous | TNK V.i.62 | |
Shaker of ore-rank States, thou grand decider | Shaker of o'errank states, thou grand decider | overrank , over-rank (adj.) over-ripe; rotten, corrupted | TNK V.i.63 | |
Of dustie, and old tytles, that healst with blood | Of dusty and old titles, that healest with blood | blood (n.) blood-letting, bleeding | TNK V.i.64 | |
The earth when it is sicke, and curst the world | The earth when it is sick, and curest the world | | TNK V.i.65 | |
O'th pluresie of people; I doe take | O'th' plurisy of people; I do take | pleurisy, plurisy (n.) excess, superfluity, superabundance | TNK V.i.66 | |
Thy signes auspiciously, and in thy name | Thy signs auspiciously, and in thy name | | TNK V.i.67 | |
To my designe; march boldly, let us goe. | To my design march boldly. Let us go. | | TNK V.i.68 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Arcite and his knights | | TNK V.i.68 | |
Enter Palamon and his Knights, with the former | Enter Palamon and his knights, with the former | | TNK V.i.69.1 | |
observance. | observance | observance (n.) honour, dutiful ceremony, due respect | TNK V.i.69.2 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Our stars must glister with new fire, or be | Our stars must glister with new fire, or be | star (n.) fate, fortune, destiny [as determined by the stars] | TNK V.i.69 | |
| | glister (v.) glitter, sparkle, gleam | | |
To daie extinct; our argument is love, | Today extinct; our argument is love, | argument (n.) quarrel, dispute, point of contention | TNK V.i.70 | |
Which if the goddesse of it grant, she gives | Which if the goddess of it grant, she gives | | TNK V.i.71 | |
Victory too, then blend your spirits with mine, | Victory too. Then blend your spirits with mine, | | TNK V.i.72 | |
You, whose free noblenesse doe make my cause | You whose free nobleness do make my cause | free (adj.) liberal, lavish, generous | TNK V.i.73 | |
Your personall hazard; to the goddesse Venus | Your personal hazard; to the goddess Venus | Venus (n.) Roman goddess of beauty and love | TNK V.i.74 | |
Commend we our proceeding, and implore | Commend we our proceeding, and implore | commend (v.) commit, entrust, hand over | TNK V.i.75 | |
Her power unto our partie. | Her power unto our party. | unto (prep.) to | TNK V.i.76 | |
Here they kneele as formerly. | Here they prostrate themselves, then kneel as formerly | | TNK V.i.77.1 | |
| to the altar of Venus | | TNK V.i.77.2 | |
Haile Soveraigne Queene of secrets, who hast power | Hail, sovereign queen of secrets, who hast power | | TNK V.i.77 | |
To call the feircest Tyrant from his rage; | To call the fiercest tyrant from his rage | | TNK V.i.78 | |
And weepe unto a Girle; that ha'st the might | And weep unto a girl; that hast the might | | TNK V.i.79 | |
Even with an ey-glance, to choke Marsis Drom | Even with an eye-glance to choke Mars's drum | choke (v.) silence, quieten, still | TNK V.i.80 | |
And turne th'allarme to whispers, that canst make | And turn th' alarm to whispers; that canst make | alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting | TNK V.i.81 | |
A Criple florish with his Crutch, and cure him | A cripple flourish with his crutch, and cure him | flourish with (v.) wave, brandish, shake about | TNK V.i.82 | |
Before Apollo; that may'st force the King | Before Apollo; that mayst force the king | | TNK V.i.83 | |
To be his subjects vassaile, and induce | To be his subject's vassal, and induce | vassal (n.) servant, slave, subject | TNK V.i.84 | |
Stale gravitie to daunce, the pould Bachelour | Stale gravity to dance; the polled bachelor, | polled (adj.) bald, hairless | TNK V.i.85 | |
| | stale (adj.) worn out, past the prime of life | | |
| | gravity (n.) old age, the aged, the elderly | | |
Whose youth like wanton Boyes through Bonfyres | Whose youth, like wanton boys through bonfires, | wanton (adj.) unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled | TNK V.i.86 | |
Have skipt thy flame, at seaventy, thou canst catch | Have skipped thy flame, at seventy thou canst catch, | skip (v.) jump over, avoid, pass by | TNK V.i.87 | |
And make him to the scorne of his hoarse throate | And make him, to the scorn of his hoarse throat, | scorn (n.) object of scorn, target of mockery | TNK V.i.88 | |
Abuse yong laies of love; what godlike power | Abuse young lays of love. What godlike power | power (n.) (usually plural) god, deity, divinity | TNK V.i.89 | |
| | lay (n.) song | | |
| | abuse (v.) misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong | | |
Hast thou not power upon? To Phabus thou | Hast thou not power upon? To Phoebus thou | Phoebus (n.) [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo | TNK V.i.90 | |
Add'st flames, hotter then his the heavenly fyres | Addest flames hotter than his; the heavenly fires | | TNK V.i.91 | |
Did scortch his mortall Son, thine him; the huntresse | Did scorch his mortal son, thine him; the huntress | | TNK V.i.92 | |
All moyst and cold, some say began to throw | All moist and cold, some say began to throw | cold (adj.) chaste, modest, lacking sensual passion | TNK V.i.93 | |
Her Bow away, and sigh: take to thy grace | Her bow away and sigh. Take to thy grace | | TNK V.i.94 | |
Me thy vowd Souldier, who doe beare thy yoke | Me thy vowed soldier, who do bear thy yoke | | TNK V.i.95 | |
As t'wer a wreath of Roses, yet is heavier | As 'twere a wreath of roses, yet is heavier | | TNK V.i.96 | |
Then Lead it selfe, stings more than Nettles; | Than lead itself, stings more than nettles. | | TNK V.i.97 | |
I have never beene foule mouthd against thy law, | I have never been foul-mouthed against thy law, | | TNK V.i.98 | |
Nev'r reveald secret, for I knew none; would not | Ne'er revealed secret, for I knew none; would not, | | TNK V.i.99 | |
Had I kend all that were; I never practised | Had I kenned all that were; I never practised | practise on / upon (v.) try to seduce, carry on with | TNK V.i.100 | |
| | ken (v.) know, understand, be aware of | | |
Vpon mans wife, nor would the Libells reade | Upon man's wife, nor would the libels read | libel (n.) false statement, damaging attack [on women] | TNK V.i.101 | |
Of liberall wits: I never at great feastes | Of liberal wits; I never at great feasts | liberal (adj.) coarse, licentious, promiscuous | TNK V.i.102 | |
| | wit (n.) lively person, sharp-minded individual | | |
Sought to betray a Beautie, but have blush'd | Sought to betray a beauty, but have blushed | betray (v.) disclose the secrets of, reveal the indiscretions of | TNK V.i.103 | |
At simpring Sirs that did: I have beene harsh | At simpering sirs that did; I have been harsh | | TNK V.i.104 | |
To large Confessors, and have hotly ask'd them | To large confessors, and have hotly asked them | large (adj.) grandiose, impressive sounding | TNK V.i.105 | |
| | hotly (adv.) angrily, passionately, fiercely | | |
| | confessor (n.) boaster, braggart [of love affairs] | | |
If they had Mothers, I had one, a woman, | If they had mothers – I had one, a woman, | | TNK V.i.106 | |
And women t'wer they wrong'd. I knew a man | And women 'twere they wronged. I knew a man | | TNK V.i.107 | |
Of eightie winters, this I told them, who | Of eighty winters – this I told them – who | | TNK V.i.108 | |
A Lasse of foureteene brided, twas thy power | A lass of fourteen brided. 'Twas thy power | bride (v.) marry, wed | TNK V.i.109 | |
To put life into dust, the aged Crampe | To put life into dust; the aged cramp | cramp (n.) rheumatic, arthritic | TNK V.i.110 | |
Had screw'd his square foote round, | Had screwed his square foot round, | screw (v.) twist, force, contort | TNK V.i.111 | |
| | square (adj.) good, sturdy, sound | | |
The Gout had knit his fingers into knots, | The gout had knit his fingers into knots, | | TNK V.i.112 | |
Torturing Convulsions from his globie eyes, | Torturing convulsions from his globy eyes | globy (adj.) globular, bulging, protruding | TNK V.i.113 | |
Had almost drawne their spheeres, that what was life | Had almost drawn their spheres, that what was life | sphere (n.) (plural) orbits [of the eye], sockets | TNK V.i.114 | |
| | draw (v.) pull out, force out | | |
In him seem'd torture: this Anatomie | In him seemed torture. This anatomy | anatomy (n.) body, skeleton, skin and bones | TNK V.i.115 | |
Had by his yong faire pheare a Boy, and I | Had by his young fair fere a boy, and I | | TNK V.i.116 | |
Beleev'd it was his, for she swore it was, | Believed it was his, for she swore it was, | | TNK V.i.117 | |
And who would not beleeve her? briefe I am | And who would not believe her? Brief, I am | brief (adv.) in short, briefly, in sum | TNK V.i.118 | |
To those that prate and have done; no Companion | To those that prate and have done, no companion; | prate (v.) prattle, chatter, blather | TNK V.i.119 | |
To those that boast and have not; a defyer | To those that boast and have not, a defier; | defier (n.) challenger, confronter, denouncer | TNK V.i.120 | |
To those that would and cannot; a Rejoycer, | To those that would and cannot, a rejoicer. | rejoicer (n.) cheerer, encourager, consoler | TNK V.i.121 | |
Yea him I doe not love, that tells close offices | Yea, him I do not love that tells close offices | office (n.) performance, business, intrigue | TNK V.i.122 | |
| | close (adj.) secret, concealed, hidden | | |
The fowlest way, nor names concealements in | The foulest way, nor names concealments in | concealment (n.) something to be concealed, secret | TNK V.i.123 | |
The boldest language, such a one I am, | The boldest language; such a one I am, | bold (adj.) shameless, immodest, outspoken, coarse | TNK V.i.124 | |
And vow that lover never yet made sigh | And vow that lover never yet made sigh | | TNK V.i.125 | |
Truer then I. O then most soft sweet goddesse | Truer than I. O then, most soft sweet goddess, | | TNK V.i.126 | |
Give me the victory of this question, which | Give me the victory of this question, which | question (n.) argument, contention, dispute | TNK V.i.127 | |
Is true loves merit, and blesse me with a signe | Is true love's merit, and bless me with a sign | merit (n.) reward, just desert | TNK V.i.128 | |
Of thy great pleasure. | Of thy great pleasure. | | TNK V.i.129 | |
Here Musicke is heard, Doves are seene to flutter, they | Here music is heard and doves are seen to flutter. They | | TNK V.i.130.1 | |
fall againe upon their faces, then on their knees. | fall again upon their faces, then on their knees | | TNK V.i.130.2 | |
Pal. O thou that from eleven, to ninetie raign'st | O thou that from eleven to ninety reignest | | TNK V.i.130 | |
In mortall bosomes, whose chase is this world | In mortal bosoms, whose chase is this world | chase (n.) hunting ground, territory | TNK V.i.131 | |
And we in heards thy game; I give thee thankes | And we in herds thy game, I give thee thanks | | TNK V.i.132 | |
For this faire Token, which being layd unto | For this fair token, which, being laid unto | token (n.) sign, evidence, mark | TNK V.i.133 | |
| | lay unto (v.) add to, place along with | | |
Mine innocent true heart, armes in assurance | Mine innocent true heart, arms in assurance | assurance (n.) security, certainty, confidence | TNK V.i.134 | |
My body to this businesse: Let us rise | My body to this business. Let us rise | | TNK V.i.135 | |
And bow before the goddesse: | And bow before the goddess. | | TNK V.i.136.1 | |
They bow. | They bow | | TNK V.i.136 | |
Time comes on. | Time comes on. | | TNK V.i.136.2 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Palamon and his knights | | TNK V.i.136 | |
Still Musicke of Records. Enter Emilia in white, her | Still music of records. Enter Emilia in white, her | still (adj.) quiet, calm, subdued | TNK V.i.137.1 | |
| | record (n.) recorder | | |
haire about her shoulders, a wheaten wreath: One | hair about her shoulders, with a wheaten wreath; one | | TNK V.i.137.2 | |
in white holding up her traine, her haire stucke with | in white holding up her train, her hair stuck with | stick (v.) decorate, adorn | TNK V.i.137.3 | |
flowers: One before her carrying a silver Hynde, in | flowers; one before her carrying a silver hind, in | | TNK V.i.137.4 | |
whic his conveyd Incense and sweet odours, which | which is conveyed incense and sweet odours; which | | TNK V.i.137.5 | |
being set upon the Altar her maides standing | being set upon the altar of Diana, her maids standing | Diana, Dian (n.) Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting | TNK V.i.137.6 | |
a loofe, she sets fire to it, then they curtsey and kneele. | aloof, she sets fire to it. Then they curtsy and kneel | aloof (adv.) a short distance away, to one side | TNK V.i.137.7 | |
Emilia. | EMILIA | | | |
O sacred, shadowie, cold and constant Queene, | O sacred, shadowy, cold, and constant queen, | cold (adj.) chaste, modest, lacking sensual passion | TNK V.i.137 | |
Abandoner of Revells, mute contemplative, | Abandoner of revels, mute contemplative, | | TNK V.i.138 | |
Sweet, solitary, white as chaste, and pure | Sweet, solitary, white as chaste, and pure | | TNK V.i.139 | |
As windefand Snow, who to thy femall knights | As wind-fanned snow, who to thy female knights | | TNK V.i.140 | |
Alow'st no more blood than will make a blush, | Allowest no more blood than will make a blush, | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | TNK V.i.141 | |
Which is their orders robe. I heere thy Priest | Which is their order's robe; I here, thy priest, | | TNK V.i.142 | |
Am humbled fore thine Altar, O vouchsafe | Am humbled 'fore thine altar. O, vouchsafe | | TNK V.i.143 | |
With that thy rare greene eye, which never yet | With that thy rare green eye, which never yet | | TNK V.i.144 | |
Beheld thing maculate, looke on thy virgin, | Beheld thing maculate, look on thy virgin; | maculate (adj.) impure, spotted, stained | TNK V.i.145 | |
And sacred silver Mistris, lend thine eare | And, sacred silver mistress, lend thine ear – | | TNK V.i.146 | |
(Which nev'r heard scurrill terme, into whose port | Which ne'er heard scurril term, into whose port | port (n.) portal, entrance, gateway | TNK V.i.147 | |
| | scurril (adj.) scurrilous, coarse, vulgar | | |
Ne're entred wanton sound,) to my petition | Ne'er entered wanton sound – to my petition | wanton (adj.) lascivious, lewd, obscene | TNK V.i.148 | |
Seasond with holy feare; This is my last | Seasoned with holy fear. This is my last | season (v.) imbue, infuse, fill | TNK V.i.149 | |
| | fear (n.) awe, reverence, dread | | |
Of vestall office, I am bride habited, | Of vestal office; I am bride-habited, | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | TNK V.i.150 | |
| | vestal (adj.) as a virgin priestess | | |
| | bride-habited (adj.) dressed as a bride | | |
But mayden harted, a husband I have pointed, | But maiden-hearted; a husband I have 'pointed, | appoint (v.) destine, assign, arrange | TNK V.i.151 | |
But doe not know him out of two, I should | But do not know him. Out of two I should | | TNK V.i.152 | |
Choose one, and pray for his successe, but I | Choose one, and pray for his success, but I | | TNK V.i.153 | |
Am guiltlesse of election of mine eyes, | Am guiltless of election. Of mine eyes | election (n.) choice, preference | TNK V.i.154 | |
Were I to loose one, they are equall precious, | Were I to lose one, they are equal precious, | | TNK V.i.155 | |
I could doombe neither, that which perish'd should | I could doom neither; that which perished should | doom (v.) condemn, pronounce judgement against | TNK V.i.156 | |
Goe too't unsentenc'd: Therefore most modest Queene, | Go to't unsentenced. Therefore, most modest queen, | | TNK V.i.157 | |
He of the two Pretenders, that best loves me | He of the two pretenders that best loves me | pretender (n.) claimant, suitor, wooer | TNK V.i.158 | |
And has the truest title in't, Let him | And has the truest title in't, let him | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | TNK V.i.159 | |
| | true (adj.) legitimate, rightful, honourable | | |
Take off my wheaten Gerland, or else grant | Take off my wheaten garland, or else grant | | TNK V.i.160 | |
The fyle and qualitie I hold, I may | The file and quality I hold I may | quality (n.) rank, standing, position | TNK V.i.161 | |
| | file (n.) rank, status, standing | | |
Continue in thy Band. | Continue in thy band. | band (n.) company, society, fellowship | TNK V.i.162 | |
Here the Hynde vanishes under the Altar: and in the | Here the hind vanishes under the altar, and in the | | TNK V.i.163.1 | |
place ascends a Rose Tree, having one Rose upon it. | place ascends a rose tree, having one rose upon it | | TNK V.i.163.2 | |
See what our Generall of Ebbs and Flowes | See what our general of ebbs and flows | | TNK V.i.163 | |
Out from the bowells of her holy Altar | Out from the bowels of her holy altar | bowels (n.) depths, core, interior | TNK V.i.164 | |
With sacred act advances: But one Rose, | With sacred act advances: but one rose! | | TNK V.i.165 | |
If well inspird, this Battaile shal confound | If well inspired, this battle shall confound | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | TNK V.i.166 | |
Both these brave Knights, and I a virgin flowre | Both these brave knights, and I a virgin flower | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | TNK V.i.167 | |
Must grow alone unpluck'd. | Must grow alone, unplucked. | | TNK V.i.168 | |
Here is heard a sodaine twang of Instruments, and the | Here is heard a sudden twang of instruments, and the | | TNK V.i.169.1 | |
Rose fals from the Tree. | rose falls from the tree | | TNK V.i.169.2 | |
The flowre is falne, the Tree descends: O Mistris | The flower is fallen, the tree descends! O mistress, | | TNK V.i.169 | |
Thou here dischargest me, I shall be gather'd, | Thou here dischargest me; I shall be gathered; | discharge (v.) release from service, let go, dismiss | TNK V.i.170 | |
I thinke so, but I know not thine owne will; | I think so, but I know not thine own will; | | TNK V.i.171 | |
Vnclaspe thy Misterie: I hope she's pleas'd, | Unclasp thy mystery. – I hope she's pleased; | unclasp (v.) reveal, display, divulge | TNK V.i.172 | |
Her Signes were gratious. | Her signs were gracious. | | TNK V.i.173 | |
They curtsey and Exeunt. | They curtsy and exeunt | | TNK V.i.173 | |