First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter the King with diuers yong Lords, taking leaue | Enter the King with divers young Lords taking leave | divers (adj.) different, various, several | AW II.i.1.1 | |
for the Florentine warre: Count, Rosse, and Parrolles. | for the Florentine war; Bertram and Parolles; | | AW II.i.1.2 | |
Florish Cornets. | attendants. Flourish of cornets | | AW II.i.1.3 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Farewell yong Lords, these warlike principles | Farewell, young lords; these warlike principles | | AW II.i.1 | |
Doe not throw from you, and you my Lords farewell: | Do not throw from you; and you, my lords, farewell. | | AW II.i.2 | |
Share the aduice betwixt you, if both gaine, all | Share the advice betwixt you; if both gain all, | | AW II.i.3 | |
The guift doth stretch it selfe as 'tis receiu'd, | The gift doth stretch itself as 'tis received, | | AW II.i.4 | |
And is enough for both. | And is enough for both. | | AW II.i.5.1 | |
Lord. G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
'Tis our hope sir, | 'Tis our hope, sir, | | AW II.i.5.2 | |
After well entred souldiers, to returne | After well-entered soldiers, to return | well-entered (adj.) well-trained, duly initiated | AW II.i.6 | |
And finde your grace in health. | And find your grace in health. | | AW II.i.7 | |
King. | KING | | | |
No, no, it cannot be; and yet my heart | No, no, it cannot be; and yet my heart | | AW II.i.8 | |
Will not confesse he owes the mallady | Will not confess he owes the malady | owe (v.) own, possess, have | AW II.i.9 | |
That doth my life besiege: farwell yong Lords, | That doth my life besiege. Farewell, young lords. | | AW II.i.10 | |
Whether I liue or die, be you the sonnes | Whether I live or die, be you the sons | | AW II.i.11 | |
Of worthy French men: let higher Italy | Of worthy Frenchmen. Let higher Italy – | higher (adj.) [unclear meaning] upper, northern | AW II.i.12 | |
(Those bated that inherit but the fall | Those bated that inherit but the fall | bate (v.) except, omit, leave out of consideration | AW II.i.13 | |
Of the last Monarchy) see that you come | Of the last monarchy – see that you come | | AW II.i.14 | |
Not to wooe honour, but to wed it, when | Not to woo honour, but to wed it. When | | AW II.i.15 | |
The brauest questant shrinkes: finde what you seeke, | The bravest questant shrinks, find what you seek, | questant (n.) seeker, searcher, someone engaged in a quest | AW II.i.16 | |
That fame may cry you loud: I say farewell. | That fame may cry you loud. I say farewell. | cry (v.) speak loudly, shout out, proclaim | AW II.i.17 | |
L. G. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Health at your bidding serue your Maiesty. | Health at your bidding serve your majesty! | | AW II.i.18 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Those girles of Italy, take heed of them, | Those girls of Italy, take heed of them: | | AW II.i.19 | |
They say our French, lacke language to deny | They say our French lack language to deny | | AW II.i.20 | |
If they demand: beware of being Captiues | If they demand. Beware of being captives | | AW II.i.21 | |
Before you serue. | Before you serve. | | AW II.i.22.1 | |
Bo. | BOTH LORDS | | | |
Our hearts receiue your warnings. | Our hearts receive your warnings. | | AW II.i.22.2 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Farewell, come hether to me. | Farewell. (To some attendants) Come hither to me. | | AW II.i.23 | |
| He withdraws | | AW II.i.24 | |
1. Lo. G, | FIRST LORD | | | |
Oh my sweet Lord yt you wil stay behind vs. | O my sweet lord, that you will stay behind us! | | AW II.i.24 | |
Parr. | PAROLLES | | | |
'Tis not his fault the spark. | 'Tis not his fault, the spark. | spark (n.) young blade, man about town, dude | AW II.i.25.1 | |
2. Lo. E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Oh 'tis braue warres. | O, 'tis brave wars! | brave (adj.) fine, excellent, splendid, impressive | AW II.i.25.2 | |
Parr. | PAROLLES | | | |
Most admirable, I haue seene those warres. | Most admirable! I have seen those wars. | | AW II.i.26 | |
Rossill. | BERTRAM | | | |
I am commanded here, and kept a coyle with, | I am commanded here, and kept a coil with | coil (n.) turmoil, disturbance, fuss | AW II.i.27 | |
Too young, and the next yeere, and 'tis too early. | ‘ Too young,’ and ‘ The next year,’ and ‘ 'Tis too early.’ | | AW II.i.28 | |
Parr. | PAROLLES | | | |
And thy minde stand too't boy, / Steale away brauely. | An thy mind stand to't, boy, steal away bravely. | stand to it (v.) be steadfast, stand firm, make a stand | AW II.i.29 | |
| | and, an (conj.) if, whether | | |
| | bravely (adv.) in fine clothes, splendidly dressed | | |
Rossill. | BERTRAM | | | |
I shal stay here the for-horse to a smocke, | I shall stay here the forehorse to a smock, | smock (n.) woman's undergarment, shift, slip, chemise | AW II.i.30 | |
| | forehorse, fore-horse (n.) foremost horse, leader [in a team of horses] | | |
Creeking my shooes on the plaine Masonry, | Creaking my shoes on the plain masonry, | masonry (n.) stonework, floor | AW II.i.31 | |
| | plain (adj.) [bowls] level, flat, even, smooth | | |
| | creak (v.) make something creak, squeak | | |
Till honour be bought vp, and no sword worne | Till honour be bought up, and no sword worn | | AW II.i.32 | |
But one to dance with: by heauen, Ile steale away. | But one to dance with. By heaven, I'll steal away! | | AW II.i.33 | |
1. Lo. G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
There's honour in the theft. | There's honour in the theft. | | AW II.i.34.1 | |
Parr. | PAROLLES | | | |
Commit it Count. | Commit it, Count. | | AW II.i.34.2 | |
2. Lo. E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
I am your accessary, and so farewell. | I am your accessory; and so farewell. | accessory, accessary (n.) assistant, helper, collaborator | AW II.i.35 | |
Ros. | BERTRAM | | | |
I grow to you, & our parting is a tortur'd | I grow to you, and our parting is a tortured | | AW II.i.36 | |
body. | body. | | AW II.i.37 | |
1. Lo. G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Farewell Captaine. | Farewell, captain. | | AW II.i.38 | |
2. Lo. E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Sweet Mounsier Parolles. | Sweet Monsieur Parolles! | | AW II.i.39 | |
Parr. | PAROLLES | | | |
Noble Heroes; my sword and yours are kinne, | Noble heroes, my sword and yours are kin. | | AW II.i.40 | |
good sparkes and lustrous, a word good mettals. You | Good sparks and lustrous, a word, good metals. You | spark (n.) young blade, man about town, dude | AW II.i.41 | |
shall finde in the Regiment of the Spinij, one Captaine | shall find in the regiment of the Spinii one Captain | | AW II.i.42 | |
Spurio his sicatrice, with an Embleme of warre heere on his | Spurio, with his cicatrice, an emblem of war, here on his | cicatrice (n.) scar, scar-like mark | AW II.i.43 | |
sinister cheeke; it was this very sword entrench'd it: say | sinister cheek; it was this very sword entrenched it. Say | entrench, intrench (v.) gash, make a deep cut in | AW II.i.44 | |
| | sinister (adj.) left | | |
to him I liue, and obserue his reports for me. | to him I live, and observe his reports for me. | | AW II.i.45 | |
Lo. G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
We shall noble Captaine. | We shall, noble captain. | | AW II.i.46 | |
| Exeunt the Lords | | AW II.i.46 | |
Parr. | PAROLLES | | | |
Mars doate on you for his nouices, | Mars dote on you for his novices! (To Bertram) | novice (n.) recruit, rookie, greenhorn | AW II.i.47 | |
| | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | | |
| | dote on / upon (v.) love dearly, give tender care | | |
what will ye doe? | What will ye do? | | AW II.i.48 | |
Ross. | BERTRAM | | | |
Stay the King. | Stay: the King. | | AW II.i.49 | |
Parr. | PAROLLES | | | |
Vse a more spacious ceremonie to the Noble | Use a more spacious ceremony to the noble | | AW II.i.50 | |
Lords, you haue restrain'd your selfe within the List of too | lords; you have restrained yourself within the list of too | list (n.) boundary, limit, confines | AW II.i.51 | |
cold an adieu: be more expressiue to them; for they | cold an adieu. Be more expressive to them, for they | | AW II.i.52 | |
weare themselues in the cap of the time, there do muster | wear themselves in the cap of the time; there do muster | muster (v.) display, illustrate, exhibit | AW II.i.53 | |
true gate; eat, speake, and moue vnder the influence of | true gait, eat, speak, and move, under the influence of | gait (n.) manner of walking, bearing, movement | AW II.i.54 | |
the most receiu'd starre, and though the deuill leade the | the most received star; and though the devil lead the | received (adj.) fashionable, accepted as a norm, generally adopted | AW II.i.55 | |
measure, such are to be followed: after them, and take a | measure, such are to be followed. After them, and take a | measure (n.) slow stately dance, graceful movement | AW II.i.56 | |
more dilated farewell. | more dilated farewell. | dilated (adj.) extended, leisurely, lengthy | AW II.i.57 | |
Ros. | BERTRAM | | | |
And I will doe so. | And I will do so. | | AW II.i.58 | |
Parr. | PAROLLES | | | |
Worthy fellowes, and like to prooue most sinewie | Worthy fellows, and like to prove most sinewy | sinewy (adj.) muscular, well-developed, brawny | AW II.i.59 | |
| | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | | |
sword-men. | sword-men | | AW II.i.60 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Bertram and Parolles | | AW II.i.60 | |
Enter Lafew. | Enter Lafew. The King comes forward | | AW II.i.61 | |
L. Laf. | LAFEW | | | |
| (kneeling) | | AW II.i.61 | |
Pardon my Lord for mee and for my tidings. | Pardon, my lord, for me and for my tidings. | | AW II.i.61 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Ile see thee to stand vp. | I'll sue thee to stand up. | sue (v.) beg, plead, beseech | AW II.i.62 | |
L. Laf. | LAFEW | | | |
Then heres a man stands that has brought his pardon, | Then here's a man stands that has brought his pardon. | | AW II.i.63 | |
I would you had kneel'd my Lord to aske me mercy, | I would you had kneeled, my lord, to ask me mercy, | | AW II.i.64 | |
And that at my bidding you could so stand vp. | And that at my bidding you could so stand up. | | AW II.i.65 | |
King. | KING | | | |
I would I had, so I had broke thy pate | I would I had, so I had broke thy pate | pate (n.) head, skull | AW II.i.66 | |
And askt thee mercy for't. | And asked thee mercy for't. | | AW II.i.67.1 | |
Laf. | LAFEW | | | |
Goodfaith a-crosse, | Good faith, across! | across (adv.) [of a lance] not straight, obliquely; awry, amiss | AW II.i.67.2 | |
but my good Lord 'tis thus, / Will you be cur'd | But, my good lord 'tis thus: will you be cured | | AW II.i.68 | |
of your infirmitie? | Of your infirmity? | | AW II.i.69.1 | |
King. | KING | | | |
No. | No. | | AW II.i.69.2 | |
Laf. | LAFEW | | | |
O will you eat | O, will you eat | | AW II.i.69.3 | |
no grapes my royall foxe? / Yes but you will, | No grapes, my royal fox? Yes, but you will | will (v.), past form would desire, wish, want | AW II.i.70 | |
my noble grapes, and if / My royall foxe | My noble grapes, and if my royal fox | | AW II.i.71 | |
could reach them: I haue seen a medicine | Could reach them. I have seen a medicine | medicine (n.) physician, doctor | AW II.i.72 | |
That's able to breath life into a stone, | That's able to breathe life into a stone, | | AW II.i.73 | |
Quicken a rocke, and make you dance Canari | Quicken a rock, and make you dance canary | quicken (v.) revive, rejuvenate, give life [to] | AW II.i.74 | |
| | canary, canaries (n.) lively Spanish dance | | |
With sprightly fire and motion, whose simple touch | With sprightly fire and motion; whose simple touch | simple (adj.) basic, minimal, small | AW II.i.75 | |
Is powerfull to arayse King Pippen, nay | Is powerful to araise King Pippen, nay, | Pepin, Pippen (n.) king of the Franks in 8th-c | AW II.i.76 | |
| | araise (v.) raise from the dead, awake from the grave | | |
To giue great Charlemaine a pen in's hand | To give great Charlemain a pen in's hand | Charlemain (n.) [pron: 'shahluhmayn] Charlemagne, king of the Franks in 768–814; great patron of learning | AW II.i.77 | |
And write to her a loue-line. | And write to her a love-line. | | AW II.i.78.1 | |
King. | KING | | | |
What her is this? | What ‘ her ’ is this? | | AW II.i.78.2 | |
Laf. | LAFEW | | | |
Why doctor she: my Lord, there's one arriu'd, | Why, Doctor She! My lord, there's one arrived, | | AW II.i.79 | |
If you will see her: now by my faith and honour, | If you will see her. Now by my faith and honour, | | AW II.i.80 | |
If seriously I may conuay my thoughts | If seriously I may convey my thoughts | | AW II.i.81 | |
In this my light deliuerance, I haue spoke | In this my light deliverance, I have spoke | light (adj.) facile, frivolous, of no consequence | AW II.i.82 | |
| | deliverance (n.) delivery, utterance, reporting | | |
With one, that in her sexe, her yeeres, profession, | With one that in her sex, her years, profession, | profession (n.) avowal of skilled knowledge, declaration of ability to carry out a task | AW II.i.83 | |
Wisedome and constancy, hath amaz'd mee more | Wisdom, and constancy hath amazed me more | | AW II.i.84 | |
Then I dare blame my weakenesse: will you see her? | Than I dare blame my weakness. Will you see her, | | AW II.i.85 | |
For that is her demand, and know her businesse? | For that is her demand, and know her business? | | AW II.i.86 | |
That done, laugh well at me. | That done, laugh well at me. | | AW II.i.87.1 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Now good Lafew, | Now, good Lafew, | | AW II.i.87.2 | |
Bring in the admiration, that we with thee | Bring in the admiration, that we with thee | admiration (n.) object of wonder, marvel, phenomenon | AW II.i.88 | |
May spend our wonder too, or take off thine | May spend our wonder too, or take off thine | take off (v.) reduce, diminish, lessen | AW II.i.89 | |
By wondring how thou tookst it. | By wondering how thou tookest it. | take (v.) suppose, conceive, come to believe | AW II.i.90.1 | |
Laf. | LAFEW | | | |
Nay, Ile fit you, | Nay, I'll fit you, | fit (v.) supply [with what is fit], satisfy | AW II.i.90.2 | |
And not be all day neither. | And not be all day neither. | | AW II.i.91 | |
| He goes to the door | | AW II.i.92 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Thus he his speciall nothing euer prologues. | Thus he his special nothing ever prologues. | | AW II.i.92 | |
Laf. | LAFEW | | | |
Nay, come your waies. | Nay, come your ways. | ways, come thy / your come along | AW II.i.93.1 | |
Enter Hellen. | Enter Helena | | AW II.i.93 | |
King. | KING | | | |
This haste hath wings indeed. | This haste hath wings indeed. | | AW II.i.93.2 | |
Laf. | LAFEW | | | |
Nay, come your waies, | Nay, come your ways. | | AW II.i.94 | |
This is his Maiestie, say your minde to him, | This is his majesty: say your mind to him. | | AW II.i.95 | |
A Traitor you doe looke like, but such traitors | A traitor you do look like, but such traitors | | AW II.i.96 | |
His Maiesty seldome feares, I am Cresseds Vncle, | His majesty seldom fears. I am Cressid's uncle | Cressid, Cressida fickle daughter of Calchas, a priest of Troy; beloved by Troilus, a Trojan prince, she deserted him for Diomed; character in Troilus and Cressida | AW II.i.97 | |
That dare leaue two together, far you well. | That dare leave two together. Fare you well. | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | AW II.i.98 | |
| | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | | |
Exit. | Exit | | AW II.i.98.1 | |
King | KING | | | |
Now faire one, do's your busines follow vs? | Now, fair one, does your business follow us? | follow (v.) aim at, relate to, pertain to | AW II.i.99 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
I my good Lord, | Ay, my good lord. | | AW II.i.100 | |
Gerard de Narbon was my father, | Gerard de Narbon was my father, | | AW II.i.101 | |
In what he did professe, well found. | In what he did profess, well found. | profess (v.) make profession of, do as an occupation | AW II.i.102.1 | |
| | well-found (adj.) of proven merit, of established reputation, commendable | | |
King. | KING | | | |
I knew him. | I knew him. | | AW II.i.102.2 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
The rather will I spare my praises towards him, | The rather will I spare my praises towards him; | | AW II.i.103 | |
Knowing him is enough: on's bed of death, | Knowing him is enough. On's bed of death | | AW II.i.104 | |
Many receits he gaue me, chieflie one, | Many receipts he gave me; chiefly one, | receipt (n.) recipe, formula, prescription | AW II.i.105 | |
Which as the dearest issue of his practice | Which, as the dearest issue of his practice, | issue (n.) yield, product, result | AW II.i.106 | |
| | issue (n.) outcome, result, consequence(s) | | |
And of his olde experience, th'onlie darling, | And of his old experience th' only darling, | | AW II.i.107 | |
He bad me store vp, as a triple eye, | He bade me store up as a triple eye, | triple (adj.) third | AW II.i.108 | |
| | bid (v.), past form bade command, order, enjoin, tell | | |
Safer then mine owne two: more deare I haue so, | Safer than mine own two, more dear; I have so, | | AW II.i.109 | |
And hearing your high Maiestie is toucht | And hearing your high majesty is touched | touch (v.) threaten, endanger, imperil | AW II.i.110 | |
With that malignant cause, wherein the honour | With that malignant cause wherein the honour | cause (n.) disease, illness, sickness | AW II.i.111 | |
Of my deare fathers gift, stands cheefe in power, | Of my dear father's gift stands chief in power, | stand (v.) be, appear | AW II.i.112 | |
I come to tender it, and my appliance, | I come to tender it and my appliance, | tender (v.) offer, give, present | AW II.i.113 | |
| | appliance (n.) remedy, cure, treatment | | |
With all bound humblenesse. | With all bound humbleness. | bound (adj.) ready, prepared | AW II.i.114.1 | |
King. | KING | | | |
We thanke you maiden, | We thank you, maiden, | | AW II.i.114.2 | |
But may not be so credulous of cure, | But may not be so credulous of cure, | credulous (adj.) over-ready to believe, naively trusting | AW II.i.115 | |
When our most learned Doctors leaue vs, and | When our most learned doctors leave us, and | | AW II.i.116 | |
The congregated Colledge haue concluded, | The congregated college have concluded | | AW II.i.117 | |
That labouring Art can neuer ransome nature | That labouring art can never ransom nature | nature (n.) natural order, ungoverned state, way of the world [often personified] | AW II.i.118 | |
| | labouring (adj.) aspiring, striving, showing endeavour | | |
| | art (n.) knowledge, learning, scholarship, science | | |
From her inaydible estate: I say we must not | From her inaidible estate. I say we must not | inaidible (adj.) unable to be assisted, incapable of being helped | AW II.i.119 | |
So staine our iudgement, or corrupt our hope, | So stain our judgement or corrupt our hope, | stain (v.) corrupt, spoil, taint | AW II.i.120 | |
To prostitute our past-cure malladie | To prostitute our past-cure malady | | AW II.i.121 | |
To empericks, or to disseuer so | To empirics, or to dissever so | empiric (n.) medical quack, untrained practitioner | AW II.i.122 | |
| | dissever (v.) divide, split up, separate | | |
Our great selfe and our credit, to esteeme | Our great self and our credit, to esteem | credit (n.) reputation, name, standing, honour | AW II.i.123 | |
A sencelesse helpe, when helpe past sence we deeme. | A senseless help, when help past sense we deem. | senseless (adj.) lacking in sense, stupid, foolish | AW II.i.124 | |
Hell. | HELENA | | | |
My dutie then shall pay me for my paines: | My duty then shall pay me for my pains. | duty (n.) reverence, due respect, proper attitude | AW II.i.125 | |
I will no more enforce mine office on you, | I will no more enforce mine office on you, | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | AW II.i.126 | |
Humbly intreating from your royall thoughts, | Humbly entreating from your royal thoughts | | AW II.i.127 | |
A modest one to beare me backe againe. | A modest one to bear me back a again. | modest (adj.) moderate, reasonable, mild, limited | AW II.i.128 | |
King. | KING | | | |
I cannot giue thee lesse to be cal'd gratefull: | I cannot give thee less, to be called grateful. | | AW II.i.129 | |
Thou thoughtst to helpe me, and such thankes I giue, | Thou thoughtest to help me, and such thanks I give | | AW II.i.130 | |
As one neere death to those that wish him liue: | As one near death to those that wish him live. | | AW II.i.131 | |
But what at full I know, thou knowst no part, | But what at full I know, thou knowest no part; | | AW II.i.132 | |
I knowing all my perill, thou no Art. | I knowing all my peril, thou no art. | | AW II.i.133 | |
Hell. | HELENA | | | |
What I can doe, can doe no hurt to try, | What I can do can do no hurt to try, | | AW II.i.134 | |
Since you set vp your rest 'gainst remedie: | Since you set up your rest 'gainst remedy. | set up one's rest (n.) [in primero] venture one's final stake, stake all | AW II.i.135 | |
He that of greatest workes is finisher, | He that of greatest works is finisher | | AW II.i.136 | |
Oft does them by the weakest minister: | Oft does them by the weakest minister. | oft (adv.) often | AW II.i.137 | |
So holy Writ, in babes hath iudgement showne, | So holy writ in babes hath judgement shown, | writ (n.) [archaism] gospel, holy scripture | AW II.i.138 | |
When Iudges haue bin babes; great flouds haue flowne | When judges have been babes; great floods have flown | | AW II.i.139 | |
From simple sources: and great Seas haue dried | From simple sources; and great seas have dried | | AW II.i.140 | |
When Miracles haue by the great'st beene denied. | When miracles have by the greatest been denied. | | AW II.i.141 | |
Oft expectation failes, and most oft there | Oft expectation fails, and most oft there | oft (adv.) often | AW II.i.142 | |
Where most it promises: and oft it hits, | Where most it promises, and oft it hits | | AW II.i.143 | |
Where hope is coldest, and despaire most shifts. | Where hope is coldest and despair most fits. | | AW II.i.144 | |
King. | KING | | | |
I must not heare thee, fare thee wel kind maide, | I must not hear thee. Fare thee well, kind maid. | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | AW II.i.145 | |
| | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | | |
Thy paines not vs'd, must by thy selfe be paid, | Thy pains, not used, must by thyself be paid; | | AW II.i.146 | |
Proffers not tooke, reape thanks for their reward. | Proffers not took reap thanks for their reward. | proffer (n.) offer, proposal, proposition | AW II.i.147 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Inspired Merit so by breath is bard, | Inspired merit so by breath is barred. | merit (n.) good works [yielding reward from God] | AW II.i.148 | |
| | inspired (adj.) coming from God, of divine origin | | |
| | breath (n.) utterance, speech, voice | | |
It is not so with him that all things knowes | It is not so with Him that all things knows | | AW II.i.149 | |
As 'tis with vs, that square our guesse by showes: | As 'tis with us that square our guess by shows; | show (n.) appearance, exhibition, display | AW II.i.150 | |
| | square (v.) base, form, shape | | |
| | guess (n.) conjecture, opinion, view | | |
But most it is presumption in vs, when | But most it is presumption in us when | | AW II.i.151 | |
The help of heauen we count the act of men. | The help of heaven we count the act of men. | | AW II.i.152 | |
Deare sir, to my endeauors giue consent, | Dear sir, to my endeavours give consent. | | AW II.i.153 | |
Of heauen, not me, make an experiment. | Of heaven, not me, make an experiment. | | AW II.i.154 | |
I am not an Impostrue, that proclaime | I am not an impostor, that proclaim | | AW II.i.155 | |
My selfe against the leuill of mine aime, | Myself against the level of mine aim, | level (n.) line of fire | AW II.i.156 | |
But know I thinke, and thinke I know most sure, | But know I think, and think I know most sure, | | AW II.i.157 | |
My Art is not past power, nor you past cure. | My art is not past power, nor you past cure. | past (prep.) incapable of | AW II.i.158 | |
| | art (n.) knowledge, learning, scholarship, science | | |
King. | KING | | | |
Art thou so confident? Within what space | Art thou so confident? Within what space | space (n.) space of time, while | AW II.i.159 | |
Hop'st thou my cure? | Hopest thou my cure? | | AW II.i.160.1 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
The greatest grace lending grace, | The greatest grace lending grace, | | AW II.i.160.2 | |
Ere twice the horses of the sunne shall bring | Ere twice the horses of the sun shall bring | | AW II.i.161 | |
Their fiery torcher his diurnall ring, | Their fiery torcher his diurnal ring, | ring (n.) round, circuit, orbit | AW II.i.162 | |
| | torcher (n.) light-giver, torch-carrier | | |
| | diurnal (adj.) daily | | |
| | coacher (n.) [Q variant of torcher, unclear meaning] coach, chariot | | |
Ere twice in murke and occidentall dampe | Ere twice in murk and occidental damp | damp (n.) fog, mist, vapour | AW II.i.163 | |
| | occidental (adj.) western, westerly; sunset | | |
Moist Hesperus hath quench'd her sleepy Lampe: | Moist Hesperus hath quenched her sleepy lamp, | Hesperus (n.) the evening star | AW II.i.164 | |
Or foure and twenty times the Pylots glasse | Or four-and-twenty times the pilot's glass | glass (n.) [sand of the] hourglass | AW II.i.165 | |
Hath told the theeuish minutes, how they passe: | Hath told the thievish minutes how they pass, | | AW II.i.166 | |
What is infirme, from your sound parts shall flie, | What is infirm from your sound parts shall fly, | | AW II.i.167 | |
Health shall liue free, and sickenesse freely dye. | Health shall live free and sickness freely die. | | AW II.i.168 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Vpon thy certainty and confidence, | Upon thy certainty and confidence | | AW II.i.169 | |
What dar'st thou venter? | What darest thou venture? | | AW II.i.170.1 | |
Hell. | HELENA | | | |
Taxe of impudence, | Tax of impudence, | tax (n.) charge, accusation, censure | AW II.i.170.2 | |
A strumpets boldnesse, a divulged shame | A strumpet's boldness, a divulged shame; | strumpet (n.) harlot, prostitute, whore | AW II.i.171 | |
Traduc'd by odious ballads: my maidens name | Traduced by odious ballads my maiden's name; | traduce (v.) defame, slander, calumniate, dishonour | AW II.i.172 | |
Seard otherwise, ne worse of worst extended | Seared otherwise, ne worse of worst, extended | extended (adj.) racked, stretched | AW II.i.173 | |
| | seared (adj.) branded, stigmatized, vilified | | |
| | ne (conj.) [archaism] nor | | |
With vildest torture, let my life be ended. | With vildest torture let my life be ended. | vile, vild (adj.) despicable, disgusting, abhorrent | AW II.i.174 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Methinks in thee some blessed spirit doth speak | Methinks in thee some blessed spirit doth speak | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | AW II.i.175 | |
His powerfull sound, within an organ weake: | His powerful sound within an organ weak; | | AW II.i.176 | |
And what impossibility would slay | And what impossibility would slay | | AW II.i.177 | |
In common sence, sence saues another way: | In common sense, sense saves another way. | save (v.) keep, preserve, maintain | AW II.i.178 | |
Thy life is deere, for all that life can rate | Thy life is dear, for all that life can rate | rate (v.) reckon, estimate, appraise | AW II.i.179 | |
Worth name of life, in thee hath estimate: | Worth name of life in thee hath estimate: | estimate (n.) value, esteem, estimation | AW II.i.180 | |
Youth, beauty, wisedome, courage, all | Youth, beauty, wisdom, courage – all | | AW II.i.181 | |
That happines and prime, can happy call: | That happiness and prime can happy call. | prime (n.) early years, prime of life, fullness of youth | AW II.i.182 | |
Thou this to hazard, needs must intimate | Thou this to hazard needs must intimate | hazard (v.) expose to danger, put at risk | AW II.i.183 | |
Skill infinite, or monstrous desperate, | Skill infinite, or monstrous desperate. | monstrous (adv.) exceedingly, wonderfully, extraordinarily | AW II.i.184 | |
| | desperate (adj.) disregarding, careless, reckless | | |
Sweet practiser, thy Physicke I will try, | Sweet practiser, thy physic I will try, | physic (n.) medicine, healing, treatment | AW II.i.185 | |
| | practiser (n.) practitioner | | |
That ministers thine owne death if I die. | That ministers thine own death if I die. | | AW II.i.186 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
If I breake time, or flinch in property | If I break time, or flinch in property | property (n.) feature, characteristic, particular respect | AW II.i.187 | |
| | flinch (v.) fall short, give way, turn aside | | |
| | break (v.) fail to keep, default on | | |
Of what I spoke, vnpittied let me die, | Of what I spoke, unpitied let me die, | | AW II.i.188 | |
And well deseru'd: not helping, death's my fee, | And well deserved. Not helping, death's my fee; | deserved (adj.) deserving, meritorious, praiseworthy | AW II.i.189 | |
But if I helpe, what doe you promise me. | But if I help, what do you promise me? | | AW II.i.190 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Make thy demand. | Make thy demand. | | AW II.i.191.1 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
But will you make it euen? | But will you make it even? | even (adj.) equal, alike, same | AW II.i.191.2 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
I by my Scepter, and my hopes of helpe. | Ay, by my sceptre and my hopes of heaven. | | AW II.i.192 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Then shalt thou giue me with thy kingly hand | Then shalt thou give me with thy kingly hand | | AW II.i.193 | |
What husband in thy power I will command: | What husband in thy power I will command: | power (n.) control, influence, sway | AW II.i.194 | |
Exempted be from me the arrogance | Exempted be from me the arrogance | | AW II.i.195 | |
To choose from forth the royall bloud of France, | To choose from forth the royal blood of France | | AW II.i.196 | |
My low and humble name to propagate | My low and humble name to propagate | | AW II.i.197 | |
With any branch or image of thy state: | With any branch or image of thy state; | | AW II.i.198 | |
But such a one thy vassall, whom I know | But such a one, thy vassal, whom I know | vassal (n.) servant, slave, subject | AW II.i.199 | |
Is free for me to aske, thee to bestow. | Is free for me to ask, thee to bestow. | | AW II.i.200 | |
Kin | KING | | | |
Heere is my hand, the premises obseru'd, | Here is my hand; the premises observed, | | AW II.i.201 | |
Thy will by my performance shall be seru'd: | Thy will by my performance shall be served. | | AW II.i.202 | |
So make the choice of thy owne time, for I | So make the choice of thy own time, for I, | | AW II.i.203 | |
Thy resolv'd Patient, on thee still relye: | Thy resolved patient, on thee still rely. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | AW II.i.204 | |
More should I question thee, and more I must, | More should I question thee, and more I must, | | AW II.i.205 | |
Though more to know, could not be more to trust: | Though more to know could not be more to trust: | | AW II.i.206 | |
From whence thou cam'st, how tended on, but rest | From whence thou camest, how tended on – but rest | tend on / upon (v.) serve, follow, wait upon, escort | AW II.i.207 | |
Vnquestion'd welcome, and vndoubted blest. | Unquestioned welcome, and undoubted blessed. | | AW II.i.208 | |
Giue me some helpe heere hoa, if thou proceed, | Give me some help here, ho! If thou proceed | | AW II.i.209 | |
As high as word, my deed shall match thy deed. | As high as word, my deed shall match thy deed. | | AW II.i.210 | |
Florish. Exit. | Flourish. Exeunt | | AW II.i.210 | |