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if you are searching for a compound word, note that it might appear in any of three ways, reflecting varied editorial practice: spaced ('house keeper'), solid ('housekeeper'), or hyphenated ('house-keeper')

Search results

Search phrase: usually


 2 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry VI Part 22H6 IV.vii.35to thy face that thou hast men about thee that usuallyto thy Face, that thou hast men about thee, that vsually
MacbethMac III.iii.12Almost a mile; but he does usually.Almost a mile: but he does vsually,


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 18 result(s).
abiliment(usually plural) clothes, dress, attire, outfit
buzzimpatient request for silence (usually because news is already known)
chuckchicken, chick [usually as a term of endearment]
crowncoin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
Cymbeline[pron: 'simbeleen] Celtic king in 1st-c Britain, usually named as Cunobelinus
gagepledge, challenge [usually, a glove or gauntlet thrown down]
Gaul[unclear usage by the Host] someone from Wales; usually at the time, someone from France
habiliment(usually plural) clothes, dress, attire, outfit
have [said at the start of a confrontation or attack; more usually: have at] I come
jackjacket, tunic, coat [usually of quilted leather]
list(usually plural) combat arena at a tournament
point(usually plural) tagged lace [especially for attaching hose to the doublet]
power(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
strikemeasure [of variable value - usually, a bushel]
usuallyhabitually, routinely, regularly
viand(usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff
vice(usually capitalized) buffoon, stage jester; a character representing vice in morality plays
victual(usually plural) provisions, supplies, food and drink


 0 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 16 result(s).
a- as a particle... in -ing (coming going) to which it is usually shown linked with a hyphen historically...
...orm of a preposition in front of a noun usually joined to the rest the word by a hyphen ...
Address forms...ng] lord sovereign [subject to king usually &lsquo my liege&rsquo ] lording...
...ool to employer] little one [playful usually to a woman] signor signior ...
Archaisms... were also around in shakespeare’s time usually items taken from chaucer and his contemp...
Clothing... m sleeveless jacket or tunic usually of quilted leather jer...
Elision...distinctive in modern english we do not usually write y’are for ‘you are’ or o’doors for...
Money...ation references to foreign coins were usually notional suggestive of large amounts or...
Plants... lily tg ii iii 19 liliaceae usually lilium candidum associated with purit...
... fumiter kl iv iv 3 fumariaceae usually fumaria officinalis type of weed des...
... fumitory h5 v ii 45 fumariaceae usually fumaria officinalis type of weed des...
Stage directions...h6 i ii 1 fanfare of horns or trumpets usually accompanying an entrance or exit ha...
Verb forms
Weapons... handle ending in a broad spear-head usually with one or more projections at the side...
Withal and withal...sing various kinds of additive meaning - usually positive (‘in addition’) occasionally n...
Historical figures... ii 55 celtic king in 1st-c britain usually named as cunobelinus cyrus 1...
Britain [outside London]...r usage by the host] someone from wales usually at the time someone from france ...
Welsh... but there are some exceptions there is usually just one localized feature per word ...
... is omitted at the beginning of a word - usually /w/ sound omission welsh pro...
Frequently Encountered Words (FEW)

Words Families

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