First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Duke, Claudio, and Prouost. | Enter Duke, as a friar, Claudio, and Provost | | MM III.i.1 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
So then you hope of pardon from Lord Angelo? | So then you hope of pardon from Lord Angelo? | | MM III.i.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
The miserable haue no other medicine | The miserable have no other medicine | | MM III.i.2 | |
But onely hope: | But only hope: | | MM III.i.3 | |
I'haue hope to liue, and am prepar'd to die. | I have hope to live, and am prepared to die. | | MM III.i.4 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Be absolute for death: either death or life | Be absolute for death: either death or life | absolute (adj.) resolved, positive, settled in mind | MM III.i.5 | |
Shall thereby be the sweeter. Reason thus with life: | Shall thereby be the sweeter. Reason thus with life: | | MM III.i.6 | |
If I do loose thee, I do loose a thing | If I do lose thee, I do lose a thing | | MM III.i.7 | |
That none but fooles would keepe: a breath thou art, | That none but fools would keep; a breath thou art, | | MM III.i.8 | |
Seruile to all the skyie-influences | Servile to all the skyey influences | skyey (adj.) coming from the sky, planetary | MM III.i.9 | |
| | servile (adj.) subordinate, controlled [by] | | |
That dost this habitation where thou keepst | That dost this habitation where thou keep'st | keep (v.) lodge, live, dwell | MM III.i.10 | |
Hourely afflict: Meerely, thou art deaths foole, | Hourly afflict. Merely, thou art death's fool, | merely (adv.) completely, totally, entirely | MM III.i.11 | |
For him thou labourst by thy flight to shun, | For him thou labour'st by thy flight to shun, | | MM III.i.12 | |
And yet runst toward him still. Thou art not noble, | And yet runn'st toward him still. Thou art not noble, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | MM III.i.13 | |
For all th' accommodations that thou bearst, | For all th' accommodations that thou bear'st | accommodation (n.) amenity, convenience, comfort | MM III.i.14 | |
Are nurst by basenesse: Thou'rt by no meanes valiant, | Are nursed by baseness. Thou'rt by no means valiant, | baseness (n.) socially inferior trait, plebeian quality | MM III.i.15 | |
For thou dost feare the soft and tender forke | For thou dost fear the soft and tender fork | fork (n.) forked tongue | MM III.i.16 | |
Of a poore worme: thy best of rest is sleepe, | Of a poor worm. Thy best of rest is sleep, | worm (n.) serpent, snake | MM III.i.17 | |
And that thou oft prouoakst, yet grosselie fearst | And that thou oft provok'st, yet grossly fear'st | oft (adv.) often | MM III.i.18 | |
| | provoke (v.) call forth, invite, invoke | | |
| | grossly (adv.) stupidly, senselessly, foolishly | | |
Thy death, which is no more. Thou art not thy selfe, | Thy death, which is no more. Thou art not thyself, | | MM III.i.19 | |
For thou exists on manie a thousand graines | For thou exists on many a thousand grains | | MM III.i.20 | |
That issue out of dust. Happie thou art not, | That issue out of dust. Happy thou art not, | | MM III.i.21 | |
For what thou hast not, still thou striu'st to get, | For what thou hast not, still thou striv'st to get, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | MM III.i.22 | |
And what thou hast forgetst. Thou art not certaine, | And what thou hast, forget'st. Thou art not certain, | | MM III.i.23 | |
For thy complexion shifts to strange effects, | For thy complexion shifts to strange effects, | effect (n.) sign, mark, token, manifestation | MM III.i.24 | |
| | strange (adj.) remarkable, startling, abnormal, unnatural | | |
| | complexion (n.) natural trait, disposition, temperament, nature | | |
After the Moone: If thou art rich, thou'rt poore, | After the moon. If thou art rich, thou'rt poor, | | MM III.i.25 | |
For like an Asse, whose backe with Ingots bowes; | For, like an ass, whose back with ingots bows, | ingot (n.) bar of precious metal, gold bar | MM III.i.26 | |
Thou bearst thy heauie riches but a iournie, | Thou bear'st thy heavy riches but a journey, | | MM III.i.27 | |
And death vnloads thee; Friend hast thou none. | And death unloads thee. Friend hast thou none, | | MM III.i.28 | |
For thine owne bowels which do call thee, fire | For thine own bowels, which do call thee sire, | bowels (n.) children, offspring | MM III.i.29 | |
The meere effusion of thy proper loines | The mere effusion of thy proper loins, | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | MM III.i.30 | |
| | proper (adj.) very, own | | |
Do curse the Gowt, Sapego, and the Rheume | Do curse the gout, serpigo, and the rheum | serpigo (n.) type of spreading skin disease | MM III.i.31 | |
| | rheum (n.) catarrh, head-cold, coughing and spluttering | | |
For ending thee no sooner. Thou hast nor youth, nor age | For ending thee no sooner. Thou hast nor youth nor age, | | MM III.i.32 | |
But as it were an after-dinners sleepe | But as it were an after-dinner's sleep, | after-dinner (n.) period following dinner, afternoon | MM III.i.33 | |
Dreaming on both, for all thy blessed youth | Dreaming on both, for all thy blessed youth | | MM III.i.34 | |
Becomes as aged, and doth begge the almes | Becomes as aged, and doth beg the alms | | MM III.i.35 | |
Of palsied-Eld: and when thou art old, and rich | Of palsied eld: and when thou art old and rich, | eld (n.) old age, advanced years | MM III.i.36 | |
Thou hast neither heate, affection, limbe, nor beautie | Thou hast neither heat, affection, limb, nor beauty | limb (n.) functioning organ, strength of limb | MM III.i.37 | |
| | heat (n.) desire, passion, libido | | |
| | affection (n.) desire, passion, lustful feeling | | |
To make thy riches pleasant: what's yet in this | To make thy riches pleasant. What's yet in this | | MM III.i.38 | |
That beares the name of life? Yet in this life | That bears the name of life? Yet in this life | | MM III.i.39 | |
Lie hid moe thousand deaths; yet death we feare | Lie hid more thousand deaths; yet death we fear, | mo, moe (adj.) more [in number] | MM III.i.40 | |
That makes these oddes, all euen. | That makes these odds all even. | | MM III.i.41.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
I humblie thanke you. | I humbly thank you. | | MM III.i.41.2 | |
To sue to liue, I finde I seeke to die, | To sue to live, I find I seek to die, | | MM III.i.42 | |
And seeking death, finde life: Let it come on. | And, seeking death, find life. Let it come on. | | MM III.i.43 | |
Enter Isabella. | Enter Isabella | | MM III.i.44 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
What hoa? Peace heere; Grace, and good | What, ho! Peace here, grace and good | | MM III.i.44 | |
companie. | company. | | MM III.i.45 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
Who's there? Come in, the wish deserues a | Who's there? Come in. The wish deserves a | | MM III.i.46 | |
welcome. | welcome. | | MM III.i.47 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Deere sir, ere long Ile visit you againe. | Dear sir, ere long I'll visit you again. | | MM III.i.48 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Most holie Sir, I thanke you. | Most holy sir, I thank you. | | MM III.i.49 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
My businesse is a word or two with Claudio. | My business is a word or two with Claudio. | | MM III.i.50 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
And verie welcom: looke Signior, here's your | And very welcome. Look, signor, here's your | | MM III.i.51 | |
sister. | sister. | | MM III.i.52 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Prouost, a word with you. | Provost, a word with you. | | MM III.i.53 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
As manie as you please. | As many as you please. | | MM III.i.54 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Bring them to heare me speak, where I may be | Bring me to hear them speak, where I may be | | MM III.i.55 | |
conceal'd. | concealed. | | MM III.i.56 | |
| Duke and Provost retire | | MM III.i.57 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Now sister, what's the comfort? | Now, sister, what's the comfort? | | MM III.i.57 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Why, | Why, | | MM III.i.58 | |
As all comforts are: most good, most good indeede, | As all comforts are: most good, most good indeed. | | MM III.i.59 | |
Lord Angelo hauing affaires to heauen | Lord Angelo, having affairs to heaven, | | MM III.i.60 | |
Intends you for his swift Ambassador, | Intends you for his swift ambassador, | | MM III.i.61 | |
Where you shall be an euerlasting Leiger; | Where you shall be an everlasting leiger. | lieger, leiger (n.) resident ambassador, representative, envoy | MM III.i.62 | |
Therefore your best appointment make with speed, | Therefore your best appointment make with speed; | appointment (n.) preparation, arrangement, coming to terms | MM III.i.63 | |
To Morrow you set on. | Tomorrow you set on. | set on (v.) go forward, advance, proceed | MM III.i.64.1 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Is there no remedie? | Is there no remedy? | | MM III.i.64.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
None, but such remedie, as to saue a head | None, but such remedy as, to save a head, | | MM III.i.65 | |
To cleaue a heart in twaine: | To cleave a heart in twain. | | MM III.i.66.1 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
But is there anie? | But is there any? | | MM III.i.66.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Yes brother, you may liue; | Yes, brother, you may live; | | MM III.i.67 | |
There is a diuellish mercie in the Iudge, | There is a devilish mercy in the judge, | | MM III.i.68 | |
If you'l implore it, that will free your life, | If you'll implore it, that will free your life, | | MM III.i.69 | |
But fetter you till death. | But fetter you till death. | fetter (v.) restrain, overcome, suppress | MM III.i.70.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Perpetuall durance? | Perpetual durance? | durance (n.) confinement, imprisonment, incarceration | MM III.i.70.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
I iust, perpetuall durance, a restraint | Ay, just. Perpetual durance, a restraint, | | MM III.i.71 | |
Through all the worlds vastiditie you had | Though all the world's vastidity you had, | vastidity (n.) vastness, immensity, enormity | MM III.i.72 | |
To a determin'd scope. | To a determined scope. | scope (n.) range, reach, extent | MM III.i.73.1 | |
| | determined (adj.) confined, limited, restricted | | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
But in what nature? | But in what nature? | | MM III.i.73.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
In such a one, as you consenting too't, | In such a one as, you consenting to't, | | MM III.i.74 | |
Would barke your honor from that trunke you beare, | Would bark your honour from that trunk you bear, | bark (v.) strip the bark from, tear away | MM III.i.75 | |
And leaue you naked. | And leave you naked. | | MM III.i.76.1 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Let me know the point. | Let me know the point. | | MM III.i.76.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh, I do feare thee Claudio, and I quake, | O, I do fear thee, Claudio, and I quake | fear (v.) fear for, worry about, be anxious about | MM III.i.77 | |
Least thou a feauorous life shouldst entertaine, | Lest thou a feverous life shouldst entertain, | entertain (v.) cherish, harbour, welcome | MM III.i.78 | |
| | feverous (adj.) feverish, restless | | |
And six or seuen winters more respect | And six or seven winters more respect | respect (v.) value, have regard for, prize | MM III.i.79 | |
Then a perpetuall Honor. Dar'st thou die? | Than a perpetual honour. Dar'st thou die? | | MM III.i.80 | |
The sence of death is most in apprehension, | The sense of death is most in apprehension, | apprehension (n.) conception, grasping by the mind, awareness | MM III.i.81 | |
And the poore Beetle that we treade vpon | And the poor beetle that we tread upon | | MM III.i.82 | |
In corporall sufferance, finds a pang as great, | In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great | sufferance (n.) distress, suffering, hardship | MM III.i.83 | |
| | corporal (adj.) bodily, physical | | |
As when a Giant dies. | As when a giant dies. | | MM III.i.84.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Why giue you me this shame? | Why give you me this shame? | | MM III.i.84.2 | |
Thinke you I can a resolution fetch | Think you I can a resolution fetch | | MM III.i.85 | |
From flowrie tendernesse? If I must die, | From flowery tenderness? If I must die, | | MM III.i.86 | |
I will encounter darknesse as a bride, | I will encounter darkness as a bride, | | MM III.i.87 | |
And hugge it in mine armes. | And hug it in mine arms. | | MM III.i.88 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
There spake my brother: there my fathers graue | There spake my brother. There my father's grave | | MM III.i.89 | |
Did vtter forth a voice. Yes, thou must die: | Did utter forth a voice. Yes, thou must die. | | MM III.i.90 | |
Thou art too noble, to conserue a life | Thou art too noble to conserve a life | | MM III.i.91 | |
In base appliances. This outward sainted Deputie, | In base appliances. This outward-sainted deputy, | appliance (n.) compliance, subservience; or: means, expedient | MM III.i.92 | |
| | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | | |
Whose setled visage, and deliberate word | Whose settled visage and deliberate word | settled (adj.) calm, steadfast, composed | MM III.i.93 | |
| | visage (n.) face, countenance | | |
Nips youth i'th head, and follies doth emmew | Nips youth i'th' head, and follies doth enew | enew (v.) drive into the water | MM III.i.94 | |
As Falcon doth the Fowle, is yet a diuell: | As falcon doth the fowl, is yet a devil. | | MM III.i.95 | |
His filth within being cast, he would appeare | His filth within being cast, he would appear | cast (v.) calculate, reckon, estimate | MM III.i.96 | |
A pond, as deepe as hell. | A pond as deep as hell. | | MM III.i.97.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
The prenzie, Angelo? | The precise Angelo? | precise (adj.) puritanical, strictly moral, scrupulously correct | MM III.i.97.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh 'tis the cunning Liuerie of hell, | O, 'tis the cunning livery of hell, | livery (n.) uniform, costume, special clothing | MM III.i.98 | |
The damnest bodie to inuest, and couer | The damned'st body to invest and cover | | MM III.i.99 | |
In prenzie gardes; dost thou thinke Claudio, | In precious guards. Dost thou think, Claudio, | guard (n.) trimming, trapping, adornment | MM III.i.100 | |
If I would yeeld him my virginitie | If I would yield him my virginity, | | MM III.i.101 | |
Thou might'st be freed? | Thou might'st be freed? | | MM III.i.102.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Oh heauens, it cannot be. | O heavens, it cannot be. | | MM III.i.102.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Yes, he would giu't thee; from this rank offence | Yes, he would give't thee, from this rank offence, | rank (adj.) gross, outlandish, coarse | MM III.i.103 | |
So to offend him still. This night's the time | So to offend him still. This night's the time | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | MM III.i.104 | |
That I should do what I abhorre to name, | That I should do what I abhor to name, | | MM III.i.105 | |
Or else thou diest to morrow. | Or else thou diest tomorrow. | | MM III.i.106.1 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Thou shalt not do't. | Thou shalt not do't. | | MM III.i.106.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
O, were it but my life, | O, were it but my life, | | MM III.i.107 | |
I'de throw it downe for your deliuerance | I'd throw it down for your deliverance | | MM III.i.108 | |
As frankely as a pin. | As frankly as a pin. | pin (n.) trifle, triviality, insignificant amount | MM III.i.109.1 | |
| | frankly (adv.) freely, unconditionally, unreservedly | | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Thankes deere Isabell. | Thanks, dear Isabel. | | MM III.i.109.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Be readie Claudio, for your death to morrow. | Be ready, Claudio, for your death tomorrow. | | MM III.i.110 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Yes. Has he affections in him, | Yes. Has he affections in him | affection (n.) desire, passion, lustful feeling | MM III.i.111 | |
That thus can make him bite the Law by th' nose, | That thus can make him bite the law by th' nose, | | MM III.i.112 | |
When he would force it? Sure it is no sinne, | When he would force it? Sure it is no sin, | force (v.) urge, press, enforce | MM III.i.113 | |
Or of the deadly seuen it is the least. | Or of the deadly seven it is the least. | | MM III.i.114 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Which is the least? | Which is the least? | | MM III.i.115 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
If it were damnable, he being so wise, | If it were damnable, he being so wise, | | MM III.i.116 | |
Why would he for the momentarie tricke | Why would he for the momentary trick | trick (n.) bauble, trifle, whim | MM III.i.117 | |
Be perdurablie fin'de? Oh Isabell. | Be perdurably fined? O Isabel! | perdurably (adv.) eternally, everlastingly, for ever | MM III.i.118 | |
| | fine (v.) punish, impose a penalty [on] | | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
What saies my brother? | What says my brother? | | MM III.i.119.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Death is a fearefull thing. | Death is a fearful thing. | | MM III.i.119.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
And shamed life, a hatefull. | And shamed life a hateful. | | MM III.i.120 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
I, but to die, and go we know not where, | Ay, but to die, and go we know not where, | | MM III.i.121 | |
To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot, | To lie in cold obstruction and to rot; | obstruction (n.) deathly state, rigor mortis | MM III.i.122 | |
This sensible warme motion, to become | This sensible warm motion to become | motion (n.) power to act normally, reaction, faculties | MM III.i.123 | |
| | sensible (adj.) sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling | | |
A kneaded clod; And the delighted spirit | A kneaded clod; and the delighted spirit | kneaded (adj.) compressed, compacted, moulded | MM III.i.124 | |
| | delighted (adj.) endowed with delight | | |
| | clod (n.) lump, mass, piece of earth | | |
To bath in fierie floods, or to recide | To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside | | MM III.i.125 | |
In thrilling Region of thicke-ribbed Ice, | In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice, | thrilling (adj.) piercing, penetrating, bitterly cold | MM III.i.126 | |
| | thick-ribbed (adj.) densely surrounded, compacted | | |
To be imprison'd in the viewlesse windes | To be imprisoned in the viewless winds | viewless (adj.) invisible, unseeable | MM III.i.127 | |
And blowne with restlesse violence round about | And blown with restless violence round about | | MM III.i.128 | |
The pendant world: or to be worse then worst | The pendent world; or to be worse than worst | pendent (adj.) hanging in space, floating in the air | MM III.i.129 | |
Of those, that lawlesse and incertaine thought, | Of those that lawless and incertain thought | incertain (adj.) uncertain, doubtful, dubious | MM III.i.130 | |
Imagine howling, 'tis too horrible. | Imagine howling, 'tis too horrible. | | MM III.i.131 | |
The weariest, and most loathed worldly life | The weariest and most loathed worldly life | | MM III.i.132 | |
That Age, Ache, periury, and imprisonment | That age, ache, penury, and imprisonment | | MM III.i.133 | |
Can lay on nature, is a Paradise | Can lay on nature is a paradise | | MM III.i.134 | |
To what we feare of death. | To what we fear of death. | | MM III.i.135 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Alas, alas. | Alas, alas. | | MM III.i.136.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Sweet Sister, let me liue. | Sweet sister, let me live. | | MM III.i.136.2 | |
What sinne you do, to saue a brothers life, | What sin you do to save a brother's life, | | MM III.i.137 | |
Nature dispenses with the deede so farre, | Nature dispenses with the deed so far | dispense with (v.) disregard, pardon, put up with | MM III.i.138 | |
That it becomes a vertue. | That it becomes a virtue. | | MM III.i.139.1 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh you beast, | O you beast! | | MM III.i.139.2 | |
Oh faithlesse Coward, oh dishonest wretch, | O faithless coward! O dishonest wretch! | | MM III.i.140 | |
Wilt thou be made a man, out of my vice? | Wilt thou be made a man out of my vice? | | MM III.i.141 | |
Is't not a kinde of Incest, to take life | Is't not a kind of incest to take life | | MM III.i.142 | |
From thine owne sisters shame? What should I thinke, | From thine own sister's shame? What should I think? | | MM III.i.143 | |
Heauen shield my Mother plaid my Father faire: | Heaven shield my mother played my father fair, | shield (v.) forbid [as exclamation] | MM III.i.144 | |
For such a warped slip of wildernesse | For such a warped slip of wilderness | warped (adj.) twisted, distorted | MM III.i.145 | |
| | slip (n.) seedling, sprig, shoot, cutting | | |
| | wilderness (n.) wildness of character, licentiousness | | |
Nere issu'd from his blood. Take my defiance, | Ne'er issued from his blood. Take my defiance, | defiance (n.) renunciation, disowning, rejection; or: contempt | MM III.i.146 | |
| | blood (n.) blood relationship, kinship | | |
Die, perish: Might but my bending downe | Die, perish. Might but my bending down | | MM III.i.147 | |
Repreeue thee from thy fate, it should proceede. | Reprieve thee from thy fate, it should proceed. | | MM III.i.148 | |
Ile pray a thousand praiers for thy death, | I'll pray a thousand prayers for thy death, | | MM III.i.149 | |
No word to saue thee. | No word to save thee. | | MM III.i.150.1 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Nay heare me Isabell. | Nay, hear me, Isabel. | | MM III.i.150.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh fie, fie, fie: | O, fie, fie, fie! | | MM III.i.151 | |
Thy sinn's not accidentall, but a Trade; | Thy sin's not accidental, but a trade. | trade (n.) regular line of work, recognized business | MM III.i.152 | |
| | accidental (adj.) happening by chance, fortuitous | | |
Mercy to thee would proue it selfe a Bawd, | Mercy to thee would prove itself a bawd, | bawd (n.) pimp, procurer, pander, go-between | MM III.i.153 | |
'Tis best that thou diest quickly. | 'Tis best thou diest quickly. | | MM III.i.154.1 | |
| Going | | MM III.i.154 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Oh heare me Isabella. | O hear me, Isabella. | | MM III.i.154.2 | |
| Duke comes forward | | MM III.i.155 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Vouchsafe a word, yong sister, but one word. | Vouchsafe a word, young sister, but one word. | | MM III.i.155 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
What is your Will. | What is your will? | | MM III.i.156 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Might you dispense with your leysure, I would by | Might you dispense with your leisure, I would by | dispense with (v.) have done with, do away with, forgo | MM III.i.157 | |
| | by and by (adv.) shortly, soon, before long | | |
and by haue some speech with you: the satisfaction I | and by have some speech with you. The satisfaction I | | MM III.i.158 | |
would require, is likewise your owne benefit. | would require is likewise your own benefit. | | MM III.i.159 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
I haue no superfluous leysure, my stay must be | I have no superfluous leisure. My stay must be | | MM III.i.160 | |
stolen out of other affaires: but I will attend you a while. | stolen out of other affairs, but I will attend you a while. | attend (v.) listen [to], pay attention [to] | MM III.i.161 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
| (aside) | | MM III.i.162 | |
Son, I haue ouer-heard what hath past | Son, I have overheard what hath passed | | MM III.i.162 | |
between you & your sister. Angelo had neuer the | between you and your sister. Angelo had never the | | MM III.i.163 | |
purpose to corrupt her; onely he hath made an assay of | purpose to corrupt her; only he hath made an assay of | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | MM III.i.164 | |
| | assay (n.) test, trial, measure | | |
her vertue, to practise his iudgement with the disposition | her virtue to practise his judgement with the disposition | disposition (n.) control, direction, management | MM III.i.165 | |
of natures. She (hauing the truth of honour in her) hath | of natures. She, having the truth of honour in her, hath | nature (n.) personality, innate disposition, character | MM III.i.166 | |
| | truth (n.) virtue, integrity, uprightness | | |
made him that gracious deniall, which he is most glad to | made him that gracious denial which he is most glad to | | MM III.i.167 | |
receiue: I am Confessor to Angelo, and I know this to | receive. I am confessor to Angelo, and I know this to | | MM III.i.168 | |
be true, therfore prepare your selfe to death: do not | be true. Therefore prepare yourself to death. Do not | | MM III.i.169 | |
satisfie your resolution with hopes that are fallible, | satisfy your resolution with hopes that are fallible. | | MM III.i.170 | |
to morrow you must die, goe to your knees, and make | Tomorrow you must die. Go to your knees and make | | MM III.i.171 | |
ready. | ready. | | MM III.i.172 | |
Cla. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Let me ask my sister pardon, I am so out of | Let me ask my sister pardon. I am so out of | | MM III.i.173 | |
loue with life, that I will sue to be rid of it. | love with life that I will sue to be rid of it. | | MM III.i.174 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Hold you there: farewell: | Hold you there. Farewell. | | MM III.i.175 | |
| Exit Claudio | | MM III.i.175 | |
| Enter Provost | | MM III.i.176 | |
Prouost, a word with you. | Provost, a word with you. | | MM III.i.176 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
What's your will (father?) | What's your will, father? | | MM III.i.177 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
That now you are come, you wil be gone: leaue | That now you are come, you will be gone. Leave | | MM III.i.178 | |
me a while with the Maid, my minde promises with my | me a while with the maid. My mind promises with my | promise (v.) assure, declare [to], tell plainly | MM III.i.179 | |
habit, no losse shall touch her by my company. | habit no loss shall touch her by my company. | habit (n.) dress, clothing, costume | MM III.i.180 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
In good time. | In good time. | time, in good very well | MM III.i.181 | |
Exit. | Exit | | MM III.i.181 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
The hand that hath made you faire, hath made you | The hand that hath made you fair hath made you | | MM III.i.182 | |
good: the goodnes that is cheape in beauty, makes | good. The goodness that is cheap in beauty makes | | MM III.i.183 | |
beauty briefe in goodnes; but grace being the soule of | beauty brief in goodness, but grace, being the soul of | | MM III.i.184 | |
your complexion, shall keepe the body of it euer faire: | your complexion, shall keep the body of it ever fair. | complexion (n.) natural trait, disposition, temperament, nature | MM III.i.185 | |
the assault that Angelo hath made to you, Fortune | The assault that Angelo hath made to you, fortune | assault (n.) attack, temptation, snare | MM III.i.186 | |
hath conuaid to my vnderstanding; and but that | hath conveyed to my understanding, and, but that | | MM III.i.187 | |
frailty hath examples for his falling, I should wonder at | frailty hath examples for his falling, I should wonder at | | MM III.i.188 | |
Angelo: how will you doe to content this Substitute, | Angelo. How will you do to content this substitute, | substitute (n.) subordinate, deputy, underling | MM III.i.189 | |
| | content (v.) please, gratify, delight, satisfy | | |
and to saue your Brother? | and to save your brother? | | MM III.i.190 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
I am now going to resolue him: I had rather my | I am now going to resolve him. I had rather my | resolve (v.) answer, respond to | MM III.i.191 | |
brother die by the Law, then my sonne should be vnlawfullie | brother die by the law than my son should be unlawfully | | MM III.i.192 | |
borne. But (oh) how much is the good Duke deceiu'd | born. But O, how much is the good Duke deceived | | MM III.i.193 | |
in Angelo: if euer he returne, and I can speake to | in Angelo! If ever he return and I can speak to | | MM III.i.194 | |
him, I will open my lips in vaine, or discouer his | him, I will open my lips in vain, or discover his | discover (v.) reveal, show, make known | MM III.i.195 | |
gouernment. | government. | government (n.) self-control, self-discipline, moral conduct | MM III.i.196 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
That shall not be much amisse: yet, as the matter | That shall not be much amiss. Yet, as the matter | | MM III.i.197 | |
now stands, he will auoid your accusation: he made triall | now stands, he will avoid your accusation; he made trial | avoid (v.) repudiate, deny, reject | MM III.i.198 | |
of you onelie. Therefore fasten your eare on my aduisings, | of you only. Therefore fasten your ear on my advisings. | | MM III.i.199 | |
to the loue I haue in doing good; a remedie presents | To the love I have in doing good a remedy presents | | MM III.i.200 | |
it selfe. I doe make my selfe beleeue that you may most | itself. I do make myself believe that you may most | | MM III.i.201 | |
vprighteously do a poor wronged Lady a merited benefit; | uprighteously do a poor wronged lady a merited benefit, | | MM III.i.202 | |
redeem your brother from the angry Law; doe no staine | redeem your brother from the angry law, do no stain | stain (n.) disgrace, shame | MM III.i.203 | |
to your owne gracious person, and much please the | to your own gracious person, and much please the | | MM III.i.204 | |
absent Duke, if peraduenture he shall euer returne to | absent Duke, if peradventure he shall ever return to | peradventure (adv.) perhaps, maybe, very likely | MM III.i.205 | |
haue hearing of this businesse. | have hearing of this business. | | MM III.i.206 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Let me heare you speake farther; I haue spirit to | Let me hear you speak farther. I have spirit to | | MM III.i.207 | |
do any thing that appeares not fowle in the truth of my | do anything that appears not foul in the truth of my | | MM III.i.208 | |
spirit. | spirit. | | MM III.i.209 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Vertue is bold, and goodnes neuer fearefull: / Haue | Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. Have | fearful (adj.) timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear | MM III.i.210 | |
you not heard speake of Mariana the sister of Fredericke | you not heard speak of Mariana, the sister of Frederick, | | MM III.i.211 | |
the great Souldier, who miscarried at Sea? | the great soldier who miscarried at sea? | | MM III.i.212 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
I haue heard of the Lady, and good words went | I have heard of the lady, and good words went | | MM III.i.213 | |
with her name. | with her name. | | MM III.i.214 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Shee should this Angelo haue married: was affianced | She should this Angelo have married, was affianced | affiance (v.) betroth, engage, promise solemnly | MM III.i.215 | |
to her oath, and the nuptiall appointed: between | to her by oath, and the nuptial appointed, between | | MM III.i.216 | |
which time of the contract, and limit of the solemnitie, | which time of the contract and limit of the solemnity, | limit (n.) prescribed time, fixed period | MM III.i.217 | |
| | solemnity (n.) celebration, jubilation, festivity | | |
her brother Fredericke was wrackt at Sea, hauing in that | her brother Frederick was wrecked at sea, having in that | wrack (v.) wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea | MM III.i.218 | |
perished vessell, the dowry of his sister: but marke how | perished vessel the dowry of his sister. But mark how | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | MM III.i.219 | |
heauily this befell to the poore Gentlewoman, there she | heavily this befell to the poor gentlewoman. There she | gentlewoman (n.) woman of good breeding, well-born lady | MM III.i.220 | |
| | befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell happen, occur, take place, turn out | | |
lost a noble and renowned brother, in his loue toward | lost a noble and renowned brother, in his love toward | | MM III.i.221 | |
her, euer most kinde and naturall: with him the portion | her ever most kind and natural; with him the portion | natural (adj.) feeling proper affection, having normal feelings | MM III.i.222 | |
and sinew of her fortune, her marriage dowry: with | and sinew of her fortune, her marriage dowry; with | sinew (n.) mainstay, support, main strength | MM III.i.223 | |
both, her combynate-husband, this well-seeming | both, her combinate husband, this well-seeming | well-seeming (adj.) attractively looking, presenting a plausible appearance | MM III.i.224 | |
| | combinate (adj.) betrothed, contracted, promised | | |
Angelo. | Angelo. | | MM III.i.225 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Can this be so? did Angelo so leaue her? | Can this be so? Did Angelo so leave her? | | MM III.i.226 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Left her in her teares, & dried not one of them | Left her in her tears, and dried not one of them | | MM III.i.227 | |
with his comfort: swallowed his vowes whole, pretending | with his comfort, swallowed his vows whole, pretending | pretend (v.) claim, avow, profess | MM III.i.228 | |
in her, discoueries of dishonor: in few, bestow'd her | in her discoveries of dishonour. In few, bestowed her | few, in (a) in few words, in short, in brief | MM III.i.229 | |
on her owne lamentation, which she yet weares for his sake: | on her own lamentation, which she yet wears for his sake, | | MM III.i.230 | |
and he, a marble to her teares, is washed with them, but | and he, a marble to her tears, is washed with them, but | | MM III.i.231 | |
relents not. | relents not. | relent (v.) yield, give way, give up | MM III.i.232 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
What a merit were it in death to take this poore | What a merit were it in death to take this poor | | MM III.i.233 | |
maid from the world? what corruption in this life, that | maid from the world! What corruption in this life, that | | MM III.i.234 | |
it will let this man liue? But how out of this can shee auaile? | it will let this man live! But how out of this can she avail? | avail (v.) benefit, profit, prosper | MM III.i.235 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
It is a rupture that you may easily heale: and the cure | It is a rupture that you may easily heal, and the cure | | MM III.i.236 | |
of it not onely saues your brother, but keepes you from | of it not only saves your brother, but keeps you from | | MM III.i.237 | |
dishonor in doing it. | dishonour in doing it. | | MM III.i.238 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Shew me how (good Father.) | Show me how, good father. | | MM III.i.239 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
This fore-named Maid hath yet in her the continuance | This forenamed maid hath yet in her the continuance | continuance (n.) maintaining, keeping up, carrying on | MM III.i.240 | |
of her first affection: his vniust vnkindenesse (that | of her first affection. His unjust unkindness, that | unjust (adj.) unfaithful, false [to honour] | MM III.i.241 | |
in all reason should haue quenched her loue) hath (like | in all reason should have quenched her love, hath, like | | MM III.i.242 | |
an impediment in the Current) made it more violent and | an impediment in the current, made it more violent and | | MM III.i.243 | |
vnruly: Goe you to Angelo, answere his requiring with a | unruly. Go you to Angelo, answer his requiring with a | requiring (n.) demanding, requesting as a right | MM III.i.244 | |
plausible obedience, agree with his demands to the | plausible obedience, agree with his demands to the | | MM III.i.245 | |
point: onely referre your selfe to this aduantage; first, that | point. Only refer yourself to this advantage: first, that | refer (v.) entrust, commit, commend | MM III.i.246 | |
| | advantage (n.) benefit, gain, advancement, profit | | |
your stay with him may not be long: that the time may | your stay with him may not be long, that the time may | | MM III.i.247 | |
haue all shadow, and silence in it: and the place answere to | have all shadow and silence in it, and the place answer to | | MM III.i.248 | |
conuenience: this being granted in course, and now | convenience. This being granted in course – and now | course, in as a matter of course | MM III.i.249 | |
| | convenience (n.) fitness, appropriateness, propriety | | |
followes all: wee shall aduise this wronged maid | follows all – we shall advise this wronged maid | | MM III.i.250 | |
to steed vp your appointment, goe in your place: if the | to stead up your appointment, go in your place. If the | stead up (v.) keep, maintain, fulfil, carry out [on behalf of someone] | MM III.i.251 | |
encounter acknowledge it selfe heereafter, it may compell | encounter acknowledge itself hereafter, it may compel | encounter (n.) liaison, intercourse, amorous affair | MM III.i.252 | |
him to her recompence; and heere, by this is your brother | him to her recompense, and here, by this, is your brother | | MM III.i.253 | |
saued, your honor vntainted, the poore Mariana | saved, your honour untainted, the poor Mariana | | MM III.i.254 | |
aduantaged, and the corrupt Deputy scaled. The Maid | advantaged, and the corrupt deputy scaled. The maid | scale (v.) weigh up [as in a scales], evaluate, appraise | MM III.i.255 | |
| | advantage (v.) benefit, help, aid | | |
will I frame, and make fit for his attempt: if you thinke | will I frame and make fit for his attempt. If you think | frame (v.) prepare, make ready, prime | MM III.i.256 | |
| | attempt (n.) attack, assault | | |
well to carry this as you may, the doublenes of the | well to carry this, as you may, the doubleness of the | carry (v.) carry out, manage, conduct | MM III.i.257 | |
benefit defends the deceit from reproofe. What thinke you | benefit defends the deceit from reproof. What think you | | MM III.i.258 | |
of it? | of it? | | MM III.i.259 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
The image of it giues me content already, and I | The image of it gives me content already, and I | image (n.) idea, conception, mental picture | MM III.i.260 | |
trust it will grow to a most prosperous perfection. | trust it will grow to a most prosperous perfection. | | MM III.i.261 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
It lies much in your holding vp: haste you speedily | It lies much in your holding up. Haste you speedily | holding up (n.) ability to maintain, power of sustaining | MM III.i.262 | |
to Angelo, if for this night he intreat you to his bed, | to Angelo. If for this night he entreat you to his bed, | | MM III.i.263 | |
giue him promise of satisfaction: I will presently to | give him promise of satisfaction. I will presently to | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | MM III.i.264 | |
S. Lukes, there at the moated-Grange recides this | Saint Luke's. There, at the moated grange, resides this | grange (n.) country house, farmhouse | MM III.i.265 | |
deiected Mariana; at that place call vpon me, and dispatch | dejected Mariana. At that place call upon me, and dispatch | dispatch, despatch (v.) deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly | MM III.i.266 | |
with Angelo, that it may be quickly. | with Angelo, that it may be quickly. | | MM III.i.267 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
I thank you for this comfort: fare you well | I thank you for this comfort. Fare you well, | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | MM III.i.268 | |
good father. | good father. | | MM III.i.269 | |
Exit. | Exit | | MM III.i.269 | |