King Lear

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Kent, aad Steward seuerally.Enter Kent and Oswald by opposite doors KL II.ii.1.1
Good dawning to thee Friend, art of this house?Good dawning to thee, friend. Art of this house?dawning (n.)
dawn, daybreak, early morning
KL II.ii.1
Kent. KENT 
I. Ay. KL II.ii.2
Where may we set our horses?Where may we set our horses? KL II.ii.3
Kent. KENT 
I'th'myre.I'the mire. KL II.ii.4
Prythee, if thou lou'st me, tell me.Prithee, if thou lovest me, tell me. KL II.ii.5
Kent. KENT 
I loue thee not.I love thee not. KL II.ii.6
Why then I care not for thee.Why then, I care not for thee. KL II.ii.7
Kent. KENT 
If I had thee in Lipsbury Pinfold, I would make theeIf I had thee in Lipsbury pinfold, I would make theepinfold (n.)
pound, place for keeping stray animals
KL II.ii.8
Lipsbury (n.)
[unclear meaning; perhaps: ‘lips-town’] space between the lips, jaws
care for for me. KL II.ii.9
Why do'st thou vse me thus? I know thee not.Why dost thou use me thus? I know thee not.use (v.)

old form: vse
treat, deal with, manage
KL II.ii.10
Kent. KENT 
Fellow I know thee.Fellow, I know thee. KL II.ii.11
What do'st thou know me for?What dost thou know me for? KL II.ii.12
Kent. KENT 
A Knaue, a Rascall, an eater of broken meates, a base,A knave, a rascal, an eater of broken meats, a base,meat (n.)

old form: meates
foodstuff, fodder, scraps
KL II.ii.13
knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
broken (adj.)
fragmentary, left-over
proud, shallow, beggerly, three-suited-hundred pound, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound,three-suited (adj.)
allowed three suits a year; servile
KL II.ii.14
filthy woosted-stocking knaue, a Lilly-liuered, action-taking,filthy-worsted-stocking knave; a lily-livered, action-taking,worsted (adj.)

old form: woosted
made of woollen fabric [inferior to silk]
KL II.ii.15
action-taking (adj.)
taking legal action, litigious
whoreson glasse-gazing super-seruiceable finicallwhoreson glass-gazing super-serviceable finicalwhoreson (adj.)
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
KL II.ii.16
super-serviceable (adj.)

old form: seruiceable
offering service beyond what is needed, officious
glass-gazing (adj.)

old form: glasse
admiring oneself in the mirror
finical (adj.)

old form: finicall
nit-picking, fussy, over-particular
Rogue, one Trunke-inheriting slaue, one that would'st be a rogue, one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a KL II.ii.17
Baud in way of good seruice, and art nothing but thebawd in way of good service, and art nothing but thebawd (n.)

old form: Baud
pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
KL II.ii.18
composition of a Knaue, Begger, Coward, Pandar, andcomposition of a knave, beggar, coward, pander, andpander, pandar (n.)
pimp, procurer, go-between
KL II.ii.19
composition (n.)
constitution, make-up, state [of mind and body]
the Sonne and Heire of a Mungrill Bitch, one whom I willthe son and heir of a mongrel bitch; one whom I will KL II.ii.20
beate into clamours whining, if thou deny'st the least beat into clamorous whining if thou deniest the least KL II.ii.21
sillable of thy addition.syllable of thy addition.addition (n.)
attribute, mark of honour, distinction [as if added to a coat--of-arms]
KL II.ii.22
Why, what a monstrous Fellow art thou, thus to raileWhy, what a monstrous fellow art thou thus to railrail (v.)
rant, rave, be abusive [about]
KL II.ii.23
on one, that is neither knowne of thee, nor knowes thee?on one that is neither known of thee nor knows thee! KL II.ii.24
Kent. KENT 
What a brazen-fac'd Varlet art thou, to deny thouWhat a brazen-faced varlet art thou, to deny thouvarlet (n.)
knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian
KL II.ii.25
brazen-faced (adj.)

old form: brazen-fac'd
shameless, unblushing, unabashed
knowest me? Is it two dayes since I tript vp thy heeles,knowest me! Is it two days since I tripped up thy heels KL II.ii.26
and beate thee before the King? Draw you rogue, forand beat thee before the King? Draw, you rogue! For KL II.ii.27
though it be night, yet the Moone shines, Ile make a sopthough it be night, yet the moon shines. I'll make a sopsop (n.)
piece of bread or cake steeped in liquid [before being eaten]
KL II.ii.28
oth'Moonshine of you, you whoreson Cullyenlyo'the moonshine of you, you whoreson cullionlymoonshine (n.)
KL II.ii.29
cullionly (adj.)

old form: Cullyenly
like a cullion [= rogue], rascally, despicable
Barber-monger, draw. barber-monger! Draw!barber-monger (n.)
frequenter of the barber-shop
KL II.ii.30
He brandishes his sword KL II.ii.31
Away, I haue nothing to do with thee.Away! I have nothing to do with thee. KL II.ii.31
Kent. KENT 
Draw you Rascall, you come with Letters against theDraw, you rascal! You come with letters against the KL II.ii.32
King, and take Vanitie the puppets part, against theKing, and take Vanity the puppet's part against theVanity (n.)
character of pride in morality plays
KL II.ii.33
Royaltie of her Father: draw you Rogue, or Ile soroyalty of her father. Draw, you rogue! or I'll so KL II.ii.34
carbonado your shanks, draw you Rascall, come yourcarbonado your shanks – Draw, you rascal! Come yourshank (n.)
KL II.ii.35
carbonado (v.)
slash, cut [as if preparing meat for grilling]
waies.ways! KL II.ii.36
Helpe, ho, murther, helpe.Help, ho! Murder! Help! KL II.ii.37
Kent. KENT 
Strike you slaue: Strike, you slave! KL II.ii.38
Oswald tries to escape KL II.ii.39.1
stand rogue, stand you neat slaue, strike.Stand, rogue! Stand, you neat slave! Strike!stand (v.)
make a stand [against], fight, resist
KL II.ii.39
neat (adj.)
posh, elegant, trim, refined
He beats him KL II.ii.40
Helpe hoa, murther, murther.Help, ho! Murder! Murder! KL II.ii.40
Enter Bastard, Cornewall, Regan, Gloster, Enter Edmund, Cornwall, Regan, Gloucester, and KL II.ii.41.1
Seruants.servants KL II.ii.41.2
How now,what's the matter? Part.How now! What's the matter? Part! KL II.ii.41
Kent. KENT 
With you goodman Boy, if you please, come, / Ile With you, goodman boy, and you please! Come, I'llgoodman (adj.)
[title for a person under the rank of gentleman] mister, master
KL II.ii.42
flesh ye, come on yong Master.flesh ye; come on, young master.flesh (v.)
initiate, introduce [to bloodshed]
KL II.ii.43
Weapons? Armes? what's the matter here?Weapons? Arms? What's the matter here? KL II.ii.44
Keepe peace vpon your liues,Keep peace, upon your lives! KL II.ii.45
he dies that strikes againe, what is the matter?He dies that strikes again. What is the matter? KL II.ii.46
The Messengers from our Sister, and the King?The messengers from our sister and the King –  KL II.ii.47
What is your difference, speake?What is your difference? Speak.difference (n.)
quarrel, disagreement, dispute
KL II.ii.48
I am scarce in breath my Lord.I am scarce in breath, my lord. KL II.ii.49
Kent. KENT 
No Maruell, you haue so bestir'd your valour, youNo marvel, you have so bestirred your valour. Youbestir (v.)

old form: bestir'd
arouse, rouse, make active
KL II.ii.50
cowardly Rascall, nature disclaimes in thee: a Taylor madecowardly rascal, nature disclaims in thee: a tailor madedisclaim (v.)

old form: disclaimes
disown, repudiate, renounce [connection with]
KL II.ii.51
thee.thee. KL II.ii.52
Thou art a strange fellow, a Taylor make aThou art a strange fellow. A tailor make a KL II.ii.53
man?man? KL II.ii.54
Kent. KENT 
A Taylor Sir, a Stone-cutter, or a Painter, could notAy tailor, sir. A stone-cutter or a painter could not KL II.ii.55
haue made him so ill, though they had bin but twohave made him so ill, though they had been but twoill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
KL II.ii.56
yeares oth'trade.years o'the trade. KL II.ii.57
(to Oswald) KL II.ii.58
Speake yet, how grew yourSpeak yet, how grew your KL II.ii.58
quarrell?quarrel? KL II.ii.59
This ancient Ruffian Sir, whose life I haue This ancient ruffian, sir, whose life I have KL II.ii.60
spar'd at sute of his gray-beard.spared at suit of his grey beard – suit (n.)

old form: sute
formal request, entreaty, petition
KL II.ii.61
Kent. KENT 
Thou whoreson Zed, thou vnnecessary letter: myThou whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter! My KL II.ii.62
Lord, if you will giue me leaue, I will tread this vnboultedlord, if you will give me leave, I will tread this unboltedunbolted (adj.)

old form: vnboulted
unsifted, unkneaded, lumpy
KL II.ii.63
villaine into morter, and daube the wall of a Iakes with him. villain into mortar and daub the wall of a jakes with him.jakes (n.)

old form: Iakes
lavatory, privy, latrine
KL II.ii.64
daub (v.)

old form: daube
bedaub, smear, defile
Spare my gray-beard, you wagtaile?‘ Spare my grey beard,’ you wagtail!wagtail (n.)

old form: wagtaile
[contemptuous form of address] tail-wagger, bower and scraper
KL II.ii.65
Peace sirrah,Peace, sirrah!sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
KL II.ii.66
You beastly knaue, know you no reuerence?You beastly knave, know you no reverence?knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
KL II.ii.67
beastly (adj.)
beast-like, brutish, abominable
Kent. KENT 
Yes Sir, but anger hath a priuiledge.Yes, sir; but anger hath a privilege. KL II.ii.68
Why art thou angrie?Why art thou angry? KL II.ii.69
Kent. KENT 
That such a slaue as this should weare a Sword,That such a slave as this should wear a sword KL II.ii.70
Who weares no honesty: such smiling rogues as these,Who wears no honesty. Such smiling rogues as these, KL II.ii.71
Like Rats oft bite the holy cords a twaine,Like rats, oft bite the holy cords atwain,oft (adv.)
KL II.ii.72
atwain, a twain (adv.)

old form: a twaine
in two, into two parts
Which are t'intrince, t'vnloose: smooth euery passionWhich are t' intrinse t' unloose; smooth every passionintrinse (adj.)

old form: intrince
intricate, involved; or: inward, secret
KL II.ii.73
smooth (v.)
indulge, humour, allay, flatter
That in the natures of their Lords rebell,That in the natures of their lords rebel, KL II.ii.74
Being oile to fire, snow to the colder moodes,Bring oil to fire, snow to their colder moods, KL II.ii.75
Reuenge, affirme, and turne their Halcion beakesRenege, affirm, and turn their halcyon beaksrenege (v.)
deny, refuse, decline
KL II.ii.76
halcyon (n.)

old form: Halcion
With euery gall, and varry of their Masters,With every gale and vary of their masters,gale (n.)

old form: gall
wind, breeze
KL II.ii.77
vary (n.)

old form: varry
variation, vacillation, shifting
Knowing naught (like dogges) but following:Knowing naught – like dogs – but following. –  KL II.ii.78
A plague vpon your Epilepticke visage,A plague upon your epileptic visage!visage (n.)
face, countenance
KL II.ii.79
Smoile you my speeches, as I were a Foole?Smile you my speeches as I were a fool?smile (v.)

old form: Smoile
laugh at, mock, sneer at
KL II.ii.80
Goose, if I had you vpon Sarum Plaine,Goose, if I had you upon Sarum Plain,Sarum (n.)
[pron: 'sairuhm'] old name for Salisbury, Wiltshire; Salisbury Plain is a possible site for Camelot
KL II.ii.81
I'ld driue ye cackling home to Camelot.I'd drive ye cackling home to Camelot.Camelot (n.)
capital of King Arthur’s legendary kingdom
KL II.ii.82
What art thou mad old Fellow?What, art thou mad, old fellow? KL II.ii.83
How fell you out, say that?How fell you out? Say that. KL II.ii.84
Kent. KENT 
No contraries hold more antipathy,No contraries hold more antipathy KL II.ii.85
Then I, and such a knaue.Than I and such a knave.knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
KL II.ii.86
Why do'st thou call him Knaue? / What is his fault?Why dost thou call him knave? What is his fault? KL II.ii.87
Kent. KENT 
His countenance likes me not.His countenance likes me (v.)
please, suit
KL II.ii.88
countenance (n.)
appearance, aspect, look
No more perchance do's mine, nor his, nor hers.No more perchance does mine, nor his, nor hers.perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe
KL II.ii.89
Kent. KENT 
Sir, 'tis my occupation to be plaine,Sir, 'tis my occupation to be plain.occupation (n.)
calling, habit, business
KL II.ii.90
I haue seene better faces in my time,I have seen better faces in my time KL II.ii.91
Then stands on any shoulder that I seeThan stands on any shoulder that I see KL II.ii.92
Before me, at this instant.Before me at this instant. KL II.ii.93.1
This is some Fellow,This is some fellow KL II.ii.93.2
Who hauing beene prais'd for bluntnesse, doth affectWho, having been praised for bluntness, doth affectaffect (v.)
assume, display, put on, practise in an artificial way
KL II.ii.94
A saucy roughnes, and constraines the garbA saucy roughness, and constrains the garbsaucy (adj.)
insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
KL II.ii.95
garb (n.)
manner, style, fashion
constrain (v.)

old form: constraines
force, compel, oblige
Quite from his Nature. He cannot flatter he,Quite from his nature. He cannot flatter, he! KL II.ii.96
An honest mind and plaine, he must speake truth,An honest mind and plain – he must speak truth! KL II.ii.97
And they will take it so, if not, hee's plaine.And they will take it, so; if not, he's plain.take (v.)
put up with, accept
KL II.ii.98
These kind of Knaues I know, which in this plainnesseThese kind of knaves I know, which in this plainnessknave (n.)

old form: Knaues
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
KL II.ii.99
Harbour more craft, and more corrupter ends,Harbour more craft and more corrupter ends KL II.ii.100
Then twenty silly-ducking obseruants,Than twenty silly-ducking observantsobservant (n.)

old form: obseruants
ingratiating attendant, obsequious servant
KL II.ii.101
silly-ducking (adj.)
foolishly bowing, ridiculously obsequious
That stretch their duties nicely.That stretch their duties nicely.nicely (adv.)
scrupulously, punctiliously, meticulously, fastidiously
KL II.ii.102
stretch (v.)
strain to the utmost, maximally exert
Kent. KENT 
Sir, in good faith, in sincere verity,Sir, in good faith, in sincere verity, KL II.ii.103
Vnder th'allowance of your great aspect,Under th' allowance of your great aspect,aspect (n.)
[astrology] influential phase, direction of alignment
KL II.ii.104
allowance (n.)
permission, approval, sanction
Whose influence like the wreath of radient fireWhose influence like the wreath of radiant fire KL II.ii.105
On flicking Phoebus front.On flickering Phoebus' frontfront (n.)
forehead, face
KL II.ii.106.1
Phoebus (n.)
[pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo
What mean'st by this?What mean'st by this? KL II.ii.106.2
Kent. KENT 
To go out of my dialect, which you discommend soTo go out of my dialect which you discommend sodiscommend (v.)
find fault with, disapprove of, criticize
KL II.ii.107
much; I know Sir, I am no flatterer, he that beguildmuch. I know, sir, I am no flatterer. He that beguiledbeguile (v.)

old form: beguild
charm, captivate, bewitch
KL II.ii.108
you in a plaine accent, was a plaine Knaue, which for myyou in a plain accent was a plain knave; which, for my KL II.ii.109
part I will not be, though I should win your displeasurepart, I will not be, though I should win your displeasure KL II.ii.110
to entreat me too' entreat me to't. KL II.ii.111
What was th'offence you gaue him?What was th' offence you gave him? KL II.ii.112
I neuer gaue him any:I never gave him any. KL II.ii.113
It pleas'd the King his Master very lateIt pleased the King his master very latelate (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before
KL II.ii.114
To strike at me vpon his misconstruction,To strike at me upon his misconstruction,misconstruction (n.)
misunderstanding, misinterpretation
KL II.ii.115
When he compact, and flattering his displeasureWhen he, compact, and flattering his displeasure,conjunct (adj.)
[Q variant] coupled, conjoined, united
KL II.ii.116
compact (adj.)
allied, in league, in collusion
Tript me behind: being downe, insulted, rail'd,Tripped me behind; being down, insulted, railed,rail (v.)

old form: rail'd
rant, rave, be abusive [about]
KL II.ii.117
And put vpon him such a deale of Man,And put upon him such a deal of mandeal (n.)

old form: deale
amount, quantity
KL II.ii.118
That worthied him, got praises of the King,That worthied him, got praises of the Kingworthy (v.)
make worthy, give honour to
KL II.ii.119
For him attempting, who was selfe-subdued,For him attempting who was self-subdued;self-subdued (adj.)

old form: selfe-subdued
unresisting, offering no opposition
KL II.ii.120
attempt (v.)
attack, assail, subdue
And in the fleshment of this dead exploit,And in the fleshment of this dread exploitfleshment (n.)
first achievement, successful accomplishment
KL II.ii.121
dread (adj.)
frightening, terrifying, fearful
Drew on me here againe.Drew on me here again. KL II.ii.122.1
Kent. KENT 
None of these Rogues, and CowardsNone of these rogues and cowards KL II.ii.122.2
But Aiax is there Foole.But Ajax is their fool.Ajax (n.)
[pron: 'ayjaks, OP also a'jayks] son of Telemon, king of Salamis (also called Ajax Telemonius); fought against Troy; proverbial for his size and strength
KL II.ii.123.1
Fetch forth the Stocks?Fetch forth the stocks! KL II.ii.123.2
You stubborne ancient Knaue, you reuerent Bragart,You stubborn ancient knave, you reverend braggart,reverend (adj.)

old form: reuerent
revered, worthy, respected
KL II.ii.124
knave (n.)

old form: Knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
Wee'l teach you.We'll teach you –  KL II.ii.125.1
Kent. KENT 
Sir, I am too old to learne:Sir, I am too old to learn. KL II.ii.125.2
Call not your Stocks for me, I serue the King.Call not your stocks for me. I serve the King, KL II.ii.126
On whose imployment I was sent to you,On whose employment I was sent to you. KL II.ii.127
You shall doe small respects, show too bold maliceYou shall do small respect, show too bold malice KL II.ii.128
Against the Grace, and Person of my Master,Against the grace and person of my master, KL II.ii.129
Stocking his Messenger.Stocking his messenger.stock (v.)
put in the stocks
KL II.ii.130
Fetch forth the Stocks; / As I haue life and Honour,Fetch forth the stocks! As I have life and honour, KL II.ii.131
there shall he sit till Noone.There shall he sit till noon. KL II.ii.132
Till noone? till night my Lord, and all night too.Till noon? Till night, my lord, and all night too. KL II.ii.133
Kent. KENT 
Why Madam, if I were your Fathers dog,Why, madam, if I were your father's dog KL II.ii.134
You should not vse me so.You should not use me so.use (v.)

old form: vse
treat, deal with, manage
KL II.ii.135.1
Sir, being his Knaue, I will. Sir, being his knave, I will.knave (n.)
servant, menial, lackey
KL II.ii.135.2
This is a Fellow of the selfe same colour,This is a fellow of the selfsame colourcolour (n.)
type, kind, nature
KL II.ii.136
Our Sister speakes of. Come, bring away the Stocks.Our sister speaks of. Come, bring away the stocks.bring away (v.)
fetch, bring along
KL II.ii.137
Stocks brought out.Stocks brought out KL II.ii.138
Let me beseech your Grace, not to do so,Let me beseech your grace not to do so. KL II.ii.138
His fault is much, and the good King, his master, KL II.ii.139
Will check him for't. Your purposed low correctioncheck (v.)
rebuke, scold, reprimand
KL II.ii.140
purposed (adj.)
proposed, intended, contemplated
low (adj.)
humble, lowly, inferior
Is such as basest and contemned'st wretchesbase (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
KL II.ii.141
contemned (adj.)
despised, contemptible, despicable
For pilferings and most common trespasses KL II.ii.142
The King his Master, needs must take it illAre punished with. The King must take it illill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
KL II.ii.143
That he so slightly valued in his Messenger,That he, so slightly valued in his messenger, KL II.ii.144
Should haue him thus restrained.Should have him thus restrained. KL II.ii.145.1
Ile answere that.I'll answer that.answer (v.)
suffer the consequences [for], be accountable [for]
KL II.ii.145.2
My Sister may recieue it much more worsse,My sister may receive it much more worse KL II.ii.146
To haue her Gentleman abus'd, assaulted.To have her gentleman abused, assaulted, KL II.ii.147
For following her affairs. – Put in his legs. KL II.ii.148
Corn. Kent is put in the stocks KL II.ii.149
Come my Lord, away. Come, my lord, away. KL II.ii.149
Exit.Exeunt all but Gloucester and Kent KL II.ii.149
I am sorry for thee friend, 'tis the Duke pleasure,I am sorry for thee, friend. 'Tis the Duke's pleasure, KL II.ii.150
Whose disposition all the world well knowesWhose disposition all the world well knowsdisposition (n.)
inclination, mood, frame of mind
KL II.ii.151
Will not be rub'd nor stopt, Ile entreat for thee.Will not be rubbed nor stopped. I'll entreat for thee.rub (v.)

old form: rub'd
hinder, impede, sidetrack
KL II.ii.152
Pray do not Sir, I haue watch'd and trauail'd hard,Pray do not, sir. I have watched and travelled (v.)

old form: watch'd
stay awake, keep vigil
KL II.ii.153
Some time I shall sleepe out, the rest Ile whistle:Some time I shall sleep out, the rest I'll whistle. KL II.ii.154
A good mans fortune may grow out at heeles:A good man's fortune may grow out at heels.heels, out at
penniless, destitute, in desperate straights
KL II.ii.155
Giue you good morrow.Give you good morrow!morrow (n.)
KL II.ii.156.1
The Duke's too blame in this,The Duke's to blame in this.blame, to
to be blamed, blameworthy
KL II.ii.156.2
'Twill be ill taken.'Twill be ill taken. KL II.ii.157
Exit.Exit KL II.ii.
Good King, that must approue the common saw,Good King, that must approve the common saw,saw (n.)
wise saying, platitude, maxim
KL II.ii.158
approve (v.)

old form: approue
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate
Thou out of Heauens benediction com'stThou out of Heaven's benediction comestbenediction (n.)
blessing, happiness, prosperity
KL II.ii.159
To the warme Sun.To the warm sun. KL II.ii.160
Approach thou Beacon to this vnder Globe,Approach, thou beacon to this under globe, KL II.ii.161
That by thy comfortable Beames I mayThat by thy comfortable beams I maycomfortable (adj.)
comforting, encouraging, reassuring
KL II.ii.162
Peruse this Letter. Nothing almost sees miraclesPeruse this letter. Nothing almost sees miraclesnothing (n.)
no-one, nobody
KL II.ii.163
But miserie. I know 'tis from Cordelia,But misery. I know 'tis from Cordelia, KL II.ii.164
Who hath most fortunately beene inform'dWho hath most fortunately been informed KL II.ii.165
(reading) KL II.ii.166.1
Of my obscured course. And shall finde timeOf my obscured course, and ‘ shall find timeobscured (adj.)
disguised, covert, incognito
KL II.ii.166
course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
From this enormous State, seeking to giueFrom this enormous state, seeking to giveenormous (adj.)
disorderly, abnormal, monstrous
KL II.ii.167
state (n.)
condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
Losses their remedies. All weary and o're-watch'd,Losses their remedies.’ All weary and o'erwatched,overwatched (adj.)

old form: o're-watch'd
wearied from too much watching, exhausted from lack of sleep
KL II.ii.168
Take vantage heauie eyes, not to beholdTake vantage, heavy eyes, not to beholdheavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
weary, exhausted, worn out
KL II.ii.169
vantage (n.)
right moment, suitable opportunity
This shamefnll lodging.This shameful lodging. KL II.ii.170
Fortune goodnight, / Smile once more, turne thy wheele.Fortune, good night: smile once more; turn thy wheel.Fortune (n.)
Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
KL II.ii.171
He sleeps KL II.ii.171
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