| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Emilia alone, with 2. Pictures. | Enter Emilia alone, with two pictures | | TNK IV.ii.1 | |
Emilia. | EMILIA | | | |
Yet I may binde those wounds up, that must open | Yet I may bind those wounds up, that must open | | TNK IV.ii.1 | |
And bleed to death for my sake else; Ile choose, | And bleed to death for my sake else; I'll choose, | | TNK IV.ii.2 | |
And end their strife: Two such yong hansom men | And end their strife. Two such young handsome men | | TNK IV.ii.3 | |
Shall never fall for me, their weeping Mothers, | Shall never fall for me; their weeping mothers, | | TNK IV.ii.4 | |
Following the dead cold ashes of their Sonnes | Following the dead cold ashes of their sons, | | TNK IV.ii.5 | |
Shall never curse my cruelty: Good heaven, | Shall never curse my cruelty. Good heaven, | | TNK IV.ii.6 | |
What a sweet face has Arcite? if wise nature | What a sweet face has Arcite! If wise Nature | nature (n.) natural order, ungoverned state, way of the world [often personified] | TNK IV.ii.7 | |
With all her best endowments, all those beuties | With all her best endowments, all those beauties | | TNK IV.ii.8 | |
She sowes into the birthes of noble bodies, | She sows into the births of noble bodies, | | TNK IV.ii.9 | |
Were here a mortall woman, and had in her | Were here a mortal woman, and had in her | | TNK IV.ii.10 | |
The coy denialls of yong Maydes, yet doubtles, | The coy denials of young maids, yet doubtless | | TNK IV.ii.11 | |
She would run mad for this man: what an eye? | She would run mad for this man. What an eye, | | TNK IV.ii.12 | |
Of what a fyry sparkle, and quick sweetnes, | Of what a fiery sparkle and quick sweetness, | quick (adj.) lively, animated, vivacious | TNK IV.ii.13 | |
| | sweetness (n.) delight, pleasure, charm | | |
Has this yong Prince? Here Love himselfe sits smyling, | Has this young prince! Here love himself sits smiling. | | TNK IV.ii.14 | |
Iust such another wanton Ganimead, | Just such another, wanton Ganymede | wanton (adj.) carefree, light-hearted, frolicsome, playful | TNK IV.ii.15 | |
| | Ganymede (n.) beautiful boy, son of a Trojan prince, taken by Jove to be cup-bearer to the gods | | |
Set Love a fire with, and enforcd the god | Set Jove afire with, and enforced the god | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | TNK IV.ii.16 | |
Snatch up the goodly Boy, and set him by him | Snatch up the goodly boy, and set him by him, | | TNK IV.ii.17 | |
A shining constellation: What a brow, | A shining constellation. What a brow, | brow (n.) appearance, aspect, countenance | TNK IV.ii.18 | |
| | constellation [the stars were thought to influence people and events] disposition, character, temperament | | |
Of what a spacious Majesty he carries? | Of what a spacious majesty, he carries, | | TNK IV.ii.19 | |
Arch'd like the great eyd Iuno's, but far sweeter, | Arched like the great-eyed Juno's, but far sweeter, | Juno (n.) Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity | TNK IV.ii.20 | |
Smoother then Pelops Shoulder? Fame and honour | Smoother than Pelops' shoulder! Fame and honour, | Pelops (n.) [pron: 'pelops] son of Tantalus, served to the gods at a banquet; Demeter ate his shoulder, which the gods replaced by one of ivory | TNK IV.ii.21 | |
Me thinks from hence, as from a Promontory | Methinks, from hence, as from a promontory | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | TNK IV.ii.22 | |
Pointed in heaven, should clap their wings, and sing | Pointed in heaven, should clap their wings, and sing | pointed (adj.) ending in a point, coming to a peak | TNK IV.ii.23 | |
To all the under world, the Loves, and Fights | To all the under-world the loves and fights | under-world (n.) earth, terrestrial world | TNK IV.ii.24 | |
Of gods, and such men neere 'em. Palamon, | Of gods and such men near 'em. Palamon | | TNK IV.ii.25 | |
Is but his foyle, to him, a meere dull shadow, | Is but his foil; to him, a mere dull shadow. | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | TNK IV.ii.26 | |
| | foil (n.) setting, background which sets something off to advantage [as dull metal sets off a gem] | | |
Hee's swarth, and meagre, of an eye as heavy | He's swarth and meagre, of an eye as heavy | meagre (adj.) thin, slight, scrawny | TNK IV.ii.27 | |
| | swart, swarth (adj.) swarthy, dusky, of dark complexion | | |
| | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | | |
As if he had lost his mother; a still temper, | As if he had lost his mother; a still temper, | temper (n.) frame of mind, temperament, disposition | TNK IV.ii.28 | |
| | still (adj.) lethargic, indolent, sluggish | | |
No stirring in him, no alacrity, | No stirring in him, no alacrity, | stirring (n.) liveliness, animation, vivacity | TNK IV.ii.29 | |
Of all this sprightly sharpenes, not a smile; | Of all this sprightly sharpness not a smile. | smile (n.) trace, sign, hint | TNK IV.ii.30 | |
Yet these that we count errours may become him: | Yet these that we count errors may become him; | error (n.) defect, flaw, blemish | TNK IV.ii.31 | |
| | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | | |
Narcissus was a sad Boy, but a heavenly: | Narcissus was a sad boy, but a heavenly. | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | TNK IV.ii.32 | |
| | heavenly (adj.) beautiful, delightful, sublime | | |
| | Narcissus (n.) handsome youth who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool; he pined away and was turned into a flower | | |
Oh who can finde the bent of womans fancy? | O, who can find the bent of woman's fancy? | fancy (n.) love, amorousness, infatuation | TNK IV.ii.33 | |
| | bent (n.) direction, turning, inclination | | |
I am a Foole, my reason is lost in me, | I am a fool; my reason is lost in me, | | TNK IV.ii.34 | |
I have no choice, and I have ly'd so lewdly | I have no choice, and I have lied so lewdly | choice (n.) ability to choose, skill in choosing | TNK IV.ii.35 | |
| | lewdly (adv.) stupidly, foolishly | | |
That women ought to beate me. On my knees | That women ought to beat me. On my knees | | TNK IV.ii.36 | |
I aske thy pardon: Palamon, thou art alone, | I ask thy pardon; Palamon, thou art alone | alone (adv.) only, solely, uniquely | TNK IV.ii.37 | |
And only beutifull, and these the eyes, | And only beautiful, and these the eyes, | | TNK IV.ii.38 | |
These the bright lamps of beauty, that command | These the bright lamps of beauty, that command | | TNK IV.ii.39 | |
And threaten Love, and what yong Mayd dare crosse 'em | And threaten love, and what young maid dare cross 'em? | cross (v.) cross the path of, intercept, encounter | TNK IV.ii.40 | |
| | cross (v.) contradict, challenge, go against | | |
What a bold gravity, and yet inviting | What a bold gravity, and yet inviting, | | TNK IV.ii.41 | |
Has this browne manly face? O Love, this only | Has this brown manly face! O love, this only | | TNK IV.ii.42 | |
From this howre is Complexion: Lye there Arcite, | From this hour is complexion. Lie there, Arcite; | complexion (n.) appearance, look, colouring | TNK IV.ii.43 | |
Thou art a changling to him, a meere Gipsey. | Thou art a changeling to him, a mere gypsy, | changeling (n./adj.) unsightly person [>> sense 1: an ugly or deformed child left by fairies in exchange for a beautiful one] | TNK IV.ii.44 | |
| | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | | |
And this the noble Bodie: I am sotted, | And this the noble body. I am sotted, | sotted (adj.) turned into a fool, besotted | TNK IV.ii.45 | |
Vtterly lost: My Virgins faith has fled me. | Utterly lost; my virgin's faith has fled me. | faith (n.) constancy, fidelity, loyalty | TNK IV.ii.46 | |
For if my brother but even now had ask'd me | For if my brother but even now had asked me | even, e'en (adv.) just [now] | TNK IV.ii.47 | |
Whether I lov'd, I had run mad for Arcite, | Whether I loved, I had run mad for Arcite; | | TNK IV.ii.48 | |
Now if my Sister; More for Palamon, | Now if my sister, more for Palamon. | | TNK IV.ii.49 | |
Stand both together: Now, come aske me Brother, | Stand both together. Now come ask me, brother – | stand (v.) be placed, set, arrange | TNK IV.ii.50 | |
Alas, I know not: aske me now sweet Sister, | Alas, I know not! Ask me now, sweet sister; | | TNK IV.ii.51 | |
I may goe looke; What a meere child is Fancie, | I may go look. What a mere child is fancy, | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | TNK IV.ii.52 | |
| | look (v.) find, seek, look for | | |
| | fancy (n.) love, amorousness, infatuation | | |
That having two faire gawdes of equall sweetnesse, | That having two fair gauds of equal sweetness, | gaud (n.) gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket | TNK IV.ii.53 | |
Cannot distinguish, but must crie for both. | Cannot distinguish, but must cry for both! | distinguish (v.) discriminate, decide between | TNK IV.ii.54 | |
Enter Emil. and Gent: | Enter a Gentleman | | TNK IV.ii.55 | |
Emil. How now Sir? | How now, sir? | | TNK IV.ii.55.1 | |
Gent. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
From the Noble Duke your Brother | From the noble Duke your brother, | | TNK IV.ii.55.2 | |
Madam, I bring you newes: The Knights are come. | Madam, I bring you news; the knights are come. | | TNK IV.ii.56 | |
Emil. | EMILIA | | | |
To end the quarrell? | To end the quarrel? | | TNK IV.ii.57.1 | |
Gent. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
Yes. | Yes. | | TNK IV.ii.57.2 | |
Emil. | EMILIA | | | |
Would I might end first: | Would I might end first! | | TNK IV.ii.57.3 | |
What sinnes have I committed, chast Diana, | What sins have I committed, chaste Diana, | Diana, Dian (n.) Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting | TNK IV.ii.58 | |
That my unspotted youth must now be soyld | That my unspotted youth must now be soiled | soil (n.) blemish, stain, tarnish | TNK IV.ii.59 | |
With blood of Princes? and my Chastitie | With blood of princes, and my chastity | | TNK IV.ii.60 | |
Be made the Altar, where the lives of Lovers, | Be made the altar where the lives of lovers – | | TNK IV.ii.61 | |
Two greater, and two better never yet | Two greater and two better never yet | | TNK IV.ii.62 | |
Made mothers joy, must be the sacrifice | Made mothers joy – must be the sacrifice | | TNK IV.ii.63 | |
To my unhappy Beautie? | To my unhappy beauty? | unhappy (adj.) hapless, miserable, wretched | TNK IV.ii.64.1 | |
Enter Theseus, Hipolita, Perithous and attendants. | Enter Theseus, Hippolyta, Pirithous, and attendants | | TNK IV.ii.64 | |
Theseus. | THESEUS | | | |
Bring 'em in | Bring 'em in | | TNK IV.ii.64.2 | |
quickly, / By any meanes, I long to see 'em. | Quickly, by any means; I long to see 'em. – | | TNK IV.ii.65 | |
Your two contending Lovers are return'd, | Your two contending lovers are returned, | | TNK IV.ii.66 | |
And with them their faire Knights: Now my faire Sister, | And with them their fair knights; now, my fair sister, | | TNK IV.ii.67 | |
You must love one of them. | You must love one of them. | | TNK IV.ii.68.1 | |
Emil. | EMILIA | | | |
I had rather both, | I had rather both, | | TNK IV.ii.68.2 | |
So neither for my sake should fall untimely | So neither for my sake should fall untimely. | untimely (adv.) prematurely, too soon, before due time | TNK IV.ii.69 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Who saw 'em? | Who saw 'em? | | TNK IV.ii.70.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
I a while. | I awhile. | awhile (adv.) for a short time, briefly | TNK IV.ii.70.2 | |
Gent. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
And I. | And I. | | TNK IV.ii.70.3 | |
Enter Messengers. Curtis. | Enter a Messenger | | TNK IV.ii.71 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
From whence come you Sir? | From whence come you, sir? | | TNK IV.ii.71.1 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
From the Knights. | From the knights. | | TNK IV.ii.71.2 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Pray speake | Pray speak, | | TNK IV.ii.71.3 | |
You that have seene them, what they are. | You that have seen them, what they are. | | TNK IV.ii.72.1 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
I will Sir, | I will, sir, | | TNK IV.ii.72.2 | |
And truly what I thinke: Six braver spirits | And truly what I think. Six braver spirits | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | TNK IV.ii.73 | |
Then these they have brought, (if we judge by the outside) | Than these they have brought – if we judge by the outside – | | TNK IV.ii.74 | |
I never saw, nor read of: He that stands | I never saw, nor read of. He that stands | | TNK IV.ii.75 | |
In the first place with Arcite, by his seeming | In the first place with Arcite, by his seeming | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | TNK IV.ii.76 | |
| | seeming (n.) appearance, look, aspect | | |
Should be a stout man, by his face a Prince, | Should be a stout man; by his face, a prince. | stout (adj.) brave, valiant, resolute | TNK IV.ii.77 | |
(His very lookes so say him) his complexion, | His very looks so say him; his complexion, | say (v.) proclaim, announce, declare | TNK IV.ii.78 | |
Nearer a browne, than blacke; sterne, and yet noble, | Nearer a brown than black, stern and yet noble, | | TNK IV.ii.79 | |
Which shewes him hardy, fearelesse, proud of dangers: | Which shows him hardy, fearless, proud of dangers; | | TNK IV.ii.80 | |
The circles of his eyes show faire within him, | The circles of his eyes show fire within him, | | TNK IV.ii.81 | |
And as a heated Lyon, so he lookes; | And as a heated lion, so he looks; | heated (adj.) angry, inflamed, enraged, aroused | TNK IV.ii.82 | |
His haire hangs long behind him, blacke and shining | His hair hangs long behind him, black and shining | | TNK IV.ii.83 | |
Like Ravens wings: his shoulders broad, and strong, | Like ravens' wings; his shoulders broad and strong, | | TNK IV.ii.84 | |
Armd long and round, and on his Thigh a Sword | Armed long and round; and on his thigh a sword | armed (adj.) with arms | TNK IV.ii.85 | |
Hung by a curious Bauldricke; when he frownes | Hung by a curious baldrick, when he frowns | curious (adj.) finely made, skilfully wrought, elaborate | TNK IV.ii.86 | |
| | baldric, baldrick (n.) leather shoulder belt, strap [for holding a bugle, sword, etc] | | |
To seale his will with, better o' my conscience | To seal his will with – better, o'my conscience, | seal (v.) accomplish, carry out, fulfil | TNK IV.ii.87 | |
| | will (n.) intent, purpose, design | | |
Was never Souldiers friend. | Was never soldier's friend. | | TNK IV.ii.88 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Thou ha'st well describde him, | Thou hast well described him. | | TNK IV.ii.89.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
Yet a great deale short | Yet a great deal short, | | TNK IV.ii.89.2 | |
Me thinkes, of him that's first with Palamon. | Methinks, of him that's first with Palamon. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | TNK IV.ii.90 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Pray speake him friend. | Pray speak him, friend. | | TNK IV.ii.91.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
I ghesse he is a Prince too, | I guess he is a prince too, | | TNK IV.ii.91.2 | |
And if it may be, greater; for his show | And if it may be, greater; for his show | show (n.) spectacle, display, ceremony | TNK IV.ii.92 | |
| | great (adj.) of high rank, eminent | | |
Has all the ornament of honour in't: | Has all the ornament of honour in't. | | TNK IV.ii.93 | |
Hee's somewhat bigger, then the Knight he spoke of, | He's somewhat bigger than the knight he spoke of, | | TNK IV.ii.94 | |
But of a face far sweeter; His complexion | But of a face far sweeter; his complexion | | TNK IV.ii.95 | |
Is (as a ripe grape) ruddy: he has felt | Is, as a ripe grape, ruddy; he has felt | | TNK IV.ii.96 | |
Without doubt what he fights for, and so apter | Without doubt what he fights for, and so apter | apt (adj.) likely, inclined, prone | TNK IV.ii.97 | |
To make this cause his owne: In's face appeares | To make this cause his own. In's face appears | | TNK IV.ii.98 | |
All the faire hopes of what he undertakes, | All the fair hopes of what he undertakes, | | TNK IV.ii.99 | |
And when he's angry, then a setled valour | And when he's angry, then a settled valour, | settled (adj.) steady, steadfast, staunch | TNK IV.ii.100 | |
(Not tainted with extreames) runs through his body, | Not tainted with extremes, runs through his body, | extreme (n.) intense emotion, violent passion | TNK IV.ii.101 | |
And guides his arme to brave things: Feare he cannot, | And guides his arm to brave things; fear he cannot, | | TNK IV.ii.102 | |
He shewes no such soft temper, his head's yellow, | He shows no such soft temper. His head's yellow, | | TNK IV.ii.103 | |
Hard hayr'd, and curld, thicke twind like Ivy tops, | Hard-haired and curled, thick-twined like ivy tods, | tod (n.) bush, bushy tuft | TNK IV.ii.104 | |
Not to undoe with thunder; In his face | Not to undo with thunder; in his face | undo (v.) ruin, destroy, wipe out | TNK IV.ii.105 | |
The liverie of the warlike Maide appeares, | The livery of the warlike maid appears, | livery (n.) uniform, costume, special clothing | TNK IV.ii.106 | |
Pure red, and white, for yet no beard has blest him. | Pure red and white, for yet no beard has blessed him; | | TNK IV.ii.107 | |
And in his rowling eyes, sits victory, | And in his rolling eyes sits victory, | rolling (adj.) flashing, expressive | TNK IV.ii.108 | |
As if she ever ment to corect his valour: | As if she ever meant to court his valour. | | TNK IV.ii.109 | |
His Nose stands high, a Character of honour. | His nose stands high, a character of honour; | character (n.) distinctive sign, stamp, trait | TNK IV.ii.110 | |
His red lips, after fights, are fit for Ladies. | His red lips, after fights, are fit for ladies. | | TNK IV.ii.111 | |
Emil. | EMILIA | | | |
Must these men die too? | Must these men die too? | | TNK IV.ii.112.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
When he speakes, his tongue | When he speaks, his tongue | | TNK IV.ii.112.2 | |
Sounds like a Trumpet; All his lyneaments | Sounds like a trumpet; all his lineaments | lineament (n.) (plural) parts of the body, form, shape | TNK IV.ii.113 | |
Are as a man would wish 'em, strong, and cleane, | Are as a man would wish 'em, strong and clean; | clean (adj.) well-built, shapely, comely | TNK IV.ii.114 | |
He weares a well-steeld Axe, the staffe of gold, | He wears a well-steeled axe, the staff of gold; | staff (n.) handle, shaft [of a weapon] | TNK IV.ii.115 | |
His age some five and twenty. | His age some five-and-twenty. | | TNK IV.ii.116.1 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
Ther's another, | There's another, | | TNK IV.ii.116.2 | |
A little man, but of a tough soule, seeming | A little man, but of a tough soul, seeming | seeming (n.) appearance, look, aspect | TNK IV.ii.117 | |
As great as any: fairer promises | As great as any; fairer promises | great (adj.) valiant, noble, honourable | TNK IV.ii.118 | |
In such a Body, yet I never look'd on. | In such a body yet I never looked on. | | TNK IV.ii.119 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
O, he that's freckle fac'd? | O, he that's freckle-faced? | | TNK IV.ii.120.1 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
The same my Lord, | The same, my lord. | | TNK IV.ii.120.2 | |
Are they not sweet ones? | Are they not sweet ones? | | TNK IV.ii.121.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
Yes they are well. | Yes, they are well. | | TNK IV.ii.121.2 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
Me thinkes, | Methinks, | | TNK IV.ii.121.3 | |
Being so few, and well disposd, they show | Being so few and well disposed, they show | disposed (adj.) arranged, placed, distributed | TNK IV.ii.122 | |
Great, and fine art in nature, he's white hair'd, | Great and fine art in Nature. He's white-haired, | white-haired (adj.) fair-haired | TNK IV.ii.123 | |
Not wanton white, but such a manly colour | Not wanton white, but such a manly colour | wanton (adj.) feminine; or: child-like | TNK IV.ii.124 | |
Next to an aborne, tough, and nimble set, | Next to an auburn; tough and nimble-set, | nimble-set (adj.) agile, athletic | TNK IV.ii.125 | |
| | auburn (adj.) yellow-brown, light brown | | |
Which showes an active soule; his armes are brawny | Which shows an active soul; his arms are brawny, | | TNK IV.ii.126 | |
Linde with strong sinewes: To the shoulder peece, | Lined with strong sinews; to the shoulder-piece | sinew (n.) muscle | TNK IV.ii.127 | |
| | shoulder-piece (n.) armour covering the shoulder | | |
| | line (v.) strengthen, support, fortify | | |
Gently they swell, like women new conceav'd, | Gently they swell, like women new-conceived, | new-conceived (adj.) in early pregnancy | TNK IV.ii.128 | |
Which speakes him prone to labour, never fainting | Which speaks him prone to labour, never fainting | speak (v.) proclaim, show, reveal | TNK IV.ii.129 | |
| | labour (n.) hard work, physical toil [with pun on childbirth] | | |
Vnder the waight of Armes; stout harted, still, | Under the weight of arms; stout-hearted, still, | still (adj.) at rest, in repose | TNK IV.ii.130 | |
But when he stirs, a Tiger; he's gray eyd, | But when he stirs, a tiger; he's grey-eyed, | | TNK IV.ii.131 | |
Which yeelds compassion where he conquers: sharpe | Which yields compassion where he conquers; sharp | | TNK IV.ii.132 | |
To spy advantages, and where he finds 'em, | To spy advantages, and where he finds 'em, | | TNK IV.ii.133 | |
He's swift to make 'em his: He do's no wrongs, | He's swift to make 'em his; he does no wrongs, | | TNK IV.ii.134 | |
Nor takes none; he's round fac'd, and when he smiles | Nor takes none; he's round-faced, and when he smiles | | TNK IV.ii.135 | |
He showes a Lover, when he frownes, a Souldier: | He shows a lover, when he frowns, a soldier; | show (v.) appear, look [like], present [as] | TNK IV.ii.136 | |
About his head he weares the winners oke, | About his head he wears the winner's oak, | oak (n.) crown of oak leaves [awarded to a victorious soldier] | TNK IV.ii.137 | |
And in it stucke the favour of his Lady: | And in it stuck the favour of his lady; | | TNK IV.ii.138 | |
His age, some six and thirtie. In his hand | His age some six-and-thirty; in his hand | | TNK IV.ii.139 | |
He beares a charging Staffe, embost with silver. | He bears a charging staff, embossed with silver. | charging-staff (n.) lance used in jousting | TNK IV.ii.140 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Are they all thus? | Are they all thus? | | TNK IV.ii.141.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
They are all the sonnes of honour. | They are all the sons of honour. | | TNK IV.ii.141.2 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Now as I have a soule I long to see 'em, | Now, as I have a soul, I long to see 'em! | | TNK IV.ii.142 | |
Lady you shall see men fight now. | Lady, you shall see men fight now. | | TNK IV.ii.143.1 | |
Hip. | HIPPOLYTA | | | |
I wish it, | I wish it; | | TNK IV.ii.143.2 | |
But not the cause my Lord; They would show | But not the cause, my lord. They would show | show (v.) appear, look [like], present [as] | TNK IV.ii.144 | |
Bravely about the Titles of two Kingdomes; | Bravely about the titles of two kingdoms; | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | TNK IV.ii.145 | |
| | bravely (adv.) splendidly, worthily, excellently | | |
Tis pitty Love should be so tyrannous: | 'Tis pity love should be so tyrannous. | | TNK IV.ii.146 | |
O my soft harted Sister, what thinke you? | O my soft-hearted sister, what think you? | | TNK IV.ii.147 | |
Weepe not, till they weepe blood; Wench it must be. | Weep not till they weep blood, wench; it must be. | wench (n.) girl, lass | TNK IV.ii.148 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
You have steel'd 'em with your Beautie: honord Friend, | You have steeled 'em with your beauty. – Honoured friend, | steel (v.) make firm, give strength | TNK IV.ii.149 | |
To you I give the Feild; pray order it, | To you I give the field; pray order it | field (n.) duelling place | TNK IV.ii.150 | |
Fitting the persons that must use it. | Fitting the persons that must use it. | | TNK IV.ii.151.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
Yes Sir. | Yes, sir. | | TNK IV.ii.151.2 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Come, Ile goe visit 'em: I cannot stay. | Come, I'll go visit 'em; I cannot stay – | | TNK IV.ii.152 | |
Their fame has fir'd me so; Till they appeare, | Their fame has fired me so – till they appear. | fame (n.) report, account, description | TNK IV.ii.153 | |
Good Friend be royall. | Good friend, be royal. | royal (adj.) like a king, majestic | TNK IV.ii.154.1 | |
Per. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
There shall want no bravery. | There shall want no bravery. | want (v.) fall short [of], be deficient [in] | TNK IV.ii.154.2 | |
| | bravery (n.) splendour, fine display, ostentation | | |
Emilia. | EMILIA | | | |
Poore wench goe weepe, for whosoever wins, | Poor wench, go weep, for whosoever wins | | TNK IV.ii.155 | |
Looses a noble Cosen, for thy sins. | Loses a noble cousin for thy sins. | | TNK IV.ii.156 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | TNK IV.ii.156 | |