First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Harrie Hotspurre, Worcester, and Dowglas. | Enter Hotspur, Worcester, and Douglas | | 1H4 IV.i.1 | |
Hot. | HOTSPUR | | | |
Well said, my Noble Scot, if speaking truth | Well said, my noble Scot! If speaking truth | | 1H4 IV.i.1 | |
In this fine Age, were not thought flatterie, | In this fine age were not thought flattery, | fine (adj.) refined, sophisticated, cultivated | 1H4 IV.i.2 | |
Such attribution should the Dowglas haue, | Such attribution should the Douglas have | attribution (n.) praise, credit, recognition | 1H4 IV.i.3 | |
As not a Souldiour of this seasons stampe, | As not a soldier of this season's stamp | stamp (n.) impression, mark, imprint | 1H4 IV.i.4 | |
Should go so generall currant through the world. | Should go as general current through the world. | general (adj.) common, of everyone, public | 1H4 IV.i.5 | |
| | current (n.) circulation, currency | | |
By heauen I cannot flatter: I defie | By God, I cannot flatter, I do defy | defy (v.) distrust, suspect, doubt | 1H4 IV.i.6 | |
The Tongues of Soothers. But a Brauer place | The tongues of soothers, but a braver place | soother (n.) flatterer, sycophant, adulator | 1H4 IV.i.7 | |
| | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | | |
In my hearts loue, hath no man then your Selfe. | In my heart's love hath no man than yourself. | | 1H4 IV.i.8 | |
Nay, taske me to my word: approue me Lord. | Nay, task me to my word, approve me, lord. | task (v.) test, try out, challenge | 1H4 IV.i.9 | |
| | approve (v.) put to the proof, test, try | | |
Dow. | DOUGLAS | | | |
Thou art the King of Honor: | Thou art the king of honour. | | 1H4 IV.i.10 | |
No man so potent breathes vpon the ground, | No man so potent breathes upon the ground | potent (adj.) powerful, influential | 1H4 IV.i.11 | |
| | ground (n.) face of the earth, globe | | |
But I will Beard him. | But I will beard him. | beard (v.) defy, affront, oppose openly | 1H4 IV.i.12.1 | |
Hot. | HOTSPUR | | | |
Do so, and 'tis well. | Do so, and 'tis well. | | 1H4 IV.ii.12.2 | |
Enter a Messenger. | Enter one with letters | | 1H4 IV.i.13 | |
What letters hast there? I can but thanke you. | What letters hast thou there? – I can but thank you. | | 1H4 IV.i.13 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
These Letters come from your Father. | These letters come from your father. | | 1H4 IV.i.14 | |
Hot. | HOTSPUR | | | |
Letters from him? Why comes he not himselfe? | Letters from him? Why comes he not himself? | | 1H4 IV.i.15 | |
Mes. | MESSENGER | | | |
He cannot come, my Lord, He is greeuous sicke. | He cannot come, my lord, he is grievous sick. | grievous (adv.) very, extremely | 1H4 IV.i.16 | |
Hot. | HOTSPUR | | | |
How? haz he the leysure to be sicke now, | Zounds, how has he the leisure to be sick | zounds (int.) God's wounds | 1H4 IV.i.17 | |
In such a iustling time? Who leades his power? | In such a justling time? Who leads his power? | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | 1H4 IV.i.18 | |
| | justling (adj.) jostling, clashing, chaotic | | |
Vnder whose Gouernment come they along? | Under whose government come they along? | government (n.) control, charge, management | 1H4 IV.i.19 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
His Letters beares his minde, not I his minde. | His letters bear his mind, not I, my lord. | bear (v.), past forms bore, borne keep, present, show | 1H4 IV.i.20 | |
Wor. | WORCESTER | | | |
I prethee tell me, doth he keepe his Bed? | I prithee tell me, doth he keep his bed? | | 1H4 IV.i.21 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
He did, my Lord, foure dayes ere I set forth: | He did, my lord, four days ere I set forth, | | 1H4 IV.i.22 | |
And at the time of my departure thence, | And at the time of my departure thence | | 1H4 IV.i.23 | |
He was much fear'd by his Physician. | He was much feared by his physicians. | fear (v.) fear for, worry about, be anxious about | 1H4 IV.i.24 | |
Wor. | WORCESTER | | | |
I would the state of time had first beene whole, | I would the state of time had first been whole | | 1H4 IV.i.25 | |
Ere he by sicknesse had beene visited: | Ere he by sickness had been visited. | visit (v.) afflict with sickness, strike down with disease | 1H4 IV.i.26 | |
His health was neuer better worth then now. | His health was never better worth than now. | | 1H4 IV.i.27 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
Sicke now? droope now? this sicknes doth infect | Sick now? Droop now? This sickness doth infect | | 1H4 IV.i.28 | |
The very Life-blood of our Enterprise, | The very life-blood of our enterprise. | | 1H4 IV.i.29 | |
'Tis catching hither, euen to our Campe. | 'Tis catching hither, even to our camp. | | 1H4 IV.i.30 | |
He writes me here, that inward sicknesse, | He writes me here that inward sickness – | | 1H4 IV.i.31 | |
And that his friends by deputation / Could not | And that his friends by deputation could not | deputation (n.) delegation, appointment as deputy | 1H4 IV.i.32 | |
so soone be drawne: nor did he thinke it meet, | So soon be drawn, nor did he think it meet | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | 1H4 IV.i.33 | |
| | draw (v.) bring together, draw in, gather | | |
To lay so dangerous and deare a trust | To lay so dangerous and dear a trust | dear (adj.) important, major, significant | 1H4 IV.i.34 | |
On any Soule remou'd, but on his owne. | On any soul removed but on his own. | removed (adj.) at a remove, not closely involved | 1H4 IV.i.35 | |
Yet doth he giue vs bold aduertisement, | Yet doth he give us bold advertisement | bold (adj.) confident, certain, sure | 1H4 IV.i.36 | |
| | advertisement (n.) advice, warning, instruction | | |
That with our small coniunction we should on, | That with our small conjunction we should on, | on (adv.) [go] onward, forward | 1H4 IV.i.37 | |
| | conjunction (n.) united forces, joint association | | |
To see how Fortune is dispos'd to vs: | To see how fortune is disposed to us. | | 1H4 IV.i.38 | |
For, as he writes, there is no quailing now, | For, as he writes, there is no quailing now, | | 1H4 IV.i.39 | |
Because the King is certainely possest | Because the King is certainly possessed | possess (v.) notify, inform, acquaint | 1H4 IV.i.40 | |
Of all our purposes. What say you to it? | Of all our purposes. What say you to it? | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | 1H4 IV.i.41 | |
Wor. | WORCESTER | | | |
Your Fathers sicknesse is a mayme to vs. | Your father's sickness is a maim to us. | | 1H4 IV.i.42 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
A perillous Gash, a very Limme lopt off: | A perilous gash, a very limb lopped off – | | 1H4 IV.i.43 | |
And yet, in faith, it is not his present want | And yet, in faith, it is not! His present want | present (adj.) occurring at this time, taking place now | 1H4 IV.i.44 | |
| | want (n.) absence, non-appearance, non-attendance | | |
Seemes more then we shall finde it. / Were it good, | Seems more than we shall find it. Were it good | more (adj.) greater | 1H4 IV.i.45 | |
to set the exact wealth of all our states | To set the exact wealth of all our states | state (n.) estate, property, wealth, means | 1H4 IV.i.46 | |
| | set (v.) rate, stake, gamble | | |
All at one Cast? To set so rich a mayne | All at one cast? To set so rich a main | main (n.) [gambling] stake, bet, throw | 1H4 IV.i.47 | |
| | cast (n.) throw [of dice], stroke | | |
On the nice hazard of one doubtfull houre, | On the nice hazard of one doubtful hour? | nice (adj.) critical, delicate, uncertain | 1H4 IV.i.48 | |
| | hazard (n.) [gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice] | | |
It were not good: for therein should we reade | It were not good, for therein should we read | | 1H4 IV.i.49 | |
The very Bottome, and the Soule of Hope, | The very bottom and the soul of hope, | soul (n.) driving force, animating principle | 1H4 IV.i.50 | |
| | very (adj.) [intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute | | |
| | bottom (n.) total extent, basis, foundation | | |
The very List, the very vtmost Bound | The very list, the very utmost bound | list (n.) boundary, limit, confines | 1H4 IV.i.51 | |
Of all our fortunes. | Of all our fortunes. | | 1H4 IV.i.52 | |
Dowg. | DOUGLAS | | | |
Faith, and so wee should, / Where now remaines | Faith, and so we should, where now remains | | 1H4 IV.i.53 | |
a sweet reuersion. / We may boldly spend, | A sweet reversion – we may boldly spend | reversion (n.) prospective inheritance, expectation of possession | 1H4 IV.i.54 | |
vpon the hope / Of what is to come in: | Upon the hope of what is to come in. | | 1H4 IV.i.55 | |
A comfort of retyrement liues in this. | A comfort of retirement lives in this. | retirement (n.) something to fall back on | 1H4 IV.i.56 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
A Randeuous, a Home to flye vnto, | A rendezvous, a home to fly unto, | rendezvous (n.) refuge, retreat, haven | 1H4 IV.i.57 | |
If that the Deuill and Mischance looke bigge | If that the devil and mischance look big | big (adv.) threateningly, violently, menacingly | 1H4 IV.i.58 | |
Vpon the Maydenhead of our Affaires. | Upon the maidenhead of our affairs. | maidenhead (n.) opening stage, first step | 1H4 IV.i.59 | |
Wor. | WORCESTER | | | |
But yet I would your Father had beene here: | But yet I would your father had been here. | | 1H4 IV.i.60 | |
The qualitie and Heire of our Attempt | The quality and hair of our attempt | hair (n.) character, nature, kind | 1H4 IV.i.61 | |
| | attempt (n.) exploit, undertaking, enterprise | | |
Brookes no diuision: It will be thought | Brooks no division. It will be thought, | brook (v.) allow, permit, bear | 1H4 IV.i.62 | |
By some, that know not why he is away, | By some that know not why he is away, | | 1H4 IV.i.63 | |
That wisedome, loyaltie, and meere dislike | That wisdom, loyalty, and mere dislike | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | 1H4 IV.i.64 | |
Of our proceedings, kept the Earle from hence. | Of our proceedings kept the Earl from hence: | | 1H4 IV.i.65 | |
And thinke, how such an apprehension | And think how such an apprehension | apprehension (n.) opinion, notion, view | 1H4 IV.i.66 | |
May turne the tyde of fearefull Faction, | May turn the tide of fearful faction, | faction (n.) party, group, set [of people] | 1H4 IV.i.67 | |
| | fearful (adj.) timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear | | |
And breede a kinde of question in our cause: | And breed a kind of question in our cause. | | 1H4 IV.i.68 | |
For well you know, wee of the offring side, | For well you know we of the offering side | offering (adj.) challenging, taking the offensive | 1H4 IV.i.69 | |
Must keepe aloofe from strict arbitrement, | Must keep aloof from strict arbitrement, | arbitrament, arbitrement (n.) adjudication, judicious examination | 1H4 IV.i.70 | |
And stop all sight-holes, euery loope, from whence | And stop all sight-holes, every loop from whence | sight-hole (n.) hole to see through | 1H4 IV.i.71 | |
| | loop (n.) loophole, opening, avenue | | |
The eye of reason may prie in vpon vs: | The eye of reason may pry in upon us. | | 1H4 IV.i.72 | |
This absence of your Father drawes a Curtaine, | This absence of your father's draws a curtain | | 1H4 IV.i.73 | |
That shewes the ignorant a kinde of feare, | That shows the ignorant a kind of fear | | 1H4 IV.i.74 | |
Before not dreamt of. | Before not dreamt of. | | 1H4 IV.i.75.1 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
You strayne too farre. | You strain too far. | strain (v.) overstate, exaggerate, stretch the meaning | 1H4 IV.i.75.2 | |
I rather of his absence make this vse: | I rather of his absence make this use. | | 1H4 IV.i.76 | |
It lends a Lustre, and more great Opinion, | It lends a lustre and more great opinion, | opinion (n.) reputation, character, honour | 1H4 IV.i.77 | |
A larger Dare to your great Enterprize, | A larger dare to our great enterprise, | dare (n.) daring, boldness, risk | 1H4 IV.i.78 | |
Then if the Earle were here: for men must thinke, | Than if the Earl were here. For men must think | | 1H4 IV.i.79 | |
If we without his helpe, can make a Head | If we without his help can make a head | head (n.) fighting force, army, body of troops | 1H4 IV.i.80 | |
To push against the Kingdome; with his helpe, | To push against a kingdom, with his help | | 1H4 IV.i.81 | |
We shall o're-turne it topsie-turuy downe: | We shall o'erturn it topsy-turvy down. | | 1H4 IV.i.82 | |
Yet all goes well, yet all our ioynts are whole. | Yet all goes well, yet all our joints are whole. | joint (n.) limb, body part | 1H4 IV.i.83 | |
Dowg. | DOUGLAS | | | |
As heart can thinke: / There is not such a word | As heart can think. There is not such a word | | 1H4 IV.i.84 | |
spoke of in Scotland, / At this Dreame of Feare. | Spoke of in Scotland as this term of fear. | | 1H4 IV.i.85 | |
Enter Sir Richard Vernon. | Enter Sir Richard Vernon | | 1H4 IV.i.85 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
My Cousin Vernon, welcome by my Soule. | My cousin Vernon! Welcome, by my soul! | | 1H4 IV.i.86 | |
Vern. | VERNON | | | |
Pray God my newes be worth a welcome, Lord. | Pray God my news be worth a welcome, lord. | | 1H4 IV.i.87 | |
The Earle of Westmerland, seuen thousand strong, | The Earl of Westmorland seven thousand strong | | 1H4 IV.i.88 | |
Is marching hither-wards, with Prince Iohn. | Is marching hitherwards, with him Prince John. | | 1H4 IV.i.89 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
No harme: what more? | No harm, what more? | | 1H4 IV.i.90.1 | |
Vern. | VERNON | | | |
And further, I haue learn'd, | And further, I have learned, | | 1H4 IV.i.90.2 | |
The King himselfe in person hath set forth, | The King himself in person is set forth, | | 1H4 IV.i.91 | |
Or hither-wards intended speedily, | Or hitherwards intended speedily, | intend (v.) plan to go, direct one's course | 1H4 IV.i.92 | |
With strong and mightie preparation. | With strong and mighty preparation. | | 1H4 IV.i.93 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
He shall be welcome too. Where is his Sonne, | He shall be welcome too. Where is his son, | | 1H4 IV.i.94 | |
The nimble-footed Mad-Cap, Prince of Wales, | The nimble-footed madcap Prince of Wales, | madcap (adj.) reckless, impulsive, wildly behaved | 1H4 IV.i.95 | |
And his Cumrades, that daft the World aside, | And his comrades that daffed the world aside | daff aside (v.) throw off, thrust aside | 1H4 IV.i.96 | |
And bid it passe? | And bid it pass? | | 1H4 IV.i.97.1 | |
Vern. | VERNON | | | |
All furnisht, all in Armes, | All furnished, all in arms, | furnished (adj.) equipped, fitted out, outfitted | 1H4 IV.i.97.2 | |
All plum'd like Estridges, that with the Winde | All plumed like estridges that with the wind | estridge (n.) type of large hawk, goshawk | 1H4 IV.i.98 | |
Bayted like Eagles, hauing lately bath'd, | Bated, like eagles having lately bathed, | bate (v.) [falconry] beat the wings, flutter | 1H4 IV.i.99 | |
Glittering in Golden Coates, like Images, | Glittering in golden coats like images, | image (n.) effigy, statue, sculpture | 1H4 IV.i.100 | |
| | coat (n.) coat-of-arms | | |
| | coat (n.) coat-of-mail, surcoat | | |
As full of spirit as the Moneth of May, | As full of spirit as the month of May, | | 1H4 IV.i.101 | |
And gorgeous as the Sunne at Mid-summer, | And gorgeous as the sun at midsummer, | | 1H4 IV.i.102 | |
Wanton as youthfull Goates, wilde as young Bulls. | Wanton as youthful goats, wild as young bulls. | wanton (adj.) carefree, light-hearted, frolicsome, playful | 1H4 IV.i.103 | |
I saw young Harry with his Beuer on, | I saw young Harry with his beaver on, | beaver (n.) visor of a helmet, face-guard | 1H4 IV.i.104 | |
His Cushes on his thighes, gallantly arm'd, | His cuishes on his thighs, gallantly armed, | cush, cuish, cuisse (n.) armoured thigh-piece | 1H4 IV.i.105 | |
Rise from the ground like feathered Mercury, | Rise from the ground like feathered Mercury, | Mercury (n.) messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce | 1H4 IV.i.106 | |
And vaulted with such ease into his Seat, | And vaulted with such ease into his seat | | 1H4 IV.i.107 | |
As if an Angell dropt downe from the Clouds, | As if an angel dropped down from the clouds | | 1H4 IV.i.108 | |
To turne and winde a fierie Pegasus, | To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus, | wind (v.) [horsemanship] make wheel about | 1H4 IV.i.109 | |
| | Pegasus (n.) winged horse which sprang from the body of Medusa after her death; he brought thunderbolts to Zeus | | |
And witch the World with Noble Horsemanship. | And witch the world with noble horsemanship. | witch (v.) bewitch, charm, enchant | 1H4 IV.i.110 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
No more, no more, / Worse then the Sunne in March: | No more, no more! Worse than the sun in March, | | 1H4 IV.i.111 | |
This prayse doth nourish Agues: let them come. | This praise doth nourish agues. Let them come! | ague (n.) fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever] | 1H4 IV.i.112 | |
They come like Sacrifices in their trimme, | They come like sacrifices in their trim, | trim (n.) trappings, equipment, outfit | 1H4 IV.i.113 | |
And to the fire-ey'd Maid of smoakie Warre, | And to the fire-eyed maid of smoky war | | 1H4 IV.i.114 | |
All hot, and bleeding, will wee offer them: | All hot and bleeding will we offer them. | | 1H4 IV.i.115 | |
The mayled Mars shall on his Altar sit | The mailed Mars shall on his altar sit | mailed (adj.) mail-clad, armoured | 1H4 IV.i.116 | |
| | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | | |
Vp to the eares in blood. I am on fire, | Up to the ears in blood. I am on fire | | 1H4 IV.i.117 | |
To heare this rich reprizall is so nigh, | To hear this rich reprisal is so nigh, | reprisal (n.) prize, booty, trophy | 1H4 IV.i.118 | |
And yet not ours. Come, let me take my Horse, | And yet not ours! Come, let me taste my horse, | | 1H4 IV.i.119 | |
Who is to beare me like a Thunder-bolt, | Who is to bear me like a thunderbolt | | 1H4 IV.i.120 | |
Against the bosome of the Prince of Wales. | Against the bosom of the Prince of Wales. | | 1H4 IV.i.121 | |
Harry to Harry, shall not Horse to Horse | Harry to Harry shall, hot horse to horse, | | 1H4 IV.i.122 | |
Meete, and ne're part, till one drop downe a Coarse? | Meet and ne'er part till one drop down a corpse. | | 1H4 IV.i.123 | |
Oh, that Glendower were come. | O that Glendower were come! | | 1H4 IV.i.124.1 | |
Ver. | VERNON | | | |
There is more newes: | There is more news. | | 1H4 IV.ii.124.2 | |
I learned in Worcester, as I rode along, | I learned in Worcester as I rode along | | 1H4 IV.i.125 | |
He cannot draw his Power this fourteene dayes. | He cannot draw his power this fourteen days. | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | 1H4 IV.i.126 | |
| | draw (v.) bring together, draw in, gather | | |
Dowg. | DOUGLAS | | | |
That's the worst Tidings that I heare of yet. | That's the worst tidings that I hear of yet. | | 1H4 IV.i.127 | |
Wor. | WORCESTER | | | |
I by my faith, that beares a frosty sound. | Ay, by my faith, that bears a frosty sound. | | 1H4 IV.i.128 | |
Hotsp. | HOTSPUR | | | |
What may the Kings whole Battaile reach vnto? | What may the King's whole battle reach unto? | battle (n.) army, fighting force, battalion | 1H4 IV.i.129 | |
Ver. | VERNON | | | |
To thirty thousand. | To thirty thousand. | | 1H4 IV.i.130.1 | |
Hot. | HOTSPUR | | | |
Forty let it be, | Forty let it be. | | 1H4 IV.i.130.2 | |
My Father and Glendower being both away, | My father and Glendower being both away, | | 1H4 IV.i.131 | |
The powres of vs, may serue so great a day. | The powers of us may serve so great a day. | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | 1H4 IV.i.132 | |
| | serve (v.) suffice, be enough, do [for] | | |
Come, let vs take a muster speedily: | Come, let us take a muster speedily. | | 1H4 IV.i.133 | |
Doomesday is neere; dye all, dye merrily. | Doomsday is near. Die all, die merrily. | doomsday (n.) death-day, day of judgement | 1H4 IV.i.134 | |
Dow. | DOUGLAS | | | |
Talke not of dying, I am out of feare | Talk not of dying, I am out of fear | out of (prep.) free from | 1H4 IV.i.135 | |
Of death, or deaths hand, for this one halfe yeare. | Of death or death's hand for this one half year. | | 1H4 IV.i.136 | |
Exeunt Omnes. | Exeunt | | 1H4 IV.i.136 | |