Troilus and Cressida

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Senet. Enter Agamemnon, Nestor, Vlysses, Sennet. Enter Agamemnon, Nestor, Ulysses, TC I.iii.1.1
Diomedes, Menelaus, with others.Diomedes, Menelaus, with other Greek leaders TC I.iii.1.2
Princes:Princes, TC I.iii.1
What greefe hath set the Iaundies on your cheekes?What grief hath set the jaundice on your cheeks?jaundice (n.)

old form: Iaundies
sallowness, yellowness [as a sign of envy or jealousy]
TC I.iii.2
grief (n.)

old form: greefe
grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
The ample proposition that hope makesThe ample proposition that hope makesproposition (n.)
offer, proposal
TC I.iii.3
In all designes, begun on earth belowIn all designs begun on earth below TC I.iii.4
Fayles in the promist largenesse: checkes and disastersFails in the promised largeness: checks and disasterscheck (n.)

old form: checkes
repulse, reverse, resistance
TC I.iii.5
Grow in the veines of actions highest rear'd.Grow in the veins of actions highest reared, TC I.iii.6
As knots by the conflux of meeting sap,As knots, by the conflux of meeting sap,conflux (n.)
confluence, conjunction, flowing together
TC I.iii.7
Infect the sound Pine, and diuerts his GraineInfect the sound pine, and divert his grain TC I.iii.8
Tortiue and erant from his course of growth.Tortive and errant from his course of growth.errant (adj.)

old form: erant
wandering, straying, erring
TC I.iii.9
tortive (adj.)

old form: Tortiue
contorted, tortuous, twisting
course (n.)
habit, custom, practise, normal procedure
Nor Princes, is it matter new to vs,Nor, princes, is it matter new to usmatter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
TC I.iii.10
That we come short of our suppose so farre,That we come short of our suppose so farsuppose (n.)
expectation, hope; purpose, intention
TC I.iii.11
That after seuen yeares siege, yet Troy walles stand,That, after seven years' siege, yet Troy walls stand; TC I.iii.12
Sith euery action that hath gone before,Sith every action that hath gone before TC I.iii.13
Whereof we haue Record, Triall did drawWhereof we have record, trial did drawdraw (v.)
proceed, move, progress
TC I.iii.14
trial (n.)

old form: Triall
action of testing, putting to the proof
Bias and thwart, not answering the ayme:Bias and thwart, not answering the aimthwart (adv.)
adversely, untowardly, detrimentally
TC I.iii.15
bias (adv.)
awry, wrong, amiss
answer (v.)
live up to, correspond to, be equal to
And that vnbodied figure of the thoughtAnd that unbodied figure of the thoughtfigure (n.)
form, design, shape, conception
TC I.iii.16
unbodied (adj.)

old form: vnbodied
abstract, conceptual, formless
That gaue't surmised shape. Why then (you Princes)That gave't surmised shape. Why then, you princes,surmised (adj.)
imagined, hoped-for, intended
TC I.iii.17
Do you with cheekes abash'd, behold our workes,Do you with cheeks abashed behold our works,work (n.)

old form: workes
deed, doing, action
TC I.iii.18
And thinke them shame, which are (indeed) nought elseAnd call them shame, which are, indeed, naught else TC I.iii.19
But the protractiue trials of great Ioue,But the protractive trials of great Joveprotractive (adj.)

old form: protractiue
protracted, interminable, long-drawn-out
TC I.iii.20
Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
To finde persistiue constancie in men?To find persistive constancy in men? – persistive (adj.)

old form: persistiue
persisting, long-lasting, persevering
TC I.iii.21
The finenesse of which Mettall is not foundThe fineness of which metal is not found TC I.iii.22
In Fortunes loue: for then, the Bold and Coward,In fortune's love: for then the bold and coward, TC I.iii.23
The Wise and Foole, the Artist and vn-read,The wise and fool, the artist and unread,artist (n.)
scholar, intellectual, learned man
TC I.iii.24
The hard and soft, seeme all affin'd, and kin.The hard and soft, seem all affined and kin;affined (adj.)

old form: affin'd
related, connected, affiliated
TC I.iii.25
But in the Winde and Tempest of her frowne,But in the wind and tempest of her frown, TC I.iii.26
Distinction with a lowd and powrefull fan,Distinction, with a broad and powerful fan,distinction (n.)
act of distinguishing, discrimination, differentiation
TC I.iii.27
Puffing at all, winnowes the light away;Puffing at all, winnows the light away, TC I.iii.28
And what hath masse, or matter by it selfe,And what hath mass or matter by itself TC I.iii.29
Lies rich in Vertue, and vnmingled.Lies rich in virtue and unmingled.virtue (n.)

old form: Vertue
worth, value, excellence
TC I.iii.30
Nestor. NESTOR 
With due Obseruance of thy godly seat,With due observance of thy godlike seat,observance (n.)

old form: Obseruance
honour, dutiful ceremony, due respect
TC I.iii.31
seat (n.)
Great Agamemnon, Nestor shall applyGreat Agamemnon, Nestor shall applyNestor (n.)
Greek leader in the siege of Troy, reputed for his age and wisdom
TC I.iii.32
Thy latest words. / In the reproofe of Chance,Thy latest words. In the reproof of chancechance (n.)
misfortune, mischance, mishap
TC I.iii.33
reproof (n.)

old form: reproofe
rebuff, rebuke, censure
Lies the true proofe of men: The Sea being smooth,Lies the true proof of men. The sea being smooth,proof (n.)

old form: proofe
test, trial
TC I.iii.34
How many shallow bauble Boates dare saileHow many shallow bauble boats dare sailbauble (adj.)
like a toy, paltry, insignificant
TC I.iii.35
Vpon her patient brest, making their wayUpon her patient breast, making their way TC I.iii.36
With those of Nobler bulke?With those of nobler bulk; TC I.iii.37
But let the Ruffian Boreas once enrageBut let the ruffian Boreas once enrageBoreas (n.)
[pron: 'borias] Greek god of the north wind
TC I.iii.38
The gentle Thetis, and anon beholdThe gentle Thetis, and anon beholdgentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence
TC I.iii.39
Thetis (n.)
[pron: 'theetis] sea-nymph married to Peleus, destined to bear a son (Achilles) greater than his father
anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
The strong ribb'd Barke through liquid Mountaines cut,The strong-ribbed bark through liquid mountains cut,bark, barque (n.)

old form: Barke
ship, vessel
TC I.iii.40
Bounding betweene the two moyst ElementsBounding between the two moist elements,element (n.)
(plural) substances from which all material things are made [believed to be earth, water, air, fire]
TC I.iii.41
Like Perseus Horse. Where's then the sawcy Boate,Like Perseus' horse. Where's then the saucy boat,saucy (adj.)

old form: sawcy
insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
TC I.iii.42
Perseus (n)
son of Zeus and Danae; advised by Athene to look at the reflection in his shield when cutting off Medusa's head, thereby avoiding being turned to stone; associated with the winged horse released by her death
Whose weake vntimber'd sides but euen nowWhose weak untimbered sides but even nowuntimbered (adj.)

old form: vntimber'd
lacking a strong wooden frame; unsound, frail
TC I.iii.43
Co-riual'd Greatnesse? Either to harbour fled,Corrivalled greatness? – Either to harbour fledcorrival, co-rival (v.)

old form: Co-riual'd
vie with, compete with, be a rival of
TC I.iii.44
Or made a Toste for Neptune. Euen so,Or made a toast for Neptune. Even sotoast (n.)

old form: Toste
piece of hot toast, sop
TC I.iii.45
Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
Doth valours shew, and valours worth diuideDoth valour's show and valour's worth divide TC I.iii.46
In stormes of Fortune. / For, in her ray and brightnesse,In storms of fortune; for in her ray and brightness TC I.iii.47
The Heard hath more annoyance by the BriezeThe herd hath more annoyance by the breesebreese, breeze (n.)

old form: Brieze
TC I.iii.48
Then by the Tyger: But, when the splitting windeThan by the tiger; but when the splitting wind TC I.iii.49
Makes flexible the knees of knotted Oakes,Makes flexible the knees of knotted oaks, TC I.iii.50
And Flies fled vnder shade, why then / The thing of Courage,And flies fled under shade, why then the thing of courage,shade (n.)
covered place, sheltered spot
TC I.iii.51
As rowz'd with rage, with rage doth sympathize,As roused with rage, with rage doth sympathize,sympathize with (v.)
resemble, be like, have an affinity with
TC I.iii.52
And with an accent tun'd in selfe-same key,And with an accent tuned in selfsame keyaccent (n.)
sound, voice quality, way of talking
TC I.iii.53
Retyres to chiding Fortune.Returns to chiding fortune.chiding (adj.)
noisy, brawling, tumultuous
TC I.iii.54.1
return (v.)
answer, report, say in reply [to]
Agamemnon:Agamemnon, TC I.iii.54.2
Thou great Commander, Nerue, and Bone of Greece,Thou great commander, nerve and bone of Greece,nerve (n.)

old form: Nerue
sinew, ligament, muscle
TC I.iii.55
Heart of our Numbers, soule, and onely spirit,Heart of our numbers, soul and only spirit, TC I.iii.56
In whom the tempers, and the mindes of allIn whom the tempers and the minds of alltemper (n.)
frame of mind, temperament, disposition
TC I.iii.57
Should be shut vp: Heare what Vlysses speakes,Should be shut up: hear what Ulysses speaks.shut up (v.)

old form: vp
embody, sum up, include
TC I.iii.58
Ulysses (n.)
[pron: yoo'liseez] son of Laertes, who fought for 10 years in the Trojan War; on his return to Ithaca, he killed the suitors of his wife Penelope
Besides the applause and approbationBesides the applause and approbationapprobation (n.)
expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning
TC I.iii.59
The which most mighty for thy place and sway,The which, most mighty for thy place and swayplace (n.)
position, post, office, rank
TC I.iii.60
sway (n.)
position of authority, powerful office
And thou most reuerend for thy stretcht-out life,(To Nestor) And thou most reverend for thy stretched-out life – stretched-out (adj.)
extended to full length, exceptionally long-lasting
TC I.iii.61
reverend (adj.)
revered, worthy, respected
I giue to both your speeches: which were such,I give to both your speeches, which were such TC I.iii.62
As Agamemnon and the hand of GreeceAs, Agamemnon, every hand of Greece TC I.iii.63
Should hold vp high in Brasse: and such againeShould hold up high in brass; and such again TC I.iii.64
As venerable Nestor (hatch'd in Siluer)As venerable Nestor, hatched in silver,hatched (adj.)

old form: hatch'd
inlaid, streaked, ornamented
TC I.iii.65
Should with a bond of ayre, strong as the AxletreeShould with a bond of air, strong as the axle-treeaxletree, axle-tree (n.)
pivot, spindle, axis [around which the heavenly bodies revolve]
TC I.iii.66
In which the Heauens ride, knit all Greekes earesOn which the heavens ride, knit all Greeks' ears TC I.iii.67
To his experienc'd tongue: yet let it please bothTo his experienced tongue – yet let it please both, TC I.iii.68
(Thou Great, and Wise) to heare Vlysses speake.Thou great, and wise, to hear Ulysses speak. TC I.iii.69
Speak Prince of Ithaca, and be't of lesse expect:Speak, Prince of Ithaca; and be't of less expectexpect (n.)
expectation, anticipation
TC I.iii.70
Ithaca (n.)
island of W Greece; home of Ulysses, where Penelope waited for his return from the Trojan Wars
That matter needlesse of importlesse burthenThat matter needless, of importless burden,importless (adj.)

old form: importlesse
trivial, unimportant, insignificant
TC I.iii.71
matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
burden, burthen (n.)
capacity, load, weight
Diuide thy lips; then we are confidentDivide thy lips than we are confident TC I.iii.72
When ranke Thersites opes his Masticke iawes,When rank Thersites opes his mastic jawsmastic (adj.)

old form: Masticke
gummy, resinous, sticky
TC I.iii.73
ope (v.)
rank (adj.)

old form: ranke
gross, outlandish, coarse
We shall heare Musicke, Wit, and Oracle.We shall hear music, wit, and oracle.wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
TC I.iii.74
Troy yet vpon his basis had bene downe,Troy, yet upon his basis, had been down,basis (n.)
base, foot, foundation
TC I.iii.75
And the great Hectors sword had lack'd a MasterAnd the great Hector's sword had lacked a master, TC I.iii.76
But for these instances.But for these instances:instance (n.)
illustration, example, case
TC I.iii.77
The specialty of Rule hath beene neglected;The specialty of rule hath been neglected,specialty (n.)
obligation, bond, requirement
TC I.iii.78
rule (n.)
proper discipline, good management
And looke how many Grecian Tents do standAnd look how many Grecian tents do stand TC I.iii.79
Hollow vpon this Plaine, so many hollow Factions.Hollow upon this plain, so many hollow factions.hollow (adj.)
empty, wanting, insubstantial
TC I.iii.80
faction (n.)
party, group, set [of people]
hollow (adj.)
empty, false, insincere
When that the Generall is not like the Hiue,When that the general is not like the hive TC I.iii.81
To whom the Forragers shall all repaire,To whom the foragers shall all repair, TC I.iii.82
What Hony is expected? Degree being vizarded,What honey is expected? Degree being vizarded,vizard (v.)
cover with a mask; conceal, hide
TC I.iii.83
degree (n.)
rank, station, standing
Th'vnworthiest shewes as fairely in the Maske.Th' unworthiest shows as fairly in the mask. TC I.iii.84
The Heauens themselues, the Planets, and this Center,The heavens themselves, the planets, and this centrecentre (n.)

old form: Center
earth [seen as centre of the Ptolemaic universe]
TC I.iii.85
Obserue degree, priority, and place,Observe degree, priority, and place,place (n.)
precedence, proper place
TC I.iii.86
Insisture, course, proportion, season, forme,Insisture, course, proportion, season, form,insisture (n.)
[unclear meaning] steady continuance, constancy, regularity
TC I.iii.87
proportion (n.)
natural order, proper relationship
season (n.)
time, due time, occasion
form (n.)

old form: forme
formal procedure, due process, formality
course (n.)
habit, custom, practise, normal procedure
Office, and custome, in all line of Order:Office, and custom, in all line of (n.)
role, position, place, function
TC I.iii.88
line (n.)
degree, rank, station
And therefore is the glorious Planet SolAnd therefore is the glorious planet SolSol (n.)
the sun
TC I.iii.89
In noble eminence, enthron'd and sphear'dIn noble eminence enthroned and spheredsphere (v.)

old form: sphear'd
place in the heavens
TC I.iii.90
Amid'st the other, whose med'cinable eyeAmidst the other; whose med'cinable eyemedicinable (adj.)

old form: med'cinable
medicinal, healing, curative, restorative
TC I.iii.91
Corrects the ill Aspects of Planets euill,Corrects the ill aspects of planets evil,ill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable
TC I.iii.92
aspect (n.)
[astrology] influential phase, direction of alignment
And postes like the Command'ment of a King,And posts like the commandment of a king,post (v.)

old form: postes
hasten, speed, ride fast
TC I.iii.93
Sans checke, to good and bad. But when the PlanetsSans check, to good and bad. But when the planetscheck (n.)

old form: checke
pause, interruption, stoppage
TC I.iii.94
sans (prep.)
In euill mixture to disorder wander,In evil mixture to disorder wander, TC I.iii.95
What Plagues, and what portents, what mutiny?What plagues and what portents, what mutiny,mutiny (n.)
riot, civil disturbance, state of discord
TC I.iii.96
What raging of the Sea? shaking of Earth?What raging of the sea, shaking of earth, TC I.iii.97
Commotion in the Windes? Frights, changes, horrors,Commotion in the winds, frights, changes, horrors,change (n.)
change of fortune, new circumstances
TC I.iii.98
Diuert, and cracke, rend and deracinateDivert and crack, rend and deracinatederacinate (v.)
uproot, pluck up, eradicate
TC I.iii.99
The vnity, and married calme of StatesThe unity and married calm of statesstate (n.)
government, ruling body, administration
TC I.iii.100
Quite from their fixure? O, when Degree is shak'd,Quite from their fixure! O, when degree is shaked,fixure (n.)
stability, fixed position, settled state
TC I.iii.101
degree (n.)
rank, station, standing
(Which is the Ladder to all high designes)Which is the ladder to all high designs,design (n.)

old form: designes
undertaking, purpose, enterprise
TC I.iii.102
The enterprize is sicke. How could Communities,Then enterprise is sick. How could communities, TC I.iii.103
Degrees in Schooles, and Brother-hoods in Cities,Degrees in schools, and brotherhoods in cities,school (n.)
TC I.iii.104
degree (n.)
rank, station, standing
brotherhood (n.)

old form: Brother-hoods
guild, fraternity, society
Peacefull Commerce from diuidable shores,Peaceful commerce from dividable shores,dividable (adj.)
in a divided state, separated
TC I.iii.105
The primogenitiue, and due of Byrth,The primogenitive and due of birth,primogenitive (n.)
primogeniture; right of inheritance due to the first-born child
TC I.iii.106
Prerogatiue of Age, Crownes, Scepters, Lawrels,Prerogative of age, crowns, sceptres, laurels, TC I.iii.107
(But by Degree) stand in Authentique place?But by degree, stand in authentic place?authentic (adj.)

old form: Authentique
valid, authoritative, credible
TC I.iii.108
Take but Degree away, vn-tune that string,Take but degree away, untune that string, TC I.iii.109
And hearke what Discord followes: each thing meetesAnd hark what discord follows! Each thing meets TC I.iii.110
In meere oppugnancie. The bounded Waters,In mere oppugnancy: the bounded watersmere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
TC I.iii.111
oppugnancy (n.)

old form: oppugnancie
opposition, conflict, contention
bounded (adj.)
confined, enclosed, operating within limits
Should lift their bosomes higher then the Shores,Should lift their bosoms higher than the shores,bosom (n.)

old form: bosomes
TC I.iii.112
And make a soppe of all this solid Globe:And make a sop of all this solid globe;sop (n.)

old form: soppe
piece of bread or cake steeped in liquid [before being eaten]
TC I.iii.113
Strength should be Lord of imbecility,Strength should be lord of imbecility,imbecility (n.)
physical weakness, feebleness, puniness
TC I.iii.114
And the rude Sonne should strike his Father dead:And the rude son should strike his father dead;rude (adj.)
violent, harsh, unkind
TC I.iii.115
Force should be right, or rather, right and wrong,Force should be right, or, rather, right and wrong –  TC I.iii.116
(Betweene whose endlesse iarre, Iustice recides)Between whose endless jar justice resides – jar (n.)

old form: iarre
discord, disharmony, disagreement
TC I.iii.117
Should loose her names, and so should Iustice too.Should lose their names, and so should justice too. TC I.iii.118
Then euery thing includes it selfe in Power,Then everything includes itself in power, TC I.iii.119
Power into Will, Will into Appetite,Power into will, will into appetite;will (n.)
wilfulness, self-will, determination
TC I.iii.120
appetite (n.)
desire, longing, inclination, fancy
And Appetite (an vniuersall Wolfe,And appetite, an universal wolf, TC I.iii.121
So doubly seconded with Will, and Power)So doubly seconded with will and power,second (v.)
support, assist, reinforce
TC I.iii.122
Must make perforce an vniuersall prey,Must make perforce an universal prey,perforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
TC I.iii.123
And last, eate vp himselfe. / Great Agamemnon:And last eat up himself. Great Agamemnon, TC I.iii.124
This Chaos, when Degree is suffocate,This chaos, when degree is suffocate, TC I.iii.125
Followes the choaking:Follows the choking; TC I.iii.126
And this neglection of Degree, is itAnd this neglection of degree it isneglection (n.)
negligence, neglect, disregard
TC I.iii.127
That by a pace goes backward in a purposeThat by a pace goes backward in a purposepurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
TC I.iii.128
It hath to climbe. The Generall's disdain'dIt hath to climb. The general's disdained TC I.iii.129
By him one step below; he, by the next,By him one step below, he by the next, TC I.iii.130
That next, by him beneath: so euery stepThat next by him beneath: so every step, TC I.iii.131
Exampled by the first pace that is sickeExampled by the first pace that is sickexample (v.)
find an example for, provide a model for
TC I.iii.132
sick (adj.)

old form: sicke
envious, resentful, malicious
Of his Superiour, growes to an enuious FeauerOf his superior, grows to an envious feverenvious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
TC I.iii.133
Of pale, and bloodlesse Emulation.Of pale and bloodless emulation,emulation (n.)
ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict
TC I.iii.134
And 'tis this Feauer that keepes Troy on foote,And 'tis this fever that keeps Troy on foot, TC I.iii.135
Not her owne sinewes. To end a tale of length,Not her own sinews. To end a tale of length,sinew (n.)

old form: sinewes
TC I.iii.136
Troy in our weaknesse liues, not in her strength.Troy in our weakness lives, not in her strength. TC I.iii.137
Most wisely hath Vlysses heere discouer'dMost wisely hath Ulysses here discovereddiscover (v.)

old form: discouer'd
reveal, show, make known
TC I.iii.138
The Feauer, whereof all our power is sicke.The fever whereof all our power is sick.power (n.)
authority, government
TC I.iii.139
The Nature of the sicknesse found (Ulysses)The nature of the sickness found, Ulysses, TC I.iii.140
What is the remedie?What is the remedy? TC I.iii.141
The great Achilles, whom Opinion crownes,The great Achilles, whom opinion crownsopinion (n.)
public opinion, popular judgement
TC I.iii.142
The sinew, and the fore-hand of our Hoste,The sinew and the forehand of our host,sinew (n.)
strength, force, power
TC I.iii.143
forehand, fore-hand (n.)

old form: fore-hand
leading power, mainstay, linchpin
Hauing his eare full of his ayery Fame,Having his ear full of his airy fame,fame (n.)
reputation, renown, character
TC I.iii.144
airy (adj.)

old form: ayery
carried by the wind, widely acknowledged
Growes dainty of his worth, and in his TentGrows dainty of his worth, and in his tentdainty (adj.)
fastidious, scrupulous, refined, particular
TC I.iii.145
Lyes mocking our designes. With him, Patroclus,Lies mocking our designs. With him Patroclus, TC I.iii.146
Vpon a lazie Bed, the liue-long dayUpon a lazy bed, the livelong day TC I.iii.147
Breakes scurrill Iests,Breaks scurril jests,scurril (adj.)

old form: scurrill
scurrilous, coarse, vulgar
TC I.iii.148
break (on, upon) (v.)

old form: Breakes
[of jokes] crack, make
And with ridiculous and aukward action,And with ridiculous and awkward action –  TC I.iii.149
(Which Slanderer, he imitation call's)Which, slanderer, he imitation calls –  TC I.iii.150
He Pageants vs. Sometime great Agamemnon,He pageants us. Sometime, great Agamemnon,pageant (v.)
imitate as if in a play, impersonate, parody
TC I.iii.151
sometime (adv.)
sometimes, now and then
Thy toplesse deputation he puts on;Thy topless deputation he puts on,deputation (n.)
position, office, appointment
TC I.iii.152
topless (adj.)

old form: toplesse
supreme, paramount
And like a strutting Player, whose conceitAnd, like a strutting player whose conceitconceit (n.)
imagination, fancy, wit
TC I.iii.153
Lies in his Ham-string, and doth thinke it richLies in his hamstring, and doth think it rich TC I.iii.154
To heare the woodden Dialogue and soundTo hear the wooden dialogue and sound TC I.iii.155
'Twixt his stretcht footing, and the Scaffolage,'Twixt his stretched footing and the scaffoldage,scaffoldage (n.)

old form: Scaffolage
theatre scaffolding, stage platform
TC I.iii.156
stretched (adj.)

old form: stretcht
strained, forced, affected
footing (n.)
footfall, footsteps, strides
Such to be pittied, and ore-rested seemingSuch to-be-pitied and o'erwrested seemingoverwrested, over-wrested (adj.)

old form: ore-rested
overstrained, overdone, over-the-top
TC I.iii.157
seeming (n.)
demeanour, outward behaviour
He acts thy Greatnesse in: and when he speakes,He acts thy greatness in; and when he speaks, TC I.iii.158
'Tis like a Chime a mending. With tearmes vnsquar'd,'Tis like a chime a-mending, with terms unsquaredmend (v.)
amend, improve, make better, put right
TC I.iii.159
unsquared (adj.)

old form: vnsquar'd
badly fitting, unsuitable, unbecoming
Which from the tongue of roaring Typhon dropt,Which, from the tongue of roaring Typhon dropped,Typhon (n.)
giant, half man half animal, who fought against the Olympian gods
TC I.iii.160
Would seemes Hyperboles. At this fusty stuffe,Would seem hyperboles. At this fusty stufffusty (adj.)
musty, mouldy, stale-smelling
TC I.iii.161
The large Achilles (on his prest-bed lolling)The large Achilles, on his pressed bed lolling, TC I.iii.162
From his deepe Chest, laughes out a lowd applause,From his deep chest laughs out a loud applause, TC I.iii.163
Cries excellent, 'tis Agamemnon iust.Cries ‘ Excellent! 'Tis Agamemnon just.just (adv.)

old form: iust
exactly, precisely
TC I.iii.164
Now play me Nestor; hum, and stroke thy BeardNow play me Nestor; hum, and stroke thy beard,hum (v.)
say ‘hum’ [as a sign of displeasure, dissatisfaction, impatience, etc]
TC I.iii.165
As he, being drest to some Oration:As he being dressed to some oration.’dress (v.)

old form: drest
prepare, make ready
TC I.iii.166
That's done, as neere as the extreamest endsThat's done, as near as the extremest ends TC I.iii.167
Of paralels; as like, as Vulcan and his wife,Of parallels, as like as Vulcan and his wife;like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
TC I.iii.168
Vulcan (n.)
Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith; his forge was under Mt Etna, and thus associated with destruction and hell
Yet god Achilles still cries excellent,Yet god Achilles still cries ‘ Excellent!still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
TC I.iii.169
'Tis Nestor right. Now play him (me) Patroclus,'Tis Nestor right. Now play him me, Patroclus,right (adv.)
just, precisely
TC I.iii.170
Arming to answer in a night-Alarme,Arming to answer in a night-alarm.’answer (v.)
respond, react
TC I.iii.171
And then (forsooth) the faint defects of AgeAnd then, forsooth, the faint defects of ageforsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
TC I.iii.172
Must be the Scene of myrth, to cough, and spit,Must be the scene of mirth; to cough and spit, TC I.iii.173
And with a palsie fumbling on his Gorget,And with a palsy fumbling on his gorgetpalsy (adj.)

old form: palsie
palsied, trembling, shaking
TC I.iii.174
gorget (n.)
piece of armour for protecting the throat
Shake in and out the Riuet: and at this sportShake in and out the rivet – and at this sportsport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
TC I.iii.175
rivet (n.)

old form: Riuet
bolt for fastening a piece of armour
Sir Valour dies; cries, O enough Patroclus,Sir Valour dies; cries ‘ O, enough, Patroclus, TC I.iii.176
Or, giue me ribs of Steele, I shall split allOr give me ribs of steel; I shall split all TC I.iii.177
In pleasure of my Spleene. And in this fashion,In pleasure of my spleen.’ And in this fashion,spleen (n.)

old form: Spleene
amusement, delight, merriment
TC I.iii.178
All our abilities, gifts, natures, shapes,All our abilities, gifts, natures, shapes, TC I.iii.179
Seuerals and generals of grace exact,Severals and generals of grace exact,exact (adj.)
accomplished, highly skilled, expert
TC I.iii.180
several (n.)

old form: Seuerals
(plural) details, particulars, individual points
grace (n.)
virtue, fine quality
general (n.)
(plural) general points, group features
Atchieuments, plots, orders, preuentions,Achievements, plots, orders, preventions,plot (n.)
plan, scheme, stratagem
TC I.iii.181
prevention (n.)

old form: preuentions
forestalling action, preventive measure
Excitements to the field, or speech for truce,Excitements to the field, or speech for truce,excitement (n.)
incentive, encouragement, exhortation
TC I.iii.182
field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
Successe or losse, what is, or is not, seruesSuccess or loss, what is or is not, serves TC I.iii.183
As stuffe for these two, to make paradoxes.As stuff for these two to make paradoxes.paradox (n.)
statement going against accepted belief, absurdity
TC I.iii.184
And in the imitation of these twaine,And in the imitation of these twain, TC I.iii.185
Who (as Vlysses sayes) Opinion crownesWho, as Ulysses says, opinion crowns TC I.iii.186
With an Imperiall voyce, many are infect:With an imperial voice, many are infect.imperial (adj.)

old form: Imperiall
commanding, authoritative, unquestioned
TC I.iii.187
voice (n.)

old form: voyce
authoritative opinion, judgement
Aiax is growne selfe-will'd, and beares his headAjax is grown self-willed, and bears his head TC I.iii.188
In such a reyne, in full as proud a placeIn such a rein, in full as proud a place TC I.iii.189
As broad Achilles, and keepes his Tent like him;As broad Achilles; keeps his tent like him,keep (v.)

old form: keepes
stay within, remain inside
TC I.iii.190
broad (adj.)
high and mighty, arrogant
Makes factious Feasts, railes on our state of WarreMakes factious feasts, rails on our state of warrail (v.)

old form: railes
rant, rave, be abusive [about]
TC I.iii.191
state (n.)
condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
factious (adj.)
sectarian, partisan, arising from factions
Bold as an Oracle, and sets ThersitesBold as an oracle, and sets Thersites –  TC I.iii.192
A slaue, whose Gall coines slanders like a Mint,A slave whose gall coins slanders like a mint – slave (n.)

old form: slaue
fellow, rascal, rogue, villain
TC I.iii.193
gall (n.)
bile [reputed for its bitterness]
To match vs in comparisons with durt,To match us in comparisons with dirt, TC I.iii.194
To weaken and discredit our exposure,To weaken and discredit our exposure,exposure (n.)
unprotected state, defensive weakness, vulnerability
TC I.iii.195
How ranke soeuer rounded in with danger.How rank soever rounded in with danger.rank (adv.)

old form: ranke
densely, thickly, completely
TC I.iii.196
They taxe our policy, and call it Cowardice,They tax our policy, and call it cowardice,policy (n.)
statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy
TC I.iii.197
tax (v.)

old form: taxe
censure, blame, take to task, disparage
Count Wisedome as no member of the Warre,Count wisdom as no member of the war; TC I.iii.198
Fore-stall prescience, and esteeme no acteForestall prescience, and esteem no actprescience (n.)
foresight, forethought, planning ahead
TC I.iii.199
forestall (v.)

old form: Fore-stall
prevent, stop, intercept, waylay
But that of hand: The still and mentall parts,But that of hand; the still and mental parts, TC I.iii.200
That do contriue how many hands shall strikeThat do contrive how many hands shall strike, TC I.iii.201
When fitnesse call them on, and know by measureWhen fitness calls them on, and know by measuremeasure (n.)
course of action, means
TC I.iii.202
fitness (n.)

old form: fitnesse
state of readiness, being properly prepared
Of their obseruant toyle, the Enemies waight,Of their observant toil the enemies' weight –  TC I.iii.203
Why this hath not a fingers dignity:Why, this hath not a finger's dignity. TC I.iii.204
They call this Bed-worke, Mapp'ry, Closset-Warre:They call this bed-work, mappery, closet-war;closet-war (n.)

old form: Closset-Warre
armchair strategy
TC I.iii.205
mappery (n.)

old form: Mapp'ry
mere map-making
So that the Ramme that batters downe the wall,So that the ram that batters down the wall, TC I.iii.206
For the great swing and rudenesse of his poize,For the great swing and rudeness of his poise,poise (n.)

old form: poize
forceful impact, heavy blow
TC I.iii.207
swing (n.)
driving force, thrusting power
rudeness (n.)

old form: rudenesse
violent action, forceful strength
They place before his hand that made the Engine,They place before his hand that made the engine,engine (n.)
weapon, instrument of warfare
TC I.iii.208
Or those that with the finenesse of their soules,Or those that with the fineness of their souls TC I.iii.209
By Reason guide his execution.By reason guide his execution.execution (n.)
action, performance, doing
TC I.iii.210
Let this be granted, and Achilles horseLet this be granted, and Achilles' horse TC I.iii.211
Makes many Thetis sonnes. Makes many Thetis' sons. TC I.iii.212
TucketTucket TC I.iii.213
What Trumpet? Looke Menelaus.What trumpet? Look, Menelaus. TC I.iii.213
From Troy. From Troy. TC I.iii.214
Enter Aneas.Enter Aeneas TC I.iii.215
What would you 'fore our Tent?What would you 'fore our tent? TC I.iii.215
Is this great Agamemnons Tent, I pray you?Is this great Agamemnon's tent, I pray you? TC I.iii.216
Euen this.Even this. TC I.iii.217
May one that is a Herald, and a Prince,May one that is a herald and a prince TC I.iii.218
Do a faire message to his Kingly eares?Do a fair message to his kingly ears?fair (adj.)

old form: faire
appropriate, courteous, pleasing
TC I.iii.219
With surety stronger then Achilles arme,With surety stronger than Achilles' armsurety (n.)
guarantee, ratification, warrant
TC I.iii.220
'Fore all the Greekish heads, which with one voyce'Fore all the Greekish lords, which with one voiceGreekish (adj.)
Greek, Grecian
TC I.iii.221
Call Agamemnon Head and Generall.Call Agamemnon head and general. TC I.iii.222
Faire leaue, and large security. How mayFair leave and large security. How maylarge (adj.)
high, great, extensive
TC I.iii.223
A stranger to those most Imperial lookes,A stranger to those most imperial looks TC I.iii.224
Know them from eyes of other Mortals?Know them from eyes of other mortals? TC I.iii.225.1
How?How? TC I.iii.225.2
I:Ay; TC I.iii.226
I aske, that I might waken reuerence,I ask, that I might waken reverence, TC I.iii.227
And on the cheeke be ready with a blushAnd bid the cheek be ready with a blush TC I.iii.228
Modest as morning, when she coldly eyesModest as morning when she coldly eyes TC I.iii.229
The youthfull Phobus:The youthful Phoebus.Phoebus (n.)
[pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo
TC I.iii.230
Which is that God in office guiding men?Which is that god in office, guiding men?office (n.)
role, position, place, function
TC I.iii.231
Which is the high and mighty Agamemnon?Which is the high and mighty Agamemnon? TC I.iii.232
This Troyan scornes vs, or the men of TroyThis Trojan scorns us, or the men of Troy TC I.iii.233
Are ceremonious Courtiers.Are ceremonious courtiers. TC I.iii.234
Courtiers as free, as debonnaire; vnarm'd,Courtiers as free, as debonair, unarmed,debonair (adj.)

old form: debonnaire
gracious, courtly, of gentle disposition
TC I.iii.235
free (adj.)
liberal, lavish, generous
As bending Angels: that's their Fame, in peace:As bending angels, that's their fame in peace;fame (n.)
reputation, renown, character
TC I.iii.236
bending (adj.)
bowing, reverential, respectful
But when they would seeme Souldiers, they haue galles,But when they would seem soldiers, they have galls,gall (n.)

old form: galles
spirit of anger, venom, ability to be angry
TC I.iii.237
Good armes, strong ioynts, true swords, & Ioues accord,Good arms, strong joints, true swords; and – Jove's accordtrue (adj.)
reliable, trustworthy, dependable
TC I.iii.238
accord (n.)
agreement, assent, consent
Nothing so full of heart. But peace Aneas,Nothing so full of heart. But peace, Aeneas, TC I.iii.239
Peace Troyan, lay thy finger on thy lips,Peace, Trojan, lay thy finger on thy lips. TC I.iii.240
The worthinesse of praise distaines his worth:The worthiness of praise distains his worthdistain (v.)

old form: distaines
dishonour, defile, corrupt
TC I.iii.241
If that he prais'd himselfe, bring the praise forth.If that he praised himself bring the praise forth;bring forth (v.)
express, utter, voice
TC I.iii.242
But what the repining enemy commends,But what the repining enemy commends,repining (adj.)
grudging, grumbling
TC I.iii.243
commend (v.)
praise, admire, extol
That breath Fame blowes, that praise sole pure transcẽds.That breath fame blows; that praise, sole pure, transcends.sole (adv.)
uniquely, singularly, incomparably
TC I.iii.244
breath (n.)
utterance, speech, voice
Sir, you of Troy, call you your selfe Aneas?Sir, you of Troy, call you yourself Aeneas? TC I.iii.245
I Greeke, that is my name.Ay, Greek, that is my name. TC I.iii.246
What's your affayre I pray you?What's your affair, I pray you? TC I.iii.247
Sir pardon, 'tis for Agamemnons eares.Sir, pardon, 'tis for Agamemnon's ears. TC I.iii.248
He heares nought priuatly / That comes from Troy.He hears naught privately that comes from Troy. TC I.iii.249
Nor I from Troy come not to whisper him,Nor I from Troy come not to whisper him;whisper (v.)
speak secretly with, talk confidentially to
TC I.iii.250
I bring a Trumpet to awake his eare,I bring a trumpet to awake his ear,trumpet (n.)
trumpeter; herald, announcer
TC I.iii.251
To set his sence on the attentiue bent,To set his sense on the attentive bent,sense (n.)

old form: sence
senses, sensation, organs of sense
TC I.iii.252
bent (n.)
direction, turning, inclination
And then to speake.And then to speak. TC I.iii.253.1
Speake frankely as the winde,Speak frankly as the wind;frankly (adv.)

old form: frankely
freely, without restraint, unrestrictedly
TC I.iii.253.2
It is not Agamemnons sleeping houre;It is not Agamemnon's sleeping-hour. TC I.iii.254
That thou shalt know Troyan he is awake,That thou shalt know, Trojan, he is awake, TC I.iii.255
He tels thee so himselfe.He tells thee so himself. TC I.iii.256.1
Trumpet blow loud,Trumpet, blow loud; TC I.iii.256.2
Send thy Brasse voyce through all these lazie Tents,Send thy brass voice through all these lazy tents; TC I.iii.257
And euery Greeke of mettle, let him know, And every Greek of mettle, let him knowmettle, mettell (n.)
spirit, vigour, zest
TC I.iii.258
What Troy meanes fairely, shall be spoke alowd.What Troy means fairly shall be spoke aloud. TC I.iii.259
The Trumpets sound.The trumpets sound TC I.iii.260
We haue great Agamemnon heere in Troy,We have, great Agamemnon, here in Troy TC I.iii.260
A Prince calld Hector, Priam is his Father:A prince called Hector – Priam is his father –  TC I.iii.261
Who in this dull and long-continew'd TruceWho in this dull and long-continued truce TC I.iii.262
Is rusty growne. He bad me take a Trumpet,Is rusty grown. He bade me take a trumpet,resty (adj.)
lazy, sluggish
TC I.iii.263
And to this purpose speake: Kings, Princes, Lords,And to this purpose speak: ‘ Kings, princes, lords,purpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand
TC I.iii.264
If there be one among'st the fayr'st of Greece,If there be one amongst the fair'st of Greece TC I.iii.265
That holds his Honor higher then his ease,That holds his honour higher than his ease, TC I.iii.266
That seekes his praise, more then he feares his perill,That seeks his praise more than he fears his peril, TC I.iii.267
That knowes his Valour, and knowes not his feare,That knows his valour, and knows not his fear, TC I.iii.268
That loues his Mistris more then in consession,That loves his mistress more than in confessionconfession (n.)
acknowledgement, avowal
TC I.iii.269
(With truant vowes to her owne lips he loues)With truant vows to her own lips he loves, TC I.iii.270
And dare avow her Beauty, and her Worth,And dare avow her beauty and her worth TC I.iii.271
In other armes then hers: to him this Challenge.In other arms than hers; to him this challenge: TC I.iii.272
Hector, in view of Troyans, and of Greekes,Hector, in view of Trojans and of Greeks, TC I.iii.273
Shall make it good, or do his best to do it.Shall make it good, or do his best to do it, TC I.iii.274
He hath a Lady, wiser, fairer, truer,He hath a lady, wiser, fairer, truer, TC I.iii.275
Then euer Greeke did compasse in his armes,Than ever Greek did compass in his arms;compass (v.)

old form: compasse
embrace, enfold
TC I.iii.276
And will to morrow with his Trumpet call,And will tomorrow with his trumpet call TC I.iii.277
Midway betweene your Tents, and walles of Troy,Midway between your tents and walls of Troy, TC I.iii.278
To rowze a Grecian that is true in loue.To rouse a Grecian that is true in love. TC I.iii.279
If any come, Hector shal honour him:If any come, Hector shall honour him; TC I.iii.280
If none, hee'l say in Troy when he retyres,If none, he'll say in Troy when he retires, TC I.iii.281
The Grecian Dames are sun-burnt, and not worthThe Grecian dames are sunburnt, and not worthsunburnt (adj.)

old form: sun-burnt
of dark complexion, not fair-skinned [and therefore unattractive]
TC I.iii.282
The splinter of a Lance: Euen so much.The splinter of a lance.’ Even so much. TC I.iii.283
This shall be told our Louers Lord Aneas,This shall be told our lovers, Lord Aeneas. TC I.iii.284
If none of them haue soule in such a kinde,If none of them have soul in such a kind,soul (n.)

old form: soule
inner conviction, personal impulse
TC I.iii.285
kind (n.)

old form: kinde
mode of action, business, matter
We left them all at home: But we are Souldiers,We left them all at home, but we are soldiers, TC I.iii.286
And may that Souldier a meere recreant proue,And may that soldier a mere recreant provemere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
TC I.iii.287
recreant (n.)
coward, faint-hearted individual
That meanes not, hath not, or is not in loue:That means not, hath not, or is not in love. TC I.iii.288
If then one is, or hath, or meanes to be,If then one is, or hath, or means to be, TC I.iii.289
That one meets Hector; if none else, Ile be he.That one meets Hector; if none else, I'll be he. TC I.iii.290
Tell him of Nestor, one that was a manTell him of Nestor, one that was a man TC I.iii.291
When Hectors Grandsire suckt: he is old now,When Hector's grandsire sucked: he is old now;grandsire (n.)
TC I.iii.292
But if there be not in our Grecian mould,But if there be not in our Grecian mouldmould (n.)
soil, earth, clay
TC I.iii.293
One Noble man, that hath one spark of fireOne noble man that hath one spark of fire TC I.iii.294
To answer for his Loue; tell him from me,To answer for his love, tell him from me, TC I.iii.295
Ile hide my Siluer beard in a Gold Beauer,I'll hide my silver beard in a gold beaver,beaver (n.)

old form: Beauer
visor of a helmet, face-guard
TC I.iii.296
And in my Vantbrace put this wither'd brawne,And in my vantbrace put this withered brawn;vantbrace, vambrace (n.)
armour to protect the fore-arm
TC I.iii.297
brawn (n.)

old form: brawne
muscular arm, sturdy limb
And meeting him, wil tell him, that my LadyAnd, meeting him, will tell him that my lady TC I.iii.298
Was fayrer then his Grandame, and as chasteWas fairer than his grandam, and as chastegrandam (n.)

old form: Grandame
TC I.iii.299
As may be in the world: his youth in flood,As may be in the world – his youth in flood,flood, in
at its height, in its prime
TC I.iii.300
Ile pawne this truth with my three drops of blood.I'll pawn this truth with my three drops of blood.pawn (v.)

old form: pawne
stake, pledge, risk
TC I.iii.301
Now heauens forbid such scarsitie of youth.Now heavens forbid such scarcity of youth! TC I.iii.302
Amen.Amen. TC I.iii.303
Faire Lord Aneas, / Let me touch your hand:Fair Lord Aeneas, let me touch your hand; TC I.iii.304
To our Pauillion shal I leade you first:To our pavilion shall I lead you first.pavilion (n.)

old form: Pauillion
ceremonial tent
TC I.iii.305
Achilles shall haue word of this intent,Achilles shall have word of this intent;intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
TC I.iii.306
So shall each Lord of Greece from Tent to Tent:So shall each lord of Greece, from tent to tent. TC I.iii.307
Your selfe shall Feast with vs before you goe,Yourself shall feast with us before you go, TC I.iii.308
And finde the welcome of a Noble Foe. And find the welcome of a noble foe. TC I.iii.309
Exeunt. Manet Vlysses, and Nestor.Exeunt all but Ulysses and Nestor TC I.iii.309
Nestor.Nestor –  TC I.iii.310
What sayes Vlysses?What says Ulysses? TC I.iii.311
I haue a young conception in my braine,I have a young conception in my brain;conception (n.)
design, plan, notion
TC I.iii.312
Be you my time to bring it to some shape.Be you my time to bring it to some shape.time (n.)
circumstance, particular occasion
TC I.iii.313
What is't?What is't? TC I.iii.314
Ulysses. ULYSSES 
This 'tis:This 'tis: TC I.iii.315
Blunt wedges riue hard knots: the seeded PrideBlunt wedges rive hard knots; the seeded prideseeded (adj.)
run to seed, seasoned, matured
TC I.iii.316
rive (v.)

old form: riue
split, rend, cleave
That hath to this maturity blowne vpThat hath to this maturity blown upblow (v.)

old form: blowne
puff up, swell, inflate
TC I.iii.317
In ranke Achilles, must or now be cropt,In rank Achilles must or now be croppedrank (adj.)

old form: ranke
bloated, swollen, puffed-up
TC I.iii.318
Or shedding breed a Nursery of like euilOr, shedding, breed a nursery of like evillike (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
TC I.iii.319
To ouer-bulke vs all.To overbulk us all.overbulk (v.)

old form: ouer-bulke
outgrow, dominate, tower over
TC I.iii.320.1
Wel, and how?Well, and how? TC I.iii.320.2
This challenge that the gallant Hector sends,This challenge that the gallant Hector sends, TC I.iii.321
How euer it is spred in general name,However it is spread in general name,general (adj.)
joint, common, communal
TC I.iii.322
Relates in purpose onely to Achilles.Relates in purpose only to Achilles.purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
TC I.iii.323
The purpose is perspicuous euen as substance,True. The purpose is perspicuous even as substancesubstance (n.)
property, wealth, possessions, treasure
TC I.iii.324
Whose grossenesse little charracters summe vp,Whose grossness little characters sum up;character (n.)

old form: charracters
figure, number
TC I.iii.325
grossness (n.)

old form: grossenesse
flagrant nature, obviousness, enormity
And in the publication make no straine,And in the publication make no strain TC I.iii.326
But that Achilles, were his braine as barrenBut that Achilles, were his brain as barren TC I.iii.327
As bankes of Lybia, though (Apollo knowes)As banks of Libya – though, Apollo knows,Apollo (n.)
Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing
TC I.iii.328
'Tis dry enough, wil with great speede of iudgement,'Tis dry enough – will, with great speed of judgement,dry (adj.)
barren, arid, yielding no result
TC I.iii.329
I, with celerity, finde Hectors purposeAy, with celerity, find Hector's purpose TC I.iii.330
Pointing on him.Pointing on him. TC I.iii.331
And wake him to the answer, thinke you?And wake him to the answer, think you? TC I.iii.332.1
Yes,Yes, TC I.iii.332.2
'tis most meet; who may you else opposeIt is most meet. Who may you else oppose,oppose (v.)
place in opposition, set up as resistance
TC I.iii.333
meet (adj.)
fit, suitable, right, proper
That can from Hector bring his Honor off,That can from Hector bring his honour off, TC I.iii.334
If not Achilles; though't be a sportfull Combate,If not Achilles? Though't be a sportful combat,sportful (adj.)

old form: sportfull
sporting, recreational, not in earnest
TC I.iii.335
combat (n.)

old form: Combate
duel, trial by duel
Yet in this triall, much opinion dwels.Yet in this trial much opinion dwells;opinion (n.)
reputation, character, honour
TC I.iii.336
For heere the Troyans taste our deer'st reputeFor here the Trojans taste our dear'st repute TC I.iii.337
With their fin'st Pallate: and trust to me Vlysses,With their fin'st palate; and trust to me, Ulysses, TC I.iii.338
Our imputation shall be oddely poiz'dOur imputation shall be oddly poisedimputation (n.)
reputation, prestige, estimation
TC I.iii.339
oddly (adv.)

old form: oddely
unequally, unevenly; or: unusually, in a peculiar way
poise (v.)

old form: poiz'd
balance, weigh, make even
In this wilde action. For the successeIn this willed action; for the success,wild (adj.)

old form: wilde
rash, reckless, careless
TC I.iii.340
success (n.)

old form: successe
result, outcome, issue
willed (adj.)
[debated reading] self-willed, deliberate, premeditated
(Although particular) shall giue a scantlingAlthough particular, shall give a scantlingscantling (n.)
guideline, index, standard of measurement
TC I.iii.341
Of good or bad, vnto the Generall:Of good or bad unto the general,general (n.)

old form: Generall
ordinary people, general public, populace
TC I.iii.342
And in such Indexes, although small prickesAnd in such indexes, although small pricksprick (n.)

old form: prickes
marker, pointer, indication
TC I.iii.343
index (n.)
prologue, preface, table of contents
To their subsequent Volumes, there is seeneTo their subsequent volumes, there is seen TC I.iii.344
The baby figure of the Gyant-masseThe baby figure of the giant mass TC I.iii.345
Of things to come at large. It is suppos'd,Of things to come at large. It is supposed TC I.iii.346
He that meets Hector, issues from our choyse;He that meets Hector issues from our choice; TC I.iii.347
And choise being mutuall acte of all our soules,And choice, being mutual act of all our souls, TC I.iii.348
Makes Merit her election, and doth boyleMakes merit her election, and doth boil,election (n.)
choice, preference
TC I.iii.349
As 'twere, from forth vs all: a man distill'dAs 'twere from forth us all, a man distilled TC I.iii.350
Out of our Vertues; who miscarrying,Out of our virtues; who miscarrying,miscarry (v.)
go wrong, fail, be unsuccessful
TC I.iii.351
What heart from hence receyues the conqu'ring partWhat heart from hence receives the conquering part, TC I.iii.352
To steele a strong opinion to themselues,To steel a strong opinion to themselves? –  TC I.iii.353
Which entertain'd, Limbes are in his instruments,Which entertained, limbs are his instruments,entertain (v.)

old form: entertain'd
receive, admit, let in
TC I.iii.354
In no lesse working, then are Swords and BowesIn no less working than are swords and bows TC I.iii.355
Directiue by the Limbes.Directive by the limbs.directive (adj.)

old form: Directiue
subject to direction, under the control [of]
TC I.iii.356
Giue pardon to my speech:Give pardon to my speech: TC I.iii.357
Therefore 'tis meet, Achilles meet not Hector:Therefore 'tis meet Achilles meet not (adj.)
fit, suitable, right, proper
TC I.iii.358
Let vs (like Merchants) shew our fowlest Wares,Let us, like merchants, show our foulest wares, TC I.iii.359
And thinke perchance they'l sell: If not,And think perchance they'll sell; if not,perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe
TC I.iii.360
The luster of the better yet to shew,The lustre of the better yet to show TC I.iii.361
Shall shew the better. Do not consent,Shall show the better. Do not consent TC I.iii.362
That euer Hector and Achilles meete:That ever Hector and Achilles meet, TC I.iii.363
For both our Honour, and our Shame in this,For both our honour and our shame in this TC I.iii.364
Are dogg'd with two strange Followers.Are dogged with two strange (v.)
follow closely, pursue like a dog
TC I.iii.365
I see them not with my old eies: what are they?I see them not with my old eyes: what are they? TC I.iii.366
What glory our Achilles shares from Hector,What glory our Achilles shares from Hector,share from (v.)
receive at the expense of
TC I.iii.367
(Were he not proud) we all should weare with him:Were he not proud, we all should wear with him. TC I.iii.368
But he already is too insolent,But he already is too insolent; TC I.iii.369
And we were better parch in Affricke Sunne,And we were better parch in Afric sunAfric (adj.)

old form: Affricke
TC I.iii.370
Then in the pride and salt scorne of his eyesThan in the pride and salt scorn of his eyessalt (adj.)
stinging, bitter, biting
TC I.iii.371
Should he scape Hector faire. If he were foyld,Should he 'scape Hector fair. If he were foiled,scape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
TC I.iii.372
foil (v.)

old form: foyld
defeat, overcome; throw [in wrestling]
fair (adv.)

old form: faire
successfully, promisingly, favourably
Why then we did our maine opinion crushWhy then we did our main opinion crushopinion (n.)
reputation, character, honour
TC I.iii.373
In taint of our best man. No, make a Lott'ry,In taint of our best man. No, make a lottery,taint (n.)
disgracing, dishonouring, discrediting
TC I.iii.374
And by deuice let blockish Aiax drawAnd by device let blockish Ajax drawdevice (n.)

old form: deuice
plot, stratagem, trick
TC I.iii.375
blockish (adj.)
thick, obtuse, stupid
The sort to fight with Hector: Among our selues,The sort to fight with Hector; among ourselvessort (n.)
lot [item drawn from a receptacle in a lottery]
TC I.iii.376
Giue him allowance as the worthier man,Give him allowance as the worthier man;allowance (n.)
acknowledgement, admission, confirmation
TC I.iii.377
For that will physicke the great MyrmidonFor that will physic the great Myrmidon,physic (v.)

old form: physicke
cure, correct, dose with medicine
TC I.iii.378
Myrmidons (n.)
[pron: 'mermidonz] band of warriors from Thessaly who went to the Trojan War with Achilles
Who broyles in lowd applause, and make him fallWho broils in loud applause, and make him fallfall (v.)
drop, descend, let fall
TC I.iii.379
broil (v.)

old form: broyles
bask, glow, warm [from]
His Crest, that prouder then blew Iris bends.His crest that prouder than blue Iris bends.Iris (n.)
Greek goddess of the rainbow; messenger of the gods, especially of Zeus and Hera
TC I.iii.380
crest (n.)
[originally the plume of feathers on a] helmet, head-piece
If the dull brainlesse Aiax come safe off,If the dull brainless Ajax come safe off, TC I.iii.381
Wee'l dresse him vp in voyces: if he faile,We'll dress him up in voices; if he fail,voice (n.)

old form: voyces
shout of acclamation, cry of applause
TC I.iii.382
Yet go we vnder our opinion still,Yet go we under our opinion stillstill (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
TC I.iii.383
That we haue better men. But hit or misse,That we have better men. But, hit or miss, TC I.iii.384
Our proiects life this shape of sence assumes,Our project's life this shape of sense assumes:sense (n.)

old form: sence
interpretation, construction, signification
TC I.iii.385
shape (n.)
appearance, aspect, visible form
Aiax imploy'd, pluckes downe Achilles Plumes.Ajax employed plucks down Achilles' plumes. TC I.iii.386
Now Vlysses, I begin to rellish thy aduice,Now, Ulysses, I begin to relish thy advice, TC I.iii.387
And I wil giue a taste of it forthwithAnd I will give a taste of it forthwith TC I.iii.388
To Agamemnon, go we to him straight:To Agamemnon. Go we to him straight.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
TC I.iii.389
Two Curres shal tame each other, Pride aloneTwo curs shall tame each other; pride alone TC I.iii.390
Must tarre the Mastiffes on, as 'twere their bone. Must tarre the mastiffs on, as 'twere their bone.tarre (v.)
incite, provoke, arouse
TC I.iii.391
ExeuntExeunt TC I.iii.391
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