Withal and withal

Withal and its derivatives (sometimes spelled with a final -ll) are chiefly used as adverbs expressing various kinds of additive meaning - usually positive (‘in addition’), occasionally negative (‘nevertheless’). The simple form is also used as a preposition, but as it is only found at the end of a construction, in place of with, it would perhaps be better referred to as a postposition. Although herewithal and therewithal had been used in English since the 14th century, examples of wherewithal are recorded only from the mid-16th century. Henry VIII provides an early instance of the noun use - the only form to have survived into modern English.
Item Location Example Gloss
withal (adv.) MV IV.i.447 Let his deservings, and my love withal, / Be valued in addition, moreover, as well
withal (adv.) MA I.ii.19 I will acquaint my daughter withal, that she be the better prepared for an answer in spite of all, nevertheless, notwithstanding
withal (adv.) KL I.ii.102 I will … convey the business as I shall find means, and acquaint you withal therewith, with this / it
withal (prep.) MW II.i.81 I’ll entertain myself like one that I am not acquainted withal with
herewithal (adv.) E3 V.i.197 And herewithal I render to your hands / These prisoners herewith, along with this, besides this
therewithal (adv.) TG IV.iv.82 give her that ring, and therewithal / This letter therewith, along with that, besides that
therewithal (adv.) CE IV.iii.9 [a tailor] showed me silks ... / And therewithal took measure of my body thereupon, forthwith, that being done
wherewithal (pron.) R2 V.i.55 Northumberland, thou ladder wherewithal / The mounting Bolingbroke ascends my throne whereby, with which
wherewithal (n.) H8 I.iii.59 has wherewithal what is needed



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