First folio
| Modern text
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Enter the two French Captaines, and some two or three Souldiours. | Enter the two French Lords, and two or three soldiers | | AW IV.iii.1 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
You haue not giuen him his mothers letter. | You have not given him his mother's letter? | | AW IV.iii.1 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
I haue deliu'red it an houre since, there is | I have delivered it an hour since. There is | since (adv.) ago | AW IV.iii.2 | |
som thing in't that stings his nature: for on the reading | something in't that stings his nature, for on the reading | | AW IV.iii.3 | |
it, he chang'd almost into another man. | it he changed almost into another man. | | AW IV.iii.4 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
He has much worthy blame laid vpon him, | He has much worthy blame laid upon him | worthy (adj.) deserved, justified, warranted | AW IV.iii.5 | |
for shaking off so good a wife, and so sweet a Lady. | for shaking off so good a wife and so sweet a lady. | | AW IV.iii.6 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Especially, hee hath incurred the euerlasting | Especially he hath incurred the everlasting | | AW IV.iii.7 | |
displeasure of the King, who had euen tun'd his | displeasure of the King, who had even tuned his | | AW IV.iii.8 | |
bounty to sing happinesse to him. I will tell you a thing, | bounty to sing happiness to him. I will tell you a thing, | bounty (n.) great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence | AW IV.iii.9 | |
but you shall let it dwell darkly with you. | but you shall let it dwell darkly with you. | dwell (v.) exist, continue, persist | AW IV.iii.10 | |
| | darkly (adv.) cunningly, subtly, secretly | | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
When you haue spoken it 'tis dead, and I am | When you have spoken it 'tis dead, and I am | | AW IV.iii.11 | |
the graue of it. | the grave of it. | | AW IV.iii.12 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Hee hath peruerted a young Gentlewoman | He hath perverted a young gentlewoman | pervert (v.) lead astray, seduce, corrupt | AW IV.iii.13 | |
| | gentlewoman (n.) woman of good breeding, well-born lady | | |
heere in Florence of a most chaste renown, & this | here in Florence, of a most chaste renown, and this | renown (n.) reputation, good name, honour | AW IV.iii.14 | |
night he fleshes his will in the spoyle of her honour: hee | night he fleshes his will in the spoil of her honour. He | spoil (n.) [hunting] piece of the kill [given to a hound to stimulate its desire to hunt further] | AW IV.iii.15 | |
| | flesh (v.) [give a piece of the kill to a hound to stimulate its desire to hunt further] reward, stimulate, excite | | |
| | will (n.) lust, sexual desire, passion | | |
hath giuen her his monumentall Ring, and thinkes himselfe | hath given her his monumental ring, and thinks himself | monumental (adj.) kept as a memento, serving as a token | AW IV.iii.16 | |
made in the vnchaste composition. | made in the unchaste composition. | composition (n.) arrangement, agreement, bargain | AW IV.iii.17 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Now God delay our rebellion as we are | Now, God delay our rebellion! As we are | rebellion (n.) revolt of the flesh, lust | AW IV.iii.18 | |
| | delay (v.) quench, subdue, allay | | |
our selues, what things are we. | ourselves, what things are we! | | AW IV.iii.19 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Meerely our owne traitours. And as in the | Merely our own traitors. And as in the | merely (adv.) completely, totally, entirely | AW IV.iii.20 | |
common course of all treasons, we still see them reueale | common course of all treasons we still see them reveal | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | AW IV.iii.21 | |
| | course (n.) habit, custom, practise, normal procedure | | |
themselues, till they attaine to their abhorr'd ends: so he | themselves till they attain to their abhorred ends, so he | | AW IV.iii.22 | |
that in this action contriues against his owne Nobility in | that in this action contrives against his own nobility, in | contrive (v.) scheme, plot, conspire | AW IV.iii.23 | |
his proper streame, ore-flowes himselfe. | his proper stream o'erflows himself. | overflow (v.) overwhelm, destroy, defeat | AW IV.iii.24 | |
| | proper (adj.) very, own | | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Is it not meant damnable in vs, to be | Is it not meant damnable in us to be | mean (v.) intend, purpose, mean to act | AW IV.iii.25 | |
| | damnable deserving damnation, evil, in a state of mortal sin | | |
Trumpeters of our vnlawfull intents? We shall not then | trumpeters of our unlawful intents? We shall not then | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | AW IV.iii.26 | |
haue his company to night? | have his company tonight? | | AW IV.iii.27 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Not till after midnight: for hee is dieted to | Not till after midnight, for he is dieted to | diet (v.) limit, restrict, restrain | AW IV.iii.28 | |
his houre. | his hour | | AW IV.iii.29 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
That approaches apace: I would gladly haue | That approaches apace. I would gladly have | apace (adv.) quickly, speedily, at a great rate | AW IV.iii.30 | |
him see his company anathomiz'd, that hee might take a | him see his company anatomized, that he might take a | anatomize, annothanize (v.) dissect, reveal, lay open | AW IV.iii.31 | |
| | company (n.) companion, associate, comrade | | |
measure of his owne iudgements, wherein so curiously he | measure of his own judgements wherein so curiously he | curiously (adv.) elaborately, artistically, exquisitely | AW IV.iii.32 | |
had set this counterfeit. | had set this counterfeit. | counterfeit (n.) false imitation, spurious image | AW IV.iii.33 | |
| | counterfeit (n.) impostor, pretender, sham | | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
We will not meddle with him till he come; | We will not meddle with him till he come, | | AW IV.iii.34 | |
for his presence must be the whip of the other. | for his presence must be the whip of the other. | | AW IV.iii.35 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
In the meane time, what heare you of these | In the meantime, what hear you of these | | AW IV.iii.36 | |
Warres? | wars? | | AW IV.iii.37 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
I heare there is an ouerture of peace. | I hear there is an overture of peace. | | AW IV.iii.38 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Nay, I assure you a peace concluded. | Nay, I assure you, a peace concluded. | | AW IV.iii.39 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
What will Count Rossilliondo then? Will | What will Count Rossillion do then? Will | | AW IV.iii.40 | |
he trauaile higher, or returne againe into France? | he travel higher, or return again into France? | higher (adv.) [unclear meaning] further afield | AW IV.iii.41 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
I perceiue by this demand, you are not | I perceive by this demand you are not | demand (n.) question, enquiry, request | AW IV.iii.42 | |
altogether of his councell. | altogether of his council. | counsel, of one's in one's confidence, privy to one's intentions | AW IV.iii.43 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Let it be forbid sir, so should I bee a great | Let it be forbid, sir; so should I be a great | | AW IV.iii.44 | |
deale of his act. | deal of his act. | | AW IV.iii.45 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Sir, his wife some two months since fledde | Sir, his wife some two months since fled | since (adv.) ago | AW IV.iii.46 | |
from his house, her pretence is a pilgrimage to Saint | from his house. Her pretence is a pilgrimage to Saint | pretence (n.) plan, design, intention, purpose | AW IV.iii.47 | |
Iaques le grand; which holy vndertaking, with most | Jaques le Grand; which holy undertaking with most | | AW IV.iii.48 | |
austere sanctimonie she accomplisht: and there residing, | austere sanctimony she accomplished; and there residing, | sanctimony (n.) sanctity, holiness, religious fervour | AW IV.iii.49 | |
the tendernesse of her Nature, became as a prey to her | the tenderness of her nature became as a prey to her | | AW IV.iii.50 | |
greefe: in fine, made a groane of her last breath, & now | grief; in fine, made a groan of her last breath, and now | fine, in in the end, finally, in conclusion | AW IV.iii.51 | |
she sings in heauen. | she sings in heaven. | | AW IV.iii.52 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
How is this iustified? | How is this justified? | justify (v.) prove, confirm, demonstrate | AW IV.iii.53 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
The stronger part of it by her owne Letters, | The stronger part of it by her own letters, | strong (adj.) certain, convincing, persuasive | AW IV.iii.54 | |
which makes her storie true, euen to the poynt of her | which makes her story true even to the point of her | | AW IV.iii.55 | |
death: her death it selfe, which could not be her office to | death. Her death itself, which could not be her office to | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | AW IV.iii.56 | |
say, is come: was faithfully confirm'd by the Rector of | say is come, was faithfully confirmed by the rector of | rector (n.) ruler, governor; or: parish priest | AW IV.iii.57 | |
the place. | the place. | | AW IV.iii.58 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Hath the Count all this intelligence? | Hath the Count all this intelligence? | intelligence (n.) information, news, communication | AW IV.iii.59 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
I, and the particular confirmations, point | Ay, and the particular confirmations, point | | AW IV.iii.60 | |
from point, to the full arming of the veritie. | from point, to the full arming of the verity. | verity (n.) truth, truthfulness, veracity | AW IV.iii.61 | |
| | arming (n.) establishment, confirmation, substantiation | | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
I am heartily sorrie that hee'l bee gladde of | I am heartily sorry that he'll be glad of | | AW IV.iii.62 | |
this. | this. | | AW IV.iii.63 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
How mightily sometimes, we make vs comforts | How mightily sometimes we make us comforts | | AW IV.iii.64 | |
of our losses. | of our losses! | | AW IV.iii.65 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
And how mightily some other times, wee | And how mightily some other times we | | AW IV.iii.66 | |
drowne our gaine in teares, the great dignitie that his | drown our gain in tears! The great dignity that his | | AW IV.iii.67 | |
valour hath here acquir'd for him, shall at home be | valour hath here acquired for him shall at home be | | AW IV.iii.68 | |
encountred with a shame as ample. | encountered with a shame as ample. | | AW IV.iii.69 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
The webbe of our life, is of a mingled yarne, good | The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good | | AW IV.iii.70 | |
and ill together: our vertues would bee proud, if our faults | and ill together. Our virtues would be proud if our faults | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | AW IV.iii.71 | |
whipt them not, and our crimes would dispaire if they | whipped them not, and our crimes would despair if they | | AW IV.iii.72 | |
were not cherish'd by our vertues. | were not cherished by our virtues. | | AW IV.iii.73 | |
Enter a Messenger | Enter a Messenger | | AW IV.iii.74 | |
How now? Where's your master? | How now? Where's your master? | | AW IV.iii.74 | |
Ser. | MESSENGER | | | |
He met the Duke in the street sir, of whom | He met the Duke in the street, sir, of whom | | AW IV.iii.75 | |
hee hath taken a solemne leaue: his Lordshippe will next | he hath taken a solemn leave: his lordship will next | | AW IV.iii.76 | |
morning for France. The Duke hath offered him Letters | morning for France. The Duke hath offered him letters | | AW IV.iii.77 | |
of commendations to the King. | of commendations to the King. | commendation (n.) recommendation, commending, praise | AW IV.iii.78 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
They shall bee no more then needfull there, | They shall be no more than needful there, | | AW IV.iii.79 | |
if they were more then they can commend. | if they were more than they can commend. | commend (v.) praise, admire, extol | AW IV.iii.80 | |
Enter Count Rossillion. | Enter Bertram | | AW IV.iii.81 | |
Ber. | FIRST LORD | | | |
They cannot be too sweete for the Kings | They cannot be too sweet for the King's | | AW IV.iii.81 | |
tartnesse, heere's his Lordship now. How now my Lord, | tartness. Here's his lordship now. How now, my lord? | | AW IV.iii.82 | |
i'st not after midnight? | Is't not after midnight? | | AW IV.iii.83 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
I haue to night dispatch'd sixteene businesses, a | I have tonight dispatched sixteen businesses a | dispatch, despatch (v.) deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly | AW IV.iii.84 | |
moneths length a peece, by an abstract of successe: I haue | month's length apiece, By an abstract of success: I have | success (n.) result, outcome, issue | AW IV.iii.85 | |
| | abstract (n.) list, register, inventory | | |
congied with the Duke, done my adieu with his neerest; | congied with the Duke, done my adieu with his nearest, | congee, congie (v.) take ceremonious leave of, pay formal respects upon departure | AW IV.iii.86 | |
buried a wife, mourn'd for her, writ to my Ladie mother, | buried a wife, mourned for her, writ to my lady mother | | AW IV.iii.87 | |
I am returning, entertain'd my Conuoy, & betweene | I am returning, entertained my convoy, and between | entertain (v.) hire, employ, maintain, take into service | AW IV.iii.88 | |
| | convoy (n.) means of transport, method of conveyance | | |
these maine parcels of dispatch, affected many nicer | these main parcels of dispatch effected many nicer | nice (adj.) trivial, unimportant, slight | AW IV.iii.89 | |
| | parcel (n.) part, piece, portion, bit | | |
| | dispatch, despatch (n.) settlement of business, sorting out of affairs | | |
needs: the last was the greatest, but that I haue not ended | needs; the last was the greatest, but that I have not ended | | AW IV.iii.90 | |
yet. | yet. | | AW IV.iii.91 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
If the businesse bee of any difficulty, and | If the business be of any difficulty, and | | AW IV.iii.92 | |
this morning your departure hence, it requires hast of | this morning your departure hence, it requires haste of | | AW IV.iii.93 | |
your Lordship. | your lordship. | | AW IV.iii.94 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
I meane the businesse is not ended, as fearing to | I mean, the business is not ended, as fearing to | | AW IV.iii.95 | |
heare of it hereafter: but shall we haue this dialogue | hear of it hereafter. But shall we have this dialogue | | AW IV.iii.96 | |
betweene the Foole and the Soldiour. Come, bring forth | between the Fool and the Soldier? Come, bring forth | | AW IV.iii.97 | |
this counterfet module, ha's deceiu'd mee, like a | this counterfeit module he has deceived me like a | module (n.) image, pattern, model, empty pretence | AW IV.iii.98 | |
| | counterfeit (adj.) pretended, feigned, sham | | |
double-meaning Prophesier. | double-meaning prophesier. | | AW IV.iii.99 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Bring him forth, | Bring him forth. | | AW IV.iii.100 | |
| Exeunt the Soldiers | | AW IV.iii.100 | |
ha's sate i'th stockes all night poore gallant knaue. | Has sat i'th' stocks all night, poor gallant knave. | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | AW IV.iii.101 | |
| | gallant (adj.) showy, fancy, ostentatious | | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
No matter, his heeles haue deseru'd it, in vsurping | No matter. His heels have deserved it in usurping | | AW IV.iii.102 | |
his spurres so long. How does he carry himselfe? | his spurs so long. How does he carry himself? | carry (v.) conduct, comport, present | AW IV.iii.103 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
I haue told your Lordship alreadie: The | I have told your lordship already: the | | AW IV.iii.104 | |
stockes carrie him. But to answer you as you would be | stocks carry him. But to answer you as you would be | | AW IV.iii.105 | |
vnderstood, hee weepes like a wench that had shed her | understood, he weeps like a wench that had shed her | wench (n.) girl, lass | AW IV.iii.106 | |
| | shed (v.) spill, upset | | |
milke, he hath confest himselfe to Morgan whom hee | milk. He hath confessed himself to Morgan, whom he | | AW IV.iii.107 | |
supposes to be a Friar, frõ the time of his remembrance | supposes to be a friar, from the time of his remembrance | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | AW IV.iii.108 | |
to this very instant disaster of his setting i'th stockes: | to this very instant disaster of his setting i'th' stocks. | setting (n.) putting, placing, sitting | AW IV.iii.109 | |
and what thinke you he hath confest? | And what think you he hath confessed? | | AW IV.iii.110 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
Nothing of me, ha's a? | Nothing of me, has 'a? | | AW IV.iii.111 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
His confession is taken, and it shall bee | His confession is taken, and it shall be | | AW IV.iii.112 | |
read to his face, if your Lordshippe be in't, as I beleeue you | read to his face; if your lordship be in't, as I believe you | | AW IV.iii.113 | |
are, you must haue the patience to heare it. | are, you must have the patience to hear it. | | AW IV.iii.114 | |
Enter Parolles with his | Enter Parolles guarded, and the First Soldier as his | | AW IV.iii.115.1 | |
Interpreter. | interpreter | | AW IV.iii.115.2 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
A plague vpon him, muffeld; he can say | A plague upon him! Muffled! He can say | muffled (adj.) blindfolded, covered up | AW IV.iii.115 | |
nothing of me: | nothing of me. | | AW IV.iii.116 | |
Cap. G | FIRST LORD | | | |
| (aside to Bertram) | | AW IV.iii.117.1 | |
hush, hush. Hoodman | Hush, hush! Hoodman | hoodman (n.) blind man [a call in Blind Man's Buff] | AW IV.iii.117 | |
comes: Portotartarossa. | comes. (Aloud) Portotartarossa. | | AW IV.iii.118 | |
Inter. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
He calles for the tortures, what will you | He calls for the tortures. What will you | | AW IV.iii.119 | |
say without em. | say without 'em? | | AW IV.iii.120 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
I will confesse what I know without constraint, | I will confess what I know without constraint. | | AW IV.iii.121 | |
If ye pinch me like a Pasty, I can say no more. | If ye pinch me like a pasty I can say no more. | | AW IV.iii.122 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Bosko Chimurcho. | Bosko chimurcho. | | AW IV.iii.123 | |
Cap | FIRST LORD | | | |
Boblibindo chicurmurco. | Boblibindo chicurmurco. | | AW IV.iii.124 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
You are a mercifull Generall: Our Generall | You are a merciful general. Our General | | AW IV.iii.125 | |
bids you answer to what I shall aske you out of a Note. | bids you answer to what I shall ask you out of a note. | note (n.) memorandum | AW IV.iii.126 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
And truly, as I hope to liue. | And truly, as I hope to live. | | AW IV.iii.127 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
| (reading) | | AW IV.iii.128 | |
First demand of him, how many | First demand of him how many | | AW IV.iii.128 | |
horse the Duke is strong. What say you to that? | horse the Duke is strong. What say you to that? | | AW IV.iii.129 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Fiue or sixe thousand, but very weake and | Five or six thousand, but very weak and | | AW IV.iii.130 | |
vnseruiceable: the troopes are all scattered, and the | unserviceable. The troops are all scattered and the | | AW IV.iii.131 | |
Commanders verie poore rogues, vpon my reputation and | commanders very poor rogues, upon my reputation and | | AW IV.iii.132 | |
credit, and as I hope to liue. | credit, and as I hope to live. | | AW IV.iii.133 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Shall I set downe your answer so? | Shall I set down your answer so? | | AW IV.iii.134 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Do, Ile take the Sacrament on't, how & | Do. I'll take the sacrament on't, how and | | AW IV.iii.135 | |
which way you will: | which way you will. | | AW IV.iii.136 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
all's one to him. What a past-sauing slaue is | All's one to him. What a past-saving slave is | past-saving (adj.) beyond redemption, incapable of salvation | AW IV.iii.137 | |
| | all is one; that's / it's all one it makes no difference, it's one and the same, it doesn't matter | | |
this? | this! | | AW IV.iii.138 | |
Cap.G | FIRST LORD | | | |
Y'are deceiu'd my Lord, this is Mounsieur | Y'are deceived, my lord; this is Monsieur | | AW IV.iii.139 | |
Parrolles the gallant militarist, that was his owne phrase | Parolles, the gallant militarist – that was his own phrase | militarist (n.) soldier, warrior | AW IV.iii.140 | |
that had the whole theoricke of warre in the knot of his | – that had the whole theoric of war in the knot of his | theoric (n.) theory, academic speculation | AW IV.iii.141 | |
scarfe, and the practise in the chape of his dagger. | scarf, and the practice in the chape of his dagger. | chape (n.) metal plate on the sheath of a weapon, especially one covering rhe dagger-point | AW IV.iii.142 | |
| | scarf (n.) military sash, shoulder band | | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
I will neuer trust a man againe, for keeping | I will never trust a man again for keeping | | AW IV.iii.143 | |
his sword cleane, nor beleeue he can haue euerie thing in | his sword clean, nor believe he can have everything in | | AW IV.iii.144 | |
him, by wearing his apparrell neatly. | him by wearing his apparel neatly. | apparel (n.) clothes, clothing, dress | AW IV.iii.145 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Well, that's set downe. | Well, that's set down. | | AW IV.iii.146 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Fiue or six thousand horse I sed, I will say | ‘ Five or six thousand horse ’ I said – I will say | | AW IV.iii.147 | |
true, or thereabouts set downe, for Ile speake truth. | true – ‘ or thereabouts ’ set down, for I'll speak truth. | | AW IV.iii.148 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
He's very neere the truth in this. | He's very near the truth in this. | | AW IV.iii.149 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
But I con him no thankes for't in the nature he | But I con him no thanks for't, in the nature he | con (v.) express, offer, give | AW IV.iii.150 | |
deliuers it. | delivers it. | deliver (v.) report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe | AW IV.iii.151 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Poore rogues, I pray you say. | ‘ Poor rogues ’ I pray you say. | | AW IV.iii.152 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Well, that's set downe. | Well, that's set down. | | AW IV.iii.153 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
I humbly thanke you sir, a truth's a truth, the | I humbly thank you, sir. A truth's a truth, the | | AW IV.iii.154 | |
Rogues are maruailous poore. | rogues are marvellous poor. | marvellous (adv.) very, extremely, exceedingly | AW IV.iii.155 | |
Interp. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
| (reading) | | AW IV.iii.156 | |
Demaund of him of what strength | Demand of him of what strength | | AW IV.iii.156 | |
they are a foot. What say you to that? | they are afoot. What say you to that? | afoot (adv.) in foot-soldiers, by way of infantry | AW IV.iii.157 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
By my troth sir, if I were to liue this present | By my troth, sir, if I were to live this present | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | AW IV.iii.158 | |
houre, I will tell true. Let me see, Spurio a hundred & | hour, I will tell true. Let me see: Spurio, a hundred and | tell (v.) disclose, reveal, explain | AW IV.iii.159 | |
fiftie, Sebastian so many, Corambus so many, Iaques | fifty; Sebastian, so many; Corambus, so many; Jaques, | | AW IV.iii.160 | |
so many: Guiltian, Cosmo, Lodowicke and Gratij, two | so many; Guiltian, Cosmo, Lodowick, and Gratii, two | | AW IV.iii.161 | |
hundred fiftie each: Mine owne Company, Chitopher, | hundred fifty each; mine own company, Chitopher, | | AW IV.iii.162 | |
Vaumond, Bentij, two hundred fiftie each: so that the | Vaumond, Bentii, two hundred fifty each; so that the | | AW IV.iii.163 | |
muster file, rotten and sound, vppon my life amounts | muster-file, rotten and sound, upon my life, amounts | muster-file (n.) official list of men | AW IV.iii.164 | |
not to fifteene thousand pole, halfe of the which, dare not | not to fifteen thousand poll; half of the which dare not | poll (n.) head | AW IV.iii.165 | |
shake the snow from off their Cassockes, least they shake | shake the snow from off their cassocks lest they shake | cassock (n.) military cloak, long coat | AW IV.iii.166 | |
themselues to peeces. | themselves to pieces. | | AW IV.iii.167 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
What shall be done to him? | What shall be done to him? | | AW IV.iii.168 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Nothing, but let him haue thankes. Demand | Nothing but let him have thanks. Demand | | AW IV.iii.169 | |
of him my condition: and what credite I haue with the | of him my condition, and what credit I have with the | | AW IV.iii.170 | |
Duke. | Duke. | | AW IV.iii.171 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Well that's set downe: you | Well, that's set down. (reading) You | | AW IV.iii.172 | |
shall demaund of him, whether one Captaine Dumaine bee | shall demand of him whether one Captain Dumaine be | demand (v.) request to tell, question, ask [about] | AW IV.iii.173 | |
i'th Campe, a Frenchman: what his reputation is with the | i'th' camp, a Frenchman; what his reputation is with the | | AW IV.iii.174 | |
Duke, what his valour, honestie, and expertnesse in warres: | Duke, what his valour, honesty, and expertness in wars; | | AW IV.iii.175 | |
or whether he thinkes it were not possible with well-waighing | or whether he thinks it were not possible with well-weighing | well-weighing (adj.) heavy, weighty, significant | AW IV.iii.176 | |
summes of gold to corrupt him to a reuolt. What say you to | sums of gold to corrupt him to a revolt. What say you to | | AW IV.iii.177 | |
this? What do you know of it? | this? What do you know of it? | | AW IV.iii.178 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
I beseech you let me answer to the particular | I beseech you, let me answer to the particular | particular (n.) individual issue, point of detail | AW IV.iii.179 | |
of the intergatories. Demand them singly. | of the inter'gatories. Demand them singly. | interrogatory (n.) interrogation, questioning, inquisition | AW IV.iii.180 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Do you know this Captaine Dumaine? | Do you know this Captain Dumaine? | | AW IV.iii.181 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
I know him, a was a Botchers Prentize in | I know him: 'a was a botcher's prentice in | prentice (n.) apprentice | AW IV.iii.182 | |
| | botcher (n.) mender of old clothes, tailor who does repairs, patcher-up | | |
Paris, from whence he was whipt for getting the | Paris, from whence he was whipped for getting the | | AW IV.iii.183 | |
Shrieues fool with childe, a dumbe innocent that could not | shrieve's fool with child, a dumb innocent that could not | innocent (n.) simpleton, dimwit, mental defective | AW IV.iii.184 | |
| | shrieve (n.) sheriff | | |
| | fool (n.) simpleton, born idiot, insane person | | |
say him nay. | say him nay. | | AW IV.iii.185 | |
Ber | BERTRAM | | | |
Nay, by your leaue hold your hands, though | Nay, by your leave, hold your hands – though | | AW IV.iii.186 | |
I know his braines are forfeite to the next tile that fals. | I know his brains are forfeit to the next tile that falls. | | AW IV.iii.187 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Well, is this Captaine in the Duke of | Well, is this captain in the Duke of | | AW IV.iii.188 | |
Florences campe? | Florence's camp? | | AW IV.iii.189 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Vpon my knowledge he is, and lowsie. | Upon my knowledge he is, and lousy. | | AW IV.iii.190 | |
Cay.G | FIRST LORD | | | |
Nay looke not so vpon me: we shall heare of | Nay, look not so upon me; we shall hear of | | AW IV.iii.191 | |
your Lord anon. | your lordship anon. | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | AW IV.iii.192 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
What is his reputation with the Duke? | What is his reputation with the Duke? | | AW IV.iii.193 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
The Duke knowes him for no other, but a poore | The Duke knows him for no other but a poor | | AW IV.iii.194 | |
Officer of mine, and writ to mee this other day, to turne | officer of mine, and writ to me this other day to turn | | AW IV.iii.195 | |
him out a'th band. I thinke I haue his Letter in my pocket. | him out o'th' band. I think I have his letter in my pocket. | | AW IV.iii.196 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Marry we'll search. | Marry, we'll search. | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | AW IV.iii.197 | |
Par | PAROLLES | | | |
In good sadnesse I do not know, either it is | In good sadness, I do not know; either it is | sadness, in / in good in earnest, seriously | AW IV.iii.198 | |
there, or it is vpon a file with the Dukes other Letters, in | there or it is upon a file with the Duke's other letters in | | AW IV.iii.199 | |
my Tent. | my tent. | | AW IV.iii.200 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Heere 'tis, heere's a paper, shall I reade it | Here 'tis; here's a paper. Shall I read it | | AW IV.iii.201 | |
to you? | to you? | | AW IV.iii.202 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
I do not know if it be it or no. | I do not know if it be it or no. | | AW IV.iii.203 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
Our Interpreter do's it well. | Our interpreter does it well. | | AW IV.iii.204 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Excellently. | Excellently. | | AW IV.iii.205 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
| (reading) | | AW IV.iii.206 | |
Dian, the Counts a foole, and full of gold. | Dian, the Count's a fool, and full of gold. | | AW IV.iii.206 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
That is not the Dukes letter sir: that is an | That is not the Duke's letter, sir; that is an | | AW IV.iii.207 | |
aduertisement to a proper maide in Florence, one Diana, | advertisement to a proper maid in Florence, one Diana, | proper (adj.) honest, honourable, worthy | AW IV.iii.208 | |
| | advertisement (n.) advice, warning, instruction | | |
to take heede of the allurement of one Count Rossillion, a | to take heed of the allurement of one Count Rossillion, a | allurement (n.) temptation, enticement, charm | AW IV.iii.209 | |
foolish idle boy: but for all that very ruttish. I pray you | foolish idle boy, but for all that very ruttish. I pray you, | idle (adj.) useless, barren, worthless | AW IV.iii.210 | |
| | ruttish (adj.) lustful, lascivious, wanton | | |
sir put it vp againe. | sir, put it up again. | | AW IV.iii.211 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Nay, Ile reade it first by your fauour. | Nay, I'll read it first by your favour. | | AW IV.iii.212 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
My meaning in't I protest was very honest in | My meaning in't, I protest, was very honest in | | AW IV.iii.213 | |
the behalfe of the maid: for I knew the young Count to | the behalf of the maid; for I knew the young Count to | | AW IV.iii.214 | |
be a dangerous and lasciuious boy, who is a whale to | be a dangerous and lascivious boy, who is a whale to | | AW IV.iii.215 | |
Virginity, and deuours vp all the fry it finds. | virginity, and devours up all the fry it finds. | fry (n.) young fish | AW IV.iii.216 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
Damnable both-sides rogue. | Damnable both-sides rogue! | both-sides (adj.) two-faced, double-dealing, hypocritical | AW IV.iii.217 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
| (reading) | | AW IV.iii.218 | |
Let. When he sweares oathes, bid him drop gold, and take it: | When he swears oaths, bid him drop gold, and take it; | | AW IV.iii.218 | |
After he scores, he neuer payes the score: | After he scores he never pays the score. | score (v.) mark up, chalk up, add to the tally | AW IV.iii.219 | |
| | score (n.) reckoning, account, debt | | |
Halfe won is match well made, match and well make it, | Half-won is match well made; match, and well make it. | | AW IV.iii.220 | |
He nere payes after-debts, take it before, | He ne'er pays after-debts, take it before. | after-debt (n.) unpaid bill after goods have been received, outstanding debt | AW IV.iii.221 | |
And say a souldier (Dian) told thee this: | And say a soldier, Dian, told thee this: | | AW IV.iii.222 | |
Men are to mell with, boyes are not to kis. | Men are to mell with, boys are not to kiss; | mell (v.) get involved, associate, copulate | AW IV.iii.223 | |
For count of this, the Counts a Foole I know it, | For count of this, the Count's a fool, I know it, | count of, for (prep.) on account of | AW IV.iii.224 | |
Who payes before, but not when he does owe it. | Who pays before, but not when he does owe it. | | AW IV.iii.225 | |
Thine as he vow'd to thee in thine eare, | Thine, as he vowed to thee in thine ear, | | AW IV.iii.226 | |
Parolles. | Parolles. | | AW IV.iii.227 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
He shall be whipt through the Armie with | He shall be whipped through the army, with | | AW IV.iii.228 | |
this rime in's forehead. | this rhyme in's forehead. | | AW IV.iii.229 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
This is your deuoted friend sir, the | This is your devoted friend, sir, the | | AW IV.iii.230 | |
manifold Linguist, and the army-potent souldier. | manifold linguist, and the armipotent soldier. | armipotent (adj.) mighty in arms, powerful in arms | AW IV.iii.231 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
I could endure any thing before but a Cat, and | I could endure anything before but a cat, and | | AW IV.iii.232 | |
now he's a Cat to me. | now he's a cat to me. | | AW IV.iii.233 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
I perceiue sir by your Generals lookes, | I perceive, sir, by the General's looks, | | AW IV.iii.234 | |
wee shall be faine to hang you. | we shall be fain to hang you. | fain (adj.) obliged, forced, compelled | AW IV.iii.235 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
My life sir in any case: Not that I am afraide | My life, sir, in any case! Not that I am afraid | | AW IV.iii.236 | |
to dye, but that my offences beeing many, I would | to die, but that, my offences being many, I would | | AW IV.iii.237 | |
repent out the remainder of Nature. Let me liue sir in a | repent out the remainder of nature. Let me live, sir, in a | nature (n.) mortal life, natural life | AW IV.iii.238 | |
dungeon, i'th stockes, or any where, so I may liue. | dungeon, i'th' stocks, or anywhere, so I may live. | | AW IV.iii.239 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Wee'le see what may bee done, so you | We'll see what may be done, so you | | AW IV.iii.240 | |
confesse freely: therefore once more to this Captaine | confess freely. Therefore once more to this Captain | | AW IV.iii.241 | |
Dumaine: you haue answer'd to his reputation with | Dumaine: you have answered to his reputation with | | AW IV.iii.242 | |
the Duke, and to his valour. What is his honestie? | the Duke and to his valour; what is his honesty? | | AW IV.iii.243 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
He will steale sir an Egge out of a Cloister: for | He will steal, sir, an egg out of a cloister. For | | AW IV.iii.244 | |
rapes and rauishments he paralels Nessus. Hee professes | rapes and ravishments he parallels Nessus. He professes | Nessus (n.) centaur, shot by Hercules for attempting to rape Deianeira; Nessus gave her a poisonous liquid disguised as a love-potion, causing Hercules' death when he wore a shirt dipped in it | AW IV.iii.245 | |
not keeping of oaths, in breaking em he is stronger then | not keeping of oaths; in breaking 'em he is stronger than | | AW IV.iii.246 | |
Hercules. He will lye sir, with such volubilitie, that you | Hercules. He will lie, sir, with such volubility that you | | AW IV.iii.247 | |
would thinke truth were a foole: drunkennesse is his best | would think truth were a fool. Drunkenness is his best | | AW IV.iii.248 | |
vertue, for he will be swine-drunke, and in his sleepe he | virtue, for he will be swine-drunk, and in his sleep he | swine-drunk (adj.) drunk as a pig, excessively drunk | AW IV.iii.249 | |
does little harme, saue to his bed-cloathes about him: but | does little harm, save to his bedclothes about him; but | | AW IV.iii.250 | |
they know his conditions, and lay him in straw. I haue | they know his conditions and lay him in straw. I have | condition (n.) quality, behaviour, attribute, habit | AW IV.iii.251 | |
but little more to say sir of his honesty, he ha's euerie thing | but little more to say, sir, of his honesty: he has everything | | AW IV.iii.252 | |
that an honest man should not haue; what an | that an honest man should not have; what an | | AW IV.iii.253 | |
honest man should haue, he has nothing. | honest man should have, he has nothing. | | AW IV.iii.254 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
I begin to loue him for this. | I begin to love him for this. | | AW IV.iii.255 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
For this description of thine honestie? A pox | For this description of thine honesty? A pox | pox (n.) venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules | AW IV.iii.256 | |
vpon him for me, he's more and more a Cat. | upon him! For me, he's more and more a cat. | | AW IV.iii.257 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
What say you to his expertnesse in warre? | What say you to his expertness in war? | | AW IV.iii.258 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Faith sir, ha's led the drumme before the English | Faith, sir, has led the drum before the English | | AW IV.iii.259 | |
Tragedians: to belye him I will not, and more of his | tragedians – to belie him I will not – and more of his | tragedian (n.) actor, strolling player [not only of tragedy] | AW IV.iii.260 | |
| | belie (v.) slander, tell lies about | | |
souldiership I know not, except in that Country, he had | soldiership I know not, except in that country he had | | AW IV.iii.261 | |
the honour to be the Officer at a place there called Mile-end, | the honour to be the officer at a place there called Mile-end, | Mile-end (n.) area in the East End of London where the citizen militia drilled | AW IV.iii.262 | |
to instruct for the doubling of files. I would doe the | to instruct for the doubling of files. I would do the | file (n.) rank of soldiers, formation | AW IV.iii.263 | |
man what honour I can, but of this I am not certaine. | man what honour I can, but of this I am not certain. | | AW IV.iii.264 | |
Cap.G . | FIRST LORD | | | |
He hath out-villain'd villanie so farre, that the | He hath out-villained villainy so far that the | | AW IV.iii.265 | |
raritie redeemes him. | rarity redeems him. | rarity (n.) exceptional nature, striking quality | AW IV.iii.266 | |
Ber. | BERTRAM | | | |
A pox on him, he's a Cat still. | A pox on him! He's a cat still. | | AW IV.iii.267 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
His qualities being at this poore price, I | His qualities being at this poor price, I | | AW IV.iii.268 | |
neede not to aske you, if Gold will corrupt him to reuolt. | need not to ask you if gold will corrupt him to revolt. | | AW IV.iii.269 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Sir, for a Cardceue he will sell the fee-simple | Sir, for a cardecue he will sell the fee-simple | fee-simple, fee simple (n.) private estate [belonging to the owner and his heirs for ever]; permanent lease, full possession | AW IV.iii.270 | |
| | cardecue (n.) [French: quart d'ecu] quarter of a crown | | |
of his saluation, the inheritance of it, and cut th' intaile | of his salvation, the inheritance of it, and cut th' entail | entail (n.) provision that an estate should pass to an heir | AW IV.iii.271 | |
from all remainders, and a perpetuall succession for it | from all remainders, and a perpetual succession for it | remainder (n.) subsequent heir, person who has a further interest | AW IV.iii.272 | |
perpetually. | perpetually. | | AW IV.iii.273 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
What's his Brother, the other Captain | What's his brother, the other Captain | | AW IV.iii.274 | |
Dumain? | Dumaine? | | AW IV.iii.275 | |
Cap.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Why do's he aske him of me? | Why does he ask him of me? | | AW IV.iii.276 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
What's he? | What's he? | | AW IV.iii.277 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
E'ne a Crow a'th same nest: not altogether so | E'en a crow o'th' same nest; not altogether so | | AW IV.iii.278 | |
great as the first in goodnesse, but greater a great deale in | great as the first in goodness, but greater a great deal in | | AW IV.iii.279 | |
euill. He excels his Brother for a coward, yet his Brother | evil. He excels his brother for a coward, yet his brother | | AW IV.iii.280 | |
is reputed one of the best that is. In a retreate hee outrunnes | is reputed one of the best that is. In a retreat he outruns | | AW IV.iii.281 | |
any Lackey; marrie in comming on, hee ha's the Crampe. | any lackey; marry, in coming on he has the cramp. | lackey (n.) footman, minion, flunky | AW IV.iii.282 | |
| | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
If your life be saued, will you vndertake | If your life be saved will you undertake | | AW IV.iii.283 | |
to betray the Florentine. | to betray the Florentine? | Florentine (n.) someone from Florence, Italy | AW IV.iii.284 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
I, and the Captaine of his horse, Count | Ay, and the captain of his horse, Count | | AW IV.iii.285 | |
Rossillion. | Rossillion. | | AW IV.iii.286 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
Ile whisper with the Generall, and knowe | I'll whisper with the General and know | | AW IV.iii.287 | |
his pleasure. | his pleasure. | | AW IV.iii.288 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Ile no more drumming, a plague of all | I'll no more drumming. A plague of all | | AW IV.iii.289 | |
drummes, onely to seeme to deserue well, and to beguile the | drums! Only to seem to deserve well, and to beguile the | beguile (v.) cheat, deceive, trick | AW IV.iii.290 | |
supposition of that lasciuious yong boy the Count, | supposition of that lascivious young boy, the Count, | supposition (n.) notion, opinion, belief | AW IV.iii.291 | |
haue I run into this danger: yet who would haue | have I run into this danger. Yet who would have | | AW IV.iii.292 | |
suspected an ambush where I was taken? | suspected an ambush where I was taken? | | AW IV.iii.293 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
There is no remedy sir, but you must | There is no remedy, sir, but you must | | AW IV.iii.294 | |
dye: the Generall sayes, you that haue so traitorously | die. The General says you that have so traitorously | | AW IV.iii.295 | |
discouerd the secrets of your army, and made such | discovered the secrets of your army, and made such | | AW IV.iii.296 | |
pestifferous reports of men very nobly held, can serue | pestiferous reports of men very nobly held, can serve | pestiferous (adj.) pestilent, mischievous, pernicious | AW IV.iii.297 | |
the world for no honest vse: therefore you must dye. | the world for no honest use; therefore you must die | | AW IV.iii.298 | |
Come headesman, off with his head. | Come, headsman, off with his head. | | AW IV.iii.299 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
O Lord sir let me liue, or let me see my death. | O Lord, sir, let me live, or let me see my death! | | AW IV.iii.300 | |
Int. | FIRST LORD | | | |
That shall you, and take your leaue of all | That shall you, and take your leave of all | | AW IV.iii.301 | |
your friends: | your friends. | | AW IV.iii.302 | |
| He removes the blindfold | | AW IV.iii.303 | |
So, looke about you, know you any heere? | So: look about you. Know you any here? | | AW IV.iii.303 | |
Count. | BERTRAM | | | |
Good morrow noble Captaine. | Good morrow, noble captain. | morrow (n.) morning | AW IV.iii.304 | |
Lo.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
God blesse you Captaine Parolles. | God bless you, Captain Parolles. | | AW IV.iii.305 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
God saue you noble Captaine. | God save you, noble captain. | | AW IV.iii.306 | |
Lo.E. | SECOND LORD | | | |
Captain, what greeting will you to my | Captain, what greeting will you to my | | AW IV.iii.307 | |
Lord Lafew I am for France. | Lord Lafew? I am for France. | | AW IV.iii.308 | |
Cap.G. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Good Captaine will you giue me a Copy of the | Good captain, will you give me a copy of the | | AW IV.iii.309 | |
sonnet you writ to Diana in behalfe of the Count | sonnet you writ to Diana in behalf of the Count | behalf (n.), especially: in behalf (of) advantage, interest, benefit | AW IV.iii.310 | |
Rossillion, and I were not a verie Coward, I'de compell it of | Rossillion? An I were not a very coward I'd compel it of | and, an (conj.) if, whether | AW IV.iii.311 | |
you, but far you well. | you; but fare you well. | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | AW IV.iii.312 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Bertram and the Lords | | AW IV.iii.312 | |
Int. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
You are vndone Captaine all but your | You are undone, captain – all but your | undone (adj.) ruined, destroyed, brought down | AW IV.iii.313 | |
scarfe, that has a knot on't yet. | scarf; that has a knot on't yet. | scarf (n.) military sash, shoulder band | AW IV.iii.314 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Who cannot be crush'd with a plot? | Who cannot be crushed with a plot? | | AW IV.iii.315 | |
Inter. | FIRST SOLDIER | | | |
If you could finde out a Countrie where | If you could find out a country where | | AW IV.iii.316 | |
but women were that had receiued so much shame, you | but women were that had received so much shame you | | AW IV.iii.317 | |
might begin an impudent Nation. Fare yee well sir, I am | might begin an impudent nation. Fare ye well, sir. I am | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | AW IV.iii.318 | |
for France too, we shall speake of you there. | for France too; we shall speak of you there. | | AW IV.iii.319 | |
Exit | Exeunt the Soldiers | | AW IV.iii.319 | |
Par. | PAROLLES | | | |
Yet am I thankfull: if my heart were great | Yet am I thankful. If my heart were great | | AW IV.iii.320 | |
'Twould burst at this: Captaine Ile be no more, | 'Twould burst at this. Captain I'll be no more, | | AW IV.iii.321 | |
But I will eate, and drinke, and sleepe as soft | But I will eat and drink and sleep as soft | soft (adv.) gently, calmly, not so forcefully | AW IV.iii.322 | |
As Captaine shall. Simply the thing I am | As captain shall. Simply the thing I am | thing (n.) [contemptuous] being, creature, base thing | AW IV.iii.323 | |
Shall make me liue: who knowes himselfe a braggart | Shall make me live. Who knows himself a braggart, | | AW IV.iii.324 | |
Let him feare this; for it will come to passe, | Let him fear this; for it will come to pass | | AW IV.iii.325 | |
That euery braggart shall be found an Asse. | That every braggart shall be found an ass. | | AW IV.iii.326 | |
Rust sword, coole blushes, and Parrolles liue | Rust, sword; cool, blushes; and Parolles live | | AW IV.iii.327 | |
Safest in shame: being fool'd, by fool'rie thriue; | Safest in shame; being fooled, by foolery thrive. | | AW IV.iii.328 | |
There's place and meanes for euery man aliue. | There's place and means for every man alive. | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | AW IV.iii.329 | |
Ile after them. | I'll after them. | | AW IV.iii.330 | |
Exit | Exit | | AW IV.iii.330 | |