The Two Noble Kinsmen

Modern text


Key line

Enter Iailor, and Wooer.Enter Gaoler and Wooer TNK II.i.1.1
I may depart with little, while I live, some thingI may depart with little while I live; somethingdepart with (v.)
part with, give away
TNK II.i.1
I / May cast to you, not much: Alas the Prison I / Keepe,I may cast to you, not much. Alas, the prison I keep,cast (v.)
give, bestow [as a dowry]
TNK II.i.2
though it be for great ones, yet they seldome / Come;though it be for great ones, yet they seldom come; TNK II.i.3
Before one Salmon, you shall take a number / Of Minnowes:before one salmon, you shall take a number of minnows. TNK II.i.4
I am given out to be better lyn'd / Then it can appeare, toI am given out to be better lined than it can appear tolined (adj.)

old form: lyn'd
filled, stuffed
TNK II.i.5
give out (v.)
report, assert, make known
me report is a true / Speaker: I would I were really, thatme report is a true speaker. I would I were really thatreport (n.)
rumour, gossip, hearsay
TNK II.i.6
I am / Deliverd to be: Marry, what I have (be it whatI am delivered to be. Marry, what I have, be it whatdeliver (v.)

old form: Deliverd
report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
TNK II.i.7
it will) I will assure upon my daughter at / The day of myit will, I will assure upon my daughter at the day of myassure (v.)
settle, convey, leave [to]
TNK II.i.8
death.death. TNK II.i.9
Sir I demaund no more then your owne offer, / AndSir, I demand no more than your own offer, and TNK II.i.10
I will estate your Daughter in what I / Have promised,I will estate your daughter in what I have (v.)
endow, settle upon, bestow (up)on
TNK II.i.11
Wel, we will talke more of this, when the solemnityWell, we will talk more of this when the solemnity TNK II.i.12
Is past; But have you a full promise of her? Whenis past. But have you a full promise of her? When TNK II.i.13
that shall be seene, I tender my consent.that shall be seen, I tender my consent.tender (v.)
grant, consent to
TNK II.i.14
Enter Daughter.Enter Gaoler's Daughter with rushes TNK II.i.15
I have Sir; here shee comes.I have, sir. Here she comes. TNK II.i.15
Your Friend and I have chanced to name / YouYour friend and I have chanced to name youfriend (n.)
lover, sweetheart, suitor
TNK II.i.16
here, upon the old busines: But no more of that. / Now,here, upon the old business; but no more of that now. TNK II.i.17
so soone as the Court hurry is over, we will / Have an endSo soon as the court hurry is over we will have an endhurry (n.)
commotion, excitement, activity
TNK II.i.18
of it: I'th meane time looke tenderly / To the two Prisoners.of it. I'th' meantime look tenderly to the two prisoners;tenderly (adv.)
carefully, attentively, gently
TNK II.i.19
I can tell you they are princes.I can tell you they are princes. TNK II.i.20
These strewings are for their Chamber; tisThese strewings are for their chamber. 'Tisstrewing (n.)
(plural) things to be scattered
TNK II.i.21
pitty they / Are in prison, and twer pitty they should bepity they are in prison, and 'twere pity they should be TNK II.i.22
out: I / Doe thinke they have patience to make any adversityout. I do think they have patience to make any adversityout (adv.)
out in the field, away fighting
TNK II.i.23
Asham'd; the prison it selfe is proud of 'em; and / Theyashamed; the prison itself is proud of 'em, and they TNK II.i.24
have all the world in their Chamber.have all the world in their chamber. TNK II.i.25
They are fam'd to be a paire of absolute men.They are famed to be a pair of absolute men.absolute (adj.)
perfect, complete, incomparable
TNK II.i.26
By my troth, I think Fame but stammers 'em,By my troth, I think fame but stammers 'em;stammer (v.)
describe poorly, undervalue
TNK II.i.27
troth, by my
by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion]
they / Stand a greise above the reach of report.they stand a grece above the reach of (n.)
reputation, fame, renown
TNK II.i.28
grece, grise, grize (n.)

old form: greise
step, degree, grade
I heard them reported in the Battaile, to be theI heard them reported in the battle to be the TNK II.i.29
only doers.only doers.only (adj.)
outstanding, peerless, pre-eminent
TNK II.i.30
doer (n.)
achiever, performer, hero
Nay most likely, for they are noble suffrers;Nay, most likely, for they are noble sufferers. TNK II.i.31
I / Mervaile how they would have lookd had they beeneI marvel how they would have looked had they been TNK II.i.32
Victors, that with such a constant Nobility, enforce / Avictors, that with such a constant nobility enforce a TNK II.i.33
freedome out of Bondage, making misery their / Mirth, andfreedom out of bondage, making misery their mirth and TNK II.i.34
affliction, a toy to jest at.affliction a toy to jest at.toy (n.)
whim, caprice, trifling matter
TNK II.i.35
Doe they so?Do they so? TNK II.i.36
It seemes to me they have no more sence ofIt seems to me they have no more sense ofsense (n.)

old form: sence
perception, awareness, discernment, appreciation
TNK II.i.37
their / Captivity, then I of ruling Athens: they eate / Well,their captivity than I of ruling Athens; they eat well, TNK II.i.38
looke merrily, discourse of many things, / But nothing oflook merrily, discourse of many things, but nothing ofdiscourse (v.)
talk, chat, converse
TNK II.i.39
their owne restraint, and disasters: Yet sometime atheir own restraint and disasters. Yet sometime asometime (adv.)
sometimes, now and then
TNK II.i.40
restraint (n.)
captivity, imprisonment, confinement
devided sigh, martyrd as twer / I'th deliverance, willdivided sigh, martyred as 'twere i'th' deliverance, willdivided (adj.)

old form: devided
broken, stifled, half-smothered
TNK II.i.41
breake from one of them. / When the other presently givesbreak from one of them; when the other presently givespresently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
TNK II.i.42
it so sweete a rebuke, / That I could wish my selfe a Sigh toit so sweet a rebuke that I could wish myself a sigh to TNK II.i.43
be so chid, / Or at least a Sigher to be so chid, or at least a sigher to be comforted.chide (v.), past form chid
scold, rebuke, reprove
TNK II.i.44
I never saw'em.I never saw 'em. TNK II.i.45
The Duke himselfe came privately in the night,The Duke himself came privately in the night,privately (adv.)
secretly, quietly, covertly
TNK II.i.46
And so did they, what the reason of it is, I / Know not:and so did they; what the reason of it is I know not. TNK II.i.47
Enter Palamon, and Arcite, above.Enter Palamon and Arcite above TNK II.i.48
Looke yonder they are; that's Arcite lookes out.Look, yonder they are; that's Arcite looks out. TNK II.i.48
No Sir, no, that's Palamon: Arcite is theNo, sir, no, that's Palamon! Arcite is the TNK II.i.49
Lower of the twaine; you may perceive a part / Of him.lower of the twain; you may perceive a part of him.low (adj.)
short, small
TNK II.i.50
Goe too, leave your pointing; they would notGo to, leave your pointing. They would not TNK II.i.51
Make us their object; out of their sight.make us their object. Out of their sight! TNK II.i.52
It is a holliday to looke on them: Lord, theIt is a holiday to look on them. Lord, the TNK II.i.53
Diffrence of men.difference of men!of (prep.)
TNK II.i.54
Exeunt, Scaena 2. Enter Palamon, and Arcite in prison.Exeunt Gaoler, Daughter, and Wooer TNK II.i.54
How doe you Noble Cosen?How do you, noble cousin? TNK II.i.55.1
How doe you Sir?How do you, sir? TNK II.i.55.2
Why strong inough to laugh at misery,Why, strong enough to laugh at misery, TNK II.i.56
And beare the chance of warre yet, we are prisonersAnd bear the chance of war; yet we are prisoners TNK II.i.57
I feare for ever Cosen.I fear for ever, cousin. TNK II.i.58.1
I beleeve it,I believe it, TNK II.i.58.2
And to that destiny have patientlyAnd to that destiny have patiently TNK II.i.59
Laide up my houre to come.Laid up my hour to come.lay up (v.)

old form: Laide
consign, put away, allocate
TNK II.i.60.1
Oh Cosen Arcite,O cousin Arcite, TNK II.i.60.2
Where is Thebs now? where is our noble Country?Where is Thebes now? Where is our noble country?Thebes (n.)
[theebz] city-state in Boeotia, SE Greece; associated with wisdom and learning
TNK II.i.61
Where are our friends, and kindreds? never moreWhere are our friends and kindreds? Never more TNK II.i.62
Must we behold those comforts, never seeMust we behold those comforts, never see TNK II.i.63
The hardy youthes strive for the Games of honourThe hardy youths strive for the games of honour, TNK II.i.64
(Hung with the painted favours of their Ladies)Hung with the painted favours of their ladies,painted (adj.)
colourful, multi-coloured
TNK II.i.65
favour (n.)
mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token]
Like tall Ships under saile: then start among'st 'emLike tall ships under sail; then start amongst 'em TNK II.i.66
And as an Eastwind leave 'em all behinde us,And as an east wind leave 'em all behind us, TNK II.i.67
Like lazy Clowdes, whilst Palamon and Arcite,Like lazy clouds, whilst Palamon and Arcite, TNK II.i.68
Even in the wagging of a wanton legEven in the wagging of a wanton leg,wanton (adj.)
carefree, light-hearted, frolicsome, playful
TNK II.i.69
Out-stript the peoples praises, won the Garlands,Outstripped the people's praises, won the garlands, TNK II.i.70
Ere they have time to wish 'em ours. O neverEre they have time to wish 'em ours. O, neverO (int.)
oh [used in emphatic emotion]
TNK II.i.71
Shall we two exercise, like Twyns of honour,Shall we two exercise, like twins of honour,exercise (v.)
engage in manly sports, practise the martial arts
TNK II.i.72
Our Armes againe, and feele our fyry horsesOur arms again, and feel our fiery horses TNK II.i.73
Like proud Seas under us, our good Swords, nowLike proud seas under us! Our good swords now –  TNK II.i.74
(Better the red-eyd god of war nev'r were)Better the red-eyed god of war ne'er wore –  TNK II.i.75
Bravishd our sides, like age must run to rust,Ravished our sides, like age must run to rust,ravish (v.)

old form: Bravishd
snatch from, tear from
TNK II.i.76
And decke the Temples of those gods that hate us,And deck the temples of those gods that hate us;deck (v.)

old form: decke
cover, adorn, decorate
TNK II.i.77
These hands shall never draw'em out like lightningThese hands shall never draw 'em out like lightning TNK II.i.78
To blast whole Armies more.To blast whole armies more.blast (v.)
destroy, ruin, lay waste
TNK II.i.79.1
No Palamon,No, Palamon, TNK II.i.79.2
Those hopes are Prisoners with us, here we areThose hopes are prisoners with us; here we are, TNK II.i.80
And here the graces of our youthes must witherAnd here the graces of our youths must wither TNK II.i.81
Like a too-timely Spring; here age must finde us,Like a too timely spring; here age must find us,timely (adj.)
early, premature
TNK II.i.82
And which is heaviest (Palamon) unmarried,And – which is heaviest, Palamon – unmarried.heavy (adj.)
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
TNK II.i.83
heavy (adj.)
difficult, hard, laborious
The sweete embraces of a loving wifeThe sweet embraces of a loving wife, TNK II.i.84
Loden with kisses, armd with thousand CupidsLoaden with kisses, armed with thousand Cupids,Cupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
TNK II.i.85
Shall never claspe our neckes, no issue know us,Shall never clasp our necks; no issue know us;issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
TNK II.i.86
No figures of our selves shall we ev'r see,No figures of ourselves shall we e'er seefigure (n.)
copy, image, likeness
TNK II.i.87
To glad our age, and like young Eagles teach'emTo glad our age, and like young eagles teach 'em  TNK II.i.88
Boldly to gaze against bright armes, and sayBoldly to gaze against bright arms, and say TNK II.i.89
Remember what your fathers were, and conquer.‘ Remember what your fathers were, and conquer!’ TNK II.i.90
The faire-eyd Maides, shall weepe our Banishments,The fair-eyed maids shall weep our banishments, TNK II.i.91
And in their Songs, curse ever-blinded fortuneAnd in their songs curse ever-blinded fortune,  TNK II.i.92
Till shee for shame see what a wrong she has doneTill she for shame see what a wrong she has done TNK II.i.93
To youth and nature; This is all our world;To youth and nature. This is all our world; TNK II.i.94
We shall know nothing here but one another,We shall know nothing here but one another, TNK II.i.95
Heare nothing but the Clocke that tels our woes.Hear nothing but the clock that tells our woes.tell (v.)

old form: tels
count out, number, itemize
TNK II.i.96
The Vine shall grow, but we shall never see it:The vine shall grow, but we shall never see it; TNK II.i.97
Sommer shall come, and with her all delights;Summer shall come, and with her all delights, TNK II.i.98
But dead-cold winter must inhabite here still.But dead-cold winter must inhabit here still.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
TNK II.i.99
Tis too true Arcite. To our Theban houndes,'Tis too true, Arcite. To our Theban hounds,Theban (adj./n.)
[pron: 'theeban] from Thebes
TNK II.i.100
That shooke the aged Forrest with their ecchoes,That shook the aged forest with their echoes, TNK II.i.101
No more now must we halloa, no more shakeNo more now must we hallow, no more shakehallow, holloa, hollow (v.)

old form: halloa
shout, yell, cry out
TNK II.i.102
Our pointed Iavelyns, whilst the angry SwineOur pointed javelins, whilst the angry swineswine (n.)
wild boar
TNK II.i.103
Flyes like a parthian quiver from our rages,Flies like a Parthian quiver from our rages,Parthian (adj.)
from Parthia, ancient kingdom of W Asia; known for skilled horsemen and archery
TNK II.i.104
Strucke with our well-steeld Darts: All valiant uses,Struck with our well-steeled darts. All valiant uses,use (n.)
activity, practice, enterprise
TNK II.i.105
(The foode, and nourishment of noble mindes,)The food and nourishment of noble minds, TNK II.i.106
In us two here shall perish; we shall dieIn us two here shall perish; we shall die –  TNK II.i.107
(which is the curse of honour) lastly,Which is the curse of honour – lastly,lastly (adv.)
in the end, finally
TNK II.i.108
Children of greife, and Ignorance.Children of grief and ignorance. TNK II.i.109.1
Yet Cosen,Yet, cousin, TNK II.i.109.2
Even from the bottom of these miseriesEven from the bottom of these miseries, TNK II.i.110
From all that fortune can inflict upon us,From all that fortune can inflict upon us, TNK II.i.111
I see two comforts rysing, two meere blessings,I see two comforts rising, two mere blessings,mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
TNK II.i.112
If the gods please, to hold here a brave patience,If the gods please; to hold here a brave patience,hold (v.)
keep, maintain, observe
TNK II.i.113
brave (adj.)
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
And the enjoying of our greefes together.And the enjoying of our griefs together.enjoying (n.)
experiencing, benefit, blessing
TNK II.i.114
Whilst Palamon is with me, let me perishWhilst Palamon is with me, let me perish TNK II.i.115
If I thinke this our prison.If I think this our prison. TNK II.i.116.1
Certeinly,Certainly, TNK II.i.116.2
Tis a maine goodnes Cosen, that our fortunes'Tis a main goodness, cousin, that our fortunesmain (adj.)

old form: maine
very great, major, considerable
TNK II.i.117
goodness (n.)

old form: goodnes
piece of luck, good fortune
Were twyn'd together; tis most true, two soulesWere twinned together. 'Tis most true, two souls TNK II.i.118
Put in two noble Bodies, let'em sufferPut in two noble bodies, let 'em suffer TNK II.i.119
The gaule of hazard, so they grow together,The gall of hazard, so they grow together,gall (n.)

old form: gaule
bitterness, spitefulness, vindictiveness
TNK II.i.120
hazard (n.)
[gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice]
Will never sincke, they must not, say they could,Will never sink, they must not; say they could,sink (v.)

old form: sincke
be ruined, give up, perish
TNK II.i.121
A willing man dies sleeping, and all's done.A willing man dies sleeping and all's done.willing (adj.)
dynamic, energetic
TNK II.i.122
Shall we make worthy uses of this placeShall we make worthy uses of this place TNK II.i.123
That all men hate so much?That all men hate so much? TNK II.i.124.1
How gentle Cosen?How, gentle cousin?gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
TNK II.i.124.2
Let's thinke this prison, holy sanctuary,Let's think this prison holy sanctuary, TNK II.i.125
To keepe us from corruption of worse men,To keep us from corruption of worse men. TNK II.i.126
We are young and yet desire the waies of honour,We are young and yet desire the ways of honour,way (n.)

old form: waies
best path, course of action
TNK II.i.127
That liberty and common ConversationThat liberty and common conversation,conversation (n.)
social interaction, society, dealings
TNK II.i.128
common (adj.)
of ordinary people, of the masses
The poyson of pure spirits; might like womenThe poison of pure spirits, might like women TNK II.i.129
Wooe us to wander from. What worthy blessingWoo us to wander from. What worthy blessing TNK II.i.130
Can be but our ImaginationsCan be but our imaginations TNK II.i.131
May make it ours? And heere being thus together,May make it ours? And here being thus together, TNK II.i.132
We are an endles mine to one another;We are an endless mine to one another;mine (n.)
source of supply, abundant store
TNK II.i.133
We are one anothers wife, ever begettingWe are one another's wife, ever begetting TNK II.i.134
New birthes of love; we are father, friends, acquaintance,New births of love; we are father, friends, acquaintance; TNK II.i.135
We are in one another, Families,We are, in one another, families. TNK II.i.136
I am your heire, and you are mine: This placeI am your heir, and you are mine; this place TNK II.i.137
Is our Inheritance: no hard OppressourIs our inheritance; no hard oppressor TNK II.i.138
Dare take this from us; here with a little patienceDare take this from us; here with a little patience TNK II.i.139
We shall live long, and loving: No surfeits seeke us:We shall live long and loving. No surfeits seek us;surfeit (n.)
excess, over-indulgence
TNK II.i.140
The hand of war hurts none here, nor the SeasThe hand of war hurts none here, nor the seas TNK II.i.141
Swallow their youth: were we at liberty,Swallow their youth. Were we at liberty, TNK II.i.142
A wife might part us lawfully, or busines,A wife might part us lawfully, or business; TNK II.i.143
Quarrels consume us, Envy of ill menQuarrels consume us; envy of ill menenvy (n.)
admiration, desire [to be like], jealousy
TNK II.i.144
envy (n.)
malice, ill-will, enmity
ill (adj.)
evil, wicked, immoral
Crave our acquaintance, I might sicken Cosen,Crave our acquaintance. I might sicken, cousin,crave (v.)
wish to know, solicit
TNK II.i.145
crave (v.)
need, demand, require
Where you should never know it, and so perishWhere you should never know it, and so perish TNK II.i.146
Without your noble hand to close mine eies,Without your noble hand to close mine eyes, TNK II.i.147
Or praiers to the gods; a thousand chauncesOr prayers to the gods; a thousand chances, TNK II.i.148
Were we from hence, would seaver us.Were we from hence, would sever us. TNK II.i.149.1
You have made meYou have made me –  TNK II.i.149.2
(I thanke you Cosen Arcite) almost wantonI thank you, cousin Arcite – almost wantonwanton (adj.)
carefree, light-hearted, frolicsome, playful
TNK II.i.150
With my Captivity: what a miseryWith my captivity. What a misery TNK II.i.151
It is to live abroade? and every where:It is to live abroad, and everywhere!everywhere (adv.)

old form: every where
here and there, in many places
TNK II.i.152
abroad (adv.)

old form: abroade
in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere
Tis like a Beast me thinkes: I finde the Court here,'Tis like a beast, methinks. I find the court here;methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
TNK II.i.153
I am sure a more content, and all those pleasuresI am sure, a more content; and all those pleasuresmore (adj.)
TNK II.i.154
That wooe the wils of men to vanity,That woo the wills of men to vanity TNK II.i.155
I see through now, and am sufficientI see through now, and am sufficientsufficient (adj.)
able, capable, competent
TNK II.i.156
To tell the world, tis but a gaudy shaddow,To tell the world 'tis but a gaudy shadowgaudy (adj.)
paltry, showy, tastelessly ornate
TNK II.i.157
shadow (n.)

old form: shaddow
reflection, reflected image
That old Time, as he passes by takes with him,That old Time as he passes by takes with him. TNK II.i.158
What had we bin old in the Court of Creon,What had we been, old in the court of Creon,Creon (n.)
[pron: 'krayon] king of Thebes who gave orders that any who died attacking Thebes should be left unburied
TNK II.i.159
Where sin is Iustice, lust, and ignorance,Where sin is justice, lust and ignorance TNK II.i.160
The vertues of the great ones: Cosen Arcite,The virtues of the great ones? Cousin Arcite, TNK II.i.161
Had not the loving gods found this place for usHad not the loving gods found this place for us, TNK II.i.162
We had died as they doe, ill old men, unwept,We had died as they do, ill old men, unwept,ill (adj.)
evil, wicked, immoral
TNK II.i.163
And had their Epitaphes, the peoples Curses,And had their epitaphs, the people's curses. TNK II.i.164
Shall I say more?Shall I say more? TNK II.i.165.1
I would heare you still.I would hear you still. TNK II.i.165.2
Ye shall.Ye shall. TNK II.i.165.3
Is there record of any two that lov'dIs there record of any two that loved TNK II.i.166
Better then we doe Arcite?Better than we do, Arcite? TNK II.i.167.1
Sure there cannot.Sure there cannot. TNK II.i.167.2
I doe not thinke it possible our friendshipI do not think it possible our friendship TNK II.i.168
Should ever leave us.Should ever leave us. TNK II.i.169.1
Till our deathes it cannotTill our deaths it cannot; TNK II.i.169.2
Enter Emilia and her woman.(Enter Emilia and her Woman below) TNK II.i.170
And after death our spirits shall be ledAnd after death our spirits shall be led TNK II.i.170
To those that love eternally.To those that love eternally. TNK II.i.171.1
(Palamon sees Emilia) TNK II.i.171
Speake on Sir.Speak on, sir. TNK II.i.171.2
This garden has a world of pleasures in't.This garden has a world of pleasures in't. TNK II.i.172
What Flowre is this?What flower is this? TNK II.i.173.1
Tis calld Narcissus Madam.'Tis called narcissus, madam.Narcissus (n.)
handsome youth who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool; he pined away and was turned into a flower
TNK II.i.173.2
That was a faire Boy certaine, but a foole,That was a fair boy, certain, but a fool TNK II.i.174
To love himselfe, were there not maides enough?To love himself; were there not maids enough? TNK II.i.175
(to Palamon) TNK II.i.176
Pray forward.Pray, forward.forward (adv.)
[go] onward, ahead
TNK II.i.176.1
Yes.Yes. TNK II.i.176.2
(to Woman) TNK II.i.176
Or were they all hard hearted?Or were they all hard-hearted? TNK II.i.176.3
They could not be to one so faire.They could not be to one so fair. TNK II.i.177.1
Thou wouldst not.Thou wouldst not. TNK II.i.177.2
I thinke I should not, Madam.I think I should not, madam. TNK II.i.178.1
That's a good wench:That's a good wench;wench (n.)
girl, lass
TNK II.i.178.2
But take heede to your kindnes though.But take heed to your kindness, though. TNK II.i.179.1
Why Madam?Why, madam? TNK II.i.179.2
Men are mad things.Men are mad things.mad (adj.)
wild, uncontrollable, excitable, high-spirited
TNK II.i.180.1
Will ye goe forward Cosen?Will ye go forward, cousin? TNK II.i.180.2
Canst not thou work: such flowers in silke wench?Canst not thou work such flowers in silk, wench?work (v.), past form wrought
embroider, make, sew
TNK II.i.181.1
Yes.Yes. TNK II.i.181.2
Ile have a gowne full of 'em and of these,I'll have a gown full of 'em and of these. TNK II.i.182
This is a pretty colour, wilt not doeThis is a pretty colour; will't not do TNK II.i.183
Rarely upon a Skirt wench?Rarely upon a skirt, wench?rarely (adv.)
splendidly, beautifully, excellently
TNK II.i.184.1
Deinty Madam.Dainty, madam.dainty (adv.)

old form: Deinty
beautifully, delightfully, excellently
TNK II.i.184.2
Gosen, Cosen, how doe you Sir? Why Palamon?Cousin, cousin, how do you, sir? Why, Palamon! TNK II.i.185
Never till now I was in prison Arcite.Never till now I was in prison, Arcite. TNK II.i.186
Why whats the matter Man?Why, what's the matter, man? TNK II.i.187.1
Behold, and wonder.Behold, and wonder. TNK II.i.187.2
By heaven shee is a Goddesse.By heaven, she is a goddess. TNK II.i.188.1
Ha.Ha! TNK II.i.188.2
Doe reverence.Do reverence;reverence, do
pay homage, worship, show respect [to]
TNK II.i.188.3
She is a Goddesse Arcite.She is a goddess, Arcite. TNK II.i.189.1
Of all Flowres.Of all flowers TNK II.i.189.2
Me thinkes a Rose is best.Methinks a rose is best.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
TNK II.i.190.1
Why gentle Madam?Why, gentle madam?gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
TNK II.i.190.2
It is the very Embleme of a Maide.It is the very emblem of a maid;emblem (n.)

old form: Embleme
image, symbol, allegory
TNK II.i.191
For when the west wind courts her gentlyFor when the west wind courts her gently, TNK II.i.192
How modestly she blowes, and paints the Sun,How modestly she blows, and paints the sunpaint (v.)
adorn, beautify, enhance
TNK II.i.193
blow (v.)

old form: blowes
blossom, bloom, flower
With her chaste blushes? When the North comes neere her,With her chaste blushes! When the north comes near her, TNK II.i.194
Rude and impatient, then, like ChastityRude and impatient, then, like chastity, TNK II.i.195
Shee lockes her beauties in her bud againe,She locks her beauties in her bud again, TNK II.i.196
And leaves him to base briers.And leaves him to base briars.base (adj.)
low-lying, lowland
TNK II.i.197.1
briar (n.)

old form: briers
thorn, prickly branch
Yet good Madam,Yet, good madam, TNK II.i.197.2
Sometimes her modesty will blow so farSometimes her modesty will blow so farblow (v.)
blossom, bloom, flower
TNK II.i.198
She fals for't: a MaydeShe falls for't; a maid, TNK II.i.199
If shee have any honour, would be lothIf she have any honour, would be loath TNK I.i.200
To take example by her.To take example by her. TNK II.i.201.1
Thou art wanton.Thou art wanton.wanton (adj.)
[jocularly] naughty, wicked, mischievous
TNK II.i.201.2
She is wondrous faire.She is wondrous fair. TNK II.i.202.1
She is all the beauty extant.She is all the beauty extant.extant (n.)
in existence, living, existing
TNK II.i.202.2
The Sun grows high, lets walk in, keep these flowers,The sun grows high, let's walk in. Keep these flowers; TNK II.i.203
Weele see how neere Art can come neere their colours;We'll see how near art can come near their colours. TNK II.i.204
I am wondrous merry hearted, I could laugh now.I am wondrous merry-hearted, I could laugh now. TNK II.i.205
I could lie downe I am sure.I could lie down, I am sure. TNK II.i.206.1
And take one with you?And take one with you? TNK II.i.206.2
That's as we bargaine Madam,That's as we bargain, madam. TNK II.i.207.1
Well, agree then.Well, agree then. TNK II.i.207.2
Exeunt Emilia and woman.Exeunt Emilia and Woman TNK II.i.207
What thinke you of this beauty?What think you of this beauty? TNK II.i.208.1
Tis a rare one.'Tis a rare one. TNK II.i.208.2
Is't but a rare one?Is't but a rare one? TNK II.i.209.1
Yes a matchles beauty.Yes, a matchless beauty. TNK II.i.209.2
Might not a man well lose himselfe and love her?Might not a man well lose himself and love her? TNK II.i.210
I cannot tell what you have done, I have,I cannot tell what you have done; I have, TNK II.i.211
Beshrew mine eyes for't, now I feele my Shackles.Beshrew mine eyes for't! Now I feel my shackles.beshrew, 'shrew (v.)
curse, devil take, evil befall
TNK II.i.212
You love her then?You love her, then? TNK II.i.213.1
Who would not?Who would not? TNK II.i.213.2
And desire her?And desire her? TNK II.i.213.3
Before my liberty.Before my liberty. TNK II.i.214
I saw her first.I saw her first. TNK II.i.215.1
That's nothingThat's nothing. TNK II.i.215.2
But it shall be.But it shall be. TNK II.i.215.3
I saw her too.I saw her too. TNK II.i.216.1
Yes, but you must not love her.Yes, but you must not love her. TNK II.i.216.2
I will not as you doe; to worship her;I will not, as you do, to worship her TNK II.i.217
As she is heavenly, and a blessed Goddes;As she is heavenly and a blessed goddess. TNK II.i.218
(I love her as a woman, to enjoy her)I love her as a woman, to enjoy her; TNK II.i.219
So both may love.So both may love. TNK II.i.220.1
You shall not love at all.You shall not love at all. TNK II.i.220.2
Not love at all. Who shall deny me?Not love at all? Who shall deny me? TNK II.i.221
I that first saw her; I that tooke possessionI that first saw her; I that took possession TNK II.i.222
First with mine eye of all those beautiesFirst with mine eye of all those beauties TNK II.i.223
In her reveald to mankinde: if thou lou'st her.In her revealed to mankind. If thou lovest her, TNK II.i.224
Or entertain'st a hope to blast my wishes,Or entertainest a hope to blast my wishes,blast (v.)
blight, wither, destroy
TNK II.i.225
Thou art a Traytour Arcite and a fellowThou art a traitor, Arcite, and a fellowfellow (n.)
worthless individual, good-for-nothing
TNK II.i.226
False as thy Title to her: friendship, bloodFalse as thy title to her. Friendship, blood,false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
TNK II.i.227
blood (n.)
blood relationship, kinship
And all the tyes betweene us I disclaimeAnd all the ties between us I disclaim, TNK II.i.228
If thou once thinke upon her.If thou once think upon her. TNK II.i.229.1
Yes I love her,Yes, I love her, TNK II.i.229.2
And if the lives of all my name lay on it,And if the lives of all my name lay on it,name (n.)
family, stock, kin
TNK II.i.230
lie (v.)

old form: lay
hang, depend, hinge
I must doe so, I love her with my soule,I must do so; I love her with my soul. TNK II.i.231
If that will lose ye, farewell Palamon,If that will lose ye, farewell, Palamon! TNK II.i.232
I say againe,I say again TNK II.i.233
I love, and in loving her maintaineI love her, and in loving her maintain TNK II.i.234
I am as worthy, and as free a loverI am as worthy and as free a lover,free (adj.)
noble, honourable, worthy
TNK II.i.235
And have as just a title to her beautyAnd have as just a title to her beauty, TNK II.i.236
As any Palamon or any livingAs any Palamon or any living TNK II.i.237
That is a mans Sonne.That is a man's son. TNK II.i.238.1
Have I cald thee friend?Have I called thee friend? TNK II.i.238.2
Yes, and have found me so; why are you mov'd thus?Yes, and have found me so; why are you moved thus? TNK II.i.239
Let me deale coldly with you, am not ILet me deal coldly with you. Am not Icoldly (adv.)
calmly, coolly, objectively, rationally
TNK II.i.240
Part of you blood, part of your soule? you have told mePart of your blood, part of your soul? You have told me TNK II.i.241
That I was Palamon, and you were Arcite.That I was Palamon and you were Arcite. TNK II.i.242.1
Yes.Yes. TNK II.i.242.2
Am not I liable to those affections,Am not I liable to those affections,affection (n.)
emotion, feeling
TNK II.i.243
Those joyes, greifes, angers, feares, my friend shall suffer?Those joys, griefs, angers, fears, my friend shall suffer? TNK II.i.244
Ye may be.Ye may be. TNK II.i.245.1
Why then would you deale so cunningly,Why then would you deal so cunningly,cunningly (adv.)
craftily, artfully, deviously
TNK II.i.245.2
So strangely, so vnlike a noble kinesmanSo strangely, so unlike a noble kinsman,strangely (adv.)
like a stranger, distantly, in an unfriendly manner
TNK II.i.246
To love alone? speake truely, doe you thinke meTo love alone? Speak truly, do you think me TNK II.i.247
Vnworthy of her sight?Unworthy of her sight? TNK II.i.248.1
No, but unjust,No, but unjust,unjust (adj.)
unfaithful, false [to honour]
TNK II.i.248.2
If thou pursue that sight.If thou pursue that sight. TNK II.i.249.1
Because an otherBecause another TNK II.i.249.2
First sees the Enemy, shall I stand stillFirst sees the enemy, shall I stand still TNK II.i.250
And let mine honour downe, and never charge?And let mine honour down, and never charge?let down (v.)

old form: downe
lose, forfeit, give up
TNK II.i.251
Yes, if he be but one.Yes, if he be but one. TNK II.i.252.1
But say that oneBut say that one TNK II.i.252.2
Had rather combat me?Had rather combat me? TNK II.i.253.1
Let that one say so,Let that one say so, TNK II.i.253.2
And use thy freedome: els if thou pursuest her,And use thy freedom; else if thou pursuest her,use thy freedom

old form: freedome
do what you want, do your own thing
TNK II.i.254
Be as that cursed man that hates his Country,Be as that cursed man that hates his country, TNK II.i.255
A branded villaine.A branded villain. TNK II.i.256.1
You are mad.You are mad. TNK II.i.256.2
I must be.I must be, TNK II.i.256.3
Till thou art worthy, Arcite, it concernes me,Till thou art worthy, Arcite; it concerns me,concern (v.)

old form: concernes
be important to, be the concern of
TNK II.i.257
And in this madnes, if I hazard theeAnd in this madness if I hazard theehazard (v.)
expose to danger, put at risk
TNK II.i.258
And take thy life, I deale but truely.And take thy life, I deal but truly.truly (adv.)

old form: truely
fairly, justly, rightly
TNK II.i.259.1
deal (v.)

old form: deale
proceed, behave, conduct oneself
Fie Sir.Fie, sir, TNK II.i.259.2
You play the Childe extreamely: I will love her,You play the child extremely. I will love her; TNK II.i.260
I must, I ought to doe so, and I dare,I must, I ought to do so, and I dare, TNK II.i.261
And all this justly.And all this justly. TNK II.i.262.1
O that now, that nowO that now, that now TNK II.i.262.2
Thy false-selfe and thy friend, had but this fortuneThy false self and thy friend had but this fortunefalse (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
TNK II.i.263
To be one howre at liberty, and graspeTo be one hour at liberty, and grasp TNK II.i.264
Our good Swords in our hands, I would quickly teach theeOur good swords in our hands; I would quickly teach thee TNK II.i.265
What tw'er to filch affection from another:What 'twere to filch affection from another!affection (n.)
object of affection
TNK II.i.266
Thou art baser in it then a Cutpurse;Thou art baser in it than a cutpurse.cutpurse (n.)
pickpocket, thief, robber
TNK II.i.267
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
Put but thy head out of this window more,Put but thy head out of this window more, TNK II.i.268
And as I have a soule, Ile naile thy life too't.And as I have a soul, I'll nail thy life to't. TNK II.i.269
Thou dar'st not foole, thou canst not, thou art feeble.Thou darest not, fool, thou canst not, thou art feeble. TNK II.i.270
Put my head out? Ile throw my Body out,Put my head out? I'll throw my body out, TNK II.i.271
And leape the garden, when I see her nextAnd leap the garden, when I see her next,leap (v.)

old form: leape
jump into, throw oneself into
TNK II.i.272
And pitch between her armes to anger thee.And pitch between her arms to anger thee.pitch (v.)
place oneself, settle, alight
TNK II.i.273
Enter Keeper. Enter Gaoler above TNK II.i.274
No more; the keeper's comming; I shall liveNo more; the keeper's coming. I shall live TNK II.i.274
To knocke thy braines out with my Shackles.To knock thy brains out with my shackles. TNK II.i.275.1
Doe.Do. TNK II.i.275.2
By your leave Gentlemen.By your leave, gentlemen. TNK II.i.276.1
Now honest keeper?Now, honest keeper? TNK II.i.276.2
Lord Arcite, you must presently to'th Duke;Lord Arcite, you must presently to th' Duke.presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
TNK II.i.277
The cause I know not yet.The cause I know not yet. TNK II.i.278.1
I am ready keeper.I am ready, keeper. TNK II.i.278.2
Prince Palamon, I must awhile bereave youPrince Palamon, I must awhile bereave youbereave (v.)
take away [from], deprive, deny, rob
TNK II.i.279
Of your faire Cosens Company.Of your fair cousin's company. TNK II.i.280.1
Exeunt Arcite, and Keeper.Exeunt Arcite and Gaoler TNK II.i.280
And me too,And me too, TNK II.i.280.2
Even when you please of life; why is he sent for?Even when you please, of life. Why is he sent for? TNK II.i.281
It may be he shall marry her, he's goodly,It may be he shall marry her; he's goodly,goodly (adj.)
good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely
TNK II.i.282
And like enough the Duke hath taken noticeAnd like enough the Duke hath taken noticelike (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
TNK II.i.283
Both of his blood and body: But his falsehood,Both of his blood and body. But his falsehood!blood (n.)
nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage
TNK II.i.284
Why should a friend be treacherous? If thatWhy should a friend be treacherous? If that TNK II.i.285
Get him a wife so noble, and so faire;Get him a wife so noble and so fair, TNK II.i.286
Let honest men ne're love againe. Once moreLet honest men ne'er love again. Once more TNK II.i.287
I would but see this faire One: Blessed Garden,I would but see this fair one; blessed garden, TNK II.i.288
And fruite, and flowers more blessed that still blossomAnd fruit, and flowers more blessed that still blossom TNK II.i.289
As her bright eies shine on ye. would I wereAs her bright eyes shine on ye! Would I were TNK II.i.290
For all the fortune of my life hereafterFor all the fortune of my life hereafterfortune (n.)
good fortune, success
TNK II.i.291
Yon little Tree, yon blooming Apricocke;Yon little tree, yon blooming apricot;apricock (n.)

old form: Apricocke
TNK II.i.292
How I would spread, and fling my wanton armesHow I would spread, and fling my wanton armswanton (adj.)
carefree, light-hearted, frolicsome, playful
TNK II.i.293
In at her window; I would bring her fruiteIn at her window! I would bring her fruit TNK II.i.294
Fit for the Gods to feed on: youth and pleasureFit for the gods to feed on; youth and pleasure TNK II.i.295
Still as she tasted should be doubled on her,Still as she tasted should be doubled on her, TNK II.i.296
And if she be not heavenly I would make herAnd if she be not heavenly, I would make her TNK II.i.297
So neere the Gods in nature, they should feare her.So near the gods in nature, they should fear her; TNK II.i.298
And then I am sure she would love me:And then I am sure she would love me. TNK II.i.299.1
Enter Keeper.Enter Gaoler TNK II.i.299
how now keeperHow now, keeper? TNK II.i.299.2
Wher's Arcite,Where's Arcite? TNK II.i.300.1
Banishd: Prince PirithousBanished. Prince Pirithous TNK II.i.300.2
Obtained his liberty; but never moreObtained his liberty; but never more, TNK II.i.301
Vpon his oth and life must he set footeUpon his oath and life, must he set foot TNK II.i.302
Vpon this Kingdome.Upon this kingdom. TNK II.i.303.1
Hees a blessed man,He's a blessed man! TNK II.i.303.2
He shall see Thebs againe, and call to ArmesHe shall see Thebes again, and call to arms TNK II.i.304
The bold yong men, that when he bids 'em charge,The bold young men, that when he bids 'em charge TNK II.i.305
Fall on like fire: Arcite shall have a Fortune,Fall on like fire. Arcite shall have a fortune,fortune (n.)
lucky chance, good luck
TNK II.i.306
If he dare make himselfe a worthy Lover,If he dare make himself a worthy lover, TNK II.i.307
Yet in the Feild to strike a battle for her;Yet in the field to strike a battle for her;field (n.)

old form: Feild
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
TNK II.i.308
strike (v.)
fight, engage in fighting
And if he lose her then, he's a cold Coward;And if he lose her then, he's a cold coward.cold (adj.)
hopeless, apathetic, miserable
TNK II.i.309
How bravely may he beare himselfe to win herHow bravely may he bear himself to win her TNK II.i.310
If he be noble Arcite; thousand waies.If he be noble Arcite; thousand ways! TNK II.i.311
Were I at liberty, I would doe thingsWere I at liberty, I would do things TNK II.i.312
Of such a vertuous greatnes, that this Lady,Of such a virtuous greatness that this lady, TNK II.i.313
This blushing virgine should take manhood to herThis blushing virgin, should take manhood to her, TNK II.i.314
And seeke to ravish me.And seek to ravish me! TNK II.i.315.1
My Lord for youMy lord, for you TNK II.i.315.2
I have this charge too.I have this charge too – charge (n.)
command, order, injunction, instruction
TNK II.i.316.1
To discharge my life.To discharge my life?discharge (v.)
fire off, send forth, get rid of
TNK II.i.316.2
No, but from this place to remoove your Lordship,No, but from this place to remove your lordship; TNK II.i.317
The windowes are too open.The windows are too (adj.)
easy to get through; or: give too much of a view
TNK II.i.318.1
Devils take 'emDevils take 'em TNK II.i.318.2
That are so envious to me; pre'thee kill me.That are so envious to me! Prithee kill me.envious (adj.)
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
TNK II.i.319
And hang for't afterward.And hang for't afterward? TNK II.i.320.1
By this good lightBy this good light, TNK II.i.320.2
Had I a sword I would kill thee.Had I a sword I would kill thee. TNK II.i.321.1
Why my Lord?Why, my lord? TNK II.i.321.2
Thou bringst such pelting scuruy news continuallyThou bringest such pelting scurvy news continuallypelting (adj.)
paltry, petty, worthless, insignificant
TNK II.i.322
scurvy (adj.)

old form: scuruy
worthless, wretched, disagreeable
Thou art not worthy life; I will not goe.Thou art not worthy life. I will not go. TNK II.i.323
Indeede yon must my Lord.Indeed you must, my lord. TNK II.i.324.1
May I see the garden?May I see the garden? TNK II.i.324.2
Noe.No. TNK II.i.325.1
Then I am resolud, I will not goe.Then I am resolved, I will not go. TNK II.i.325.2
I must constraine you then: and for you are dangerousI must constrain you then; and for you are dangerous,for (conj.)
TNK II.i.326
Ile clap more yrons on you.I'll clap more irons on you. TNK II.i.327.1
Doe good keeper.Do, good keeper. TNK II.i.327.2
Ile shake 'em so, ye shall not sleepe,I'll shake 'em so, ye shall not sleep; TNK II.i.328
Ile make ye a new Morrisse, must I goe?I'll make ye a new morris. Must I go?morris (n.)

old form: Morrisse
morris dance
TNK II.i.329
There is no remedy.There is no remedy. TNK II.i.330.1
Farewell kinde window.Farewell, kind window; TNK II.i.330.2
May rude winde never hurt thee. O my LadyMay rude wind never hurt thee. O my lady,rude (adj.)
[of wind or water] stormy, turbulent, harsh
TNK II.i.331
If ever thou hast felt what sorrow was,If ever thou hast felt what sorrow was, TNK II.i.332
Dreame how I suffer. Come; now bury me.Dream how I suffer. – Come, now bury me. TNK II.i.333
Exeunt Palamon, and KeeperExeunt TNK II.i.333
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