First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter King, Glocester, Winchester, | Enter the King, Gloucester, Winchester, Richard | | 1H6 IV.i.1.1 | |
Yorke, Suffolke, Somerset, Warwicke, Talbot, | Duke of York, Suffolk, Somerset, Warwick, Talbot, | | 1H6 IV.i.1.2 | |
and Gouernor Exeter. | Exeter, the Governor of Paris, and others | | 1H6 IV.i.1.3 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Lord Bishop set the Crowne vpon his head. | Lord Bishop, set the crown upon his head. | | 1H6 IV.i.1 | |
Win. | WINCHESTER | | | |
God saue King Henry of that name the sixt. | God save King Henry, of that name the sixth! | | 1H6 IV.i.2 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Now Gouernour of Paris take your oath, | Now, Governor of Paris, take your oath: | | 1H6 IV.i.3 | |
| (The Governor kneels) | | 1H6 IV.i.4.1 | |
That you elect no other King but him; | That you elect no other king but him, | elect (v.) acknowledge, choose, accept | 1H6 IV.i.4 | |
Esteeme none Friends, but such as are his Friends, | Esteem none friends but such as are his friends, | esteem (v.) regard, think, consider | 1H6 IV.i.5 | |
And none your Foes, but such as shall pretend | And none your foes but such as shall pretend | pretend (v.) intend, design, plan | 1H6 IV.i.6 | |
Malicious practises against his State: | Malicious practices against his state. | practice (n.) scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue | 1H6 IV.i.7 | |
This shall ye do, so helpe you righteous God. | This shall ye do, so help you righteous God. | | 1H6 IV.i.8 | |
| Exeunt Governor and his train | train (n.) retinue, following, entourage | 1H6 IV.i.8.1 | |
Enter Falstaffe. | Enter Falstaff | | 1H6 IV.i.9 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
My gracious Soueraigne, as I rode from Calice, | My gracious sovereign, as I rode from Calais | | 1H6 IV.i.9 | |
To haste vnto your Coronation: | To haste unto your coronation, | | 1H6 IV.i.10 | |
A Letter was deliuer'd to my hands, | A letter was delivered to my hands, | | 1H6 IV.i.11 | |
Writ to your Grace, from th'Duke of Burgundy. | Writ to your grace from th' Duke of Burgundy. | | 1H6 IV.i.12 | |
Tal. | TALBOT | | | |
Shame to the Duke of Burgundy, and thee: | Shame to the Duke of Burgundy and thee! | | 1H6 IV.i.13 | |
I vow'd (base Knight) when I did meete the next, | I vowed, base knight, when I did meet thee next | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | 1H6 IV.i.14 | |
To teare the Garter from thy Crauens legge, | To tear the Garter from thy craven's leg, | craven (n.) coward | 1H6 IV.i.15 | |
| He plucks it off | | 1H6 IV.i.16 | |
Which I haue done, because (vnworthily) | Which I have done, because unworthily | | 1H6 IV.i.16 | |
Thou was't installed in that High Degree. | Thou wast installed in that high degree. | | 1H6 IV.i.17 | |
Pardon me Princely Henry, and the rest: | Pardon me, princely Henry, and the rest: | | 1H6 IV.i.18 | |
This Dastard,at the battell of Poictiers, | This dastard, at the Battle of Patay, | dastard (n.) coward, sissy, runaway, traitor | 1H6 IV.i.19 | |
When (but in all) I was sixe thousand strong, | When, but in all, I was six thousand strong, | all, but in all told, altogether | 1H6 IV.i.20 | |
And that the French were almost ten to one, | And that the French were almost ten to one, | | 1H6 IV.i.21 | |
Before we met, or that a stroke was giuen, | Before we met or that a stroke was given, | | 1H6 IV.i.22 | |
Like to a trustie Squire, did run away. | Like to a trusty squire did run away; | squire (n.) [contemptuous] fellow | 1H6 IV.i.23 | |
| | like to / unto (conj./prep.) similar to, comparable with | | |
In which assault, we lost twelue hundred men. | In which assault we lost twelve hundred men. | | 1H6 IV.i.24 | |
My selfe, and diuers Gentlemen beside, | Myself and divers gentlemen beside | divers (adj.) different, various, several | 1H6 IV.i.25 | |
Were there surpriz'd, and taken prisoners. | Were there surprised and taken prisoners. | | 1H6 IV.i.26 | |
Then iudge (great Lords) if I haue done amisse: | Then judge, great lords, if I have done amiss, | | 1H6 IV.i.27 | |
Or whether that such Cowards ought to weare | Or whether that such cowards ought to wear | | 1H6 IV.i.28 | |
This Ornament of Knighthood, yea or no? | This ornament of knighthood, yea or no! | | 1H6 IV.i.29 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
To say the truth, this fact was infamous, | To say the truth, this fact was infamous, | fact (n.) evil deed, wicked act, crime | 1H6 IV.i.30 | |
And ill beseeming any common man; | And ill beseeming any common man, | common (adj.) below the rank of gentleman, without rank | 1H6 IV.i.31 | |
| | beseem (v.) befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for] | | |
Much more a Knight, a Captaine, and a Leader. | Much more a knight, a captain, and a leader. | | 1H6 IV.i.32 | |
Tal. | TALBOT | | | |
When first this Order was ordain'd my Lords, | When first this Order was ordained, my lords, | ordain (v.) appoint, establish, institute | 1H6 IV.i.33 | |
Knights of the Garter were of Noble birth; | Knights of the Garter were of noble birth, | | 1H6 IV.i.34 | |
Valiant, and Vertuous, full of haughtie Courage, | Valiant and virtuous, full of haughty courage, | haughty (adj.) high-minded, aspiring, lofty | 1H6 IV.i.35 | |
| | courage (n.) spirit, disposition, nature | | |
Such as were growne to credit by the warres: | Such as were grown to credit by the wars; | credit (n.) reputation, name, standing, honour | 1H6 IV.i.36 | |
Not fearing Death, nor shrinking for Distresse, | Not fearing death nor shrinking for distress, | shrink (v.) shiver, recoil, draw back | 1H6 IV.i.37 | |
| | distress (n.) hardship, adversity, difficulty | | |
But alwayes resolute, in most extreames. | But always resolute in most extremes. | extreme (n.) hardship, tribulation, privation | 1H6 IV.i.38 | |
He then, that is not furnish'd in this sort, | He then that is not furnished in this sort | sort (n.) way, manner | 1H6 IV.i.39 | |
| | furnish (v.) endow, equip, have qualities | | |
Doth but vsurpe the Sacred name of Knight, | Doth but usurp the sacred name of knight, | sacred (adj.) revered, respected [as if a holy thing] | 1H6 IV.i.40 | |
Prophaning this most Honourable Order, | Profaning this most honourable order, | | 1H6 IV.i.41 | |
And should (if I were worthy to be Iudge) | And should, if I were worthy to be judge, | | 1H6 IV.i.42 | |
Be quite degraded, like a Hedge-borne Swaine, | Be quite degraded, like a hedge-born swain | quite (adv.) totally, completely, entirely | 1H6 IV.i.43 | |
| | swain (n.) [contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow | | |
| | degrade (v.) lower in rank, reduce in degree | | |
That doth presume to boast of Gentle blood. | That doth presume to boast of gentle blood. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | 1H6 IV.i.44 | |
K. | KING | | | |
Staine to thy Countrymen, thou hear'st thy doom: | Stain to thy countrymen, thou hearest thy doom. | stain (n.) disgrace, shame | 1H6 IV.i.45 | |
| | doom (n.) judgement, sentence, decision | | |
Be packing therefore, thou that was't a knight: | Be packing therefore, thou that wast a knight; | pack (v.) take [oneself] off, be off, depart | 1H6 IV.i.46 | |
Henceforth we banish thee on paine of death. | Henceforth we banish thee on pain of death. | | 1H6 IV.i.47 | |
| Exit Falstaff | | 1H6 IV.i.47 | |
And now Lord Protector, view the Letter | And now, Lord Protector, view the letter | | 1H6 IV.i.48 | |
Sent from our Vnckle Duke of Burgundy. | Sent from our uncle Duke of Burgundy. | | 1H6 IV.i.49 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
| (looking at the outside of the letter) | | 1H6 IV.i.50.1 | |
What meanes his Grace, that he hath chaung'd his Stile? | What means his grace that he hath changed his style? | style (n.) mode of address, formal title | 1H6 IV.i.50 | |
No more but plaine and bluntly? (To the King.) | No more but plain and bluntly ‘ To the King?’ | | 1H6 IV.i.51 | |
Hath he forgot he is his Soueraigne? | Hath he forgot he is his sovereign? | | 1H6 IV.i.52 | |
Or doth this churlish Superscription | Or doth this churlish superscription | churlish (adj.) rude, blunt, ungracious | 1H6 IV.i.53 | |
| | superscription (n.) address, direction [on a letter] | | |
Pretend some alteration in good will? | Pretend some alteration in good will? | pretend (v.) import, imply, mean | 1H6 IV.i.54 | |
What's heere? I haue vpon especiall cause, | What's here? (He reads) I have, upon especial cause, | | 1H6 IV.i.55 | |
Mou'd with compassion of my Countries wracke, | Moved with compassion of my country's wrack, | wrack (n.) destruction, ruin | 1H6 IV.i.56 | |
Together with the pittifull complaints | Together with the pitiful complaints | | 1H6 IV.i.57 | |
Of such as your oppression feedes vpon, | Of such as your oppression feeds upon, | | 1H6 IV.i.58 | |
Forsaken your pernitious Faction, | Forsaken your pernicious faction, | | 1H6 IV.i.59 | |
And ioyn'd with Charles, the rightfull king of France. | And joined with Charles, the rightful King of France. | | 1H6 IV.i.60 | |
O monstrous Treachery: Can this be so? | O, monstrous treachery! Can this be so? | | 1H6 IV.i.61 | |
That in alliance, amity, and oathes, | That in alliance, amity, and oaths | | 1H6 IV.i.62 | |
There should be found such false dissembling guile? | There should be found such false dissembling guile? | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | 1H6 IV.i.63 | |
| | guile (n.) cunning, deceit, treachery | | |
| | dissembling (adj.) deceitful, hypocritical, false | | |
King. | KING | | | |
What? doth my Vnckle Burgundy reuolt? | What? Doth my uncle Burgundy revolt? | revolt (v.) change sides, alter allegiance, desert | 1H6 IV.i.64 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
He doth my Lord, and is become your foe. | He doth, my lord, and is become your foe. | | 1H6 IV.i.65 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Is that the worst this Letter doth containe? | Is that the worst this letter doth contain? | | 1H6 IV.i.66 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
It is the worst, and all (my Lord) he writes. | It is the worst, and all, my lord, he writes. | | 1H6 IV.i.67 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Why then Lord Talbot there shal talk with him, | Why then, Lord Talbot there shall talk with him | | 1H6 IV.i.68 | |
And giue him chasticement for this abuse. | And give him chastisement for this abuse. | chastisement (n.) punishment, retribution, correction | 1H6 IV.i.69 | |
| | abuse (n.) deception, hoax, fraud | | |
How say you (my Lord) are you not content? | How say you, my lord; are you not content? | content (adj.) agreeable, willing, ready | 1H6 IV.i.70 | |
Tal. | TALBOT | | | |
Content, my Liege? Yes: But yt I am preuented, | Content, my liege? Yes; but that I am prevented, | prevent (v.) forestall, anticipate | 1H6 IV.i.71 | |
| | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | | |
I should haue begg'd I might haue bene employd. | I should have begged I might have been employed. | | 1H6 IV.i.72 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Then gather strength, and march vnto him straight: | Then gather strength and march unto him straight; | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | 1H6 IV.i.73 | |
| | strength (n.) troops, forces, resources, followers | | |
Let him perceiue how ill we brooke his Treason, | Let him perceive how ill we brook his treason, | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | 1H6 IV.i.74 | |
| | brook (v.) endure, tolerate, put up with | | |
And what offence it is to flout his Friends. | And what offence it is to flout his friends. | offence (n.) damage, injury, harm | 1H6 IV.i.75 | |
| | flout (v.) insult, abuse, mock | | |
Tal. | TALBOT | | | |
I go my Lord, in heart desiring still | I go, my lord, in heart desiring still | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | 1H6 IV.i.76 | |
You may behold confusion of your foes. | You may behold confusion of your foes. | confusion (n.) destruction, overthrow, ruin | 1H6 IV.i.77 | |
| Exit | | 1H6 IV.i.77 | |
Enter Vernon and Bassit. | Enter Vernon and Basset | | 1H6 IV.i.78.1 | |
Ver. | VERNON | | | |
Grant me the Combate, gracious Soueraigne. | Grant me the combat, gracious sovereign. | combat (n.) duel, trial by duel | 1H6 IV.i.78 | |
Bas. | BASSET | | | |
And me (my Lord) grant me the Combate too. | And me, my lord, grant me the combat too. | | 1H6 IV.i.79 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
This is my Seruant, heare him Noble Prince. | This is my servant; hear him, noble prince. | servant (n.) follower, retainer, attendant | 1H6 IV.i.80 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
And this is mine (sweet Henry) fauour him. | And this is mine; sweet Henry, favour him. | | 1H6 IV.i.81 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Be patient Lords, and giue them leaue to speak. | Be patient, lords, and give them leave to speak. | | 1H6 IV.i.82 | |
Say Gentlemen, what makes you thus exclaime, | Say, gentlemen, what makes you thus exclaim, | | 1H6 IV.i.83 | |
And wherefore craue you Combate? Or with whom? | And wherefore crave you combat, or with whom? | crave (v.) need, demand, require | 1H6 IV.i.84 | |
Ver. | VERNON | | | |
With him (my Lord) for he hath done me wrong. | With him, my lord, for he hath done me wrong. | | 1H6 IV.i.85 | |
Bas. | BASSET | | | |
And I with him, for he hath done me wrong. | And I with him, for he hath done me wrong. | | 1H6 IV.i.86 | |
King. | KING | | | |
What is that wrong, wherof you both complain | What is that wrong whereof you both complain? | | 1H6 IV.i.87 | |
First let me know, and then Ile answer you. | First let me know, and then I'll answer you. | | 1H6 IV.i.88 | |
Bas. | BASSET | | | |
Crossing the Sea, from England into France, | Crossing the sea from England into France, | | 1H6 IV.i.89 | |
This Fellow heere with enuious carping tongue, | This fellow here with envious carping tongue | envious (adj.) malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity | 1H6 IV.i.90 | |
Vpbraided me about the Rose I weare, | Upbraided me about the rose I wear, | | 1H6 IV.i.91 | |
Saying, the sanguine colour of the Leaues | Saying the sanguine colour of the leaves | sanguine (adj.) blood-red, deep red | 1H6 IV.i.92 | |
| | leaf (n.) petal | | |
Did represent my Masters blushing cheekes: | Did represent my master's blushing cheeks | | 1H6 IV.i.93 | |
When stubbornly he did repugne the truth, | When stubbornly he did repugn the truth | repugn (v.) reject, oppose, deny | 1H6 IV.i.94 | |
About a certaine question in the Law, | About a certain question in the law | | 1H6 IV.i.95 | |
Argu'd betwixt the Duke of Yorke, and him: | Argued betwixt the Duke of York and him; | | 1H6 IV.i.96 | |
With other vile and ignominious tearmes. | With other vile and ignominious terms. | | 1H6 IV.i.97 | |
In confutation of which rude reproach, | In confutation of which rude reproach, | rude (adj.) ignorant, unlearned, uneducated | 1H6 IV.i.98 | |
| | confutation (n.) rebuttal, refutation, disproof | | |
And in defence of my Lords worthinesse, | And in defence of my lord's worthiness, | | 1H6 IV.i.99 | |
I craue the benefit of Law of Armes. | I crave the benefit of law of arms. | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | 1H6 IV.i.100 | |
| | benefit (n.) privilege, right, prerogative | | |
Uer. | VERNON | | | |
And that is my petition (Noble Lord:) | And that is my petition, noble lord; | | 1H6 IV.i.101 | |
For though he seeme with forged queint conceite | For though he seem with forged quaint conceit | quaint (adj.) artful, cunning | 1H6 IV.i.102 | |
| | forged (adj.) false, counterfeit, spurious | | |
| | conceit (n.) design, ingenuity, conception | | |
To set a glosse vpon his bold intent, | To set a gloss upon his bold intent, | gloss (n.) deceptive appearance, plausibility | 1H6 IV.i.103 | |
| | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | | |
Yet know (my Lord) I was prouok'd by him, | Yet know, my lord, I was provoked by him, | | 1H6 IV.i.104 | |
And he first tooke exceptions at this badge, | And he first took exceptions at this badge, | exception (n.) (often plural) objection, dislike, disapproval | 1H6 IV.i.105 | |
| | at (prep.) to | | |
Pronouncing that the palenesse of this Flower, | Pronouncing that the paleness of this flower | | 1H6 IV.i.106 | |
Bewray'd the faintnesse of my Masters heart. | Bewrayed the faintness of my master's heart. | faintness (n.) cowardice, fearfulness, timidity | 1H6 IV.i.107 | |
| | bewray (v.) betray, reveal, expose | | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Will not this malice Somerset be left? | Will not this malice, Somerset, be left? | leave (v.) cease, stop, give up | 1H6 IV.i.108 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Your priuate grudge my Lord of York, wil out, | Your private grudge, my lord of York, will out, | | 1H6 IV.i.109 | |
Though ne're so cunningly you smother it. | Though ne'er so cunningly you smother it. | | 1H6 IV.i.110 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Good Lord, what madnesse rules in braine-sicke men, | Good Lord, what madness rules in brain-sick men, | brainsick, brain-sick (adj.) foolish, addle-headed | 1H6 IV.i.111 | |
When for so slight and friuolous a cause, | When for so slight and frivolous a cause | frivolous (adj.) groundless, insufficient, paltry | 1H6 IV.i.112 | |
Such factious amulations shall arise? | Such factious emulations shall arise! | emulation (n.) ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict | 1H6 IV.i.113 | |
| | factious (adj.) sectarian, partisan, arising from factions | | |
Good Cosins both of Yorke and Somerset, | Good cousins both, of York and Somerset, | | 1H6 IV.i.114 | |
Quiet your selues (I pray) and be at peace. | Quiet yourselves, I pray, and be at peace. | | 1H6 IV.i.115 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Let this dissention first be tried by fight, | Let his dissension first be tried by fight, | | 1H6 IV.i.116 | |
And then your Highnesse shall command a Peace. | And then your highness shall command a peace. | | 1H6 IV.i.117 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
The quarrell toucheth none but vs alone, | The quarrel toucheth none but us alone; | touch (v.) affect, concern, regard, relate to | 1H6 IV.i.118 | |
Betwixt our selues let vs decide it then. | Betwixt ourselves let us decide it then. | | 1H6 IV.i.119 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
There is my pledge, accept it Somerset. | There is my pledge; accept it, Somerset. | pledge (n.) glove [thrown down], gage | 1H6 IV.i.120 | |
Ver. | VERNON | | | |
Nay, let it rest where it began at first. | Nay, let it rest where it began at first. | rest (v.) remain, stay, stand | 1H6 IV.i.121 | |
Bass. | BASSET | | | |
Confirme it so, mine honourable Lord. | Confirm it so, mine honourable lord. | | 1H6 IV.i.122 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Confirme it so? Confounded be your strife, | Confirm it so? Confounded be your strife, | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | 1H6 IV.i.123 | |
And perish ye with your audacious prate, | And perish ye with your audacious prate! | prate (n.) prattle, chatter, blather | 1H6 IV.i.124 | |
Presumptuous vassals, are you not asham'd | Presumptuous vassals, are you not ashamed | vassal (n.) servant, slave, subject | 1H6 IV.i.125 | |
With this immodest clamorous outrage, | With this immodest clamorous outrage | immodest (adj.) arrogant, insolent, shameless | 1H6 IV.i.126 | |
| | outrage (n.) passionate expression, emotional outcry | | |
To trouble and disturbe the King, and Vs? | To trouble and disturb the King and us? | | 1H6 IV.i.127 | |
And you my Lords, me thinkes you do not well | And you, my lords, methinks you do not well | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | 1H6 IV.i.128 | |
To beare with their peruerse Obiections: | To bear with their perverse objections, | objection (n.) accusation, charge, allegation | 1H6 IV.i.129 | |
Much lesse to take occasion from their mouthes, | Much less to take occasion from their mouths | occasion (n.) circumstance, opportunity | 1H6 IV.i.130 | |
To raise a mutiny betwixt your selues. | To raise a mutiny betwixt yourselves. | mutiny (n.) riot, civil disturbance, state of discord | 1H6 IV.i.131 | |
Let me perswade you take a better course. | Let me persuade you take a better course. | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | 1H6 IV.i.132 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
It greeues his Highnesse, / Good my Lords, be Friends. | It grieves his highness. Good my lords, be friends. | | 1H6 IV.i.133 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Come hither you that would be Combatants: | Come hither, you that would be combatants. | | 1H6 IV.i.134 | |
Henceforth I charge you, as you loue our fauour, | Henceforth I charge you, as you love our favour, | | 1H6 IV.i.135 | |
Quite to forget this Quarrell, and the cause. | Quite to forget this quarrel and the cause. | | 1H6 IV.i.136 | |
And you my Lords: Remember where we are, | And you, my lords, remember where we are – | | 1H6 IV.i.137 | |
In France, amongst a fickle wauering Nation: | In France, amongst a fickle, wavering nation; | | 1H6 IV.i.138 | |
If they perceyue dissention in our lookes, | If they perceive dissension in our looks | | 1H6 IV.i.139 | |
And that within our selues we disagree; | And that within ourselves we disagree, | within (prep.) among | 1H6 IV.i.140 | |
How will their grudging stomackes be prouok'd | How will their grudging stomachs be provoked | stomach (n.) feelings, temper, state of mind | 1H6 IV.i.141 | |
| | grudging (adj.) resentful, embittered, aggrieved | | |
To wilfull Disobedience, and Rebell? | To wilful disobedience, and rebel! | | 1H6 IV.i.142 | |
Beside, What infamy will there arise, | Beside, what infamy will there arise | infamy (n.) bad report, terrible reputation | 1H6 IV.i.143 | |
When Forraigne Princes shall be certified, | When foreign princes shall be certified | certify (v.) inform, assure, demonstrate to | 1H6 IV.i.144 | |
That for a toy, a thing of no regard, | That for a toy, a thing of no regard, | toy (n.) whim, caprice, trifling matter | 1H6 IV.i.145 | |
| | regard (n.) respect, repute, esteem | | |
King Henries Peeres, and cheefe Nobility, | King Henry's peers and chief nobility | | 1H6 IV.i.146 | |
Destroy'd themselues, and lost the Realme of France? | Destroyed themselves and lost the realm of France! | | 1H6 IV.i.147 | |
Oh thinke vpon the Conquest of my Father, | O, think upon the conquest of my father, | | 1H6 IV.i.148 | |
My tender yeares, and let vs not forgoe | My tender years, and let us not forgo | forgo (v.) lose, part with, give up | 1H6 IV.i.149 | |
That for a trifle, that was bought with blood. | That for a trifle that was bought with blood! | | 1H6 IV.i.150 | |
Let me be Vmper in this doubtfull strife: | Let me be umpire in this doubtful strife. | doubtful (adj.) worrisome, disquieting; or: of uncertain outcome | 1H6 IV.i.151 | |
I see no reason if I weare this Rose, | I see no reason, if I wear this rose, | | 1H6 IV.i.152 | |
| (He puts on a red rose) | | 1H6 IV.i.153 | |
That any one should therefore be suspitious | That anyone should therefore be suspicious | | 1H6 IV.i.153 | |
I more incline to Somerset, than Yorke: | I more incline to Somerset than York; | incline to (v.) lean towards, favour, support | 1H6 IV.i.154 | |
Both are my kinsmen, and I loue them both. | Both are my kinsmen, and I love them both. | | 1H6 IV.i.155 | |
As well they may vpbray'd me with my Crowne, | As well they may upbraid me with my crown | | 1H6 IV.i.156 | |
Because (forsooth) the King of Scots is Crown'd. | Because, forsooth, the King of Scots is crowned. | forsooth (adv.) in truth, certainly, truly, indeed | 1H6 IV.i.157 | |
But your discretions better can perswade, | But your discretions better can persuade | | 1H6 IV.i.158 | |
Then I am able to instruct or teach: | Than I am able to instruct or teach; | | 1H6 IV.i.159 | |
And therefore, as we hither came in peace, | And, therefore, as we hither came in peace, | | 1H6 IV.i.160 | |
So let vs still continue peace, and loue. | So let us still continue peace and love. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | 1H6 IV.i.161 | |
Cosin of Yorke, we institute your Grace | Cousin of York, we institute your grace | institute (v.) appoint, name, place in office | 1H6 IV.i.162 | |
To be our Regent in these parts of France: | To be our Regent in these parts of France; | | 1H6 IV.i.163 | |
And good my Lord of Somerset, vnite | And, good my lord of Somerset, unite | | 1H6 IV.i.164 | |
Your Troopes of horsemen, with his Bands of foote, | Your troops of horsemen with his bands of foot; | foot (n.) foot-soldiers, infantry | 1H6 IV.i.165 | |
And like true Subiects, sonnes of your Progenitors, | And like true subjects, sons of your progenitors, | progenitor (n.) forefather, ancestor, forebear | 1H6 IV.i.166 | |
Go cheerefully together, and digest | Go cheerfully together and digest | digest, disgest (v.) dissipate, disperse, get rid of | 1H6 IV.i.167 | |
Your angry Choller on your Enemies. | Your angry choler on your enemies. | choler (n.) anger, rage, wrath | 1H6 IV.i.168 | |
Our Selfe, my Lord Protector, and the rest, | Ourself, my Lord Protector, and the rest | | 1H6 IV.i.169 | |
After some respit, will returne to Calice; | After some respite will return to Calais; | respite (n.) interval, pause, delay | 1H6 IV.i.170 | |
From thence to England, where I hope ere long | From thence to England, where I hope ere long | | 1H6 IV.i.171 | |
To be presented by your Victories, | To be presented, by your victories, | | 1H6 IV.i.172 | |
With Charles, Alanson, and that Traiterous rout. | With Charles, Alençon, and that traitorous rout. | rout (n.) rabble, mob, disorderly crowd | 1H6 IV.i.173 | |
Exeunt. | Flourish. Exeunt all but Richard Duke of | | 1H6 IV.i.173.1 | |
Manet Yorke, Warwick, Exeter, Vernon. | York, Warwick, Exeter, Vernon | | 1H6 IV.i.173.2 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
My Lord of Yorke, I promise you the King | My Lord of York, I promise you, the King | promise (v.) assure, declare [to], tell plainly | 1H6 IV.i.174 | |
Prettily (me thought) did play the Orator.) | Prettily, methought, did play the orator. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | 1H6 IV.i.175 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
And so he did, but yet I like it not, | And so he did; but yet I like it not, | | 1H6 IV.i.176 | |
In that he weares the badge of Somerset. | In that he wears the badge of Somerset. | | 1H6 IV.i.177 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
Tush, that was but his fancie, blame him not, | Tush, that was but his fancy; blame him not; | | 1H6 IV.i.178 | |
I dare presume (sweet Prince) he thought no harme. | I dare presume, sweet prince, he thought no harm. | | 1H6 IV.i.179 | |
York. | RICHARD | | | |
And if I wish he did. But let it rest, | An if I wist he did – but let it rest; | wist (v.), past form of wit knew for certain | 1H6 IV.i.180 | |
| | an if (conj.) if | | |
Other affayres must now be managed. | Other affairs must now be managed. | | 1H6 IV.i.181 | |
Exeunt. Flourish. Manet Exeter. | Exeunt all but Exeter | | 1H6 IV.i.181 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
Well didst thou Richard to suppresse thy voice: | Well didst thou, Richard, to suppress thy voice; | | 1H6 IV.i.182 | |
For had the passions of thy heart burst out, | For, had the passions of thy heart burst out, | | 1H6 IV.i.183 | |
I feare we should haue seene decipher'd there | I fear we should have seen deciphered there | decipher (v.) discover, detect, find out | 1H6 IV.i.184 | |
More rancorous spight, more furious raging broyles, | More rancorous spite, more furious raging broils, | broil (n.) turmoil, confused fighting, battle | 1H6 IV.i.185 | |
Then yet can be imagin'd or suppos'd: | Than yet can be imagined or supposed. | suppose (v.) guess at, speculate about | 1H6 IV.i.186 | |
But howsoere, no simple man that sees | But howsoe'er, no simple man that sees | simple (adj.) common, ordinary, average, humble | 1H6 IV.i.187 | |
This iarring discord of Nobilitie, | This jarring discord of nobility, | | 1H6 IV.i.188 | |
This shouldering of each other in the Court, | This shouldering of each other in the court, | shouldering (n.) pushing with the shoulder, jostling | 1H6 IV.i.189 | |
This factious bandying of their Fauourites, | This factious bandying of their favourites, | factious (adj.) sectarian, partisan, arising from factions | 1H6 IV.i.190 | |
| | favourite (n.) follower, supporter, ally | | |
| | bandying (n.) verbal strife, exchange of words | | |
But that it doth presage some ill euent. | But that it doth presage some ill event. | event (n.) outcome, issue, consequence | 1H6 IV.i.191 | |
| | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | | |
| | presage (v.) signify, indicate | | |
'Tis much, when Scepters are in Childrens hands: | 'Tis much when sceptres are in children's hands; | much (adj.) serious, of great matter | 1H6 IV.i.192 | |
But more, when Enuy breeds vnkinde deuision, | But more when envy breeds unkind division. | envy (n.) malice, ill-will, enmity | 1H6 IV.i.193 | |
| | unkind (adj.) unnatural, abnormal, aberrant | | |
| | division (n.) dissension, discord, disunity | | |
There comes the ruine, there begins confusion. | There comes the ruin, there begins confusion. | confusion (n.) destruction, overthrow, ruin | 1H6 IV.i.194 | |
Exit. | Exit | | 1H6 IV.i.194 | |