First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Richard Plantagenet, Warwick, Somerset, | Enter Richard Plantagenet, Warwick, Somerset, | | 1H6 II.iv.1.1 | |
Poole, and others. | Suffolk, Vernon, a Lawyer, and other gentlemen | | 1H6 II.iv.1.2 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Great Lords and Gentlemen, / What meanes this silence? | Great lords and gentlemen, what means this silence? | | 1H6 II.iv.1 | |
Dare no man answer in a Case of Truth? | Dare no man answer in a case of truth? | | 1H6 II.iv.2 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Within the Temple Hall we were too lowd, | Within the Temple Hall we were too loud; | | 1H6 II.iv.3 | |
The Garden here is more conuenient. | The garden here is more convenient. | convenient (adj.) fitting, suitable, appropriate | 1H6 II.iv.4 | |
York. | RICHARD | | | |
Then say at once, if I maintain'd the Truth: | Then say at once if I maintained the truth; | | 1H6 II.iv.5 | |
Or else was wrangling Somerset in th'error? | Or else was wrangling Somerset in th' error? | wrangling (adj.) quarrelsome, disputatious, argumentative | 1H6 II.iv.6 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Faith I haue beene a Truant in the Law, | Faith, I have been a truant in the law | truant (n.) negligent student, remiss practitioner, absentee | 1H6 II.iv.7 | |
And neuer yet could frame my will to it, | And never yet could frame my will to it; | frame (v.) adapt, adjust, shape, accommodate | 1H6 II.iv.8 | |
And therefore frame the Law vnto my will. | And therefore frame the law unto my will. | | 1H6 II.iv.9 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Iudge you, my Lord of Warwicke, then betweene vs. | Judge you, my Lord of Warwick, then between us. | | 1H6 II.iv.10 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
Between two Hawks, which flyes the higher pitch, | Between two hawks, which flies the higher pitch; | pitch (n.) height [to which a bird of prey soars before swooping] | 1H6 II.iv.11 | |
Between two Dogs, which hath the deeper mouth, | Between two dogs, which hath the deeper mouth; | mouth (n.) bark, baying, howl | 1H6 II.iv.12 | |
| | deep (adj.) loud, resounding; low-pitched | | |
Between two Blades, which beares the better temper, | Between two blades, which bears the better temper; | temper (n.) quality, constitution, condition | 1H6 II.iv.13 | |
| | bear (v.), past forms bore, borne keep, present, show | | |
Between two Horses, which doth beare him best, | Between two horses, which doth bear him best; | bear (v.), past forms bore, borne behave, look, conduct [oneself] | 1H6 II.iv.14 | |
Between two Girles, which hath the merryest eye, | Between two girls, which hath the merriest eye, | | 1H6 II.iv.15 | |
I haue perhaps some shallow spirit of Iudgement: | I have perhaps some shallow spirit of judgement; | | 1H6 II.iv.16 | |
But in these nice sharpe Quillets of the Law, | But in these nice sharp quillets of the law, | nice (adj.) fine, precise, particular, subtle | 1H6 II.iv.17 | |
| | quillet (n.) quibble, equivocation, hair-splitting distinction | | |
| | sharp (adj.) subtle, delicate, acute | | |
Good faith I am no wiser then a Daw. | Good faith, I am no wiser than a daw. | daw (n.) jackdaw [as noted for its stupidity]; dolt, fool | 1H6 II.iv.18 | |
York. | RICHARD | | | |
Tut, tut, here is a mannerly forbearance: | Tut, tut, here is a mannerly forbearance. | mannerly (adj.) well-mannered, courteous, genteel | 1H6 II.iv.19 | |
| | forbearance (n.) refusal, reluctance [to be involved] | | |
The truth appeares so naked on my side, | The truth appears so naked on my side | | 1H6 II.iv.20 | |
That any purblind eye may find it out. | That any purblind eye may find it out. | purblind (adj.) half-blind, dim-sighted | 1H6 II.iv.21 | |
| | find out (v.) detect, perceive, grasp | | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
And on my side it is so well apparrell'd, | And on my side it is so well-apparelled, | apparel (v.) clothe, dress up, trick out | 1H6 II.iv.22 | |
So cleare, so shining, and so euident, | So clear, so shining, and so evident, | | 1H6 II.iv.23 | |
That it will glimmer through a blind-mans eye. | That it will glimmer through a blind man's eye. | | 1H6 II.iv.24 | |
York. | RICHARD | | | |
Since you are tongue-ty'd, and so loth to speake, | Since you are tongue-tied and so loath to speak, | | 1H6 II.iv.25 | |
In dumbe significants proclayme your thoughts: | In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts. | significant (n.) sign, signal, indication | 1H6 II.iv.26 | |
| | dumb (adj.) wordless, silent, mute | | |
Let him that is a true-borne Gentleman, | Let him that is a true-born gentleman | | 1H6 II.iv.27 | |
And stands vpon the honor of his birth, | And stands upon the honour of his birth, | stand upon (v.) make an issue of, insist upon, bother about | 1H6 II.iv.28 | |
If he suppose that I haue pleaded truth, | If he suppose that I have pleaded truth, | plead (v.) make a case for, present an argument for | 1H6 II.iv.29 | |
From off this Bryer pluck a white Rose with me. | From off this briar pluck a white rose with me. | | 1H6 II.iv.30 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Let him that is no Coward, nor no Flatterer, | Let him that is no coward nor no flatterer, | | 1H6 II.iv.31 | |
But dare maintaine the partie of the truth, | But dare maintain the party of the truth, | party (n.) side, position, viewpoint | 1H6 II.iv.32 | |
Pluck a red Rose from off this Thorne with me. | Pluck a red rose from off this thorn with me. | | 1H6 II.iv.33 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
I loue no Colours: and without all colour | I love no colours; and, without all colour | colour (n.) semblance, outward appearance, character | 1H6 II.iv.34 | |
Of base insinuating flatterie, | Of base insinuating flattery, | insinuating (adj.) ingratiating, fawning, obsequious | 1H6 II.iv.35 | |
| | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | | |
I pluck this white Rose with Plantagenet. | I pluck this white rose with Plantagenet. | | 1H6 II.iv.36 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
I pluck this red Rose, with young Somerset, | I pluck this red rose with young Somerset, | | 1H6 II.iv.37 | |
And say withall, I thinke he held the right. | And say withal I think he held the right. | hold (v.) keep, maintain, observe | 1H6 II.iv.38 | |
Vernon. | VERNON | | | |
Stay Lords and Gentlemen, and pluck no more | Stay, lords and gentlemen, and pluck no more | | 1H6 II.iv.39 | |
Till you conclude, that he vpon whose side | Till you conclude that he upon whose side | | 1H6 II.iv.40 | |
The fewest Roses are cropt from the Tree, | The fewest roses are cropped from the tree | crop (v.) cut down, remove, hack off | 1H6 II.iv.41 | |
Shall yeeld the other in the right opinion. | Shall yield the other in the right opinion. | yield (v.) concede, acknowledge, grant | 1H6 II.iv.42 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Good Master Vernon, it is well obiected: | Good Master Vernon, it is well objected; | objected (adj.) [legal sense] urged as an objection, brought forward in argument | 1H6 II.iv.43 | |
If I haue fewest, I subscribe in silence. | If I have fewest, I subscribe in silence. | subscribe (v.) concur, consent, give assent | 1H6 II.iv.44 | |
York. | RICHARD | | | |
And I. | And I. | | 1H6 II.iv.45 | |
Vernon. | VERNON | | | |
Then for the truth, and plainnesse of the Case, | Then, for the truth and plainness of the case, | | 1H6 II.iv.46 | |
I pluck this pale and Maiden Blossome here, | I pluck this pale and maiden blossom here, | | 1H6 II.iv.47 | |
Giuing my Verdict on the white Rose side. | Giving my verdict on the white rose side. | verdict (n.) decision, pledge, final word | 1H6 II.iv.48 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Prick not your finger as you pluck it off, | Prick not your finger as you pluck it off, | | 1H6 II.iv.49 | |
Least bleeding, you doe paint the white Rose red, | Lest, bleeding, you do paint the white rose red, | | 1H6 II.iv.50 | |
And fall on my side so against your will. | And fall on my side so against your will. | | 1H6 II.iv.51 | |
Vernon. | VERNON | | | |
If I, my Lord, for my opinion bleed, | If I, my lord, for my opinion bleed, | opinion (n.) judgement, conviction, belief | 1H6 II.iv.52 | |
Opinion shall be Surgeon to my hurt, | Opinion shall be surgeon to my hurt | opinion (n.) reputation, character, honour | 1H6 II.iv.53 | |
And keepe me on the side where still I am. | And keep me on the side where still I am. | | 1H6 II.iv.54 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Well, well, come on, who else? | Well, well, come on; who else? | | 1H6 II.iv.55 | |
Lawyer. | LAWYER | | | |
| (to Somerset) | | 1H6 II.iii.56 | |
Vnlesse my Studie and my Bookes be false, | Unless my study and my books be false, | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | 1H6 II.iv.56 | |
The argument you held, was wrong in you; | The argument you held was wrong in you; | | 1H6 II.iv.57 | |
In signe whereof, I pluck a white Rose too. | In sign whereof I pluck a white rose too. | | 1H6 II.iv.58 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Now Somerset, where is your argument? | Now, Somerset, where is your argument? | | 1H6 II.iv.59 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Here in my Scabbard, meditating, that | Here in my scabbard, meditating that | meditate (v.) contemplate, plan, deliberate | 1H6 II.iv.60 | |
Shall dye your white Rose in a bloody red. | Shall dye your white rose in a bloody red. | bloody (adj.) portending bloodshed; or: blood-red, scarlet | 1H6 II.iv.61 | |
York. | RICHARD | | | |
Meane time your cheeks do counterfeit our Roses: | Meantime your cheeks do counterfeit our roses; | counterfeit (v.) copy, imitate, simulate | 1H6 II.iv.62 | |
For pale they looke with feare, as witnessing | For pale they look with fear, as witnessing | | 1H6 II.iv.63 | |
The truth on our side. | The truth on our side. | | 1H6 II.iv.64.1 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
No Plantagenet: | No, Plantagenet, | | 1H6 II.iv.64.2 | |
'Tis not for feare, but anger, that thy cheekes | 'Tis not for fear, but anger, that thy cheeks | | 1H6 II.iv.65 | |
Blush for pure shame, to counterfeit our Roses, | Blush for pure shame to counterfeit our roses, | | 1H6 II.iv.66 | |
And yet thy tongue will not confesse thy error. | And yet thy tongue will not confess thy error. | | 1H6 II.iv.67 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Hath not thy Rose a Canker, Somerset? | Hath not thy rose a canker, Somerset? | canker (n./adj.) grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite | 1H6 II.iv.68 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Hath not thy Rose a Thorne, Plantagenet? | Hath not thy rose a thorn, Plantagenet? | | 1H6 II.iv.69 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
I, sharpe and piercing to maintaine his truth, | Ay, sharp and piercing, to maintain his truth, | | 1H6 II.iv.70 | |
Whiles thy consuming Canker eates his falsehood. | Whiles thy consuming canker eats his falsehood. | | 1H6 II.iv.71 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Well, Ile find friends to weare my bleeding Roses, | Well, I'll find friends to wear my bleeding roses, | | 1H6 II.iv.72 | |
That shall maintaine what I haue said is true, | That shall maintain what I have said is true | | 1H6 II.iv.73 | |
Where false Plantagenet dare not be seene. | Where false Plantagenet dare not be seen. | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | 1H6 II.iv.74 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Now by this Maiden Blossome in my hand, | Now, by this maiden blossom in my hand, | | 1H6 II.iv.75 | |
I scorne thee and thy fashion, peeuish Boy. | I scorn thee and thy fashion, peevish boy. | peevish (adj.) silly, foolish; or: headstrong, impulsive | 1H6 II.iv.76 | |
| | fashion (n.) observance, style, latest practice | | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Turne not thy scornes this way, Plantagenet. | Turn not thy scorns this way, Plantagenet. | scorn (n.) mockery, taunt, insult, act of derision | 1H6 II.iv.77 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Prowd Poole, I will, and scorne both him and thee. | Proud Pole, I will, and scorn both him and thee. | | 1H6 II.iv.78 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Ile turne my part thereof into thy throat. | I'll turn my part thereof into thy throat. | | 1H6 II.iv.79 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Away, away, good William de la Poole, | Away, away, good William de la Pole! | | 1H6 II.iv.80 | |
We grace the Yeoman, by conuersing with him. | We grace the yeoman by conversing with him. | grace (v.) favour, add merit to, do honour to | 1H6 II.iv.81 | |
| | yeoman (n.) [term of abuse] commoner, plebeian | | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Now by Gods will thou wrong'st him, Somerset: | Now, by God's will, thou wrongest him, Somerset; | | 1H6 II.iv.82 | |
His Grandfather was Lyonel Duke of Clarence, | His grandfather was Lionel Duke of Clarence, | | 1H6 II.iv.83 | |
Third Sonne to the third Edward King of England: | Third son to the third Edward, King of England. | | 1H6 II.iv.84 | |
Spring Crestlesse Yeomen from so deepe a Root? | Spring crestless yeomen from so deep a root? | crestless (adj.) lacking a heraldic crest | 1H6 II.iv.85 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
He beares him on the place's Priuiledge, | He bears him on the place's privilege, | privilege (n.) sanctuary, immunity, asylum | 1H6 II.iv.86 | |
| | bear (v.), past forms bore, borne carry on, manage, conduct [an affair] | | |
Or durst not for his crauen heart say thus. | Or durst not for his craven heart say thus. | craven (adj.) cowardly, spineless, weak-hearted | 1H6 II.iv.87 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
By him that made me, Ile maintaine my words | By Him that made me, I'll maintain my words | | 1H6 II.iv.88 | |
On any Plot of Ground in Christendome. | On any plot of ground in Christendom. | | 1H6 II.iv.89 | |
Was not thy Father Richard, Earle of Cambridge, | Was not thy father, Richard Earl of Cambridge, | | 1H6 II.iv.90 | |
For Treason executed in our late Kings dayes? | For treason executed in our late king's days? | | 1H6 II.iv.91 | |
And by his Treason, stand'st not thou attainted, | And by his treason standest not thou attainted, | attaint (v.) taint [by treason], corrupt | 1H6 II.iv.92 | |
Corrupted, and exempt from ancient Gentry? | Corrupted, and exempt from ancient gentry? | exempt (adj.) removed, cut off, excluded, debarred | 1H6 II.iv.93 | |
| | gentry (n.) position of gentleman, high rank | | |
| | corrupted (adj.) tainted [by a crime], deprived of title | | |
| | ancient, aunchient (adj.) long-established, long-standing | | |
His Trespas yet liues guiltie in thy blood, | His trespass yet lives guilty in thy blood, | | 1H6 II.iv.94 | |
And till thou be restor'd, thou art a Yeoman. | And till thou be restored thou art a yeoman. | restore (v.) have one's titles returned, reinstate | 1H6 II.iv.95 | |
| | yeoman (n.) [term of abuse] commoner, plebeian | | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
My Father was attached, not attainted, | My father was attached, not attainted, | attaint (v.) taint [by treason], corrupt | 1H6 II.iv.96 | |
| | attach (v.) arrest, seize by warrant | | |
Condemn'd to dye for Treason, but no Traytor; | Condemned to die for treason, but no traitor; | | 1H6 II.iv.97 | |
And that Ile proue on better men then Somerset, | And that I'll prove on better men than Somerset, | prove (v.) test, try out, make trial [of] | 1H6 II.iv.98 | |
Were growing time once ripened to my will. | Were growing time once ripened to my will. | | 1H6 II.iv.99 | |
For your partaker Poole, and you your selfe, | For your partaker Pole, and you yourself, | partaker (n.) ally, supporter, associate | 1H6 II.iv.100 | |
Ile note you in my Booke of Memorie, | I'll note you in my book of memory | | 1H6 II.iv.101 | |
To scourge you for this apprehension: | To scourge you for this apprehension. | apprehension (n.) opinion, notion, view | 1H6 II.iv.102 | |
Looke to it well, and say you are well warn'd. | Look to it well and say you are well warned. | | 1H6 II.iv.103 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Ah, thou shalt finde vs ready for thee still: | Ah, thou shalt find us ready for thee still; | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | 1H6 II.iv.104 | |
And know vs by these Colours for thy Foes, | And know us by these colours for thy foes, | | 1H6 II.iv.105 | |
For these, my friends in spight of thee shall weare. | For these my friends in spite of thee shall wear. | spite of, in spite of (prep.) in defiance of | 1H6 II.iv.106 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
And by my Soule, this pale and angry Rose, | And, by my soul, this pale and angry rose, | | 1H6 II.iv.107 | |
As Cognizance of my blood-drinking hate, | As cognizance of my blood-drinking hate, | cognizance (n.) badge, sign, token | 1H6 II.iv.108 | |
| | blood-drinking (adj.) bloodthirsty, eager for bloodshed | | |
Will I for euer, and my Faction weare, | Will I for ever, and my faction, wear | | 1H6 II.iv.109 | |
Vntill it wither with me to my Graue, | Until it wither with me to my grave, | | 1H6 II.iv.110 | |
Or flourish to the height of my Degree. | Or flourish to the height of my degree. | degree (n.) rank, station, standing | 1H6 II.iv.111 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Goe forward, and be choak'd with thy ambition: | Go forward, and be choked with thy ambition! | | 1H6 II.iv.112 | |
And so farwell, vntill I meet thee next. | And so farewell until I meet thee next. | | 1H6 II.iv.113 | |
Exit. | Exit | | 1H6 II.iv.113 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
Haue with thee Poole: Farwell ambitious Richard. | Have with thee, Pole. Farewell, ambitious Richard. | have with you I'll join you, I'll be with you | 1H6 II.iv.114 | |
Exit. | Exit | | 1H6 II.iv.114 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
How I am brau'd, and must perforce endure it? | How I am braved and must perforce endure it! | endure (v.) undergo, suffer, put up with | 1H6 II.iv.115 | |
| | perforce (adv.) of necessity, with no choice in the matter | | |
| | brave (v.) challenge, defy, confront, provoke | | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
This blot that they obiect against your House, | This blot that they object against your house | object (v.) urge, adduce, bring up | 1H6 II.iv.116 | |
Shall be whipt out in the next Parliament, | Shall be wiped out in the next parliament, | | 1H6 II.iv.117 | |
Call'd for the Truce of Winchester and Gloucester: | Called for the truce of Winchester and Gloucester; | | 1H6 II.iv.118 | |
And if thou be not then created Yorke, | And if thou be not then created York, | | 1H6 II.iv.119 | |
I will not liue to be accounted Warwicke. | I will not live to be accounted Warwick. | | 1H6 II.iv.120 | |
Meane time, in signall of my loue to thee, | Meantime, in signal of my love to thee, | signal (n.) sign, indication, token | 1H6 II.iv.121 | |
Against prowd Somerset, and William Poole, | Against proud Somerset and William Pole, | | 1H6 II.iv.122 | |
Will I vpon thy partie weare this Rose. | Will I upon thy party wear this rose: | party (n.) side, faction, camp | 1H6 II.iv.123 | |
And here I prophecie: this brawle to day, | And here I prophesy; this brawl today, | | 1H6 II.iv.124 | |
Growne to this faction in the Temple Garden, | Grown to this faction in the Temple garden, | faction (n.) party, group, set [of people] | 1H6 II.iv.125 | |
Shall send betweene the Red-Rose and the White, | Shall send between the red rose and the white | | 1H6 II.iv.126 | |
A thousand Soules to Death and deadly Night. | A thousand souls to death and deadly night. | | 1H6 II.iv.127 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Good Master Vernon, I am bound to you, | Good Master Vernon, I am bound to you | bound (adj.) obliged, indebted, under an obligation | 1H6 II.iv.128 | |
That you on my behalfe would pluck a Flower. | That you on my behalf would pluck a flower. | | 1H6 II.iv.129 | |
Ver. | VERNON | | | |
In your behalfe still will I weare the same. | In your behalf still will I wear the same. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | 1H6 II.iv.130 | |
Lawyer. | LAWYER | | | |
And so will I. | And so will I. | | 1H6 II.iv.131 | |
Yorke. | RICHARD | | | |
Thankes gentle. | Thanks, gentle sir. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | 1H6 II.iv.132 | |
Come, let vs foure to Dinner: I dare say, | Come, let us four to dinner. I dare say | | 1H6 II.iv.133 | |
This Quarrell will drinke Blood another day. | This quarrel will drink blood another day. | | 1H6 II.iv.134 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | 1H6 II.iv.134 | |