First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter before Angiers, Philip King of France, Lewis, | Enter on one side King Philip of France, Lewis the | | KJ II.i.1.1 | |
Daulphin, Austria, Constance, Arthur. | Dauphin, Constance, Arthur, lords, and soldiers; on | | KJ II.i.1.2 | |
| the other side the Archduke of Austria and soldiers | | KJ II.i.1.3 | |
Lewis. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Before Angiers well met braue Austria, | Before Angiers well met, brave Austria. | Angiers [pron: on'zheeay] Angers, NW France; capital of the former province of Anjou | KJ II.i.1 | |
| | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | | |
Arthur that great fore-runner of thy bloud, | Arthur, that great forerunner of thy blood, | | KJ II.i.2 | |
Richard that rob'd the Lion of his heart, | Richard, that robbed the lion of his heart | | KJ II.i.3 | |
And fought the holy Warres in Palestine, | And fought the holy wars in Palestine, | | KJ II.i.4 | |
By this braue Duke came early to his graue: | By this brave duke came early to his grave. | | KJ II.i.5 | |
And for amends to his posteritie, | And for amends to his posterity, | | KJ II.i.6 | |
At our importance hether is he come, | At our importance hither is he come | importance (n.) urgent request, urging, encouragement | KJ II.i.7 | |
To spread his colours boy, in thy behalfe, | To spread his colours, boy, in thy behalf, | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | KJ II.i.8 | |
And to rebuke the vsurpation | And to rebuke the usurpation | rebuke (v.) repress, put down, check | KJ II.i.9 | |
Of thy vnnaturall Vncle, English Iohn, | Of thy unnatural uncle, English John. | | KJ II.i.10 | |
Embrace him, loue him, giue him welcome hether. | Embrace him, love him, give him welcome hither. | | KJ II.i.11 | |
Arth. | ARTHUR | | | |
God shall forgiue you Cordelions death | God shall forgive you Coeur-de-lion's death | | KJ II.i.12 | |
The rather, that you giue his off-spring life, | The rather that you give his offspring life, | | KJ II.i.13 | |
Shadowing their right vnder your wings of warre: | Shadowing their right under your wings of war. | shadow (v.) shelter, give protection to | KJ II.i.14 | |
I giue you welcome with a powerlesse hand, | I give you welcome with a powerless hand, | | KJ II.i.15 | |
But with a heart full of vnstained loue, | But with a heart full of unstained love. | unstained (adj.) unmitigated, unaffected, no longer stained with hatred | KJ II.i.16 | |
Welcome before the gates of Angiers Duke. | Welcome before the gates of Angiers, Duke! | | KJ II.i.17 | |
Lewis. | KING PHILIP | | | |
A noble boy, who would not doe thee right? | A noble boy! Who would not do thee right! | right, do one support one's cause, take one's part | KJ II.i.18 | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
Vpon thy cheeke lay I this zelous kisse, | Upon thy cheek lay I this zealous kiss, | zealous (adj.) earnest, fervent, ardent | KJ II.i.19 | |
As seale to this indenture of my loue: | As seal to this indenture of my love: | indenture (n.) contract, agreement | KJ II.i.20 | |
That to my home I will no more returne | That to my home I will no more return | | KJ II.i.21 | |
Till Angiers, and the right thou hast in France, | Till Angiers and the right thou hast in France, | | KJ II.i.22 | |
Together with that pale, that white-fac'd shore, | Together with that pale, that white-faced shore, | | KJ II.i.23 | |
Whose foot spurnes backe the Oceans roaring tides, | Whose foot spurns back the ocean's roaring tides | spurn (v.) kick, strike, stamp [on], dash | KJ II.i.24 | |
And coopes from other lands her Ilanders, | And coops from other lands her islanders, | coop (v.) enclose, bind in, protect | KJ II.i.25 | |
Euen till that England hedg'd in with the maine, | Even till that England, hedged in with the main, | main (n.) open sea, ocean | KJ II.i.26 | |
That Water-walled Bulwarke, still secure | That water-walled bulwark, still secure | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | KJ II.i.27 | |
And confident from forreine purposes, | And confident from foreign purposes, | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | KJ II.i.28 | |
Euen till that vtmost corner of the West | Even till that utmost corner of the west | | KJ II.i.29 | |
Salute thee for her King, till then faire boy | Salute thee for her king. Till then, fair boy, | salute (v.) greet, welcome, address | KJ II.i.30 | |
Will I not thinke of home, but follow Armes. | Will I not think of home, but follow arms. | | KJ II.i.31 | |
Const. | CONSTANCE | | | |
O take his mothers thanks, a widdows thanks, | O, take his mother's thanks, a widow's thanks, | | KJ II.i.32 | |
Till your strong hand shall helpe to giue him strength, | Till your strong hand shall help to give him strength | | KJ II.i.33 | |
To make a more requitaIl to your loue. | To make a more requital to your love. | more (adj.) greater | KJ II.i.34 | |
| | requital (n.) recompense, reward, repayment | | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
The peace of heauen is theirs yt lift their swords | The peace of heaven is theirs that lift their swords | | KJ II.i.35 | |
In such a iust and charitable warre. | In such a just and charitable war. | | KJ II.i.36 | |
King. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Well, then to worke our Cannon shall be bent | Well then, to work! Our cannon shall be bent | bend (v.) aim, direct, level, turn | KJ II.i.37 | |
Against the browes of this resisting towne, | Against the brows of this resisting town. | brow (n.) height, peak, pinnacle | KJ II.i.38 | |
Call for our cheefest men of discipline, | Call for our chiefest men of discipline, | discipline (n.) military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war | KJ II.i.39 | |
To cull the plots of best aduantages: | To cull the plots of best advantages. | plot (n.) position, situation, site | KJ II.i.40 | |
| | advantage (n.) advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority | | |
| | cull (v.) select, pick out, choose | | |
Wee'll lay before this towne our Royal bones, | We'll lay before this town our royal bones, | | KJ II.i.41 | |
Wade to the market-place in French-mens bloud, | Wade to the market-place in Frenchmen's blood, | | KJ II.i.42 | |
But we will make it subiect to this boy. | But we will make it subject to this boy. | | KJ II.i.43 | |
Con. | CONSTANCE | | | |
Stay for an answer to your Embassie, | Stay for an answer to your embassy, | embassy (n.) message [especially via an ambassador] | KJ II.i.44 | |
Lest vnaduis'd you staine your swords with bloud, | Lest unadvised you stain your swords with blood. | unadvised (adv.) unadvisedly, without proper deliberation | KJ II.i.45 | |
My Lord Chattilion may from England bring | My Lord Chatillon may from England bring | | KJ II.i.46 | |
That right in peace which heere we vrge in warre, | That right in peace which here we urge in war, | right (n.) just claim, rights, title | KJ II.i.47 | |
And then we shall repent each drop of bloud, | And then we shall repent each drop of blood | | KJ II.i.48 | |
That hot rash haste so indirectly shedde. | That hot rash haste so indirectly shed. | indirectly (adv.) wrongfully, unjustly, illegitimately | KJ II.i.49 | |
Enter Chattilion. | Enter Chatillon | | KJ II.i.50 | |
King. | KING PHILIP | | | |
A wonder Lady:lo vpon thy wish | A wonder, lady! Lo, upon thy wish, | | KJ II.i.50 | |
Our Messenger Chattilion is arriu'd, | Our messenger Chatillon is arrived. | | KJ II.i.51 | |
What England saies, say breefely gentle Lord, | What England says, say briefly, gentle lord; | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | KJ II.i.52 | |
We coldly pause for thee, Chatilion speake, | We coldly pause for thee. Chatillon, speak. | coldly (adv.) calmly, coolly, objectively, rationally | KJ II.i.53 | |
Chat. | CHATILLON | | | |
Then turne your forces from this paltry siege, | Then turn your forces from this paltry siege | | KJ II.i.54 | |
And stirre them vp against a mightier taske: | And stir them up against a mightier task. | | KJ II.i.55 | |
England impatient of your iust demands, | England, impatient of your just demands, | | KJ II.i.56 | |
Hath put himselfe in Armes, the aduerse windes | Hath put himself in arms. The adverse winds, | | KJ II.i.57 | |
Whose leisure I haue staid, haue giuen him time | Whose leisure I have stayed, have given him time | stay (v.) wait (for), await | KJ II.i.58 | |
| | leisure (n.) opportunity, moment, available time | | |
To land his Legions all as soone as I: | To land his legions all as soon as I. | | KJ II.i.59 | |
His marches are expedient to this towne, | His marches are expedient to this town, | expedient (adj.) speedy, rapid, expeditious | KJ II.i.60 | |
His forces strong, his Souldiers confident: | His forces strong, his soldiers confident. | | KJ II.i.61 | |
With him along is come the Mother Queene, | With him along is come the Mother-Queen, | | KJ II.i.62 | |
An Ace stirring him to bloud and strife, | An Ate, stirring him to blood and strife; | Ate (n.) [pron: 'ahtee] Greek goddess of discord and vengeance | KJ II.i.63 | |
With her her Neece, the Lady Blanch of Spaine, | With her her niece, the Lady Blanche of Spain; | | KJ II.i.64 | |
With them a Bastard of the Kings deceast, | With them a bastard of the King's deceased. | | KJ II.i.65 | |
And all th'vnsetled humors of the Land, | And all th' unsettled humours of the land – | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | KJ II.i.66 | |
| | unsettled (adj.) discontented, dissatisfied, restless | | |
Rash, inconsiderate, fiery voluntaries, | Rash, inconsiderate, fiery voluntaries, | inconsiderate (adj.) thoughtless, precipitate, reckless | KJ II.i.67 | |
| | voluntary (n.) volunteer | | |
With Ladies faces, and fierce Dragons spleenes, | With ladies' faces and fierce dragons' spleens – | spleen (n.) irritability, malice, bad temper | KJ II.i.68 | |
Haue sold their fortunes at their natiue homes, | Have sold their fortunes at their native homes, | | KJ II.i.69 | |
Bearing their birth-rights proudly on their backs, | Bearing their birthrights proudly on their backs, | | KJ II.i.70 | |
To make a hazard of new fortunes heere: | To make a hazard of new fortunes here. | | KJ II.i.71 | |
In briefe, a brauer choyse of dauntlesse spirits | In brief, a braver choice of dauntless spirits | choice (n.) picked company, select band | KJ II.i.72 | |
| | brave (adj.) fine, excellent, splendid, impressive | | |
Then now the English bottomes haue waft o're, | Than now the English bottoms have waft o'er | waft over (v.) carry across, transport | KJ II.i.73 | |
| | bottom (n.) [nautical: keel, hull] ship, vessel | | |
Did neuer flote vpon the swelling tide, | Did never float upon the swelling tide | | KJ II.i.74 | |
To doe offence and scathe in Christendome: | To do offence and scathe in Christendom. | scath, scathe (n.) harm, hurt, damage | KJ II.i.75 | |
Drum beats. | A drum beats | | KJ II.i.76.1 | |
The interruption of their churlish drums | The interruption of their churlish drums | churlish (adj.) violent, rough, harsh | KJ II.i.76 | |
Cuts off more circumstance, they are at hand, | Cuts off more circumstance. They are at hand – | circumstance (n.) detail(s), particular(s), specifics | KJ II.i.77 | |
To parlie or to fight, therefore prepare. | To parley or to fight! Therefore prepare! | parle, parley (v.) discuss terms, treat, negotiate with | KJ II.i.78 | |
Kin. | KING PHILIP | | | |
How much vnlook'd for, is this expedition. | How much unlooked-for is this expedition! | unlooked-for (adj.) unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen | KJ II.i.79 | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
By how much vnexpected, by so much | By how much unexpected, by so much | | KJ II.i.80 | |
We must awake indeuor for defence, | We must awake endeavour for defence; | | KJ II.i.81 | |
For courage mounteth with occasion, | For courage mounteth with occasion. | occasion (n.) need, want, requirement | KJ II.i.82 | |
Let them be welcome then, we are prepar'd. | Let them be welcome then. We are prepared! | | KJ II.i.83 | |
Enter K. of England, Bastard, Queene, Blanch, | Enter King John, Queen Eleanor, Blanche, the | | KJ II.i.84.1 | |
Pembroke, and others. | Bastard, lords, and soldiers | | KJ II.i.84.2 | |
K.Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Peace be to France: If France in peace permit | Peace be to France – if France in peace permit | | KJ II.i.84 | |
Our iust and lineall entrance to our owne; | Our just and lineal entrance to our own. | lineal (adj.) lineally descended, in the direct line, hereditary | KJ II.i.85 | |
If not, bleede France, and peace ascend to heauen. | If not, bleed France, and peace ascend to heaven, | | KJ II.i.86 | |
Whiles we Gods wrathfull agent doe correct | Whiles we, God's wrathful agent, do correct | correct (v.) punish, chastise, reprimand | KJ II.i.87 | |
Their proud contempt that beats his peace to heauen. | Their proud contempt that beats His peace to heaven. | beat (v.) drive, force, impel | KJ II.i.88 | |
Fran. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Peace be to England, if that warre returne | Peace be to England – if that war return | | KJ II.i.89 | |
From France to England, there to liue in peace: | From France to England, there to live in peace. | | KJ II.i.90 | |
England we loue, and for that Englands sake, | England we love, and for that England's sake | | KJ II.i.91 | |
With burden of our armor heere we sweat: | With burden of our armour here we sweat. | | KJ II.i.92 | |
This toyle of ours should be a worke of thine; | This toil of ours should be a work of thine; | work (n.) deed, doing, action | KJ II.i.93 | |
But thou from louing England art so farre, | But thou from loving England art so far | | KJ II.i.94 | |
That thou hast vnder-wrought his lawfull King, | That thou hast underwrought his lawful king, | underwork (v.) undermine, seek to overthrow | KJ II.i.95 | |
Cut off the sequence of posterity, | Cut off the sequence of posterity, | posterity (n.) family, line of descendants, succession | KJ II.i.96 | |
| | sequence (n.) proper lineal order, order of succession | | |
Out-faced Infant State, and done a rape | Outfaced infant state, and done a rape | outface (v.) defy, intimidate, overcome by confronting | KJ II.i.97 | |
| | state (n.) kingship, majesty, sovereignty | | |
Vpon the maiden vertue of the Crowne: | Upon the maiden virtue of the crown. | | KJ II.i.98 | |
Looke heere vpon thy brother Geffreyes face, | Look here upon thy brother Geoffrey's face. | | KJ II.i.99 | |
These eyes, these browes, were moulded out of his; | These eyes, these brows, were moulded out of his; | brow (n.) eyebrow | KJ II.i.100 | |
This little abstract doth containe that large, | This little abstract doth contain that large | large (n.) full-grown version | KJ II.i.101 | |
| | abstract (n.) epitome, embodiment, personification | | |
Which died in Geffrey: and the hand of time, | Which died in Geoffrey; and the hand of time | | KJ II.i.102 | |
Shall draw this breefe into as huge a volume: | Shall draw this brief into as huge a volume. | draw (v.) write out, draw up, present | KJ II.i.103 | |
| | brief (n.) epitome, embodiment | | |
That Geffrey was thy elder brother borne, | That Geoffrey was thy elder brother born, | | KJ II.i.104 | |
And this his sonne, England was Geffreys right, | And this his son. England was Geoffrey's right, | | KJ II.i.105 | |
And this is Geffreyes in the name of God: | And this is Geoffrey's. In the name of God | | KJ II.i.106 | |
How comes it then that thou art call'd a King, | How comes it then that thou art called a king, | | KJ II.i.107 | |
When liuing blood doth in these temples beat | When living blood doth in these temples beat | | KJ II.i.108 | |
Which owe the crowne, that thou ore-masterest? | Which owe the crown that thou o'ermasterest? | owe (v.) own, possess, have | KJ II.i.109 | |
| | overmaster (v.) usurp, take by force, hold in one's power | | |
K.Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
From whom hast thou this great commission France, | From whom hast thou this great commission, France, | | KJ II.i.110 | |
To draw my answer from thy Articles? | To draw my answer from thy articles? | draw (v.) demand, call forth, extract | KJ II.i.111 | |
| | article (n.) item, particular, point of substance | | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Frõ that supernal Iudge that stirs good thoughts | From that supernal judge that stirs good thoughts | supernal (adj.) celestial, heavenly, divine | KJ II.i.112 | |
In any beast of strong authoritie, | In any breast of strong authority | | KJ II.i.113 | |
To looke into the blots and staines of right, | To look into the blots and stains of right. | blot (n.) stain, disgrace, blemish | KJ II.i.114 | |
That Iudge hath made me guardian to this boy, | That judge hath made me guardian to this boy: | | KJ II.i.115 | |
Vnder whose warrant I impeach thy wrong, | Under whose warrant I impeach thy wrong | impeach (v.) accuse, charge, challenge | KJ II.i.116 | |
And by whose helpe I meane to chastise it. | And by whose help I mean to chastise it. | | KJ II.i.117 | |
K.Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Alack thou dost vsurpe authoritie. | Alack, thou dost usurp authority. | | KJ II.i.118 | |
Fran. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Excuse it is to beat vsurping downe. | Excuse it is to beat usurping down. | | KJ II.i.119 | |
Queen. | QUEEN ELEANOR | | | |
Who is it thou dost call vsurper France? | Who is it thou dost call usurper, France? | | KJ II.i.120 | |
Const. | CONSTANCE | | | |
Let me make answer: thy vsurping sonne. | Let me make answer: thy usurping son. | | KJ II.i.121 | |
Queen. | QUEEN ELEANOR | | | |
Out insolent, thy bastard shall be King, | Out, insolent! Thy bastard shall be king | | KJ II.i.122 | |
That thou maist be a Queen, and checke the world. | That thou mayst be a queen and check the world. | check (v.) take the reins of, control, manage | KJ II.i.123 | |
Con. | CONSTANCE | | | |
My bed was euer to thy sonne as true | My bed was ever to thy son as true | true (adj.) constant, faithful in love | KJ II.i.124 | |
As thine was to thy husband, and this boy | As thine was to thy husband; and this boy | | KJ II.i.125 | |
Liker in feature to his father Geffrey | Liker in feature to his father Geoffrey | like (adj.) same, similar, alike, equal | KJ II.i.126 | |
Then thou and Iohn, in manners being as like, | Than thou and John in manners – being as like | manner (n.) (plural) proper behaviour, good conduct, forms of politeness | KJ II.i.127 | |
As raine to water, or deuill to his damme; | As rain to water or devil to his dam! | dam (n.) mother | KJ II.i.128 | |
My boy a bastard? by my soule I thinke | My boy a bastard! By my soul, I think | | KJ II.i.129 | |
His father neuer was so true begot, | His father never was so true begot. | true (adv.) legitimately, honourably, rightfully | KJ II.i.130 | |
| | beget (v.), past form begot give birth to, father, conceive | | |
It cannot be, and if thou wert his mother. | It cannot be, an if thou wert his mother. | an if (conj.) if | KJ II.i.131 | |
Queen. | QUEEN ELEANOR | | | |
Theres a good mother boy, that blots thy father | There's a good mother, boy, that blots thy father. | blot (v.) slander, defile, blacken | KJ II.i.132 | |
Const. | CONSTANCE | | | |
There's a good grandame boy / That would blot thee. | There's a good grandam, boy, that would blot thee. | grandam (n.) grandmother | KJ II.i.133 | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
Peace. | Peace! | | KJ II.i.134.1 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
Heare the Cryer. | Hear the crier! | crier (n.) officer who makes announcements in a court of law | KJ II.i.134.2 | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
What the deuill art thou? | What the devil art thou? | | KJ II.i.134.3 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
One that wil play the deuill sir with you, | One that will play the devil, sir, with you, | | KJ II.i.135 | |
And a may catch your hide and yon alone: | An 'a may catch your hide and you alone. | and, an (conj.) if, whether | KJ II.i.136 | |
You are the Hare of whom the Prouerb goes | You are the hare of whom the proverb goes, | | KJ II.i.137 | |
Whose valour plucks dead Lyons by the beard; | Whose valour plucks dead lions by the beard. | | KJ II.i.138 | |
Ile smoake your skin-coat and I catch you right, | I'll smoke your skin-coat an I catch you right! | smoke (v.) disinfect, sanitize; beat, thrash | KJ II.i.139 | |
| | skin-coat (n.) coat made of skin, hide | | |
| | and, an (conj.) if, whether | | |
Sirra looke too't, yfaith I will, yfaith. | Sirrah, look to't! I'faith, I will, i'faith! | | KJ II.i.140 | |
Blan. | BLANCHE | | | |
O well did he become that Lyons robe, | O, well did he become that lion's robe | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | KJ II.i.141 | |
That did disrobe the Lion of that robe. | That did disrobe the lion of that robe! | | KJ II.i.142 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
It lies as sightly on the backe of him | It lies as sightly on the back of him | sightly (adv.) appropriately, handsomely, pleasingly | KJ II.i.143 | |
As great Alcides shooes vpon an Asse: | As great Alcides' shows upon an ass. | Alcides (n.) [pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus | KJ II.i.144 | |
But Asse, Ile take that burthen from your backe, | But, ass, I'll take that burden from your back, | | KJ II.i.145 | |
Or lay on that shall make your shoulders cracke. | Or lay on that shall make your shoulders crack. | lay on / upon (v.) inflict blows, beat soundly | KJ II.i.146 | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
What cracker is this same that deafes our eares | What cracker is this same that deafs our ears | deaf (v.) deafen | KJ II.i.147 | |
| | cracker (n.) boaster, braggart, windbag | | |
With this abundance of superfluous breath? | With this abundance of superfluous breath? | | KJ II.i.148 | |
King Lewis, determine what we shall doe strait. | King Philip, determine what we shall do straight. | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | KJ II.i.149 | |
Lew. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Women & fooles, breake off your conference. | Women and fools, break off your conference! | | KJ II.i.150 | |
King Iohn, this is the very summe of all: | King John, this is the very sum of all: | | KJ II.i.151 | |
England and Ireland, Angiers, Toraine, Maine, | England and Ireland, Anjou, Touraine, Maine, | | KJ II.i.152 | |
In right of Arthur doe I claime of thee: | In right of Arthur do I claim of thee. | | KJ II.i.153 | |
Wilt thou resigne them, and lay downe thy Armes? | Wilt thou resign them and lay down thy arms? | | KJ II.i.154 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
My life as soone: I doe defie thee France, | My life as soon! I do defy thee, France. | | KJ II.i.155 | |
Arthur of Britaine, yeeld thee to my hand, | Arthur of Brittaine, yield thee to my hand, | Brittaine, Britaine, Brittayne (n.) Brittany, NW France | KJ II.i.156 | |
And out of my deere loue Ile giue thee more, | And out of my dear love I'll give thee more | | KJ II.i.157 | |
Then ere the coward hand of France can win; | Than e'er the coward hand of France can win. | | KJ II.i.158 | |
Submit thee boy. | Submit thee, boy. | | KJ II.i.159.1 | |
Queen. | QUEEN ELEANOR | | | |
Come to thy grandame child. | Come to thy grandam, child. | | KJ II.i.159.2 | |
Cons. | CONSTANCE | | | |
Doe childe, goe to yt grandame childe, | Do, child, go to it grandam, child. | | KJ II.i.160 | |
Giue grandame kingdome, and it grandame will | Give grandam kingdom, and it grandam will | | KJ II.i.161 | |
Giue yt a plum, a cherry, and a figge, | Give it a plum, a cherry, and a fig. | | KJ II.i.162 | |
There's a good grandame. | There's a good grandam. | | KJ II.i.163.1 | |
Arthur. | ARTHUR | | | |
Good my mother peace, | Good my mother, peace! | | KJ II.i.163.2 | |
I would that I were low laid in my graue, | I would that I were low laid in my grave. | | KJ II.i.164 | |
I am not worth this coyle that's made for me. | I am not worth this coil that's made for me. | coil (n.) turmoil, disturbance, fuss | KJ II.i.165 | |
Qu. Mo. | QUEEN ELEANOR | | | |
His mother shames him so, poore boy hee weepes. | His mother shames him so, poor boy, he weeps. | | KJ II.i.166 | |
Con. | CONSTANCE | | | |
Now shame vpon you where she does or no, | Now shame upon you, whe'er she does or no! | | KJ II.i.167 | |
His grandames wrongs, and not his mothers shames | His grandam's wrongs, and not his mother's shames, | shame (n.) disgrace, dishonour, affront | KJ II.i.168 | |
| | wrong (n.) wrong-doing, wrongful gain, unjust claim | | |
Drawes those heauen-mouing pearles frõ his poor eies, | Draws those heaven-moving pearls from his poor eyes, | | KJ II.i.169 | |
Which heauen shall take in nature of a fee: | Which heaven shall take in nature of a fee – | | KJ II.i.170 | |
I, with these Christall beads heauen shall be brib'd | Ay, with these crystal beads heaven shall be bribed | bead (n.) drop of liquid, tear-drop | KJ II.i.171 | |
To doe him Iustice, and reuenge on you. | To do him justice and revenge on you. | | KJ II.i.172 | |
Qu. | QUEEN ELEANOR | | | |
Thou monstrous slanderer of heauen and earth. | Thou monstrous slanderer of heaven and earth! | | KJ II.i.173 | |
Con. | CONSTANCE | | | |
Thou monstrous Iniurer of heauen and earth, | Thou monstrous injurer of heaven and earth! | | KJ II.i.174 | |
Call not me slanderer, thou and thine vsurpe | Call not me slanderer. Thou and thine usurp | | KJ II.i.175 | |
The Dominations, Royalties, and rights | The dominations, royalties, and rights | royalty (n.) right granted by a monarch, royal prerogative | KJ II.i.176 | |
| | domination (n.) possession, dominion, sovereign territory | | |
Of this oppressed boy; this is thy eldest sonnes sonne, | Of this oppressed boy. This is thy eldest son's son, | | KJ II.i.177 | |
Infortunate in nothing but in thee: | Infortunate in nothing but in thee. | infortunate (adj.) unfortunate | KJ II.i.178 | |
Thy sinnes are visited in this poore childe, | Thy sins are visited in this poor child; | visit (v.) punish, deal with | KJ II.i.179 | |
The Canon of the Law is laide on him, | The canon of the law is laid on him, | | KJ II.i.180 | |
Being but the second generation | Being but the second generation | | KJ II.i.181 | |
Remoued from thy sinne-conceiuing wombe. | Removed from thy sin-conceiving womb. | | KJ II.i.182 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Bedlam haue done. | Bedlam, have done! | bedlam (n.) mad beggar, madman/woman, lunatic | KJ II.i.183.1 | |
Con. | CONSTANCE | | | |
I haue but this to say, | I have but this to say: | | KJ II.i.183.2 | |
That he is not onely plagued for her sin, | That he is not only plagued for her sin, | | KJ II.i.184 | |
But God hath made her sinne and her, the plague | But God hath made her sin and her the plague | | KJ II.i.185 | |
On this remoued issue, plagued for her, | On this removed issue, plagued for her | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | KJ II.i.186 | |
| | removed (adj.) degree separated in line of succession | | |
And with her plague her sinne: his iniury | And with her plague; her sin his injury, | injury (n.) grievance, wrong, complaint | KJ II.i.187 | |
Her iniurie the Beadle to her sinne, | Her injury the beadle to her sin, | injury (n.) taunting, injuring, injuriousness | KJ II.i.188 | |
| | beadle (n.) punisher, chastiser, castigator | | |
All punish'd in the person of this childe, | All punished in the person of this child, | | KJ II.i.189 | |
And all for her, a plague vpon her. | And all for her. A plague upon her! | | KJ II.i.190 | |
Que. | QUEEN ELEANOR | | | |
Thou vnaduised scold, I can produce | Thou unadvised scold, I can produce | scold (n.) abusive woman, quarreller | KJ II.i.191 | |
| | unadvised (adj.) rash, foolhardy, thoughtless, unconsidered | | |
A Will, that barres the title of thy sonne. | A will that bars the title of thy son. | | KJ II.i.192 | |
Con. | CONSTANCE | | | |
I who doubts that, a Will: a wicked will, | Ay, who doubts that! A will! a wicked will! | | KJ II.i.193 | |
A womans will, a cankred Grandams will. | A woman's will, a cankered grandam's will! | cankered (adj.) malignant, malicious, bad-tempered | KJ II.i.194 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Peace Lady, pause, or be more temperate, | Peace, lady! Pause, or be more temperate. | temperate (adj.) calm, moderate, composed | KJ II.i.195 | |
It ill beseemes this presence to cry ayme | It ill beseems this presence to cry aim | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | KJ II.i.196 | |
| | presence (n.) royal assembly, eminent company | | |
| | aim, cry [archery] show applause, shout approval [of] | | |
| | beseem (v.) befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for] | | |
To these ill-tuned repetitions: | To these ill-tuned repetitions. | repetition (n.) recital, narration, relating | KJ II.i.197 | |
| | ill-tuned (adj.) harsh-sounding, unmelodious | | |
Some Trumpet summon hither to the walles | Some trumpet summon hither to the walls | trumpet (n.) trumpeter; herald, announcer | KJ II.i.198 | |
These men of Angiers, let vs heare them speake, | These men of Angiers. Let us hear them speak | | KJ II.i.199 | |
Whose title they admit, Arthurs or Iohns. | Whose title they admit, Arthur's or John's. | admit (v.) permit, allow, grant | KJ II.i.200 | |
Trumpet sounds. | A trumpet sounds | | KJ II.i.201.1 | |
Enter a Citizen vpon the walles. | Enter Hubert upon the walls | | KJ II.i.201.2 | |
Cit. | HUBERT | | | |
Who is it that hath warn'd vs to the walles? | Who is it that hath warned us to the walls? | warn (v.) summon, send for, officially call | KJ II.i.201 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
'Tis France, for England. | 'Tis France, for England. | | KJ II.i.202.1 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
England for it selfe: | England, for itself. | | KJ II.i.202.2 | |
You men of Angiers, and my louing subiects. | You men of Angiers, and my loving subjects – | | KJ II.i.203 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
You louing men of Angiers, Arthurs subiects, | You loving men of Angiers, Arthur's subjects, | | KJ II.i.204 | |
Our Trumpet call'd you to this gentle parle. | Our trumpet called you to this gentle parle – | parle, parley (n.) negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] | KJ II.i.205 | |
| | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
For our aduantage, therefore heare vs first: | For our advantage; therefore hear us first. | advantage (n.) benefit, gain, advancement, profit | KJ II.i.206 | |
These flagges of France that are aduanced heere | These flags of France, that are advanced here | advance (v.) raise, lift up, upraise | KJ II.i.207 | |
Before the eye and prospect of your Towne, | Before the eye and prospect of your town, | | KJ II.i.208 | |
Haue hither march'd to your endamagement. | Have hither marched to your endamagement. | endamagement (n.) damage, injury, harm | KJ II.i.209 | |
The Canons haue their bowels full of wrath, | The cannons have their bowels full of wrath, | | KJ II.i.210 | |
And ready mounted are they to spit forth | And ready mounted are they to spit forth | | KJ II.i.211 | |
Their Iron indignation 'gainst your walles: | Their iron indignation 'gainst your walls. | | KJ II.i.212 | |
All preparation for a bloody siedge | All preparation for a bloody siege | | KJ II.i.213 | |
And merciles proceeding, by these French. | And merciless proceeding by these French | | KJ II.i.214 | |
Comfort yours Citties eies, your winking gates: | Confronts your city's eyes, your winking gates; | winking (adj.) closed, shut | KJ II.i.215 | |
And but for our approch, those sleeping stones, | And but for our approach those sleeping stones, | | KJ II.i.216 | |
That as a waste doth girdle you about | That as a waist doth girdle you about, | waist (n.) belt, girdle | KJ II.i.217 | |
By the compulsion of their Ordinance, | By the compulsion of their ordinance | ordnance, ordinance (n.) cannon, artillery | KJ II.i.218 | |
By this time from their fixed beds of lime | By this time from their fixed beds of lime | | KJ II.i.219 | |
Had bin dishabited, and wide hauocke made | Had been dishabited, and wide havoc made | dishabit (v.) dislodge, remove from the foundations | KJ II.i.220 | |
For bloody power to rush vppon your peace. | For bloody power to rush upon your peace. | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | KJ II.i.221 | |
But on the sight of vs your lawfull King, | But on the sight of us your lawful King, | | KJ II.i.222 | |
Who painefully with much expedient march | Who painfully, with much expedient march, | expedient (adj.) speedy, rapid, expeditious | KJ II.i.223 | |
| | painfully (adv.) diligently, taking great pains | | |
Haue brought a counter-checke before your gates, | Have brought a countercheck before your gates, | countercheck (n.) countering manoeuvre, rebuke | KJ II.i.224 | |
To saue vnscratch'd your Citties threatned cheekes: | To save unscratched your city's threatened cheeks, | | KJ II.i.225 | |
Behold the French amaz'd vouchsafe a parle, | Behold, the French, amazed, vouchsafe a parle. | parle, parley (n.) negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] | KJ II.i.226 | |
| | vouchsafe (v.) allow, permit, grant | | |
| | amazed (adj.) dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed | | |
And now insteed of bulletts wrapt in fire | And now, instead of bullets wrapped in fire, | bullet (n.) cannon-ball | KJ II.i.227 | |
To make a shaking feuer in your walles, | To make a shaking fever in your walls, | | KJ II.i.228 | |
They shoote but calme words, folded vp in smoake, | They shoot but calm words folded up in smoke, | | KJ II.i.229 | |
To make a faithlesse errour in your eares, | To make a faithless error in your ears; | | KJ II.i.230 | |
Which trust accordingly kinde Cittizens, | Which trust accordingly, kind citizens, | | KJ II.i.231 | |
And let vs in. Your King, whose labour'd spirits | And let us in – your King, whose laboured spirits, | laboured (adj.) hard-worked, exhausted by toil | KJ II.i.232 | |
Fore-wearied in this action of swift speede, | Forwearied in this action of swift speed, | forwearied (adj.) worn out, exhausted | KJ II.i.233 | |
| | action (n.) campaign, military action, strategy | | |
Craues harbourage within your Citie walIes. | Crave harbourage within your city walls. | harbourage (n.) shelter, refuge, haven | KJ II.i.234 | |
| | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | | |
France. | KING PHILIP | | | |
When I haue saide, make answer to vs both. | When I have said, make answer to us both. | say (v.) finish speaking, speak one's mind, make one's point | KJ II.i.235 | |
Loe in this right hand, whose protection | Lo, in this right hand, whose protection | | KJ II.i.236 | |
Is most diuinely vow'd vpon the right | Is most divinely vowed upon the right | divinely (adv.) piously, spiritually, in a religious manner | KJ II.i.237 | |
| | right (n.) just claim, rights, title | | |
Of him it holds, stands yong Plantagenet, | Of him it holds, stands young Plantagenet, | | KJ II.i.238 | |
Sonne to the elder brother of this man, | Son to the elder brother of this man, | | KJ II.i.239 | |
And King ore him, and all that he enioyes: | And king o'er him and all that he enjoys. | enjoy (v.) possess, have, own | KJ II.i.240 | |
For this downe-troden equity, we tread | For this downtrodden equity we tread | equity (n.) right, just demand | KJ II.i.241 | |
| | downtrodden (adj.) oppressed, crushed by tyranny | | |
In warlike march, these greenes before your Towne, | In warlike march these greens before your town, | green (n.) grass-covered land, grassy mound | KJ II.i.242 | |
Being no further enemy to you | Being no further enemy to you | | KJ II.i.243 | |
Then the constraint of hospitable zeale, | Than the constraint of hospitable zeal | | KJ II.i.244 | |
In the releefe of this oppressed childe, | In the relief of this oppressed child | | KJ II.i.245 | |
Religiously prouokes. Be pleased then | Religiously provokes. Be pleased then | | KJ II.i.246 | |
To pay that dutie which you truly owe, | To pay that duty which you truly owe | | KJ II.i.247 | |
To him that owes it, namely, this yong Prince, | To him that owes it, namely this young prince. | owe (v.) own, possess, have | KJ II.i.248 | |
And then our Armes, like to a muzled Beare, | And then our arms, like to a muzzled bear, | | KJ II.i.249 | |
Saue in aspect, hath all offence seal'd vp: | Save in aspect, hath all offence sealed up; | offence (n.) opposition, hostility, antagonism | KJ II.i.250 | |
| | aspect (n.) [of objects] sight, appearance | | |
Our Cannons malice vainly shall be spent | Our cannons' malice vainly shall be spent | | KJ II.i.251 | |
Against th' involuerable clouds of heauen, | Against th' invulnerable clouds of heaven; | | KJ II.i.252 | |
And with a blessed and vn-vext retyre, | And with a blessed and unvexed retire, | retire (n.) retreat, withdrawal | KJ II.i.253 | |
| | unvexed (adj.) untroubled, unmolested, unimpeded | | |
With vnhack'd swords, and Helmets all vnbruis'd, | With unhacked swords and helmets all unbruised, | unbruised (adj.) unmarked, uncrushed, undamaged | KJ II.i.254 | |
We will beare home that lustie blood againe, | We will bear home that lusty blood again | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | KJ II.i.255 | |
Which heere we came to spout against your Towne, | Which here we came to spout against your town, | | KJ II.i.256 | |
And leaue your children, wiues, and you in peace. | And leave your children, wives, and you, in peace. | | KJ II.i.257 | |
But if you fondly passe our proffer'd offer, | But if you fondly pass our proffered offer, | pass (v.) pass over, ignore, disregard | KJ II.i.258 | |
| | fondly (adv.) foolishly, stupidly, madly | | |
'Tis not the rounder of your old-fac'd walles, | 'Tis not the roundure of your old-faced walls | roundure (n.) roundness, rounded form | KJ II.i.259 | |
Can hide you from our messengers of Warre, | Can hide you from our messengers of war, | | KJ II.i.260 | |
Though all these English, and their discipline | Though all these English and their discipline | discipline (n.) military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war | KJ II.i.261 | |
Were harbour'd in their rude circumference: | Were harboured in their rude circumference. | rude (adj.) rough, wild, harsh-looking | KJ II.i.262 | |
Then tell vs, Shall your Citie call vs Lord, | Then tell us, shall your city call us lord | | KJ II.i.263 | |
In that behalfe which we haue challeng'd it? | In that behalf which we have challenged it, | behalf (n.), especially: in behalf (of) respect, aspect, consideration | KJ II.i.264 | |
Or shall we giue the signall to our rage, | Or shall we give the signal to our rage | rage (n.) warlike ardour, martial spirit | KJ II.i.265 | |
And stalke in blood to our possession? | And stalk in blood to our possession? | | KJ II.i.266 | |
Cit. | HUBERT | | | |
In breefe, we are the King of Englands subiects | In brief, we are the King of England's subjects; | | KJ II.i.267. | |
For him, and in his right, we hold this Towne. | For him, and in his right, we hold this town. | | KJ II.i.268 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Acknowledge then the King, and let me in. | Acknowledge then the King, and let me in. | | KJ II.i.269 | |
Cit. | HUBERT | | | |
That can we not: but he that proues the King | That can we not. But he that proves the King, | | KJ II.i.270 | |
To him will we proue loyall, till that time | To him will we prove loyal. Till that time | | KJ II.i.271 | |
Haue we ramm'd vp our gates against the world. | Have we rammed up our gates against the world. | | KJ II.i.272 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Doth not the Crowne of England, prooue the King? | Doth not the crown of England prove the King? | | KJ II.i.273 | |
And if not that, I bring you Witnesses | And if not that, I bring you witnesses, | | KJ II.i.274 | |
Twice fifteene thousand hearts of Englands breed. | Twice fifteen thousand hearts of England's breed – | | KJ II.i.275 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
| (aside) | | KJ II.i.276.1 | |
Bastards and else. | Bastards and else! | else (adv.) suchlike, others besides | KJ II.i.276 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
To verifie our title with their liues. | – To verify our title with their lives. | | KJ II.i.277 | |
Fran. | KING PHILIP | | | |
As many and as well-borne bloods as those. | As many and as well-born bloods as those – | | KJ II.i.278 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
| (aside) | | KJ II.i.279 | |
Some Bastards too. | Some bastards too! | | KJ II.i.279 | |
Fran. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Stand in his face to contradict his claime. | – Stand in his face to contradict his claim. | | KJ II.i.280 | |
Cit. | HUBERT | | | |
Till you compound whose right is worthiest, | Till you compound whose right is worthiest, | compound (v.) agree, settle | KJ II.i.281 | |
We for the worthiest hold the right from both. | We for the worthiest, hold the right from both. | right (n.) just claim, rights, title | KJ II.i.282 | |
| | hold (v.) withhold, hold back | | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Then God forgiue the sinne of all those soules, | Then God forgive the sin of all those souls | | KJ II.i.283 | |
That to their euerlasting residence, | That to their everlasting residence, | | KJ II.i.284 | |
Before the dew of euening fall, shall fleete | Before the dew of evening fall, shall fleet, | fleet (v.) [of souls] leave, pass away, fly off | KJ II.i.285 | |
In dreadfull triall of our kingdomes King. | In dreadful trial of our kingdom's king. | | KJ II.i.286 | |
Fran. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Amen, Amen, mount Cheualiers to Armes. | Amen, amen! Mount, chevaliers! To arms! | | KJ II.i.287 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
Saint George that swindg'd the Dragon, / And ere since | Saint George, that swinged the dragon, and e'er since | swinge (v.) beat, thrash, flog | KJ II.i.288 | |
| | George, Saint in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c | | |
sit's on's horsebacke at mine Hostesse dore | Sits on's horseback at mine hostess' door, | | KJ II.i.289 | |
Teach vs some fence. Sirrah, were I at home | Teach us some fence! (to Austria) Sirrah, were I at home | fence (n.) fencing ability, skill at swordplay | KJ II.i.290 | |
| | sirrah (n.) sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] | | |
At your den sirrah, with your Lionnesse, | At your den, sirrah, with your lioness, | | KJ II.i.291 | |
I would set an Oxe-head to your Lyons hide : | I would set an ox-head to your lion's hide, | | KJ II.i.292 | |
And make a monster of you. | And make a monster of you. | | KJ II.i.293.1 | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
Peace, no more. | Peace! No more. | | KJ II.i.293.2 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
O tremble: for you heare the Lyon rore. | O, tremble, for you hear the lion roar! | | KJ II.i.294 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Vp higher to the plaine, where we'l set forth | Up higher to the plain, where we'll set forth | | KJ II.i.295 | |
In best appointment all our Regiments. | In best appointment all our regiments. | appointment (n.) order, direction, arrangement | KJ II.i.296 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
Speed then to take aduantage of the field. | Speed then, to take advantage of the field. | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | KJ II.i.297 | |
| | advantage (n.) advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority | | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
It shall be so, and at the other hill | It shall be so. And at the other hill | | KJ II.i.298 | |
Command the rest to stand, God and our right. | Command the rest to stand. God and our right! | | KJ II.i.299 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt all but Hubert – King John and | | KJ II.i.299.1 | |
| his followers on one side, King Philip | | KJ II.i.299.2 | |
| and his followers on the other | | KJ II.i.299.3 | |
Heere after excursions, Enter the Herald of France | After excursions, enter the Herald of France, with | | KJ II.i.300.1 | |
with Trumpets to the gates. | trumpeters, to the gates | | KJ II.i.300.2 | |
F. Her. | FRENCH HERALD | | | |
You men of Angiers open wide your gates, | You men of Angiers, open wide your gates | | KJ II.i.300 | |
And let yong Arthur Duke of Britaine in, | And let young Arthur Duke of Brittaine in, | | KJ II.i.301 | |
Who by the hand of France, this day hath made | Who by the hand of France this day hath made | hand (n.) agency, means, aid | KJ II.i.302 | |
Much worke for teares in many an English mother, | Much work for tears in many an English mother, | | KJ II.i.303 | |
Whose sonnes lye scattered on the bleeding ground: | Whose sons lie scattered on the bleeding ground; | bleeding (adj.) bloody, blood-soaked, bloodstained | KJ II.i.304 | |
Many a widdowes husband groueling lies, | Many a widow's husband grovelling lies, | grovelling (adj.) prone, prostrate, lying flat | KJ II.i.305 | |
Coldly embracing the discoloured earrh, | Coldly embracing the discoloured earth; | | KJ II.i.306 | |
And victorie with little losse doth play | And victory with little loss doth play | | KJ II.i.307 | |
Vpon the dancing banners of the French, | Upon the dancing banners of the French, | | KJ II.i.308 | |
Who are at hand triumphantly displayed | Who are at hand, triumphantly displayed, | displayed (adj.) [if of the troops] deployed, drawn up; [if of the banners] arrayed, unfurled | KJ II.i.309 | |
To enter Conquerors, and to proclaime | To enter conquerors and to proclaim | | KJ II.i.310 | |
Arthur of Britaine, Englands King, and yours. | Arthur of Brittaine England's king and yours. | | KJ II.i.311 | |
Enter English Herald with Trumpet. | Enter English Herald with trumpeters | | KJ II.i.312 | |
E.Har. | ENGLISH HERALD | | | |
Reioyce you men of Angiers, ring your bels, | Rejoice, you men of Angiers, ring your bells! | | KJ II.i.312 | |
King Iohn, your king and Englands, doth approach, | King John, your king and England's, doth approach, | | KJ II.i.313 | |
Commander of this hot malicious day, | Commander of this hot malicious day. | malicious (adj.) violent, hostile, wrathful | KJ II.i.314 | |
| | hot (adj.) hot-tempered, angry, passionate | | |
| | commander (n.) victor, champion, conqueror | | |
Their Armours that march'd hence so siluer bright, | Their armours that marched hence so silver-bright | | KJ II.i.315 | |
Hither returne all gilt with Frenchmens blood: | Hither return all gilt with Frenchmen's blood. | gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded cover, coat, smear | KJ II.i.316 | |
There stucke no plume in any English Crest, | There stuck no plume in any English crest | crest (n.) [originally the plume of feathers on a] helmet, head-piece | KJ II.i.317 | |
That is remoued by a staffe of France. | That is removed by a staff of France; | staff (n.) (plural ‘staves’) spear, lance | KJ II.i.318 | |
Our colours do returne in those same hands | Our colours do return in those same hands | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | KJ II.i.319 | |
That did display them when we first marcht forth: | That did display them when we first marched forth; | | KJ II.i.320 | |
And like a iolly troope of Huntsmen come | And like a troop of jolly huntsmen come | | KJ II.i.321 | |
Our lustie English, all with purpled hands, | Our lusty English, all with purpled hands, | purpled (adj.) reddened with blood, bloodstained | KJ II.i.322 | |
| | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | | |
Dide in the dying slaughter of their foes, | Dyed in the dying slaughter of their foes. | | KJ II.i.323 | |
Open your gates, and giue the Victors way. | Open your gates and gives the victors way. | | KJ II.i.324 | |
Hubert. | HUBERT | | | |
Heralds, from off our towres we might behold | Heralds, from off our towers we might behold, | | KJ II.i.325 | |
From first to last, the on-set and retyre | From first to last, the onset and retire | onset (n.) attack, assault | KJ II.i.326 | |
| | retire (n.) retreat, withdrawal | | |
Of both yonr Armies, whose equality | Of both your armies; whose equality | | KJ II.i.327 | |
By our best eyes cannot be censured: | By our best eyes cannot be censured. | censure (v.) judge critically, flaw, find fault with | KJ II.i.328 | |
Blood hath bought blood, and blowes haue answerd blowes: | Blood hath bought blood and blows have answered blows, | | KJ II.i.329 | |
Strength matcht with strength, and power confronted power, | Strength matched with strength and power confronted power. | | KJ II.i.330 | |
Both are alike, and both alike we like: | Both are alike, and both alike we like. | | KJ II.i.331 | |
One must proue greatest. While they weigh so euen, | One must prove greatest; while they weigh so even, | | KJ II.i.332 | |
We hold our Towne for neither: yet for both. | We hold our town for neither, yet for both. | | KJ II.i.333 | |
Enter the two Kings with their powers, | Enter on one side King John, Queen Eleanor, Blanche, | | KJ II.i.334.1 | |
at seuerall doores. | the Bastard, lords, and soldiers; on the other side | | KJ II.i.334.2 | |
| King Philip, Lewis the Dauphin, Austria, lords, and | | KJ II.i.334.3 | |
| soldiers | | KJ II.i.334.4 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
France, hast thou yet more blood to cast away? | France, hast thou yet more blood to cast away? | | KJ II.i.334 | |
Say, shall the currant of our right rome on, | Say, shall the current of our right run on? | | KJ II.i.335 | |
Whose passage vext with thy impediment, | Whose passage, vexed with thy impediment, | passage (n.) passing, progress, moving on | KJ II.i.336 | |
Shall leaue his natiue channell, and ore-swell | Shall leave his native channel and o'erswell, | channel (n.) course, bed, route | KJ II.i.337 | |
| | native (adj.) natural, habitual, normal | | |
| | overswell , over-swell (v.) flood, inundate, overflow | | |
With course disturb'd euen thy confining shores, | With course disturbed, even thy confining shores, | | KJ II.i.338 | |
Vnlesse thou let his siluer Water, keepe | Unless thou let his silver water keep | | KJ II.i.339 | |
A peacefull progresse to the Ocean. | A peaceful progress to the ocean? | | KJ II.i.340 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
England thou hast not sau'd one drop of blood | England, thou hast not saved one drop of blood, | | KJ II.i.341 | |
In this hot triall more then we of France, | In this hot trial, more than we of France; | hot (adj.) hot-tempered, angry, passionate | KJ II.i.342 | |
Rather lost more. And by this hand I sweare | Rather, lost more. And by this hand I swear, | | KJ II.i.343 | |
That swayes the earth this Climate ouer-lookes, | That sways the earth this climate overlooks, | sway (v.) control, rule, direct, govern | KJ II.i.344 | |
| | climate (n.) part of the sky | | |
Before we will lay downe our iust-borne Armes, | Before we will lay down our just-borne arms, | | KJ II.i.345 | |
Wee'l put thee downe, 'gainst whom these Armes wee beare, | We'll put thee down, 'gainst whom these arms we bear, | | KJ II.i.346 | |
Or adde a royall number to the dead: | Or add a royal number to the dead, | | KJ II.i.347 | |
Gracing the scroule that tels of this warres losse, | Gracing the scroll that tells of this war's loss | | KJ II.i.348 | |
With slaughter coupled to the name of kings. | With slaughter coupled to the name of kings. | | KJ II.i.349 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
Ha Maiesty: how high thy glory towres, | Ha, majesty! How high thy glory towers | glory (n.) boastful spirit, vaingloriousness | KJ II.i.350 | |
| | tower (v.) [falconry] mount up to a great height, circle, soar | | |
When the rich blood of kings is set on fire: | When the rich blood of kings is set on fire! | | KJ II.i.351 | |
Oh now doth death line his dead chaps with steele, | O, now doth death line his dead chaps with steel; | chaps, chops (n.) jaws | KJ II.i.352 | |
The swords of souldiers are his teeth, his phangs, | The swords of soldiers are his teeth, his fangs. | | KJ II.i.353 | |
And now he feasts, mousing the flesh of men | And now he feasts, mousing the flesh of men, | mouse (v.) tear, bite, rend | KJ II.i.354 | |
In vndetermin'd differences of kings. | In undetermined differences of kings. | undetermined (adj.) unresolved, undecided, unsettled | KJ II.i.355 | |
| | difference (n.) quarrel, disagreement, dispute | | |
Why stand these royall fronts amazed thus: | Why stand these royal fronts amazed thus? | front (n.) forehead, face | KJ II.i.356 | |
| | amazed (adj.) dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed | | |
Cry hauocke kings, backe to the stained field | Cry havoc, Kings! Back to the stained field, | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | KJ II.i.357 | |
| | stained (adj.) bloodstained, discoloured with dirt | | |
| | havoc (n.) [in fighting and hunting: calling for] total slaughter, general devastation | | |
You equall Potents, fierie kindled spirits, | You equal potents, fiery-kindled spirits! | potent (n.) potentate, ruler | KJ II.i.358 | |
Then let confusion of one part confirm | Then let confusion of one part confirm | part (n.) side, camp, party | KJ II.i.359 | |
| | confusion (n.) destruction, overthrow, ruin | | |
The others peace: till then, blowes, blood, and death. | The other's peace. Till then, blows, blood, and death! | | KJ II.i.360 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Whose party do the Townesmen yet admit? | Whose party do the townsmen yet admit? | | KJ II.i.361 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Speake Citizens for England,whose your king. | Speak, citizens, for England. Who's your king? | | KJ II.i.362 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
The king of England, when we know the king. | The King of England, when we know the King. | | KJ II.i.363 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Know him in vs, that heere hold vp his right. | Know him in us, that here hold up his right. | hold up (v.) support, uphold, sustain | KJ II.i.364 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
In Vs, that are our owne great Deputie, | In us, that are our own great deputy | | KJ II.i.365 | |
And beare possession of our Person heere, | And bear possession of our person here, | | KJ II.i.366 | |
Lord of our presence Angiers, and of you. | Lord of our presence, Angiers, and of you. | presence (n.) gracious self, dignity as a person, personal position | KJ II.i.367 | |
Fra. | HUBERT | | | |
A greater powre then We denies all this, | A greater power then we denies all this. | | KJ II.i.368 | |
And till it be vndoubted, we do locke | And, till it be undoubted, we do lock | undoubted (adj.) put beyond doubt, not in question | KJ II.i.369 | |
Our former scruple in our strong barr'd gates: | Our former scruple in our strong-barred gates; | | KJ II.i.370 | |
Kings of our feare, vntill our feares resolu'd | Kings of our fears, until our fears, resolved, | resolve (v.) remove, dispel, clear away | KJ II.i.371 | |
Be by some certaine king, purg'd and depos'd. | Be by some certain king purged and deposed. | purge (v.) expel, get rid of, flush out | KJ II.i.372 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
By heauen, these scroyles of Angiers flout you kings, | By heaven, these scroyles of Angiers flout you, Kings, | scroyle (n.) scoundrel, ruffian, wretch | KJ II.i.373 | |
And stand securely on their battelments, | And stand securely on their battlements | securely (adv.) confidently, without misgiving, fearlessly | KJ II.i.374 | |
As in a Theater, whence they gape and point | As in a theatre, whence they gape and point | | KJ II.i.375 | |
At your industrious Scenes and acts of death. | At your industrious scenes and acts of death. | industrious (adj.) ingenious, skilful, clever | KJ II.i.376 | |
Your Royall presences be rul'd by mee, | Your royal presences, be ruled by me: | presence (n.) majesty | KJ II.i.377 | |
Do like the Mutines of Ierusalem, | Do like the mutines of Jerusalem, | mutine (n.) mutineer, rebel | KJ II.i.378 | |
Be friends a-while, and both conioyntly bend | Be friends awhile, and both conjointly bend | bend (v.) aim, direct, level, turn | KJ II.i.379 | |
| | conjointly (adv.) together, in unison, in conjunction | | |
Your sharpest Deeds of malice on this Towne. | Your sharpest deeds of malice on this town. | | KJ II.i.380 | |
By East and West let France and England mount | By east and west let France and England mount | | KJ II.i.381 | |
Their battering Canon charged to the mouthes, | Their battering cannon charged to the mouths, | | KJ II.i.382 | |
Till their soule-fearing clamours haue braul'd downe | Till their soul-fearing clamours have brawled down | soul-fearing (adj.) terrifying, petrifying | KJ II.i.383 | |
| | brawl down (v.) destroy with uproar, force down with clamour | | |
The flintie ribbes of this contemptuous Citie, | The flinty ribs of this contemptuous city. | flinty (adj.) hard, harsh, tough | KJ II.i.384 | |
I'de play incessantly vpon these Iades, | I'd play incessantly upon these jades, | play upon (v.) play guns on, aim at; also: torment | KJ II.i.385 | |
| | jade (n.) [contemptuous] wretch, worthless individual | | |
Euen till vnfenced desolation | Even till unfenced desolation | unfenced (adj.) with walls removed, unprotected | KJ II.i.386 | |
Leaue them as naked as the vulgar ayre: | Leave them as naked as the vulgar air. | naked (adj.) defenceless, undefended, unarmed | KJ II.i.387 | |
| | vulgar (adj.) public, general, common | | |
That done, disseuer your vnited strengths, | That done, dissever your united strengths | strength (n.) troops, forces, resources, followers | KJ II.i.388 | |
| | dissever (v.) divide, split up, separate | | |
And part your mingled colours once againe, | And part your mingled colours once again; | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | KJ II.i.389 | |
Turne face to face, and bloody point to point: | Turn face to face and bloody point to point. | | KJ II.i.390 | |
Then in a moment Fortune shall cull forth | Then, in a moment, Fortune shall cull forth | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | KJ II.i.391 | |
| | cull forth (v.) select, pick out, choose | | |
Out of one side her happy Minion, | Out of one side her happy minion, | minion (n.) darling, favourite, select one | KJ II.i.392 | |
To whom in fauour she shall giue the day, | To whom in favour she shall give the day, | day (n.) day of battle, contest | KJ II.i.393 | |
And kisse him with a glorious victory: | And kiss him with a glorious victory. | | KJ II.i.394 | |
How like you this wilde counsell mighty States, | How like you this wild counsel, mighty states? | state (n.) ruler, sovereign, monarch | KJ II.i.395 | |
| | wild (adj.) daring, irregular, audacious | | |
| | counsel (n.) advice, guidance, direction | | |
Smackes it not something of the policie. | Smacks it not something of the policy? | policy (n.) stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft | KJ II.i.396 | |
| | smack (v.) have an air, have a flavour | | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Now by the sky that hangs aboue our heads, | Now, by the sky that hangs above our heads, | | KJ II.i.397 | |
I like it well. France, shall we knit our powres, | I like it well! France, shall we knit our powers | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | KJ II.i.398 | |
| | knit (v.) unite, join, make one | | |
And lay this Angiers euen with the ground, | And lay this Angiers even with the ground, | even (adj.) level, horizontal, flat | KJ II.i.399 | |
Then after fight who shall be king of it? | Then after fight who shall be king of it? | | KJ II.i.400 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
| (to King Philip) | | KJ II.i.401.1 | |
And if thou hast the mettle of a king, | An if thou hast the mettle of a king, | an if (conj.) if | KJ II.i.401 | |
Being wrong'd as we are by this peeuish Towne: | Being wronged as we are by this peevish town, | peevish (adj.) obstinate, perverse, self-willed [contrast modern sense of ‘irritable, morose’] | KJ II.i.402 | |
Turne thou the mouth of thy Artillerie, | Turn thou the mouth of thy artillery, | | KJ II.i.403 | |
As we will ours, against these sawcie walles, | As we will ours, against these saucy walls; | saucy (adj.) insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant | KJ II.i.404 | |
And when that we haue dash'd them to the ground, | And when that we have dashed them to the ground, | | KJ II.i.405 | |
Why then defie each other, and pell-mell, | Why, then defy each other, and pell-mell | | KJ II.i.406 | |
Make worke vpon our selues, for heauen or hell. | Make work upon ourselves, for heaven or hell. | | KJ II.i.407 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Let it be so: say, where will you assault? | Let it be so. Say, where will you assault? | | KJ II.i.408 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
We from the West will send destruction | We from the west will send destruction | | KJ II.i.409 | |
Into this Cities bosome. | Into this city's bosom. | bosom (n.) depths | KJ II.i.410 | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
I from the North. | I from the north. | | KJ II.i.411.1 | |
Fran. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Our Thunder from the South, | Our thunder from the south | | KJ II.i.411.2 | |
Shall raine their drift of bullets on this Towne. | Shall rain their drift of bullets on this town. | drift (n.) shower, deluge, load | KJ II.i.412 | |
| | bullet (n.) cannon-ball | | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
| (aside) | | KJ II.i.413.1 | |
O prudent discipline! From North to South: | O prudent discipline! From north to south | discipline (n.) military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war | KJ II.i.413 | |
Austria and France shoot in each others mouth. | Austria and France shoot in each other's mouth. | | KJ II.i.414 | |
Ile stirre them to it: Come, away, away. | I'll stir them to it. Come, away, away! | | KJ II.i.415 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Heare vs great kings, vouchsafe awhile to stay | Hear us, great Kings! Vouchsafe a while to stay, | | KJ II.i.416 | |
And I shall shew you peace, and faire-fac'd league: | And I shall show you peace and fair-faced league, | league (n.) compact, alliance, treaty, bond of friendship | KJ II.i.417 | |
| | fair-faced (adj.) attractive, appealing, presenting a good prospect | | |
Win you this Citie without stroke, or wound, | Win you this city without stroke or wound, | | KJ II.i.418 | |
Rescue those breathing liues to dye in beds, | Rescue those breathing lives to die in beds | breathing (adj.) living, active, lively | KJ II.i.419 | |
That heere come sacrifices for the field. | That here come sacrifices for the field. | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | KJ II.i.420 | |
Perseuer not, but heare me mighty kings. | Persever not, but hear me, mighty Kings! | persever (v.) proceed, carry on | KJ II.i.421 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Speake on with fauour, we are bent to heare. | Speak on with favour. We are bent to hear. | bent (adj.) inclined, willing, ready | KJ II.i.422 | |
| | bent (adj.) determined, intent, resolved | | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
That daughter there of Spaine, the Lady Blanch | That daughter there of Spain, the Lady Blanche, | | KJ II.i.423 | |
Is neere to England, looke vpon the yeeres | Is niece to England. Look upon the years | near (adj.) close to the throne [in order of succession], near relation | KJ II.i.424 | |
| | years (n.) age | | |
Of Lewes the Dolphin, and that louely maid. | Of Lewis the Dauphin and that lovely maid. | dauphin, dolphin (n.) title of the eldest son of the King of France [between 1349 and 1830] | KJ II.i.425 | |
If lustie loue should go in quest of beautie, | If lusty love should go in quest of beauty, | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | KJ II.i.426 | |
Where should he finde it fairer, then in Blanch: | Where should he find it fairer than in Blanche? | | KJ II.i.427 | |
If zealous loue should go in search of vertue, | If zealous love should go in search of virtue, | zealous (adj.) earnest, fervent, ardent | KJ II.i.428 | |
Where should he finde it purer then in Blanch? | Where should he find it purer than in Blanche? | | KJ II.i.429 | |
If loue ambitious, sought a match of birth, | If love ambitious sought a match of birth, | match (n.) matching, equality | KJ II.i.430 | |
| | birth (n.) royal birth, noble ancestry | | |
Whose veines bound richer blood then Lady Blanch? | Whose veins bound richer blood than Lady Blanche? | bound (v.) contain, enclose, confine | KJ II.i.431 | |
Such as she is, in beautie, vertue, birth, | Such as she is, in beauty, virtue, birth, | | KJ II.i.432 | |
Is the yong Dolphin euery way compleat, | Is the young Dauphin every way complete. | complete, compleat (adj.) fully equipped, with everything present | KJ II.i.433 | |
If not compleat of, say he is not shee, | If not complete of, say he is not she; | | KJ II.i.434 | |
And she againe wants nothing, to name want, | And she again wants nothing, to name want, | want (n.) lack, shortage, dearth | KJ II.i.435 | |
| | want (v.) fall short [of], be deficient [in] | | |
If want it be not, that she is not hee: | If want it be not that she is not he. | | KJ II.i.436 | |
He is the halfe part of a blessed man, | He is the half part of a blessed man, | | KJ II.i.437 | |
Left to be finished by such as shee, | Left to be finished by such as she; | | KJ II.i.438 | |
And she a faire diuided excellence, | And she a fair divided excellence, | divided (adj.) incomplete, imperfect, defective | KJ II.i.439 | |
Whose fulnesse of perfection lyes in him. | Whose fulness of perfection lies in him. | | KJ II.i.440 | |
O two such siluer currents when they ioyne | O, two such silver currents, when they join, | | KJ II.i.441 | |
Do glorifie the bankes that bound them in: | Do glorify the banks that bound them in; | glorify (v.) add glory to, increase the splendour of | KJ II.i.442 | |
| | bound (v.) contain, enclose, confine | | |
And two such shores, to two such streames made one, | And two such shores to two such streams made one, | | KJ II.i.443 | |
Two such controlling bounds shall you be, kings, | Two such controlling bounds, shall you be, Kings, | bound (n.) limit, boundary, confine, barrier | KJ II.i.444 | |
To these two Princes, if you marrie them: | To these two princes, if you marry them. | | KJ II.i.445 | |
This Vnion shall do more then batterie can | This union shall do more than battery can | battery (n.) assault, bombardment, blitz | KJ II.i.446 | |
To our fast closed gates: for at this match, | To our fast-closed gates. For at this match, | | KJ II.i.447 | |
With swifter spleene then powder can enforce | With swifter spleen than powder can enforce, | powder (n.) gunpowder | KJ II.i.448 | |
| | spleen (n.) eagerness, spirits, impetuosity | | |
The mouth of passage shall we fling wide ope, | The mouth of passage shall we fling wide ope | ope (adj.) open | KJ II.i.449 | |
And giue you entrance: but without this match, | And give you entrance. But without this match, | | KJ II.i.450 | |
The sea enraged is not halfe so deafe, | The sea enraged is not half so deaf, | | KJ II.i.451 | |
Lyons more confident, Mountaines and rockes | Lions more confident, mountains and rocks | | KJ II.i.452 | |
More free from motion, no not death himselfe | More free from motion, no, not death himself | | KJ II.i.453 | |
In mortall furie halfe so peremptorie, | In moral fury half so peremptory, | peremptory (adj.) determined, resolved, absolutely decided | KJ II.i.454 | |
As we to keepe this Citie. | As we to keep this city. | | KJ II.i.455.1 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
| (aside) | | KJ II.i.455 | |
Heeres a stay, | Here's a stay | stay (n.) setback, obstacle, delay | KJ II.i.455.2 | |
That shakes the rotten carkasse of old death | That shakes the rotten carcass of old death | | KJ II.i.456 | |
Out of his ragges. Here's a large mouth indeede, | Out of his rags! Here's a large mouth, indeed, | | KJ II.i.457 | |
That spits forth death, and mountaines, rockes, and seas, | That spits forth death and mountains, rocks and seas, | | KJ II.i.458 | |
Talkes as familiarly of roaring Lyons, | Talks as familiarly of roaring lions | | KJ II.i.459 | |
As maids of thirteene do of puppi-dogges. | As maids of thirteen do of puppy-dogs. | | KJ II.i.460 | |
What Cannoneere begot this lustie blood, | What cannoneer begot this lusty blood? | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | KJ II.i.461 | |
| | blood (n.) man of fire, hot-blooded fellow, spirited youth | | |
| | beget (v.), past form begot give birth to, father, conceive | | |
He speakes plaine Cannon fire, and smoake, and bounce, | He speaks plain cannon – fire and smoke and bounce; | bounce (n.) explosion, detonation, gun-shot | KJ II.i.462 | |
He giues the bastinado with his tongue: | He gives the bastinado with his tongue. | bastinado (n.) cudgelling, beating with a stick [esp. on the soles of the feet] | KJ II.i.463 | |
Our eares are cudgel'd, not a word of his | Our ears are cudgelled; not a word of his | | KJ II.i.464 | |
But buffets better then a fist of France: | But buffets better than a fist of France. | | KJ II.i.465 | |
Zounds, I was neuer so bethumpt with words, | Zounds! I was never so bethumped with words | zounds (int.) God's wounds | KJ II.i.466 | |
| | bethump (v.) thump soundly, pound, lambaste | | |
Since I first cal'd my brothers father Dad. | Since I first called my brother's father dad! | | KJ II.i.467 | |
Old Qu. | QUEEN ELEANOR | | | |
Son, list to this coniunction, make this match | Son, list to this conjunction, make this match; | list (v.) listen | KJ II.i.468 | |
| | conjunction (n.) union, uniting, joining together | | |
Giue with our Neece a dowrie large enough, | Give with our niece a dowry large enough. | | KJ II.i.469 | |
For by this knot, thou shalt so surely tye | For by this knot thou shalt so surely tie | | KJ II.i.470 | |
Thy now vnsurd assurance to the Crowne, | Thy now unsured assurance to the crown | unsured (adj.) insecure, uncertain, doubtful | KJ II.i.471 | |
| | assurance (n.) claim, title, securing [of] | | |
That yon greene boy shall haue no Sunne to ripe | That yon green boy shall have no sun to ripe | ripe (v.) ripen, mature | KJ II.i.472 | |
| | green (adj.) youthful, inexperienced, immature | | |
The bloome that promiseth a mightie fruite. | The bloom that promiseth a mighty fruit. | | KJ II.i.473 | |
I see a yeelding in the lookes of France: | I see a yielding in the looks of France; | yielding (n.) consent, compliance, agreement | KJ II.i.474 | |
Marke how they whisper, vrge them while their soules | Mark, how they whisper. Urge them while their souls | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | KJ II.i.475 | |
| | urge (v.) entreat with, plead with | | |
Are capeable of this ambition, | Are capable of this ambition, | capable of appreciative of, able to take in | KJ II.i.476 | |
Least zeale now melted by the windie breath | Lest zeal, now melted by the windy breath | | KJ II.i.477 | |
Of soft petitions, pittie and remorse, | Of soft petitions, pity, and remorse, | remorse (n.) pity, compassion, tenderness | KJ II.i.478 | |
Coole and congeale againe to what it was. | Cool and congeal again to what it was. | | KJ II.i.479 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Why answer not the double Maiesties, | Why answer not the double majesties | | KJ II.i.480 | |
This friendly treatie of our threatned Towne. | This friendly treaty of our threatened town? | treaty (n.) entreaty, proposal for agreement, proposition | KJ II.i.481 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Speake England sirst, that hath bin forward first | Speak England first, that hath been forward first | | KJ II.i.482 | |
To speake vnto this Cittie: what say you? | To speak unto this city. What say you? | | KJ II.i.483 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
If that the Dolphin there thy Princely sonne, | If that the Dauphin there, thy princely son, | | KJ II.i.484 | |
Can in this booke of beautie read, I loue: | Can in this book of beauty read ‘ I love,’ | | KJ II.i.485 | |
Her Dowrie shall weigh equall with a Queene: | Her dowry shall weigh equal with a queen. | | KJ II.i.486 | |
For Angiers, and faire Toraine Maine, Poyctiers, | For Anjou and fair Touraine, Maine, Poitiers, | | KJ II.i.487 | |
And all that we vpon this side the Sea, | And all that we upon this side the sea – | | KJ II.i.488 | |
(Except this Cittie now by vs besiedg'd) | Except this city now by us besieged – | | KJ II.i.489 | |
Finde liable to our Crowne and Dignitie, | Find liable to our crown and dignity, | liable (adj.) subject, legally bound | KJ II.i.490 | |
Shall gild her bridall bed and make her rich | Shall gild her bridal bed and make her rich | gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded enrich, adorn, beautify | KJ II.i.491 | |
In titles, honors, and promotions, | In titles, honours, and promotions, | promotion (n.) advancement in life, social betterment | KJ II.i.492 | |
As she in beautie, education, blood, | As she in beauty, education, blood, | blood (n.) nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage | KJ II.i.493 | |
Holdes hand with any Princesse of the world. | Holds hand with any princess of the world. | hold hands with be equal to, be comparable to | KJ II.i.494 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
What sai'st thou boy? looke in the Ladies face. | What sayst thou, boy? Look in the lady's face. | | KJ II.i.495 | |
Dol. | LEWIS THE DAUPHIN | | | |
I do my Lord, and in her eie I find | I do, my lord. And in her eye I find | | KJ II.i.496 | |
A wonder, or a wondrous miracle, | A wonder, or a wondrous miracle, | | KJ II.i.497 | |
The shadow of my selfe form'd in her eye, | The shadow of myself formed in her eye; | shadow (n.) reflection, reflected image | KJ II.i.498 | |
Which being but the shadow of your sonne, | Which, being but the shadow of your son, | | KJ II.i.499 | |
Becomes a sonne and makes your sonne a shadow: | Becomes a sun and makes your son a shadow. | | KJ II.i.500 | |
I do protest I neuer lou'd my selfe | I do protest I never loved myself | | KJ II.i.501 | |
Till now, infixed I beheld my selfe, | Till now infixed I beheld myself | infixed (adj.) captured, caught, firmly held | KJ II.i.502 | |
Drawne in the flattering table of her eie. | Drawn in the flattering table of her eye. | table (n.) tablet, surface, paintbook | KJ II.i.503 | |
| | draw (v.) picture, represent, frame | | |
Whispers with Blanch. | He whispers with Blanche | | KJ II.i.504 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
| (aside) | | KJ II.i.504 | |
Drawne in the flattering table of her eie, | Drawn in the flattering table of her eye! | | KJ II.i.504 | |
Hang'd in the frowning wrinkle of her brow, | Hanged in the frowning wrinkle of her brow | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | KJ II.i.505 | |
And quarter'd in her heart, hee doth espie | And quartered in her heart! He doth espy | espy (v.) catch sight of, discern, see | KJ II.i.506 | |
| | quartered (adj.) cut into four pieces | | |
Himselfe loues traytor, this is pittie now; | Himself love's traitor. This is pity now, | | KJ II.i.507 | |
That hang'd, and drawne, and quarter'd there should be | That, hanged and drawn and quartered, there should be | | KJ II.i.508 | |
In such a loue, so vile a Lout as he. | In such a love so vile a lout as he. | | KJ II.i.509 | |
Blan. | BLANCHE | | | |
| (to Lewis) | | KJ II.i.510.1 | |
My vnckles will in this respect is mine, | My uncle's will in this respect is mine. | will (n.) desire, wish, liking, inclination | KJ II.i.510 | |
If he see ought in you that makes him like, | If he see aught in you that makes him like, | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | KJ II.i.511 | |
That any thing he see's which moues his liking, | That anything he sees which moves his liking, | | KJ II.i.512 | |
I can with ease translate it to my will: | I can with ease translate it to my will. | | KJ II.i.513 | |
Or if you will, to speake more properly, | Or if you will, to speak more properly, | | KJ II.i.514 | |
I will enforce it easlie to my loue. | I will enforce it easily to my love. | | KJ II.i.515 | |
Further I will not flatter you, my Lord, | Further I will not flatter you, my lord, | | KJ II.i.516 | |
That all I see in you is worthie loue, | That all I see in you is worthy love, | | KJ II.i.517 | |
Then this, that nothing do I see in you, | Than this: that nothing do I see in you, | | KJ II.i.518 | |
Though churlish thoughts themselues should bee your Iudge, | Though churlish thoughts themselves should be your judge, | churlish (adj.) rude, blunt, ungracious | KJ II.i.519 | |
That I can finde, should merit any hate. | That I can find should merit any hate. | | KJ II.i.520 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
What saie these yong-ones? What say you my Neece? | What say these young ones? What say you, my niece? | | KJ II.i.521 | |
Blan. | BLANCHE | | | |
That she is bound in honor still to do | That she is bound in honour still to do | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | KJ II.i.522 | |
What you in wisedome still vouchsafe to say. | What you in wisdom still vouchsafe to say. | | KJ II.i.523 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Speake then Prince Dolphin, can you loue this Ladie? | Speak then, Prince Dauphin. Can you love this lady? | | KJ II.i.524 | |
Dol. | LEWIS THE DAUPHIN | | | |
Nay aske me if I can refraine from loue, | Nay, ask me if I can refrain from love; | | KJ II.i.525 | |
For I doe loue her most vnfainedly. | For I do love her most unfeignedly. | | KJ II.i.526 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Then I doe giue Volquessen, Toraine, Maine, | Then do I give Volquessen, Touraine, Maine, | Volquessen (n.) [vol'kesen] Vexin, district around Rouen, NW France | KJ II.i.527 | |
Poyctiers and Aniow, these fiue Prouinces | Poitiers and Anjou, these five provinces, | | KJ II.i.528 | |
With her to thee, and this addition more, | With her to thee; and this addition more, | | KJ II.i.529 | |
Full thirty thousand Markes of English coyne: | Full thirty thousand marks of English coin. | mark (n.) accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound) | KJ II.i.530 | |
Phillip of France, if thou be pleas'd withall, | Philip of France, if thou be pleased withal, | | KJ II.i.531 | |
Command thy sonne and daughtet to ioyne hands. | Command thy son and daughter to join hands. | | KJ II.i.532 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
It likes vs well young Princes: close your hands | It likes us well. Young princes, close your hands. | like (v.) please, suit | KJ II.i.533 | |
Aust. | AUSTRIA | | | |
And your lippes too, for I am well assur'd, | And your lips too – for I am well assured | assured (adj.) certain, definite, sure | KJ II.i.534 | |
That I did so when I was first assur'd. | That I did so when I was first assured. | assured (adj.) betrothed, engaged | KJ II.i.535 | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
Now Cittizens of Angires ope your gates, | Now, citizens of Angiers, ope your gates; | ope (v.) open | KJ II.i.536 | |
Let in that amitie which you haue made, | Let in that amity which you have made. | | KJ II.i.537 | |
For at Saint Maries Chappell presently, | For at Saint Mary's chapel presently | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | KJ II.i.538 | |
The rights of marriage shallbe solemniz'd. | The rites of marriage shall be solemnized. | | KJ II.i.539 | |
Is not the Ladie Constance in this troope? | Is not the Lady Constance in this troop? | | KJ II.i.540 | |
I know she is not for this match made vp, | I know she is not, for this match made up | make up (v.) agree, conclude, make good | KJ II.i.541 | |
Her presence would haue interrupted much. | Her presence would have interrupted much. | | KJ II.i.542 | |
Where is she and her sonne, tell me, who knowes? | Where is she and her son? Tell me, who knows. | | KJ II.i.543 | |
Dol. | LEWIS THE DAUPHIN | | | |
She is sad and passionate at your highnes Tent. | She is sad and passionate at your highness' tent. | passionate (adj.) impassioned, vehement, excessively emotional | KJ II.i.544 | |
| | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | | |
Fra. | KING PHILIP | | | |
And by my faith, this league that we haue made | And, by my faith, this league that we have made | | KJ II.i.545 | |
Will giue her sadnesse very little cure: | Will give her sadness very little cure. | | KJ II.i.546 | |
Brother of England, how may we content | Brother of England, how may we content | content (v.) calm [down], settle, relax | KJ II.i.547 | |
This widdow Lady? In her right we came, | This widow-lady? In her right we came, | | KJ II.i.548 | |
Which we God knowes, haue turnd another way, | Which we, God knows, have turned another way, | | KJ II.i.549 | |
To our owne vantage. | To our own vantage. | vantage (n.) advantage, benefit, advancement, profit | KJ II.i.550.1 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
We will heale vp all, | We will heal up all, | | KJ II.i.550.2 | |
For wee'l create yong Arthur Duke of Britaine | For we'll create young Arthur Duke of Brittaine | | KJ II.i.551 | |
And Earle of Richmond, and this rich faire Towne | And Earl of Richmond; and this rich fair town | | KJ II.i.552 | |
We make him Lord of. Call the Lady Constance, | We make him lord of. Call the Lady Constance; | | KJ II.i.553 | |
Some speedy Messenger bid her repaire | Some speedy messenger bid her repair | repair (v.) come, go, make one's way | KJ II.i.554 | |
To our solemnity: I trust we shall, | To our solemnity. I trust we shall, | solemnity (n.) celebration, jubilation, festivity | KJ II.i.555 | |
(If not fill vp the measure of her will) | If not fill up the measure of her will, | will (n.) desire, wish, liking, inclination | KJ II.i.556 | |
| | measure (n.) extent, size, amount, quantity, mass | | |
| | fill up (v.) satisfy, fulfil, meet | | |
Yet in some measure satisfie her so, | Yet in some measure satisfy her so | | KJ II.i.557 | |
That we shall stop her exclamation, | That we shall stop her exclamation. | exclamation (n.) loud reproach, outcry, clamorous complaint | KJ II.i.558 | |
| | stop (v.) silence, put a stop to | | |
Go we as well as hast will suffer vs, | Go we as well as haste will suffer us | suffer (v.) allow, permit, let | KJ II.i.559 | |
To this vnlook'd for vnprepared pompe. | To this unlooked-for, unprepared pomp. | pomp (n.) pageant, ceremony, procession | KJ II.i.560 | |
| | unlooked-for (adj.) unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen | | |
| | unprepared (adj.) unplanned, introduced without special preparation | | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt all but the Bastard | | KJ II.i.560 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
Mad world, mad kings, mad composition: | Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition! | composition (n.) settlement, truce, coming to terms | KJ II.i.561 | |
Iohn to stop Arthurs Title in the whole, | John, to stop Arthur's title in the whole, | stop (v.) block, hinder, impede, obstruct | KJ II.i.562 | |
| | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | | |
Hath willingly departed with a part, | Hath willingly departed with a part; | depart with (v.) part with, give away | KJ II.i.563 | |
And France, whose armour Conscience buckled on, | And France, whose armour conscience buckled on, | | KJ II.i.564 | |
Whom zeale and charitie brought to the field, | Whom zeal and charity brought to the field | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | KJ II.i.565 | |
As Gods owne souldier, rounded in the eare, | As God's own soldier, rounded in the ear | round (v.) whisper, murmur, speak privately | KJ II.i.566 | |
With that same purpose-changer, that slye diuel, | With that same purpose-changer, that sly devil, | | KJ II.i.567 | |
That Broker, that still breakes the pate of faith, | That broker that still breaks the pate of faith, | pate (n.) head, skull | KJ II.i.568 | |
| | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | | |
| | broker, broker-between (n.) go-between, intermediary, agent | | |
That dayly breake-vow, he that winnes of all, | That daily break-vow, he that wins of all, | win (v.) gain advantage [over], get the better [of] | KJ II.i.569 | |
| | break-vow (n.) breaker of promises | | |
Of kings, of beggers, old men, yong men, maids, | Of kings, of beggars, old men, young men, maids – | | KJ II.i.570 | |
Who hauing no externall thing to loose, | Who, having no external thing to lose | | KJ II.i.571 | |
But the word Maid, cheats the poore Maide of that. | But the word ‘ maid,’ cheats the poor maid of that – | | KJ II.i.572 | |
That smooth-fac'd Gentleman, tickling commoditie, | That smooth-faced gentleman, tickling commodity; | smooth-faced (adj.) plausible, bland, glib, deceitful | KJ II.i.573 | |
| | tickling (adj.) flattering, alluring, diverting | | |
| | commodity (n.) self-interest, desire for gain, expediency | | |
Commoditie, the byas of the world, | Commodity, the bias of the world – | bias (n.) [weighting in a bowl causing it to run obliquely] inclination, tendency, leaning | KJ II.i.574 | |
| | commodity (n.) self-interest, desire for gain, expediency | | |
The world, who of it selfe is peysed well, | The world, who of itself is peised well, | peise (v.) poise, balance, keep in equilibrium | KJ II.i.575 | |
Made to run euen, vpon euen ground; | Made to run even upon even ground, | even (adj.) level, horizontal, flat | KJ II.i.576 | |
| | even, e'en (adv.) equably, evenly, steadily | | |
Till this aduantage, this vile drawing byas, | Till this advantage, this vile-drawing bias, | vile-drawing (adj.) attracting towards evil | KJ II.i.577 | |
| | advantage (n.) benefit, gain, advancement, profit | | |
This sway of motion, this commoditie, | This sway of motion, this commodity, | sway (n.) controlling influence, guiding power, direction | KJ II.i.578 | |
Makes it take head from all indifferency, | Makes it take head from all indifferency, | indifferency (n.) impartiality, moderation, equity | KJ II.i.579 | |
| | head (n.) power, strength, scope | | |
| | take head from rebel against, rush away from | | |
From all direction, purpose, course, intent. | From all direction, purpose, course, intent – | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | KJ II.i.580 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
| | course (n.) habit, custom, practise, normal procedure | | |
And this same byas, this Commoditie, | And this same bias, this commodity, | | KJ II.i.581 | |
This Bawd, this Broker, this all-changing-word, | This bawd, this broker, this all-changing word, | bawd (n.) pimp, procurer, pander, go-between | KJ II.i.582 | |
| | broker, broker-between (n.) go-between, intermediary, agent | | |
Clap'd on the outward eye of fickle France, | Clapped on the outward eye of fickle France, | eye (n.) [bowls] hollow in the side of a bowl | KJ II.i.583 | |
| | clap (v.) [bowls] fix, stick, set | | |
Hath drawne him from his owne determin'd ayd, | Hath drawn him from his own determined aid, | | KJ II.i.584 | |
From a resolu'd and honourable warre, | From a resolved and honourable war, | resolved (adj.) determined, settled, decided | KJ II.i.585 | |
To a most base and vile-concluded peace. | To a most base and vile-concluded peace. | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | KJ II.i.586 | |
And why rayle I on this Commoditie? | And why rail I on this commodity? | rail (v.) rant, rave, be abusive [about] | KJ II.i.587 | |
But for because he hath not wooed me yet: | But for because he hath not wooed me yet; | | KJ II.i.588 | |
Not that I haue the power to clutch my hand, | Not that I have the power to clutch my hand | clutch (v.) clench, close | KJ II.i.589 | |
When his faire Angels would salute my palme, | When his fair angels would salute my palm, | salute (v.) approach, greet, make contact with | KJ II.i.590 | |
| | angel (n.) gold coin [with the angel Michael depicted], value between a third and half of a pound | | |
But for my hand, as vnattempted yet, | But for my hand, as unattempted yet, | unattempted (adj.) untempted, unseduced, unapproached | KJ II.i.591 | |
Like a poore begger, raileth on the rich. | Like a poor beggar raileth on the rich. | rail (v.) rant, rave, be abusive [about] | KJ II.i.592 | |
Well, whiles I am a begger, I will raile, | Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail | | KJ II.i.593 | |
And say there is no sin but to be rich: | And say there is no sin but to be rich; | | KJ II.i.594 | |
And being rich, my vertue then shall be, | And being rich, my virtue then shall be | | KJ II.i.595 | |
To say there is no vice, but beggerie: | To say there is no vice but beggary. | | KJ II.i.596 | |
Since Kings breake faith vpon commoditie, | Since kings break faith upon commodity, | | KJ II.i.597 | |
Gaine be my Lord, for I will worship thee. | Gain, be my lord – for I will worship thee! | | KJ II.i.598 | |
Exit. | Exit | | KJ II.i.598 | |