First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Menenius with the two Tribunes of the people, | Enter Menenius, with the two Tribunes of the People, | | Cor II.i.1.1 | |
Sicinius & Brutus. | Sicinius and Brutus | | Cor II.i.1.2 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
The Agurer tels me, wee shall haue Newes | The augurer tells me we shall have news | augurer (n.) Roman religious official who interpreted and foretold events | Cor II.i.1 | |
to night. | tonight. | | Cor II.i.2 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Good or bad? | Good or bad? | | Cor II.i.3 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
Not according to the prayer of the people, for | Not according to the prayer of the people, for | | Cor II.i.4 | |
they loue not Martius. | they love not Martius. | | Cor II.i.5 | |
Sicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
Nature teaches Beasts to know their Friends. | Nature teaches beasts to know their friends. | | Cor II.i.6 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
Pray you, who does the Wolfe loue? | Pray you, who does the wolf love? | | Cor II.i.7 | |
Sicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
The Lambe. | The lamb. | | Cor II.i.8 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
I, to deuour him, as the hungry Plebeians | Ay, to devour him, as the hungry plebeians | | Cor II.i.9 | |
would the Noble Martius. | would the noble Martius. | | Cor II.i.10 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
He's a Lambe indeed, that baes like a Beare. | He's a lamb indeed, that baas like a bear. | | Cor II.i.11 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
Hee's a Beare indeede, that liues like a Lambe. You | He's a bear indeed, that lives like a lamb. You | | Cor II.i.12 | |
two are old men, tell me one thing that I shall aske you. | two are old men; tell me one thing that I shall ask you. | | Cor II.i.13 | |
Both. | BOTH | | | |
Well sir. | Well, sir? | | Cor II.i.14 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
In what enormity is Martius poore in, that you | In what enormity is Martius poor in that you | enormity (n.) vice, wickedness, transgression | Cor II.i.15 | |
two haue not in abundance? | two have not in abundance? | | Cor II.i.16 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
He's poore in no one fault, but stor'd withall. | He's poor in no one fault, but stored with all. | stored (adj.) well supplied, rich, plentifully provided | Cor II.i.17 | |
Sicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
Especially in Pride. | Especially in pride. | | Cor II.i.18 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
And topping all others in boasting. | And topping all others in boasting. | top (v.) surpass, exceed, outstrip | Cor II.i.19 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
This is strange now: Do you two know, how | This is strange now. Do you two know how | | Cor II.i.20 | |
you are censured heere in the City, I mean of vs a'th' | you are censured here in the city – I mean of us o'th' | censure (v.) judge, think of, give an opinion of [not involving blame] | Cor II.i.21 | |
right hand File, do you? | right-hand file? Do you? | file (n.) rank of soldiers, formation | Cor II.i.22 | |
Both. | BOTH | | | |
Why? how are we censur'd? | Why, how are we censured? | | Cor II.i.23 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
Because you talke of Pride now, will you not | Because you talk of pride now – will you not | | Cor II.i.24 | |
be angry. | be angry? | | Cor II.i.25 | |
Both. | BOTH | | | |
Well, well sir, well. | Well, well, sir, well? | | Cor II.i.26 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
Why 'tis no great matter: for a very little | Why, 'tis no great matter, for a very little | | Cor II.i.27 | |
theefe of Occasion, will rob you of a great deale of Patience: | thief of occasion will rob you of a great deal of patience. | occasion (n.) circumstance, opportunity | Cor II.i.28 | |
Giue your dispositions the reines, and bee angry at your | Give your dispositions the reins and be angry at your | disposition (n.) inclination, mood, frame of mind | Cor II.i.29 | |
pleasures (at the least) if you take it as a pleasure to you, | pleasures – at the least, if you take it as a pleasure to you | | Cor II.i.30 | |
in being so: you blame Martius for being proud. | in being so. You blame Martius for being proud? | | Cor II.i.31 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
We do it not alone, sir. | We do it not alone, sir. | | Cor II.i.32 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
I know you can doe very little alone, for your | I know you can do very little alone, for your | | Cor II.i.33 | |
helpes are many, or else your actions would growe wondrous | helps are many, or else your actions would grow wondrous | wondrous (adv.) wonderfully, extraordinarily, marvellously | Cor II.i.34 | |
single: your abilities are to Infant-like, for dooing | single. Your abilities are too infant-like for doing | single (adj.) poor, feeble, slight, trivial | Cor II.i.35 | |
much alone. You talke of Pride: Oh, that you could turn | much alone. You talk of pride. O that you could turn | | Cor II.i.36 | |
your eyes toward the Napes of your neckes, and make but | your eyes toward the napes of your necks, and make but | | Cor II.i.37 | |
an Interiour suruey of your good selues. Oh that you could. | an interior survey of your good selves! O that you could! | | Cor II.i.38 | |
Both. | BRUTUS | | | |
What then sir? | What then, sir? | | Cor II.i.39 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
Why then you should discouer a brace of vnmeriting, | Why, then you should discover a brace of unmeriting, | discover (v.) recognize, distinguish, discern | Cor II.i.40 | |
| | brace (n.) group of two, couple, pair | | |
proud, violent, testie Magistrates (alias Fooles) | proud, violent, testy magistrates – alias fools – | | Cor II.i.41 | |
as any in Rome. | as any in Rome. | | Cor II.i.42 | |
Sicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
Menenius, you are knowne well enough too. | Menenius, you are known well enough too. | | Cor II.i.43 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
I am knowne to be a humorous Patritian, and | I am known to be a humorous patrician, and | humorous (adj.) capricious, moody, temperamental | Cor II.i.44 | |
one that loues a cup of hot Wine, with not a drop of alaying | one that loves a cup of hot wine with not a drop of allaying | allaying (adj.) diluting, watering down | Cor II.i.45 | |
Tiber in't: Said, to be something imperfect in fauouring | Tiber in't; said to be something imperfect in favouring | imperfect (adj.) faulty, lacking in character | Cor II.i.46 | |
| | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | | |
| | Tiber (n.) [pron: 'tiyber] river flowing through Rome | | |
the first complaint, hasty and Tinder-like vppon, to | the first complaint, hasty and tinder-like upon too | tinder-like (adj.) quick-tempered, inflammable, volatile | Cor II.i.47 | |
triuiall motion: One, that conuerses more with the Buttocke | trivial motion; one that converses more with the buttock | motion (n.) cause, prompting, provocation | Cor II.i.48 | |
| | converse (v.) associate, keep company | | |
of the night, then with the forhead of the morning. | of the night than with the forehead of the morning. | | Cor II.i.49 | |
What I think, I vtter, and spend my malice in my breath. | What I think I utter, and spend my malice in my breath. | spend (v.) expend, express, give vent to | Cor II.i.50 | |
Meeting two such Weales men as you are (I cannot call | Meeting two such wealsmen as you are – I cannot call | wealsman (n.) public servant, one devoted to the well-being of the state | Cor II.i.51 | |
you Licurgusses,) if the drinke you giue me, touch my | you Lycurguses – if the drink you give me touch my | Lycurgus (n.) [liy'kurgus] Spartan legislator, 7th-c BC, legendary for wisdom | Cor II.i.52 | |
Palat aduersly, I make a crooked face at it, I can | palate adversely, I make a crooked face at it. I cannot | crooked (adj.) curling, twisting | Cor II.i.53 | |
say, your Worshippes haue deliuer'd the matter well, when | say your worships have delivered the matter well, when | deliver (v.) report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe | Cor II.i.54 | |
I finde the Asse in compound, with the Maior part of your | I find the ass in compound with the major part of your | compound (n.) union, combination, association | Cor II.i.55 | |
syllables. And though I must be content to beare with | syllables. And though I must be content to bear with | content (adj.) contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed | Cor II.i.56 | |
those, that say you are reuerend graue men, yet they lye | those that say you are reverend grave men, yet they lie | grave (adj.) important, dignified, serious | Cor II.i.57 | |
deadly, that tell you haue good faces, if you see this in the | deadly that tell you have good faces. If you see this in the | tell (v.) say, assert, put it about | Cor II.i.58 | |
| | good (adj.) honest, virtuous, honourable | | |
| | deadly (adv.) extremely, implacably, to the death | | |
Map of my Microcosme, followes it that I am knowne well | map of my microcosm, follows it that I am known well | microcosm (n.) little world | Cor II.i.59 | |
enough too? What harme can your beesome Conspectuities | enough too? What harm can your bisson conspectuities | bisson (adj.) blear-eyed, half-blind | Cor II.i.60 | |
| | conspectuity (n.) faculty of sight, insight, vision | | |
gleane out of this Charracter, if I be knowne well enough too. | glean out of this character, if I be known well enough too? | character (n.) personality sketch, personal description | Cor II.i.61 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Come sir come, we know you well enough. | Come, sir, come, we know you well enough. | | Cor II.i.62 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
You know neither mee, your selues, nor any | You know neither me, yourselves, nor any | | Cor II.i.63 | |
thing: you are ambitious, for poore knaues cappes and legges: | thing. You are ambitious for poor knaves' caps and legs. | knave (n.) boy, lad, fellow | Cor II.i.64 | |
| | leg (n.) bending of a knee, genuflection, obeisance | | |
| | cap (n.) removal of a cap, respectful salutation | | |
you weare out a good wholesome Forenoone, in hearing a | You wear out a good wholesome forenoon in hearing a | wholesome (adj.) profitable, valuable, promoting well-being | Cor II.i.65 | |
| | forenoon (n.) part of the day before noon | | |
cause betweene an Orendge wife, and a Forfet-seller, and | cause between an orange-wife and a faucet-seller, and | orange-wife (n.) woman who sells oranges | Cor II.i.66 | |
| | faucet-seller (n.) seller of taps for wine-barrels | | |
| | cause (n.) court case, legal action, matter before the court | | |
then reiourne the Controuersie of three-pence to a second | then rejourn the controversy of threepence to a second | rejourn (v.) put off, postpone, adjourn | Cor II.i.67 | |
day of Audience. When you are hearing a matter betweene | day of audience. When you are hearing a matter between | audience (n.) hearing, attention, reception | Cor II.i.68 | |
party and party, if you chaunce to bee pinch'd with the | party and party, if you chance to be pinched with the | party (n.) litigant, disputant, side | Cor II.i.69 | |
Collicke, you make faces like Mummers, set vp the bloodie | colic, you make faces like mummers, set up the bloody | mummer (n.) actor in a dumb-show | Cor II.i.70 | |
| | bloody (adj.) portending bloodshed; or: blood-red, scarlet | | |
Flagge against all Patience, and in roaring for a Chamber-pot, | flag against all patience, and, in roaring for a chamber-pot, | flag, set up the bloody declare war, engage in battle | Cor II.i.71 | |
dismisse the Controuersie bleeding, the more intangled | dismiss the controversy bleeding, the more entangled | bleeding (adj.) unhealed, uncured, undecided | Cor II.i.72 | |
by your hearing: All the peace you make in their | by your hearing. All the peace you make in their | | Cor II.i.73 | |
Cause, is calling both the parties Knaues. You are a payre of | cause is calling both the parties knaves. You are a pair of | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | Cor II.i.74 | |
| | cause (n.) court case, legal action, matter before the court | | |
strange ones. | strange ones. | | Cor II.i.75 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Come, come, you are well vnderstood to bee a perfecter | Come, come, you are well understood to be a perfecter | | Cor II.i.76 | |
gyber for the Table, then a necessary Bencher in the | giber for the table than a necessary bencher in the | table (n.) dinner table, dinner party | Cor II.i.77 | |
| | giber (n.) joker, wit, comedian | | |
| | necessary (adj.) providing a useful service, indispensable | | |
| | bencher (n.) jurist, magistrate, statesman | | |
Capitoll. | Capitol. | Capitol (n.) geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government | Cor II.i.78 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
Our very Priests must become Mockers, if they | Our very priests must become mockers, if they | | Cor II.i.79 | |
shall encounter such ridiculous Subiects as you are, | shall encounter such ridiculous subjects as you are. | subject (n.) object, thing, creature | Cor II.i.80 | |
when you speake best vnto the purpose. It is not woorth | When you speak best unto the purpose, it is not worth | purpose (n.) point at issue, matter in hand | Cor II.i.81 | |
the wagging of your Beards, and your Beards deserue not | the wagging of your beards; and your beards deserve not | | Cor II.i.82 | |
so honourable a graue, as to stuffe a Botchers Cushion, or to | so honourable a grave as to stuff a botcher's cushion or to | botcher (n.) mender of old clothes, tailor who does repairs, patcher-up | Cor II.i.83 | |
be intomb'd in an Asses Packe-saddle; yet you must bee | be entombed in an ass's pack-saddle. Yet you must be | | Cor II.i.84 | |
saying, Martius is proud: who in a cheape estimation, is | saying Martius is proud; who, in a cheap estimation, is | | Cor II.i.85 | |
worth all your predecessors, since Deucalion, though | worth all your predecessors since Deucalion, though | Deucalion (n.) son of Prometheus, who survived with his wife Pyrrha in an ark when Zeus flooded the world; restored humanity by throwing stones over their shoulders, which turned into people | Cor II.i.86 | |
peraduenture some of the best of 'em were hereditarie | peradventure some of the best of 'em were hereditary | peradventure (adv.) perhaps, maybe, very likely | Cor II.i.87 | |
hangmen. Godden to your Worships, more of your | hangmen. Good-e'en to your worships. More of your | | Cor II.i.88 | |
conuersation would infect my Braine, being the Heardsmen | conversation would infect my brain, being the herdsmen | conversation (n.) social interaction, society, dealings | Cor II.i.89 | |
of the Beastly Plebeans. I will be bold to take my leaue | of the beastly plebeians. I will be bold to take my leave | | Cor II.i.90 | |
of you. | of you. | | Cor II.i.91 | |
Bru. and Scic. Aside. | Brutus and Sicinius stand aside | | Cor II.i.92.1 | |
Enter Volumnia, Virgilia, and Valeria. | Enter Volumnia, Virgilia, and Valeria | | Cor II.i.92.2 | |
How now (my as faire as Noble) Ladyes, and the Moone | How now, my as fair as noble ladies – and the moon, | | Cor II.i.92 | |
were shee Earthly, no Nobler; whither doe you follow your | were she earthly, no nobler – whither do you follow your | | Cor II.i.93 | |
Eyes so fast? | eyes so fast? | | Cor II.i.94 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
Honorable Menenius, my Boy Martius | Honourable Menenius, my boy Martius | | Cor II.i.95 | |
approches: for the loue of Iuno let's goe. | approaches. For the love of Juno, let's go. | Juno (n.) Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity | Cor II.i.96 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
Ha? Martius comming home? | Ha? Martius coming home? | | Cor II.i.97 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
I, worthy Menenius, and with most prosperous | Ay, worthy Menenius, and with most prosperous | prosperous (adj.) favourable, happy, showing success | Cor II.i.98 | |
approbation. | approbation. | approbation (n.) expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning | Cor II.i.99 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
Take my Cappe Iupiter, and I thanke thee: hoo, | Take my cap, Jupiter, and I thank thee. Hoo! | Jupiter, Jove (n.) Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno | Cor II.i.100 | |
Martius comming home? | Martius coming home? | | Cor II.i.101 | |
2. Ladies. | VIRGILIA and VALERIA | | | |
Nay, 'tis true. | Nay, 'tis true. | | Cor II.i.102 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
Looke, here's a Letter from him, the State hath | Look, here's a letter from him. The state hath | | Cor II.i.103 | |
another, his Wife another, and (I thinke) there's one at home | another, his wife another, and I think there's one at home | | Cor II.i.104 | |
for you. | for you. | | Cor II.i.105 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
I will make my very house reele to night: A | I will make my very house reel tonight. A | | Cor II.i.106 | |
Letter for me? | letter for me? | | Cor II.i.107 | |
Virgil. | VIRGILIA | | | |
Yes certaine, there's a Letter for you, I saw't. | Yes, certain, there's a letter for you, I saw't. | | Cor II.i.108 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
A Letter for me? it giues me an Estate of seuen | A letter for me! It gives me an estate of seven | estate (n.) endowment, bestowal | Cor II.i.109 | |
yeeres health; in which time, I will make a Lippe at the Physician: | years' health, in which time I will make a lip at the physician. | lip, make a curl a lip, mock, sneer | Cor II.i.110 | |
The most soueraigne Prescription in Galen, is but | The most sovereign prescription in Galen is but | sovereign (adj.) excellent, excelling, superlative | Cor II.i.111 | |
| | Galen (n.) [pron: 'gaylen] Greek physician, 2nd-c | | |
Emperickqutique; and to this Preseruatiue, of no better report | empiricutic and, to this preservative, of no better report | empiricutic (n./adj.) quackery, imposture; quackish, fraudulent | Cor II.i.112 | |
then a Horse-drench. Is he not wounded? he was wont | than a horse-drench. Is he not wounded? He was wont | horse-drench (n.) dose of horse medicine | Cor II.i.113 | |
to come home wounded? | to come home wounded. | | Cor II.i.114 | |
Virgil. | VIRGILIA | | | |
Oh no, no, no. | O, no, no, no. | | Cor II.i.115 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
Oh, he is wounded, I thanke the Gods for't. | O, he is wounded, I thank the gods for't. | | Cor II.i.116 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
So doe I too, if it be not too much: brings a | So do I too – if it be not too much. Brings 'a | | Cor II.i.117 | |
Victorie in his Pocket? the wounds become him. | victory in his pocket, the wounds become him. | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | Cor II.i.118 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
On's Browes: Menenius, hee comes the third | On's brows, Menenius. He comes the third | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Cor II.i.119 | |
time home with the Oaken Garland. | time home with the oaken garland. | | Cor II.i.120 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
Ha's he disciplin'd Auffidius soundly? | Has he disciplined Aufidius soundly? | discipline (v.) thrash, trounce, beat | Cor II.i.121 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
Titus Lartius writes, they fought together, | Titus Lartius writes they fought together, | | Cor II.i.122 | |
but Auffidius got off. | but Aufidius got off. | | Cor II.i.123 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
And 'twas time for him too, Ile warrant him | And 'twas time for him too, I'll warrant him | | Cor II.i.124 | |
that: and he had stay'd by him, I would not haue been so | that. An he had stayed by him, I would not have been so | and, an (conj.) if, whether | Cor II.i.125 | |
fiddious'd, for all the Chests in Carioles, and the Gold that's | fidiused for all the chests in Corioles and the gold that's | fidiuse (v.) [jocular form of ‘Aufidius’] treated as Aufidius was treated | Cor II.i.126 | |
in them. Is the Senate possest of this? | in them. Is the Senate possessed of this? | possess (v.) notify, inform, acquaint | Cor II.i.127 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
Good Ladies let's goe. Yes, yes, yes: The | Good ladies, let's go. Yes, yes, yes! The | | Cor II.i.128 | |
Senate ha's Letters from the Generall, wherein hee giues | Senate has letters from the general, wherein he gives | | Cor II.i.129 | |
my Sonne the whole Name of the Warre: he hath in this | my son the whole name of the war. He hath in this | name (n.) honour, credit, glory | Cor II.i.130 | |
action out-done his former deeds doubly. | action outdone his former deeds doubly. | | Cor II.i.131 | |
Valer. | VALERIA | | | |
In troth, there's wondrous things spoke of him. | In troth, there's wondrous things spoke of him. | troth, good troth (n.) exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed | Cor II.i.132 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
Wondrous: I, I warrant you, and not without | Wondrous? Ay, I warrant you, and not without | | Cor II.i.133 | |
his true purchasing. | his true purchasing. | purchase (v.) acquire, obtain, win | Cor II.i.134 | |
Virgil. | VIRGILIA | | | |
The Gods graunt them true. | The gods grant them true. | | Cor II.i.135 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
True? pow waw. | True? Pow waw! | | Cor II.i.136 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
True? Ile be sworne they are true: where is | True? I'll be sworn they are true. Where is | | Cor II.i.137 | |
hee wounded, God saue your good | he wounded? (To the Tribunes) God save your good | | Cor II.i.138 | |
Worships? Martius is comming home: hee ha's more cause | worships! Martius is coming home. He has more cause | | Cor II.i.139 | |
to be prowd: where is he wounded? | to be proud. – Where is he wounded? | | Cor II.i.140 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
Ith' Shoulder, and ith' left Arme: there will be | I'th' shoulder and i'th' left arm. There will be | | Cor II.i.141 | |
large Cicatrices to shew the People, when hee shall stand | large cicatrices to show the people, when he shall stand | cicatrice (n.) scar, scar-like mark | Cor II.i.142 | |
for his place: he receiued in the repulse of Tarquin | for his place. He received in the repulse of Tarquin | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | Cor II.i.143 | |
| | Tarquin Tarquinius Superbus, seventh king of Rome, 6th-c BC; also his son, Sextus Tarquinius, the ravisher of Lucrece | | |
seuen hurts ith' Body. | seven hurts i'th' body. | | Cor II.i.144 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
One ith' Neck, and two ith' Thigh, there's nine | One i'th' neck, and two i'th' thigh – there's nine | | Cor II.i.145 | |
that I know. | that I know. | | Cor II.i.146 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
Hee had, before this last Expedition, twentie fiue | He had before this last expedition twenty-five | | Cor II.i.147 | |
Wounds vpon him. | wounds upon him. | | Cor II.i.148 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
Now it's twentie seuen; euery gash was an | Now it's twenty-seven. Every gash was an | | Cor II.i.149 | |
Enemies Graue. Hearke, the Trumpets. A showt, and flourish. | enemy's grave. (A shout and flourish) Hark, the trumpets. | | Cor II.i.150 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
These are the Vshers of Martius: / Before him, | These are the ushers of Martius. Before him | | Cor II.i.151 | |
hee carryes Noyse; / And behinde him, hee leaues Teares: | he carries noise, and behind him he leaves tears. | | Cor II.i.152 | |
Death, that darke Spirit, in's neruie Arme doth lye, | Death, that dark spirit, in's nervy arm doth lie, | nervy (adj.) muscular, sinewy, vigorous | Cor II.i.153 | |
Which being aduanc'd, declines, and then men dye. | Which, being advanced, declines, and then men die. | decline (v.) fall, descend, come down | Cor II.i.154 | |
| | advance (v.) raise, lift up, upraise | | |
A Sennet. Trumpets sound. Enter Cominius the | A sennet. Trumpets sound. Enter Cominius the | | Cor II.i.155.1 | |
Generall, and Titus Latius: betweene them Coriolanus, | General, and Titus Lartius; between them, Coriolanus, | | Cor II.i.155.2 | |
crown'd with an Oaken Garland, with Captaines and | crowned with an oaken garland; with Captains and | | Cor II.i.155.3 | |
Souldiers, and a Herauld. | Soldiers and a Herald | | Cor II.i.155.4 | |
Herauld. | HERALD | | | |
Know Rome, that all alone Martius did fight | Know, Rome, that all alone Martius did fight | | Cor II.i.155 | |
Within Corioles Gates: where he hath wonne, | Within Corioles gates, where he hath won, | | Cor II.i.156 | |
With Fame, a Name to Martius Caius: / These | With fame, a name to Caius Martius; these | | Cor II.i.157 | |
in honor followes Martius Caius Coriolanus. | In honour follows ‘ Coriolanus.’ | | Cor II.i.158 | |
Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus. | Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus! | | Cor II.i.159 | |
Sound. Flourish. | (Sound flourish) | | Cor II.i.160 | |
All. | ALL | | | |
Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus. | Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus! | | Cor II.i.160 | |
Coriol. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
No more of this, it does offend my heart: | No more of this; it does offend my heart. | | Cor II.i.161 | |
pray now no more. | Pray now, no more. | | Cor II.i.162.1 | |
Com. | COMINIUS | | | |
Looke, Sir, your Mother. | Look, sir, your mother! | | Cor II.i.162.2 | |
Coriol. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
Oh! | O, | | Cor II.i.162.3 | |
you haue, I know, petition'd all the Gods | You have, I know, petitioned all the gods | | Cor II.i.163 | |
for my prosperitie. | For my prosperity! | prosperity (n.) success, good fortune | Cor II.i.164.1 | |
Kneeles. | He kneels | | Cor II.i. | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
Nay, my good Souldier, vp: | Nay, my good soldier, up, | | Cor II.i.164.2 | |
My gentle Martius, worthy Caius, / And | My gentle Martius, worthy Caius, and | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | Cor II.i.165 | |
by deed-atchieuing Honor newly nam'd, | By deed-achieving honour newly named – | deed-achieving (adj.) achieved by deeds, won by actions | Cor II.i.166 | |
What is it (Coriolanus) must I call thee? | What is it? – Coriolanus must I call thee? – | | Cor II.i.167 | |
But oh, thy Wife. | But, O, thy wife! | | Cor II.i.168.1 | |
Corio. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
My gracious silence, hayle: | My gracious silence, hail! | gracious (adj.) delightful, lovely, charming | Cor II.i.168.2 | |
Would'st thou haue laugh'd, had I come Coffin'd home, | Wouldst thou have laughed had I come coffined home, | | Cor II.i.169 | |
That weep'st to see me triumph? Ah my deare, | That weep'st to see me triumph? Ah, my dear, | triumph (v.) exult, gloat, glory | Cor II.i.170 | |
Such eyes the Widowes in Carioles were, | Such eyes the widows in Corioles wear, | | Cor II.i.171 | |
And Mothers that lacke Sonnes. | And mothers that lack sons. | | Cor II.i.172.1 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
Now the Gods Crowne thee. | Now the gods crown thee! | | Cor II.i.172.2 | |
Com. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
And liue you yet? Oh my sweet Lady, pardon. | And live you yet? (To Valeria) O my sweet lady, pardon. | | Cor II.i.173 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
I know not where to turne. / Oh welcome home: | I know not where to turn. O, welcome home. | | Cor II.i.174 | |
and welcome Generall, / And y'are welcome all. | And welcome, general, and y'are welcome all. | | Cor II.i.175 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
A hundred thousand Welcomes: / I could weepe, | A hundred thousand welcomes. I could weep | | Cor II.i.176 | |
and I could laugh, / I am light, and heauie; welcome: | And I could laugh, I am light and heavy. Welcome. | light (adj.) joyful, merry, light-hearted | Cor II.i.177 | |
| | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | | |
A Curse begin at very root on's heart, | A curse begnaw at very root on's heart | root (n.) bottom [of one's heart] | Cor II.i.178 | |
| | begnaw (v.) gnaw away, eat away, chew | | |
That is not glad to see thee. / Yon are three, | That is not glad to see thee. You are three | | Cor II.i.179 | |
that Rome should dote on: / Yet by the faith of men, | That Rome should dote on. Yet, by the faith of men, | | Cor II.i.180 | |
we haue / Some old Crab-trees here at home, / That will not | We have some old crab-trees here at home that will not | crab-tree (n./adj.) crab-apple tree | Cor II.i.181 | |
be grafted to your Rallish. / Yet welcome Warriors: | Be grafted to your relish. Yet welcome, warriors. | relish (n.) liking, taste, inclination | Cor II.i.182 | |
Wee call a Nettle, but a Nettle; / And | We call a nettle but a nettle and | | Cor II.i.183 | |
the faults of fooles, but folly. | The faults of fools but folly. | | Cor II.i.184.1 | |
Com. | COMINIUS | | | |
Euer right. | Ever right. | | Cor II.i.184.2 | |
Cor. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
Menenius, euer, euer. | Menenius ever, ever. | | Cor II.i.185 | |
Herauld. | HERALD | | | |
Giue way there, and goe on. | Give way there, and go on. | | Cor II.i.186.1 | |
Cor. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
| (to Volumnia and Virgilia) | | Cor II.i.186 | |
Your Hand, and yours? | Your hand, and yours: | | Cor II.i.186.2 | |
Ere in our owne house I doe shade my Head, | Ere in our own house I do shade my head, | | Cor II.i.187 | |
The good Patricians must be visited, | The good patricians must be visited, | | Cor II.i.188 | |
From whom I haue receiu'd not onely greetings, | From whom I have received not only greetings, | | Cor II.i.189 | |
But with them, change of Honors. | But with them change of honours. | honour (n.) noble rank, position of dignity, title of renown | Cor II.i.190.1 | |
Volum. | VOLUMNIA | | | |
I haue liued, | I have lived | | Cor II.i.190.2 | |
To see inherited my very Wishes, | To see inherited my very wishes | inherit (v.) realize, come to fruition | Cor II.i.191 | |
And the Buildings of my Fancie: / Onely | And the buildings of my fancy. Only | fancy (n.) imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought | Cor II.i.192 | |
| | building (n.) edifice, construction | | |
there's one thing wanting, / Which (I doubt not) but | There's one thing wanting, which I doubt not but | | Cor II.i.193 | |
our Rome / Will cast vpon thee. | Our Rome will cast upon thee. | | Cor II.i.194.1 | |
Cor. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
Know, good Mother, | Know, good mother, | | Cor II.i.194.2 | |
I had rather be their seruant in my way, | I had rather be their servant in my way | | Cor II.i.195 | |
Then sway with them in theirs. | Than sway with them in theirs. | sway (v.) control, rule, direct, govern | Cor II.i.196.1 | |
Com. | COMINIUS | | | |
On, to the Capitall. | On, to the Capitol. | | Cor II.i.196.2 | |
Flourish. Cornets. Exeunt in State, as before. | Flourish. Cornets. Exeunt in state, as before. | | Cor II.i.196 | |
Enter Brutus and Scicinius. | Brutus and Sicinius come forward | | Cor II.i.197.1 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
All tongues speake of him, and the bleared sights | All tongues speak of him and the bleared sights | sight (n.) eye | Cor II.i.197 | |
| | bleared (adj.) blear-eyed, tear-dimmed | | |
Are spectacled to see him. Your pratling Nurse | Are spectacled to see him. Your prattling nurse | spectacle (v.) fit with spectacles, give glasses | Cor II.i.198 | |
Into a rapture lets her Baby crie, | Into a rapture lets her baby cry | rapture (n.) fit, seizure, convulsion | Cor II.i.199 | |
While she chats him: the Kitchin Malkin pinnes | While she chats him. The kitchen malkin pins | chat (v.) go on about, gossip about, talk of | Cor II.i.200 | |
| | malkin (n.) wench, drab, slut | | |
Her richest Lockram 'bout her reechie necke, | Her richest lockram 'bout her reechy neck, | reechy (adj.) dirty, filthy, squalid | Cor II.i.201 | |
| | lockram (n.) type of Breton linen fabric | | |
Clambring the Walls to eye him: / Stalls, Bulkes, Windowes, | Clambering the walls to eye him. Stalls, bulks, windows | stall (n.) stand in front of a shop displaying goods for sale | Cor II.i.202 | |
| | bulk (n.) projecting part of a building, structure for displaying goods at the front of a shop | | |
are smother'd vp, / Leades fill'd, and Ridges hors'd | Are smothered up, leads filled, and ridges horsed | smother up (v.) conceal, hide, cover up | Cor II.i.203 | |
| | ridge (n.) roof ridge, rooftop | | |
| | horse (v.) sit astride [as on a horse], straddle | | |
| | lead (n.) (plural) lead-covered flat roofs | | |
With variable Complexions; all agreeing | With variable complexions, all agreeing | variable (adj.) varied, diverse, different | Cor II.i.204 | |
| | complexion (n.) constitution, physical make-up, outward appearance | | |
In earnestnesse to see him: seld-showne Flamins | In earnestness to see him. Seld-shown flamens | seld-shown (adj.) seldom-seen, rarely in the public eye | Cor II.i.205 | |
| | flamen (n.) priest serving a particular deity | | |
Doe presse among the popular Throngs, and puffe | Do press among the popular throngs and puff | | Cor II.i.206 | |
To winne a vulgar station: our veyl'd Dames | To win a vulgar station. Our veiled dames | station (n.) place to stand in, spot to see from | Cor II.i.207 | |
| | vulgar (adj.) public, general, common | | |
Commit the Warre of White and Damaske / In | Commit the war of white and damask in | damask (adj./n.) light-red, pink [colour of the damask rose] | Cor II.i.208 | |
their nicely gawded Cheekes, to th'wanton spoyle | Their nicely gawded cheeks to th' wanton spoil | nicely (adv.) carefully, skilfully, ingeniously | Cor II.i.209 | |
| | spoil (n.) plundering, pillaging, despoiling | | |
| | gawded (adj.) made-up, prepared with cosmetics, adorned | | |
| | wanton (adj.) unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled | | |
Of Phoebus burning Kisses: such a poother, | Of Phoebus' burning kisses. Such a pother | pother (n.) fuss, uproar, commotion | Cor II.i.210 | |
| | Phoebus (n.) [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo | | |
As if that whatsoeuer God, who leades him, | As if that whatsoever god who leads him | | Cor II.i.211 | |
Were slyly crept into his humane powers, | Were slily crept into his human powers | power (n.) (plural) physical faculties, bodily strength | Cor II.i.212 | |
And gaue him gracefull posture. | And gave him graceful posture. | posture (n.) bearing, demeanour, presence | Cor II.i.213.1 | |
Scicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
On the suddaine, | On the sudden | sudden, of / on / upon a / the soon, at an early date | Cor II.i.213.2 | |
I warrant him Consull. | I warrant him consul. | | Cor II.i.214.1 | |
Brutus. | BRUTUS | | | |
Then our Office may, | Then our office may | office (n.) role, position, place, function | Cor II.i.214.2 | |
during his power, goe sleepe. | During his power go sleep. | power (n.) authority, government | Cor II.i.215 | |
Scicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
He cannot temp'rately transport his Honors, | He cannot temperately transport his honours | temperately (adv.) steadily, calmly, moderately | Cor II.i.216 | |
| | transport (v.) carry off, move along | | |
From where he should begin, and end, but will | From where he should begin and end, but will | | Cor II.i.217 | |
Lose those he hath wonne. | Lose those he hath won. | | Cor II.i.218.1 | |
Brutus. | BRUTUS | | | |
In that there's comfort. | In that there's comfort. | | Cor II.i.218.2 | |
Scici. | SICINIUS | | | |
Doubt not, | Doubt not | | Cor II.i.218.3 | |
The Commoners, for whom we stand, but they | The commoners, for whom we stand, but they | stand for (v.) represent, serve, uphold | Cor II.i.219 | |
Vpon their ancient mallice, will forget | Upon their ancient malice will forget | malice (n.) hostility, hatred, ill-will, enmity | Cor II.i.220 | |
| | upon (prep.) owing to | | |
| | ancient, aunchient (adj.) long-established, long-standing | | |
With the least cause, these his new Honors, / Which | With the least cause these his new honours, which | | Cor II.i.221 | |
that he will giue them, make I as little question, | That he will give them make I as little question | | Cor II.i.222 | |
As he is prowd to doo't. | As he is proud to do't. | | Cor II.i.223.1 | |
Brutus. | BRUTUS | | | |
I heard him sweare, | I heard him swear, | | Cor II.i.223.2 | |
Were he to stand for Consull, neuer would he | Were he to stand for consul, never would he | | Cor II.i.224 | |
Appeare i'th' Market place, nor on him put | Appear i'th' market-place nor on him put | | Cor II.i.225 | |
The Naples Vesture of Humilitie, | The napless vesture of humility, | napless (adj.) threadbare, worn, frayed | Cor II.i.226 | |
| | vesture (n.) garment, clothing, garb, costume | | |
Nor shewing (as the manner is) his Wounds | Nor showing, as the manner is, his wounds | | Cor II.i.227 | |
To th' People, begge their stinking Breaths. | To th' people, beg their stinking breaths. | | Cor II.i.228.1 | |
Scicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
'Tis right. | 'Tis right. | | Cor II.i.228.2 | |
Brutus. | BRUTUS | | | |
It was his word: / Oh he would misse it, rather | It was his word. O, he would miss it rather | miss (v.) forgo, do without, go without | Cor II.i.229 | |
then carry it, / But by the suite of the Gentry to him, | Than carry it but by the suit of the gentry to him | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | Cor II.i.230 | |
| | carry (v.) secure, obtain, gain | | |
And the desire of the Nobles. | And the desire of the nobles. | | Cor II.i.231.1 | |
Scicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
I wish no better, | I wish no better | | Cor II.i.231.2 | |
then haue him hold that purpose, and to put it | Than have him hold that purpose and to put it | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Cor II.i.232 | |
in execution. | In execution. | | Cor II.i.233.1 | |
Brutus. | BRUTUS | | | |
'Tis most like he will. | 'Tis most like he will. | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | Cor II.i.233.2 | |
Scicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
It shall be to him then, as our good wills; | It shall be to him then as our good wills, | will (v.), past form would require, demand, need | Cor II.i.234 | |
| | good (n.) interest, advantage, benefit | | |
a sure destruction. | A sure destruction. | | Cor II.i.235.1 | |
Brutus. | BRUTUS | | | |
So it must fall out | So it must fall out | | Cor II.i.235.2 | |
To him, or our Authorities, for an end. | To him, or our authority's for an end. | | Cor II.i.236 | |
We must suggest the People, in what hatred | We must suggest the people in what hatred | suggest (v.) [of an idea] insinuate [to], make hints [to] | Cor II.i.237 | |
He still hath held them: that to's power he would | He still hath held them; that to's power he would | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Cor II.i.238 | |
| | power (n.) authority, government | | |
Haue made them Mules, silenc'd their Pleaders, / And | Have made them mules, silenced their pleaders and | | Cor II.i.239 | |
dispropertied their Freedomes; holding them, | Dispropertied their freedoms, holding them | disproperty (v.) dispossess, deprive, strip [someone of] | Cor II.i.240 | |
In humane Action, and Capacitie, | In human action and capacity | | Cor II.i.241 | |
Of no more Soule, nor fitnesse for the World, | Of no more soul nor fitness for the world | | Cor II.i.242 | |
Then Cammels in their Warre, who haue their Prouand | Than camels in the war, who have their provand | provand (n.) provender, provisions, food | Cor II.i.243 | |
Onely for bearing Burthens, and sore blowes | Only for bearing burdens, and sore blows | | Cor II.i.244 | |
For sinking vnder them. | For sinking under them. | | Cor II.i.245.1 | |
Scicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
This (as you say) suggested, | This, as you say, suggested | suggest (v.) [of an idea] insinuate [to], make hints [to] | Cor II.i.245.2 | |
At some time, when his soaring Insolence | At some time when his soaring insolence | | Cor II.i.246 | |
Shall teach the People, which time shall not want, | Shall touch the people – which time shall not want, | teach (v.) give direction to, lecture | Cor II.i.247 | |
| | touch (v.) affect, move, stir | | |
If he be put vpon't, and that's as easie, | If he be put upon't, and that's as easy | put on (v.) instigate, provoke, incite | Cor II.i.248 | |
| | put upon (v.) provoke into doing, encourage into | | |
As to set Dogges on Sheepe, will be his fire | As to set dogs on sheep – will be his fire | | Cor II.i.249 | |
To kindle their dry Stubble: and their Blaze | To kindle their dry stubble; and their blaze | | Cor II.i.250 | |
Shall darken him for euer. | Shall darken him for ever. | darken (v.) obscure, eclipse, deprive of fame | Cor II.i.251.1 | |
Enter a Messenger. | Enter a Messenger | | Cor II.i.251 | |
Brutus. | BRUTUS | | | |
What's the matter? | What's the matter? | | Cor II.i.251.2 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
You are sent for to the Capitoll: / 'Tis thought, | You are sent for to the Capitol. 'Tis thought | | Cor II.i.252 | |
that Martius shall be Consull: | That Martius shall be consul. | | Cor II.i.253 | |
I haue seene the dumbe men throng to see him, / And | I have seen the dumb men throng to see him and | | Cor II.i.254 | |
the blind to heare him speak: Matrons flong Gloues, | The blind to hear him speak. Matrons flung gloves, | matron (n.) married woman | Cor II.i.255 | |
Ladies and Maids their Scarffes, and Handkerchers, | Ladies and maids their scarfs and handkerchers, | handkercher (n.) handkerchief | Cor II.i.256 | |
Vpon him as he pass'd: the Nobles bended | Upon him as he passed. The nobles bended | | Cor II.i.257 | |
As to Ioues Statue, and the Commons made | As to Jove's statue, and the commons made | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | Cor II.i.258 | |
A Shower, and Thunder, with their Caps, and Showts: | A shower and thunder with their caps and shouts. | | Cor II.i.259 | |
I neuer saw the like. | I never saw the like. | | Cor II.i.260.1 | |
Brutus. | BRUTUS | | | |
Let's to the Capitoll, | Let's to the Capitol, | | Cor II.i.260.2 | |
And carry with vs Eares and Eyes for th' time, | And carry with us ears and eyes for th' time, | | Cor II.i.261 | |
But Hearts for the euent. | But hearts for the event. | event (n.) outcome, issue, consequence | Cor II.i.262.1 | |
Scicin. | SICINIUS | | | |
Haue with you. | Have with you. | | Cor II.i.262.2 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Cor II.i.262 | |