First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Alarum, as in Battaile. Enter Martius and Auffidius at | Alarum, as in battle. Enter Martius and Aufidius at | | Cor I.viii.1.1 | |
seueral doores. | several doors | several (adj.) separate, different, distinct | Cor I.viii.1.2 | |
Mar. | MARTIUS | | | |
Ile fight with none but thee, for I do hate thee | I'll fight with none but thee, for I do hate thee | | Cor I.viii.1 | |
Worse then a Promise-breaker. | Worse than a promise-breaker. | | Cor I.viii.2.1 | |
Auffid. | AUFIDIUS | | | |
We hate alike: | We hate alike. | | Cor I.viii.2.2 | |
Not Affricke ownes a Serpent I abhorre | Not Afric owns a serpent I abhor | Afric (n.) Africa, often thought of as a desert place | Cor I.viii.3 | |
More then thy Fame and Enuy: Fix thy foot. | More than thy fame and envy. Fix thy foot. | envy (n.) admiration, desire [to be like], jealousy | Cor I.viii.4 | |
| | fix (v.) make firm, secure | | |
Mar. | MARTIUS | | | |
Let the first Budger dye the others Slaue, | Let the first budger die the other's slave, | budger (n.) flincher, shrinker, mover away | Cor I.viii.5 | |
And the Gods doome him after. | And the gods doom him after. | doom (v.) condemn, pronounce judgement against | Cor I.viii.6.1 | |
Auf. | AUFIDIUS | | | |
If I flye Martius, | If I fly, Martius, | | Cor I.viii.6.2 | |
hollow me like a Hare. | Holloa me like a hare. | hallow, holloa, hollow (v.) follow with shouts, call after | Cor I.viii.7.1 | |
Mar. | MARTIUS | | | |
Within these three houres Tullus | Within these three hours, Tullus, | | Cor I.viii.7.2 | |
Alone I fought in your Corioles walles, | Alone I fought in your Corioles walls, | | Cor I.viii.8 | |
And made what worke I pleas'd: 'Tis not my blood, | And made what work I pleased. 'Tis not my blood | | Cor I.viii.9 | |
Wherein thou seest me maskt, for thy Reuenge | Wherein thou seest me masked. For thy revenge | | Cor I.viii.10 | |
Wrench vp thy power to th' highest. | Wrench up thy power to th' highest. | power (n.) force, strength, might | Cor I.viii.11.1 | |
Auf. | AUFIDIUS | | | |
Wer't thou the Hector, | Wert thou the Hector | | Cor I.viii.11.2 | |
That was the whip of your bragg'd Progeny, | That was the whip of your bragged progeny, | progeny (n.) ancestry, descent, parentage | Cor I.viii.12 | |
| | bragged (adj.) bragging, boastful, vaunting | | |
Thou should'st not scape me heere. | Thou shouldst not scape me here. | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | Cor I.viii.13 | |
Heere they fight, and certaine Volces come in the ayde of | Here they fight, and certain Volsces come in the aid of | | Cor I.viii.14.1 | |
Auffi. Martius fights til they be driuen in | Aufidius. Martius fights till they be driven in | | Cor I.viii.14.2 | |
breathles. | breathless | | Cor I.viii.14.3 | |
Officious and not valiant, you haue sham'd me | Officious and not valiant, you have shamed me | officious (adj.) meddlesome, interfering, overzealous | Cor I.viii.14 | |
In your condemned Seconds. | In your condemned seconds. | second (n.) supporting action, act of assistance | Cor I.viii.15 | |
| | condemned (adj.) damned, confounded, blameworthy | | |
| Exeunt | | Cor I.viii.15 | |