First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Katherina and Grumio. | Enter Katherina and Grumio | | TS IV.iii.1.1 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
No, no forsooth I dare not for my life. | No, no, forsooth, I dare not for my life. | forsooth (adv.) in truth, certainly, truly, indeed | TS IV.iii.1 | |
Ka. | KATHERINA | | | |
The more my wrong, the more his spite appears. | The more my wrong, the more his spite appears. | wrong (n.) insult, offence, slight | TS IV.iii.2 | |
What, did he marrie me to famish me? | What, did he marry me to famish me? | | TS IV.iii.3 | |
Beggers that come vnto my fathers doore, | Beggars that come unto my father's door | | TS IV.iii.4 | |
Vpon intreatie haue a present almes, | Upon entreaty have a present alms, | | TS IV.iii.5 | |
If not, elsewhere they meete with charitie: | If not, elsewhere they meet with charity. | | TS IV.iii.6 | |
But I, who neuer knew how to intreat, | But I, who never knew how to entreat, | | TS IV.iii.7 | |
Nor neuer needed that I should intreate, | Nor never needed that I should entreat, | | TS IV.iii.8 | |
Am staru'd for meate, giddie for lacke of sleepe: | Am starved for meat, giddy for lack of sleep, | meat (n.) food, nourishment | TS IV.iii.9 | |
With oathes kept waking, and with brawling fed, | With oath kept waking, and with brawling fed. | | TS IV.iii.10 | |
And that which spights me more then all these wants, | And that which spites me more than all these wants, | spite (v.) irritate, mortify, vex | TS IV.iii.11 | |
He does it vnder name of perfect loue: | He does it under name of perfect love, | | TS IV.iii.12 | |
As who should say. if I should sleepe or eate | As who should say, if I should sleep or eat, | | TS IV.iii.13 | |
'Twere deadly sicknesse, or else present death. | 'Twere deadly sickness or else present death. | | TS IV.iii.14 | |
I prethee go, aud get me some repast, | I prithee go and get me some repast, | | TS IV.iii.15 | |
I care not what, so it be holsome foode. | I care not what, so it be wholesome food. | | TS IV.iii.16 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
What say you to a Neats foote? | What say you to a neat's foot? | neat (n.) ox, cow, cattle | TS IV.iii.17 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
'Tis passing good, I prethee let me haue it. | 'Tis passing good, I prithee let me have it. | passing (adv.) very, exceedingly, extremely | TS IV.iii.18 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
I feare it is too chollericke a meate. | I fear it is too choleric a meat. | choleric (adj.) giving rise to anger, causing bad temper | TS IV.iii.19 | |
How say you to a fat Tripe finely broyl'd? | How say you to a fat tripe finely broiled? | finely (adv.) nicely, delicately, subtly | TS IV.iii.20 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
I like it well, good Grumio fetch it me. | I like it well. Good Grumio, fetch it me. | | TS IV.iii.21 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
I cannot tell, I feare 'tis chollericke. | I cannot tell, I fear 'tis choleric. | | TS IV.iii.22 | |
What say you to a peece of Beefe and Mustard? | What say you to a piece of beef and mustard? | | TS IV.iii.23 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
A dish that I do loue to feede vpon. | A dish that I do love to feed upon. | | TS IV.iii.24 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
I, but the Mustard is too hot a little. | Ay, but the mustard is too hot a little. | | TS IV.iii.25 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Why then the Beefe, and let the Mustard rest. | Why then, the beef, and let the mustard rest. | rest, let so much for, think no further of [someone / something] | TS IV.iii.26 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Nay then I wil not, you shal haue the Mustard | Nay then, I will not. You shall have the mustard, | | TS IV.iii.27 | |
Or else you get no beefe of Grumio. | Or else you get no beef of Grumio. | | TS IV.iii.28 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Then both or one, or any thing thou wilt. | Then both, or one, or anything thou wilt. | | TS IV.iii.29 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Why then the Mustard without the beefe. | Why then, the mustard without the beef. | | TS IV.iii.30 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Go get thee gone, thou false deluding slaue, | Go, get thee gone, thou false deluding slave, | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | TS IV.iii.31 | |
Beats him. | She beats him | | TS IV.iii.32 | |
That feed'st me with the verie name of meate. | That feed'st me with the very name of meat. | | TS IV.iii.32 | |
Sorrow on thee, and all the packe of you | Sorrow on thee and all the pack of you | | TS IV.iii.33 | |
That triumph thus vpon my misery: | That triumph thus upon my misery! | | TS IV.iii.34 | |
Go get thee gone, I say. | Go, get thee gone, I say. | | TS IV.iii.35 | |
Enter Petruchio, and Hortensio with meate. | Enter Petruchio and Hortensio with meat | | TS IV.iii.36.1 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
How fares my Kate, what sweeting all a-mort? | How fares my Kate? What, sweeting, all amort? | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | TS IV.iii.36 | |
| | sweeting (n.) sweetheart, darling, dearest | | |
| | amort (adj.) dispirited, spiritless, dejected | | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Mistris, what cheere? | Mistress, what cheer? | | TS IV.iii.37.1 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Faith as cold as can be. | Faith, as cold as can be. | | TS IV.iii.37.2 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Plucke vp thy spirits, looke cheerfully vpon me. | Pluck up thy spirits, look cheerfully upon me. | | TS IV.iii.38 | |
Heere Loue, thou seest how diligent I am, | Here love, thou seest how diligent I am, | diligent (adj.) attentive, heedful, ready to respond | TS IV.iii.39 | |
To dresse thy meate my selfe, and bring it thee. | To dress thy meat myself, and bring it thee. | dress (v.) prepare, make ready | TS IV.iii.40 | |
| He sets the dish down | | TS IV.iii.41 | |
I am sure sweet Kate, this kindnesse merites thankes. | I am sure, sweet Kate, this kindness merits thanks. | | TS IV.iii.41 | |
What, not a word? Nay then, thou lou'st it not: | What, not a word? Nay, then, thou lov'st it not, | | TS IV.iii.42 | |
And all my paines is sorted to no proofe. | And all my pains is sorted to no proof. | pain (n.) effort, endeavour, exertion, labour | TS IV.iii.43 | |
| | proof (n.) result, outcome, upshot | | |
| | sort (v.) turn out, fall out, come about | | |
Heere take away this dish. | Here, take away this dish. | | TS IV.iii.44.1 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
I pray you let it stand. | I pray you, let it stand. | stand (v.) continue, remain, wait, stay put | TS IV.iii.44.2 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
The poorest seruice is repaide with thankes, | The poorest service is repaid with thanks, | | TS IV.iii.45 | |
And so shall mine before you touch the meate. | And so shall mine before you touch the meat. | | TS IV.iii.46 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
I thanke you sir. | I thank you, sir. | | TS IV.iii.47 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Signior Petruchio, fie you are too blame: | Signor Petruchio, fie, you are to blame. | blame, to to be blamed, blameworthy | TS IV.iii.48 | |
Come Mistris Kate, Ile beare you companie. | Come, Mistress Kate, I'll bear you company. | | TS IV.iii.49 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
| (aside to Hortensio) | | TS IV.iii.50 | |
Eate it vp all Hortensio, if thou louest mee: | Eat it up all, Hortensio, if thou lovest me. | | TS IV.iii.50 | |
Much good do it vnto thy gentle heart: | (to Katherina) Much good do it unto thy gentle heart! | | TS IV.iii.51 | |
Kate eate apace; and now my honie Loue, | Kate, eat apace. And now, my honey love, | apace (adv.) quickly, speedily, at a great rate | TS IV.iii.52 | |
Will we returne vnto thy Fathers house, | Will we return unto thy father's house | | TS IV.iii.53 | |
And reuell it as brauely as the best, | And revel it as bravely as the best, | bravely (adv.) in fine clothes, splendidly dressed | TS IV.iii.54 | |
With silken coats and caps, and golden Rings, | With silken coats and caps, and golden rings, | | TS IV.iii.55 | |
With Ruffes and Cuffes, and Fardingales, and things: | With ruffs and cuffs and farthingales and things, | farthingale (n.) long skirt extended at the back by a framework of hoops | TS IV.iii.56 | |
| | ruff (n.) frill of stiff folded linen, worn around the neck | | |
With Scarfes, and Fannes, & double change of brau'ry, | With scarfs and fans and double change of bravery, | bravery (n.) finery, fine clothes, rich dress | TS IV.iii.57 | |
With Amber Bracelets, Beades, and all this knau'ry. | With amber bracelets, beads, and all this knavery. | knavery (n.) showy adornment, trumpery, ornamentation | TS IV.iii.58 | |
What hast thou din'd? The Tailor staies thy leasure, | What, hast thou dined? The tailor stays thy leisure, | stay (v.) wait (for), await | TS IV.iii.59 | |
| | leisure (n.) opportunity, moment, available time | | |
To decke thy bodie with his ruffling treasure. | To deck thy body with his ruffling treasure. | ruffling (adj.) frilled, lace-adorned; also: embellishing, gay | TS IV.iii.60 | |
Enter Tailor. | Enter Tailor | | TS IV.iii.61 | |
Come Tailor, let vs see these ornaments. | Come, tailor, let us see these ornaments. | | TS IV.iii.61 | |
Lay forth the gowne. | Lay forth the gown. | | TS IV.iii.62.1 | |
Enter Haberdasher. | Enter Haberdasher | | TS IV.iii. | |
What newes with you sir? | What news with you, sir? | | TS IV.iii.62.2 | |
Fel. | HABERDASHER | | | |
Heere is the cap your Worship did bespeake. | Here is the cap your worship did bespeak. | bespeak (v.), past forms bespake, bespoke ask for, order, request | TS IV.iii.63 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Why this was moulded on a porrenger, | Why, this was moulded on a porringer – | mould (v.) model, shape, fashion | TS IV.iii.64 | |
| | porringer (n.) pudding basin, pot [for puddings, soup, etc] | | |
A Veluet dish: Fie, fie, 'tis lewd and filthy, | A velvet dish. Fie, fie, 'tis lewd and filthy! | lewd (adj.) improper, unseemly | TS IV.iii.65 | |
| | filthy (adj.) nasty, contemptible, disgusting | | |
Why 'tis a cockle or a walnut-shell, | Why, 'tis a cockle or a walnut-shell, | cockle (n.) cockle shell, mussel-shell | TS IV.iii.66 | |
A knacke, a toy, a tricke, a babies cap: | A knack, a toy, a trick, a baby's cap. | trick (n.) bauble, trifle, whim | TS IV.iii.67 | |
| | knack (n.) trifle, knick-knack, ornament | | |
| | toy (n.) piece of nonsense, foolish affair | | |
Away with it, come let me haue a bigger. | Away with it! Come, let me have a bigger. | | TS IV.iii.68 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Ile haue no bigger, this doth fit the time, | I'll have no bigger. This doth fit the time, | time (n.) times, present day, present state of affairs | TS IV.iii.69 | |
| | fit (v.) suit, befit, be suitable [for] | | |
And Gentlewomen weare such caps as these. | And gentlewomen wear such caps as these. | gentlewoman (n.) woman of good breeding, well-born lady | TS IV.iii.70 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
When you are gentle, you shall haue one too, | When you are gentle, you shall have one too, | | TS IV.iii.71 | |
And not till then. | And not till then. | | TS IV.iii.72.1 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
| (aside) | | TS IV.iii.72 | |
That will not be in hast. | That will not be in haste. | | TS IV.iii.72.2 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Why sir I trust I may haue leaue to speake, | Why sir, I trust I may have leave to speak, | | TS IV.iii.73 | |
And speake I will. I am no childe, no babe, | And speak I will. I am no child, no babe. | | TS IV.iii.74 | |
Your betters haue indur'd me say my minde, | Your betters have endured me say my mind, | endure (v.) let, allow, permit | TS IV.iii.75 | |
And If you cannot, best you stop your eares. | And if you cannot, best you stop your ears. | | TS IV.iii.76 | |
My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, | My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, | | TS IV.iii.77 | |
Or els my heart concealing it wil breake, | Or else my heart concealing it will break, | | TS IV.iii.78 | |
And rather then it shall, I will be free, | And rather than it shall, I will be free | | TS IV.iii.79 | |
Euen to the vttermost as I please in words. | Even to the uttermost, as I please, in words. | | TS IV.iii.80 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Why thou saist true, it is paltrie cap, | Why, thou say'st true – it is a paltry cap, | | TS IV.iii.81 | |
A custard coffen, a bauble, a silken pie, | A custard-coffin, a bauble, a silken pie. | bauble (n.) piece of rubbish, worthless trifle | TS IV.iii.82 | |
| | custard-coffin (n.) crust surrounding a custard tart | | |
I loue thee well in that thou lik'st it not. | I love thee well in that thou lik'st it not. | | TS IV.iii.83 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Loue me, or loue me not, I like the cap, | Love me or love me not, I like the cap, | | TS IV.iii.84 | |
And it I will haue, or I will haue none. | And it I will have, or I will have none. | | TS IV.iii.85 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Thy gowne, why I: come Tailor let vs see't. | Thy gown? Why, ay. Come, tailor, let us see't. | | TS IV.iii.86 | |
| Exit Haberdasher | | TS IV.iii.86 | |
Oh mercie God, what masking stuffe is heere? | O mercy, God! What masquing stuff is here? | masquing (adj.) elaborate, grotesque, suitable for use in a masque | TS IV.iii.87 | |
| | stuff (n.) rubbish, nonsense | | |
Whats this? a sleeue? 'tis like demi cannon, | What's this? A sleeve? 'Tis like a demi-cannon. | demi-cannon (n.) type of large gun | TS IV.iii.88 | |
What, vp and downe caru'd like an apple Tart? | What, up and down carved like an apple-tart? | carve (v.) design, make up, shape artistically | TS IV.iii.89 | |
Heers snip, and nip, and cut, and slish and slash, | Here's snip and nip and cut and slish and slash, | cut (n.) ornamental gap in a dress to show the colour underneath | TS IV.iii.90 | |
Like to a Censor in a barbers shoppe: | Like to a censer in a barber's shop. | censer (n.) perfuming vessel with a perforated and ornamented lid | TS IV.iii.91 | |
Why what a deuils name Tailor cal'st thou this? | Why, what a devil's name, tailor, call'st thou this? | | TS IV.iii.92 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
| (aside) | | TS IV.iii.93.1 | |
I see shees like to haue neither cap nor gowne. | I see she's like to have neither cap nor gown. | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | TS IV.iii.93 | |
Tai. | TAILOR | | | |
You bid me make it orderlie and well, | You bid me make it orderly and well, | | TS IV.iii.94 | |
According to the fashion, and the time. | According to the fashion and the time. | time (n.) times, present day, present state of affairs | TS IV.iii.95 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Marrie and did: but if you be remembred, | Marry, and did. But if you be remembered, | remember (v.) recollect, recall, call to mind | TS IV.iii.96 | |
| | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | | |
I did not bid you marre it to the time. | I did not bid you mar it to the time. | mar (v.) ruin, harm, injure, damage | TS IV.iii.97 | |
Go hop me ouer euery kennell home, | Go, hop me over every kennel home, | kennel (n.) street drain, gutter | TS IV.iii.98 | |
For you shall hop without my custome sir: | For you shall hop without my custom, sir. | | TS IV.iii.99 | |
Ile none of it; hence, make your best of it. | I'll none of it. Hence, make your best of it. | | TS IV.iii.100 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
I neuer saw a better fashion'd gowne, | I never saw a better-fashioned gown, | | TS IV.iii.101 | |
More queint, more pleasing, nor more commendable: | More quaint, more pleasing, nor more commendable. | quaint (adj.) pretty, attractive, lovely | TS IV.iii.102 | |
Belike you meane to make a puppet of me. | Belike you mean to make a puppet of me. | belike (adv.) probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems | TS IV.iii.103 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Why true, he meanes to make a puppet of thee. | Why, true, he means to make a puppet of thee. | | TS IV.iii.104 | |
Tail. | TAILOR | | | |
She saies your Worship meanes to make a puppet of her. | She says your worship means to make a puppet of her. | | TS IV.iii.105 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Oh monstrous arrogance: / Thou lyest, thou thred, thou thimble, | O monstrous arrogance! Thou liest, thou thread, thou thimble, | | TS IV.iii.106 | |
Thou yard three quarters, halfe yard, quarter, naile, | Thou yard, three-quarters, half-yard, quarter, nail, | nail (n.) [measure of cloth] sixteenth of a yard [c.6 cm] | TS IV.iii.107 | |
Thou Flea, thou Nit, thou winter cricket thou: | Thou flea, thou nit, thou winter-cricket thou! | nit (n.) little fellow; shrimp, gnat | TS IV.iii.108 | |
Brau'd in mine owne house with a skeine of thred: | Braved in mine own house with a skein of thread? | brave (v.) challenge, defy, confront, provoke | TS IV.iii.109 | |
Away thou Ragge, thou quantitie, thou remnant, | Away, thou rag, thou quantity, thou remnant, | quantity (n.) fragment, little piece, tiny amount | TS IV.iii.110 | |
| | rag (n.) worthless wretch, good-for-nothing creature, beggar | | |
Or I shall so be-mete thee with thy yard, | Or I shall so bemete thee with thy yard | yard (n.) yard measure | TS IV.iii.111 | |
| | bemete, be-mete (v.) measure; also: mete out punishment | | |
As thou shalt thinke on prating whil'st thou liu'st: | As thou shalt think on prating whilst thou liv'st. | prating (adj.) prattling, chattering, blathering | TS IV.iii.112 | |
| | think on (v.) think better of, think twice about | | |
I tell thee I, that thou hast marr'd her gowne. | I tell thee, I, that thou hast marred her gown. | mar (v.) ruin, harm, injure, damage | TS IV.iii.113 | |
Tail. | TAILOR | | | |
Your worship is deceiu'd, the gowne is made | Your worship is deceived – the gown is made | | TS IV.iii.114 | |
Iust as my master had direction: | Just as my master had direction. | | TS IV.iii.115 | |
Grumio gaue order how it should be done. | Grumio gave order how it should be done. | | TS IV.iii.116 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
I gaue him no order, I gaue him the stuffe. | I gave him no order, I gave him the stuff. | | TS IV.iii.117 | |
Tail. | TAILOR | | | |
But how did you desire it should be made? | But how did you desire it should be made? | | TS IV.iii.118 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Marrie sir with needle and thred. | Marry, sir, with needle and thread. | | TS IV.iii.119 | |
Tail. | TAILOR | | | |
But did you not request to haue it cut? | But did you not request to have it cut? | | TS IV.iii.120 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Thou hast fac'd many things. | Thou hast faced many things. | face (v.) trim with braid, adorn | TS IV.iii.121 | |
Tail. | TAILOR | | | |
I haue. | I have. | | TS IV.iii.122 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Face not mee: thou hast brau'd manie men, braue | Face not me. Thou hast braved many men; brave | face (v.) confront impudently, defy | TS IV.iii.123 | |
| | brave (v.) make splendid, adorn, brighten up | | |
| | brave (v.) challenge, defy, confront, provoke | | |
not me; I will neither bee fac'd nor brau'd. I say vnto | not me. I will neither be faced nor braved. I say unto | | TS IV.iii.124 | |
thee, I bid thy Master cut out the gowne, but I did not | thee, I bid thy master cut out the gown, but I did not | | TS IV.iii.125 | |
bid him cut it to peeces. Ergo thou liest. | bid him cut it to pieces. Ergo, thou liest. | ergo (adv.) therefore | TS IV.iii.126 | |
Tail. | TAILOR | | | |
Why heere is the note of the fashion to testify. | Why, here is the note of the fashion to testify. | note (n.) memorandum | TS IV.iii.127 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Reade it. | Read it. | | TS IV.iii.128 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
The note lies in's throate if he say I said so. | The note lies in's throat, if he say I said so. | throat, lie in one's be an outrageous liar | TS IV.iii.129 | |
Tail. | TAILOR | | | |
| (reads) | | TS IV.iii.130.1 | |
Inprimis, a loose bodied gowne. | ‘ Imprimis, a loose-bodied gown.’ | imprimis (adv.) in the first place | TS IV.iii.130 | |
| | loose-bodied (adj.) loose-fitting | | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Master, if euer I said loose-bodied gowne, sow me | Master, if ever I said loose-bodied gown, sew me | | TS IV.iii.131 | |
in the skirts of it, and beate me to death with a bottome of | in the skirts of it and beat me to death with a bottom of | bottom (n.) bobbin, ball | TS IV.iii.132 | |
browne thred: I said a gowne. | brown thread. I said a gown. | | TS IV.iii.133 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Proceede. | Proceed. | | TS IV.iii.134 | |
Tai. | TAILOR | | | |
With a small compast cape. | ‘ With a small compassed cape.’ | compassed (adj.) curved, rounded, arched | TS IV.iii.135 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
I confesse the cape. | I confess the cape. | | TS IV.iii.136 | |
Tai. | TAILOR | | | |
With a trunke sleeue. | ‘ With a trunk sleeve.’ | trunk (adj.) full, puffed, wide | TS IV.iii.137 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
I confesse two sleeues. | I confess two sleeves. | | TS IV.iii.138 | |
Tai: | TAILOR | | | |
The sleeues curiously cut. | ‘ The sleeves curiously cut.’ | curiously (adv.) skilfully, carefully, proficiently | TS IV.iii.139 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
I there's the villanie. | Ay, there's the villainy. | | TS IV.iii.140 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Error i'th bill sir, error i'th bill? I commanded | Error i'th' bill, sir, error i'th' bill! I commanded | bill (n.) note, document, memorandum | TS IV.iii.141 | |
the sleeues should be cut out, and sow'd vp againe, and | the sleeves should be cut out, and sewed up again; and | | TS IV.iii.142 | |
that Ile proue vpon thee, though thy little finger be | that I'll prove upon thee, though thy little finger be | prove (v.) test, try out, make trial [of] | TS IV.iii.143 | |
armed in a thimble. | armed in a thimble. | | TS IV.iii.144 | |
Tail. | TAILOR | | | |
This is true that I say, and I had thee in place | This is true that I say; an I had thee in place | place where, in in a suitable place | TS IV.iii.145 | |
| | and, an (conj.) if, whether | | |
where thou shouldst know it. | where, thou shouldst know it. | | TS IV.iii.146 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
I am for thee straight: take thou the bill, giue | I am for thee straight. Take thou the bill, give | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | TS IV.iii.147 | |
me thy meat-yard, and spare not me. | me thy mete-yard, and spare not me. | mete-yard (n.) measuring rod, yardstick | TS IV.iii.148 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
God-a-mercie Grumio, then hee shall haue no | God-a-mercy, Grumio, then he shall have no | God-a-mercy exclamation of thanks, applause, surprise, etc [God have mercy] | TS IV.iii.149 | |
oddes. | odds. | odds (n. plural) superiority, advantage, edge | TS IV.iii.150 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Well sir in breefe the gowne is not for me. | Well sir, in brief, the gown is not for me. | | TS IV.iii.151 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
You are i'th right sir, 'tis for my mistris. | You are i'th' right, sir, 'tis for my mistress. | | TS IV.iii.152 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Go take it vp vnto thy masters vse. | Go, take it up unto thy master's use. | | TS IV.iii.153 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Villaine, not for thy life: Take vp my Mistresse | Villain, not for thy life! Take up my mistress' | | TS IV.iii.154 | |
gowne for thy masters vse. | gown for thy master's use! | | TS IV.iii.155 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Why sir, what's your conceit in that? | Why sir, what's your conceit in that? | conceit (n.) notion, idea, thought | TS IV.iii.156 | |
Gru. | GRUMIO | | | |
Oh sir, the conceit is deeper then you think for: | O sir, the conceit is deeper than you think for. | think for (v.) imagine, expect, suppose | TS IV.iii.157 | |
Take vp my Mistris gowne to his masters vse. | Take up my mistress' gown to his master's use! | | TS IV.iii.158 | |
Oh fie, fie, fie. | O fie, fie, fie! | | TS IV.iii.159 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
| (aside) | | TS IV.iii.160 | |
Hortensio, say thou wilt see the Tailor paide: | Hortensio, say thou wilt see the tailor paid. | | TS IV.iii.160 | |
Go take it hence, be gone, and say no more. | (to the Tailor) Go take it hence, be gone, and say no more. | | TS IV.iii.161 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
| (aside) | | TS IV.iii.162 | |
Tailor, Ile pay thee for thy gowne to morrow, | Tailor, I'll pay thee for thy gown tomorrow. | | TS IV.iii.162 | |
Take no vnkindnesse of his hastie words: | Take no unkindness of his hasty words. | unkindness (n.) offence, ill-will, umbrage | TS IV.iii.163 | |
Away I say, commend me to thy master. | Away, I say, commend me to thy master. | commend (v.) convey greetings, present kind regards | TS IV.iii.164 | |
Exit Tail. | Exit Tailor | | TS IV.iii.164 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Well, come my Kate, we will vnto your fathers, | Well, come my Kate, we will unto your father's | | TS IV.iii.165 | |
Euen in these honest meane habiliments: | Even in these honest mean habiliments. | mean (adj.) lowly, humble, poor | TS IV.iii.166 | |
| | habiliment, abiliment (n.) (usually plural) clothes, dress, attire, outfit | | |
Our purses shall be proud, our garments poore: | Our purses shall be proud, our garments poor, | proud (adj.) bulging, swelling | TS IV.iii.167 | |
For 'tis the minde that makes the bodie rich. | For 'tis the mind that makes the body rich, | | TS IV.iii.168 | |
And as the Sunne breakes through the darkest clouds, | And as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds, | | TS IV.iii.169 | |
So honor peereth in the meanest habit. | So honour peereth in the meanest habit. | mean (adj.) lowly, humble, poor | TS IV.iii.170 | |
| | peer (v.) appear, come into sight | | |
| | habit (n.) dress, clothing, costume | | |
What is the Iay more precious then the Larke? | What, is the jay more precious than the lark | | TS IV.iii.171 | |
Because his feathers are more beautifull. | Because his feathers are more beautiful? | | TS IV.iii.172 | |
Or is the Adder better then the Eele, | Or is the adder better than the eel | | TS IV.iii.173 | |
Because his painted skin contents the eye. | Because his painted skin contents the eye? | painted (adj.) colourful, multi-coloured | TS IV.iii.174 | |
| | content (v.) please, gratify, delight, satisfy | | |
Oh no good Kate: neither art thou the worse | O no, good Kate, neither art thou the worse | | TS IV.iii.175 | |
For this poore furniture, and meane array. | For this poor furniture and mean array. | mean (adj.) lowly, humble, poor | TS IV.iii.176 | |
| | furniture (n.) outfit, dress, costume | | |
| | array (n.) attire, clothes, clothing, dress | | |
If thou accountedst it shame, lay it on me, | If thou account'st it shame, lay it on me. | | TS IV.iii.177 | |
And therefore frolicke, we will hence forthwith, | And therefore frolic. We will hence forthwith | frolic (v.) be joyful, make merry | TS IV.iii.178 | |
To feast and sport vs at thy fathers house, | To feast and sport us at thy father's house. | | TS IV.iii.179 | |
Go call my men, and let vs straight to him, | (to Grumio) Go call my men, and let us straight to him, | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | TS IV.iii.180 | |
And bring our horses vnto Long-lane end, | And bring our horses unto Long-lane end, | | TS IV.iii.181 | |
There wil we mount, and thither walke on foote, | There will we mount, and thither walk on foot. | | TS IV.iii.182 | |
Let's see, I thinke 'tis now some seuen a clocke, | Let's see, I think 'tis now some seven o'clock, | | TS IV.iii.183 | |
And well we may come there by dinner time. | And well we may come there by dinner-time. | | TS IV.iii.184 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
I dare assure you sir, 'tis almost two, | I dare assure you, sir, 'tis almost two, | | TS IV.iii.185 | |
And 'twill be supper time ere you come there. | And 'twill be supper-time ere you come there. | | TS IV.iii.186 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
It shall be seuen ere I go to horse: | It shall be seven ere I go to horse. | | TS IV.iii.187 | |
Looke what I speake, or do, or thinke to doe, | Look what I speak, or do, or think to do, | look what (conj.) whatever | TS IV.iii.188 | |
| | think (v.) intend, mean, propose | | |
You are still crossing it, sirs let't alone, | You are still crossing it. Sirs, let 't alone, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | TS IV.iii.189 | |
| | cross (v.) contradict, challenge, go against | | |
I will not goe to day, and ere I doe, | I will not go today, and ere I do, | | TS IV.iii.190 | |
It shall be what a clock I say it is. | It shall be what o'clock I say it is. | | TS IV.iii.191 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Why so this gallant will command the sunne. | Why, so this gallant will command the sun. | gallant (n.) fine gentleman, man of fashion | TS IV.iii.192 | |
| Exeunt | | TS IV.iii.192 | |