| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Bawdes 3. | Enter the three Bawds | | Per IV.vi.1 | |
Pand. | PANDAR | | | |
Well, I had rather then twice the worth of her | Well, I had rather than twice the worth of her | | Per IV.vi.1 | |
shee had nere come heere. | she had ne'er come here. | | Per IV.vi.2 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Fye, fye, vpon her, shee's able to freze the god | Fie, fie upon her! She's able to freeze the god | | Per IV.vi.3 | |
Priapus, and vndoe a whole generation, we must either | Priapus and undo a whole generation. We must either | undo (v.) ruin, destroy, wipe out | Per IV.vi.4 | |
| | Priapus (n.) [priy'aypus] Greek god of human and plant fertility | | |
get her rauished, or be rid of her, when she should | get her ravished or be rid of her. When she should | | Per IV.vi.5 | |
doe for Clyents her fitment, and doe mee the kindenesse of our | do for clients her fitment and do me the kindness of our | kindness (n.) kind act, fond display | Per IV.vi.6 | |
| | fitment (n.) fitting action, duty, what is called for | | |
profession, shee has me her quirks, her reasons, her | profession, she has me her quirks, her reasons, her | | Per IV.vi.7 | |
master reasons, her prayers, her knees, that shee would | master reasons, her prayers, her knees, that she would | | Per IV.vi.8 | |
make a Puritaine of the diuell, if hee should cheapen a kisse | make a puritan of the devil if he should cheapen a kiss | cheapen (v.) bargain for, bid for, settle the price of | Per IV.vi.9 | |
of her. | of her. | | Per IV.vi.10 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
Faith I must rauish her, or shee'le disfurnish vs | Faith, I must ravish her, or she'll disfurnish us | disfurnish (v.) deprive, strip, dispossess | Per IV.vi.11 | |
of all our Caualereea, and make our swearers priests. | of all our cavalleria and make our swearers priests. | cavalleria (n.) body of fine gentlemen, society of knights | Per IV.vi.12 | |
Pand. | PANDAR | | | |
Now the poxe vpon her greene sicknes for mee. | Now, the pox upon her green-sickness for me! | green-sickness (n.) sexual squeamishness, sickly naivety | Per IV.vi.13 | |
| | pox (n.) venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules | | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Faith ther's no way to be ridde on't but by the way | Faith, there's no way to be rid on't but by the way | | Per IV.vi.14 | |
to the pox. Here comes the Lord Lysimachus disguised. | to the pox. Here comes the Lord Lysimachus disguised. | | Per IV.vi.15 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
Wee should haue both Lorde and Lowne, if the peeuish | We should have both lord and lown if the peevish | lown, loon (n.) rogue, sluggard; worthless idiot | Per IV.vi.16 | |
baggadge would but giue way to customers. | baggage would but give way to customers. | | Per IV.vi.17 | |
Enter Lysimachus. | Enter Lysimachus | | Per IV.vi.18.1 | |
Lysim. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
How now, how a douzen of virginities? | How now, how a dozen of virginities? | how (adv.) how much?, at what rate? | Per IV.vi.18 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Now the Gods to blesse your Honour. | Now, the gods to bless your honour! | | Per IV.vi.19 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
I am glad to see your Honour in good health. | I am glad to see your honour in good health. | | Per IV.vi.20 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
You may , so t'is the better for you that | You may so; 'tis the better for you that | | Per IV.vi.21 | |
your resorters stand vpon sound legges, how now? wholsome | your resorters stand upon sound legs. How now, wholesome | wholesome (adj.) sound, firm, in good condition | Per IV.vi.22 | |
| | resorter (n.) regular, frequenter, customer | | |
iniquitie haue you, that a man may deale withall, and | iniquity have you, that a man may deal withal and | iniquity (n.) piece of wickedness, little devil | Per IV.vi.23 | |
| | deal (v.) have dealings, have to do | | |
defie the Surgion? | defy the surgeon? | surgeon (n.) doctor, physician | Per IV.vi.24 | |
| | defy (v.) reject, despise, disdain, renounce | | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Wee haue heere one Sir, if shee would, but there | We have here one, sir, if she would – but there | | Per IV.vi.25 | |
neuer came her like in Meteline. | never came her like in Mytilene. | | Per IV.vi.26 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
If shee'd doe the deedes of darknes thou | If she'd do the deeds of darkness, thou | | Per IV.vi.27 | |
wouldst say. | wouldst say. | | Per IV.vi.28 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Your Honor knows what t'is to say wel enough. | Your honour knows what 'tis to say well enough. | | Per IV.vi.29 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Well, call forth, call forth. | Well, call forth, call forth. | | Per IV.vi.30 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
For flesh and bloud Sir, white and red, you shall | For flesh and blood, sir, white and red, you shall | | Per IV.vi.31 | |
see a rose, and she were a rose indeed, if shee had but. | see a rose. And she were a rose indeed, if she had but – | | Per IV.vi.32 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
What prithi? | What, prithee? | | Per IV.vi.33 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
O Sir, I can be modest. | O, sir, I can be modest. | | Per IV.vi.34 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
That dignities the renowne of a Bawde, no | That dignifies the renown of a bawd no | renown (n.) reputation, good name, honour | Per IV.vi.35 | |
| | bawd (n.) pimp, procurer, pander, go-between | | |
lesse then it giues a good report to a number to be chaste. | less than it gives a good report to a number to be chaste. | | Per IV.vi.36 | |
| Exit Boult | | Per IV.vi.36 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Heere comes that which growes to the stalke, / Neuer | Here comes that which grows to the stalk, never | | Per IV.vi.37 | |
pluckt yet I can assure you. | plucked yet, I can assure you. | | Per IV.vi.38 | |
| Enter Boult with Marina | | Per IV.vi.39 | |
Is shee not a faire creature? | Is she not a fair creature? | | Per IV.vi.39 | |
Ly. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Faith shee would serue after a long voyage | Faith she would serve after a long voyage | | Per IV.vi.40 | |
at Sea, Well theres for you, | at sea. Well, there's for you. | | Per IV.vi.41 | |
| He gives her money | | Per IV.vi.42 | |
leaue vs. | Leave us. | | Per IV.vi.42 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
I beseeche your Honor giue me leaue a word, / And | I beseech your honour, give me leave a word, and | | Per IV.vi.43 | |
Ile haue done presently. | I'll have done presently. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | Per IV.vi.44 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
I beseech you doe. | I beseech you, do. | | Per IV.vi.45 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
| (to Marina) | | Per IV.vi.46 | |
First, I would haue you note, this is an | First, I would have you note this is an | | Per IV.vi.46 | |
Honorable man. | honourable man. | | Per IV.vi.47 | |
Mar. | MARINA | | | |
I desire to finde him so, that I may worthilie note | I desire to find him so, that I may worthily note | | Per IV.vi.48 | |
him. | him. | | Per IV.vi.49 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Next hees the Gouernor of this countrey, and a man | Next, he's the governor of this country, and a man | | Per IV.vi.50 | |
whom I am bound too. | whom I am bound to. | | Per IV.vi.51 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
If he gouerne the countrey you are bound to him | If he govern the country, you are bound to him | | Per IV.vi.52 | |
indeed, but how honorable hee is in that, I knowe not. | indeed, but how honourable he is in that I know not. | | Per IV.vi.53 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Pray you without anie more virginall fencing, will | Pray you, without any more virginal fencing, will | virginal (adj.) typical of a virgin | Per IV.vi.54 | |
you vse him kindly? he will lyne your apron with gold. | you use him kindly? He will line your apron with gold. | | Per IV.vi.55 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
What hee will doe gratiously, I will thankfully | What he will do graciously, I will thankfully | graciously (adv.) through divine grace, in all holiness | Per IV.vi.56 | |
receiue. | receive. | | Per IV.vi.57 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Ha you done? | Ha' you done? | | Per IV.vi.58 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
My Lord shees not pac'ste yet, you must take some | My lord, she's not paced yet; you must take some | pace (v.) [horse-training] break in, teach one paces, properly train | Per IV.vi.59 | |
paines to worke her to your mannage, come wee will leaue | pains to work her to your manage. Come, we will leave | manage (n.) management, handling, control [especially of a horse, as a result of training] | Per IV.vi.60 | |
his Honor, and her together, goe thy wayes. | his honour and her together. Go thy ways. | | Per IV.vi.61 | |
| Exeunt, Pandar, Bawd, and Boult | | Per IV.vi.61 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Now prittie one, how long haue you beene | Now, pretty one, how long have you been | | Per IV.vi.62 | |
at this trade? | at this trade? | | Per IV.vi.63 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
What trade Sir? | What trade, sir? | | Per IV.vi.64 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Why, I cannot name but I shall offend. | Why, I cannot name it but I shall offend. | | Per IV.vi.65 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
I cannot be offended with my trade, please you | I cannot be offended with my trade. Please you | | Per IV.vi.66 | |
to name it. | to name it. | | Per IV.vi.67 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
How long haue you bene of this profession? | How long have you been of this profession? | | Per IV.vi.68 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Ere since I can remember. | E'er since I can remember. | | Per IV.vi.69 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Did you goe too't so young, were you a | Did you go to't so young? Were you a | go to it copulate, have sexual intercourse | Per IV.vi.70 | |
gamester at fiue, or at seuen? | gamester at five, or at seven? | gamester (n.) one drawn to amorous sport, one who plays the game, prostitute | Per IV.vi.71 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Earlyer too Sir, if now I bee one. | Earlier too, sir, if now I be one. | | Per IV.vi.72 | |
Ly. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Why? the house you dwell in proclaimes you | Why, the house you dwell in proclaims you | | Per IV.vi.73 | |
to be a Creature of sale. | to be a creature of sale. | | Per IV.vi.74 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Doe you knowe this house to be a place of such | Do you know this house to be a place of such | | Per IV.vi.75 | |
resort, and will come intoo't? I heare say you're of | resort, and will come into't? I hear say you're of | resort (n.) visits, visitings, approaches | Per IV.vi.76 | |
honourable parts, and are the Gouernour of this place. | honourable parts and are the governor of this place. | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | Per IV.vi.77 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Why, hath your principall made knowne | Why, hath your principal made known | principal (n.) mistress, superior, manager | Per IV.vi.78 | |
vnto you who I am? | unto you who I am? | | Per IV.vi.79 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Who is my principall? | Who is my principal? | | Per IV.vi.80 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Why, your hearbe-woman, she that sets | Why, your herb-woman; she that sets | herb-woman (n.) woman who sells herbs | Per IV.vi.81 | |
seeds and rootes of shame and iniquitie. O you haue | seeds and roots of shame and iniquity. O, you have | | Per IV.vi.82 | |
heard something of my power, and so stand aloft for | heard something of my power, and so stand aloof for | something (adv.) a little, to some extent | Per IV.vi.83 | |
more serious wooing, but I protest to thee prettie one, | more serious wooing. But I protest to thee, pretty one, | | Per IV.vi.84 | |
my authoritie shall not see thee, or else looke friendly | my authority shall not see thee, or else look friendly | | Per IV.vi.85 | |
vpon thee, come bring me to some priuate place: | upon thee. Come, bring me to some private place. | | Per IV.vi.86 | |
Come, come. | Come, come. | | Per IV.vi.87 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
If you were borne to honour, shew it now, | If you were born to honour, show it now; | | Per IV.vi.88 | |
if put vpon you, make the iudgement good, | If put upon you, make the judgement good | put (v.) bestow, grant, place officially | Per IV.vi.89 | |
that thought you worthie of it. | That thought you worthy of it. | | Per IV.vi.90 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
How's this? how's this? some more, be sage. | How's this? How's this? Some more. Be sage. | | Per IV.vi.91.1 | |
Mar. | MARINA | | | |
For me | For me | | Per IV.vi.91.2 | |
that am a maide, though most vngentle Fortune | That am a maid, though most ungentle fortune | | Per IV.vi.92 | |
haue plac't mee in this Stie, where since I came, | Have placed me in this sty, where since I came | | Per IV.vi.93 | |
diseases haue beene solde deerer then Phisicke, | Diseases have been sold dearer than physic – | physic (n.) medicine, healing, treatment | Per IV.vi.94 | |
that the gods | That the gods | | Per IV.vi.95 | |
would set me free from this vnhalowed place, | Would set me free from this unhallowed place, | | Per IV.vi.96 | |
though they did chaunge mee to the meanest byrd | Though they did change me to the meanest bird | | Per IV.vi.97 | |
that flyes i'th purer ayre. | That flies i'th' purer air! | | Per IV.vi.98 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
I did not thinke thou couldst haue spoke so well, | I did not think thou couldst have spoke so well, | | Per IV.vi.99 | |
nere dremp't thou could'st, | Ne'er dreamt thou couldst. | | Per IV.vi.100 | |
had I brought hither a corrupted minde, | Had I brought hither a corrupted mind, | | Per IV.vi.101 | |
thy speeche had altered it, holde, heeres golde for thee, | Thy speech had altered it. Hold, here's gold for thee. | | Per IV.vi.102 | |
perseuer in that cleare way thou goest | Persever in that clear way thou goest, | persever (v.) persevere, persist, keep at it | Per IV.vi.103 | |
| | clear (adj.) innocent, blameless, free from fault, not guilty | | |
and the gods strengthen thee. | And the gods strengthen thee. | | Per IV.vi.104 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
The good Gods preserue you. | The good gods preserve you. | | Per IV.vi.105 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
For me be you thoughten, | For me, be you thoughten | thoughten (adj.) assured, of a mind, thinking | Per IV.vi.106 | |
that I came with no ill intent, for to me | That I came with no ill intent; for to me | ill (adj.) evil, wicked, immoral | Per IV.vi.107 | |
| | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | | |
the very dores and windows sauor vilely, | The very doors and windows savour vilely. | savour (v.) smell, reek, stink | Per IV.vi.108 | |
fare thee well, thou art a peece of vertue, & | Fare thee well. Thou art a piece of virtue, and | piece (n.) [of virtue] model, picture, paragon | Per IV.vi.109 | |
| | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | | |
I doubt not but thy training hath bene noble, | I doubt not but thy training hath been noble. | | Per IV.vi.110 | |
hold, heeres more golde for thee, | Hold, here's more gold for thee. | | Per IV.vi.111 | |
a curse vpon him, die he like a theefe | A curse upon him, die he like a thief, | | Per IV.vi.112 | |
that robs thee of thy goodnes, if thou doest | That robs thee of thy goodness! If thou dost | | Per IV.vi.113 | |
heare from me it shalbe for thy good. | Hear from me, it shall be for thy good. | | Per IV.vi.114 | |
| Enter Boult | | Per IV.vi.115 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
I beseeche your Honor one peece for me. | I beseech your honour, one piece for me. | | Per IV.vi.115 | |
Li. | LYSIMACHUS | | | |
Auaunt thou damned dore-keeper, | Avaunt, thou damned door-keeper! | door-keeper (n.) procurer, pander, whoremaster | Per IV.vi.116 | |
| | avaunt (int.) be gone, go away, be off | | |
your house but for this virgin that doeth prop it, | Your house, but for this virgin that doth prop it, | | Per IV.vi.117 | |
would sincke and ouerwhelme you. Away. | Would sink and overwhelm you. Away! | sink (v.) be ruined, give up, perish | Per IV.vi.118 | |
| Exit | | Per IV.vi.118 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
How's this? wee must take another course with | How's this? We must take another course with | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | Per IV.vi.119 | |
you? if your peeuish chastitie, which is not worth a | you. If your peevish chastity, which is not worth a | peevish (adj.) obstinate, perverse, self-willed [contrast modern sense of ‘irritable, morose’] | Per IV.vi.120 | |
breakefast in the cheapest countrey vnder the coap, shall | breakfast in the cheapest country under the cope, shall | cope (n.) sky, heavens, firmament | Per IV.vi.121 | |
vndoe a whole houshold, let me be gelded like a spaniel, | undo a whole household, let me be gelded like a spaniel. | | Per IV.vi.122 | |
come your wayes. | Come your ways. | | Per IV.vi.123 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Whither would you haue mee? | Whither would you have me? | | Per IV.vi.124 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
I must haue your mayden-head taken off, or the | I must have your maidenhead taken off, or the | | Per IV.vi.125 | |
comon hag-man shal execute it, come your way, | common hangman shall execute it. Come your ways. | | Per IV.vi.126 | |
weele haue no more Gentlemen driuen away, come your | We'll have no more gentlemen driven away. Come your | | Per IV.vi.127 | |
wayes I say. | ways, I say. | | Per IV.vi.128 | |
Enter Bawdes. | Enter Pandar and Bawd | | Per IV.vi.129 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
How now, whats the matter? | How now, what's the matter? | | Per IV.vi.129 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
Worse and worse mistris, shee has heere spoken | Worse and worse, mistress. She has here spoken | | Per IV.vi.130 | |
holie words to the Lord Lisimachus. | holy words to the Lord Lysimachus. | | Per IV.vi.131 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
O abhominable. | O, abominable! | | Per IV.vi.132 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
He makes our profession as it were to stincke afore | She makes our profession as it were to stink afore | | Per IV.vi.133 | |
the face of the gods. | the face of the gods. | | Per IV.vi.134 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Marie hang her vp for euer. | Marry, hang her up for ever! | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | Per IV.vi.135 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
The Noble man would haue dealt with her like a | The nobleman would have dealt with her like a | | Per IV.vi.136 | |
Noble man, and shee sent him away as colde as a Snoweball, | nobleman, and she sent him away as cold as a snowball, | | Per IV.vi.137 | |
saying his prayers too. | saying his prayers too. | | Per IV.vi.138 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
Boult take her away, vse her at thy pleasure, | Boult, take her away. Use her at thy pleasure. | | Per IV.vi.139 | |
crack the glasse of her virginitie, and make the rest | Crack the glass of her virginity, and make the rest | | Per IV.vi.140 | |
maliable. | malleable. | | Per IV.vi.141 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
And if shee were a thornyer peece of ground then shee | An if she were a thornier piece of ground than she | an if (conj.) if | Per IV.vi.142 | |
is, shee shall be plowed. | is, she shall be ploughed. | | Per IV.vi.143 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Harke, harke you Gods. | Hark, hark, you gods! | | Per IV.vi.144 | |
Bawd. | BAWD | | | |
She coniures, away with her, would she had neuer | She conjures! Away with her! Would she had never | conjure (v.) engage in magic, cast spells, invoke supernatural aid | Per IV.vi.145 | |
come within my doores, Marrie hang you: shees borne to | come within my doors! Marry, hang you! She's born to | | Per IV.vi.146 | |
vndoe vs, will you not goe the way of wemen-kinde? | undo us. Will you not go the way of womenkind? | undo (v.) ruin, destroy, wipe out | Per IV.vi.147 | |
Marry come vp my dish of chastitie with rosemary & | Marry come up, my dish of chastity with rosemary and | rosemary (n.) aromatic shrub, associated with remembering | Per IV.vi.148 | |
baies. | bays! | bay (n.) leaf of the bay-tree [used as a herb; symbol of triumph] | Per IV.vi.149 | |
| Exit Pandar and Bawd | | Per IV.vi.149 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
Come mistris, come your way with mee. | Come, mistress, come your way with me. | | Per IV.vi.150 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Whither wilt thou haue mee? | Whither wilt thou have me? | | Per IV.vi.151 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
To take from you the Iewell you hold so deere. | To take from you the jewel you hold so dear. | | Per IV.vi.152 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Prithee tell mee one thing first. | Prithee tell me one thing first. | | Per IV.vi.153 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
Come now your one thing. | Come now, your one thing. | | Per IV.vi.154 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
What canst thou wish thine enemie to be. | What canst thou wish thine enemy to be? | | Per IV.vi.155 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
Why, I could wish him to bee my master, or rather | Why, I could wish him to be my master, or rather | | Per IV.vi.156 | |
my mistris. | my mistress. | | Per IV.vi.157 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Neither of these are so bad as thou art, | Neither of these are so bad as thou art, | | Per IV.vi.158 | |
since they doe better thee in their command, | Since they do better thee in their command. | better (v.) excel, outstrip, have an advantage over | Per IV.vi.159 | |
| | command (n.) position of authority, superior role | | |
thou hold'st a place | Thou holdest a place | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | Per IV.vi.160 | |
for which the painedst feende of hell | For which the pained'st fiend of hell | pained (adj.) tormented, distressed, persecuted | Per IV.vi.161 | |
would not in reputation change: Thou art | Would not in reputation change. Thou art | change (v.) exchange, trade | Per IV.vi.162 | |
the damned doore-keeper to euery custerell | The damned door-keeper to every custrel | door-keeper (n.) procurer, pander, whoremaster | Per IV.vi.163 | |
| | custrel (n.) scoundrel, rogue, low fellow | | |
that comes enquiring for his Tib. | That comes inquiring for his Tib. | Tib (n.) [type name for] strumpet, harlot, whore | Per IV.vi.164 | |
To the cholerike fisting of euery rogue, | To the choleric fisting of every rogue | choleric (adj.) irritable, angry, enraged | Per IV.vi.165 | |
| | fisting (n.) punching, knock, boxing | | |
thy eare is lyable, thy foode is such | Thy ear is liable. Thy food is such | | Per IV.vi.166 | |
as hath beene belch't on by infected lungs. | As hath been belched on by infected lungs. | | Per IV.vi.167 | |
Bo. | BOULT | | | |
What wold you haue me do? go to the wars, | What would you have me do? go to the wars, | | Per IV.vi.168 | |
wold you? wher a man may serue 7. yeers for the | would you? where a man may serve seven years for the | | Per IV.vi.169 | |
losse of a leg, & haue not money enough in the end to | loss of a leg, and have not money enough in the end to | | Per IV.vi.170 | |
buy him a woodden one? | buy him a wooden one? | | Per IV.vi.171 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Doe any thing but this | Do anything but this | | Per IV.vi.172 | |
thou doest, emptie olde receptacles, | Thou doest. Empty old receptacles | receptacle (n.) repository, storehouse, receiving chamber | Per IV.vi.173 | |
or common-shores of filthe, | Or common shores of filth; | shore (n.) waterside dump, sewage channel | Per IV.vi.174 | |
| | common (adj.) public, open, outdoor | | |
serue by indenture, to the common hang-man, | Serve by indenture to the common hangman. | indenture (n.) contract, agreement | Per IV.vi.175 | |
anie of these wayes are yet better then this: | Any of these ways are yet better than this, | | Per IV.vi.176 | |
for what thou professest, a Baboone could he | For what thou professest, a baboon, could he speak, | | Per IV.vi.177 | |
speak, would owne a name too deere, that the gods | Would own a name too dear. That the gods | name (n.) reputation, fame, renown | Per IV.vi.178 | |
| | dear (adj.) noble, honourable, worthy | | |
wold safely deliuer me from this place: | Would safely deliver me from this place! | | Per IV.vi.179 | |
here, heers gold for thee, | Here, here's gold for thee. | | Per IV.vi.180 | |
if that thy master would gaine by me, | If that thy master would gain by me, | | Per IV.vi.181 | |
proclaime that I can sing, weaue, sow, & dance, | Proclaim that I can sing, weave, sew, and dance, | | Per IV.vi.182 | |
with other vertues, which Ile keep from boast, | With other virtues which I'll keep from boast, | | Per IV.vi.183 | |
and will vndertake all these to teache. | And I will undertake all these to teach. | | Per IV.vi.184 | |
I doubt not but this populous Cittie will | I doubt not but this populous city will | | Per IV.vi.185 | |
yeelde manie schollers. | Yield many scholars. | | Per IV.vi.186 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
But can you teache all this you speake of? | But can you teach all this you speak of? | | Per IV.vi.187 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
Prooue that I cannot, take mee home againe, | Prove that I cannot, take me home again | prove (v.) demonstrate, establish, show to be true | Per IV.vi.188 | |
And prostitute mee to the basest groome | And prostitute me to the basest groom | groom (n.) fellow, character, creature | Per IV.vi.189 | |
| | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | | |
that doeth frequent your house. | That doth frequent your house. | | Per IV.vi.190 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
Well I will see what I can doe for thee: if I can | Well, I will see what I can do for thee. If I can | | Per IV.vi.191 | |
place thee I will. | place thee, I will. | | Per IV.vi.192 | |
Ma. | MARINA | | | |
But amongst honest woman. | But amongst honest women. | | Per IV.vi.193 | |
Boult. | BOULT | | | |
Faith my acquaintance lies little amongst them, | Faith, my acquaintance lies little amongst them. | | Per IV.vi.194 | |
But since my master and mistris hath bought you, | But since my master and mistress hath bought you, | | Per IV.vi.195 | |
theres no going but by their consent: therefore I will | there's no going but by their consent. Therefore I will | | Per IV.vi.196 | |
make them acquainted with your purpose, and I doubt | make them acquainted with your purpose, and I doubt | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Per IV.vi.197 | |
not but I shall finde them tractable enough. Come, Ile | not but I shall find them tractable enough. Come, I'll | | Per IV.vi.198 | |
doe for thee what I can, come your wayes. | do for thee what I can. Come your ways. | | Per IV.vi.199 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Per IV.vi.199 | |