First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Aiax armed, Achilles, Patroclus, Agamemnon, | Enter Ajax, armed, Agamemnon, Achilles, Patroclus, | | TC IV.v.1.1 | |
Menelaus, Vlisses, Nestcr, Calcas, &c. | Menelaus, Ulysses, Nestor, Calchas, and trumpeter | | TC IV.v.1.2 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
Here art thou in appointment fresh and faire, | Here art thou in appointment fresh and fair, | appointment (n.) equipment, effects, weaponry | TC IV.v.1 | |
Anticipating time. With starting courage, | Anticipating time. With starting courage, | starting (adj.) bounding, eager, energetic | TC IV.v.2 | |
Giue with thy Trumpet a loud note to Troy | Give with thy trumpet a loud note to Troy, | | TC IV.v.3 | |
Thou dreadfull Aiax, that the appauled aire | Thou dreadful Ajax, that the appalled air | dreadful (adj.) inspiring dread, causing fear, daunting | TC IV.v.4 | |
May pierce the head of the great Combatant, | May pierce the head of the great combatant, | | TC IV.v.5 | |
And hale him hither. | And hale him hither. | hale (v.) drag, pull, haul | TC IV.v.6.1 | |
Aia. | AJAX | | | |
Thou, Trumpet, ther's my purse; | Thou, trumpet, there's my purse. | trumpet (n.) trumpeter; herald, announcer | TC IV.v.6.2 | |
Now cracke thy lungs, and split thy brasen pipe: | Now crack thy lungs, and split thy brazen pipe; | | TC IV.v.7 | |
Blow villaine, till thy sphered Bias cheeke | Blow, villain, till thy sphered bias cheek | sphered (adj.) puffed out into the shape of a sphere, rounded | TC IV.v.8 | |
| | villain (n.) scoundrel, rogue, rascal | | |
| | bias (adj.) swollen like the biased side of a bowl | | |
Out-swell the collicke of puft Aquilon: | Outswell the colic of puffed Aquilon. | Aquilon (n.) north wind | TC IV.v.9 | |
Come, stretch thy chest, and let thy eyes spout bloud: | Come, stretch thy chest, and let thy eyes spout blood; | | TC IV.v.10 | |
Thou blowest for Hector. | Thou blowest for Hector. | | TC IV.v.11 | |
| Trumpet sounds | | TC IV.v.12 | |
Vlis. | ULYSSES | | | |
No Trumpet answers. | No trumpet answers. | | TC IV.v.12.1 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
'Tis but early dayes. | 'Tis but early days. | | TC IV.v.12.2 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
Is not yong Diomed with Calcas daughter? | Is not yond Diomed, with Calchas' daughter? | | TC IV.v.13 | |
Vlis. | ULYSSES | | | |
'Tis he, I ken the manner of his gate, | 'Tis he; I ken the manner of his gait. | ken (v.) know, be acquainted with | TC IV.v.14 | |
| | gait (n.) manner of walking, bearing, movement | | |
He rises on the toe: that spirit of his | He rises on the toe; that spirit of his | | TC IV.v.15 | |
In aspiration lifts him from the earth. | In aspiration lifts him from the earth. | | TC IV.v.16 | |
| Enter Diomedes with Cressida | | TC IV.v.17 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
Is this the Lady Cressid? | Is this the Lady Cressid? | | TC IV.v.17.1 | |
Dio. | DIOMEDES | | | |
Euen she. | Even she. | | TC IV.v.17.2 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
| (kissing her) | | TC IV.v.18 | |
Most deerely welcome to the Greekes, sweete Lady. | Most dearly welcome to the Greeks, sweet lady. | | TC IV.v.18 | |
Nest. | NESTOR | | | |
Our Generall doth salute you with a kisse. | Our general doth salute you with a kiss. | | TC IV.v.19 | |
Ulis. | ULYSSES | | | |
Yet is the kindenesse but particular; | Yet is the kindness but particular; | particular (adj.) personal, special, private | TC IV.v.20 | |
'twere better she were kist in generall. | 'Twere better she were kissed in general. | general, in by everyone | TC IV.v.21 | |
Nest. | NESTOR | | | |
And very courtly counsell: Ile begin. | And very courtly counsel; I'll begin. | | TC IV.v.22 | |
| He kisses her | | TC IV.v.23 | |
So much for Nestor. | So much for Nestor. | | TC IV.v.23 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
Ile take that winter from your lips faire Lady | I'll take what winter from your lips, fair lady. | | TC IV.v.24 | |
| He kisses her | | TC IV.v.25 | |
Achilles bids you welcome. | Achilles bids you welcome. | | TC IV.v.25 | |
Mene. | MENELAUS | | | |
I had good argument for kissing once. | I had good argument for kissing once. | argument (n.) cause, reason [for a dispute] | TC IV.v.26 | |
Patro. | PATROCLUS | | | |
But that's no argument for kissing now; | But that's no argument for kissing now; | | TC IV.v.27 | |
For thus pop't Paris in his hardiment. | For this popped Paris in his hardiment, | pop (v.) arrive unexpectedly, move in suddenly | TC IV.v.28 | |
| | hardiment (n.) display of valour, daring deed | | |
| And parted thus you and your argument. | | TC IV.v.29 | |
| He kisses her | | TC IV.v.30.1 | |
Vlis. | ULYSSES | | | |
| (aside) | | TC IV.v.30.2 | |
Oh deadly gall, and theame of all our scornes, | O deadly gall, and theme of all our scorns, | theme (n.) subject, subject-matter, topic of discourse | TC IV.v.30 | |
| | gall (n.) bitterness, spitefulness, vindictiveness | | |
| | scorn (n.) mockery, taunt, insult, act of derision | | |
For which we loose our heads, to gild his hornes. | For which we lose our heads to gild his horns. | | TC IV.v.31 | |
Patro. | PATROCLUS | | | |
The first was Menelaus kisse, this mine: | The first was Menelaus' kiss; this, mine – | | TC IV.v.32 | |
| He kisses her again | | TC IV.v.33 | |
Patroclus kisses you. | Patroclus kisses you. | | TC IV.v.33.1 | |
Mene. | MENELAUS | | | |
Oh this is trim. | O, this is trim! | trim (adj.) fine, excellent, smart | TC IV.v.33.2 | |
Patr. | PATROCLUS | | | |
Paris and I kisse euermore for him. | Paris and I kiss evermore for him. | | TC IV.v.34 | |
Mene. | MENELAUS | | | |
Ile haue my kisse sir: Lady by your leaue. | I'll have my kiss, sir. – Lady, by your leave. | | TC IV.v.35 | |
Cres. | CRESSIDA | | | |
In kissing doe you render, or receiue. | In kissing, do you render or receive? | | TC IV.v.36 | |
Patr. | MENELAUS | | | |
Both take and giue. | Both take and give. | | TC IV.v.37.1 | |
Cres. | CRESSIDA | | | |
Ile make my match to liue, | I'll make my match to live, | | TC IV.v.37.2 | |
The kisse you take is better then you giue: | The kiss you take is better than you give; | | TC IV.v.38 | |
therefore no kisse. | Therefore no kiss. | | TC IV.v.39 | |
Mene. | MENELAUS | | | |
Ile giue you boote, Ile giue you three for one. | I'll give you boot; I'll give you three for one. | boot (n.) additional element, something added to the bargain | TC IV.v.40 | |
Cres. | CRESSIDA | | | |
You are an odde man, giue euen, or giue none. | You are an odd man; give even, or give none. | odd (adj.) eccentric, peculiar, unusual | TC IV.v.41 | |
Mene. | MENELAUS | | | |
An odde man Lady, euery man is odde. | An odd man, lady? Every man is odd. | odd (adj.) singular, unique, individual | TC IV.v.42 | |
Cres. | CRESSIDA | | | |
No, Paris is not; for you know 'tis true, | No, Paris is not; for you know 'tis true | | TC IV.v.43 | |
That you are odde, and he is euen with you. | That you are odd, and he is even with you. | odd (adj.) alone, single, solitary | TC IV.v.44 | |
Mene. | MENELAUS | | | |
You fillip me a'th'head. | You fillip me o'the head. | fillip, fillop (v.) strike smartly against, tap against, touch | TC IV.v.45.1 | |
Cres. | CRESSIDA | | | |
No, Ile be sworne. | No, I'll be sworn. | | TC IV.v.45.2 | |
Vlis. | ULYSSES | | | |
It were no match, your naile against his horne: | It were no match, your nail against his horn. | | TC IV.v.46 | |
May I sweete Lady beg a kisse of you? | May I, sweet lady, beg a kiss of you? | | TC IV.v.47 | |
Cres. | CRESSIDA | | | |
You may. | You may. | | TC IV.v.48.1 | |
Ulis. | ULYSSES | | | |
I doe desire it. | I do desire it. | desire (v.) request, wish, ask [for] | TC IV.v.48.2 | |
Cres. | CRESSIDA | | | |
Why begge then? | Why, beg then. | | TC IV.v.48.3 | |
Vlis. | ULYSSES | | | |
Why then for Venus sake, giue me a kisse: | Why then, for Venus' sake, give me a kiss – | Venus (n.) Roman goddess of beauty and love | TC IV.v.49 | |
When Hellen is a maide againe, and his--- | When Helen is a maid again, and his. | | TC IV.v.50 | |
Cres. | CRESSIDA | | | |
I am your debtor, claime it when 'tis due. | I am your debtor; claim it when 'tis due. | | TC IV.v.51 | |
Ulis. | ULYSSES | | | |
Neuer's my day, and then a kisse of you. | Never's my day, and then a kiss of you. | | TC IV.v.52 | |
Diom. | DIOMEDES | | | |
Lady a word, Ile bring you to your Father. | Lady, a word; I'll bring you to your father. | | TC IV.v.53 | |
| Exit with Cressida | | TC IV.v.53 | |
Nest. | NESTOR | | | |
A woman of quicke sence. | A woman of quick sense. | quick (adj.) lively, animated, vivacious | TC IV.v.54.1 | |
| | sense (n.) mind, power of reason, wits | | |
Vlis. | ULYSSES | | | |
Fie, fie, vpon her: | Fie, fie upon her! | | TC IV.v.54.2 | |
Ther's a language in her eye, her cheeke, her lip; | There's a language in her eye, her cheek, her lip, | | TC IV.v.55 | |
Nay, her foote speakes, her wanton spirites looke out | Nay, her foot speaks; her wanton spirits look out | look out (v.) show, appear, manifest | TC IV.v.56 | |
| | wanton (adj.) sexually hot, passionate, sportive | | |
At euery ioynt, and motiue of her body: | At every joint and motive of her body. | motive (n.) instrument, agent, moving organ | TC IV.v.57 | |
Oh these encounterers so glib of tongue, | O, these encounterers, so glib of tongue, | encounterer (n.) flirt, coquette, tease | TC IV.v.58 | |
That giue a coasting welcome ete it comes; | That give accosting welcome ere it comes, | coasting (adj.) [unclear meaning] approachable, ready, friendly | TC IV.v.59 | |
| | accosting (n.) [unclear meaning] making of advances, coming on | | |
And wide vnclaspe the tables of their thoughts, | And wide unclasp the tables of their thoughts | table (n.) writing tablet, memo pad, notebook | TC IV.v.60 | |
| | unclasp (v.) reveal, display, divulge | | |
To euery tickling reader: set them downe, | To every tickling reader! Set them down | set down (v.) log, make note, put on record | TC IV.v.61 | |
| | tickling (adj.) aroused, titillated, excited | | |
For sluttish spoyles of opportunitie; | For sluttish spoils of opportunity | spoil (n.) plunder, booty | TC IV.v.62 | |
And daughters of the game. Exennt. | And daughters of the game. | game (n.) game of love, amorous play | TC IV.v.63 | |
Florish. | Flourish | | TC IV.v.64 | |
All. | ALL | | | |
The Troians Trumpet. | The Trojan's trumpet. | | TC IV.v.64.1 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
Yonder comes the troope. | Yonder comes the troop. | | TC IV.v.64.2 | |
Enter all of Troy, Hector, Paris, Aneas, Helenus | Enter all of Troy: Hector, Paris, Aeneas, Helenus, | | TC IV.v.65.1 | |
and Attendants. | Troilus, and attendants | | TC IV.v.65.2 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
Haile all you state of Greece: what shalbe done | Hail, all you state of Greece! What shall be done | | TC IV.v.65 | |
To him that victory commands? or doe you purpose, | To him that victory commands? Or do you purpose | purpose (v.) intend, plan | TC IV.v.66 | |
A victor shall be knowne: will you the Knights | A victor shall be known? Will you the knights | will (v.), past form would desire, wish, want | TC IV.v.67 | |
Shall to the edge of all extremitie | Shall to the edge of all extremity | | TC IV.v.68 | |
Pursue each other; or shall be diuided | Pursue each other, or shall be divided | | TC IV.v.69 | |
By any voyce, or order of the field: | By any voice or order of the field? | order (n.) arrangement, disposition, direction | TC IV.v.70 | |
| | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | | |
| | voice (n.) authoritative opinion, judgement | | |
Hector bad aske? | Hector bade ask. | bid (v.), past form bade command, order, enjoin, tell | TC IV.v.71.1 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
Which way would Hector haue it? | Which way would Hector have it? | | TC IV.v.71.2 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
He cares not, heele obey conditions. | He cares not; he'll obey conditions. | condition (n.) accepted rule, agreed procedure | TC IV.v.72 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
'Tis done like Hector, | 'Tis done like Hector – | | TC IV.v.73.1 | |
| ACHILLES | | | |
but securely done, | But securely done, | securely (adv.) over-confidently, carelessly, heedlessly | TC IV.v.73.2 | |
A little proudly, and great deale disprising | A little proudly, and great deal disprizing | disprise, disprize (v.) undervalue, disparage, hold in contempt | TC IV.v.74 | |
The Knight oppos'd. | The knight opposed. | | TC IV.v.75.1 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
If not Achilles sir, | If not Achilles, sir, | | TC IV.v.75.2 | |
what is your name? | What is your name? | | TC IV.v.76.1 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
If not Achilles, nothing. | If not Achilles, nothing. | | TC IV.v.76.2 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
Therefore Achilles: but what ere, know this, | Therefore, Achilles, but, whate'er, know this: | | TC IV.v.77 | |
In the extremity of great and little: | In the extremity of great and little, | | TC IV.v.78 | |
Valour and pride excell themselues in Hector; | Valour and pride excel themselves in Hector; | | TC IV.v.79 | |
The one almost as infinite as all; | The one almost as infinite as all, | | TC IV.v.80 | |
The other blanke as nothing: weigh him well: | The other blank as nothing. Weigh him well, | weigh (v.) judge, rate, assess the value of | TC IV.v.81 | |
And that which lookes like pride, is curtesie: | And that which looks like pride is courtesy. | | TC IV.v.82 | |
This Aiax is halfe made of Hectors bloud; | This Ajax is half made of Hector's blood, | | TC IV.v.83 | |
In loue whereof, halfe Hector staies at home: | In love whereof half Hector stays at home; | | TC IV.v.84 | |
Halfe heart, halfe hand, halfe Hector, comes to seeke | Half heart, half hand, half Hector comes to seek | | TC IV.v.85 | |
This blended Knight, halfe Troian, and halfe Greeke. | This blended knight, half Trojan and half Greek. | | TC IV.v.86 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
A maiden battaile then? O I perceiue you. | A maiden battle, then? – O, I perceive you. | maiden (adj.) without bloodshed | TC IV.v.87 | |
| Enter Diomedes | | TC IV.v.88.1 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
Here is sir, Diomed: goe gentle Knight, | Here is Sir Diomed. – Go, gentle knight; | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | TC IV.v.88 | |
Stand by our Aiax: as you and Lord Aneas | Stand by our Ajax. As you and Lord Aeneas | | TC IV.v.89 | |
Consent vpon the order of their fight, | Consent upon the order of their fight, | order (n.) arrangement, disposition, direction | TC IV.v.90 | |
| | consent (v.) agree, concur, acquiesce | | |
So be it: either to the vttermost, | So be it, either to the uttermost | | TC IV.v.91 | |
Or else a breach: the Combatants being kin, | Or else a breath. The combatants being kin | breath (n.) breather, exercising, breath of fresh air | TC IV.v.92 | |
Halfe stints their strife, before their strokes begin. | Half stints their strife before their strokes begin. | stint (v.) limit, hold back, restrain | TC IV.v.93 | |
| Hector and Ajax prepare to fight | | TC IV.v.94.1 | |
Vlis. | ULYSSES | | | |
They are oppos'd already. | They are opposed already. | opposed (adj.) opposite, facing | TC IV.v.94 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
What Troian is that same that lookes so heauy? | What Trojan is that same that looks so heavy? | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | TC IV.v.95 | |
Vlis. | ULYSSES | | | |
The yongest Sonne of Priam; / A true Knight; they call him Troylus; | The youngest son of Priam, a true knight, | | TC IV.v.96 | |
Not yet mature, yet matchlesse, firme of word, | Not yet mature, yet matchless; firm of word, | | TC IV.v.97 | |
Speaking in deedes, and deedelesse in his tongue; | Speaking in deeds, and deedless in his tongue; | deedless (adj.) performing no deeds, inactive | TC IV.v.98 | |
Not soone prouok't, nor being prouok't, soone calm'd; | Not soon provoked, nor being provoked soon calmed; | | TC IV.v.99 | |
His heart and hand both open, and both free: | His heart and hand both open and both free; | free (adj.) liberal, lavish, generous | TC IV.v.100 | |
For what he has, he giues; what thinkes, he shewes; | For what he has he gives, what thinks he shows, | | TC IV.v.101 | |
Yet giues he not till iudgement guide his bounty, | Yet gives he not till judgement guide his bounty, | bounty (n.) great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence | TC IV.v.102 | |
Nor dignifies an impaire thought with breath: | Nor dignifies an impair thought with breath; | impair (adj.) [unclear meaning] unworthy, dishonourable; harmful, injurious | TC IV.v.103 | |
| | breath (n.) utterance, speech, voice | | |
Manly as Hector, but more dangerous; | Manly as Hector, but more dangerous; | | TC IV.v.104 | |
For Hector in his blaze of wrath subscribes | For Hector in his blaze of wrath subscribes | subscribe (v.) submit, yield, give in | TC IV.v.105 | |
To tender obiects; but he, in heate of action, | To tender objects, but he in heat of action | object (n.) spectacle, sight, object of attention | TC IV.v.106 | |
| | tender (adj.) pitiable, pathetic, moving | | |
Is more vindecatiue then iealous loue. | Is more vindicative than jealous love. | vindicative (adj.) vindictive, punitive, revengeful | TC IV.v.107 | |
They call him Troylus; and on him erect, | They call him Troilus, and on him erect | | TC IV.v.108 | |
A second hope, as fairely built as Hector. | A second hope, as fairly built as Hector. | | TC IV.v.109 | |
Thus saies Aneas, one that knowes the youth, | Thus says Aeneas, one that knows the youth | | TC IV.v.110 | |
Euen to his inches: and with priuate soule, | Even to his inches, and with private soul | inches, even to his every inch of him, from top to toe | TC IV.v.111 | |
| | soul (n.) conscience, heart, inner being | | |
Did in great Illion thus translate him to me. | Did in great Ilium thus translate him to me. | translate (v.) explain, interpret | TC IV.v.112 | |
| | Ilion, Ilium (n.) poetic names for the city of Troy | | |
Alarum. | Alarum. Hector and Ajax fight | | TC IV.v.113.1 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
They are in action. | They are in action. | action (n.) engagement, combat, fighting | TC IV.v.113 | |
Nest. | NESTOR | | | |
Now Aiax hold thine owne. | Now, Ajax, hold thine own! | | TC IV.v.114.1 | |
Troy. | TROILUS | | | |
Hector, thou sleep'st, | Hector, thou sleep'st; | | TC IV.v.114.2 | |
awake thee. | Awake thee! | | TC IV.v.115 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
His blowes are wel dispos'd there Aiax. | His blows are well disposed – there, Ajax! | disposed (adj.) arranged, placed, distributed | TC IV.v.116 | |
trũpets cease. | Trumpets cease | | TC IV.v.117 | |
Diom. | DIOMEDES | | | |
You must no more. | You must no more. | | TC IV.v.117.1 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
Princes enough, so please you. | Princes, enough, so please you. | | TC IV.v.117.2 | |
Aia. | AJAX | | | |
I am not warme yet, let vs fight againe. | I am not warm yet; let us fight again. | | TC IV.v.118 | |
Diom. | DIOMEDES | | | |
As Hector pleases. | As Hector pleases. | | TC IV.v.119.1 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Why then will I no more: | Why, then will I no more. | | TC IV.v.119.2 | |
Thou art great Lord, my Fathers sisters Sonne; | Thou art, great lord, my father's sister's son, | | TC IV.v.120 | |
A cousen german to great Priams seede: | A cousin-german to great Priam's seed; | cousin-german (n.) first cousin | TC IV.v.121 | |
The obligation of our bloud forbids | The obligation of our blood forbids | | TC IV.v.122 | |
A gorie emulation 'twixt vs twaine: | A gory emulation 'twixt us twain. | emulation (n.) ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict | TC IV.v.123 | |
Were thy commixion, Greeke and Troian so, | Were thy commixion Greek and Trojan so | commixion, commixtion (n.) commixture, make-up, physical blending | TC IV.v.124 | |
That thou could'st say, this hand is Grecian all, | That thou couldst say ‘ This hand is Grecian all, | | TC IV.v.125 | |
And this is Troian: the sinewes of this Legge, | And this is Trojan; the sinews of this leg | sinew (n.) muscle | TC IV.v.126 | |
All Greeke, and this all Troy: my Mothers bloud | All Greek, and this all Troy; my mother's blood | | TC IV.v.127 | |
Runs on the dexter cheeke, and this sinister | Runs on the dexter cheek, and this sinister | dexter (adj.) [heraldry] of the right side | TC IV.v.128 | |
| | sinister (adj.) left | | |
Bounds in my fathers: by Ioue multipotent, | Bounds in my father's ’ – by Jove multipotent, | multipotent (adj.) most powerful | TC IV.v.129 | |
| | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | | |
| | bound (v.) contain, enclose, confine | | |
Thou should'st not beare from me a Greekish member | Thou shouldst not bear from me a Greekish member | member (n.) limb, piece of a body | TC IV.v.130 | |
| | Greekish (adj.) Greek, Grecian | | |
Wherein my sword had not impressure made | Wherein my sword had not impressure made | impressure (n.) imprint, impression, indentation, stamp | TC IV.v.131 | |
Of our ranke feud: but the iust gods gainsay, | Of our rank feud; but the just gods gainsay | rank (adj.) violent, heated, intemperate | TC IV.v.132 | |
| | gainsay (v.) contradict, say the contrary, forbid | | |
That any drop thou borrwd'st from thy mother, | That any drop thou borrowed'st from thy mother, | | TC IV.v.133 | |
My sacred Aunt, should by my mortall Sword | My sacred aunt, should by my mortal sword | | TC IV.v.134 | |
Be drained. Let me embrace thee Aiax: | Be drained! Let me embrace thee, Ajax: | | TC IV.v.135 | |
By him that thunders, thou hast lustie Armes; | By him that thunders, thou hast lusty arms; | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | TC IV.v.136 | |
Hector would haue them fall vpon him thus. | Hector would have them fall upon him thus. | | TC IV.v.137 | |
Cozen, all honor to thee. | Cousin, all honour to thee! | | TC IV.v.138.1 | |
Aia. | AJAX | | | |
I thanke thee Hector: | I thank thee, Hector. | | TC IV.v.138.2 | |
Thou art too gentle, and too free a man: | Thou art too gentle and too free a man. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | TC IV.v.139 | |
| | free (adj.) noble, honourable, worthy | | |
I came to kill thee Cozen, and beare hence | I came to kill thee, cousin, and bear hence | | TC IV.v.140 | |
A great addition, earned in thy death. | A great addition earned in thy death. | addition (n.) attribute, mark of honour, distinction [as if added to a coat--of-arms] | TC IV.v.141 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Not Neoptolymus so mirable, | Not Neoptolemus so mirable – | mirable (adj.) wonderful, marvellous | TC IV.v.142 | |
| | Neoptolemus (n.) [niop'tolemus] son of Achilles and Deidamia, but here referring to Achilles himself | | |
On whose bright crest, fame with her lowd'st (O yes) | On whose bright crest Fame with her loud'st oyes | oyes, oyez (n.) hear ye [town crier's ‘Oyez’] | TC IV.v.143 | |
| | crest (n.) [originally the plume of feathers on a] helmet, head-piece | | |
Cries, This is he; could'st promise to himselfe, | Cries ‘ This is he ’ – could promise to himself | | TC IV.v.144 | |
A thought of added honor, torne from Hector. | A thought of added honour torn from Hector. | | TC IV.v.145 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
There is expectance here from both the sides, | There is expectance here from both the sides | expectance (n.) expectant state, watchful anticipation | TC IV.v.146 | |
What further you will doe? | What further you will do. | | TC IV.v.147.1 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Weele answere it: | We'll answer it; | | TC IV.v.147.2 | |
The issue is embracement: Aiax, farewell. | The issue is embracement. Ajax, farewell. | embracement (n.) embrace, clasping, hug | TC IV.v.148 | |
| | issue (n.) outcome, result, consequence(s) | | |
Aia. | AJAX | | | |
If I might in entreaties finde successe, | If I might in entreaties find success, | | TC IV.v.149 | |
As seld I haue the chance; I would desire | As seld I have the chance, I would desire | desire (v.) invite, welcome, request the presence of | TC IV.v.150 | |
| | seld (adv.) seldom, rarely | | |
My famous Cousin to our Grecian Tents. | My famous cousin to our Grecian tents. | | TC IV.v.151 | |
Diom. | DIOMEDES | | | |
'Tis Agamemnons wish, and great Achilles | 'Tis Agamemnon's wish; and great Achilles | | TC IV.v.152 | |
Doth long to see vnarm'd the valiant Hector. | Doth long to see unarmed the valiant Hector. | | TC IV.v.153 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Aneas, call my brother Troylus to me: | Aeneas, call my brother Troilus to me, | | TC IV.v.154 | |
And signifie this louing enterview | And signify this loving interview | interview (n.) face-to-face meeting | TC IV.v.155 | |
| | signify (v.) report, make known, declare | | |
To the expecters of our Troian part: | To the expecters of our Trojan part; | part (n.) side, camp, party | TC IV.v.156 | |
| | expecter (n.) person awaiting news | | |
Desire them home. Giue me thy hand, my Cousin: | Desire them home. – Give me thy hand, my cousin; | desire (v.) request, wish, ask [for] | TC IV.v.157 | |
I will goe eate with thee, and see your Knights. | I will go eat with thee, and see your knights. | | TC IV.v.158 | |
Enter Agamemnon and the rest. | Agamemnon and the rest come forward | | TC IV.v.159 | |
Aia. | AJAX | | | |
Great Agamemnon comes to meete vs here. | Great Agamemnon comes to meet us here. | | TC IV.v.159 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
The worthiest of them, tell me name by name: | The worthiest of them tell me name by name; | | TC IV.v.160 | |
But for Achilles, mine owne serching eyes | But for Achilles, mine own searching eyes | | TC IV.v.161 | |
Shall finde him by his large and portly size. | Shall find him by his large and portly size. | portly (adj.) stately, majestic, dignified | TC IV.v.162 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
Worthy of Armes: as welcome as to one | Worthy of arms, as welcome as to one | | TC IV.v.163 | |
That would be rid of such an enemie. | That would be rid of such an enemy! – | | TC IV.v.164 | |
But that's no welcome: vnderstand more cleere | But that's no welcome: understand more clear, | | TC IV.v.165 | |
What's past, and what's to come, is strew'd with huskes, | What's past and what's to come is strewed with husks | | TC IV.v.166 | |
And formelesse ruine of obliuion: | And formless ruin of oblivion; | | TC IV.v.167 | |
But in this extant moment, faith and troth, | But in this extant moment, faith and troth, | troth (n.) truth, good faith | TC IV.v.168 | |
| | extant (adj.) current, present, immediate | | |
| | faith (n.) reliability, dependability, trustworthiness | | |
Strain'd purely from all hollow bias drawing: | Strained purely from all hollow bias-drawing, | strained (adj.) refined, purified, distilled | TC IV.v.169 | |
| | hollow (adj.) empty, false, insincere | | |
| | bias-drawing (n.) turning away from the truth, crooked dealing | | |
Bids thee with most diuine integritie, | Bids thee with most divine integrity | divine (adj.) godlike, sacred, blessed | TC IV.v.170 | |
From heart of very heart, great Hector welcome. | From heart of very heart, great Hector, welcome. | | TC IV.v.171 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
I thanke thee most imperious Agamemnon. | I thank thee, most imperious Agamemnon. | imperious, emperious (adj.) imperial, majestic, sovereign | TC IV.v.172 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
| (to Troilus) | | TC IV.v.173 | |
My well-fam'd Lord of Troy, no lesse to you. | My well-famed lord of Troy, no less to you. | | TC IV.v.173 | |
Men. | MENELAUS | | | |
Let me confirme my Princely brothers greeting, | Let me confirm my princely brother's greeting: | | TC IV.v.174 | |
You brace of warlike Brothers, welcome hither. | You brace of warlike brothers, welcome hither. | brace (n.) group of two, couple, pair | TC IV.v.175 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Who must we answer? | Who must we answer? | | TC IV.v.176.1 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
The Noble Menelaus. | The noble Menelaus. | | TC IV.v.176.2 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
O, you my Lord, by Mars his gauntlet thanks, | O, you, my lord? – By Mars his gauntlet, thanks! | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | TC IV.v.177 | |
| | gauntlet (n.) armoured glove protecting the hand and wrist | | |
Mocke not, that I affect th'vntraded Oath, | Mock not that I affect th' untraded oath; | untraded (adj.) unconventional, unaccustomed, unfamiliar | TC IV.v.178 | |
| | affect (v.) assume, display, put on, practise in an artificial way | | |
Your quondam wife sweares still by Venus Gloue | Your quondam wife swears still by Venus' glove. | quondam (adj.) former, erstwhile, previous | TC IV.v.179 | |
Shee's well, but bad me not commend her to you. | She's well, but bade me not commend her to you. | bid (v.), past form bade pray, entreat, beg, ask | TC IV.v.180 | |
| | commend (v.) convey greetings, present kind regards | | |
Men. | MENELAUS | | | |
Name her not now sir, she's a deadly Theame. | Name her not now, sir; she's a deadly theme. | theme (n.) subject, subject-matter, topic of discourse | TC IV.v.181 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
O pardon, I offend. | O, pardon; I offend. | | TC IV.v.182 | |
Nest. | NESTOR | | | |
I haue (thou gallant Troyan) seene thee oft | I have, thou gallant Trojan, seen thee oft, | oft (adv.) often | TC IV.v.183 | |
Labouring for destiny, make cruell way | Labouring for destiny, make cruel way | destiny (n.) divine power, fate [one of the three Fates] | TC IV.v.184 | |
| | labour for (v.) do the work of, exert oneself on behalf of | | |
Through rankes of Greekish youth: and I haue seen thee | Through ranks of Greekish youth; and I have seen thee, | Greekish (adj.) Greek, Grecian | TC IV.v.185 | |
As hot as Perseus, spurre thy Phrygian Steed, | As hot as Perseus, spur thy Phrygian steed, | Phrygia (n.) [pron: 'frijia] central plateau area of Asia Minor where Troy was situated | TC IV.v.186 | |
And seene thee scorning forfeits and subduments, | And seen thee scorning forfeits and subduements, | subduement (n.) someone overcome in a fight | TC IV.v.187 | |
| | forfeit (n.) someone defeated and in danger of death | | |
When thou hast hung thy aduanced sword i'th'ayre, | When thou hast hung thy advanced sword i'th' air, | advanced (adj.) raised up, held high, uplifted | TC IV.v.188 | |
Not letting it decline, on the declined: | Not letting it decline on the declined, | declined (n.) vanquished person, someone brought down | TC IV.v.189 | |
| | decline (v.) fall, descend, come down | | |
That I haue said vnto my standers by, | That I have said unto my standers-by: | stander-by (n.) bystander, onlooker, spectator | TC IV.v.190 | |
Loe Iupiter is yonder, dealing life. | ‘ Lo, Jupiter is yonder, dealing life!’ | Jupiter, Jove (n.) Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno | TC IV.v.191 | |
And I haue seene thee pause, and take thy breath, | And I have seen thee pause and take thy breath, | | TC IV.v.192 | |
When that a ring of Greekes haue hem'd thee in, | When that a ring of Greeks have hemmed thee in, | | TC IV.v.193 | |
Like an Olympian wrestling. This haue I seene, | Like an Olympian wrestling. This have I seen; | Olympian (n.) athlete in the Olympic games; or: Olympian god | TC IV.v.194 | |
But this thy countenance (still lockt in steele) | But this thy countenance, still locked in steel, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | TC IV.v.195 | |
| | countenance (n.) expression, look, face | | |
I neuer saw till now. I knew thy Grandsire, | I never saw till now. I knew thy grandsire, | grandsire (n.) grandfather | TC IV.v.196 | |
And once fought with him; he was a Souldier good, | And once fought with him: he was a soldier good, | | TC IV.v.197 | |
But by great Mars, the Captaine of vs all, | But by great Mars, the captain of us all, | | TC IV.v.198 | |
Neuer like thee. Let an oldman embrace thee, | Never like thee. Let an old man embrace thee; | | TC IV.v.199 | |
And (worthy Warriour) welcome to our Tents. | And, worthy warrior, welcome to our tents. | | TC IV.v.200 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
'Tis the old Nestor. | 'Tis the old Nestor. | | TC IV.v.201 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Let me embrace thee good old Chronicle, | Let me embrace thee, good old chronicle, | | TC IV.v.202 | |
That hast so long walk'd hand in hand with time: | That hast so long walked hand in hand with time; | | TC IV.v.203 | |
Most reuerend Nestor, I am glad to claspe thee. | Most reverend Nestor, I am glad to clasp thee. | reverend (adj.) revered, worthy, respected | TC IV.v.204 | |
Ne. | NESTOR | | | |
I would my armes could match thee in contention | I would my arms could match thee in contention, | contention (n.) quarrel, dispute, strife | TC IV.v.205 | |
As they contend with thee in courtesie. | As they contend with thee in courtesy. | | TC IV.v.206 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
I would they could. | I would they could. | | TC IV.v.207 | |
Nest. | NESTOR | | | |
Ha? | Ha! | | TC IV.v.208 | |
by this white beard I'ld fight with thee to morrow. | By this white beard, I'd fight with thee tomorrow. | | TC IV.v.209 | |
Well, welcom, welcome: I haue seen the time. | Well, welcome, welcome! – I have seen the time – | | TC IV.v.210 | |
Vlys. | ULYSSES | | | |
I wonder now, how yonder City stands, | I wonder now how yonder city stands | | TC IV.v.211 | |
When we haue heere her Base and pillar by vs. | When we have here her base and pillar by us. | base (n.) foundation, supporting structure | TC IV.v.212 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
I know your fauour Lord Vlysses well. | I know your favour, Lord Ulysses, well. | favour (n.) [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks | TC IV.v.213 | |
Ah sir, there's many a Greeke and Troyan dead, | Ah, sir, there's many a Greek and Trojan dead | | TC IV.v.214 | |
Since first I saw your selfe, and Diomed | Since first I saw yourself and Diomed | | TC IV.v.215 | |
In Illion, on your Greekish Embassie. | In Ilium, on your Greekish embassy. | embassy (n.) ambassadorial role, function as ambassador | TC IV.v.216 | |
| | Greekish (adj.) Greek, Grecian | | |
Vlys. | ULYSSES | | | |
Sir, I foretold you then what would ensue, | Sir, I foretold you then what would ensue. | | TC IV.v.217 | |
My prophesie is but halfe his iourney yet; | My prophecy is but half his journey yet; | | TC IV.v.218 | |
For yonder wals that pertly front your Towne, | For yonder walls, that pertly front your town, | pertly (adv.) boldly, audaciously, impudently | TC IV.v.219 | |
Yond Towers, whose wanton tops do busse the clouds, | Yond towers, whose wanton tops do buss the clouds, | wanton (adj.) casual, gentle | TC IV.v.220 | |
| | buss (v.) kiss wantonly, smack against | | |
Must kisse their owne feet. | Must kiss their own feet. | | TC IV.v.221.1 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
I must not beleeue you: | I must not believe you. | | TC IV.v.221.2 | |
There they stand yet: and modestly I thinke, | There they stand yet, and modestly I think | modestly (adv.) without exaggeration, in due measure | TC IV.v.222 | |
The fall of euery Phrygian stone will cost | The fall of every Phrygian stone will cost | | TC IV.v.223 | |
A drop of Grecian blood: the end crownes all, | A drop of Grecian blood. The end crowns all; | | TC IV.v.224 | |
And that old common Arbitrator, Time, | And that old common arbitrator, Time, | arbitrator (n.) one who brings to a conclusion, resolver | TC IV.v.225 | |
Will one day end it. | Will one day end it. | | TC IV.v.226.1 | |
Vlys. | ULYSSES | | | |
So to him we leaue it. | So to him we leave it. | | TC IV.v.226.2 | |
Most gentle, and most valiant Hector, welcome; | Most gentle and most valiant Hector, welcome. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | TC IV.v.227 | |
After the Generall, I beseech you next | After the general, I beseech you next | | TC IV.v.228 | |
To Feast with me, and see me at my Tent. | To feast with me, and see me at my tent. | | TC IV.v.229 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
I shall forestall thee Lord Vlysses, thou: | I shall forestall thee, Lord Ulysses, thou! | forestall (v.) prevent, stop, intercept, waylay | TC IV.v.230 | |
Now Hector I haue fed mine eyes on thee, | Now, Hector, I have fed mine eyes on thee; | | TC IV.v.231 | |
I haue with exact view perus'd thee Hector, | I have with exact view perused thee, Hector, | view (n.) inspection, examination | TC IV.v.232 | |
And quoted ioynt by ioynt. | And quoted joint by joint. | quote (v.) closely observe, note, examine | TC IV.v.233.1 | |
| | joint (n.) limb, body part | | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Is this Achilles? | Is this Achilles? | | TC IV.v.233.2 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
I am Achilles. | I am Achilles. | | TC IV.v.234 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Stand faire I prythee, let me looke on thee. | Stand fair, I pray thee; let me look on thee. | fair (adv.) in full view | TC IV.v.235 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
Behold thy fill. | Behold thy fill. | | TC IV.v.236.1 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Nay, I haue done already. | Nay, I have done already. | | TC IV.v.236.2 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
Thou art to breefe, I will the second time, | Thou art too brief; I will the second time, | | TC IV.v.237 | |
As I would buy thee, view thee, limbe by limbe. | As I would buy thee, view thee limb by limb. | | TC IV.v.238 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
O like a Booke of sport thou'lt reade me ore: | O, like a book of sport thou'lt read me o'er; | sport (n.) subject of sport | TC IV.v.239 | |
But there's more in me then thou vnderstand'st. | But there's more in me than thou understand'st. | | TC IV.v.240 | |
Why doest thou so oppresse me with thine eye? | Why dost thou so oppress me with thine eye? | | TC IV.v.241 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
Tell me you Heauens, in which part of his body | Tell me, you heavens, in which part of his body | | TC IV.v.242 | |
Shall I destroy him? Whether there, or there, or there, | Shall I destroy him? – whether there, or there, or there? – | | TC IV.v.243 | |
That I may giue the locall wound a name, | That I may give the local wound a name, | | TC IV.v.244 | |
And make distinct the very breach, where-out | And make distinct the very breach whereout | breach (n.) tear, gap, hole | TC IV.v.245 | |
Hectors great spirit flew. Answer me heauens. | Hector's great spirit flew: answer me, heavens! | | TC IV.v.246 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
It would discredit the blest Gods, proud man, | It would discredit the blest gods, proud man, | | TC IV.v.247 | |
To answer such a question: Stand againe; | To answer such a question. Stand again: | | TC IV.v.248 | |
Think'st thou to catch my life so pleasantly, | Think'st thou to catch my life so pleasantly | pleasantly (adv.) gratifyingly, satisfyingly | TC IV.v.249 | |
As to prenominate in nice coniecture | As to prenominate in nice conjecture | conjecture (n.) forecast, prediction, prognostication | TC IV.v.250 | |
| | nice (adj.) fine, precise, particular, subtle | | |
| | prenominate (v.) name beforehand, specify in advance | | |
Where thou wilt hit me dead? | Where thou wilt hit me dead? | | TC IV.v.251.1 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
I tell thee yea. | I tell thee, yea. | | TC IV.v.251.2 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Wert thou the Oracle to tell me so, | Wert thou the oracle to tell me so, | | TC IV.v.252 | |
I'ld not beleeue thee: henceforth guard thee well, | I'd not believe thee. Henceforth guard thee well, | | TC IV.v.253 | |
For Ile not kill thee there, nor there, nor there, | For I'll not kill thee there, nor there, nor there; | | TC IV.v.254 | |
But by the forge that stythied Mars his helme, | But, by the forge that stithied Mars his helm, | stithy (v.) forge, hammer out | TC IV.v.255 | |
| | helm (n.) helmet | | |
Ile kill thee euery where, yea, ore and ore. | I'll kill thee everywhere, yea, o'er and o'er. – | | TC IV.v.256 | |
You wisest Grecians, pardon me this bragge, | You wisest Grecians, pardon me this brag; | | TC IV.v.257 | |
His insolence drawes folly from my lips, | His insolence draws folly from my lips, | | TC IV.v.258 | |
But Ile endeuour deeds to match these words, | But I'll endeavour deeds to match these words, | | TC IV.v.259 | |
Or may I neuer--- | Or may I never – | | TC IV.v.260.1 | |
Aiax. | AJAX | | | |
Do not chafe thee Cosin: | Do not chafe thee, cousin – | chafe (v.) enrage, irritate, anger | TC IV.v.260.2 | |
And you Achilles, let these threats alone | And you, Achilles, let these threats alone, | | TC IV.v.261 | |
Till accident, or purpose bring you too't. | Till accident or purpose bring you to't. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | TC IV.v.262 | |
You may euery day enough of Hector | You may have every day enough of Hector, | | TC IV.v.263 | |
If you haue stomacke. The generall state I feare, | If you have stomach. The general state, I fear, | state (n.) persons of rank, nobility, court, council of state | TC IV.v.264 | |
| | stomach (n.) wish, inclination, desire | | |
Can scarse intreat you to be odde with him. | Can scarce entreat you to be odd with him. | entreat, intreat (v.) persuade, prevail upon | TC IV.v.265 | |
| | odd (adv.) at odds, at variance | | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
I pray you let vs see you in the field, | I pray you, let us see you in the field; | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | TC IV.v.266 | |
We haue had pelting Warres since you refus'd | We have had pelting wars since you refused | pelting (adj.) paltry, petty, worthless, insignificant | TC IV.v.267 | |
The Grecians cause. | The Grecians' cause. | | TC IV.v.268.1 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
Dost thou intreat me Hector? | Dost thou entreat me, Hector? | | TC IV.v.268.2 | |
To morrow do I meete thee fell as death, | Tomorrow do I meet thee, fell as death; | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | TC IV.v.269 | |
To night, all Friends. | Tonight all friends. | | TC IV.v.270.1 | |
Hect. | HECTOR | | | |
Thy hand vpon that match. | Thy hand upon that match. | | TC IV.v.270.2 | |
Aga. | AGAMEMNON | | | |
First, all you Peeres of Greece go to my Tent, | First, all you peers of Greece, go to my tent; | | TC IV.v.271 | |
There in the full conuiue you: Afterwards, | There in the full convive you. Afterwards, | convive (v.) feast together, enjoy a banquet | TC IV.v.272 | |
| | full, in the to the full, amply | | |
As Hectors leysure, and your bounties shall | As Hector's leisure and your bounties shall | bounty (n.) great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence | TC IV.v.273 | |
Concurre together, seuerally intreat him. | Concur together, severally entreat him. – | entreat, intreat (v.) persuade, prevail upon | TC IV.v.274 | |
| | severally (adv.) separately, individually | | |
Beate lowd the Taborins, let the Trumpets blow, | Beat loud the taborins, let the trumpets blow, | taborin, tabourine (n.) type of drum [narrower and longer than a tabor] | TC IV.v.275 | |
That this great Souldier may his welcome know. | That this great soldier may his welcome know. | | TC IV.v.276 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt all but Troilus and Ulysses | | TC IV.v.276 | |
| Drums and trumpets sound | | TC IV.v.277 | |
Troy. | TROILUS | | | |
My Lord Ulysses, tell me I beseech you, | My Lord Ulysses, tell me, I beseech you, | | TC IV.v.277 | |
In what place of the Field doth Calchas keepe? | In what place of the field doth Calchas keep? | keep (v.) lodge, live, dwell | TC IV.v.278 | |
| | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | | |
Ulys. | ULYSSES | | | |
At Menelaus Tent, most Princely Troylus, | At Menelaus' tent, most princely Troilus. | | TC IV.v.279 | |
There Diomed doth feast with him to night, | There Diomed doth feast with him tonight, | | TC IV.v.280 | |
Who neither lookes on heauen, nor on earth, | Who neither looks on heaven nor on earth, | | TC IV.v.281 | |
But giues all gaze and bent of amorous view | But gives all gaze and bent of amorous view | bent (n.) direction, turning, inclination | TC IV.v.282 | |
On the faire Cressid. | On the fair Cressid. | | TC IV.v.283 | |
Troy. | TROILUS | | | |
Shall I (sweet Lord) be bound to thee so much, | Shall I, sweet lord, be bound to thee so much, | | TC IV.v.284 | |
After we part from Agamemnons Tent, | After we part from Agamemnon's tent, | part (v.) depart [from], leave, quit | TC IV.v.285 | |
To bring me thither? | To bring me thither? | | TC IV.v.286.1 | |
Vlys. | ULYSSES | | | |
You shall command me sir: | You shall command me, sir. | | TC IV.v.286.2 | |
As gentle tell me, of what Honour was | As gentle tell me, of what honour was | gentle (adv.) courteously, kindly | TC IV.v.287 | |
| | honour (n.) credit, good name, reputation | | |
This Cressida in Troy, had she no Louer there | This Cressida in Troy? Had she no lover there | | TC IV.v.288 | |
That wailes her absence? | That wails her absence? | | TC IV.v.289 | |
Troy. | TROILUS | | | |
O sir, to such as boasting shew their scarres, | O sir, to such as boasting show their scars | | TC IV.v.290 | |
A mocke is due: will you walke on my Lord? | A mock is due. Will you walk on, my lord? | mock (n.) act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony | TC IV.v.291 | |
She was belou'd, she lou'd; she is, and dooth; | She was beloved, she loved, she is, and doth; | | TC IV.v.292 | |
But still sweet Loue is food for Fortunes tooth. | But still sweet love is food for fortune's tooth. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | TC IV.v.293 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | TC IV.v.293 | |