| Modern text
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Enter Charles of Normandy and Villiers | Enter Charles of Normandy and Villiers | | E3 IV.iii.1.1 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
I wounder Villiers, thou shouldest importune me | I wonder, Villiers, thou shouldst importune me | importune (v.) beg [for], ask persistently [for] | E3 IV.iii.1 | |
For one that is our deadly ennemie. | For one that is our deadly enemy. | | E3 IV.iii.2 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
Not for his sake my gratious Lord so much, | Not for his sake, my gracious lord, so much | | E3 IV.iii.3 | |
Am I become an earnest aduocate, | Am I become an earnest advocate, | | E3 IV.iii.4 | |
As that thereby my ransome will be quit, | As that thereby my ransom will be quit. | quit (v.) remit, release from | E3 IV.iii.5 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
Thy ransome man: why needest thou talke of that? | Thy ransom, man? Why need'st thou talk of that? | | E3 IV.iii.6 | |
Art thou not free? and are not all occasions, | Art thou not free? And are not all occasions | | E3 IV.iii.7 | |
That happen for aduantage of our foes, | That happen for advantage of our foes | | E3 IV.iii.8 | |
To be accepted of, and stood vpon? | To be accepted of and stood upon? | stand upon (v.) make advantageous, profit from, make the most of | E3 IV.iii.9 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
No good my Lord except the same be iust, | No, good my lord, except the same be just; | | E3 IV.iii.10 | |
For profit must with honor be comixt, | For profit must with honour be commixed, | commix (v.) mix together, mingle, combine | E3 IV.iii.11 | |
Or else our actions are but scandalous: | Or else our actions are but scandalous. | | E3 IV.iii.12 | |
But letting passe these intricate obiections, | But, letting pass their intricate objections, | | E3 IV.iii.13 | |
Wilt please your highnes to subscribe or no? | Will't please your highness to subscribe, or no? | subscribe (v.) sign, endorse, support | E3 IV.iii.14 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
Villiers I will not, nor I cannot do it, | Villiers, I will not nor I cannot do it; | | E3 IV.iii.15 | |
Salisbury shall not haue his will so much, | Salisbury shall not have his will so much | | E3 IV.iii.16 | |
To clayme a pasport how it pleaseth himselfe, | To claim a passport how it pleaseth himself. | | E3 IV.iii.17 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
Why then I know the extremitie my Loid, | Why, then I know the extremity, my lord: | extremity (n.) conclusion, outcome, very end | E3 IV.iii.18 | |
I must returne to prison whence I came, | I must return to prison whence I came. | | E3 IV.iii.19 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
Returne, I hope thou wilt not, | Return? I hope thou wilt not. | | E3 IV.iii.20 | |
What bird that hath e(s)capt the fowlers gin, | What bird that hath escaped the fowler's gin | gin (n.) snare, trap | E3 IV.iii.21 | |
Will not beware how shees insnard againe: | Will not beware how she's ensnared again? | | E3 IV.iii.22 | |
Or what is he so senceles and secure, | Or what is he, so senseless and secure, | senseless (adj.) lacking in sense, stupid, foolish | E3 IV.iii.23 | |
| | secure (adj.) over-confident, unsuspecting, too self-confident | | |
That hauing hardely past a dangerous gulfe, | That, having hardly passed a dangerous gulf, | hardly (adv.) with great difficulty, only with difficulty | E3 IV.iii.24 | |
Will put him selfe in perill there againe. | Will put himself in peril there again? | | E3 IV.iii.25 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
Ah but itis mine othe my gratious Lord, | Ah, but it is mine oath, my gracious lord, | | E3 IV.iii.26 | |
Which I in conscience may not violate, | Which I in conscience may not violate, | | E3 IV.iii.27 | |
Or else a kingdome should not draw me hence. | Or else a kingdom should not draw me hence. | | E3 IV.iii.28 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
Thine othe, why that doth bind thee to abide: | Thine oath? Why, that doth bind thee to abide. | abide (v.) stay, remain, stop [in a position] | E3 IV.iii.29 | |
Hast thou not sworne obedience to thy Prince? | Hast thou not sworn obedience to thy prince? | | E3 IV.iii.30 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
In all things that vprightly he commands: | In all things that uprightly he commands; | uprightly (adv.) in an upright way, justly, honourably | E3 IV.iii.31 | |
But either to perswade or threaten me, | But either to persuade or threaten me | | E3 IV.iii.32 | |
Not to performe the couenant of my word, | Not to perform the covenant of my word | | E3 IV.iii.33 | |
Is lawlesse, and I need not to obey. | Is lawless, and I need not to obey. | | E3 IV.iii.34 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
Why is it lawfull for a man to kill, | Why, is it lawful for a man to kill, | | E3 IV.iii.35 | |
And not to breake a promise with his foe? | And not to break a promise with his foe? | | E3 IV.iii.36 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
To kill my Lord when warre is once proclaymd, | To kill, my lord, when war is once proclaimed, | | E3 IV.iii.37 | |
So that our quarrel be for wrongs receaude, | So that our quarrel be for wrongs received, | | E3 IV.iii.38 | |
No doubt is lawfully permitted vs: | No doubt is lawfully permitted us; | | E3 IV.iii.39 | |
But in an othe we must be well aduisd, | But in an oath we must be well advised | | E3 IV.iii.40 | |
How we do sweare, and when we once haue sworne, | How we do swear, and, when we once have sworn, | | E3 IV.iii.41 | |
Not to infringe it though we die therefore: | Not to infringe it, though we die therefore. | | E3 IV.iii.42 | |
Therefore my Lord, as willing I returne, | Therefore, my lord, as willing I return | | E3 IV.iii.43 | |
As if I were to flie to paradise. | As if I were to fly to paradise. | | E3 IV.iii.44 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
Stay my Villeirs, thine honorable minde, | Stay, my Villiers; thine honourable mind | | E3 IV.iii.45 | |
Deserues to be eternally admirde, | Deserves to be eternally admired. | | E3 IV.iii.46 | |
Thy sute shalbe no longer thus deferd: | Thy suit shall be no longer thus deferred: | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | E3 IV.iii.47 | |
Giue me the paper, Ile subscribe to it, | Give me the paper; I'll subscribe to it; | subscribe to (v.) sign, endorse, put one's name to | E3 IV.iii.48 | |
And wheretofore I loued thee as Villeirs, | And wheretofore I loved thee as Villiers, | | E3 IV.iii.49 | |
Heereafter Ile embrace thee as my selfe, | Hereafter I'll embrace thee as myself. | | E3 IV.iii.50 | |
Stay and be still in fauour with thy Lord. | Stay, and be still in favour with thy lord. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | E3 IV.iii.51 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
I humbly thanke your grace, I must dispatch, | I humbly thank your grace. I must dispatch | dispatch, despatch (v.) deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly | E3 IV.iii.52 | |
And send this pasport first vnto the Earle, | And send this passport first unto the earl, | | E3 IV.iii.53 | |
And then I will attend your highnes pleasure. | And then I will attend your highness' pleasure. | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | E3 IV.iii.54 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
Do so Villeirs, and Charles when he hath neede, | Do so, Villiers – and Charles, when he hath need, | | E3 IV.iii.55 | |
Be such his souldiers, howsoeuer he speede. | Be such his soldiers, howsoever he speed! | speed (v.) survive, succeed, prosper | E3 IV.iii.56 | |
Exit Villeirs. | Exit Villiers | | E3 IV.iii.56 | |
Enter King Iohn. | Enter King John | | E3 IV.iii.57 | |
K. Io. | KING JOHN | | | |
Come Charles and arme thee, Edward is intrapt, | Come, Charles, and arm thee. Edward is entrapped, | | E3 IV.iii.57 | |
The Prince of Wales is falne into our hands, | The Prince of Wales is fall'n into our hands, | | E3 IV.iii.58 | |
And we haue compast him he cannot scape. | And we have compassed him; he cannot scape. | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | E3 IV.iii.59 | |
| | compass (v.) surround, trap, ring in | | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
But will your highnes fight to day. | But will your highness fight today? | | E3 IV.iii.60 | |
Io. | KING JOHN | | | |
What else my son, hees scarse eight thousand strong | What else, my son? He's scarce eight thousand strong, | | E3 IV.iii.61 | |
and we are threescore thousand at the least, | And we are threescore thousand at the least. | | E3 IV.iii.62 | |
Ch. | CHARLES | | | |
I haue a prophecy my gratious Lord, | I have a prophecy, my gracious lord, | | E3 IV.iii.63 | |
Wherein is written what successe is like | Wherein is written what success is like | success (n.) result, outcome, issue | E3 IV.iii.64 | |
| | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | | |
To happen vs in this outragious warre, | To happen us in this outrageous war. | outrageous (adj.) excessively fierce, extremely violent | E3 IV.iii.65 | |
| | happen (v.) happen to, befall | | |
It was deliuered me at Cresses field, | It was delivered me at Crécy's field | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | E3 IV.iii.66 | |
By one that is an aged Hermyt there, | By one that is an aged hermit there. | | E3 IV.iii.67 | |
| (reads) | | E3 IV.iii.68 | |
when fethered foul shal make thine army tremble, | ‘ When feathered fowl shall make thine army tremble, | | E3 IV.iii.68 | |
and flint stones rise and breake the battell ray: | And flintstones rise and break the battle 'ray, | | E3 IV.iii.69 | |
Then thinke on him that doth not now dissemble | Then think on him that doth not now dissemble, | dissemble (v.) deceive, disguise the truth, pretend | E3 IV.iii.70 | |
For that shalbe the haples dreadfull day, | For that shall be the hapless dreadful day. | hapless (adj.) luckless, unfortunate, unlucky | E3 IV.iii.71 | |
Yet in the end thy foot thou shalt aduance, | Yet in the end thy foot thou shalt advance | | E3 IV.iii.72 | |
as farre in England, as thy foe in Fraunce, | As far in England as thy foe in France.’ | | E3 IV.iii.73 | |
Io. | KING JOHN | | | |
By this it seemes we shalbe fortunate: | By this it seems we shall be fortunate: | | E3 IV.iii.74 | |
For as it is impossible that stones | For, as it is impossible that stones | | E3 IV.iii.75 | |
Should euer rise and breake the battaile ray, | Should ever rise and break the battle 'ray, | | E3 IV.iii.76 | |
Or airie foule make men in armes to quake, | Or airy fowl make men in arms to quake, | | E3 IV.iii.77 | |
So is it like we shall not be subdude: | So is it like we shall not be subdued. | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | E3 IV.iii.78 | |
Or say this might be true, yet in the end, | Or say this might be true; yet, in the end, | | E3 IV.iii.79 | |
Since he doth promise we shall driue him hence, | Since he doth promise we shall drive him hence | | E3 IV.iii.80 | |
And forrage their Countrie as they haue don ours | And forage their country as they have done ours, | forage (v.) plunder, pillage, ravage | E3 IV.iii.81 | |
By this reuenge, that losse will seeme the lesse, | By this revenge that loss will seem the less. | | E3 IV.iii.82 | |
But all are fryuolous, fancies, toyes and dreames, | But all are frivolous fancies, toys, and dreams: | toy (n.) fancy, fantastic thought | E3 IV.iii.83 | |
| | fancy (n.) imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought | | |
Once we are sure we haue insnard the sonne, | Once we are sure we have ensnared the son, | | E3 IV.iii.84 | |
Catch we the father after how we can. | Catch we the father after as we can. | | E3 IV.iii.85 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | E3 IV.iii.85 | |