Shakespeare's Anniversary – free access until 04-24-2024
This is a thesaurus of all the glosses to the words in the Glossary, linked to the lines in the texts where these words are found.

The Thesaurus is the opposite of the Glossary. When consulting the Glossary, you know the word and you want to find out what it means. When consulting the Thesaurus, you know the meaning and you want to find out which Shakespearean words express it. How would he say 'arrogant' or 'companion'? The options are listed when you search for these words.

Disclaimer: our Thesaurus is a guide only to the words in the Glossary, and not an account of the way these words might be used elsewhere in the canon, or in Early Modern English as a whole. For example, we include Shakespeare’s use of mother to mean 'womanish qualities', but not in its ordinary sense of 'parent'. You can read more background about the thesaurus here.

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Search phrase mar 93 items found
pirate (n.)
marble, shining like
marbled (adj.)
margin of the sea
sea-marge (n.)
marginal comment
gloss (n.)
march in the front rank
front (v.)
marching order, not in formal
free (adj.)
marigold bud
Mary-bud (n.)
mariner climbing to trim the sails
canvas-climber (n.)
mark [as if by a badge]
badge (v.)
mark [as if by a seal]
seal (v.)
mark [in archery]
clout (n.)
mark [on a sundial]
prick (n.)
mark, distinguishing
type (n.)
mark, distinguishing [on a coat-of-arms]
difference (n.)
mark, hit the
hit (v.)
mark, make a
score (v.)
mark, measuring
scale (n.)
mark, miss the
glance (v.)
mark, scar-like
cicatrice (n.)
mark by seal
seal (v.)
mark distinctively
sign (v.)
mark indelibly
brand (v.)
mark of disgrace
note (n.)
mark of elision
apostrophus (n.)
mark of honour
addition (n.)
mark of infamy
brand (n.)
mark on a playing card
pip (n.)
mark up
score (v.)
mark used as a signature
mark (n.)
mark with foolishness
nick (v.)
marked out at birth by evil fairies
elvish-marked (adj.)
marked out for death
spotted (adj.)
marked with stains
bestained (adj.)
market, trader in a
market-man (n.)
vendible (adj.)
market (n.)
markings, with varied
checkered (adj.)
marksman not attached to a company
loose shot
marriage, bound by
obliged (adj.)
marriage, give in
bestow (v.)
marriage, join in
match (v.)
marriage, joined in
yoked (adj.)
marriage, person being joined in
copulative (n.)
marriage, proposal of
tender (n.)
marriage, unfaithful to
bed-swerver (n.)
marriage bed, polluting the
bed-blotting (adj.)
marriage dowry, be a
marry (v.)
marriage gift
portion (n.)
marriage portion
proportion (n.)
marriage settlement
jointure (n.)
marriage tie
knot (n.)
vendible (adj.)
married, get
world, go to the
married union
spousal (n.)
married woman
matron (n.)
marshalled for fight
embattailed (adj.)
marshalled force
battalia (n.)
marshes, rising from
fen-sucked (adj.)
fen (n.)
fenny (adj.)
martial arts, practise the
exercise (v.)
martial practice
exercise (n.)
martial spirit
rage (n.)
martial temperament
Mars (n.)
martial undertaking
exploit (n.)
marvel, it's a
world, it is a
marvel, make into an unnatural
monster (v.)
Mary, by
marry (int.)

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