Original textModern textKey line
Good eu'n Audrey.Good even, Audrey.AYL V.i.13
And good eu'n to you Sir.And good even to you, sir.AYL V.i.15
Fiue and twentie Sir.Five-and-twenty, sir.AYL V.i.19
William, sir.William, sir.AYL V.i.21
I sir, I thanke God.Ay, sir, I thank God.AYL V.i.23
'Faith sir, so, so.Faith, sir, so so.AYL V.i.25
I sir, I haue a prettie wit.Ay, sir, I have a pretty wit.AYL V.i.28
I do sit.I do, sir.AYL V.i.36
No sir.No, sir.AYL V.i.38
Which he sir?Which he, sir?AYL V.i.44
God rest you merry sir. God rest you merry, sir.AYL V.i.58

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