Original textModern textKey line
My Lord, the Armie of great Buckingham.My lord, the army of great Buckingham – R3 IV.iv.506
The newes I haue to tell your Maiestie,The news I have to tell your majestyR3 IV.iv.509
Is, that by sudden Floods, and fall of Waters,Is that by sudden flood and fall of waterR3 IV.iv.510
Buckinghams Armie is dispers'd and scatter'd,Buckingham's army is dispersed and scattered,R3 IV.iv.511
And he himselfe wandred away alone,And he himself wandered away alone,R3 IV.iv.512
No man knowes whither.No man knows whither.R3 IV.iv.513.1
Such Proclamation hath been made, my Lord.Such proclamation hath been made, my lord.R3 IV.iv.517

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