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Search phrase: beautiful


 16 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym V.v.63Were not in fault, for she was beautiful;Were not in fault, for she was beautifull:
Henry VI Part 11H6 V.iii.78She's beautiful, and therefore to be wooed;She's beautifull; and therefore to be Wooed:
King Edward IIIE3 II.i.84‘ Better than beautiful ’ thou must begin.Better then bewtifull thou must begin,
Love's Labour's LostLLL IV.i.65thou art lovely. More fairer than fair, beautiful thanthou art louely: more fairer then faire, beautifull then
The Merchant of VeniceMV II.iii.10Adieu! Tears exhibit my tongue. Most beautifulAdue, teares exhibit my tongue, most beautifull
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND III.i.140Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful.Thou art as wise, as thou art beautifull.
Romeo and JulietRJ III.ii.75Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical!Beautifull Tyrant, fiend Angelicall:
The Taming of the ShrewTS induction.2.61Thou hast a lady far more beautifulThou hast a Ladie farre more Beautifull,
The Taming of the ShrewTS I.ii.118His youngest daughter, beautiful Bianca,His yongest daughter, beautiful Bianca,
The Taming of the ShrewTS IV.iii.172Because his fathers are more beautiful?Because his feathers are more beautifull.
Timon of AthensTim I.ii.145Which was not half so beautiful and kind.Which was not halfe so beautifull, and kinde:
Twelfth NightTN II.i.23me, was yet of many accounted beautiful. Butme, was yet of many accounted beautiful: but
Twelfth NightTN III.i.142O, what a deal of scorn looks beautifulO what a deale of scorne, lookes beautifull?
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG II.i.64still I see her beautiful.still I see her beautifull.
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG IV.iv.177A virtuous gentlewoman, mild, and beautiful!A vertuous gentlewoman, milde, and beautifull.
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK IV.ii.38And only beautiful, and these the eyes,And only beutifull, and these the eyes,


 2 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
A Lover's ComplaintLC.211 ‘ The diamond? why, 'twas beautiful and hard, The Diamond? why twas beautifull and hard,
SonnetsSonn.106.3 And beauty making beautiful old rhyme And beautie making beautifull old rime,


 7 result(s).
bonnyfine, beautiful, splendid
changelingunsightly person [>> sense 1: an ugly or deformed child left by fairies in exchange for a beautiful one]
fairhandsome, good-looking, beautiful
fineartificially beautiful, showily decorative
Ganymedebeautiful boy, son of a Trojan prince, taken by Jove to be cup-bearer to the gods
heavenlybeautiful, delightful, sublime
phoenix[unclear meaning] rare, matchless, beautiful


 5 result(s).
artificially beautifulfine

Themes and Topics

 4 result(s).
Verb forms...d iii i 140 thou art as wise as thou art beautiful beest be’st be 2nd person singul...
Gods and goddesses
French... well as 'deceitful') french] > the most beautiful katherine in the world and my very dear...
Latin... (adj ) mw iv i 25   fair beautiful purus (adj ) tit iv ii 20 ...

Words Families

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