First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Leontes, Cleomines, Dion, Paulina, Seruants: Florizel,Perdita. | Enter Leontes, Cleomenes, Dion, Paulina, and others | | WT V.i.1 | |
Cleo. | CLEOMENES | | | |
Sir, you haue done enough, and haue perform'd | Sir, you have done enough, and have performed | | WT V.i.1 | |
A Saint-like Sorrow: No fault could you make, | A saint-like sorrow. No fault could you make | sorrow (n.) mourning, lamentation | WT V.i.2 | |
Which you haue not redeem'd; indeed pay'd downe | Which you have not redeemed; indeed, paid down | | WT V.i.3 | |
More penitence, then done trespas: At the last | More penitence than done trespass. At the last, | | WT V.i.4 | |
Doe, as the Heauens haue done; forget your euill, | Do as the heavens have done, forget your evil; | | WT V.i.5 | |
With them, forgiue your selfe. | With them forgive yourself. | | WT V.i.6.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Whilest I remember | Whilst I remember | | WT V.i.6.2 | |
Her, and her Vertues, I cannot forget | Her and her virtues, I cannot forget | | WT V.i.7 | |
My blemishes in them, and so still thinke of | My blemishes in them, and so still think of | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | WT V.i.8 | |
The wrong I did my selfe: which was so much, | The wrong I did myself; which was so much | | WT V.i.9 | |
That Heire-lesse it hath made my Kingdome, and | That heirless it hath made my kingdom and | | WT V.i.10 | |
Destroy'd the sweet'st Companion, that ere man | Destroyed the sweet'st companion that e'er man | | WT V.i.11 | |
Bred his hopes out of, | Bred his hopes out of. | | WT V.i.12.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
true. / Too true (my Lord:) | True, too true, my lord. | | WT V.i.12.2 | |
If one by one, you wedded all the World, | If one by one you wedded all the world, | | WT V.i.13 | |
Or from the All that are, tooke something good, | Or from the all that are took something good | | WT V.i.14 | |
To make a perfect Woman; she you kill'd, | To make a perfect woman, she you killed | | WT V.i.15 | |
Would be vnparallell'd. | Would be unparalleled. | | WT V.i.16.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
I thinke so. Kill'd? | I think so. Killed! | | WT V.i.16.2 | |
She I kill'd? I did so: but thou strik'st me | She I killed! I did so; but thou strik'st me | | WT V.i.17 | |
Sorely, to say I did: it is as bitter | Sorely to say I did. It is as bitter | sorely (adv.) severely, intensely, very greatly | WT V.i.18 | |
Vpon thy Tongue, as in my Thought. Now, good now, | Upon thy tongue as in my thought. Now, good now, | | WT V.i.19 | |
Say so but seldome. | Say so but seldom. | | WT V.i.20.1 | |
Cleo. | CLEOMENES | | | |
Not at all, good Lady: | Not at all, good lady. | | WT V.i.20.2 | |
You might haue spoken a thousand things, that would | You might have spoken a thousand things that would | | WT V.i.21 | |
Haue done the time more benefit, and grac'd | Have done the time more benefit and graced | | WT V.i.22 | |
Your kindnesse better. | Your kindness better. | | WT V.i.23.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
You are one of those | You are one of those | | WT V.i.23.2 | |
Would haue him wed againe. | Would have him wed again. | | WT V.i.24.1 | |
Dio. | DION | | | |
If you would not so, | If you would not so, | | WT V.i.24.2 | |
You pitty not the State, nor the Remembrance | You pity not the state, nor the remembrance | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | WT V.i.25 | |
Of his most Soueraigne Name: Consider little, | Of his most sovereign name; consider little | | WT V.i.26 | |
What Dangers, by his Highnesse faile of Issue, | What dangers by his highness' fail of issue | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | WT V.i.27 | |
| | fail (n.) failure [to comply with], lack | | |
May drop vpon his Kingdome, and deuoure | May drop upon his kingdom and devour | | WT V.i.28 | |
Incertaine lookers on. What were more holy, | Incertain lookers-on. What were more holy | incertain (adj.) uncertain, needing guidance, in a doubtful state | WT V.i.29 | |
Then to reioyce the former Queene is well? | Than to rejoice the former queen is well? | well (adv.) in a state of happiness, in bliss | WT V.i.30 | |
What holyer, then for Royalties repayre, | What holier than, for royalty's repair, | repair (n.) restoration, renewal, recovery | WT V.i.31 | |
For present comfort, and for future good, | For present comfort and for future good, | | WT V.i.32 | |
To blesse the Bed of Maiestie againe | To bless the bed of majesty again | | WT V.i.33 | |
With a sweet Fellow to't? | With a sweet fellow to't? | | WT V.i.34.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
There is none worthy, | There is none worthy, | | WT V.i.34.2 | |
(Respecting her that's gone:) besides the Gods | Respecting her that's gone. Besides the gods | respecting (prep.) in comparison with | WT V.i.35 | |
Will haue fulfill'd their secret purposes: | Will have fulfilled their secret purposes: | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | WT V.i.36 | |
For ha's not the Diuine Apollo said? | For has not the divine Apollo said, | | WT V.i.37 | |
Is't not the tenor of his Oracle, | Is't not the tenor of his oracle, | | WT V.i.38 | |
That King Leontes shall not haue an Heire, | That King Leontes shall not have an heir | | WT V.i.39 | |
Till his lost Child be found? Which, that it shall, | Till his lost child be found? Which that it shall | | WT V.i.40 | |
Is all as monstrous to our humane reason, | Is all as monstrous to our human reason | | WT V.i.41 | |
As my Antigonus to breake his Graue, | As my Antigonus to break his grave | | WT V.i.42 | |
And come againe to me: who, on my life, | And come again to me; who, on my life, | | WT V.i.43 | |
Did perish with the Infant. 'Tis your councell, | Did perish with the infant. 'Tis your counsel | | WT V.i.44 | |
My Lord should to the Heauens be contrary, | My lord should to the heavens be contrary, | contrary (adj.) opposite, opposing, rival | WT V.i.45 | |
Oppose against their wills. Care not for Issue, | Oppose against their wills. (To Leontes) Care not for issue. | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | WT V.i.46 | |
The Crowne will find an Heire. Great Alexander | The crown will find an heir. Great Alexander | | WT V.i.47 | |
Left his to th' Worthiest: so his Successor | Left his to th' worthiest; so his successor | | WT V.i.48 | |
Was like to be the best. | Was like to be the best. | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | WT V.i.49.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Good Paulina, | Good Paulina, | | WT V.i.49.2 | |
Who hast the memorie of Hermione | Who hast the memory of Hermione, | | WT V.i.50 | |
I know in honor: O, that euer I | I know, in honour, O that ever I | | WT V.i.51 | |
Had squar'd me to thy councell: then, euen now, | Had squared me to thy counsel! Then even now | square (v.) rule, direct, influence | WT V.i.52 | |
I might haue look'd vpon my Queenes full eyes, | I might have looked upon my queen's full eyes, | | WT V.i.53 | |
Haue taken Treasure from her Lippes. | Have taken treasure from her lips – | | WT V.i.54.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
And left them | And left them | | WT V.i.54.2 | |
More rich, for what they yeelded. | More rich for what they yielded. | | WT V.i.55.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Thou speak'st truth: | Thou speak'st truth. | | WT V.i.55.2 | |
No more such Wiues, therefore no Wife: one worse, | No more such wives, therefore no wife: one worse, | | WT V.i.56 | |
And better vs'd, would make her Sainted Spirit | And better used, would make her sainted spirit | sainted (adj.) made a saint, from heaven | WT V.i.57 | |
Againe possesse her Corps, and on this Stage | Again possess her corpse, and on this stage, | | WT V.i.58 | |
(Where we Offendors now appeare) Soule-vext, | Where we offenders move, appear soul-vexed, | | WT V.i.59 | |
And begin, why to me? | And begin, ‘ Why to me?’ | | WT V.i.60.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Had she such power, | Had she such power, | | WT V.i.60.2 | |
She had iust such cause. | She had just cause. | | WT V.i.61.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
She had, and would incense me | She had, and would incense me | incense (v.) incite, urge, set on | WT V.i.61.2 | |
To murther her I marryed. | To murder her I married. | | WT V.i.62.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
I should so: | I should so. | | WT V.i.62.2 | |
Were I the Ghost that walk'd, Il'd bid you marke | Were I the ghost that walked, I'd bid you mark | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | WT V.i.63 | |
Her eye, and tell me for what dull part in't | Her eye, and tell me for what dull part in't | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | WT V.i.64 | |
You chose her: then Il'd shrieke, that euen your eares | You chose her; then I'd shriek, that even your ears | | WT V.i.65 | |
Should rift to heare me, and the words that follow'd, | Should rift to hear me; and the words that followed | rift (v.) split, cleave, rend apart | WT V.i.66 | |
Should be, Remember mine. | Should be ‘ Remember mine.’ | | WT V.i.67.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Starres, Starres, | Stars, stars, | | WT V.i.67.2 | |
And all eyes else, dead coales: feare thou no Wife; | And all eyes else dead coals! Fear thou no wife; | coal (n.) cinder, piece of charcoal | WT V.i.68 | |
Ile haue no Wife, Paulina. | I'll have no wife, Paulina. | | WT V.i.69.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Will you sweare | Will you swear | | WT V.i.69.2 | |
Neuer to marry, but by my free leaue? | Never to marry but by my free leave? | | WT V.i.70 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Neuer (Paulina) so be bless'd my Spirit. | Never, Paulina, so be blest my spirit! | | WT V.i.71 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Then good my Lords, beare witnesse to his Oath. | Then, good my lords, bear witness to his oath. | | WT V.i.72 | |
Cleo. | CLEOMENES | | | |
You tempt him ouer-much. | You tempt him overmuch. | tempt (v.) try, test, make trial of | WT V.i.73.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Vnlesse another, | Unless another, | | WT V.i.73.2 | |
As like Hermione, as is her Picture, | As like Hermione as is her picture, | | WT V.i.74 | |
Affront his eye. | Affront his eye. | affront (v.) come face to face with, meet, confront | WT V.i.75.1 | |
Cleo. | CLEOMENES | | | |
Good Madame, | Good madam – | | WT V.i.75.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
I haue done. | I have done. | | WT V.i.75.3 | |
Yet if my Lord will marry: if you will, Sir; | Yet if my lord will marry – if you will, sir, | | WT V.i.76 | |
No remedie but you will: Giue me the Office | No remedy, but you will – give me the office | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | WT V.i.77 | |
To chuse you a Queene: she shall not be so young | To choose you a queen: she shall not be so young | | WT V.i.78 | |
As was your former, but she shall be such | As was your former, but she shall be such | | WT V.i.79 | |
As (walk'd your first Queenes Ghost) it should take ioy | As, walked your first queen's ghost, it should take joy | | WT V.i.80 | |
To see her in your armes. | To see her in your arms. | | WT V.i.81.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
My true Paulina, | My true Paulina, | | WT V.i.81.2 | |
We shall not marry, till thou bidst vs. | We shall not marry till thou bid'st us. | | WT V.i.82.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
That | That | | WT V.i.82.2 | |
Shall be when your first Queene's againe in breath: | Shall be when your first queen's again in breath; | breath (n.) life, spirit, living and breathing existence | WT V.i.83 | |
Neuer till then. | Never till then. | | WT V.i.84 | |
Enter a Seruant. | Enter a Gentleman | | WT V.i.85.1 | |
Ser. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
One that giues out himselfe Prince Florizell, | One that gives out himself Prince Florizel, | give out (v.) proclaim, announce, herald | WT V.i.85 | |
Sonne of Polixenes, with his Princesse (she | Son of Polixenes, with his princess – she | | WT V.i.86 | |
The fairest I haue yet beheld) desires accesse | The fairest I have yet beheld – desires access | | WT V.i.87 | |
To your high presence. | To your high presence. | | WT V.i.88.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
What with him? he comes not | What with him? He comes not | | WT V.i.88.2 | |
Like to his Fathers Greatnesse: his approach | Like to his father's greatness. His approach | | WT V.i.89 | |
(So out of circumstance, and suddaine) tells vs, | So out of circumstance and sudden tells us | circumstance (n.) pageantry, ceremony, spectacle | WT V.i.90 | |
'Tis not a Visitation fram'd, but forc'd | 'Tis not a visitation framed, but forced | framed (adj.) designed, properly planned, well-prepared | WT V.i.91 | |
By need, and accident. What Trayne? | By need and accident. What train? | | WT V.i.92.1 | |
Ser. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
But few, | But few, | | WT V.i.92.2 | |
And those but meane. | And those but mean. | mean (adj.) of low rank, inferior in position, less important | WT V.i.93.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
His Princesse (say you) with him? | His princess, say you, with him? | | WT V.i.93.2 | |
Ser. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
I: the most peerelesse peece of Earth, I thinke, | Ay, the most peerless piece of earth, I think, | | WT V.i.94 | |
That ere the Sunne shone bright on. | That e'er the sun shone bright on. | | WT V.i.95.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Oh Hermione, | O Hermione, | | WT V.i.95.2 | |
As euery present Time doth boast it selfe | As every present time doth boast itself | | WT V.i.96 | |
Aboue a better, gone; so must thy Graue | Above a better gone, so must thy grave | | WT V.i.97 | |
Giue way to what's seene now. Sir, you your selfe | Give way to what's seen now. (To the Gentleman) Sir, you yourself | | WT V.i.98 | |
Haue said, and writ so; but your writing now | Have said and writ so – but your writing now | | WT V.i.99 | |
Is colder then that Theame: she had not beene, | Is colder than that theme – she had not been, | | WT V.i.100 | |
Nor was not to be equall'd, thus your Verse | Nor was not to be, equalled; thus your verse | | WT V.i.101 | |
Flow'd with her Beautie once; 'tis shrewdly ebb'd, | Flowed with her beauty once. 'Tis shrewdly ebbed | shrewdly (adv.) seriously, mightily, very much | WT V.i.102 | |
To say you haue seene a better. | To say you have seen a better. | | WT V.i.103.1 | |
Ser. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
Pardon, Madame: | Pardon, madam. | | WT V.i.103.2 | |
The one, I haue almost forgot (your pardon:) | The one I have almost forgot – your pardon; | | WT V.i.104 | |
The other, when she ha's obtayn'd your Eye, | The other, when she has obtained your eye | | WT V.i.105 | |
Will haue your Tongue too. This is a Creature, | Will have your tongue too. This is a creature, | | WT V.i.106 | |
Would she begin a Sect, might quench the zeale | Would she begin a sect, might quench the zeal | | WT V.i.107 | |
Of all Professors else; make Proselytes | Of all professors else, make proselytes | professor (n.) adherent, devotee, professing Christian | WT V.i.108 | |
Of who she but bid follow. | Of who she but bid follow. | | WT V.i.109.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
How? not women? | How? Not women! | | WT V.i.109.2 | |
Ser. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
Women will loue her, that she is a Woman | Women will love her that she is a woman | | WT V.i.110 | |
More worth then any Man: Men, that she is | More worth than any man; men that she is | | WT V.i.111 | |
The rarest of all Women. | The rarest of all women. | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | WT V.i.112.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Goe Cleomines, | Go, Cleomenes: | | WT V.i.112.2 | |
Your selfe (assisted with your honor'd Friends) | Yourself, assisted with your honoured friends, | assist (v.) accompany, attend, escort | WT V.i.113 | |
Bring them to our embracement. | Bring them to our embracement. | embracement (n.) embrace, clasping, hug | WT V.i.114.1 | |
Exit. | Exeunt Cleomenes and others | | WT V.i.114 | |
Still 'tis strange, | Still, 'tis strange | | WT V.i.114.2 | |
He thus should steale vpon vs. | He thus should steal upon us. | | WT V.i.115.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Had our Prince | Had our prince, | | WT V.i.115.2 | |
(Iewell of Children) seene this houre, he had payr'd | Jewel of children, seen this hour, he had paired | | WT V.i.116 | |
Well with this Lord; there was not full a moneth | Well with this lord: there was not full a month | | WT V.i.117 | |
Betweene their births. | Between their births. | | WT V.i.118.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
'Prethee no more; cease: thou know'st | Prithee, no more! Cease! Thou know'st | | WT V.i.118.2 | |
He dyes to me againe, when talk'd-of: sure | He dies to me again when talked of. Sure, | | WT V.i.119 | |
When I shall see this Gentleman, thy speeches | When I shall see this gentleman thy speeches | | WT V.i.120 | |
Will bring me to consider that, which may | Will bring me to consider that which may | | WT V.i.121 | |
Vnfurnish me of Reason. They are come. | Unfurnish me of reason. They are come. | unfurnish (v.) deprive, divest, take away | WT V.i.122 | |
Enter Florizell, Perdita, Cleomines, and others. | Enter Florizel, Perdita, Cleomenes, and others | | WT V.i.123 | |
Your Mother was most true to Wedlock, Prince, | Your mother was most true to wedlock, Prince: | | WT V.i.123 | |
For she did print your Royall Father off, | For she did print your royal father off, | | WT V.i.124 | |
Conceiuing you. Were I but twentie one, | Conceiving you. Were I but twenty-one, | | WT V.i.125 | |
Your Fathers Image is so hit in you, | Your father's image is so hit in you, | | WT V.i.126 | |
(His very ayre) that I should call you Brother, | His very air, that I should call you brother, | air (n.) likeness, bearing, demeanour | WT V.i.127 | |
As I did him, and speake of something wildly | As I did him, and speak of something wildly | | WT V.i.128 | |
By vs perform'd before. Most dearely welcome, | By us performed before. Most dearly welcome, | | WT V.i.129 | |
And your faire Princesse (Goddesse) oh: alas, | And your fair princess – goddess! O! Alas, | | WT V.i.130 | |
I lost a couple, that 'twixt Heauen and Earth | I lost a couple that 'twixt heaven and earth | | WT V.i.131 | |
Might thus haue stood, begetting wonder, as | Might thus have stood, begetting wonder, as | beget (v.), past form begot produce, engender, give rise to | WT V.i.132 | |
You (gracious Couple) doe: and then I lost | You, gracious couple, do. And then I lost – | | WT V.i.133 | |
(All mine owne Folly) the Societie, | All mine own folly – the society, | | WT V.i.134 | |
Amitie too of your braue Father, whom | Amity too, of your brave father, whom, | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | WT V.i.135 | |
(Though bearing Miserie) I desire my life | Though bearing misery, I desire my life | | WT V.i.136 | |
Once more to looke on him. | Once more to look on him. | | WT V.i.137.1 | |
Flo. | FLORIZEL | | | |
By his command | By his command | | WT V.i.137.2 | |
Haue I here touch'd Sicilia, and from him | Have I here touched Sicilia, and from him | touch (v.) land at, arrive at, visit | WT V.i.138 | |
Giue you all greetings, that a King (at friend) | Give you all greetings that a king, at friend, | friend, at as a friend, in friendship | WT V.i.139 | |
Can send his Brother: and but Infirmitie | Can send his brother; and but infirmity, | | WT V.i.140 | |
(Which waits vpon worne times) hath something seiz'd | Which waits upon worn times, hath something seized | worn (adj.) worn out, exhausted, spent | WT V.i.141 | |
| | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | | |
| | time (n.) age, years | | |
His wish'd Abilitie, he had himselfe | His wished ability, he had himself | | WT V.i.142 | |
The Lands and Waters, 'twixt your Throne and his, | The lands and waters 'twixt your throne and his | | WT V.i.143 | |
Measur'd, to looke vpon you; whom he loues | Measured to look upon you, whom he loves – | | WT V.i.144 | |
(He bad me say so) more then all the Scepters, | He bade me say so – more than all the sceptres | | WT V.i.145 | |
And those that beare them, liuing. | And those that bear them living. | | WT V.i.146.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Oh my Brother, | O my brother – | | WT V.i.146.2 | |
(Good Gentleman) the wrongs I haue done thee, stirre | Good gentleman – the wrongs I have done thee stir | | WT V.i.147 | |
Afresh within me: and these thy offices | Afresh within me; and these thy offices, | office (n.) service, sympathy, kindness | WT V.i.148 | |
(So rarely kind) are as Interpreters | So rarely kind, are as interpreters | rarely (adv.) exceptionally, outstandingly, unbelievably | WT V.i.149 | |
Of my behind-hand slacknesse. Welcome hither, | Of my behindhand slackness! – Welcome hither | behindhand (adj.) backward, tardy, sluggish | WT V.i.150 | |
As is the Spring to th' Earth. And hath he too | As is the spring to th' earth! And hath he too | | WT V.i.151 | |
Expos'd this Paragon to th' fearefull vsage | Exposed this paragon to th' fearful usage, | | WT V.i.152 | |
(At least vngentle) of the dreadfull Neptune, | At least ungentle, of the dreadful Neptune | ungentle (adj.) harsh, violent, cruel | WT V.i.153 | |
| | Neptune Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather | | |
To greet a man, not worth her paines; much lesse, | To greet a man not worth her pains, much less | | WT V.i.154 | |
Th' aduenture of her person? | Th' adventure of her person? | adventure (n.) venture, enterprise, issue, hazard | WT V.i.155.1 | |
Flo. | FLORIZEL | | | |
Good my Lord, | Good my lord, | | WT V.i.155.2 | |
She came from Libia. | She came from Libya. | | WT V.i.156.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Where the Warlike Smalus, | Where the warlike Smalus, | | WT V.i.156.2 | |
That Noble honor'd Lord, is fear'd, and lou'd? | That noble, honoured lord, is feared and loved? | | WT V.i.157 | |
Flo. | FLORIZEL | | | |
Most Royall Sir, / From thence: from him, whose Daughter | Most royal sir, from thence; from him whose daughter | | WT V.i.158 | |
His Teares proclaym'd his parting with her: thence | His tears proclaimed his, parting with her; thence, | | WT V.i.159 | |
(A prosperous South-wind friendly) we haue cross'd, | A prosperous south wind friendly, we have crossed, | | WT V.i.160 | |
To execute the Charge my Father gaue me, | To execute the charge my father gave me | charge (n.) commission, responsibility, official duty | WT V.i.161 | |
For visiting your Highnesse: My best Traine | For visiting your highness. My best train | | WT V.i.162 | |
I haue from your Sicilian Shores dismiss'd; | I have from your Sicilian shores dismissed; | | WT V.i.163 | |
Who for Bohemia bend, to signifie | Who for Bohemia bend, to signify | bend (v.) turn, direct one's steps, proceed | WT V.i.164 | |
Not onely my successe in Libia (Sir) | Not only my success in Libya, sir, | | WT V.i.165 | |
But my arriuall, and my Wifes, in safetie | But my arrival, and my wife's, in safety | | WT V.i.166 | |
Here, where we are. | Here where we are. | | WT V.i.167.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
The blessed Gods | The blessed gods | | WT V.i.167.2 | |
Purge all Infection from our Ayre, whilest you | Purge all infection from our air whilst you | purge (v.) expel, get rid of, flush out | WT V.i.168 | |
Doe Clymate here: you haue a holy Father, | Do climate here! You have a holy father, | climate (v.) stay, sojourn, dwell | WT V.i.169 | |
A graceful Gentleman, against whose person | A graceful gentleman, against whose person, | graceful (adj.) full of grace, virtuous, upright | WT V.i.170 | |
(So sacred as it is) I haue done sinne, | So sacred as it is, I have done sin: | | WT V.i.171 | |
For which, the Heauens (taking angry note) | For which the heavens, taking angry note, | | WT V.i.172 | |
Haue left me Issue-lesse: and your Father's bless'd | Have left me issueless; and your father's blessed, | issueless (adj.) childless, without an heir | WT V.i.173 | |
(As he from Heauen merits it) with you, | As he from heaven merits it, with you, | | WT V.i.174 | |
Worthy his goodnesse. What might I haue been, | Worthy his goodness. What might I have been, | | WT V.i.175 | |
Might I a Sonne and Daughter now haue look'd on, | Might I a son and daughter now have looked on, | | WT V.i.176 | |
Such goodly things as you? | Such goodly things as you! | | WT V.i.177.1 | |
Enter a Lord. | Enter a Lord | | WT V.i.177 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Most Noble Sir, | Most noble sir, | | WT V.i.177.2 | |
That which I shall report, will beare no credit, | That which I shall report will bear no credit, | | WT V.i.178 | |
Were not the proofe so nigh. Please you (great Sir) | Were not the proof so nigh. Please you, great sir, | | WT V.i.179 | |
Bohemia greets you from himselfe, by me: | Bohemia greets you from himself by me; | | WT V.i.180 | |
Desires you to attach his Sonne, who ha's | Desires you to attach his son, who has – | attach (v.) arrest, seize, apprehend | WT V.i.181 | |
(His Dignitie, and Dutie both cast off) | His dignity and duty both cast off – | | WT V.i.182 | |
Fled from his Father, from his Hopes, and with | Fled from his father, from his hopes, and with | | WT V.i.183 | |
A Shepheards Daughter. | A shepherd's daughter. | | WT V.i.184.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Where's Bohemia? speake: | Where's Bohemia? Speak. | | WT V.i.184.2 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Here, in your Citie: I now came from him. | Here in your city: I now came from him. | | WT V.i.185 | |
I speake amazedly, and it becomes | I speak amazedly, and it becomes | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | WT V.i.186 | |
My meruaile, and my Message. To your Court | My marvel and my message. To your court | marvel (n.) astonishment, amazement, surprise | WT V.i.187 | |
Whiles he was hastning (in the Chase, it seemes, | Whiles he was hast'ning – in the chase, it seems, | | WT V.i.188 | |
Of this faire Couple) meetes he on the way | Of this fair couple – meets he on the way | | WT V.i.189 | |
The Father of this seeming Lady, and | The father of this seeming lady, and | seeming (adj.) apparent, convincing in appearance | WT V.i.190 | |
Her Brother, hauing both their Countrey quitted, | Her brother, having both their country quitted | | WT V.i.191 | |
With this young Prince. | With this young prince. | | WT V.i.192.1 | |
Flo. | FLORIZEL | | | |
Camillo ha's betray'd me; | Camillo has betrayed me; | | WT V.i.192.2 | |
Whose honor, and whose honestie till now, | Whose honour and whose honesty till now | | WT V.i.193 | |
Endur'd all Weathers. | Endured all weathers. | | WT V.i.194.1 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Lay't so to his charge: | Lay't so to his charge. | charge (n.) accusation, censure, blame | WT V.i.194.2 | |
He's with the King your Father. | He's with the King your father. | | WT V.i.195.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Who? Camillo? | Who? Camillo? | | WT V.i.195.2 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Camillo (Sir:) I spake with him: who now | Camillo, sir; I spake with him; who now | | WT V.i.196 | |
Ha's these poore men in question. Neuer saw I | Has these poor men in question. Never saw I | question (n.) questioning, interrogation, examination | WT V.i.197 | |
Wretches so quake: they kneele, they kisse the Earth; | Wretches so quake: they kneel, they kiss the earth; | | WT V.i.198 | |
Forsweare themselues as often as they speake: | Forswear themselves as often as they speak; | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | WT V.i.199 | |
Bohemia stops his eares, and threatens them | Bohemia stops his ears, and threatens them | | WT V.i.200 | |
With diuers deaths, in death. | With divers deaths in death. | divers (adj.) different, various, several | WT V.i.201.1 | |
Perd. | PERDITA | | | |
Oh my poore Father: | O my poor father! | | WT V.i.201.2 | |
The Heauen sets Spyes vpon vs, will not haue | The heaven sets spies upon us, will not have | | WT V.i.202 | |
Our Contract celebrated. | Our contract celebrated. | | WT V.i.203.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
You are marryed? | You are married? | | WT V.i.203.2 | |
Flo. | FLORIZEL | | | |
We are not (Sir) nor are we like to be: | We are not, sir, nor are we like to be. | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | WT V.i.204 | |
The Starres (I see) will kisse the Valleyes first: | The stars, I see, will kiss the valleys first: | | WT V.i.205 | |
The oddes for high and low's alike. | The odds for high and low's alike. | | WT V.i.206.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
My Lord, | My lord, | | WT V.i.206.2 | |
Is this the Daughter of a King? | Is this the daughter of a king? | | WT V.i.207.1 | |
Flo. | FLORIZEL | | | |
She is, | She is, | | WT V.i.207.2 | |
When once she is my Wife. | When once she is my wife. | | WT V.i.208 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
That once (I see) by your good Fathers speed, | That ‘ once,’ I see by your good father's speed, | | WT V.i.209 | |
Will come-on very slowly. I am sorry | Will come on very slowly. I am sorry, | | WT V.i.210 | |
(Most sorry) you haue broken from his liking, | Most sorry, you have broken from his liking, | | WT V.i.211 | |
Where you were ty'd in dutie: and as sorry, | Where you were tied in duty; and as sorry | | WT V.i.212 | |
Your Choice is not so rich in Worth, as Beautie, | Your choice is not so rich in worth as beauty, | worth (n.) rank, standing, dignity | WT V.i.213 | |
That you might well enioy her. | That you might well enjoy her. | | WT V.i.214.1 | |
Flo. | FLORIZEL | | | |
Deare, looke vp: | Dear, look up. | look up (v.) be cheerful, take courage | WT V.i.214.2 | |
Though Fortune, visible an Enemie, | Though Fortune, visible an enemy, | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | WT V.i.215 | |
Should chase vs, with my Father; powre no iot | Should chase us, with my father, power no jot | chase (v.) harry, harass, persecute | WT V.i.216 | |
Hath she to change our Loues. Beseech you (Sir) | Hath she to change our loves. Beseech you, sir, | | WT V.i.217 | |
Remember, since you ow'd no more to Time | Remember since you owed no more to Time | | WT V.i.218 | |
Then I doe now: with thought of such Affections, | Than I do now. With thought of such affections | affection (n.) emotion, feeling | WT V.i.219 | |
Step forth mine Aduocate: at your request, | Step forth mine advocate: at your request | | WT V.i.220 | |
My Father will graunt precious things, as Trifles. | My father will grant precious things as trifles. | | WT V.i.221 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Would he doe so, I'ld beg your precious Mistris, | Would he do so, I'd beg your precious mistress, | | WT V.i.222 | |
Which he counts but a Trifle. | Which he counts but a trifle. | | WT V.i.223.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Sir (my Liege) | Sir, my liege, | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | WT V.i.223.2 | |
Your eye hath too much youth in't: not a moneth | Your eye hath too much youth in't. Not a month | | WT V.i.224 | |
'Fore your Queene dy'd, she was more worth such gazes, | 'Fore your queen died she was more worth such gazes | | WT V.i.225 | |
Then what you looke on now. | Than what you look on now. | | WT V.i.226.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
I thought of her, | I thought of her | | WT V.i.226.2 | |
Euen in these Lookes I made. But your Petition | Even in these looks I made. But your petition | | WT V.i.227 | |
Is yet vn-answer'd: I will to your Father: | Is yet unanswered. I will to your father. | | WT V.i.228 | |
Your Honor not o're-throwne by your desires, | Your honour not o'erthrown by your desires, | | WT V.i.229 | |
I am friend to them, and you: Vpon which Errand | I am friend to them and you; upon which errand | | WT V.i.230 | |
I now goe toward him: therefore follow me, | I now go toward him. Therefore follow me, | | WT V.i.231 | |
And marke what way I make: Come good my Lord. | And mark what way I make. Come, good my lord. | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | WT V.i.232 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | WT V.i.232 | |