First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Polonius, and Reynoldo. | Enter Polonius, with his man Reynaldo | | Ham II.i.1 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Giue him his money, and these notes Reynoldo. | Give him this money and these notes, Reynaldo. | | Ham II.i.1 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
I will my Lord. | I will, my lord. | | Ham II.i.2 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
You shall doe maruels wisely: good Reynoldo, | You shall do marvellous wisely, good Reynaldo, | marvellous (adv.) very, extremely, exceedingly | Ham II.i.3 | |
Before you visite him you make inquiry | Before you visit him, to make inquire | | Ham II.i.4 | |
Of his behauiour. | Of his behaviour. | | Ham II.i.5.1 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
My Lord, I did intend it. | My lord, I did intend it. | | Ham II.i.5.2 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Marry, well said; / Very well said. Looke you Sir, | Marry, well said. Very well said. Look you, sir, | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | Ham II.i.6 | |
Enquire me first what Danskers are in Paris; | Inquire me first what Danskers are in Paris, | Dansker (n.) Dane | Ham II.i.7 | |
And how, and who; what meanes; and where they keepe: | And how, and who, what means, and where they keep, | keep (v.) lodge, live, dwell | Ham II.i.8 | |
What company, at what expence: and finding | What company, at what expense; and finding | | Ham II.i.9 | |
By this encompassement and drift of question, | By this encompassment and drift of question | encompassment (n.) talking around [a subject], roundabout means | Ham II.i.10 | |
That they doe know my sonne: Come you more neerer | That they do know my son, come you more nearer | | Ham II.i.11 | |
Then your particular demands will touch it, | Than your particular demands will touch it. | touch (v.) achieve, accomplish, attain | Ham II.i.12 | |
| | particular (adj.) detailed, specific, precise | | |
| | demand (n.) question, enquiry, request | | |
Take you as 'twere some distant knowledge of him, | Take you as 'twere some distant knowledge of him, | take (v.) assume, pretend, feign | Ham II.i.13 | |
And thus I know his father and his friends, | As thus, ‘ I know his father and his friends, | | Ham II.i.14 | |
And in part him. Doe you marke this Reynoldo? | And in part him ’ – do you mark this, Reynaldo? | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Ham II.i.15 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
I, very well my Lord. | Ay, very well, my lord. | | Ham II.i.16 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
And in part him, but you may say not well; | ‘ And in part him, but,’ you may say, ‘ not well; | | Ham II.i.17 | |
But if't be hee I meane, hees very wilde; | But if't be he I mean, he's very wild, | | Ham II.i.18 | |
Addicted so and so; and there put on him | Addicted so and so.’ And there put on him | put upon / on (v.) ascribe to, impute to, attribute to | Ham II.i.19 | |
What forgeries you please: marry, none so ranke, | What forgeries you please – marry, none so rank | rank (adj.) gross, outlandish, coarse | Ham II.i.20 | |
| | forgery (n.) fictitious account, invention, fabrication | | |
As may dishonour him; take heed of that: | As may dishonour him – take heed of that – | | Ham II.i.21 | |
But Sir, such wanton, wild, and vsuall slips, | But, sir, such wanton, wild, and usual slips | wanton (adj.) unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled | Ham II.i.22 | |
As are Companions noted and most knowne | As are companions noted and most known | | Ham II.i.23 | |
To youth and liberty. | To youth and liberty. | | Ham II.i.24.1 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
As gaming my Lord. | As gaming, my lord. | | Ham II.i.24.2 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
I, or drinking, fencing, swearing, / Quarelling, | Ay, or drinking, fencing, swearing, quarrelling, | | Ham II.i.25 | |
drabbiug. You may goe so farre. | Drabbing. You may go so far. | drabbing (n.) whoring, associating with harlots | Ham II.i.26 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
My Lord that would dishonour him. | My lord, that would dishonour him. | | Ham II.i.27 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Faith no, as you may season it in the charge; | Faith, no, as you may season it in the charge. | season (v.) modify, soften, alleviate | Ham II.i.28 | |
| | charge (n.) accusation, censure, blame | | |
You must not put another scandall on him, | You must not put another scandal on him, | scandal (n.) disgraceful reputation, scandalous imputation | Ham II.i.29 | |
That hee is open to Incontinencie; | That he is open to incontinency. | incontinency (n.) lack of sexual restraint, sexual indulgence, infidelity | Ham II.i.30 | |
That's not my meaning: but breath his faults so quaintly, | That's not my meaning. But breathe his faults so quaintly | quaintly (adv.) subtly, skilfully, ingeniously | Ham II.i.31 | |
| | breathe (v.) speak, utter, talk | | |
That they may seeme the taints of liberty; | That they may seem the taints of liberty, | taint (n.) fault, blemish, flaw | Ham II.i.32 | |
The flash and out-breake of a fiery minde, | The flash and outbreak of a fiery mind, | | Ham II.i.33 | |
A sauagenes in vnreclaim'd bloud | A savageness in unreclaimed blood, | unreclaimed (adj.) unreformed, uncorrected, untamed | Ham II.i.34 | |
of generall assault. | Of general assault. | assault (n.) attack, temptation, snare | Ham II.i.35.1 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
But my good Lord. | But, my good lord – | | Ham II.i.35.2 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Wherefore should you doe this? | Wherefore should you do this? | | Ham II.i.36.1 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
I my Lord, | Ay, my lord, | | Ham II.i.36.2 | |
I would know that. | I would know that. | | Ham II.i.37.1 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Marry Sir, heere's my drift, | Marry, sir, here's my drift, | | Ham II.i.37.2 | |
And I belieue it is a fetch of warrant: | And I believe it is a fetch of warrant. | fetch (n.) dodge, stratagem, contrivance | Ham II.i.38 | |
| | warrant, of allowed, warranted, justifiable | | |
You laying these slight sulleyes on my Sonne, | You laying these slight sullies on my son, | sully (n.) blemish, stain, flaw | Ham II.i.39 | |
As 'twere a thing a little soil'd i'th' working: | As 'twere a thing a little soiled i'th' working, | working, in the being used, being worked upon [by the world] | Ham II.i.40 | |
| | soil (n.) blemish, stain, tarnish | | |
Marke you | Mark you, | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Ham II.i.41 | |
your party in conuerse; him you would sound, | Your party in converse, him you would sound, | converse (n.) conversation, discourse, interaction | Ham II.i.42 | |
| | sound (v.) sound out, question, examine | | |
Hauing euer seene. In the prenominate crimes, | Having ever seen in the prenominate crimes | prenominate (adj.) aforesaid, previously mentioned | Ham II.i.43 | |
| | crime (n.) sin, offence, wrong-doing | | |
The youth you breath of guilty, be assur'd | The youth you breathe of guilty, be assured | breathe (v.) speak, utter, talk | Ham II.i.44 | |
He closes with you in this consequence: | He closes with you in this consequence: | close (v.) agree, come to terms, compromise | Ham II.i.45 | |
| | consequence, in this in the following way | | |
Good sir, or so, or friend, or Gentleman. | ‘ Good sir,’ or so, or ‘ friend,’ or ‘ gentleman ’ – | | Ham II.i.46 | |
According to the Phrase and the Addition, | According to the phrase or the addition | addition (n.) polite form of address, style of address | Ham II.i.47 | |
Of man and Country. | Of man and country – | | Ham II.i.48.1 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
Very good my Lord. | Very good, my lord. | | Ham II.i.48.2 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
And then Sir does he this? / He does: what | And then, sir, does 'a this – 'a does – What | | Ham II.i.49 | |
was I about to say? I was about to say | was I about to say? By the mass, I was about to say | | Ham II.i.50 | |
somthing: where did I leaue? | something! Where did I leave? | | Ham II.i.51 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
At closes in the consequence: / At friend, | At ‘ closes in the consequence ’, at ‘ friend,’ | | Ham II.i.52 | |
or so, and Gentleman. | ‘ or so,’ and ‘ gentleman.’ | | Ham II.i.53 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
At closes in the consequence, I marry, | At ‘ closes in the consequence ’ – Ay, marry! | | Ham II.i.54 | |
He closes with you thus. I know the Gentleman, | He closes thus: ‘ I know the gentleman. | | Ham II.i.55 | |
I saw him yesterday, or tother day; | I saw him yesterday, or th' other day, | | Ham II.i.56 | |
Or then or then, with such and such; and as you say, | Or then, or then, with such or such, and, as you say, | | Ham II.i.57 | |
There was he gaming, there o'retooke in's Rouse, | There was 'a gaming; there o'ertook in's rouse; | overtake (v.) drunkenly overcome, overpowered by drink | Ham II.i.58 | |
| | rouse (n.) full draught (of wine), brimful cup, carousing | | |
There falling out at Tennis; or perchance, | There falling out at tennis;’ or perchance | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | Ham II.i.59 | |
I saw him enter such a house of saile; | ‘ I saw him enter such a house of sale,’ | | Ham II.i.60 | |
Videlicet, a Brothell, or so forth. | Videlicet, a brothel, or so forth. | videlicet (adv.) [pron: vi'deliset] namely | Ham II.i.61 | |
See you now; | See you now – | | Ham II.i.62 | |
Your bait of falshood, takes this Cape of truth; | Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth, | | Ham II.i.63 | |
And thus doe we of wisedome and of reach | And thus do we of wisdom and of reach, | reach (n.) capacity of mind, penetration | Ham II.i.64 | |
With windlesses, and with assaies of Bias, | With windlasses and with assays of bias, | windlass (n.) circuit made to intercept game while hunting; roundabout way | Ham II.i.65 | |
| | assay (n.) attack, attempt, trial | | |
| | bias (n.) indirectness, obliqueness | | |
By indirections finde directions out: | By indirections find directions out. | indirection (n.) roundabout means, indirect approach | Ham II.i.66 | |
| | direction (n.) way of proceeding, course of action | | |
So by my former Lecture and aduice | So, by my former lecture and advice, | lecture (n.) lesson, instructive example | Ham II.i.67 | |
Shall you my Sonne; you haue me, haue you not? | Shall you my son. You have me, have you not? | have (v.) understand, grasp, comprehend | Ham II.i.68 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
My Lord I haue. | My lord, I have. | | Ham II.i.69.1 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
God buy you; fare you well. | God bye ye, fare ye well. | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | Ham II.i.69.2 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
Good my Lord. | Good my lord. | | Ham II.i.70 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Obserue his inclination in your selfe. | Observe his inclination in yourself. | | Ham II.i.71 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
I shall my Lord. | I shall, my lord. | | Ham II.i.72 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
And let him plye his Musicke. | And let him ply his music. | ply one's music go one's own way | Ham II.i.73.1 | |
Reynol. | REYNALDO | | | |
Well, my Lord. | Well, my lord. | | Ham II.i.73.2 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Farewell: | Farewell. | | Ham II.i.74.1 | |
Exit. | Exit Reynaldo | | Ham II.i.74.1 | |
Enter Ophelia. | Enter Ophelia | | Ham II.i.74.2 | |
How now Ophelia, what's the matter? | How now, Ophelia, what's the matter? | | Ham II.i.74.2 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Alas my Lord, I haue beene so affrighted. | O my lord, my lord, I have been so affrighted! | affright (v.) frighten, terrify, scare | Ham II.i.75 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
With what, in the name of Heauen? | With what, i'th' name of God? | | Ham II.i.76 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
My Lord, as I was sowing in my Chamber, | My lord, as I was sewing in my closet, | closet (n.) private chamber, study, own room | Ham II.i.77 | |
Lord Hamlet with his doublet all vnbrac'd, | Lord Hamlet, with his doublet all unbraced, | unbraced (adj.) unfastened, not laced up, loose | Ham II.i.78 | |
| | doublet man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt | | |
No hat vpon his head, his stockings foul'd, | No hat upon his head, his stockings fouled, | fouled (adj.) filthy, dirtied | Ham II.i.79 | |
Vngartred, and downe giued to his Anckle, | Ungartered, and down-gyved to his ankle, | down-gyved (adj.) hanging down like fetters [gyves] | Ham II.i.80 | |
Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other, | Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other, | | Ham II.i.81 | |
And with a looke so pitious in purport, | And with a look so piteous in purport | purport (n.) meaning, expression, effect | Ham II.i.82 | |
As if he had been loosed out of hell, | As if he had been loosed out of hell | | Ham II.i.83 | |
To speake of horrors: he comes before me. | To speak of horrors – he comes before me. | | Ham II.i.84 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Mad for thy Loue? | Mad for thy love? | | Ham II.i.85.1 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
My Lord, I doe not know: | My lord, I do not know, | | Ham II.i.85.2 | |
but truly I do feare it. | But truly I do fear it. | | Ham II.i.86.1 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
What said he? | What said he? | | Ham II.i.86.2 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
He tooke me by the wrist, and held me hard; | He took me by the wrist and held me hard. | | Ham II.i.87 | |
Then goes he to the length of all his arme; | Then goes he to the length of all his arm, | | Ham II.i.88 | |
And with his other hand thus o're his brow, | And with his other hand thus o'er his brow | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Ham II.i.89 | |
He fals to such perusall of my face, | He falls to such perusal of my face | perusal (n.) inspection, scrutiny, examination | Ham II.i.90 | |
As he would draw it. Long staid he so, | As 'a would draw it. Long stayed he so. | | Ham II.i.91 | |
At last, a little shaking of mine Arme: | At last, a little shaking of mine arm | | Ham II.i.92 | |
And thrice his head thus wauing vp and downe; | And thrice his head thus waving up and down, | | Ham II.i.93 | |
He rais'd a sigh, so pittious and profound, | He raised a sigh so piteous and profound | | Ham II.i.94 | |
That it did seeme to shatter all his bulke, | As it did seem to shatter all his bulk | bulk (n.) body, trunk, frame | Ham II.i.95 | |
And end his being. That done, he lets me goe, | And end his being. That done, he lets me go; | being (n.) physical existence, life | Ham II.i.96 | |
And with his head ouer his shoulders turn'd, | And, with his head over his shoulder turned, | | Ham II.i.97 | |
He seem'd to finde his way without his eyes, | He seemed to find his way without his eyes; | | Ham II.i.98 | |
For out adores he went without their helpe; | For out o' doors he went without their helps | | Ham II.i.99 | |
And to the last, bended their light on me. | And to the last bended their light on me. | | Ham II.i.100 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Goe with me, I will goe seeke the King, | Come, go with me. I will go seek the King. | | Ham II.i.101 | |
This is the very extasie of Loue, | This is the very ecstasy of love, | ecstasy (n.) fit, bout of madness, frenzied behaviour | Ham II.i.102 | |
Whose violent property foredoes it selfe, | Whose violent property fordoes itself | property (n.) quality, character, nature | Ham II.i.103 | |
| | fordo (v.) wreck, destroy, ruin | | |
And leads the will to desperate Vndertakings, | And leads the will to desperate undertakings | | Ham II.i.104 | |
As oft as any passion vnder Heauen, | As oft as any passion under heaven | oft (adv.) often | Ham II.i.105 | |
That does afflict our Natures. I am sorrie, | That does afflict our natures. I am sorry. | | Ham II.i.106 | |
What haue you giuen him any hard words of late? | What, have you given him any hard words of late? | | Ham II.i.107 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
No my good Lord: but as you did command, | No, my good lord. But, as you did command, | | Ham II.i.108 | |
I did repell his Letters, and deny'de | I did repel his letters and denied | | Ham II.i.109 | |
His accesse to me. | His access to me. | | Ham II.i.110.1 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
That hath made him mad. | That hath made him mad. | | Ham II.i.110.2 | |
I am sorrie that with better speed and iudgement | I am sorry that with better heed and judgement | | Ham II.i.111 | |
I had not quoted him. I feare he did but trifle, | I had not quoted him. I feared he did but trifle | quote (v.) closely observe, note, examine | Ham II.i.112 | |
And meant to wracke thee: but beshrew my iealousie: | And meant to wrack thee. But beshrew my jealousy. | wrack (v.) destroy, ruin, dishonour | Ham II.i.113 | |
| | jealousy (n.) suspicion, mistrust, apprehension | | |
| | beshrew, 'shrew (v.) curse, devil take, evil befall | | |
It seemes it is as proper to our Age, | By heaven, it is as proper to our age | proper (adj.) characteristic, typical, normal | Ham II.i.114 | |
To cast beyond our selues in our Opinions, | To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions | cast (v.) calculate, reckon, estimate | Ham II.i.115 | |
As it is common for the yonger sort | As it is common for the younger sort | | Ham II.i.116 | |
To lacke discretion. Come, go we to the King, | To lack discretion. Come, go we to the King. | | Ham II.i.117 | |
This must be knowne, wc being kept close might moue | This must be known, which, being kept close, might move | close (adv.) safely, secretly, out of sight | Ham II.i.118 | |
More greefe to hide, then hate to vtter loue. | More grief to hide than hate to utter love. | | Ham II.i.119 | |
| Come. | | Ham II.i.120 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Ham II.i.120 | |