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Enter Lord Mountford with a Coronet in his hande, with him the Earle of Salisbury | Enter Lord Mountford with a coronet in his hand, with him the Earl of Salisbury | | E3 IV.i.1 | |
Mo. | MOUNTFORD | | | |
My Lord of Salisbury since by our aide, | My lord of Salisbury, since by your aid | | E3 IV.i.1 | |
Mine ennemie Sir Charles of Bloys is slaine, | Mine enemy, Sir Charles of Blois, is slain, | | E3 IV.i.2 | |
And I againe am quietly possest, | And I again am quietly possessed | | E3 IV.i.3 | |
In Btittaines Dukedome, knowe that I resolue, | In Bretagne's dukedom, know that I resolve, | Bretagne (n.) Brittany, NW France | E3 IV.i.4 | |
For this kind furtherance of your king and you, | For this kind furtherance of your king and you, | furtherance (n.) aid, assistance, help | E3 IV.i.5 | |
To sweare allegeance to his maiesty: | To swear allegiance to his majesty: | | E3 IV.i.6 | |
In signe where of receiue this Coronet, | In sign whereof receive this coronet. | sign (n.) token, witness, attestation | E3 IV.i.7 | |
Beare it vnto him, and with all mine othe, | Bear it unto him, and withal mine oath | | E3 IV.i.8 | |
Neuer to be but Edwards faithful friend. | Never to be but Edward's faithful friend. | | E3 IV.i.9 | |
Sa. | SALISBURY | | | |
I take it Mountfort, thus I hope eare long, | I take it, Mountford. Thus, I hope, ere long | | E3 IV.i.10 | |
The whole Dominions of the Realme of Fraunce | The whole dominion of the realm of France | dominion (n.) land, territory, province | E3 IV.i.11 | |
Wilbe surrendred to his conquering hand: | Will be surrendered to his conquering hand. | | E3 IV.i.12 | |
Exit | Exit Mountford | | E3 IV.i.12 | |
Now if I knew but safely how to passe, | Now, if I knew but safely how to pass, | | E3 IV.i.13 | |
I would to Calice gladly meete his Grace, | I would at Calais gladly meet his grace, | | E3 IV.i.14 | |
Whether I am by letters certified, | Whither I am by letters certified | | E3 IV.i.15 | |
Yet he intends to haue his host remooude, | That he intends to have his host removed. | host (n.) army, armed multitude | E3 IV.i.16 | |
It shal be so, this pollicy will serue, | It shall be so, this policy will serve. – | | E3 IV.i.17 | |
Ho whose within? bring Villiers to me. | Ho, who's within? – Bring Villiers to me. | | E3 IV.i.18 | |
Enter Villeirs. | Enter Villiers | | E3 IV.i.19 | |
Villiers, thou kuowest thou art my prisoner, | Villiers, thou know'st thou art my prisoner, | | E3 IV.i.19 | |
And that I might for ransome if I would, | And that I might for ransom, if I would, | | E3 IV.i.20 | |
Require of thee a hundred thousand Francks, | Require of thee a hundred thousand francs, | | E3 IV.i.21 | |
Or else retayne and keepe thee captiue still: | Or else retain and keep thee captive still. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | E3 IV.i.22 | |
But so it is, that for a smaller charge, | But so it is, that for a smaller charge | | E3 IV.i.23 | |
Thou maist be quit and if thou wilt thy selfe, | Thou mayst be quit, and if thou wilt thyself. | quit (v.) remit, release from | E3 IV.i.24 | |
And this it is, procure me but a pasport, | And this it is: procure me but a passport | | E3 IV.i.25 | |
Of Charles the Duke of Normandy, that I, | Of Charles, the Duke of Normandy, that I | | E3 IV.i.26 | |
Without restraint may haue recourse to Callis, | Without restraint may have recourse to Calais | recourse (n.) opportunity of going, means of access | E3 IV.i.27 | |
Through all the Countries where he hath to doe. | Through all the countries where he hath to do, | | E3 IV.i.28 | |
Which thou maist easely obtayne I thinke, | Which thou mayst easily obtain, I think, | | E3 IV.i.29 | |
By reason I haue often heard thee say, | By reason I have often heard thee say | | E3 IV.i.30 | |
He and thou were students once together: | He and thou were students once together; | | E3 IV.i.31 | |
And then thou shalt be set at libertie, | And then thou shalt be set at liberty. | | E3 IV.i.32 | |
How saiest thou, wilt thou vndertake to do it? | How say'st thou? Wilt thou undertake to do it? | | E3 IV.i.33 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
I will my Lord, but I must speake with him. | I will, my lord; but I must speak with him. | | E3 IV.i.34 | |
Sa. | SALISBURY | | | |
Why so thou shalt, take Horse and post from hence, | Why, so thou shalt: take horse, and post from hence. | post (v.) hasten, speed, ride fast | E3 IV.i.35 | |
Onely before thou goest, sweare by thy faith, | Only, before thou goest, swear by thy faith | | E3 IV.i.36 | |
That if thou canst not compasse my desire, | That, if thou canst not compass my desire, | compass (v.) accomplish, fulfil, achieve, bring about | E3 IV.i.37 | |
Thou wilt returne my prisoner backe againe, | Thou wilt return my prisoner back again; | | E3 IV.i.38 | |
And that shalbe sufficient warrant for mee. | And that shall be sufficient warrant for me. | warrant (n.) assurance, pledge, guarantee | E3 IV.i.39 | |
Vil. | VILLIERS | | | |
To that condition I agree my Lord, | To that condition I agree, my lord, | | E3 IV.i.40 | |
And will vnfaynedly performe the same. | And will unfeignedly perform the same. | unfeignedly (adv.) genuinely, sincerely, honestly | E3 IV.i.41 | |
Exit. | Exit | | E3 IV.i.41 | |
Sal: | SALISBURY | | | |
Farewell Villiers, | Farewell, Villiers. | | E3 IV.i.42 | |
Thus once I meane to trie a French mans faith. | Thus once I mean to try a Frenchman's faith. | try (v.) put to the test, test the goodness [of] | E3 IV.i.43 | |
Exit. | Exit | | E3 IV.i.43 | |