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Richard III

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Buckingham with Halberds, ledEnter Buckingham with halberds and the Sheriff, ledhalberd (n.)
person armed with a halberd
R3 V.i.1.1
to execution R3 V.i.1.2
Will not King Richard let me speake with him?Will not King Richard let me speak with him? R3 V.i.1
No my good Lord, therefore be patient.No, my good lord; therefore be patient. R3 V.i.2
Hastings, and Edwards children, Gray & Riuers,Hastings, and Edward's children, Grey and Rivers, R3 V.i.3
Holy King Henry, and thy faire Sonne Edward,Holy King Henry and thy fair son Edward, R3 V.i.4
Vaughan, and all that haue miscarriedVaughan, and all that have miscarriedmiscarry (v.)
come to harm, perish, meet death
R3 V.i.5
By vnder-hand corrupted foule iniustice,By underhand corrupted foul injustice, R3 V.i.6
If that your moody discontented soules,If that your moody discontented soulsmoody (adj.)
angry, wrathful, rancorous, sullen
R3 V.i.7
Do through the clowds behold this present houre,Do through the clouds behold this present hour, R3 V.i.8
Euen for reuenge mocke my destruction.Even for revenge mock my destruction! R3 V.i.9
This is All-soules day (Fellow) is it not?This is All Souls' Day, fellow, is it not? R3 V.i.10
It is.It is. R3 V.i.11
Why then Al-soules day, is my bodies doomsdayWhy, then All Souls' Day is my body's doomsday.doomsday (n.)
death-day, day of judgement
R3 V.i.12
This is the day, which in King Edwards timeThis is the day which in King Edward's time R3 V.i.13
I wish'd might fall on me, when I was foundI wished might fall on me when I was found R3 V.i.14
False to his Children, and his Wiues Allies.False to his children and his wife's allies;false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
R3 V.i.15
This is the day, wherein I wisht to fallThis is the day wherein I wished to fall R3 V.i.16
By the false Faith of him whom most I trusted.By the false faith of him whom most I trusted; R3 V.i.17
This, this All-soules day to my fearfull Soule,This, this All Souls' Day to my fearful soul R3 V.i.18
Is the determin'd respit of my wrongs:Is the determined respite of my wrongs.respite (n.)

old form: respit
extent of time, time-scale
R3 V.i.19
determined (adj.)

old form: determin'd
appointed, given a limit
That high All-seer, which I dallied with,That high All-seer which I dallied with R3 V.i.20
Hath turn'd my fained Prayer on my head,Hath turned my feigned prayer on my headfeigned (adj.)

old form: fained
sham, pretended, spurious
R3 V.i.21
And giuen in earnest, what I begg'd in iest.And given in earnest what I begged in jest. R3 V.i.22
Thus doth he force the swords of wicked menThus doth He force the swords of wicked men R3 V.i.23
To turne their owne points in their Masters bosomes.To turn their own points in their masters' bosoms; R3 V.i.24
Thus Margarets curse falles heauy on my necke:Thus Margaret's curse falls heavy on my neck: R3 V.i.25
When he (quoth she) shall split thy heart with sorrow,‘ When he,’ quoth she, ‘ shall split thy heart with sorrow,quoth (v.)
R3 V.i.26
Remember Margaret was a Prophetesse:Remember Margaret was a prophetess.’ R3 V.i.27
Come leade me Officers to the blocke of shame, – Come lead me, officers, to the block of shame. R3 V.i.28
Wrong hath but wrong, and blame the due of blame.Wrong hath but wrong, and blame the due of blame.blame (n.)
blameworthiness, culpability, guilt
R3 V.i.29
Exeunt Buckingham with Officers.Exeunt Buckingham with officers R3 V.i.29
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