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All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


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Enter Countesse & Steward.Enter the Countess and the Steward AW III.iv.1
Alas! and would you take the letter of her:Alas! and would you take the letter of her? AW III.iv.1
Might you not know she would do, as she has done,Might you not know she would do as she has done AW III.iv.2
By sending me a Letter. Reade it agen.By sending me a letter? Read it again. AW III.iv.3
Letter. (reading) AW III.iv.4.1
I am S. Iaques Pilgrim, thither gone:I am Saint Jaques' pilgrim, thither gone.Jaques, Saint
in Christian tradition, Saint James; a pilgrim centre in Compostella, N Spain
AW III.iv.4
Ambitious loue hath so in me offended,Ambitious love hath so in me offended AW III.iv.5
That bare-foot plod I the cold ground vponThat barefoot plod I the cold ground upon, AW III.iv.6
With sainted vow my faults to haue amended.With sainted vow my faults to have amended.sainted (adj.)
saintly, angelic, of holy character
AW III.iv.7
Write, write, that from the bloodie course of warre,Write, write, that from the bloody course of warcourse (n.)
bout, engagement, encounter
AW III.iv.8
My deerest Master your deare sonne, may hie,My dearest master, your dear son, may hie.hie (v.)
hasten, hurry, speed
AW III.iv.9
Blesse him at home in peace. Whilst I from farre,Bless him at home in peace, whilst I from far AW III.iv.10
His name with zealous feruour sanctifie;His name with zealous fervour sanctify. AW III.iv.11
His taken labours bid him me forgiue;His taken labours bid him me forgive;taken (adj.)
undertaken, set in train
AW III.iv.12
I his despightfull Iuno sent him forth,I, his despiteful Juno, sent him forthJuno (n.)
Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity
AW III.iv.13
despiteful (adj.)

old form: despightfull
cruel, spiteful, malicious
From Courtly friends, with Camping foes to liue,From courtly friends, with camping foes to livecourtly (adj.)
belonging to the court, connected with the court
AW III.iv.14
camping (adj.)
living in an army camp, tent-dwelling
Where death and danger dogges the heeles of worth.Where death and danger dogs the heels of worth. AW III.iv.15
He is too good and faire for death, and mee,He is too good and fair for death and me; AW III.iv.16
Whom I my selfe embrace, to set him free.Whom I myself embrace to set him free. AW III.iv.17
Ah what sharpe stings are in her mildest words?Ah, what sharp stings are in her mildest words! AW III.iv.18
Rynaldo you did neuer lacke aduice so much,Rynaldo, you did never lack advice so muchadvice (n.)

old form: aduice
forethought, discretion, wisdom
AW III.iv.19
As letting her passe so: had I spoke with her,As letting her pass so. Had I spoke with her, AW III.iv.20
I could haue well diuerted her intents,I could have well diverted her intents,intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
AW III.iv.21
Which thus she hath preuented.Which thus she hath prevented.prevent (v.)

old form: preuented
forestall, anticipate
AW III.iv.22.1
Pardon me Madam,Pardon me, madam. AW III.iv.22.2
If I had giuen you this at ouer-night,If I had given you this at overnightovernight, at

old form: ouer-night
last night, yesterday evening
AW III.iv.23
She might haue beene ore-tane: and yet she writesShe might have been o'erta'en; and yet she writes AW III.iv.24
Pursuite would be but vaine.Pursuit would be but vain. AW III.iv.25.1
What Angell shallWhat angel shall AW III.iv.25.2
Blesse this vnworthy husband, he cannot thriue,Bless this unworthy husband? He cannot thrive, AW III.iv.26
Vnlesse her prayers, whom heauen delights to heareUnless her prayers, whom heaven delights to hear AW III.iv.27
And loues to grant, repreeue him from the wrathAnd loves to grant, reprieve him from the wrath AW III.iv.28
Of greatest Iustice. Write, write RynaldoOf greatest justice. Write, write, Rynaldo, AW III.iv.29
To this vnworthy husband of his wife,To this unworthy husband of his wife. AW III.iv.30
Let euerie word waigh heauie of her worrh,Let every word weigh heavy of her worth AW III.iv.31
That he does waigh too light: my greatest greefe,That he does weigh too light. My greatest grief, AW III.iv.32
Though little he do feele it, set downe sharpely.Though little he do feel it, set down sharply. AW III.iv.33
Dispatch the most conuenient messenger,Dispatch the most convenient messenger.dispatch, despatch (v.)
send away, send off
AW III.iv.34
When haply he shall heare that she is gone,When haply he shall hear that she is gone,haply (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
AW III.iv.35
He will returne, and hope I may that sheeHe will return; and hope I may that she, AW III.iv.36
Hearing so much, will speede her foote againe,Hearing so much, will speed her foot again, AW III.iv.37
Led hither by pure loue: which of them bothLed hither by pure love. Which of them both AW III.iv.38
Is deerest to me, I haue no skill in senceIs dearest to me I have no skill in sensesense (n.)

old form: sence
perception, awareness, discernment, appreciation
AW III.iv.39
To make distinction: prouide this Messenger:To make distinction. Provide this messenger.provide (v.)

old form: prouide
get ready, equip [oneself]
AW III.iv.40
My heart is heauie, and mine age is weake,My heart is heavy and mine age is weak; AW III.iv.41
Greefe would haue teares, and sorrow bids me speake.Grief would have tears, and sorrow bids me speak. AW III.iv.42
ExeuntExeunt AW III.iv.42
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