First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Cleopatra, Charmian, Iras, Mardian. | Enter Cleopatra, Charmian, Iras, and Mardian | | AC IV.xiii.1 | |
Cleo. | CLEOPATRA | | | |
Helpe me my women: Oh hee's more mad | Help me, my women! O, he's more mad | | AC IV.xiii.1 | |
Then Telamon for his Shield, the Boare of Thessaly | Than Telamon for his shield; the boar of Thessaly | Thessaly (n.) ['thesalee] ancient region of NE Greece | AC IV.xiii.2 | |
Was neuer so imbost. | Was never so embossed. | embossed (adj.) driven to such extremes, made mad with exhaustion | AC IV.xiii.3.1 | |
Char. | CHARMIAN | | | |
To'th'Monument, | To th' monument! | | AC IV.xiii.3.2 | |
there locke your selfe, / And send him word you are dead: | There lock yourself, and send him word you are dead. | | AC IV.xiii.4 | |
The Soule and Body riue not more in parting, | The soul and body rive not more in parting | rive (v.) split, rend, cleave | AC IV.xiii.5 | |
Then greatnesse going off. | Than greatness going off. | go off (v.) die, pass away, depart | AC IV.xiii.6.1 | |
Cleo. | CLEOPATRA | | | |
To'th'Monument: | To th' monument! | | AC IV.xiii.6.2 | |
Mardian, go tell him I haue slaine my selfe: | Mardian, go tell him I have slain myself; | | AC IV.xiii.7 | |
Say, that the last I spoke was Anthony, | Say that the last I spoke was ‘ Antony,’ | | AC IV.xiii.8 | |
And word it (prythee) pitteously. Hence Mardian, | And word it, prithee, piteously. Hence, Mardian, | word (v.) speak, utter, say | AC IV.xiii.9 | |
And bring me how he takes my death to'th'Monument. | And bring me how he takes my death to the monument! | bring (v.) inform, report, tell | AC IV.xiii.10 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | AC IV.xiii.10 | |