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Richard III

First folio
Modern text


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Enter Tyrrel.Enter Tyrrel R3 IV.iii.1.1
The tyrannous and bloodie Act is done,The tyrannous and bloody act is done,tyrannous (adj.)
cruel, pitiless, oppressive
R3 IV.iii.1
The most arch deed of pittious massacreThe most arch deed of piteous massacrearch (adj.)
chief, principal, pre-eminent
R3 IV.iii.2
That euer yet this Land was guilty of:That ever yet this land was guilty of. R3 IV.iii.3
Dighton and Forrest, who I did suborneDighton and Forrest, whom I did subornsuborn (v.)

old form: suborne
bribe, corrupt, persuade [someone] to commit perjury
R3 IV.iii.4
To do this peece of ruthfull Butchery,To do this piece of ruthless butchery,piece (n.)

old form: peece
specimen, masterpiece
R3 IV.iii.5
ruthless (adj.)
unpitying, pitiless, unsparing
Albeit they were flesht Villaines, bloody Dogges,Albeit they were fleshed villains, bloody dogs,fleshed (adj.)

old form: flesht
well used to bloodshed, hardened
R3 IV.iii.6
Melted with tendernesse, and milde compassion,Melting with tenderness and mild compassion, R3 IV.iii.7
Wept like to Children, in their deaths sad Story.Wept like two children in their death's sad story.sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
R3 IV.iii.8
O thus (quoth Dighton) lay the gentle Babes:‘ O, thus,’ quoth Dighton, ‘ lay the gentle babes.’quoth (v.)
R3 IV.iii.9
gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
Thus, thus (quoth Forrest) girdling one another‘ Thus, thus,’ quoth Forrest, ‘ girdling one another R3 IV.iii.10
Within their Alablaster innocent Armes:Within their alablaster innocent arms.alablaster (adj.)
white, smooth [as alabaster]
R3 IV.iii.11
Their lips were foure red Roses on a stalke,Their lips were four red roses on a stalk, R3 IV.iii.12
And in their Summer Beauty kist each other.Which in their summer beauty kissed each other.summer (adj.)
joyful, pleasant, happy
R3 IV.iii.13
A Booke of Prayers on their pillow lay,A book of prayers on their pillow lay, R3 IV.iii.14
Which one (quoth Forrest) almost chang'd my minde:Which once,’ quoth Forrest, ‘ almost changed my mind; R3 IV.iii.15
But oh the Diuell, there the Villaine stopt:But O! The devil ’ – there the villain stopped; R3 IV.iii.16
When Dighton thus told on, we smotheredWhen Dighton thus told on – ‘ We smothered R3 IV.iii.17
The most replenished sweet worke of Nature,The most replenished sweet work of naturereplenished (adj.)
complete, perfect, consummate
R3 IV.iii.18
That from the prime Creation ere she framed.That from the prime creation e'er she framed.’prime (adj.)
first, original, initial
R3 IV.iii.19
Hence both are gone with Conscience and Remorse,Hence both are gone with conscience and remorse.remorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow
R3 IV.iii.20
gone (adj.)
lost, ruined, brought down
They could not speake, and so I left them both,They could not speak; and so I left them both, R3 IV.iii.21
To beare this tydings to the bloody King.To bear this tidings to the bloody King. R3 IV.iii.22
Enter Richard.Enter King Richard R3 IV.iii.23
And heere he comes. All health my Soueraigne Lord.And here he comes. All health, my sovereign lord! R3 IV.iii.23
Kinde Tirrell, am I happy in thy Newes.Kind Tyrrel, am I happy in thy news? R3 IV.iii.24
If to haue done the thing you gaue in charge,If to have done the thing you gave in chargegive in charge

old form: gaue
give orders, command, direct
R3 IV.iii.25
Beget your happinesse, be happy then,Beget your happiness, be happy then,beget (v.), past form begot
produce, engender, give rise to
R3 IV.iii.26
For it is done.For it is done. R3 IV.iii.27.1
But did'st thou see them dead.But didst thou see them dead? R3 IV.iii.27.2
I did my Lord.I did, my lord. R3 IV.iii.28.1
And buried gentle Tirrell.And buried, gentle Tyrrel?gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
R3 IV.iii.28.2
The Chaplaine of the Tower hath buried them,The chaplain of the Tower hath buried them; R3 IV.iii.29
But where (to say the truth) I do not know.But where, to say the truth, I do not know. R3 IV.iii.30
Come to me Tirrel soone, and after Supper,Come to me, Tyrrel, soon at after-supper,after-supper (n.)

old form: after Supper
period of time immediately after dessert [eaten after the main course of the evening meal]
R3 IV.iii.31
When thou shalt tell the processe of their death.When thou shalt tell the process of their death.process (n.)

old form: processe
account, report, story
R3 IV.iii.32
Meane time, but thinke how I may do the good,Meantime, but think how I may do thee good, R3 IV.iii.33
And be inheritor of thy desire.And be inheritor of thy desire. R3 IV.iii.34
Farewell till then.Farewell till then. R3 IV.iii.35.1
I humbly take my leaue.I humbly take my leave. R3 IV.iii.35.2
Exit R3 IV.iii.35
The Sonne of Clarence haue I pent vp close,The son of Clarence have I pent up close,pent up (v.)

old form: vp
shut up, confine, lock in
R3 IV.iii.36
close (adv.)
securely, in strict confinement
His daughter meanly haue I matcht in marriage,His daughter meanly have I matched in marriage,meanly (adv.)
humbly, in a lowly manner
R3 IV.iii.37
The Sonnes of Edward sleepe in Abrahams bosome,The sons of Edward sleep in Abraham's bosom,Abraham (n.)
in the Bible, a Hebrew patriarch, whose name is changed by God from Abram to Abraham
R3 IV.iii.38
And Anne my wife hath bid this world good night.And Anne my wife hath bid this world good night. R3 IV.iii.39
Now for I know the Britaine Richmond aymesNow, for I know the Britain Richmond aimsBritain (adj.)

old form: Britaine
living in Brittany, from Brittany
R3 IV.iii.40
At yong Elizabeth my brothers daughter,At young Elizabeth, my brother's daughter, R3 IV.iii.41
And by that knot lookes proudly on the Crowne,And by that knot looks proudly on the crown,proudly (adv.)
haughtily, arrogantly, disdainfully
R3 IV.iii.42
knot (n.)
marriage tie, bond of wedlock
To her go I, a iolly thriuing wooer.To her go I, a jolly thriving wooer.jolly (adj.)
amorous, lustful, licentious
R3 IV.iii.43
Enter Ratcliffe.Enter Ratcliffe R3 IV.iii.44
My Lord.My lord –  R3 IV.iii.44
Good or bad newes, that thou com'st in so bluntly?Good or bad news, that thou com'st in so bluntly? R3 IV.iii.45
Bad news my Lord, Mourton is fled to Richmond,Bad news, my lord. Morton is fled to Richmond, R3 IV.iii.46
And Buckingham backt with the hardy WelshmenAnd Buckingham, backed with the hardy Welshmen, R3 IV.iii.47
Is in the field, and still his power encreaseth.Is in the field, and still his power increaseth.power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
R3 IV.iii.48
still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
Ely with Richmond troubles me more neere,Ely with Richmond troubles me more nearnear (adv.)

old form: neere
closely, intimately, seriously
R3 IV.iii.49
Then Buckingham and his rash leuied Strength.Than Buckingham and his rash-levied strength.rash-levied (adj.)

old form: rash leuied
hastily raised
R3 IV.iii.50
Come, I haue learn'd, that fearfull commentingCome! I have learned that fearful commentingfearful (adj.)

old form: fearfull
timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear
R3 IV.iii.51
commenting (n.)
meditation, pondering, cogitation
Is leaden seruitor to dull delay.Is leaden servitor to dull delay;servitor (n.)

old form: seruitor
R3 IV.iii.52
Delay leds impotent and Snaile-pac'd Beggery:Delay leads impotent and snail-paced beggary. R3 IV.iii.53
Then fierie expedition be my wing,Then fiery expedition be my wing,expedition (n.)
warlike enterprise, setting out for war
R3 IV.iii.54
fiery (adj.)

old form: fierie
ardent, spirited, animated
Ioues Mercury, and Herald for a King:Jove's Mercury, and herald for a king!Mercury (n.)
messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce
R3 IV.iii.55
Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
Go muster men: My counsaile is my Sheeld,Go, muster men. My counsel is my shield; R3 IV.iii.56
We must be breefe, when Traitors braue the Field.We must be brief when traitors brave the field.field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
R3 IV.iii.57
brief (adj.)

old form: breefe
quick, speedy, swift, expeditious
brave (v.)

old form: braue
challenge, defy, confront, provoke
Exeunt.Exeunt R3 IV.iii.57
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