First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Alarum. Enter Plantagenet, Edward, Richard, Norfolke, | Alarum. Enter York, Edward, Richard, Norfolk, | | 3H6 I.i.1.1 | |
Mountague, Warwicke, and Souldiers. | Montague, Warwick, and soldiers, with white roses | | 3H6 I.i.1.2 | |
| in their hats | | 3H6 I.i.1.3 | |
Warwicke. | WARWICK | | | |
I Wonder how the King escap'd our hands? | I wonder how the King escaped our hands? | | 3H6 I.i.1 | |
Pl. | YORK | | | |
While we pursu'd the Horsmen of ye North, | While we pursued the horsemen of the north, | | 3H6 I.i.2 | |
He slyly stole away, and left his men: | He slily stole away and left his men; | | 3H6 I.i.3 | |
Whereat the great Lord of Northumberland, | Whereat the great Lord of Northumberland, | | 3H6 I.i.4 | |
Whose Warlike eares could neuer brooke retreat, | Whose warlike ears could never brook retreat, | brook (v.) endure, tolerate, put up with | 3H6 I.i.5 | |
Chear'd vp the drouping Army, and himselfe. | Cheered up the drooping army; and himself, | | 3H6 I.i.6 | |
Lord Clifford and Lord Stafford all a-brest | Lord Clifford, and Lord Stafford, all abreast, | | 3H6 I.i.7 | |
Charg'd our maine Battailes Front: and breaking in, | Charged our main battle's front, and, breaking in, | battle (n.) army, fighting force, battalion | 3H6 I.i.8 | |
Were by the Swords of common Souldiers slaine. | Were by the swords of common soldiers slain. | | 3H6 I.i.9 | |
Edw. | EDWARD | | | |
Lord Staffords Father, Duke of Buckingham, | Lord Stafford's father, Duke of Buckingham, | | 3H6 I.i.10 | |
Is either slaine or wounded dangerous. | Is either slain or wounded dangerous; | dangerous (adv.) dangerously, mortally, seriously | 3H6 I.i.11 | |
I cleft his Beauer with a down-right blow: | I cleft his beaver with a downright blow. | beaver (n.) visor of a helmet, face-guard | 3H6 I.i.12 | |
| | downright (adj.) directed straight down, coming from above | | |
That this is true (Father) behold his blood. | That this is true, father, behold his blood. | | 3H6 I.i.13 | |
Mount. | MONTAGUE | | | |
And Brother, here's the Earle of Wiltshires blood, | And, brother, here's the Earl of Wiltshire's blood, | | 3H6 I.i.14 | |
Whom I encountred as the Battels ioyn'd. | Whom I encountered as the battles joined. | join (v.) encounter, come together, meet in conflict | 3H6 I.i.15 | |
| | battle (n.) army, fighting force, battalion | | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Speake thou for me, and tell them what I did. | Speak thou for me and tell them what I did. | | 3H6 I.i.16 | |
| He throws down the Duke of Somerset's head | | 3H6 I.i.17 | |
Plan. | YORK | | | |
Richard hath best deseru'd of all my sonnes: | Richard hath best deserved of all my sons. | | 3H6 I.i.17 | |
But is your Grace dead, my Lord of Somerset? | But is your grace dead, my lord of Somerset? | | 3H6 I.i.18 | |
Nor. | NORFOLK | | | |
Such hope haue all the line of Iohn of Gaunt. | Such hope have all the line of John of Gaunt! | | 3H6 I.i.19 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Thus do I hope to shake King Henries head. | Thus do I hope to shake King Henry's head. | | 3H6 I.i.20 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
And so doe I, victorious Prince of Yorke. | And so do I. Victorious Prince of York, | | 3H6 I.i.21 | |
Before I see thee seated in that Throne, | Before I see thee seated in that throne | | 3H6 I.i.22 | |
Which now the House of Lancaster vsurpes, | Which now the house of Lancaster usurps, | | 3H6 I.i.23 | |
I vow by Heauen, these eyes shall neuer close. | I vow by heaven these eyes shall never close. | | 3H6 I.i.24 | |
This is the Pallace of the fearefull King, | This is the palace of the fearful King, | fearful (adj.) timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear | 3H6 I.i.25 | |
And this the Regall Seat: possesse it Yorke, | And this the regal seat; possess it, York; | | 3H6 I.i.26 | |
For this is thine, and not King Henries Heires. | For this is thine and not King Henry's heirs'. | | 3H6 I.i.27 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Assist me then, sweet Warwick, and I will, | Assist me then, sweet Warwick, and I will; | | 3H6 I.i.28 | |
For hither we haue broken in by force. | For hither we have broken in by force. | | 3H6 I.i.29 | |
Norf. | NORFOLK | | | |
Wee'le all assist you: he that flyes, shall dye. | We'll all assist you; he that flies shall die. | | 3H6 I.i.30 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Thankes gentle Norfolke, stay by me my Lords, | Thanks, gentle Norfolk; stay by me, my lords. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | 3H6 I.i.31 | |
And Souldiers stay and lodge by me this Night. | And, soldiers, stay and lodge by me this night. | lodge (v.) sleep, lie, remain | 3H6 I.i.32 | |
They goe vp. | They go up | | 3H6 I.i.33 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
And when the King comes, offer him no violence, | And when the King comes, offer him no violence, | | 3H6 I.i.33 | |
Vnlesse he seeke to thrust you out perforce. | Unless he seek to thrust you out perforce. | perforce (adv.) forcibly, by force, violently | 3H6 I.i.34 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
The Queene this day here holds her Parliament, | The Queen this day here holds her parliament, | | 3H6 I.i.35 | |
But little thinkes we shall be of her counsaile, | But little thinks we shall be of her council; | | 3H6 I.i.36 | |
By words or blowes here let vs winne our right. | By words or blows here let us win our right. | | 3H6 I.i.37 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Arm'd as we are, let's stay within this House. | Armed as we are, let's stay within this house. | | 3H6 I.i.38 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
The bloody Parliament shall this be call'd, | The bloody parliament shall this be called | | 3H6 I.i.39 | |
Vnlesse Plantagenet, Duke of Yorke, be King, | Unless Plantagenet, Duke of York, be king, | | 3H6 I.i.40 | |
And bashfull Henry depos'd, whose Cowardize | And bashful Henry deposed, whose cowardice | bashful (adj.) easily intimidated, readily daunted | 3H6 I.i.41 | |
Hath made vs by-words to our enemies. | Hath made us by-words to our enemies. | by-word (n.) object of scorn, model of cowardice | 3H6 I.i.42 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Then leaue me not, my Lords be resolute, | Then leave me not; my lords, be resolute; | | 3H6 I.i.43 | |
I meane to take possession of my Right. | I mean to take possession of my right. | | 3H6 I.i.44 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Neither the King, nor he that loues him best, | Neither the King nor he that loves him best, | | 3H6 I.i.45 | |
The prowdest hee that holds vp Lancaster, | The proudest he that holds up Lancaster, | proud (adj.) courageous, valiant, brave | 3H6 I.i.46 | |
| | hold up (v.) support, uphold, sustain | | |
| | he (n.) man, person | | |
Dares stirre a Wing, if Warwick shake his Bells. | Dares stir a wing if Warwick shake his bells. | | 3H6 I.i.47 | |
Ile plant Plantagenet, root him vp who dares: | I'll plant Plantagenet, root him up who dares. | plant (v.) install, set up, put in place | 3H6 I.i.48 | |
Resolue thee Richard, clayme the English Crowne. | Resolve thee, Richard; claim the English crown. | resolve (v.) decide, make up one's mind | 3H6 I.i.49 | |
Flourish. Enter King Henry, Clifford, Northumberland, | Flourish. Enter King Henry, Clifford, Northumberland, | | 3H6 I.i.50.1 | |
Westmerland, Exeter, and the rest. | Westmorland, Exeter, and soldiers, with | | 3H6 I.i.50.2 | |
| red roses in their hats | | 3H6 I.i.50.3 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
My Lords, looke where the sturdie Rebell sits, | My lords, look where the sturdy rebel sits, | sturdy (adj.) disobedient, defiant, uncompromising | 3H6 I.i.50 | |
Euen in the Chayre of State: belike he meanes, | Even in the chair of state! Belike he means, | chair (n.) throne | 3H6 I.i.51 | |
| | belike (adv.) probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems | | |
Backt by the power of Warwicke, that false Peere, | Backed by the power of Warwick, that false peer, | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | 3H6 I.i.52 | |
To aspire vnto the Crowne, and reigne as King. | To aspire unto the crown and reign as king. | | 3H6 I.i.53 | |
Earle of Northumberland, he slew thy Father, | Earl of Northumberland, he slew thy father, | | 3H6 I.i.54 | |
And thine, Lord Clifford, & you both haue vow'd reuenge | And thine, Lord Clifford; and you both have vowed revenge | | 3H6 I.i.55 | |
On him, his sonnes, his fauorites, and his friends. | On him, his sons, his favourites, and his friends. | favourite (n.) follower, supporter, ally | 3H6 I.i.56 | |
Northumb. | NORTHUMBERLAND | | | |
If I be not, Heauens be reueng'd on me. | If I be not, heavens be revenged on me! | | 3H6 I.i.57 | |
Clifford. | CLIFFORD | | | |
The hope thereof, makes Clifford mourne in Steele. | The hope thereof makes Clifford mourn in steel. | steel (n.) armour | 3H6 I.i.58 | |
Westm. | WESTMORLAND | | | |
What, shall we suffer this? lets pluck him down, | What! Shall we suffer this? Let's pluck him down. | suffer (v.) allow, permit, let | 3H6 I.i.59 | |
My heart for anger burnes, I cannot brooke it. | My heart for anger burns; I cannot brook it. | brook (v.) endure, tolerate, put up with | 3H6 I.i.60 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Be patient, gentle Earle of Westmerland. | Be patient, gentle Earl of Westmorland. | | 3H6 I.i.61 | |
Clifford. | CLIFFORD | | | |
Patience is for Poultroones, such as he: | Patience is for poltroons, such as he; | poltroon (n.) worthless coward, mean-spirited wretch | 3H6 I.i.62 | |
He durst not sit there, had your Father liu'd. | He durst not sit there had your father lived. | | 3H6 I.i.63 | |
My gracious Lord, here in the Parliament | My gracious lord, here in the parliament | | 3H6 I.i.64 | |
Let vs assayle the Family of Yorke. | Let us assail the family of York. | assail (v.) attack, assault, address | 3H6 I.i.65 | |
North. | NORTHUMBERLAND | | | |
Well hast thou spoken, Cousin be it so. | Well hast thou spoken, cousin; be it so. | | 3H6 I.i.66 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Ah, know you not the Citie fauours them, | Ah, know you not the city favours them, | | 3H6 I.i.67 | |
And they haue troupes of Souldiers at their beck? | And they have troops of soldiers at their beck? | beck (n.) beckoning, command, call | 3H6 I.i.68 | |
Westm. | EXETER | | | |
But when the Duke is slaine, they'le quickly flye. | But when the Duke is slain they'll quickly fly. | | 3H6 I.i.69 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Farre be the thought of this from Henries heart, | Far be the thought of this from Henry's heart, | | 3H6 I.i.70 | |
To make a Shambles of the Parliament House. | To make a shambles of the Parliament House! | shambles (n.) meat-market, slaughter-house | 3H6 I.i.71 | |
Cousin of Exeter, frownes, words, and threats, | Cousin of Exeter, frowns, words, and threats | | 3H6 I.i.72 | |
Shall be the Warre that Henry meanes to vse. | Shall be the war that Henry means to use. | | 3H6 I.i.73 | |
Thou factious Duke of Yorke descend my Throne, | Thou factious Duke of York, descend my throne, | factious (adj.) rebellious, seditious | 3H6 I.i.74 | |
And kneele for grace and mercie at my feet, | And kneel for grace and mercy at my feet; | | 3H6 I.i.75 | |
I am thy Soueraigne. | I am thy sovereign. | | 3H6 I.i.76.1 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
I am thine. | I am thine. | | 3H6 I.i.76.2 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
For shame come downe, he made thee Duke of Yorke. | For shame, come down; he made thee Duke of York. | | 3H6 I.i.77 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
It was my Inheritance, as the Earledome was. | It was my inheritance, as the earldom was. | | 3H6 I.i.78 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
Thy Father was a Traytor to the Crowne. | Thy father was a traitor to the crown. | | 3H6 I.i.79 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Exeter thou art a Traytor to the Crowne, | Exeter, thou art a traitor to the crown | | 3H6 I.i.80 | |
In following this vsurping Henry. | In following this usurping Henry. | | 3H6 I.i.81 | |
Clifford. | CLIFFORD | | | |
Whom should hee follow, but his naturall King? | Whom should he follow but his natural king? | natural (adj.) legitimate, by birthright, rightful | 3H6 I.i.82 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
True Clifford, that's Richard Duke of Yorke. | True, Clifford; that is Richard Duke of York. | | 3H6 I.i.83 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
And shall I stand, and thou sit in my Throne? | And shall I stand, and thou sit in my throne? | | 3H6 I.i.84 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
It must and shall be so, content thy selfe. | It must and shall be so; content thyself. | content (v.) calm [down], settle, relax | 3H6 I.i.85 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Be Duke of Lancaster, let him be King. | Be Duke of Lancaster; let him be king. | | 3H6 I.i.86 | |
Westm. | WESTMORLAND | | | |
He is both King, and Duke of Lancaster, | He is both king and Duke of Lancaster; | | 3H6 I.i.87 | |
And that the Lord of Westmerland shall maintaine. | And that the Lord of Westmorland shall maintain. | | 3H6 I.i.88 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
And Warwick shall disproue it. You forget, | And Warwick shall disprove it. You forget | | 3H6 I.i.89 | |
That we are those which chas'd you from the field, | That we are those which chased you from the field | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | 3H6 I.i.90 | |
And slew your Fathers, and with Colours spread | And slew your fathers, and with colours spread | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | 3H6 I.i.91 | |
Marcht through the Citie to the Pallace Gates. | Marched through the city to the palace gates. | | 3H6 I.i.92 | |
Northumb. | NORTHUMBERLAND | | | |
Yes Warwicke, I remember it to my griefe, | Yes, Warwick, I remember it to my grief; | | 3H6 I.i.93 | |
And by his Soule, thou and thy House shall rue it. | And, by his soul, thou and thy house shall rue it. | | 3H6 I.i.94 | |
Westm. | WESTMORLAND | | | |
Plantagenet, of thee and these thy Sonnes, | Plantagenet, of thee and these thy sons, | | 3H6 I.i.95 | |
Thy Kinsmen, and thy Friends, Ile haue more liues | Thy kinsmen, and thy friends, I'll have more lives | | 3H6 I.i.96 | |
Then drops of bloud were in my Fathers Veines. | Than drops of blood were in my father's veins. | | 3H6 I.i.97 | |
Cliff. | CLIFFORD | | | |
Vrge it no more, lest that in stead of words, | Urge it no more; lest that, instead of words, | urge (v.) press, insist on, state emphatically | 3H6 I.i.98 | |
I send thee, Warwicke, such a Messenger, | I send thee, Warwick, such a messenger | | 3H6 I.i.99 | |
As shall reuenge his death, before I stirre. | As shall revenge his death before I stir. | | 3H6 I.i.100 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Poore Clifford, how I scorne his worthlesse Threats. | Poor Clifford, how I scorn his worthless threats! | | 3H6 I.i.101 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Will you we shew our Title to the Crowne? | Will you we show our title to the crown? | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | 3H6 I.i.102 | |
| | will (v.), past form would desire, wish, want | | |
If not, our Swords shall pleade it in the field. | If not, our swords shall plead it in the field. | plead (v.) make a case for, present an argument for | 3H6 I.i.103 | |
| | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
What Title hast thou Traytor to the Crowne? | What title hast thou, traitor, to the crown? | | 3H6 I.i.104 | |
My Father was as thou art, Duke of Yorke, | Thy father was, as thou art, Duke of York; | | 3H6 I.i.105 | |
Thy Grandfather Roger Mortimer, Earle of March. | Thy grandfather, Roger Mortimer, Earl of March. | | 3H6 I.i.106 | |
I am the Sonne of Henry the Fift, | I am the son of Henry the Fifth, | | 3H6 I.i.107 | |
Who made the Dolphin and the French to stoupe, | Who made the Dauphin and the French to stoop | stoop (v.) kneel, submit, bow down | 3H6 I.i.108 | |
And seiz'd vpon their Townes and Prouinces. | And seized upon their towns and provinces. | | 3H6 I.i.109 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Talke not of France, sith thou hast lost it all. | Talk not of France, sith thou hast lost it all. | | 3H6 I.i.110 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
The Lord Protector lost it, and not I: | The Lord Protector lost it, and not I. | | 3H6 I.i.111 | |
When I was crown'd, I was but nine moneths old. | When I was crowned I was but nine months old. | | 3H6 I.i.112 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
You are old enough now, / And yet me thinkes you loose: | You are old enough now, and yet, methinks, you lose. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | 3H6 I.i.113 | |
Father teare the Crowne from the Vsurpers Head. | Father, tear the crown from the usurper's head. | | 3H6 I.i.114 | |
Edward. | EDWARD | | | |
Sweet Father doe so, set it on your Head. | Sweet father, do so; set it on your head. | | 3H6 I.i.115 | |
Mount. | MONTAGUE | | | |
Good Brother, / As thou lou'st and honorest Armes, | Good brother, as thou lovest and honourest arms, | | 3H6 I.i.116 | |
Let's fight it out, and not stand cauilling thus. | Let's fight it out and not stand cavilling thus. | stand (v.) continue, remain, wait, stay put | 3H6 I.i.117 | |
| | cavil (v.) dispute over details, raise pointless objections | | |
Richard. | RICHARD | | | |
Sound Drummes and Trumpets, and the King will flye. | Sound drums and trumpets, and the King will fly. | | 3H6 I.i.118 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Sonnes peace. | Sons, peace! | | 3H6 I.i.119 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Peace thou, and giue King Henry leaue to speake. | Peace, thou! And give King Henry leave to speak. | | 3H6 I.i.120 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Plantagenet shal speake first: Heare him Lords, | Plantagenet shall speak first. Hear him, lords; | | 3H6 I.i.121 | |
And be you silent and attentiue too, | And be you silent and attentive too, | | 3H6 I.i.122 | |
For he that interrupts him, shall not liue. | For he that interrupts him shall not live. | | 3H6 I.i.123 | |
Hen. | KING | | | |
Think'st thou, that I will leaue my Kingly Throne, | Thinkest thou that I will leave my kingly throne, | | 3H6 I.i.124 | |
Wherein my Grandsire and my Father sat? | Wherein my grandsire and my father sat? | | 3H6 I.i.125 | |
No: first shall Warre vnpeople this my Realme; | No; first shall war unpeople this my realm; | unpeople (v.) empty of people, depopulate | 3H6 I.i.126 | |
I, and their Colours often borne in France, | Ay, and their colours, often borne in France, | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | 3H6 I.i.127 | |
And now in England, to our hearts great sorrow, | And now in England to our hearts' great sorrow, | | 3H6 I.i.128 | |
Shall be my Winding-sheet. Why faint you Lords? | Shall be my winding-sheet. Why faint you, lords? | faint (v.) lose courage, show fear, lose heart, take fright | 3H6 I.i.129 | |
| | winding-sheet (n.) burial cloth, shroud | | |
My Title's good, and better farre then his. | My title's good, and better far than his. | | 3H6 I.i.130 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Proue it Henry, and thou shalt be King. | Prove it, Henry, and thou shalt be king. | | 3H6 I.i.131 | |
Hen. | KING | | | |
Henry the Fourth by Conquest got the Crowne. | Henry the Fourth by conquest got the crown. | | 3H6 I.i.132 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
'Twas by Rebellion against his King. | 'Twas by rebellion against his king. | | 3H6 I.i.133 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
| (aside) | | 3H6 I.i.134 | |
I know not what to say, my Titles weake: | I know not what to say; my title's weak. – | | 3H6 I.i.134 | |
Tell me, may not a King adopt an Heire? | Tell me, may not a king adopt an heir? | | 3H6 I.i.135 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
What then? | What then? | | 3H6 I.i.136 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
And if he may, then am I lawfull King: | An if he may, then am I lawful king; | an if (conj.) if | 3H6 I.i.137 | |
For Richard, in the view of many Lords, | For Richard, in the view of many lords, | | 3H6 I.i.138 | |
Resign'd the Crowne to Henry the Fourth, | Resigned the crown to Henry the Fourth, | | 3H6 I.i.139 | |
Whose Heire my Father was, and I am his. | Whose heir my father was, and I am his. | | 3H6 I.i.140 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
He rose against him, being his Soueraigne, | He rose against him, being his sovereign, | | 3H6 I.i.141 | |
And made him to resigne his Crowne perforce. | And made him to resign his crown perforce. | perforce (adv.) forcibly, by force, violently | 3H6 I.i.142 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Suppose, my Lords, he did it vnconstrayn'd, | Suppose, my lords, he did it unconstrained, | | 3H6 I.i.143 | |
Thinke you 'twere preiudiciall to his Crowne? | Think you 'twere prejudicial to his crown? | prejudicial (adj.) damaging to one's rights, tending to invalidate a claim | 3H6 I.i.144 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
No: for he could not so resigne his Crowne, | No; for he could not so resign his crown | | 3H6 I.i.145 | |
But that the next Heire should succeed and reigne. | But that the next heir should succeed and reign. | | 3H6 I.i.146 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Art thou against vs, Duke of Exeter? | Art thou against us, Duke of Exeter? | | 3H6 I.i.147 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
His is the right, and therefore pardon me. | His is the right, and therefore pardon me. | | 3H6 I.i.148 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Why whisper you, my Lords, and answer not? | Why whisper you, my lords, and answer not? | | 3H6 I.i.149 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
My Conscience tells me he is lawfull King. | My conscience tells me he is lawful king. | conscience (n.) real knowledge, inner conviction, true understanding | 3H6 I.i.150 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
| (aside) | | 3H6 I.i.151 | |
All will reuolt from me, and turne to him. | All will revolt from me and turn to him. | | 3H6 I.i.151 | |
Northumb. | NORTHUMBERLAND | | | |
Plantagenet, for all the Clayme thou lay'st, | Plantagenet, for all the claim thou layest, | | 3H6 I.i.152 | |
Thinke not, that Henry shall be so depos'd. | Think not that Henry shall be so deposed. | | 3H6 I.i.153 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Depos'd he shall be, in despight of all. | Deposed he shall be, in despite of all. | | 3H6 I.i.154 | |
Northumb. | NORTHUMBERLAND | | | |
Thou art deceiu'd: / 'Tis not thy Southerne power | Thou art deceived; 'tis not thy southern power | deceive (v.) delude, mislead, take in | 3H6 I.i.155 | |
| | power (n.) control, influence, sway | | |
Of Essex, Norfolke, Suffolke, nor of Kent, | Of Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, nor of Kent, | | 3H6 I.i.156 | |
Which makes thee thus presumptuous and prowd, | Which makes thee thus presumptuous and proud, | | 3H6 I.i.157 | |
Can set the Duke vp in despight of me. | Can set the Duke up in despite of me. | | 3H6 I.i.158 | |
Clifford. | CLIFFORD | | | |
King Henry, be thy Title right or wrong, | King Henry, be thy title right or wrong, | | 3H6 I.i.159 | |
Lord Clifford vowes to fight in thy defence: | Lord Clifford vows to fight in thy defence; | | 3H6 I.i.160 | |
May that ground gape, and swallow me aliue, | May that ground gape and swallow me alive, | | 3H6 I.i.161 | |
Where I shall kneele to him that slew my Father. | Where I shall kneel to him that slew my father! | | 3H6 I.i.162 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Oh Clifford, how thy words reuiue my heart. | O Clifford, how thy words revive my heart! | | 3H6 I.i.163 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Henry of Lancaster, resigne thy Crowne: | Henry of Lancaster, resign thy crown. | | 3H6 I.i.164 | |
What mutter you, or what conspire you Lords? | What mutter you, or what conspire you, lords? | | 3H6 I.i.165 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Doe right vnto this Princely Duke of Yorke, | Do right unto this princely Duke of York, | right (n.) justice, rightfulness, justification | 3H6 I.i.166 | |
Or I will fill the House with armed men, | Or I will fill the house with armed men, | | 3H6 I.i.167 | |
And ouer the Chayre of State, where now he sits, | And over the chair of state, where now he sits, | chair (n.) throne | 3H6 I.i.168 | |
Write vp his Title with vsurping blood. | Write up his title with usurping blood. | | 3H6 I.i.169 | |
He stampes with his foot, and the Souldiers shew | He stamps with his foot, and the soldiers show | | 3H6 I.i.170.1 | |
themselues. | themselves | | 3H6 I.i.170.2 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
My Lord of Warwick, heare but one word, | My Lord of Warwick, hear but one word; | | 3H6 I.i.170 | |
Let me for this my life time reigne as King. | Let me for this my lifetime reign as king. | | 3H6 I.i.171 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Confirme the Crowne to me and to mine Heires, | Confirm the crown to me and to mine heirs, | | 3H6 I.i.172 | |
And thou shalt reigne in quiet while thou liu'st. | And thou shalt reign in quiet while thou livest. | | 3H6 I.i.173 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
I am content: Richard Plantagenet | I am content; Richard Plantagenet, | content (adj.) agreeable, willing, ready | 3H6 I.i.174 | |
Enioy the Kingdome after my decease. | Enjoy the kingdom after my decease. | | 3H6 I.i.175 | |
Clifford. | CLIFFORD | | | |
What wrong is this vnto the Prince, your Sonne? | What wrong is this unto the Prince your son! | | 3H6 I.i.176 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
What good is this to England, and himselfe? | What good is this to England and himself! | | 3H6 I.i.177 | |
Westm. | WESTMORLAND | | | |
Base, fearefull, and despayring Henry. | Base, fearful, and despairing Henry! | fearful (adj.) timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear | 3H6 I.i.178 | |
| | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | | |
Clifford. | CLIFFORD | | | |
How hast thou iniur'd both thy selfe and vs? | How hast thou injured both thyself and us! | | 3H6 I.i.179 | |
Westm. | WESTMORLAND | | | |
I cannot stay to heare these Articles. | I cannot stay to hear these articles. | article (n.) clause, term, provision | 3H6 I.i.180 | |
Northumb. | NORTHUMBERLAND | | | |
Nor I. | Nor I. | | 3H6 I.i.181 | |
Clifford. | CLIFFORD | | | |
Come Cousin, let vs tell the Queene these Newes. | Come, cousin, let us tell the Queen these news. | | 3H6 I.i.182 | |
Westm. | WESTMORLAND | | | |
Farwell faint-hearted and degenerate King, | Farewell, faint-hearted and degenerate King, | | 3H6 I.i.183 | |
In whose cold blood no sparke of Honor bides. | In whose cold blood no spark of honour bides. | cold (adj.) hopeless, apathetic, miserable | 3H6 I.i.184 | |
| Exit | | 3H6 I.i.184 | |
Northumb. | NORTHUMBERLAND | | | |
Be thou a prey vnto the House of Yorke, | Be thou a prey unto the house of York, | | 3H6 I.i.185 | |
And dye in Bands, for this vnmanly deed. | And die in bands for this unmanly deed! | band (n.) bond, shackle, chain | 3H6 I.i.186 | |
| Exit | | 3H6 I.i.186 | |
Cliff. | CLIFFORD | | | |
In dreadfull Warre may'st thou be ouercome, | In dreadful war mayst thou be overcome, | | 3H6 I.i.187 | |
Or liue in peace abandon'd and despis'd. | Or live in peace abandoned and despised! | | 3H6 I.i.188 | |
| Exit | | 3H6 I.i.188 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Turne this way Henry, and regard them not. | Turn this way, Henry, and regard them not. | | 3H6 I.i.189 | |
Exeter. | EXETER | | | |
They seeke reuenge, and therefore will not yeeld. | They seek revenge and therefore will not yield. | | 3H6 I.i.190 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Ah Exeter. | Ah, Exeter! | | 3H6 I.i.191.1 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Why should you sigh, my Lord? | Why should you sigh, my lord? | | 3H6 I.i.191.2 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Not for my selfe Lord Warwick, but my Sonne, | Not for myself, Lord Warwick, but my son, | | 3H6 I.i.192 | |
Whom I vnnaturally shall dis-inherite. | Whom I unnaturally shall disinherit. | unnaturally (adv.) illegitimately, against normal practice | 3H6 I.i.193 | |
But be it as it may: I here entayle | But be it as it may. (to York) I here entail | entail to (v.) bestow on, confer on, transfer to | 3H6 I.i.194 | |
The Crowne to thee and to thine Heires for euer, | The crown to thee and to thine heirs for ever; | | 3H6 I.i.195 | |
Conditionally, that heere thou take an Oath, | Conditionally that here thou take an oath | conditionally (adv.) on condition, providing | 3H6 I.i.196 | |
To cease this Ciuill Warre: and whil'st I liue, | To cease this civil war; and, whilst I live, | | 3H6 I.i.197 | |
To honor me as thy King, and Soueraigne: | To honour me as thy king and sovereign; | | 3H6 I.i.198 | |
And neyther by Treason nor Hostilitie, | And neither by treason nor hostility | | 3H6 I.i.199 | |
To seeke to put me downe, and reigne thy selfe. | To seek to put me down and reign thyself. | | 3H6 I.i.200 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
This Oath I willingly take, and will performe. | This oath I willingly take and will perform. | | 3H6 I.i.201 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
Long liue King Henry: Plantagenet embrace him. | Long live King Henry! Plantagenet, embrace him. | | 3H6 I.i.202 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
And long liue thou, and these thy forward Sonnes. | And long live thou and these thy forward sons! | forward (adj.) promising, early-maturing, precocious | 3H6 I.i.203 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Now Yorke and Lancaster are reconcil'd. | Now York and Lancaster are reconciled. | | 3H6 I.i.204 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
Accurst be he that seekes to make them foes. | Accursed be he that seeks to make them foes! | | 3H6 I.i.205 | |
Senet. Here they come downe. | Sennet. Here they come down | | 3H6 I.i.206 | |
Plant. | YORK | | | |
Farewell my gracious Lord, Ile to my Castle. | Farewell, my gracious lord; I'll to my castle. | | 3H6 I.i.206 | |
| Exeunt York and his sons | | 3H6 I.i.206 | |
Warw. | WARWICK | | | |
And Ile keepe London with my Souldiers. | And I'll keep London with my soldiers. | keep (v.) stay within, remain inside | 3H6 I.i.207 | |
| Exit | | 3H6 I.i.207 | |
Norf. | NORFOLK | | | |
And I to Norfolke with my followers. | And I to Norfolk with my followers. | | 3H6 I.i.208 | |
| Exit | | 3H6 I.i.208 | |
Mount. | MONTAGUE | | | |
And I vnto the Sea, from whence I came. | And I unto the sea from whence I came. | | 3H6 I.i.209 | |
| Exit | | 3H6 I.i.209 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
And I with griefe and sorrow to the Court. | And I with grief and sorrow to the court. | | 3H6 I.i.210 | |
Enter the Queene. | Enter the Queen and the Prince of Wales | | 3H6 I.i.211.1 | |
Exeter. | EXETER | | | |
Heere comes the Queene, / Whose Lookes bewray her anger: | Here comes the Queen, whose looks bewray her anger; | bewray (v.) betray, reveal, expose | 3H6 I.i.211 | |
Ile steale away. | I'll steal away. | | 3H6 I.i.212.1 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Exeter so will I. | Exeter, so will I. | | 3H6 I.i.212.2 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
Nay, goe not from me, I will follow thee. | Nay, go not from me. I will follow thee. | | 3H6 I.i.213 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Be patient gentle Queene, and I will stay. | Be patient, gentle Queen, and I will stay. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | 3H6 I.i.214 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
Who can be patient in such extreames? | Who can be patient in such extremes? | | 3H6 I.i.215 | |
Ah wretched man, would I had dy'de a Maid? | Ah, wretched man! Would I had died a maid, | | 3H6 I.i.216 | |
And neuer seene thee, neuer borne thee Sonne, | And never seen thee, never borne thee son, | | 3H6 I.i.217 | |
Seeing thou hast prou'd so vnnaturall a Father. | Seeing thou hast proved so unnatural a father! | unnatural (adj.) against natural feeling, not in accord with kinship | 3H6 I.i.218 | |
Hath he deseru'd to loose his Birth-right thus? | Hath he deserved to lose his birthright thus? | | 3H6 I.i.219 | |
Hadst thou but lou'd him halfe so well as I, | Hadst thou but loved him half so well as I, | | 3H6 I.i.220 | |
Or felt that paine which I did for him once, | Or felt that pain which I did for him once, | | 3H6 I.i.221 | |
Or nourisht him, as I did with my blood; | Or nourished him as I did with my blood, | | 3H6 I.i.222 | |
Thou would'st haue left thy dearest heart-blood there, | Thou wouldst have left thy dearest heart-blood there, | | 3H6 I.i.223 | |
Rather then haue made that sauage Duke thine Heire, | Rather than have made that savage Duke thine heir | savage (adj.) fierce, ferocious, wild | 3H6 I.i.224 | |
And dis-inherited thine onely Sonne. | And disinherited thine only son. | | 3H6 I.i.225 | |
Prince. | PRINCE | | | |
Father, you cannot dis-inherite me: | Father, you cannot disinherit me; | | 3H6 I.i.226 | |
If you be King, why should not I succeede? | If you be king, why should not I succeed? | | 3H6 I.i.227 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Pardon me Margaret, pardon me sweet Sonne, | Pardon me, Margaret; pardon me, sweet son; | | 3H6 I.i.228 | |
The Earle of Warwick and the Duke enforc't me. | The Earl of Warwick and the Duke enforced me. | | 3H6 I.i.229 | |
Quee. | QUEEN | | | |
Enforc't thee? Art thou King, and wilt be forc't? | Enforced thee! Art thou king, and wilt be forced? | | 3H6 I.i.230 | |
I shame to heare thee speake: ah timorous Wretch, | I shame to hear thee speak. Ah, timorous wretch! | shame (v.) be ashamed, be embarrassed | 3H6 I.i.231 | |
Thou hast vndone thy selfe, thy Sonne, and me, | Thou hast undone thyself, thy son, and me; | undo (v.) ruin, destroy, wipe out | 3H6 I.i.232 | |
And giu'n vnto the House of Yorke such head, | And given unto the house of York such head | head (n.) power, strength, scope | 3H6 I.i.233 | |
As thou shalt reigne but by their sufferance. | As thou shalt reign but by their sufferance. | sufferance (n.) permission, consent, acquiescence, say-so | 3H6 I.i.234 | |
| | as (conj.) that [following ‘s’ or ‘such’] | | |
To entayle him and his Heires vnto the Crowne, | To entail him and his heirs unto the crown, | entail to (v.) appoint as heir | 3H6 I.i.235 | |
What is it, but to make thy Sepulcher, | What is it but to make thy sepulchre, | | 3H6 I.i.236 | |
And creepe into it farre before thy time? | And creep into it far before thy time? | | 3H6 I.i.237 | |
Warwick is Chancelor, and the Lord of Callice, | Warwick is Chancellor and the Lord of Calais; | | 3H6 I.i.238 | |
Sterne Falconbridge commands the Narrow Seas, | Stern Falconbridge commands the narrow seas; | stern (adj.) cruel, malevolent, harsh | 3H6 I.i.239 | |
The Duke is made Protector of the Realme, | The Duke is made Protector of the realm; | | 3H6 I.i.240 | |
And yet shalt thou be safe? Such safetie findes | And yet shalt thou be safe? Such safety finds | | 3H6 I.i.241 | |
The trembling Lambe, inuironned with Wolues. | The trembling lamb environed with wolves. | environ (v.) surround, envelop, encircle, engulf | 3H6 I.i.242 | |
Had I beene there, which am a silly Woman, | Had I been there, which am a silly woman, | silly (adj.) helpless, defenceless, vulnerable | 3H6 I.i.243 | |
The Souldiers should haue toss'd me on their Pikes, | The soldiers should have tossed me on their pikes | toss (v.) carry aloft, impale | 3H6 I.i.244 | |
| | pike, pick (n.) weapon with a long handle ending in a spearhead | | |
Before I would haue granted to that Act. | Before I would have granted to that act. | grant (v.) submit, yield, assent | 3H6 I.i.245 | |
But thou preferr'st thy Life, before thine Honor. | But thou preferrest thy life before thine honour; | | 3H6 I.i.246 | |
And seeing thou do'st, I here diuorce my selfe, | And, seeing thou dost, I here divorce myself | | 3H6 I.i.247 | |
Both from thy Table Henry, and thy Bed, | Both from thy table, Henry, and thy bed, | | 3H6 I.i.248 | |
Vntill that Act of Parliament be repeal'd, | Until that act of parliament be repealed | | 3H6 I.i.249 | |
Whereby my Sonne is dis-inherited. | Whereby my son is disinherited. | | 3H6 I.i.250 | |
The Northerne Lords, that haue forsworne thy Colours, | The northern lords that have forsworn thy colours | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore abandon, renounce, reject, give up | 3H6 I.i.251 | |
| | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | | |
Will follow mine, if once they see them spread: | Will follow mine, if once they see them spread; | | 3H6 I.i.252 | |
And spread they shall be, to thy foule disgrace, | And spread they shall be, to thy foul disgrace | | 3H6 I.i.253 | |
And vtter ruine of the House of Yorke. | And utter ruin of the house of York. | | 3H6 I.i.254 | |
Thus doe I leaue thee: Come Sonne, let's away, | Thus do I leave thee. Come, son, let's away. | | 3H6 I.i.255 | |
Our Army is ready; come, wee'le after them. | Our army is ready; come, we'll after them. | | 3H6 I.i.256 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Stay gentle Margaret, and heare me speake. | Stay, gentle Margaret, and hear me speak. | | 3H6 I.i.257 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
Thou hast spoke too much already: get thee gone. | Thou hast spoke too much already; get thee gone. | | 3H6 I.i.258 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Gentle Sonne Edward, thou wilt stay me? | Gentle son Edward, thou wilt stay with me? | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | 3H6 I.i.259 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
I, to be murther'd by his Enemies. | Ay, to be murdered by his enemies. | | 3H6 I.i.260 | |
Prince. | PRINCE | | | |
When I returne with victorie to the field, | When I return with victory from the field, | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | 3H6 I.i.261 | |
Ile see your Grace: till then, Ile follow her. | I'll see your grace; till then I'll follow her. | | 3H6 I.i.262 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
Come Sonne away, we may not linger thus. | Come, son, away; we may not linger thus. | | 3H6 I.i.263 | |
| Exeunt Queen and Prince | | 3H6 I.i.263 | |
Henry. | KING | | | |
Poore Queene, / How loue to me, and to her Sonne, | Poor Queen! How love to me and to her son | | 3H6 I.i.264 | |
Hath made her breake out into termes of Rage. | Hath made her break out into terms of rage! | term (n.) word, expression, utterance | 3H6 I.i.265 | |
Reueng'd may she be on that hatefull Duke, | Revenged may she be on that hateful Duke, | | 3H6 I.i.266 | |
Whose haughtie spirit, winged with desire, | Whose haughty spirit, winged with desire, | winged (adj.) impelled, incited, raised up [as if in flight] | 3H6 I.i.267 | |
Will cost my Crowne, and like an emptie Eagle, | Will cost my crown, and like an empty eagle | empty (adj.) famished, hungry, having an empty stomach | 3H6 I.i.268 | |
| | cost (v.) involve the loss of, deprive one of | | |
Tyre on the flesh of me, and of my Sonne. | Tire on the flesh of me and of my son! | tire (v.) feed greedily, prey ravenously | 3H6 I.i.269 | |
The losse of those three Lords torments my heart: | The loss of those three lords torments my heart; | | 3H6 I.i.270 | |
Ile write vnto them, and entreat them faire; | I'll write unto them and entreat them fair. | entreat, intreat (v.) treat, handle, deal with | 3H6 I.i.271 | |
| | fair (adv.) kindly, encouragingly, courteously | | |
Come Cousin, you shall be the Messenger. | Come, cousin, you shall be the messenger. | | 3H6 I.i.272 | |
Exet. | EXETER | | | |
And I, I hope, shall reconcile them all. | And I, I hope, shall reconcile them all. | | 3H6 I.i.273 | |
Exit. Flourish.
| Flourish. Exeunt | | 3H6 I.i.273 | |