First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Menenius to the Watch or Guard. | Enter Menenius to the Watch on guard | | Cor V.ii.1 | |
1. Wat. | FIRST WATCH | | | |
Stay: whence are you. | Stay. Whence are you? | | Cor V.ii.1.1 | |
2. Wat. | SECOND WATCH | | | |
Stand, and go backe. | Stand, and go back. | | Cor V.ii.1.2 | |
Me. | MENENIUS | | | |
You guard like men, 'tis well. But by your leaue, | You guard like men, 'tis well. But, by your leave, | | Cor V.ii.2 | |
I am an Officer of State, & come | I am an officer of state and come | | Cor V.ii.3 | |
to speak with Coriolanus | To speak with Coriolanus. | | Cor V.ii.4.1 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
From whence? | From whence? | | Cor V.ii.4.2 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
From Rome. | From Rome. | | Cor V.ii.4.3 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
You may not passe, you must returne: our Generall | You may not pass, you must return. Our general | | Cor V.ii.5 | |
will no more heare from thence. | Will no more hear from thence. | | Cor V.ii.6 | |
2 | SECOND WATCH | | | |
You'l see your Rome embrac'd with fire, before | You'll see your Rome embraced with fire before | | Cor V.ii.7 | |
You'l speake with Coriolanus. | You'll speak with Coriolanus. | | Cor V.ii.8.1 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
Good my Friends, | Good my friends, | | Cor V.ii.8.2 | |
If you haue heard your Generall talke of Rome, | If you have heard your general talk of Rome, | | Cor V.ii.9 | |
And of his Friends there, it is Lots to Blankes, | And of his friends there, it is lots to blanks | lots to blanks [in a lottery] drawing of a winning ticket rather than a blank ticket | Cor V.ii.10 | |
My name hath touch't your eares: it is Menenius. | My name hath touched your ears: it is Menenius. | | Cor V.ii.11 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
Be it so, go back: the vertue of your name, | Be it so; go back. The virtue of your name | | Cor V.ii.12 | |
Is not heere passable. | Is not here passable. | | Cor V.ii.13.1 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
I tell thee Fellow, | I tell thee, fellow, | | Cor V.ii.13.2 | |
Thy Generall is my Louer: I haue beene | Thy general is my lover. I have been | lover (n.) companion, comrade, dear friend | Cor V.ii.14 | |
The booke of his good Acts, whence men haue read | The book of his good acts whence men have read | | Cor V.ii.15 | |
His Fame vnparalell'd, happely amplified: | His fame unparalleled haply amplified. | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | Cor V.ii.16 | |
For I haue euer verified my Friends, | For I have ever varnished my friends – | verify (v.) support, back up, bolster | Cor V.ii.17 | |
(Of whom hee's cheefe) with all the size that verity | Of whom he's chief – with all the size that verity | verity (n.) truth, truthfulness, veracity | Cor V.ii.18 | |
Would without lapsing suffer: Nay, sometimes, | Would without lapsing suffer. Nay, sometimes, | lapsing (n.) slipping, collapsing, failing | Cor V.ii.19 | |
Like to a Bowle vpon a subtle ground | Like to a bowl upon a subtle ground, | subtle, subtile (adj.) tricky, deceptive, treacherous | Cor V.ii.20 | |
| | ground (n.) green, surface, lawn | | |
| | like to / unto (conj./prep.) similar to, comparable with | | |
I haue tumbled past the throw: and in his praise | I have tumbled past the throw, and in his praise | tumble (v.) [bowling] overshoot, move too far | Cor V.ii.21 | |
| | throw (n.) throwing distance, mark | | |
Haue (almost) stampt the Leasing. Therefore Fellow, | Have almost stamped the leasing. Therefore, fellow, | stamp (v.) authenticate, endorse, validate | Cor V.ii.22 | |
| | leasing (n.) lie, falsehood, untruth | | |
I must haue leaue to passe. | I must have leave to pass. | | Cor V.ii.23 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
Faith Sir, if you had told as many lies in | Faith, sir, if you had told as many lies in | | Cor V.ii.24 | |
his behalfe, as you haue vttered words in your owne, you | his behalf as you have uttered words in your own, you | | Cor V.ii.25 | |
should not passe heere: no, though it were as vertuous to | should not pass here; no, though it were as virtuous to | | Cor V.ii.26 | |
lye, as to liue chastly. Therefore go backe. | lie as to live chastely. Therefore go back. | | Cor V.ii.27 | |
Men. | MENENIUS | | | |
Prythee fellow, remember my name is Menenius, | Prithee, fellow, remember my name is Menenius, | | Cor V.ii.28 | |
alwayes factionary on the party of your Generall. | always factionary on the party of your general. | party (n.) side, faction, camp | Cor V.ii.29 | |
| | factionary (n.) activist, partisan, champion | | |
2 | SECOND WATCH | | | |
Howsoeuer you haue bin his Lier, as | Howsoever you have been his liar, as | | Cor V.ii.30 | |
you say you haue, I am one that telling true vnder him, | you say you have, I am one that, telling true under him, | | Cor V.ii.31 | |
must say you cannot passe. Therefore go backe. | must say you cannot pass. Therefore, go back. | | Cor V.ii.32 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
Ha's he din'd can'st thou tell? For I would not | Has he dined, canst thou tell? For I would not | | Cor V.ii.33 | |
speake with him, till after dinner. | speak with him till after dinner. | | Cor V.ii.34 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
You are a Roman, are you? | You are a Roman, are you? | | Cor V.ii.35 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
I am as thy Generall is. | I am, as thy general is. | | Cor V.ii.36 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
Then you should hate Rome, as he do's. | Then you should hate Rome, as he does. | | Cor V.ii.37 | |
Can you, when you haue pusht out your gates, the very | Can you, when you have pushed out your gates the very | | Cor V.ii.38 | |
Defender of them, and in a violent popular ignorance, | defender of them, and in a violent popular ignorance | ignorance (n.) negligence, obtuseness, lack of understanding | Cor V.ii.39 | |
giuen your enemy your shield, thinke to front his reuenges | given your enemy your shield, think to front his revenges | front (v.) confront, face, meet | Cor V.ii.40 | |
with the easie groanes of old women, the Virginall Palms of | with the easy groans of old women, the virginal palms of | easy (adj.) slight, petty, insignificant | Cor V.ii.41 | |
| | virginal (adj.) of young girls | | |
your daughters, or with the palsied intercession of such | your daughters, or with the palsied intercession of such | | Cor V.ii.42 | |
a decay'd Dotant as you seeme to be? Can you think to | a decayed dotant as you seem to be? Can you think to | dotant (n.) dotard, dullard, one whose mind is impaired by age | Cor V.ii.43 | |
blow out the intended fire, your City is ready to flame in, | blow out the intended fire your city is ready to flame in | | Cor V.ii.44 | |
with such weake breath as this? No, you are deceiu'd, | with such weak breath as this? No, you are deceived, | | Cor V.ii.45 | |
therfore backe to Rome, and prepare for your execution: | therefore back to Rome and prepare for your execution. | | Cor V.ii.46 | |
you are condemn'd, our Generall has sworne you out of | You are condemned, our general has sworn you out of | | Cor V.ii.47 | |
repreeue and pardon. | reprieve and pardon. | | Cor V.ii.48 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
Sirra, if thy Captaine knew I were heere, / He | Sirrah, if thy captain knew I were here, he | | Cor V.ii.49 | |
would vse me with estimation. | would use me with estimation. | estimation (n.) esteem, respect, reputation | Cor V.ii.50 | |
| | use (v.) treat, deal with, manage | | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
Come, my Captaine knowes you not. | Come, my captain knows you not. | | Cor V.ii.51 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
I meane thy Generall. | I mean thy general. | | Cor V.ii.52 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
My Generall cares not for you. Back I say, | My general cares not for you. Back, I say, | | Cor V.ii.53 | |
go: least I let forth your halfe pinte of blood. Backe, that's | go, lest I let forth your half-pint of blood. Back – that's | | Cor V.ii.54 | |
the vt- most of your hauing, backe. | the utmost of your having. Back. | | Cor V.ii.55 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
Nay but Fellow, Fellow. | Nay, but fellow, fellow – | | Cor V.ii.56 | |
Enter Coriolanus with Auffidius. | Enter Coriolanus with Aufidius | | Cor V.ii.57 | |
Corio. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
What's the matter? | What's the matter? | | Cor V.ii.57 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
Now you Companion: Ile say an arrant for you: | Now, you companion, I'll say an errand for | errand (n.) message, report, news | Cor V.ii.58 | |
| | say (v.) deliver, report, tell | | |
| | companion (n.) rogue, rascal, fellow | | |
you shall know now that I am in estimation: you | you. You shall know now that I am in estimation. You | estimation (n.) esteem, respect, reputation | Cor V.ii.59 | |
shall perceiue, that a Iacke gardant cannot office me from | shall perceive that a Jack guardant cannot office me from | office (v.) officiously withhold, use petty authority to block | Cor V.ii.60 | |
| | Jack (n.) jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave | | |
| | guardant (n.) guard, protector, keeper | | |
my Son Coriolanus, guesse but my entertainment with | my son Coriolanus. Guess but by my entertainment with | entertainment (n.) pleasant reception, favourable welcome | Cor V.ii.61 | |
him: if thou stand'st not i'th state of hanging, or of | him. If thou stand'st not i'th' state of hanging, or of | | Cor V.ii.62 | |
some death more long in Spectatorship, and crueller in | some death more long in spectatorship and crueller in | spectatorship (n.) presentation to onlookers, display before spectators | Cor V.ii.63 | |
suffering, behold now presently, and swoond for what's to | suffering, behold now presently and swoon for what's to | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | Cor V.ii.64 | |
| | swound (v.) faint, swoon | | |
come vpon thee. The glorious Gods sit in | come upon thee. (To Coriolanus) The glorious gods sit in | | Cor V.ii.65 | |
hourely Synod about thy particular prosperity, and loue | hourly synod about thy particular prosperity and love | particular (adj.) personal, special, private | Cor V.ii.66 | |
| | synod (n.) assembly, council, gathering | | |
thee no worse then thy old Father Menenius do's. O my | thee no worse than thy old father Menenius does! O my | | Cor V.ii.67 | |
Son, my Son! thou art preparing fire for vs: looke thee, | son, my son, thou art preparing fire for us. Look thee, | | Cor V.ii.68 | |
heere's water to quench it. I was hardly moued to come | here's water to quench it. I was hardly moved to come | hardly (adv.) with great difficulty, only with difficulty | Cor V.ii.69 | |
to thee: but beeing assured none but my selfe could moue | to thee; but being assured none but myself could move | | Cor V.ii.70 | |
thee, I haue bene blowne out of your Gates with sighes: | thee, I have been blown out of your gates with sighs, | | Cor V.ii.71 | |
and coniure thee to pardon Rome, and thy petitionary | and conjure thee to pardon Rome and thy petitionary | petitionary (adj.) imploring, suppliant, entreating | Cor V.ii.72 | |
Countrimen. The good Gods asswage thy wrath, and turne | countrymen. The good gods assuage thy wrath and turn | | Cor V.ii.73 | |
the dregs of it, vpon this Varlet heere: This, who like a | the dregs of it upon this varlet here – this, who, like a | varlet (n.) knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian | Cor V.ii.74 | |
blocke hath denyed my accesse to thee. | block, hath denied my access to thee. | block (n.) blockhead | Cor V.ii.75 | |
Corio. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
Away. | Away! | | Cor V.ii.76 | |
Mene. | MENENIUS | | | |
How? Away? | How? Away? | | Cor V.ii.77 | |
Corio. | CORIOLANUS | | | |
Wife, Mother, Child, I know not. My affaires | Wife, mother, child, I know not. My affairs | | Cor V.ii.78 | |
Are Seruanted to others: Though I owe | Are servanted to others. Though I owe | owe (v.) own, possess, have | Cor V.ii.79 | |
| | servant (v.) put in service, make submissive | | |
My Reuenge properly, my remission lies | My revenge properly, my remission lies | properly (adv.) privately, personally | Cor V.ii.80 | |
| | remission (n.) power to pardon, inclination to forgive | | |
In Volcean brests. That we haue beene familiar, | In Volscian breasts. That we have been familiar, | | Cor V.ii.81 | |
Ingrate forgetfulnesse shall poison rather | Ingrate forgetfulness shall poison rather | ingrate (adj.) ungrateful, unthankful, unappreciative | Cor V.ii.82 | |
Then pitty: Note how much, therefore be gone. | Than pity note how much. Therefore be gone. | | Cor V.ii.83 | |
Mine eares against your suites, are stronger then | Mine ears against your suits are stronger than | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | Cor V.ii.84 | |
Your gates against my force. Yet for I loued thee, | Your gates against my force. Yet, for I loved thee, | | Cor V.ii.85 | |
Take this along, I writ it for thy sake, | Take this along. I writ it for thy sake | | Cor V.ii.86 | |
| (gives a letter) | | Cor V.ii.86 | |
And would haue sent it. Another word Menenius, | And would have sent it. Another word, Menenius, | | Cor V.ii.87 | |
I will not heare thee speake. This man Auffidius | I will not hear thee speak. This man, Aufidius, | | Cor V.ii.88 | |
Was my belou'd in Rome: yet thou behold'st. | Was my beloved in Rome; yet thou behold'st. | | Cor V.ii.89 | |
Auffid. | AUFIDIUS | | | |
You keepe a constant temper. | You keep a constant temper. | temper (n.) frame of mind, temperament, disposition | Cor V.ii.90 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | Cor V.ii.90 | |
Manet the Guard and Menenius. | The Guard and Menenius stay behind | | Cor V.ii.91 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
Now sir, is your name Menenius? | Now, sir, is your name Menenius? | | Cor V.ii.91 | |
2 | SECOND WATCH | | | |
'Tis a spell you see of much power: | 'Tis a spell, you see, of much power. | | Cor V.ii.92 | |
You know the way home againe. | You know the way home again. | | Cor V.ii.93 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
Do you heare how wee are shent for keeping | Do you hear how we are shent for keeping | shent (v.) [from earlier verb ‘shend’] blamed, rebuked, reproached | Cor V.ii.94 | |
your greatnesse backe? | your greatness back? | | Cor V.ii.95 | |
2 | SECOND WATCH | | | |
What cause do you thinke I haue to | What cause do you think I have to | | Cor V.ii.96 | |
swoond? | swoon? | swound (v.) faint, swoon | Cor V.ii.97 | |
Menen. | MENENIUS | | | |
I neither care for th' world, nor your General: | I neither care for th' world nor your general. | | Cor V.ii.98 | |
for such things as you. I can scarse thinke ther's any, | For such things as you, I can scarce think there's any, | | Cor V.ii.99 | |
y'are so slight. He that hath a will to die by himselfe, feares | y'are so slight. He that hath a will to die by himself fears | slight (adj.) worthless, insignificant, good-for-nothing | Cor V.ii.100 | |
| | die by oneself die by one's own hand, commit suicide | | |
it not from another: Let your Generall do his worst. For | it not from another. Let your general do his worst. For | | Cor V.ii.101 | |
you, bee that you are, long; and your misery encrease | you, be that you are, long; and your misery increase | | Cor V.ii.102 | |
with your age. I say to you, as I was said to, Away. | with your age! I say to you, as I was said to, Away! | | Cor V.ii.103 | |
Exit | Exit | | Cor V.ii.103 | |
1 | FIRST WATCH | | | |
A Noble Fellow I warrant him. | A noble fellow, I warrant him. | | Cor V.ii.104 | |
2 | SECOND WATCH | | | |
The worthy Fellow is our General. He's | The worthy fellow is our general. He's | | Cor V.ii.105 | |
the Rock, / The Oake not to be winde-shaken. | the rock, the oak not to be wind-shaken. | | Cor V.ii.106 | |
Exit Watch. | Exit Watch | | Cor V.ii.106 | |