First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Orlando, & Adam. | Enter Orlando and Adam | | AYL | |
Adam. | ADAM | | | |
Deere Master, I can go no further: / O I die for food. | Dear master, I can go no further. O, I die for food. | | AYL | |
Heere lie I downe, / And measure out my graue. Farwel | Here lie I down and measure out my grave. Farewell, | | AYL | |
kinde master. | kind master. | | AYL | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Why how now Adam? No greater heart in thee: | Why, how now, Adam, no greater heart in thee? | | AYL | |
Liue a little, comfort a little, cheere thy selfe a little. / If | Live a little, comfort a little, cheer thyself a little. If | comfort (v.) take comfort, take heart, console oneself | AYL | |
this vncouth Forrest yeeld any thing sauage, / I wil either | this uncouth forest yield anything savage, I will either | savage (adj.) fierce, ferocious, wild | AYL | |
| | uncouth (adj.) unfamiliar, strange, unknown | | |
be food for it, or bring it for foode to thee: / Thy conceite is | be food for it or bring it for food to thee. Thy conceit is | conceit (n.) imagination, fancy, wit | AYL | |
neerer death, then thy powers. / For my sake | nearer death than thy powers. (Raising him) For my sake | power (n.) (plural) physical faculties, bodily strength | AYL | |
be comfortable, hold death a while / At the armes end: I | be comfortable; hold death a while at the arm's end. I | comfortable (adj.) cheerful, cheery, light-hearted | AYL | |
wil heere be with thee presently, / And if I bring thee not | will here be with thee presently, and if I bring thee not | presently (adv.) after a short time, soon, before long | AYL | |
something to eate, / I wil giue thee leaue to die: but if | something to eat, I will give thee leave to die; but if | | AYL | |
thou diest / Before I come, thou art a mocker of my | thou diest before I come, thou art a mocker of my | | AYL | |
labor. / Wel said, thou look'st cheerely, / And Ile be with | labour. Well said! Thou lookest cheerly, and I'll be with | cheerly (adv.) cheerfully, brightly, animatedly | AYL | |
| | said, well well done | | |
thee quickly: yet thou liest / In the bleake aire. Come, I | thee quickly. Yet thou liest in the bleak air. Come, I | | AYL | |
wil beare thee / To some shelter, and thou shalt not die | will bear thee to some shelter, and thou shalt not die | | AYL | |
For lacke of a dinner, / If there liue any thing in this Desert. | for lack of a dinner, if there live anything in this desert. | | AYL | |
Cheerely good Adam. | Cheerly, good Adam! | | AYL | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | AYL | |