First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Rosalind, and Cellia. | Enter Rosalind and Celia | | AYL I.ii.1.1 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
I pray thee Rosalind, sweet my Coz, be merry. | I pray thee, Rosalind, sweet my coz, be merry. | coz (n.) [abbreviation of] cousin | AYL I.ii.1 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Deere Cellia; I show more mirth then I am | Dear Celia, I show more mirth than I am | | AYL I.ii.2 | |
mistresse of, and would you yet were merrier: vnlesse | mistress of, and would you yet were merrier. Unless | | AYL I.ii.3 | |
you could teach me to forget a banished father, you | you could teach me to forget a banished father, you | | AYL I.ii.4 | |
must not learne mee how to remember any extraordinary | must not learn me how to remember any extraordinary | learn (v.) teach, instruct [not a regional dialect usage as in modern English] | AYL I.ii.5 | |
pleasure. | pleasure. | | AYL I.ii.6 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Heerein I see thou lou'st mee not with the full waight | Herein I see thou lovest me not with the full weight | | AYL I.ii.7 | |
that I loue thee; if my Vncle thy banished father had | that I love thee. If my uncle, thy banished father, had | | AYL I.ii.8 | |
banished thy Vncle the Duke my Father, so thou hadst | banished thy uncle, the Duke my father, so thou hadst | | AYL I.ii.9 | |
beene still with mee, I could haue taught my loue to take | been still with me, I could have taught my love to take | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | AYL I.ii.10 | |
thy father for mine; so wouldst thou, if the truth of | thy father for mine; so wouldst thou, if the truth of | | AYL I.ii.11 | |
thy loue to me were so righteously temper'd, as mine is | thy love to me were so righteously tempered as mine is | temper (v.) blend, mix, concoct, compound | AYL I.ii.12 | |
| | righteously (adv.) rightly, correctly, truly | | |
to thee. | to thee. | | AYL I.ii.13 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Well, I will forget the condition of my estate, | Well, I will forget the condition of my estate, | estate (n.) state, situation, circumstances | AYL I.ii.14 | |
to reioyce in yours. | to rejoice in yours. | | AYL I.ii.15 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
You know my Father hath no childe, but I, nor none | You know my father hath no child but I, nor none | | AYL I.ii.16 | |
is like to haue; and truely when he dies, thou shalt be his | is like to have; and truly, when he dies, thou shalt be his | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | AYL I.ii.17 | |
heire; for what hee hath taken away from thy father perforce, | heir: for what he hath taken away from thy father perforce, | perforce (adv.) forcibly, by force, violently | AYL I.ii.18 | |
I will render thee againe in affection: by mine | I will render thee again in affection, by mine | render (v.) give back [to], return [to] | AYL I.ii.19 | |
honor I will, and when I breake that oath, let mee turne | honour I will, and when I break that oath, let me turn | oath (n.) promise, undertaking | AYL I.ii.20 | |
monster: therefore my sweet Rose, my deare Rose, | monster. Therefore, my sweet Rose, my dear Rose, | | AYL I.ii.21 | |
be merry. | be merry. | | AYL I.ii.22 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
From henceforth I will Coz, and deuise sports: | From henceforth I will, coz, and devise sports. | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | AYL I.ii.23 | |
| | henceforth, from from now on, from this time forth | | |
let me see, what thinke you of falling in Loue? | Let me see – what think you of falling in love? | | AYL I.ii.24 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Marry I prethee doe, to make sport withall: but loue | Marry, I prithee do, to make sport withal; but love | sport (n.) subject of sport | AYL I.ii.25 | |
| | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | | |
no man in good earnest, nor no further in sport neyther, | no man in good earnest, nor no further in sport neither, | good (adj.) [intensifying use] real, genuine | AYL I.ii.26 | |
then with safety of a pure blush, thou maist in honor | than with safety of a pure blush thou mayst in honour | | AYL I.ii.27 | |
come off againe. | come off again. | come off (v.) escape, get away | AYL I.ii.28 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
What shall be our sport then? | What shall be our sport then? | | AYL I.ii.29 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Let vs sit and mocke the good houswife Fortune | Let us sit and mock the good housewife Fortune | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | AYL I.ii.30 | |
from her wheele, that her gifts may henceforth bee | from her wheel, that her gifts may henceforth be | henceforth (adv.) from now on, from this time forth | AYL I.ii.31 | |
bestowed equally. | bestowed equally. | | AYL I.ii.32 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
I would wee could doe so: for her benefits are | I would we could do so; for her benefits are | | AYL I.ii.33 | |
mightily misplaced, and the bountifull blinde woman doth | mightily misplaced, and the bountiful blind woman doth | | AYL I.ii.34 | |
most mistake in her gifts to women. | most mistake in her gifts to women. | | AYL I.ii.35 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
'Tis true, for those that she makes faire, she scarce | 'Tis true, for those that she makes fair she scarce | | AYL I.ii.36 | |
makes honest, & those that she makes honest, she | makes honest, and those that she makes honest she | honest (adj.) chaste, pure, virtuous | AYL I.ii.37 | |
makes very illfauouredly. | makes very ill-favouredly. | ill-favouredly (adv.) with plain features, unattractively | AYL I.ii.38 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Nay now thou goest from Fortunes office | Nay, now thou goest from Fortune's office | office (n.) role, position, place, function | AYL I.ii.39 | |
to Natures: Fortune reignes in gifts of the world, not in | to Nature's: Fortune reigns in gifts of the world, not in | | AYL I.ii.40 | |
the lineaments of Nature. | the lineaments of Nature. | lineament (n.) line, feature, characteristic, attribute | AYL I.ii.41 | |
Enter Clowne. | Enter Touchstone | | AYL I.ii.42 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
No; when Nature hath made a faire creature, may | No; when Nature hath made a fair creature, may | | AYL I.ii.42 | |
she not by Fortune fall into the fire? though nature | she not by Fortune fall into the fire? Though Nature | | AYL I.ii.43 | |
hath giuen vs wit to flout at Fortune, hath not Fortune | hath given us wit to flout at Fortune, hath not Fortune | flout at (v.) mock, jeer, scoff | AYL I.ii.44 | |
| | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | | |
sent in this foole to cut off the argument? | sent in this fool to cut off the argument? | | AYL I.ii.45 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Indeed there is fortune too hard for nature, | Indeed, there is Fortune too hard for Nature, | | AYL I.ii.46 | |
when fortune makes natures naturall, the cutter off of | when Fortune makes Nature's natural the cutter-off of | natural (n.) congenital idiot, half-wit, fool | AYL I.ii.47 | |
natures witte. | Nature's wit. | | AYL I.ii.48 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Peraduenture this is not Fortunes work neither, | Peradventure this is not Fortune's work neither, | peradventure (adv.) perhaps, maybe, very likely | AYL I.ii.49 | |
but Natures, who perceiueth our naturall wits too dull | but Nature's, who perceiveth our natural wits too dull | | AYL I.ii.50 | |
to reason of such goddesses, hath sent this Naturall | to reason of such goddesses and hath sent this natural | natural (n.) congenital idiot, half-wit, fool | AYL I.ii.51 | |
for our whetstone. for alwaies the dulnesse of the foole, is | for our whetstone: for always the dullness of of the fool is | whetstone (n.) shaped stone used for sharpening [whetting] tools | AYL I.ii.52 | |
the whetstone of the wits. How now Witte, whether | the whetstone of the wits. How now, wit, whither | wit (n.) lively person, sharp-minded individual | AYL I.ii.53 | |
wander you? | wander you? | | AYL I.ii.54 | |
Clow. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
Mistresse, you must come away to your | Mistress, you must come away to your | | AYL I.ii.55 | |
farher. | father. | | AYL I.ii.56 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Were you made the messenger? | Were you made the messenger? | messenger (n.) pursuivant, officer | AYL I.ii.57 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
No by mine honor, but I was bid to | No, by mine honour, but I was bid to | bid (v.), past form bade command, order, enjoin, tell | AYL I.ii.58 | |
come for you | come for you. | | AYL I.ii.59 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Where learned you that oath foole? | Where learned you that oath, fool? | | AYL I.ii.60 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
Of a certaine Knight, that swore by his | Of a certain knight that swore by his | | AYL I.ii.61 | |
Honour they were good Pan-cakes, and swore by his | honour they were good pancakes and swore by his | | AYL I.ii.62 | |
Honor the Mustard was naught: Now Ile stand to it, | honour the mustard was naught: now I'll stand to it | naught, nought (adj.) worthless, useless, of no value | AYL I.ii.63 | |
| | stand to it (v.) swear to it, insist upon it | | |
the Pancakes were naught, and the Mustard was good, | the pancakes were naught and the mustard was good, | | AYL I.ii.64 | |
and yet was not the Knight forsworne. | and yet was not the knight forsworn. | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | AYL I.ii.65 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
How proue you that in the great heape of your | How prove you that, in the great heap of your | | AYL I.ii.66 | |
knowledge? | knowledge? | | AYL I.ii.67 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
I marry, now vnmuzzle your wisedome. | Ay, marry, now unmuzzle your wisdom. | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | AYL I.ii.68 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
Stand you both forth now: stroke your | Stand you both forth now: stroke your | forth (adv.) forward | AYL I.ii.69 | |
chinnes, and sweare by your beards that I am a knaue. | chins and swear by your beards that I am a knave. | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | AYL I.ii.70 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
By our beards (if we had them) thou art. | By our beards – if we had them – thou art. | | AYL I.ii.71 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
By my knauerie (if I had it) then I were: | By my knavery – if I had it – then I were; | knavery (n.) roguish trick, rouguery, trickery | AYL I.ii.72 | |
but if you sweare by that that is not, you are not forsworn: | but if you swear by that that is not, you are not forsworn: | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | AYL I.ii.73 | |
no more was this knight swearing by his Honor, for | no more was this knight, swearing by his honour, for | | AYL I.ii.74 | |
he neuer had anie; or if he had, he had sworne it away, | he never had any; or if he had, he had sworn it away | | AYL I.ii.75 | |
before euer he saw those Pancakes, or that Mustard. | before ever he saw those pancakes or that mustard. | | AYL I.ii.76 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Prethee, who is't that thou means't? | Prithee, who is't that thou meanest? | | AYL I.ii.77 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
One that old Fredericke your Father loues. | One that old Frederick, your father, loves. | | AYL I.ii.78 | |
Ros. | CELIA | | | |
My Fathers loue is enough to honor him enough; | My father's love is enough to honour him enough. | | AYL I.ii.79 | |
speake no more of him, you'l be whipt for taxation | Speak no more of him; you'll be whipped for taxation | taxation (n.) criticism, censure, slander | AYL I.ii.80 | |
one of these daies. | one of these days. | | AYL I.ii.81 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
The more pittie that fooles may not speak | The more pity that fools may not speak | | AYL I.ii.82 | |
wisely, what Wisemen do foolishly. | wisely what wise men do foolishly. | | AYL I.ii.83 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
By my troth thou saiest true: For, since the little | By my troth, thou sayest true: for since the little | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | AYL I.ii.84 | |
wit that fooles haue was silenced, the little foolerie that | wit that fools have was silenced, the little foolery that | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | AYL I.ii.85 | |
wise men haue makes a great shew; Heere comes Monsieur | wise men have makes a great show. Here comes Monsieur | | AYL I.ii.86 | |
the Beu. | the Beu. | | AYL I.ii.87 | |
Enter le Beau. | Enter Le Beau | | AYL I.ii.88 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
With his mouth full of newes. | With his mouth full of news. | | AYL I.ii.88 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Which he will put on vs, as Pigeons feed their | Which he will put on us, as pigeons feed their | put (v.) force, press, thrust | AYL I.ii.89 | |
young. | young. | | AYL I.ii.90 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Then shal we be newes-cram'd. | Then shall we be news-crammed. | | AYL I.ii.91 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
All the better: we shalbe the more Marketable. | All the better: we shall be the more marketable. | | AYL I.ii.92 | |
Boon-iour Monsieur le Beu, what's the newes? | Bon jour, Monsieur Le Beau, what's the news? | | AYL I.ii.93 | |
Le Ben. | LE BEAU | | | |
Faire Princesse, you haue lost much good sport. | Fair princess, you have lost much good sport. | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | AYL I.ii.94 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Sport: of what colour? | Sport? Of what colour? | colour (n.) type, kind, nature | AYL I.ii.95 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
What colour Madame? How shall I aunswer you? | What colour, madam? How shall I answer you? | | AYL I.ii.96 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
As wit and fortune will. | As wit and fortune will. | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | AYL I.ii.97 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
Or as the destinies decrees. | Or as the Destinies decrees. | | AYL I.ii.98 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Well said, that was laid on with a trowell. | Well said, that was laid on with a trowel. | | AYL I.ii.99 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
Nay, if I keepe not my ranke. | Nay, if I keep not my rank – | | AYL I.ii.100 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Thou loosest thy old smell. | Thou losest thy old smell. | | AYL I.ii.101 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
You amaze me Ladies: I would haue told you of | You amaze me, ladies. I would have told you of | amaze (v.) confuse, perplex, bewilder | AYL I.ii.102 | |
good wrastling, which you haue lost the sight of. | good wrestling, which you have lost the sight of. | | AYL I.ii.103 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Yet tell vs the manner of the Wrastling. | Yet tell us the manner of the wrestling. | | AYL I.ii.104 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
I wil tell you the beginning: and if it please | I will tell you the beginning; and, if it please | | AYL I.ii.105 | |
your Ladiships, you may see the end, for the best is yet | your ladyships, you may see the end, for the best is yet | | AYL I.ii.106 | |
to doe, and heere where you are, they are comming to | to do, and here, where you are, they are coming to | | AYL I.ii.107 | |
performe it. | perform it. | | AYL I.ii.108 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Well, the beginning that is dead and buried. | Well, the beginning that is dead and buried. | | AYL I.ii.109 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
There comes an old man, and his three sons. | There comes an old man and his three sons – | | AYL I.ii.110 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
I could match this beginning with an old tale. | I could match this beginning with an old tale. | | AYL I.ii.111 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
Three proper yong men, of excellent growth | Three proper young men, of excellent growth | proper (adj.) good-looking, handsome, comely | AYL I.ii.112 | |
and presence. | and presence – | | AYL I.ii.113 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
With bils on their neckes: Be it knowne vnto | With bills on their necks: ‘Be it known unto | bill (n.) notice, label, proclamation, placard | AYL I.ii.114 | |
all men by these presents. | all men by these presents'. | present (n.) written document | AYL I.ii.115 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
The eldest of the three, wrastled with Charles | The eldest of the three wrestled with Charles, | | AYL I.ii.116 | |
the Dukes Wrastler, which Charles in a moment threw | the Duke's wrestler, which Charles in a moment threw | | AYL I.ii.117 | |
him, and broke three of his ribbes, that there is little hope | him, and broke three of his ribs, that there is little hope | | AYL I.ii.118 | |
of life in him: So he seru'd the second, and so thethird: | of life in him. So he served the second, and so the third. | | AYL I.ii.119 | |
yonder they lie, the poore old man their Father, making | Yonder they lie, the poor old man their father making | | AYL I.ii.120 | |
such pittiful dole ouer them, that all the beholders take | such pitiful dole over them that all the beholders take | dole (n.) grief, sorrow, sadness | AYL I.ii.121 | |
his part with weeping. | his part with weeping. | | AYL I.ii.122 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Alas. | Alas! | | AYL I.ii.123 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
But what is the sport Monsieur, that the | But what is the sport, Monsieur, that the | | AYL I.ii.124 | |
Ladies haue lost? | ladies have lost? | | AYL I.ii.125 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
Why this that I speake of. | Why, this that I speak of. | | AYL I.ii.126 | |
Clo. | TOUCHSTONE | | | |
Thus men may grow wiser euery day. It is | Thus men may grow wiser every day. It is | | AYL I.ii.127 | |
the first time that euer I heard breaking of ribbes was sport | the first time that ever I heard breaking of ribs was sport | | AYL I.ii.128 | |
for Ladies. | for ladies. | | AYL I.ii.129 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Or I, I promise thee. | Or I, I promise thee. | | AYL I.ii.130 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
But is there any else longs to see this broken | But is there any else longs to see this broken | broken (adj.) arranged for different groups of instruments | AYL I.ii.131 | |
Musicke in his sides? Is there yet another doates vpon | music in his sides? Is there yet another dotes upon | dote on / upon (v.) be infatuated with, idolize | AYL I.ii.132 | |
rib-breaking? Shall we see this wrastling Cosin? | rib-breaking? Shall we see this wrestling, cousin? | | AYL I.ii.133 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
You must if you stay heere, for heere is the place | You must if you stay here, for here is the place | | AYL I.ii.134 | |
appointed for the wrastling, and they are ready to performe | appointed for the wrestling, and they are ready to perform | | AYL I.ii.135 | |
it. | it. | | AYL I.ii.136 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Yonder sure they are comming. Let vs now stay | Yonder, sure, they are coming. Let us now stay | | AYL I.ii.137 | |
and see it. | and see it. | | AYL I.ii.138 | |
Flourish. Enter Duke, Lords, Orlando, | Flourish. Enter Duke Frederick, Lords, Orlando, | | AYL I.ii.139.1 | |
Charles, and Attendants. | Charles, and attendants | | AYL I.ii.139.2 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Come on, since the youth will not be intreated / His | Come on. Since the youth will not be entreated, his | entreat, intreat (v.) persuade, prevail upon | AYL I.ii.139 | |
owne perill on his forwardnesse. | own peril on his forwardness. | forwardness (n.) rashness, boldness, over-eagerness | AYL I.ii.140 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Is yonder the man?? | Is yonder the man? | | AYL I.ii.141 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
Euen he, Madam. | Even he, madam. | | AYL I.ii.142 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Alas, he is too yong: yet he looks successefully | Alas, he is too young; yet he looks successfully. | successfully (adv.) likely to succeed | AYL I.ii.143 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
How now daughter, and Cousin: / Are you crept | How now, daughter and cousin? Are you crept | | AYL I.ii.144 | |
hither to see the wrastling? | hither to see the wrestling? | | AYL I.ii.145 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
I my Liege, so please you giue vs leaue. | Ay, my liege, so please you give us leave. | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | AYL I.ii.146 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
You wil take little delight in it, I can tell you there | You will take little delight in it, I can tell you, there | | AYL I.ii.147 | |
is such oddes in the man: In pitie of the challengers | is such odds in the man. In pity of the challenger's | odds (n. plural) superiority, advantage, edge | AYL I.ii.148 | |
youth, I would faine disswade him, but he will not bee | youth I would fain dissuade him, but he will not be | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | AYL I.ii.149 | |
entreated. Speake to him Ladies, see if you can mooue him. | entreated. Speak to him, ladies, see if you can move him. | entreat, intreat (v.) persuade, prevail upon | AYL I.ii.150 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Call him hether good Monsieuer Le Beu. | Call him hither, good Monsieur Le Beau. | | AYL I.ii.151 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Do so: Ile not be by. | Do so: I'll not be by. | | AYL I.ii.152 | |
| He stands aside | | AYL I.ii.153 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
Monsieur the Challenger, the Princesse cals for | Monsieur the challenger, the princess calls for | | AYL I.ii.153 | |
you. | you. | | AYL I.ii.154 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
I attend them with all respect and dutie. | I attend them with all respect and duty. | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | AYL I.ii.155 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Young man, haue you challeng'd Charles the | Young man, have you challenged Charles the | | AYL I.ii.156 | |
Wrastler? | wrestler? | | AYL I.ii.157 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
No faire Princesse: he is the generall challenger, | No, fair Princess. He is the general challenger; | | AYL I.ii.158 | |
I come but in as others do, to try with him the strength | I come but in as others do, to try with him the strength | try (v.) contest, decide, fight out | AYL I.ii.159 | |
of my youth. | of my youth. | | AYL I.ii.160 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Yong Gentleman, your spirits are too bold for | Young gentleman, your spirits are too bold for | | AYL I.ii.161 | |
your yeares: you haue seene cruell proofe of this mans | your years. You have seen cruel proof of this man's | | AYL I.ii.162 | |
strength, if you saw your selfe with your eies, or knew | strength; if you saw yourself with your eyes, or knew | | AYL I.ii.163 | |
your selfe with your iudgment, the feare of your aduenture | yourself with your judgement, the fear of your adventure | | AYL I.ii.164 | |
would counsel you to a more equall enterprise. We pray | would counsel you to a more equal enterprise. We pray | equal (adj.) fair, equitable, evenhanded | AYL I.ii.165 | |
| | counsel (v.) advise, urge | | |
you for your owne sake to embrace your own safetie, and | you for your own sake to embrace your own safety, and | | AYL I.ii.166 | |
giue ouer this attempt. | give over this attempt. | | AYL I.ii.167 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Do yong Sir, your reputation shall not therefore | Do, young sir, your reputation shall not therefore | | AYL I.ii.168 | |
be misprised: we wil make it our suite to the Duke, | be misprised: we will make it our suit to the Duke | misprise (v.) despise, undervalue, scorn | AYL I.ii.169 | |
| | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | | |
that the wrastling might not go forward. | that the wrestling might not go forward. | | AYL I.ii.170 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
I beseech you, punish mee not with your harde | I beseech you, punish me not with your hard | | AYL I.ii.171 | |
thoughts, wherein I confesse me much guiltie to denie so | thoughts, wherein I confess me much guilty to deny so | | AYL I.ii.172 | |
faire and excellent Ladies anie thing. But let your faire eies, | fair and excellent ladies anything. But let your fair eyes | | AYL I.ii.173 | |
and gentle wishes go with mee to my triall; wherein if I bee | and gentle wishes go with me to my trial: wherein if I be | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | AYL I.ii.174 | |
foil'd, there is but one sham'd that was neuer gracious: | foiled, there is but one shamed that was never gracious; | gracious (adj.) in favour, enjoying grace, esteemed | AYL I.ii.175 | |
if kil'd, but one dead that is willing to be so: I shall do | if killed, but one dead that is willing to be so. I shall do | | AYL I.ii.176 | |
my friends no wrong, for I haue none to lament me: the | my friends no wrong, for I have none to lament me; the | | AYL I.ii.177 | |
world no iniurie, for in it I haue nothing: onely in the | world no injury, for in it I have nothing: only in the | | AYL I.ii.178 | |
world I fil vp a place, which may bee better supplied, | world I fill up a place which may be better supplied | | AYL I.ii.179 | |
when I haue made it emptie. | when I have made it empty. | | AYL I.ii.180 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
The little strength that I haue, I would it were | The little strength that I have, I would it were | | AYL I.ii.181 | |
with you. | with you. | | AYL I.ii.182 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
And mine to eeke out hers. | And mine, to eke out hers. | eke, eke out (v.) add to, increase, supplement | AYL I.ii.183 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Fare you well: praie heauen I be deceiu'd in | Fare you well. Pray heaven, I be deceived in | deceive (v.) delude, mislead, take in | AYL I.ii.184 | |
| | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | | |
you. | you! | | AYL I.ii.185 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Your hearts desires be with you. | Your heart's desires be with you! | | AYL I.ii.186 | |
Char. | CHARLES | | | |
Come, where is this yong gallant, that is so | Come, where is this young gallant that is so | gallant (n.) fine gentleman, man of fashion | AYL I.ii.187 | |
desirous to lie with his mother earth? | desirous to lie with his mother earth? | | AYL I.ii.188 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Readie Sir, but his will hath in it a more | Ready, sir, but his will hath in it a more | | AYL I.ii.189 | |
modest working. | modest working. | working (n.) aim, endeavour, performance | AYL I.ii.190 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
You shall trie but one fall. | You shall try but one fall. | try (v.) contest, decide, fight out | AYL I.ii.191 | |
Cha. | CHARLES | | | |
No, I warrant your Grace you shall not entreat | No, I warrant your grace, you shall not entreat | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | AYL I.ii.192 | |
him to a second, that haue so mightilie perswaded him | him to a second, that have so mightily persuaded him | | AYL I.ii.193 | |
from a first. | from a first. | | AYL I.ii.194 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
You meane to mocke me after: you should not | You mean to mock me after; you should not | | AYL I.ii.195 | |
haue mockt me before: but come your waies. | have mocked me before. But come your ways! | ways, come thy / your come along | AYL I.ii.196 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Now Hercules, be thy speede yong man. | Now Hercules be thy speed, young man! | speed (n.) assistance, aid, protector | AYL I.ii.197 | |
| | Hercules (n.) [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements | | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
I would I were inuisible, to catch the strong fellow | I would I were invisible, to catch the strong fellow | | AYL I.ii.198 | |
by the legge. | by the leg. | | AYL I.ii.199 | |
Wrastle. | Orlando and Charles wrestle | | AYL I.ii.200 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Oh excellent yong man. | O excellent young man! | | AYL I.ii.200 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
If I had a thunderbolt in mine eie, I can tell who | If I had a thunderbolt in mine eye, I can tell who | | AYL I.ii.201 | |
should downe. | should down. | | AYL I.ii.202 | |
Shout. | A shout as Charles is thrown | | AYL I.ii.203 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
| (coming forward) | | AYL I.ii.203 | |
No more, no more. | No more, no more. | | AYL I.ii.203 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Yes I beseech your Grace, I am not yet well | Yes, I beseech your grace, I am not yet well | | AYL I.ii.204 | |
breath'd. | breathed. | breathed (adv.) exercised, extended, exerted | AYL I.ii.205 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
How do'st thou Charles? | How dost thou, Charles? | | AYL I.ii.206 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
He cannot speake my Lord. | He cannot speak, my lord. | | AYL I.ii.207 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Beare him awaie: | Bear him away. | | AYL I.ii.208 | |
| Attendants carry Charles off | | AYL I.ii.209 | |
What is thy name yong man? | What is thy name, young man? | | AYL I.ii.209 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Orlando my Liege, the yongest sonne of Sir | Orlando, my liege; the youngest son of Sir | | AYL I.ii.210 | |
Roland de Boys. | Rowland de Boys. | | AYL I.ii.211 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
I would thou hadst beene son to some man else, | I would thou hadst been son to some man else. | | AYL I.ii.212 | |
The world esteem'd thy father honourable, | The world esteemed thy father honourable, | | AYL I.ii.213 | |
But I did finde him still mine enemie: | But I did find him still mine enemy. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | AYL I.ii.214 | |
Thou should'st haue better pleas'd me with this deede, | Thou shouldst have better pleased me with this deed | | AYL I.ii.215 | |
Hadst thou descended from another house: | Hadst thou descended from another house. | | AYL I.ii.216 | |
But fare thee well, thou art a gallant youth, | But fare thee well, thou art a gallant youth; | | AYL I.ii.217 | |
I would thou had'st told me of another Father. | I would thou hadst told me of another father. | | AYL I.ii.218 | |
Exit Duke. | Exit Duke, with Lords, Le Beau, and Touchstone | | AYL I.ii.218 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Were I my Father (Coze) would I do this? | Were I my father, coz, would I do this? | | AYL I.ii.219 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
I am more proud to be Sir Rolands sonne, | I am more proud to be Sir Rowland's son, | | AYL I.ii.220 | |
His yongest sonne, and would not change that calling | His youngest son, and would not change that calling | calling (n.) name, designation | AYL I.ii.221 | |
To be adopted heire to Fredricke. | To be adopted heir to Frederick. | | AYL I.ii.222 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
My Father lou'd Sir Roland as his soule, | My father loved Sir Rowland as his soul, | | AYL I.ii.223 | |
And all the world was of my Fathers minde, | And all the world was of my father's mind. | | AYL I.ii.224 | |
Had I before knowne this yong man his sonne, | Had I before known this young man his son, | | AYL I.ii.225 | |
I should haue giuen him teares vnto entreaties, | I should have given him tears unto entreaties | | AYL I.ii.226 | |
Ere he should thus haue ventur'd. | Ere he should thus have ventured. | | AYL I.ii.227.1 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Gentle Cosen, | Gentle cousin, | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | AYL I.ii.227.2 | |
Let vs goe thanke him, and encourage him: | Let us go thank him, and encourage him. | | AYL I.ii.228 | |
My Fathers rough and enuious disposition | My father's rough and envious disposition | envious (adj.) malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity | AYL I.ii.229 | |
Sticks me at heart: Sir, you haue well deseru'd, | Sticks me at heart. – Sir, you have well deserved. | stick (v.) pierce, stab, wound | AYL I.ii.230 | |
If you doe keepe your promises in loue; | If you do keep your promises in love | | AYL I.ii.231 | |
But iustly as you haue exceeded all promise, | But justly as you have exceeded all promise, | justly (adv.) exactly, precisely, closely | AYL I.ii.232 | |
Your Mistris shall be happie. | Your mistress shall be happy. | | AYL I.ii.233.1 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
| (taking a chain from her neck) | | AYL I.ii.233 | |
Gentleman, | Gentleman, | | AYL I.ii.233.2 | |
Weare this for me: one out of suites with fortune | Wear this for me – one out of suits with fortune, | suits, out of out of favour | AYL I.ii.234 | |
That could giue more, but that her hand lacks meanes. | That could give more but that her hand lacks means. | | AYL I.ii.235 | |
Shall we goe Coze? | (to Celia) Shall we go, coz? | | AYL I.ii.236 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
I: fare you well faire Gentleman. | Ay. Fare you well, fair gentleman. | | AYL I.ii.237 | |
| Rosalind and Celia begin to withdraw | | AYL I.ii.238 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Can I not say, I thanke you? My better parts | Can I not say ‘ I thank you ’? My better parts | | AYL I.ii.238 | |
Are all throwne downe, and that which here stands vp | Are all thrown down, and that which here stands up | | AYL I.ii.239 | |
Is but a quintine, a meere liuelesse blocke. | Is but a quintain, a mere lifeless block. | quintain (n.) heavy post used as a mark for tilting practice | AYL I.ii.240 | |
| | liveless (adj.) spelling variant of ‘lifeless’ | | |
| | mere (adv.) totally, absolutely | | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
He cals vs back: my pride fell with my fortunes, | He calls us back. My pride fell with my fortunes: | | AYL I.ii.241 | |
Ile aske him what he would: Did you call Sir? | I'll ask him what he would. – Did you call, sir? | will (v.), past form would desire, wish, want | AYL I.ii.242 | |
Sir, you haue wrastled well, and ouerthrowne | Sir, you have wrestled well, and overthrown | | AYL I.ii.243 | |
More then your enemies. | More than your enemies. | | AYL I.ii.244.1 | |
Cel. | CELIA | | | |
Will you goe Coze? | Will you go, coz? | | AYL I.ii.244.2 | |
Ros. | ROSALIND | | | |
Haue with you: fare you well. | Have with you. (To Orlando) Fare you well. | have with you I'll join you, I'll be with you | AYL I.ii.245 | |
Exit. | Exeunt Rosalind and Celia | | AYL I.ii.245.1 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
What passion hangs these waights vpõ my toong? | What passion hangs these weights upon my tongue? | passion (n.) powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] | AYL I.ii.246 | |
I cannot speake to her, yet she vrg'd conference. | I cannot speak to her, yet she urged conference. | conference (n.) conversation, talk, discourse | AYL I.ii.247 | |
Enter Le Beu. | Enter Le Beau | | AYL I.ii.248 | |
O poore Orlando! thou art ouerthrowne | O poor Orlando, thou art overthrown! | | AYL I.ii.248 | |
Or Charles, or something weaker masters thee. | Or Charles or something weaker masters thee. | | AYL I.ii.249 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
Good Sir, I do in friendship counsaile you | Good sir, I do in friendship counsel you | counsel (v.) advise, urge | AYL I.ii.250 | |
To leaue this place; Albeit you haue deseru'd | To leave this place. Albeit you have deserved | | AYL I.ii.251 | |
High commendation, true applause, and loue; | High commendation, true applause, and love, | | AYL I.ii.252 | |
Yet such is now the Dukes condition, | Yet such is now the Duke's condition, | condition (n.) disposition, temper, mood, character | AYL I.ii.253 | |
That he misconsters all that you haue done: | That he misconsters all that you have done. | misconster (v.) misconstrue, misinterpret, take wrongly | AYL I.ii.254 | |
The Duke is humorous, what he is indeede | The Duke is humorous – what he is, indeed, | humorous (adj.) capricious, moody, temperamental | AYL I.ii.255 | |
More suites you to conceiue, then I to speake of. | More suits you to conceive than I to speak of. | conceive (v.) understand, comprehend, follow | AYL I.ii.256 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
I thanke you Sir; and pray you tell me this, | I thank you, sir; and pray you tell me this, | | AYL I.ii.257 | |
Which of the two was daughter of the Duke, | Which of the two was daughter of the Duke | | AYL I.ii.258 | |
That here was at the Wrastling? | That here was at the wrestling? | | AYL I.ii.259 | |
Le Beu. | LE BEAU | | | |
Neither his daughter, if we iudge by manners, | Neither his daughter, if we judge by manners, | | AYL I.ii.260 | |
But yet indeede the taller is his daughter, | But yet indeed the taller is his daughter; | | AYL I.ii.261 | |
The other is daughter to the banish'd Duke, | The other is daughter to the banished Duke, | | AYL I.ii.262 | |
And here detain'd by her vsurping Vncle | And here detained by her usurping uncle | | AYL I.ii.263 | |
To keepe his daughter companie, whose loues | To keep his daughter company, whose loves | | AYL I.ii.264 | |
Are deerer then the naturall bond of Sisters: | Are dearer than the natural bond of sisters. | | AYL I.ii.265 | |
But I can tell you, that of late this Duke | But I can tell you that of late this Duke | | AYL I.ii.266 | |
Hath tane displeasure 'gainst his gentle Neece, | Hath ta'en displeasure 'gainst his gentle niece, | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | AYL I.ii.267 | |
Grounded vpon no other argument, | Grounded upon no other argument | argument (n.) cause, reason [for a dispute] | AYL I.ii.268 | |
But that the people praise her for her vertues, | But that the people praise her for her virtues | | AYL I.ii.269 | |
And pittie her, for her good Fathers sake; | And pity her for her good father's sake; | | AYL I.ii.270 | |
And on my life his malice 'gainst the Lady | And, on my life, his malice 'gainst the lady | | AYL I.ii.271 | |
Will sodainly breake forth: Sir, fare you well, | Will suddenly break forth. Sir, fare you well; | | AYL I.ii.272 | |
Hereafter in a better world then this, | Hereafter, in a better world than this, | | AYL I.ii.273 | |
I shall desire more loue and knowledge of you. | I shall desire more love and knowledge of you. | | AYL I.ii.274 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
I rest much bounden to you: fare you well. | I rest much bounden to you: fare you well. | rest (v.) remain, stay, stand | AYL I.ii.275 | |
| | bounden (adj.) indebted, obliged, grateful | | |
| Exit Le Beau | | AYL I.ii.275 | |
Thus must I from the smoake into the smother, | Thus must I from the smoke into the smother, | smother (n.) suffocating smoke | AYL I.ii.276 | |
From tyrant Duke, vnto a tyrant Brother. | From tyrant Duke unto a tyrant brother. | | AYL I.ii.277 | |
But heauenly Rosaline. | But heavenly Rosalind! | | AYL I.ii.278 | |
Exit | Exit | | AYL I.ii.278 | |