First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Petruchio, Kate, Hortentio | Enter Petruchio, Katherina, Hortensio and Servants | | TS IV.v.1.1 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Come on a Gods name, once more toward our fathers: | Come on, a God's name, once more toward our father's. | a (prep.) variant form of 'in' | TS IV.v.1 | |
Good Lord how bright and goodly shines the Moone. | Good Lord, how bright and goodly shines the moon! | | TS IV.v.2 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
The Moone, the Sunne: it is not Moonelight now. | The moon? The sun! It is not moonlight now. | | TS IV.v.3 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
I say it is the Moone that shines so bright. | I say it is the moon that shines so bright. | | TS IV.v.4 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
I know it is the Sunne that shines so bright. | I know it is the sun that shines so bright. | | TS IV.v.5 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Now by my mothers sonne, and that's my selfe, | Now by my mother's son, and that's myself, | | TS IV.v.6 | |
It shall be moone, or starre, or what I list, | It shall be moon, or star, or what I list, | list (v.) wish, like, please | TS IV.v.7 | |
Or ere I iourney to your Fathers house: | Or e'er I journey to your father's house. | | TS IV.v.8 | |
Goe on, and fetch our horses backe againe, | (to the Servants) Go on and fetch our horses back again. | | TS IV.v.9 | |
Euermore crost and crost, nothing but crost. | Evermore crossed and crossed, nothing but crossed! | cross (v.) contradict, challenge, go against | TS IV.v.10 | |
Hort. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Say as he saies, or we shall neuer goe. | Say as he says, or we shall never go. | | TS IV.v.11 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Forward I pray, since we haue come so farre, | Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, | | TS IV.v.12 | |
And be it moone, or sunne, or what you please: | And be it moon, or sun, or what you please. | | TS IV.v.13 | |
And if you please to call it a rush Candle, | And if you please to call it a rush-candle, | rush-candle (n.) candle made of a rush dipped in tallow-wax [giving poor light] | TS IV.v.14 | |
Henceforth I vowe it shall be so for me. | Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me. | | TS IV.v.15 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
I say it is the Moone. | I say it is the moon. | | TS IV.v.16.1 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
I know it is the Moone. | I know it is the moon. | | TS IV.v.16.2 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Nay then you lye: it is the blessed Sunne. | Nay, then you lie. It is the blessed sun. | | TS IV.v.17 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Then God be blest, it in the blessed sun, | Then, God be blessed, it is the blessed sun. | | TS IV.v.18 | |
But sunne it is not, when you say it is not, | But sun it is not, when you say it is not, | | TS IV.v.19 | |
And the Moone changes euen as your minde: | And the moon changes even as your mind. | | TS IV.v.20 | |
What you will haue it nam'd, euen that it is, | What you will have it named, even that it is, | | TS IV.v.21 | |
And so it shall be so for Katherine. | And so it shall be so for Katherine. | | TS IV.v.22 | |
Hort. | HORTENSIO | | | |
| (aside) | | TS IV.v.23.1 | |
Petruchio, goe thy waies, the field is won. | Petruchio, go thy ways, the field is won. | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | TS IV.v.23 | |
| | ways, go thy / your carry on, go ahead | | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Well, forward, forward, thus the bowle should run, | Well, forward, forward! Thus the bowl should run, | | TS IV.v.24 | |
And not vnluckily against the Bias: | And not unluckily against the bias. | bias (n.) [weighting in a bowl causing it to run obliquely] inclination, tendency, leaning | TS IV.v.25 | |
But soft, Company is comming here. | But, soft, company is coming here. | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | TS IV.v.26 | |
Enter Vincentio. | Enter Vincentio | | TS IV.v.27.1 | |
Good morrow gentle Mistris, where away: | (to Vincentio) Good morrow, gentle mistress, where away? | morrow (n.) morning | TS IV.v.27 | |
Tell me sweete Kate, and tell me truely too, | Tell me, sweet Kate, and tell me truly too, | | TS IV.v.28 | |
Hast thou beheld a fresher Gentlewoman: | Hast thou beheld a fresher gentlewoman? | gentlewoman (n.) woman of good breeding, well-born lady | TS IV.v.29 | |
| | fresh (adj.) young, lovely, blooming | | |
Such warre of white and red within her cheekes: | Such war of white and red within her cheeks! | | TS IV.v.30 | |
What stars do spangle heauen with such beautie, | What stars do spangle heaven with such beauty | spangle (v.) adorn brightly, add glitter to | TS IV.v.31 | |
As those two eyes become that heauenly face? | As those two eyes become that heavenly face? | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | TS IV.v.32 | |
Faire louely Maide, once more good day to thee: | Fair lovely maid, once more good day to thee. | | TS IV.v.33 | |
Sweete Kate embrace her for her beauties sake. | Sweet Kate, embrace her for her beauty's sake. | | TS IV.v.34 | |
Hort. | HORTENSIO | | | |
| (aside) | | TS IV.v.35 | |
A will make the man mad to make | A' will make the man mad, to make | | TS IV.v.35 | |
the woman of him. | the woman of him. | | TS IV.v.36 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Yong budding Virgin, faire, and fresh,& sweet, | Young budding virgin, fair and fresh and sweet, | | TS IV.v.37 | |
Whether away, or whether is thy aboade? | Whither away, or where is thy abode? | abode (n.) dwelling-place, lodging, residence | TS IV.v.38 | |
Happy the Parents of so faire a childe; | Happy the parents of so fair a child, | | TS IV.v.39 | |
Happier the man whom fauourable stars | Happier the man whom favourable stars | | TS IV.v.40 | |
A lots thee for his louely bedfellow. | Allots thee for his lovely bedfellow. | | TS IV.v.41 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Why how now Kate, I hope thou art not mad, | Why, how now, Kate, I hope thou art not mad! | | TS IV.v.42 | |
This is a man old, wrinckled, faded, withered, | This is a man, old, wrinkled, faded, withered, | | TS IV.v.43 | |
And not a Maiden, as thou saist he is. | And not a maiden, as thou say'st he is. | | TS IV.v.44 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Pardon old father my mistaking eies, | Pardon, old father, my mistaking eyes, | | TS IV.v.45 | |
That haue bin so bedazled with the sunne, | That have been so bedazzled with the sun | bedazzle (v.) confuse by dazzling | TS IV.v.46 | |
That euery thing I looke on seemeth greene: | That everything I look on seemeth green. | green (adj.) fresh, recent, new | TS IV.v.47 | |
Now I p erceiue thou art a reuerent Father: | Now I perceive thou art a reverend father. | reverend (adj.) revered, worthy, respected | TS IV.v.48 | |
| | father (n.) old man, venerable sir | | |
Pardon I pray thee for my mad mistaking. | Pardon, I pray thee, for my mad mistaking. | | TS IV.v.49 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Do good old grandsire, & withall make known | Do, good old grandsire, and withal make known | grandsire (n.) old man, aged person | TS IV.v.50 | |
Which way thou trauellest, if along with vs, | Which way thou travellest – if along with us, | | TS IV.v.51 | |
We shall be ioyfull of thy companie. | We shall be joyful of thy company. | | TS IV.v.52 | |
Vin. | VINCENTIO | | | |
Faire Sir, and you my merry Mistris, | Fair sir, and you my merry mistress, | | TS IV.v.53 | |
That with your strange encounter much amasde me: | That with your strange encounter much amazed me, | encounter (n.) accosting, address, approach | TS IV.v.54 | |
| | amaze (v.) confuse, perplex, bewilder | | |
My name is call'd Vincentio, my dwelling Pisa, | My name is called Vincentio, my dwelling Pisa, | | TS IV.v.55 | |
And bound I am to Padua, there to visite | And bound I am to Padua, there to visit | | TS IV.v.56 | |
A sonne of mine, which long I haue not seene. | A son of mine, which long I have not seen. | | TS IV.v.57 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
What is his name? | What is his name? | | TS IV.v.58.1 | |
Vinc. | VINCENTIO | | | |
Lucentio gentle sir. | Lucentio, gentle sir. | | TS IV.v.58.2 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Happily met, the happier for thy sonne: | Happily met – the happier for thy son. | | TS IV.v.59 | |
And now by Law, as well as reuerent age, | And now by law, as well as reverend age, | reverend (adj.) revered, worthy, respected | TS IV.v.60 | |
I may intitle thee my louing Father, | I may entitle thee my loving father. | | TS IV.v.61 | |
The sister to my wife, this Gentlewoman, | The sister to my wife, this gentlewoman, | | TS IV.v.62 | |
Thy Sonne by this hath married: wonder not, | Thy son by this hath married. Wonder not, | | TS IV.v.63 | |
Nor be not grieued, she is of good esteeme, | Nor be not grieved – she is of good esteem, | esteem (n.) reputation, regard, respectability | TS IV.v.64 | |
Her dowrie wealthie, and of worthie birth; | Her dowry wealthy, and of worthy birth, | | TS IV.v.65 | |
Beside, so qualified, as may beseeme | Beside, so qualified as may beseem | qualified (adj.) endowed with good qualities, accomplished | TS IV.v.66 | |
| | beseem (v.) befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for] | | |
The Spouse of any noble Gentleman: | The spouse of any noble gentleman. | | TS IV.v.67 | |
Let me imbrace with old Vincentio, | Let me embrace with old Vincentio, | | TS IV.v.68 | |
And wander we to see thy honest sonne, | And wander we to see thy honest son, | | TS IV.v.69 | |
Who will of thy arriuall be full ioyous. | Who will of thy arrival be full joyous. | | TS IV.v.70 | |
Vinc. | VINCENTIO | | | |
But is this true, or is it else your pleasure, | But is this true, or is it else your pleasure, | | TS IV.v.71 | |
Like pleasant trauailors to breake a Iest | Like pleasant travellers, to break a jest | pleasant (adj.) facetious, joking, droll | TS IV.v.72 | |
| | jest, break a play a practical joke | | |
Vpon the companie you ouertake? | Upon the company you overtake? | | TS IV.v.73 | |
Hort. | HORTENSIO | | | |
I doe assure thee father so it is. | I do assure thee, father, so it is. | | TS IV.v.74 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Come goe along and see the truth hereof, | Come, go along and see the truth hereof, | | TS IV.v.75 | |
For our first merriment hath made thee iealous. | For our first merriment hath made thee jealous. | jealous (adj.) suspicious, mistrustful, wary, watchful | TS IV.v.76 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt all but Hortensio | | TS IV.v.76 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Well Petruchio, this has put me in heart; | Well, Petruchio, this has put me in heart. | heart (n.) courage, spirit, valour | TS IV.v.77 | |
Haue to my Widdow, and if she froward, | Have to my widow! And if she be froward, | have to I'll move forward to, I'll go onwards to | TS IV.v.78 | |
| | froward (adj.) perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable | | |
Then hast thou taught Hortentio to be vntoward. | Then hast thou taught Hortensio to be untoward. | untoward (adj.) stubborn, difficult, perverse | TS IV.v.79 | |
Exit. | Exit | | TS IV.v.79 | |