First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Maria, and Clowne. | Enter Maria and Feste the Clown | | TN I.v.1 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
Nay, either tell me where thou hast bin, or I will | Nay, either tell me where thou hast been, or I will | | TN I.v.1 | |
not open my lippes so wide as a brissle may enter, in way of | not open my lips so wide as a bristle may enter, in way of | | TN I.v.2 | |
thy excuse: my Lady will hang thee for thy absence. | thy excuse. My lady will hang thee for thy absence. | | TN I.v.3 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Let her hang me: hee that is well hang'de in this | Let her hang me. He that is well hanged in this | | TN I.v.4 | |
world, needs to feare no colours. | world needs to fear no colours. | colours, fear no fear no enemy, fear nothing | TN I.v.5 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
Make that good. | Make that good. | make good justify, vindicate, confirm | TN I.v.6 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
He shall see none to feare. | He shall see none to fear. | | TN I.v.7 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
A good lenton answer: I can tell thee where yt | A good lenten answer! I can tell thee where that | lenten (adj.) dismal, meagre, scanty | TN I.v.8 | |
saying was borne, of I feare no colours. | saying was born, of ‘ I fear no colours.’ | | TN I.v.9 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Where good mistris Mary? | Where, good Mistress Mary? | | TN I.v.10 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
In the warrs, & that may you be bolde to say in | In the wars; and that may you be bold to say in | | TN I.v.11 | |
your foolerie. | your foolery. | | TN I.v.12 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Well, God giue them wisedome that haue it: & | Well, God give them wisdom that have it; and | | TN I.v.13 | |
those that are fooles, let them vse their talents. | those that are fools, let them use their talents. | | TN I.v.14 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
Yet you will be hang'd for being so long absent, | Yet you will be hanged for being so long absent; | | TN I.v.15 | |
or to be turn'd away: is not that as good as a hanging | or to be turned away – is not that as good as a hanging | turn away (v.) send away, dismiss from service | TN I.v.16 | |
to you? | to you? | | TN I.v.17 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Many a good hanging, preuents a bad marriage: | Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage; | | TN I.v.18 | |
and for turning away, let summer beare it out. | and for turning away, let summer bear it out. | bear out (v.) endure, weather, cope [with] | TN I.v.19 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
You are resolute then? | You are resolute, then? | | TN I.v.20 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Not so neyther, but I am resolu'd on two points | Not so neither, but I am resolved on two points. | point (n.) (usually plural) tagged lace [especially for attaching hose to the doublet] | TN I.v.21 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
That if one breake, the other will hold: or if both | That if one break, the other will hold; or if both | | TN I.v.22 | |
breake, your gaskins fall. | break, your gaskins fall. | gaskins (n.) loose-fitting trousers, wide breeches | TN I.v.23 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Apt in good faith, very apt: well go thy way, if | Apt, in good faith, very apt. Well, go thy way, if | | TN I.v.24 | |
sir Toby would leaue drinking, thou wert as witty a | Sir Toby would leave drinking, thou wert as witty a | | TN I.v.25 | |
piece of Eues flesh, as any in Illyria. | piece of Eve's flesh as any in Illyria. | | TN I.v.26 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
Peace you rogue, no more o'that: here comes my | Peace, you rogue, no more o' that. Here comes my | | TN I.v.27 | |
Lady: make your excuse wisely, you were best. | lady. Make your excuse wisely, you were best. | best, thou wert / you were you are best advised | TN I.v.28 | |
| Exit | | TN I.v.28 | |
Enter Lady Oliuia, with Maluolio. | Enter Olivia with Malvolio and attendants | | TN I.v.29.1 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Wit, and't be thy will, put me into good fooling: | Wit, an't be thy will, put me into good fooling. | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | TN I.v.29 | |
those wits that thinke they haue thee, doe very oft proue | Those wits that think they have thee do very oft prove | oft (adv.) often | TN I.v.30 | |
| | wit (n.) lively person, sharp-minded individual | | |
fooles: and I that am sure I lacke thee, may passe for a wise | fools; and I that am sure I lack thee may pass for a wise | | TN I.v.31 | |
man. For what saies Quinapalus, Better a witty foole, | man. For what says Quinapalus? ‘ Better a witty fool | witty (adj.) intelligent, ingenious, sensible | TN I.v.32 | |
| | Quinapalus (n.) [pron: kwi'napalus] imaginary name for a learned authority | | |
then a foolish wit. God blesse thee Lady. | than a foolish wit.’ God bless thee, lady! | wit (n.) lively person, sharp-minded individual | TN I.v.33 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Take the foole away. | Take the fool away. | | TN I.v.34 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Do you not heare fellowes, take away the Ladie. | Do you not hear, fellows? Take away the lady. | | TN I.v.35 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Go too, y'are a dry foole: Ile no more of you: besides | Go to, y' are a dry fool. I'll no more of you. Besides, | dry (adj.) barren, arid, yielding no result | TN I.v.36 | |
you grow dis-honest. | you grow dishonest. | dishonest (adj.) undutiful, unreliable, irresponsible | TN I.v.37 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Two faults Madona, that drinke & good counsell | Two faults, madonna, that drink and good counsel | | TN I.v.38 | |
wil amend: for giue the dry foole drink, then is the foole | will amend. For give the dry fool drink, then is the fool | | TN I.v.39 | |
not dry: bid the dishonest man mend himself, if he | not dry. Bid the dishonest man mend himself: if he | | TN I.v.40 | |
mend, he is no longer dishonest; if hee cannot, let the | mend, he is no longer dishonest; if he cannot, let the | | TN I.v.41 | |
Botcher mend him: any thing that's mended, is but | botcher mend him. Anything that's mended, is but | botcher (n.) mender of old clothes, tailor who does repairs, patcher-up | TN I.v.42 | |
patch'd: vertu that transgresses, is but patcht with | patched: virtue that transgresses is but patched with | | TN I.v.43 | |
sinne, and sin that amends, is but patcht with vertue. If | sin; and sin that amends is but patched with virtue. If | amend (v.) make better, ameliorate, lessen the evil of | TN I.v.44 | |
that this simple Sillogisme will serue, so: if it will not, | that this simple syllogism will serve, so; if it will not, | | TN I.v.45 | |
what remedy? As there is no true Cuckold but calamity, | what remedy? As there is no true cuckold but calamity, | cuckold (n.) [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife | TN I.v.46 | |
so beauties a flower; The Lady bad take away the foole, | so beauty's a flower. The lady bade take away the fool; | bid (v.), past form bade command, order, enjoin, tell | TN I.v.47 | |
therefore I say againe, take her away. | therefore I say again – take her away! | | TN I.v.48 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Sir, I bad them take away you. | Sir, I bade them take away you. | | TN I.v.49 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Misprision in the highest degree. Lady, Cucullus | Misprision in the highest degree! Lady, cucullus | misprision (n.) mistake, error, misunderstanding, misconception | TN I.v.50 | |
| | cucullus... the hood does not make the monk | | |
non facit monachum: that's as much to say, as I weare not | non facit monachum; that's as much to say as I wear not | | TN I.v.51 | |
motley in my braine: good Madona, giue mee leaue to | motley in my brain. Good madonna, give me leave to | motley (n.) distinctive dress of a fool | TN I.v.52 | |
| | madonna (n.) my lady, madam | | |
proue you a foole. | prove you a fool. | | TN I.v.53 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Can you do it? | Can you do it? | | TN I.v.54 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Dexteriously, good Madona. | Dexteriously, good madonna. | dexteriously (adv.) with dexterity, adroitly, skilfully | TN I.v.55 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Make your proofe. | Make your proof. | | TN I.v.56 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
I must catechize you for it Madona, Good my | I must catechize you for it, madonna. Good my | catechize (v.) question systematically, cross-examine, interrogate | TN I.v.57 | |
Mouse of vertue answer mee. | mouse of virtue, answer me. | | TN I.v.58 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Well sir, for want of other idlenesse, Ile bide your | Well, sir, for want of other idleness, I'll bide your | idleness (n.) pastime, foolishness, silly diversion | TN I.v.59 | |
| | want (n.) lack, shortage, dearth | | |
| | bide (v.) face, await, undergo | | |
proofe. | proof. | | TN I.v.60 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Good Madona, why mournst thou? | Good madonna, why mourn'st thou? | | TN I.v.61 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Good foole, for my brothers death. | Good fool, for my brother's death. | | TN I.v.62 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
I thinke his soule is in hell, Madona. | I think his soul is in hell, madonna. | | TN I.v.63 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
I know his soule is in heauen, foole. | I know his soul is in heaven, fool. | | TN I.v.64 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
The more foole (Madona) to mourne for your | The more fool, madonna, to mourn for your | | TN I.v.65 | |
Brothers soule, being in heauen. Take away the Foole, | brother's soul, being in heaven. Take away the fool, | | TN I.v.66 | |
Gentlemen. | gentlemen. | | TN I.v.67 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
What thinke you of this foole Maluolio, doth he | What think you of this fool, Malvolio? Doth he | | TN I.v.68 | |
not mend? | not mend? | mend (v.) amend, improve, make better, put right | TN I.v.69 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Yes, and shall do, till the pangs of death shake | Yes, and shall do, till the pangs of death shake | | TN I.v.70 | |
him: Infirmity that decaies the wise, doth euer make the | him. Infirmity, that decays the wise, doth ever make the | | TN I.v.71 | |
better foole. | better fool. | | TN I.v.72 | |
Clow. | FESTE | | | |
God send you sir, a speedie Infirmity, for the better | God send you, sir, a speedy infirmity for the better | | TN I.v.73 | |
increasing your folly: Sir Toby will be sworn that I am | increasing your folly. Sir Toby will be sworn that I am | | TN I.v.74 | |
no Fox, but he wil not passe his word for two pence that | no fox, but he will not pass his word for twopence that | | TN I.v.75 | |
you are no Foole. | you are no fool. | | TN I.v.76 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
How say you to that Maluolio? | How say you to that, Malvolio? | | TN I.v.77 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
I maruell your Ladyship takes delight in such a | I marvel your ladyship takes delight in such a | | TN I.v.78 | |
barren rascall: I saw him put down the other day, with an | barren rascal. I saw him put down the other day with an | put down (v.) crush, defeat, put to silence | TN I.v.79 | |
| | barren (adj.) stupid, empty-headed, dull | | |
ordinary foole, that has no more braine then a stone. Looke | ordinary fool that has no more brain than a stone. Look | | TN I.v.80 | |
you now, he's out of his gard already: vnles you laugh | you now, he's out of his guard already; unless you laugh | | TN I.v.81 | |
and minister occasion to him, he is gag'd. I protest I | and minister occasion to him, he is gagged. I protest I | minister (v.) provide, supply, give | TN I.v.82 | |
| | occasion (n.) circumstance, opportunity | | |
take these Wisemen, that crow so at these set kinde of | take these wise men, that crow so at these set kind of | set (adj.) carefully composed, deliberately expressed | TN I.v.83 | |
fooles, no better then the fooles Zanies. | fools, no better than the fools' zanies. | zany (n.) stooge, clown's assistant, mimic | TN I.v.84 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
O you are sicke of selfe-loue Maluolio, and taste | O, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste | | TN I.v.85 | |
with a distemper'd appetite. To be generous, guitlesse, | with a distempered appetite. To be generous, guiltless, | distempered (adj.) disordered, disturbed, diseased | TN I.v.86 | |
and of free disposition, is to take those things for Bird-bolts, | and of free disposition, is to take those things for bird-bolts | free (adj.) generous, magnanimous | TN I.v.87 | |
| | bird-bolt, burbolt (n.) short blunt-headed arrow for shooting birds | | |
that you deeme Cannon bullets: There is no slander | that you deem cannon bullets. There is no slander | | TN I.v.88 | |
in an allow'd foole, though he do nothing but rayle; nor no | in an allowed fool, though he do nothing but rail; nor no | rail (v.) rant, rave, be abusive [about] | TN I.v.89 | |
| | allowed (adj.) licensed, authorized, permitted | | |
rayling, in a knowne discreet man, though hee do nothing | railing in a known discreet man, though he do nothing | railing (n.) abuse, insulting speech, vilification | TN I.v.90 | |
but reproue. | but reprove. | | TN I.v.91 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Now Mercury indue thee with leasing, for thou | Now Mercury endue thee with leasing, for thou | indue, endue (v.) endow, furnish, provide | TN I.v.92 | |
| | leasing (n.) skill in lying, ability to lie | | |
| | Mercury (n.) messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce | | |
speak'st well of fooles. | speak'st well of fools. | | TN I.v.93 | |
Enter Maria. | Enter Maria | | TN I.v.94 | |
Mar. | MARIA | | | |
Madam, there is at the gate, a young Gentleman, | Madam, there is at the gate a young gentleman | | TN I.v.94 | |
much desires to speake with you. | much desires to speak with you. | | TN I.v.95 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
From the Count Orsino, is it? | From the Count Orsino, is it? | | TN I.v.96 | |
Ma | MARIA | | | |
I know not (Madam) 'tis a faire young man, and | I know not, madam. 'Tis a fair young man, and | | TN I.v.97 | |
well attended. | well attended. | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | TN I.v.98 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Who of my people hold him in delay: | Who of my people hold him in delay? | | TN I.v.99 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
Sir Toby Madam, your kinsman. | Sir Toby, madam, your kinsman. | | TN I.v.100 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Fetch him off I pray you, he speakes nothing but | Fetch him off, I pray you, he speaks nothing but | | TN I.v.101 | |
madman: Fie on him. Go you Maluolio; If it be a suit | madman. Fie on him! Go you, Malvolio. If it be a suit | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | TN I.v.102 | |
from the Count, I am sicke, or not at home. What you | from the Count, I am sick or not at home – what you | | TN I.v.103 | |
will, to dismisse it. | will, to dismiss it. | | TN I.v.104 | |
Exit Maluo. | Exit Malvolio | | TN I.v.104 | |
Now you see sir, how your fooling growes old, & people | Now you see, sir, how your fooling grows old and people | old (adj.) hackneyed, worn-out, stale | TN I.v.105 | |
dislike it. | dislike it? | | TN I.v.106 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Thou hast spoke for vs (Madona) as if thy eldest | Thou hast spoke for us, madonna, as if thy eldest | | TN I.v.107 | |
sonne should be a foole: whose scull, Ioue cramme with braines, | son should be a fool; whose skull Jove cram with brains, | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | TN I.v.108 | |
for heere he comes. | for – here he comes – | | TN I.v.109 | |
Enter Sir Toby. | (Enter Sir Toby) | | TN I.v.110.1 | |
One of thy kin has a most weake Pia-mater. | one of thy kin has a most weak pia mater. | pia mater (n.) [Latin] dutiful mother: membrane covering the brain; brain | TN I.v.110 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
By mine honor halfe drunke. What is he at the | By mine honour, half drunk! What is he at the | | TN I.v.111 | |
gate Cosin? | gate, cousin? | | TN I.v.112 | |
To. | SIR TOBY | | | |
A Gentleman. | A gentleman. | | TN I.v.113 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
A Gentleman? What Gentleman? | A gentleman! What gentleman? | | TN I.v.114 | |
To. | SIR TOBY | | | |
'Tis a Gentleman heere. A plague o'these | 'Tis a gentleman here – a plague o' these | | TN I.v.115 | |
pickle herring: How now Sot. | pickle-herring! (To Feste) How now, sot! | sot (n.) blockhead, idiot, dolt | TN I.v.116 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Good Sir Toby. | Good Sir Toby! | | TN I.v.117 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Cosin, Cosin, how haue you come so earely by | Cousin, cousin, how have you come so early by | | TN I.v.118 | |
this Lethargie? | this lethargy? | | TN I.v.119 | |
To. | SIR TOBY | | | |
Letcherie, I defie Letchery: there's one at the | Lechery! I defy lechery! There's one at the | | TN I.v.120 | |
gate. | gate. | | TN I.v.121 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
I marry, what is he? | Ay, marry, what is he? | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | TN I.v.122 | |
To. | SIR TOBY | | | |
Let him be the diuell and he will, I care not: giue | Let him be the devil an he will, I care not. Give | and, an (conj.) if, whether | TN I.v.123 | |
me faith say I. Well, it's all one. | me faith, say I. Well, it's all one. | all is one; that's / it's all one it makes no difference, it's one and the same, it doesn't matter | TN I.v.124 | |
Exit | Exit Sir Toby, followed by Maria | | TN I.v.124 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
What's a drunken man like, foole? | What's a drunken man like, fool? | | TN I.v.125 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Like a drown'd man, a foole, and a madde man: One | Like a drowned man, a fool, and a madman. One | | TN I.v.126 | |
draught aboue heate, makes him a foole, the second maddes | draught above heat makes him a fool, the second mads | heat (n.) normal body temperature | TN I.v.127 | |
him, and a third drownes him. | him, and a third drowns him. | | TN I.v.128 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Go thou and seeke the Crowner, and let him sitte o' | Go thou and seek the crowner, and let him sit o' | crowner (n.) coroner | TN I.v.129 | |
my Coz: for he's in the third degree of drinke: hee's | my coz, for he's in the third degree of drink – he's | degree (n.) step, stage, rung | TN I.v.130 | |
drown'd: go looke after him. | drowned. Go, look after him. | | TN I.v.131 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
He is but mad yet Madona, and the foole shall looke | He is but mad yet, madonna, and the fool shall look | | TN I.v.132 | |
to the madman. | to the madman. | | TN I.v.133 | |
| Exit | | TN I.v.133 | |
Enter Maluolio. | Enter Malvolio | | TN I.v.134 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Madam, yond young fellow sweares hee will | Madam, yond young fellow swears he will | | TN I.v.134 | |
speake with you. I told him you were sicke, he takes on | speak with you. I told him you were sick; he takes on | | TN I.v.135 | |
him to vnderstand so much, and therefore comes to | him to understand so much, and therefore comes to | | TN I.v.136 | |
speak with you. I told him you were asleepe, he seems to | speak with you. I told him you were asleep; he seems to | | TN I.v.137 | |
haue a fore knowledge of that too, and therefore comes | have a foreknowledge of that too, and therefore comes | | TN I.v.138 | |
to speake with you. What is to be said to him Ladie, hee's | to speak with you. What is to be said to him, lady? He's | | TN I.v.139 | |
fortified against any deniall. | fortified against any denial. | | TN I.v.140 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Tell him, he shall not speake with me. | Tell him, he shall not speak with me. | | TN I.v.141 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Ha's beene told so: and hee sayes hee'l stand at | He's been told so; and he says he'll stand at | | TN I.v.142 | |
your doore like a Sheriffes post, and be the supporter to a | your door like a sheriff's post and be the supporter to a | post (n.) door-post | TN I.v.143 | |
bench, but hee'l speake with you. | bench, but he'll speak with you. | | TN I.v.144 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
What kinde o'man is he? | What kind o' man is he? | | TN I.v.145 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Why of mankinde. | Why, of mankind. | | TN I.v.146 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
What manner of man? | What manner of man? | | TN I.v.147 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Of verie ill manner: hee'l speake with you, will | Of very ill manner; he'll speak with you, will | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | TN I.v.148 | |
you, or no. | you or no. | | TN I.v.149 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Of what personage, and yeeres is he? | Of what personage and years is he? | personage (n.) appearance, demeanour | TN I.v.150 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Not yet old enough for a man, nor yong | Not yet old enough for a man, nor young | | TN I.v.151 | |
enough for a boy: as a squash is before tis a pescod, or | enough for a boy; as a squash is before 'tis a peascod, or | peascod (n.) pea-plant, pea-pod | TN I.v.152 | |
| | squash (n.) unripe pea-pod | | |
a Codling when tis almost an Apple: Tis with him in | a codling when 'tis almost an apple. 'Tis with him in | codling (n.) unripe apple, half-grown apple | TN I.v.153 | |
standing water, betweene boy and man. He is verie well-fauour'd, | standing water between boy and man. He is very well-favoured, | well-favoured (adj.) good-looking, attractive in appearance | TN I.v.154 | |
| | standing (n.) not ebbing or flowing | | |
and he speakes verie shrewishly: One would | and he speaks very shrewishly. One would | shrewishly (adv.) like a woman, shrilly, sharply | TN I.v.155 | |
thinke his mothers milke were scarse out of him. | think his mother's milk were scarce out of him. | | TN I.v.156 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Let him approach: Call in my Gentlewoman. | Let him approach. Call in my gentlewoman. | | TN I.v.157 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Gentlewoman, my Lady calles. | Gentlewoman, my lady calls. | gentlewoman (n.) [formally polite address] madam | TN I.v.158 | |
Exit. | Exit | | TN I.v.158 | |
Enter Maria. | Enter Maria | | TN I.v.159 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Giue me my vaile: come throw it ore my face, | Give me my veil. Come, throw it o'er my face. | | TN I.v.159 | |
Wee'l once more heare Orsinos Embassie. | We'll once more hear Orsino's embassy. | embassy (n.) message [especially via an ambassador] | TN I.v.160 | |
Enter Violenta. | Enter Viola | | TN I.v.161 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
The honorable Ladie of the house, which is she? | The honourable lady of the house, which is she? | | TN I.v.161 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Speake to me, I shall answer for her: your will. | Speak to me, I shall answer for her. Your will? | | TN I.v.162 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Most radiant, exquisite, and vnmatchable beautie. | Most radiant, exquisite, and unmatchable beauty – | | TN I.v.163 | |
I pray you tell me if this bee the Lady of the house, for I | I pray you, tell me if this be the lady of the house, for I | | TN I.v.164 | |
neuer saw her. I would bee loath to cast away my speech: | never saw her. I would be loath to cast away my speech; | | TN I.v.165 | |
for besides that it is excellently well pend, I haue | for besides that it is excellently well penned, I have | | TN I.v.166 | |
taken great paines to con it. Good Beauties, let mee sustaine | taken great pains to con it. Good beauties, let me sustain | con (v.) learn by heart, commit to memory | TN I.v.167 | |
no scorne; I am very comptible, euen to the least sinister | no scorn. I am very comptible, even to the least sinister | sinister (adj.) malicious, adverse, impolite | TN I.v.168 | |
| | comptible (adj.) sensitive, thin-skinned, impressionable | | |
vsage. | usage. | usage (n.) treatment, handling, conduct | TN I.v.169 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Whence came you sir? | Whence came you, sir? | | TN I.v.170 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
I can say little more then I haue studied, & that | I can say little more than I have studied, and that | study (v.) learn by heart, commit to memory | TN I.v.171 | |
question's out of my part. Good gentle one, giue mee | question's out of my part. Good gentle one, give me | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | TN I.v.172 | |
modest assurance, if you be the Ladie of the house, that I | modest assurance if you be the lady of the house, that I | modest (adj.) moderate, reasonable, mild, limited | TN I.v.173 | |
| | assurance (n.) confirmation, pledge, guarantee | | |
may proceede in my speech. | may proceed in my speech. | | TN I.v.174 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Are you a Comedian? | Are you a comedian? | comedian (n.) actor, stage player | TN I.v.175 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
No my profound heart: and yet (by the verie phangs | No, my profound heart; and yet, by the very fangs | | TN I.v.176 | |
of malice, I sweare) I am not that I play. Are you the Ladie | of malice, I swear I am not that I play. Are you the lady | | TN I.v.177 | |
of the house? | of the house? | | TN I.v.178 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
If I do not vsurpe my selfe, I am. | If I do not usurp myself, I am. | usurp (v.) supplant, oust, impersonate | TN I.v.179 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Most certaine, if you are she, you do vsurp your selfe: | Most certain, if you are she, you do usurp yourself; | usurp (v.) take wrongful possession of, misappropriate | TN I.v.180 | |
for what is yours to bestowe, is, not yours to reserue. | for what is yours to bestow is not yours to reserve. | | TN I.v.181 | |
But this is from my Commission: I will on with my | But this is from my commission. I will on with my | commission (n.) warrant, authority [to act] | TN I.v.182 | |
speech in your praise, and then shew you the heart of | speech in your praise, and then show you the heart of | | TN I.v.183 | |
my message. | my message. | | TN I.v.184 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Come to what is important in't: I forgiue you the | Come to what is important in't. I forgive you the | forgive (v.) excuse, let off | TN I.v.185 | |
praise. | praise. | | TN I.v.186 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Alas, I tooke great paines to studie it, and 'tis Poeticall. | Alas, I took great pains to study it, and 'tis poetical. | | TN I.v.187 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
It is the more like to be feigned, I pray you keep it | It is the more like to be feigned; I pray you, keep it | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | TN I.v.188 | |
in. I heard you were sawcy at my gates, & allowd your | in. I heard you were saucy at my gates, and allowed your | saucy (adj.) insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant | TN I.v.189 | |
approach rather to wonder at you, then to heare you. If | approach rather to wonder at you than to hear you. If | wonder (v.) stare in curiosity, look in fascination | TN I.v.190 | |
you be not mad, be gone: if you haue reason, be breefe: | you be not mad, be gone; if you have reason, be brief. | | TN I.v.191 | |
'tis not that time of Moone with me, to make one in so | 'Tis not that time of moon with me, to make one in so | | TN I.v.192 | |
skipping a dialogue. | skipping a dialogue. | skipping (adj.) frivolous, flighty, frolicsome | TN I.v.193 | |
Ma. | MARIA | | | |
| (showing Viola the way out) | | TN I.v.194 | |
Will you hoyst sayle sir, | Will you hoist sail, sir? | | TN I.v.194 | |
here lies your way. | Here lies your way. | | TN I.v.195 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
No good swabber, I am to hull here a little longer. | No, good swabber, I am to hull here a little longer. | hull (v.) lie, float, drift [with sails furled] | TN I.v.196 | |
| | swabber (n.) deckhand, sailor who washes the deck | | |
Some mollification for your Giant, sweete Ladie; tell me | Some mollification for your giant, sweet lady! Tell me | mollification (n.) appeasement, placating, pacifying | TN I.v.197 | |
your minde, I am a messenger. | your mind; I am a messenger. | | TN I.v.198 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Sure you haue some hiddeous matter to deliuer, | Sure, you have some hideous matter to deliver, | | TN I.v.199 | |
when the curtesie of it is so fearefull. Speake your office. | when the courtesy of it is so fearful. Speak your office. | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | TN I.v.200 | |
| | fearful (adj.) causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming | | |
| | courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) salutation, first greeting, expression of courtesy | | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
It alone concernes your eare: I bring no ouerture of | It alone concerns your ear. I bring no overture of | overture (n.) disclosure, revelation | TN I.v.201 | |
warre, no taxation of homage; I hold the Olyffe in my hand: | war, no taxation of homage. I hold the olive in my hand; | olive (n.) olive-branch [symbol of peace] | TN I.v.202 | |
| | homage (n.) act of homage, acknowledgement of allegiance | | |
| | taxation (n.) demand for money, financial claim | | |
my words are as full of peace, as matter. | my words are as full of peace as matter. | matter (n.) affair(s), business, real issue | TN I.v.203 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Yet you began rudely. What are you? What | Yet you began rudely. What are you? What | | TN I.v.204 | |
would you? | would you? | | TN I.v.205 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
The rudenesse that hath appear'd in mee, haue I | The rudeness that hath appeared in me have I | | TN I.v.206 | |
learn'd from my entertainment. What I am, and what I | learned from my entertainment. What I am and what I | entertainment (n.) treatment, hospitality, reception | TN I.v.207 | |
would, are as secret as maiden-head: to your eares, Diuinity; | would are as secret as maidenhead; to your ears divinity, | | TN I.v.208 | |
to any others, prophanation. | to any others profanation. | | TN I.v.209 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Giue vs the place alone, | Give us the place alone. | | TN I.v.210 | |
| Maria and attendants withdraw | | TN I.v.210 | |
We will heare this diuinitie. Now sir, what is your text? | We will hear this divinity. Now, sir, what is your text? | | TN I.v.211 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Most sweet Ladie. | Most sweet lady – | | TN I.v.212 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
A comfortable doctrine, and much may bee saide of | A comfortable doctrine, and much may be said of | comfortable (adj.) comforting, encouraging, reassuring | TN I.v.213 | |
it. Where lies your Text? | it. Where lies your text? | | TN I.v.214 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
In Orsinoes bosome. | In Orsino's bosom. | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | TN I.v.215 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
In his bosome? In what chapter of his bosome? | In his bosom! In what chapter of his bosom? | | TN I.v.216 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
To answer by the method, in the first of his hart. | To answer by the method, in the first of his heart. | method (n.) table of contents, summary arrangement | TN I.v.217 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
O, I haue read it: it is heresie. Haue you no more to | O, I have read it; it is heresy. Have you no more to | | TN I.v.218 | |
say? | say? | | TN I.v.219 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Good Madam, let me see your face. | Good madam, let me see your face. | | TN I.v.220 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Haue you any Commission from your Lord, to negotiate | Have you any commission from your lord to negotiate | commission (n.) warrant, authority [to act] | TN I.v.221 | |
with my face: you are now out of your Text: but | with my face? You are now out of your text; but | text (n.) theme, subject, topic | TN I.v.222 | |
we will draw the Curtain, and shew you the picture. Looke | we will draw the curtain and show you the picture. Look | | TN I.v.223 | |
you sir, such a one I was this present: Ist not well | you, sir, such a one I was this present. Is't not well | present, this just now, recently | TN I.v.224 | |
done? | done? | | TN I.v.225 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Excellently done, if God did all. | Excellently done – if God did all. | | TN I.v.226 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
'Tis in graine sir, 'twill endure winde and weather. | 'Tis in grain, sir, 'twill endure wind and weather. | grain, in inherent, ingrained, indelible | TN I.v.227 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Tis beauty truly blent, whose red and white, | 'Tis beauty truly blent, whose red and white | blent (adj.) blended, mixed, applied [as of painting] | TN I.v.228 | |
Natures owne sweet, and cunning hand laid on: | Nature's own sweet and cunning hand laid on. | cunning (adj.) knowledgeable, skilful, clever | TN I.v.229 | |
Lady, you are the cruell'st shee aliue, | Lady, you are the cruellest she alive, | she (n.) lady, woman, girl | TN I.v.230 | |
If you will leade these graces to the graue, | If you will lead these graces to the grave, | | TN I.v.231 | |
And leaue the world no copie. | And leave the world no copy. | | TN I.v.232 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
O sir, I will not be so hard-hearted: I will giue | O, sir, I will not be so hard-hearted. I will give | | TN I.v.233 | |
out diuers scedules of my beautie. It shalbe Inuentoried | out divers schedules of my beauty. It shall be inventoried, | schedule (n.) inventory, list, itemization | TN I.v.234 | |
| | divers (adj.) different, various, several | | |
and euery particle and vtensile labell'd to my will: | and every particle and utensil labelled to my will. | label (v.) attach as a codicil, affix as a supplementary note | TN I.v.235 | |
| | utensil (n.) distinctive feature, functional part | | |
As, Item two lippes indifferent redde, Item two grey eyes, | As, item: two lips, indifferent red; item: two grey eyes, | indifferent (adv.) moderately, tolerably, reasonably | TN I.v.236 | |
with lids to them: Item, one necke, one chin, & so forth. | with lids to them; item: one neck, one chin, and so forth. | | TN I.v.237 | |
Were you sent hither to praise me? | Were you sent hither to praise me? | praise (v.) appraise, assess, put a valuation on | TN I.v.238 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
I see you what you are, you are too proud: | I see you what you are, you are too proud. | | TN I.v.239 | |
But if you were the diuell, you are faire: | But if you were the devil, you are fair. | | TN I.v.240 | |
My Lord, and master loues you: O such loue | My lord and master loves you – O, such love | | TN I.v.241 | |
Could be but recompenc'd, though you were crown'd | Could be but recompensed, though you were crowned | | TN I.v.242 | |
The non-pareil of beautie. | The nonpareil of beauty! | nonpareil (n.) person without equal, unique one, paragon | TN I.v.243.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
How does he loue me? | How does he love me? | | TN I.v.243.2 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
With adorations, fertill teares, | With adorations, fertile tears, | fertile (adj.) abundant, profuse, rich | TN I.v.244 | |
With groanes that thunder loue, with sighes of fire. | With groans that thunder love, with sighs of fire. | | TN I.v.245 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Your Lord does know my mind, I cannot loue him | Your lord does know my mind, I cannot love him. | | TN I.v.246 | |
Yet I suppose him vertuous, know him noble, | Yet I suppose him virtuous, know him noble, | | TN I.v.247 | |
Of great estate, of fresh and stainlesse youth; | Of great estate, of fresh and stainless youth, | estate (n.) high rank, standing, status | TN I.v.248 | |
In voyces well divulg'd, free, learn'd, and valiant, | In voices well divulged, free, learned, and valiant, | free (adj.) noble, honourable, worthy | TN I.v.249 | |
| | voice (n.) talk, rumour, opinion | | |
| | divulge (v.) proclaim, reveal, make publicly known | | |
And in dimension, and the shape of nature, | And in dimension and the shape of nature | shape (n.) appearance, aspect, visible form | TN I.v.250 | |
| | dimension (n.) bodily form, physical frame | | |
A gracious person; But yet I cannot loue him: | A gracious person. But yet I cannot love him. | gracious (adj.) graceful, elegant, attractive | TN I.v.251 | |
He might haue tooke his answer long ago. | He might have took his answer long ago. | | TN I.v.252 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
If I did loue you in my masters flame, | If I did love you in my master's flame, | | TN I.v.253 | |
With such a suffring, such a deadly life: | With such a suffering, such a deadly life, | deadly (adj.) deathly, death-like | TN I.v.254 | |
In your deniall, I would finde no sence, | In your denial I would find no sense; | | TN I.v.255 | |
I would not vnderstand it. | I would not understand it. | | TN I.v.256.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Why, what would you? | Why, what would you? | | TN I.v.256.2 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Make me a willow Cabine at your gate, | Make me a willow cabin at your gate, | cabin (n.) small room, hut, shelter | TN I.v.257 | |
| | willow (adj.) made of leaves from the willow tree [a symbol of the grief felt by a deserted or unrequited lover] | | |
And call vpon my soule within the house, | And call upon my soul within the house; | | TN I.v.258 | |
Write loyall Cantons of contemned loue, | Write loyal cantons of contemned love | contemned (adj.) despised, rejected, spurned | TN I.v.259 | |
| | canton (n.) song, ballad, verse | | |
And sing them lowd euen in the dead of night: | And sing them loud even in the dead of night; | | TN I.v.260 | |
Hallow your name to the reuerberate hilles, | Hallow your name to the reverberate hills | reverberate (adj.) reverberating, resounding, echoing | TN I.v.261 | |
| | hallow, holloa, hollow (v.) shout, yell, cry out | | |
And make the babling Gossip of the aire, | And make the babbling gossip of the air | | TN I.v.262 | |
Cry out Oliuia: O you should not rest | Cry out ‘ Olivia!’ O, you should not rest | | TN I.v.263 | |
Betweene the elements of ayre, and earth, | Between the elements of air and earth, | | TN I.v.264 | |
But you should pittie me. | But you should pity me. | | TN I.v.2655.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
You might do much: | You might do much. | | TN I.v.265.2 | |
What is your Parentage? | What is your parentage? | | TN I.v.266 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Aboue my fortunes, yet my state is well: | Above my fortunes, yet my state is well. | state (n.) status, rank, position | TN I.v.267 | |
I am a Gentleman. | I am a gentleman. | | TN I.v.268.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Get you to your Lord: | Get you to your lord. | | TN I.v.268.2 | |
I cannot loue him: let him send no more, | I cannot love him. Let him send no more – | | TN I.v.269 | |
Vnlesse (perchance) you come to me againe, | Unless, perchance, you come to me again | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | TN I.v.270 | |
To tell me how he takes it: Fare you well: | To tell me how he takes it. Fare you well. | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | TN I.v.271 | |
I thanke you for your paines: spend this for mee. | I thank you for your pains. Spend this for me. | | TN I.v.272 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
I am no feede poast, Lady; keepe your purse, | I am no fee'd post, lady; keep your purse. | post (n.) express messenger, courier | TN I.v.273 | |
| | fee'd (adj.) paid by a fee, hired, bribed | | |
My Master, not my selfe, lackes recompence. | My master, not myself, lacks recompense. | | TN I.v.274 | |
Loue make his heart of flint, that you shal loue, | Love make his heart of flint, that you shall love, | | TN I.v.275 | |
And let your feruour like my masters be, | And let your fervour like my master's be | | TN I.v.276 | |
Plac'd in contempt: Farwell fayre crueltie. | Placed in contempt. Farewell, fair cruelty! | | TN I.v.277 | |
Exit | Exit | | TN I.v.277 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
What is your Parentage? | ‘ What is your parentage?’ | | TN I.v.278 | |
Aboue my fortunes, yet my state is well; | ‘ Above my fortunes, yet my state is well. | | TN I.v.279 | |
I am a Gentleman. Ile be sworne thou art, | I am a gentleman.’ I'll be sworn thou art. | | TN I.v.280 | |
Thy tongue, thy face, thy limbes, actions, and spirit, | Thy tongue, thy face, thy limbs, actions, and spirit | | TN I.v.281 | |
Do giue thee fiue-fold blazon: not too fast: soft, soft, | Do give thee fivefold blazon. Not too fast! soft, soft – | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | TN I.v.282 | |
| | blazon (n.) armorial bearing, banner showing a coat-of-arms | | |
Vnlesse the Master were the man. How now? | Unless the master were the man. How now? | | TN I.v.283 | |
Euen so quickly may one catch the plague? | Even so quickly may one catch the plague? | | TN I.v.284 | |
Me thinkes I feele this youths perfections | Methinks I feel this youth's perfections, | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | TN I.v.285 | |
With an inuisible, and subtle stealth | With an invisible and subtle stealth, | subtle, subtile (adj.) crafty, cunning, wily | TN I.v.286 | |
| | stealth (n.) stealing away, furtive journey, clandestine act | | |
To creepe in at mine eyes. Well, let it be. | To creep in at mine eyes. Well, let it be! | | TN I.v.287 | |
What hoa, Maluolio. | What ho, Malvolio! | | TN I.v.288 | |
Enter Maluolio. | Enter Malvolio | | TN I.v.289 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Heere Madam, at your seruice. | Here, madam, at your service. | | TN I.v.289 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Run after that same peeuish Messenger | Run after that same peevish messenger, | peevish (adj.) silly, foolish; or: headstrong, impulsive | TN I.v.290 | |
The Countes man: he left this Ring behinde him | The County's man. He left this ring behind him, | county (n.) [title of rank] count | TN I.v.291 | |
Would I, or not: tell him, Ile none of it. | Would I or not. Tell him, I'll none of it. | | TN I.v.292 | |
Desire him not to flatter with his Lord, | Desire him not to flatter with his lord, | flatter with / withal (v.) encourage, foster [false] hope | TN I.v.293 | |
Nor hold him vp with hopes, I am not for him: | Nor hold him up with hopes; I am not for him. | | TN I.v.294 | |
If that the youth will come this way to morrow, | If that the youth will come this way tomorrow, | | TN I.v.295 | |
Ile giue him reasons for't: hie thee Maluolio. | I'll give him reasons for't. Hie thee, Malvolio! | hie (v.) hasten, hurry, speed | TN I.v.296 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Madam, I will. | Madam, I will. | | TN I.v.297 | |
Exit. | Exit | | TN I.v.297 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
I do I know not what, and feare to finde | I do I know not what, and fear to find | | TN I.v.298 | |
Mine eye too great a flatterer for my minde: | Mine eye too great a flatterer for my mind. | | TN I.v.299 | |
Fate, shew thy force, our selues we do not owe, | Fate, show thy force; ourselves we do not owe. | owe (v.) own, possess, have | TN I.v.300 | |
What is decreed, must be: and be this so. | What is decreed must be, and be this so. | | TN I.v.301 | |
Finis, Actus primus. | Exit | | TN I.v.301 | |