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| EPILOGUE | | | |
| Enter Gower | | Per epilogue.V.iii.1 | |
Gower | GOWER | | | |
In Antiochus and his daughter you haue heard | In Antiochus and his daughter you have heard | | Per epilogue.V.iii.1 | |
Of monstrous lust, the due and iust reward: | Of monstrous lust the due and just reward; | | Per epilogue.V.iii.2 | |
In Pericles his Queene and Daughter seene, | In Pericles, his queen, and daughter seen, | | Per epilogue.V.iii.3 | |
Although assayl'de with Fortune fierce and keene. | Although assailed with fortune fierce and keen, | | Per epilogue.V.iii.4 | |
Vertue preferd from fell destructions blast, | Virtue preserved from fell destruction's blast, | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | Per epilogue.V.iii.5 | |
Lead on by heauen, and crown'd with ioy at last. | Led on by heaven, and crowned with joy at last. | | Per epilogue.V.iii.6 | |
In Helycanus may you well descrie, | In Helicanus may you well descry | descry (v.) catch sight of, make out, espy, discover | Per epilogue.V.iii.7 | |
A figure of trueth, of faith, of loyaltie: | A figure of truth, of faith, of loyalty. | | Per epilogue.V.iii.8 | |
In reuerend Cerimon there well appeares, | In reverend Cerimon there well appears | | Per epilogue.V.iii.9 | |
The worth that learned charitie aye weares. | The worth that learned charity aye wears. | aye (adv.) always, ever, for eternity | Per epilogue.V.iii.10 | |
For wicked Cleon and his wife, when Fame | For wicked Cleon and his wife, when fame | fame (n.) report, account, description | Per epilogue.V.iii.11 | |
Had spred his cursed deede, the honor'd name | Had spread his cursed deed to the honoured name | | Per epilogue.V.iii.12 | |
Of Pericles, to rage the Cittie turne, | Of Pericles, to rage the city turn, | city (n.) citizens, city community | Per epilogue.V.iii.13 | |
That him and his they in his Pallace burne: | That him and his they in his palace burn. | | Per epilogue.V.iii.14 | |
The gods for murder seemde so content, | The gods for murder seemed to consent | | Per epilogue.V.iii.15 | |
To punish, although not done, but meant. | To punish, although not done, but meant. | | Per epilogue.V.iii.16 | |
So on your Patience euermore attending, | So on your patience evermore attending, | attend (v.) regard, consider | Per epilogue.V.iii.17 | |
New ioy wayte on you, heere our play has ending. | New joy wait on you! Here our play has ending. | | Per epilogue.V.iii.18 | |
| Exit | | Per epilogue.V.iii.18 | |