First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter three Murtherers. | Enter three Murderers | | Mac III.iii.1 | |
1. | FIRST MURDERER | | | |
But who did bid thee ioyne with vs? | But who did bid thee join with us? | | Mac III.iii.1.1 | |
3. | THIRD MURDERER | | | |
Macbeth. | Macbeth. | | Mac III.iii.1.2 | |
2. | SECOND MURDERER | | | |
He needes not our mistrust, since he deliuers | He needs not our mistrust, since he delivers | deliver (v.) report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe | Mac III.iii.2 | |
Our Offices, and what we haue to doe, | Our offices and what we have to do | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | Mac III.iii.3 | |
To the direction iust. | To the direction just. | just (adv.) exactly, precisely | Mac III.iii.4.1 | |
1. | FIRST MURDERER | | | |
Then stand with vs: | Then stand with us; | stand (v.) continue, remain, wait, stay put | Mac III.iii.4.2 | |
The West yet glimmers with some streakes of Day. | The west yet glimmers with some streaks of day. | | Mac III.iii.5 | |
Now spurres the lated Traueller apace, | Now spurs the lated traveller apace | lated (adj.) belated, benighted, overtaken by night | Mac III.iii.6 | |
| | apace (adv.) quickly, speedily, at a great rate | | |
To gayne the timely Inne, and neere approches | To gain the timely inn; and near approaches | timely (adv.) early, in good time | Mac III.iii.7 | |
The subiect of our Watch. | The subject of our watch. | | Mac III.iii.8.1 | |
3. | THIRD MURDERER | | | |
Hearke, I heare Horses. | Hark! I hear horses. | | Mac III.iii.8.2 | |
Banquo | BANQUO | | | |
within. | (within) | | Mac III.iii.9 | |
Giue vs a Light there, hoa. | Give us a light there, ho! | | Mac III.iii.9.1 | |
2. | SECOND MURDERER | | | |
Then 'tis hee: | Then 'tis he. | | Mac III.iii.9.2 | |
The rest, that are within the note of expectation, | The rest that are within the note of expectation, | expectation (n.) situation of being expected | Mac III.iii.10 | |
| | note (n.) list, record, roll | | |
Alreadie are i'th' Court. | Already are i'the court. | | Mac III.iii.11.1 | |
1. | FIRST MURDERER | | | |
His Horses goe about. | His horses go about. | | Mac III.iii.11.2 | |
3. | THIRD MURDERER | | | |
Almost a mile: but he does vsually, | Almost a mile; but he does usually. | | Mac III.iii.12 | |
So all men doe, from hence toth' Pallace Gate | So all men do, from hence to the palace gate | | Mac III.iii.13 | |
Make it their Walke. | Make it their walk. | | Mac III.iii.14 | |
Enter Banquo and Fleans, with a Torch. | Enter Banquo and Fleance, with a torch | | Mac III.iii.14 | |
2. | SECOND MURDERER | | | |
A Light, a Light. | A light, a light! | | Mac III.iii.15.1 | |
3. | THIRD MURDERER | | | |
'Tis hee. | 'Tis he. | | Mac III.iii.15.2 | |
1. | FIRST MURDERER | | | |
Stand too't. | Stand to't! | stand to it (v.) fight stoutly, get down to business | Mac III.iii.15.3 | |
Ban. | BANQUO | | | |
It will be Rayne to Night. | It will be rain tonight. | | Mac III.iii.16.1 | |
1. | FIRST MURDERER | | | |
Let it come downe. | Let it come down! | | Mac III.iii.16.2 | |
| They attack Banquo | | Mac III.iii.16 | |
Ban. | BANQUO | | | |
O, Trecherie! | O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! | | Mac III.iii.17 | |
Flye good Fleans, flye, flye, flye, | Thou mayst revenge – O slave! | | Mac III.iii.18 | |
Thou may'st reuenge. O Slaue! | Banquo falls. Fleance escapes | | Mac III.iii.18 | |
3. | THIRD MURDERER | | | |
Who did strike out the Light? | Who did strike out the light? | | Mac III.iii.19.1 | |
1. | FIRST MURDERER | | | |
Was't not the way? | Was't not the way? | | Mac III.iii.19.2 | |
3. | THIRD MURDERER | | | |
There's but one downe: the Sonne is fled. | There's but one down; the son is fled. | | Mac III.iii.20.1 | |
2. | SECOND MURDERER | | | |
We haue lost | We have lost | | Mac III.iii.20.2 | |
Best halfe of our Affaire. | Best half of our affair. | | Mac III.iii.21 | |
1. | FIRST MURDERER | | | |
Well, let's away, and say how much is done. | Well, let's away and say how much is done. | | Mac III.iii.22 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Mac III.iii.22 | |