First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter with Drumme and Colours, Edmund, Regan. | Enter, with drum and colours, Edmund, Regan, | | KL V.i.1.1 | |
Gentlemen, and Souldiers. | gentlemen, and soldiers. | | KL V.i.1.2 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
| (to a gentleman) | | KL V.i.1.3 | |
Know of the Duke if his last purpose hold, | Know of the Duke if his last purpose hold | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | KL V.i.1 | |
Or whether since he is aduis'd by ought | Or whether since he is advised by aught | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | KL V.i.2 | |
| | advise, avise (v.) warn, counsel, caution | | |
To change the course, he's full of alteration, | To change the course. (To Regan) He's full of alteration | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | KL V.i.3 | |
And selfe reprouing, bring his constant pleasure. | And self-reproving. (To gentleman) Bring his constant pleasure. | pleasure (n.) intention, resolution, desire | KL V.i.4 | |
| | constant (adj.) settled, resolved, decided | | |
| Exit gentleman | | KL V.i.4.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
Our Sisters man is certainely miscarried. | Our sister's man is certainly miscarried. | miscarry (v.) come to harm, perish, meet death | KL V.i.5 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
'Tis to be doubted Madam. | 'Tis to be doubted, madam. | doubt (v.) fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for] | KL V.i.6.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
Now sweet Lord, | Now, sweet lord, | | KL V.i.6.2 | |
You know the goodnesse I intend vpon you: | You know the goodness I intend upon you. | goodness (n.) benefit, advantage, successful outcome | KL V.i.7 | |
Tell me but truly, but then speake the truth, | Tell me but truly – but then speak the truth – | | KL V.i.8 | |
Do you not loue my Sister? | Do you not love my sister? | | KL V.i.9.1 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
In honour'd Loue. | In honoured love. | honoured (adj.) honourable, dignified, virtuous | KL V.i.9.2 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
But haue you neuer found my Brothers way, | But have you never found my brother's way | | KL V.i.10 | |
To the fore-fended place? | To the forfended place? | forfended (adj.) forbidden, prohibited, denied | KL V.i.11.1 | |
| EDMUND | | | |
| That thought abuses you. | abuse (v.) demean, do wrong to, dishonour | KL V.i.11.2 | |
| REGAN | | | |
| I am doubtful that you have been conjunct | doubtful (adj.) fearful, worried, apprehensive | KL V.i.12 | |
| | conjunct (adj.) coupled, conjoined, united | | |
| And bosomed with her, as far as we call hers. | bosomed (adj.) intimate, close | KL V.i.13 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
No by mine honour, Madam. | No, by mine honour, madam. | | KL V.i.14 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
I neuer shall endure her, deere my Lord | I never shall endure her; dear my lord, | | KL V.i.15 | |
Be not familiar with her. | Be not familiar with her. | familiar (adj.) unduly intimate, too close | KL V.i.16.1 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
Feare not, | Fear not. | | KL V.i.16.2 | |
she and the Duke her husband. | She and the Duke her husband! | | KL V.i.17 | |
Enter with Drum and Colours, Albany, Gonerill, | Enter, with drum and colours, Albany, Gonerill, and | | KL V.i.18.1 | |
Soldiers. | soldiers | | KL V.i.18.2 | |
| GONERILL | | | |
| (aside) | | KL V.i.18 | |
| I had rather lose the battle than that sister | | KL V.i.18 | |
| Should loosen him and me. | | KL V.i.19 | |
Alb. | ALBANY | | | |
Our very louing Sister, well be-met: | Our very loving sister, well be-met. | bemeet (v.) meet with, encounter | KL V.i.20 | |
Sir, this I heard, the King is come to his Daughter | Sir, this I heard; the King is come to his daughter, | | KL V.i.21 | |
With others, whom the rigour of our State | With others whom the rigour of our state | state (n.) government, ruling body, administration | KL V.i.22 | |
| | rigour (n.) strength, severity, harshness | | |
Forc'd to cry out. | Forced to cry out. Where I could not be honest, | | KL V.i.23 | |
| I never yet was valiant. For this business, | | KL V.i.24 | |
| It touches us as France invades our land, | touch (v.) affect, concern, regard, relate to | KL V.i.25 | |
| Not bolds the King, with others – whom, I fear, | bold (v.) make bold, hearten, encourage | KL V.i.26 | |
| Most just and heavy causes make oppose. | heavy (adj.) grave, serious, weighty | KL V.i.27 | |
| EDMUND | | | |
| Sir, you speak nobly. | | KL V.i.28.1 | |
Regan. | REGAN | | | |
Why is this reasond? | Why is this reasoned? | reason (v.) raise, bring up, discuss | KL V.i.28.2 | |
Gone. | GONERILL | | | |
Combine together 'gainst the Enemie: | Combine together 'gainst the enemy. | | KL V.i.29 | |
For these domesticke and particurlar broiles, | For these domestic and particular broils | particular (adj.) personal, special, private | KL V.i.30 | |
| | broil (n.) quarrel, row, disturbance | | |
| | domestic (adj.) internal, to do with home affairs, local | | |
Are not the question heere. | Are not the question here. | | KL V.i.31.1 | |
Alb. | ALBANY | | | |
Let's then determine | Let's then determine | determine (v.) make a decision [about], reach a conclusion [about] | KL V.i.31.2 | |
with th'ancient of warre / On our proceeding. | With th' ancient of war on our proceeding. | proceeding (n.) course of action, measures | KL V.i.32 | |
| | ancient, aunchient (n.) most experienced, senior officer | | |
| EDMUND | | | |
| I shall attend you presently at your tent. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | KL V.i.33 | |
| | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
Sister you'le go with vs? | Sister, you'll go with us? | | KL V.i.34 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
No. | No. | | KL V.i.35 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
'Tis most conuenient, pray go with vs. | 'Tis most convenient. Pray go with us. | | KL V.i.36 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
| (aside) | | KL V.i.37.1 | |
Oh ho, I know the Riddle, I will goe. | O, ho, I know the riddle. (Aloud) I will go. | | KL V.i.37 | |
Exeunt both the Armies. | Exeunt both the armies | | KL V.i.37 | |
Enter Edgar. | As Albany is going out, enter Edgar | | KL V.i.38 | |
Edg. | EDGAR | | | |
If ere your Grace had speech with man so poore, | If e'er your grace had speech with man so poor, | | KL V.i.38 | |
Heare me one word. | Hear me one word. | | KL V.i.39.1 | |
Alb. | ALBANY | | | |
| (to his captains) | | KL V.i.39.1 | |
Ile ouertake you, | I'll overtake you. | | KL V.i.39.2 | |
| (To Edgar) | | KL V.i.39.2 | |
speake. | Speak. | | KL V.i.39.3 | |
Edg. | EDGAR | | | |
Before you fight the Battaile, ope this Letter: | Before you fight the battle, ope this letter. | ope (v.) open | KL V.i.40 | |
If you haue victory, let the Trumpet sound | If you have victory, let the trumpet sound | | KL V.i.41 | |
For him that brought it: wretched though I seeme, | For him that brought it. Wretched though I seem, | | KL V.i.42 | |
I can produce a Champion, that will proue | I can produce a champion that will prove | champion (n.) warrior, fighter, man of valour | KL V.i.43 | |
What is auouched there. If you miscarry, | What is avouched there. If you miscarry, | miscarry (v.) come to harm, perish, meet death | KL V.i.44 | |
| | avouch (v.) declare, assert, affirm | | |
Your businesse of the world hath so an end, | Your business of the world hath so an end, | | KL V.i.45 | |
And machination ceases. Fortune loues you. | And machination ceases. Fortune love you. | machination (n.) plotting, intrigue, scheming | KL V.i.46 | |
Alb. | ALBANY | | | |
Stay till I haue read the Letter. | Stay till I have read the letter. | | KL V.i.47.1 | |
Edg. | EDGAR | | | |
I was forbid it: | I was forbid it. | | KL V.i.47.2 | |
When time shall serue, let but the Herald cry, | When time shall serve, let but the herald cry | cry (v.) speak loudly, shout out, proclaim | KL V.i.48 | |
And Ile appeare againe. | And I'll appear again. | | KL V.i.49 | |
Exit. | Exit | | KL V.i.49 | |
Alb. | ALBANY | | | |
Why farethee well, I will o're-looke thy paper. | Why, fare thee well. I will o'erlook thy paper. | overlook (v.) look over, peruse, read through | KL V.i.50 | |
| | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | | |
Enter Edmund. | Enter Edmund | | KL V.i.51.1 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
The Enemy's in view, draw vp your powers, | The enemy's in view; draw up your powers. | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | KL V.i.51 | |
Heere is the guesse of their true strength and Forces, | Here is the guess of their true strength and forces | | KL V.i.52 | |
By dilligent discouerie, but your hast | By diligent discovery; but your haste | discovery (n.) reconnaisance, reconnoitring, spying | KL V.i.53 | |
| | diligent (adj.) assiduous, persistent | | |
Is now vrg'd on you. | Is now urged on you. | | KL V.i.54.1 | |
Alb. | ALBANY | | | |
We will greet the time. | We will greet the time. | | KL V.i.54.2 | |
Exit. | Exit | | KL V.i.54 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
To both these Sisters haue I sworne my loue: | To both these sisters have I sworn my love; | | KL V.i.55 | |
Each iealous of the other, as the stung | Each jealous of the other as the stung | jealous (adj.) suspicious, mistrustful, wary, watchful | KL V.i.56 | |
Are of the Adder. Which of them shall I take? | Are of the adder. Which of them shall I take? | | KL V.i.57 | |
Both? One? Or neither? Neither can be enioy'd | Both? One? Or neither? Neither can be enjoyed | | KL V.i.58 | |
If both remaine aliue: To take the Widdow, | If both remain alive. To take the widow | | KL V.i.59 | |
Exasperates, makes mad her Sister Gonerill, | Exasperates, makes mad, her sister Gonerill, | | KL V.i.60 | |
And hardly shall I carry out my side, | And hardly shall I carry out my side, | | KL V.i.61 | |
Her husband being aliue. Now then, wee'l vse | Her husband being alive. Now then, we'll use | | KL V.i.62 | |
His countenance for the Battaile, which being done, | His countenance for the battle, which being done, | countenance (n.) position, standing, authority | KL V.i.63 | |
Let her who would be rid of him, deuise | Let her who would be rid of him devise | | KL V.i.64 | |
His speedy taking off. As for the mercie | His speedy taking off. As for the mercy | taking-off (n.) killing, elimination, removal | KL V.i.65 | |
Which he intends to Lear and to Cordelia, | Which he intends to Lear and to Cordelia, | | KL V.i.66 | |
The Battaile done, and they within our power, | The battle done and they within our power, | | KL V.i.67 | |
Shall neuer see his pardon: for my state, | Shall never see his pardon; for my state | state (n.) condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs | KL V.i.68 | |
Stands on me to defend, not to debate. | Stands on me to defend, not to debate. | stand (v.) depend, remain dependent, continue | KL V.i.69 | |
Exit. | Exit | | KL V.i.69 | |