First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Cornwall, and Edmund. | Enter Cornwall and Edmund | | KL III.v.1 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
I will haue my reuenge, ere I depart his house. | I will have my revenge ere I depart his house. | | KL III.v.1 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
How my Lord, I may be censured, that Nature | How, my lord, I may be censured, that nature | censure (v.) pass judgement on, condemn, pronounce sentence on | KL III.v.2 | |
thus giues way to Loyaltie, something feares mee to thinke of. | thus gives way to loyalty, something fears me to think of. | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | KL III.v.3 | |
| | fear (v.) frighten, scare, terrify, daunt | | |
Cornw. | CORNWALL | | | |
I now perceiue, it was not altogether your | I now perceive it was not altogether your | | KL III.v.4 | |
Brothers euill disposition made him seeke his death: but | brother's evil disposition made him seek his death; but | disposition (n.) inclination, mood, frame of mind | KL III.v.5 | |
a prouoking merit set a-worke by a reprouable badnesse in | a provoking merit set a-work by a reprovable badness in | merit (n.) reward, just desert | KL III.v.6 | |
| | reprovable (adj.) blameworthy, reprehensible, deserving censure | | |
| | a-work (adv.) at work, in action | | |
himselfe. | himself. | | KL III.v.7 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
How malicious is my fortune, that I must repent | How malicious is my fortune that I must repent | | KL III.v.8 | |
to be iust? This is the Letter which hee spoake of; which approues | to be just! This is the letter he spoke of, which approves | just (adj.) honourable, loyal, faithful | KL III.v.9 | |
| | approve (v.) prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate | | |
him an intelligent partie to the aduantages of France. O | him an intelligent party to the advantages of France. O | intelligent (adj.) bearing intelligence, giving inside information | KL III.v.10 | |
Heauens! that this Treason were not; or not I the | heavens! that this treason were not, or not I the | | KL III.v.11 | |
detector. | detector. | | KL III.v.12 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
Go with me to the Dutchesse. | Go with me to the Duchess. | | KL III.v.13 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
If the matter of this Paper be certain, you haue | If the matter of this paper be certain, you have | matter (n.) subject-matter, content, substance | KL III.v.14 | |
mighty businesse in hand. | mighty business in hand. | | KL III.v.15 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
True or false, it hath made thee Earle of | True or false, it hath made thee Earl of | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | KL III.v.16 | |
Gloucester: seeke out where thy Father is, that hee may bee | Gloucester. Seek out where thy father is, that he may be | | KL III.v.17 | |
ready for our apprehension. | ready for our apprehension. | apprehension (n.) arrest, seizure, laying hold | KL III.v.18 | |
Bast. | EDMUND | | | |
| (aside) | | KL III.v.19.1 | |
If I finde him comforting the King, it will | If I find him comforting the King it will | comfort (v.) assist, help, give aid to | KL III.v.19 | |
stuffe his suspition more fully. I will perseuer in | stuff his suspicion more fully. (Aloud) I will persever in | persever (v.) persevere, persist, keep at it | KL III.v.20 | |
my course of Loyalty, though the conflict be sore betweene | my course of loyalty, though the conflict be sore between | sore (adj.) severe, harsh, heavy | KL III.v.21 | |
| | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | | |
that, and my blood. | that and my blood. | | KL III.v.22 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
I will lay trust vpon thee: and thou shalt finde | I will lay trust upon thee, and thou shalt find | | KL III.v.23 | |
a deere Father in my loue. | a dearer father in my love. | | KL III.v.24 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | KL III.v.25 | |