First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Achilles with Myrmidons. | Enter Achilles with Myrmidons | | TC V.vii.1 | |
Achil. | ACHILLES | | | |
Come here about me you my Myrmidons: | Come here about me, you my Myrmidons; | | TC V.vii.1 | |
Marke what I say; attend me where I wheele: | Mark what I say. Attend me where I wheel; | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | TC V.vii.2 | |
| | wheel (v.) turn to face in a new direction, circle round | | |
| | attend (v.) accompany, follow closely, go with | | |
Strike not a stroake, but keepe your selues in breath; | Strike not a stroke, but keep yourselves in breath, | | TC V.vii.3 | |
And when I haue the bloudy Hector found, | And when I have the bloody Hector found, | | TC V.vii.4 | |
Empale him with your weapons round about: | Impale him with your weapons round about; | impale, empale (v.) encircle, enclose, ring | TC V.vii.5 | |
In fellest manner execute your arme. | In fellest manner execute your arms. | execute (v.) implement, activate, bring into operation | TC V.vii.6 | |
| | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | | |
Follow me sirs, and my proceedings eye; | Follow me, sirs, and my proceedings eye. | eye (v.) watch carefully, pay attention to | TC V.vii.7 | |
It is decreed, Hector the great must dye. | It is decreed Hector the great must die. | | TC V.vii.8 | |
Exit. | Exeunt | | TC V.vii.8 | |
Enter Thersites, Menelaus, and Paris. | Enter Menelaus and Paris, fighting; then Thersites | | TC V.vii.9.1 | |
Ther. | THERSITES | | | |
The Cuckold and the Cuckold maker are at it: | The cuckold and the cuckold-maker are at | cuckold (n.) [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife | TC V.vii.9 | |
now bull, now dogge, lowe; Paris lowe; now my | it. Now, bull! Now, dog! 'Loo, Paris, 'loo! Now, my | | TC V.vii.10 | |
double hen'd sparrow; lowe Paris, lowe; the bull | double-horned Spartan! 'Loo, Paris, 'loo! – The bull | Sparta (n.) city of Peloponnesia, S Greece | TC V.vii.11 | |
has the game: ware hornes ho? | has the game; 'ware horns, ho! | game (n.) quarry, object of the chase | TC V.vii.12 | |
Exit Paris and Menelaus. | Exeunt Paris and Menelaus | | TC V.vii.12 | |
Enter Bastard. | Enter Margarelon | | TC V.vii.13 | |
Bast. | MARGARELON | | | |
Turne slaue and fight. | Turn, slave, and fight. | | TC V.vii.13 | |
Ther. | THERSITES | | | |
What art thou? | What art thou? | | TC V.vii.14 | |
Bast. | MARGARELON | | | |
A Bastard Sonne of Priams. | A bastard son of Priam's. | | TC V.vii.15 | |
Ther. | THERSITES | | | |
I am a Bastard too, I loue Bastards, I am a | I am a bastard too; I love bastards. I am a | | TC V.vii.16 | |
Bastard begot, Bastard instructed, Bastard in minde, | bastard begot, bastard instructed, bastard in mind, | | TC V.vii.17 | |
Bastard in valour, in euery thing illegitimate: one Beare | bastard in valour, in everything illegitimate. One bear | | TC V.vii.18 | |
will not bite another, and wherefore should one Bastard? | will not bite another, and wherefore should one bastard? | | TC V.vii.19 | |
take heede, the quarrel's most ominous to vs: if | Take heed, the quarrel's most ominous to us – if | | TC V.vii.20 | |
the Sonne of a whore fight for a whore, he tempts | the son of a whore fight for a whore, he tempts | | TC V.vii.21 | |
iudgement: farewell Bastard. | judgement. Farewell, bastard. | | TC V.vii.22 | |
| Exit | | TC V.vii.22 | |
Bast. | MARGARELON | | | |
The diuell take thee coward. | The devil take thee, coward! | | TC V.vii.23 | |
Exeunt. | Exit | | TC V.vii.23 | |